Saad Tasleem – Hadeeth Of The Strangers

Saad Tasleem
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the concept of Islam as something strange and how it is presented to them. They talk about evidence and how it is often difficult to understand the context of the discussion. They also mention a recent seminar on the topic of evidence and the importance of understanding the principles and actions of Muslims.
AI: Transcript ©
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You know, a lot of people they talk about this Hadeeth of strange, what's the deal with that? Right? Because there's, they're like, you know, Islam started as something strange is going to end up something strange to be the stranger

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for the stranger, so, like, does that mean you got to be an oddball? Right? So that's a lot. That's how the headset is presented to us a lot of times. And that's why, actually in the seminar, we this is I put this Hadeeth in a in a section called misunderstood evidences, right. It's like those typical evidences people use to drive a point, which I didn't intend that point. Yeah. So, you know, the idea is, you know, Islam started as something strange. But Islam horiba you know, Sam saw something strange will say, Yeah, oh, do honey, but right, we'll return to something strange, about and so glad tidings be for the strangers. And obviously, you know, the time is praising the

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strangers here. So sometimes people look at headies and say, Oh, look, you're supposed to be strange, right? So if you're a stranger in your society, that's a good thing. But, you know, and this is, this is a broader problem that we tackle in the seminar, and that's looking at evidence is either number one just on their own.

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Without looking at the other evidences, okay. Well, looking at the city as a whole, it's easy to take one evidence, and be like, Oh, this is, this is what the city wants from you. And that's, that's not crazy to look at the city as a whole, you bring all the evidences together. Right? That either that or it's a it's a it's a complete misunderstanding, or someone's own interpretation of that. So the question, the question I'm having is, how is this hadith brought up within the context of like, culture, fashion identity, right. So this head, he comes under?

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You know, since we're, you know, we talk about clothing and fashion, the idea is that you're supposed to look physically, like in your clothing and your style fashion, you're supposed to look like a stranger. Okay. And so for a lot of people that's like, hey, walk around for guys, you walk around in a job and a coffee. And you look strange, right? And how we were talking about earlier, you know, when I was in college, you know, I first start practicing Islam, like I would wear outerwear, everywhere, like I'd walk into college and stuff. And one day

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one guy, you know, who's in my classes? He goes, Hey, man, like, I don't mean to be disrespectful. But why are you wearing a dress?

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Oh, he's not a dress. This is a this is Muslim clothing. Right? So, you know, that's the idea, right? So you're supposed to look like a stranger. But that's not what the meaning of this hadith is. Right? Because if that was the meaning of the idea, then what you would find is that the person send them in the companions. When Islam came, they would immediately have started dressing differently. They would put on different clothes. But that's not the case. You know, the price they sell them. And Abuja wore the same clothes. Right? So that's not what it means. What does it mean? Well, actually, we have another narrations handy, where there's a few different narrations where

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some of the companions, they asked my setup, they said

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they said O Messenger of Allah, Who are the strangers? Yeah, yeah. You mentioned the strangers who are they? Different narrations, but many of them, what the meaning we get out of it is that few people amongst many, okay, few people most many meaning Islam started as few Muslims, right? We know in Mecca, a handful of Muslims in a, you know, everyone else is non Muslim. Okay. And so it's their beliefs, their,

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their theology, their morals and principles. That's what made them strangers. And so another time we'll come to this one of the signs of the Day of Judgment, right, that another time will come when there will be very few Muslims. In a society where most people are not Muslim. Look today, you know, there's 100 nuts, they're Muslims. There's many Muslims. Yeah. So what would make a Muslim strange in this day and age? Well, it's not the way you dress, right? it what it what is it? It's your principles that a Muslim holds on to their principles, they hold on to their morals in a strange time. Okay. Right. So, for example, could that apply to your dress and clothing? It could, if the

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norm becomes something which is outside of the Islamic guidelines for clothing, so if the norm was for me to walk around naked, exactly, if the norm becomes look, everybody in society, right, nobody covers there are summertime, which is the case for you know, women, mostly right? Maybe less so for men. But, you know, let's say there came a time where, you know, even men, you know, they wouldn't cover their I would, okay, and that's the norm and now a Muslim. They hold on to that their morals and they covered their data and yeah, if that makes them strange, that makes them strange. And, you know, it's difficult for them to

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to be abnormal in that sense to be strange, then

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Yes, glad tidings before the stream. Gotcha. But the headache as I said doesn't necessitate that. You have to look different


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