
Riad Ouarzazi


Channel: Riad Ouarzazi

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AI Generated Summary ©

Speaker 1 is discussing a future special event where fragrance will be introduced. They give an example of a quantity and suggest that if something called (inaudible) is mentioned, it will be followed after the 9th of the 27th. They also mention that the event will be on the 9th of the 27th.

AI Generated Transcript ©

00:03:37--> 00:03:39

Which would be after the 9th of the

00:03:39--> 00:03:40


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00:03:41--> 00:03:44

Now for today's segment, let's learn that. For

00:03:44--> 00:03:45

today's special question for the future,

00:03:53--> 00:03:54

the fragrance coming.

00:03:55--> 00:03:57

There is this quantity.

00:03:58--> 00:04:00

But if something called

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But if something called