Omar Suleiman – Why Me #14 Why Were These People Put In My Life

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The importance of forgiveness and showing excellence in response to evil behavior is emphasized, along with the need for suffering for inner peace and contentment. The speakers also emphasize the importance of showing love and understanding suffering for inner peace and contentment, and offer advice on achieving the message of peace and contentment, including taking responsibility for one's actions and showing faith in oneself. The speaker emphasizes the importance of unlocking one's higher self through witnessing others' actions and recounting them to make wjit and regret.
AI: Transcript ©
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Heartbreak has many faces.

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There's the sadness and ache of loss.

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There's also the anger and indignation of betrayal.

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Why did Allah put such people in your

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Does he want you to feel like you've

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been crushed to pieces?

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Where's the purpose in that?

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Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta A'la says, Khudila'afwa

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wa murbilar'ulfi

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wa aaridhanil jahileem.

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Be gracious,

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enjoying what is right and turn away from

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those who act ignorantly.

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When this verse was revealed, the prophet SallAllahu

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Alaihi Wasallam asked Jibreel Alayhi Salaam what is

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this all about?

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And Jibreel Alayhi Salaam said, I won't know

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until I ask my Lord. And he returns

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to the prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam. And he

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said, Verily Allah commands you to reconcile with

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those who cut you off,

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to give to those who deprive you and

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to pardon those who wrong you. Then later,

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when Ali radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu receives the sword

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of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam after he

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passes away,

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he sees engraved in the sword those very

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same statements.

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wa'hsin ilaaman asa'ilayq

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Forgive those who have wronged you,

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Reconcile with those who have cut you off.

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Show excellence to those who have shown you

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And speak the truth even if it's against

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Allah in all of His glory and power

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inscribed upon His throne, My mercy overcomes my

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And he sent his Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam

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wahmatan lil aalameen who inscribes on his sword

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an object that's associated with violence

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words about mercy.

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Being able to swallow anger and resentment and

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deal with people with grace despite the pain

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of betrayal and hurt is probably the easiest

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prophetic quality to admire, but the hardest one

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to attain. The forgiveness of Yusuf Alayhi Salaam

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towards his brothers, The forgiveness of the Prophet

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SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam towards those that persecuted him.

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And all these stories of noble people that

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dealt with the worst of people.

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But this was the standard that Allah held

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the best human being after the prophets too.

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Abu Bakr as Siddiq radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu. When

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a man slanders his own daughter and that

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was a man he used to give charity

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to, Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta A'la says, walyafu

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Forgive and pardon. Don't you want Allah to

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do the same with you?

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So while people can be a great blessing,

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they can also cause us the most pain.

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And Allah knows just how hard it is

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to not respond in kind.

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Waliman sabarawgafara

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inna dalikaraminazmin

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Whoever has patience and forgives them, that is

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certainly of the matters that requires the greatest

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form of determination.

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Good character really shows in how you deal

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with people with bad character.

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Can you withhold yourself from foul language if

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someone has pushed all of your buttons?

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Can you still work tirelessly, fee sabiillah,

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even if you're getting no respect or recognition?

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Will you still serve the people even if

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they show you no gratitude?

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The family you can't stand or coworkers that

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seem so evil,

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they have all been placed there by Allah's

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decree for a reason.

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So yes, truly evil people exist in this

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ecosystem for a wise purpose.

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You don't have to love the tyranny of

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the tyrant,

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but you know that the resilience within you

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was brought out by that tyrant and the

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reward will be great.

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Even the presence of the Shaytan is an

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opportunity for our elevation. So what then of

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everybody else?

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So with people, you find your higher level

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of iman and being able to swallow that

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And even sometimes return the evil with kindness.

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And Imam al Qayyim Rahimuhullah he lists many

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keys to getting over betrayal or heartbreak.

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The first one he says is to realize

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that they too are tests, just like the

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tests of sickness and famine and drought and

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physical pain. And many people are able to

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endure those tests because they see them as

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tests. But when it comes to being wronged

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by others, they don't actually realize that that

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pain too was decreed by Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala as a test.

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The second key he says is to choose

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patience over revenge.

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He says sabr brings about a great reward.

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bi ghayi

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hisaab. Verily Allah rewards patience without measure. While

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He rewards good deeds in accordance with their

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good, Allah Azzawajal puts no limit on patience.

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And in this world, it brings about inner

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peace and contentment

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whereas revenge almost always leads to regret and

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then maybe even the consequences of your own

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transgression in response.

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Now that doesn't mean that we tell people

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that are being harmed to be patient.

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That means we give them justice and then

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put them in a position of being able

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to show grace. And we encourage them at

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that point to choose virtue over vengeance. And

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Imam al Qayyim Rahimullah says the third key

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is to realize that by showing good to

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people who wronged you,

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Allah will show you His good despite your

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shortcomings and sins. And he quotes this beautiful

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poem. He says, minajlika ja'altu khaddi arband

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That for your sake, O Allah, I put

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my cheek to the ground to the one

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who insults me and to the one who's

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all so that you can be pleased. SubhanAllah,

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it's one form of humility

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to prostrate our heads to Allah, but it's

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a whole another level to place our cheeks

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on the ground figuratively

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for the sake of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta

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The next key is to achieve salamatul sadr,

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to free your heart from grudges in a

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way that allows it to make peace with

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Allah's decree.

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Now sometimes you need to see an example

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of that to understand that it's possible,

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even if it doesn't seem like it at

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the moment.

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But talking to others that have gone through

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that before and learned how to not only

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cope but seek the reward

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is a major way to at least believe

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that you have that chance sahab.

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Because they too had their own friends who

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caused them pain but eventually grew them in

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There was once a man who entered a

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gathering and the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam said,

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this man is a person of Jannah. So

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Abdullah ibn 'Am radiAllahu Anhuma he follows him

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home to talk to him thinking that he's

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going to be some sort of sage who

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prays all night and fasts all day. But

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as he speaks with him, he realizes that

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his station has nothing to do with extra

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It's because he cleared his heart of all

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grudges every night before he slept.

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That in and of itself is rewardable,

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but it also allowed his heart to be

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freed from the distraction of drama,

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the weight of a grudge,

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and all of the spiritual diseases that are

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born out of anger. And then the consumption

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with others that doesn't leave room for Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala in our hearts. The quality

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of that person's fajid with a clean heart

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is better than an entire night of qiyaam

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with a heart full of hate.

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Sometimes all you need is time.

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Just like you had to learn to wait

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for the outcome of a dua,

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sometimes you need to wait a bit longer

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to let a wound heal before you can

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even begin to ponder upon the wisdom of

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that wound.

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Allah swears by the passing of time, walaastr

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And the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam told us

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that Allah is ad Dahr, meaning Allah creates

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and controls time.

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The passage of time with patience can heal

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wounds and bring tranquility even to the most

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agitated of souls.

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And you may even get to a point

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where you can tell that story again and

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again and feel no pain, just perspective.

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There's no getting around the heart work that

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you have to do no matter what stage

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you're at in your heartbreak.

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Reflect on the story of Yusuf Alayhi Salaam

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and his brothers.

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When do you think he actually decided to

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forgive them? Was it when he first saw

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them in Egypt after so many years?

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Was it when they came back for Ben

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Or was his heart pure of all the

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barriers for forgiveness so that before he even

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met them, he already had that willingness inside

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to let go

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even if his brothers didn't initially show that

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they really changed at all. And that's the

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ultimate key.

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Unlock your higher self when you witness the

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lower selves of others.

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Rubbama kuntamusi'an

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minq. You might be in a bad state,

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then you're associating with 1 who is worse

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than you, makes you see virtue in yourself.

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Otherwise, the heartbreak can turn into resentment,

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and resentment can turn into anger,

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and anger can make us do things that

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we regret for the rest of our lives

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and maybe even our afterlives.

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Ar radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu said about anger, awwalujunoon

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Its beginning is insanity

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and its end is regret.

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There's a reason the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam

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said to stay silent or to make wudu

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or to seek refuge in Allah when that

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anger starts to consume you. Because rage is

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from the shaytan

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and shaytan is from fire

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and can lead a person to burn themselves

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and others all around them rather than rise

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to a place of tranquility and inner peace.

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