Rania Awaad – Raising Children Holistically

Rania Awaad
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of holistic understanding in raising children and addressing emotional and physical milestones. They explain that children are missing certain milestones, such as physical excellence and teacher-led learning, which are crucial for their success. The speaker emphasizes the need for a holistic understanding to help children reach their potential.
AI: Transcript ©
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Now, if you look at this from an Islamic perspective, when we talk about anything related to Mind, Body Soul, we're talking about a holistic way of approaching children and raising them. So what I mean by that, a couple of things. One is, what I'm going to present next is very much

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where we talk about

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a holistic understanding. Yes, there are physical milestones that we talked about in raising children, there are cognitive milestones. But there are also emotional milestones, that many people, even well meaning well educated people miss altogether, in working with children, and raising them, teaching them, nurturing them. And then there's this fourth category that I mean, if emotional gets missed, then this fourth one really gets missed all the time, which is spiritual milestones. So when we talk about holistic, and this kind of interlocking understanding of how you nurture or raise a child,

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if all four aspects aren't addressed, then we're missing the boat, we really are. There is something off we can be pushing our children towards academic Ehsaan or excellence. We can be pushing them towards physical excellence and kind of raising the next generation of NBA NFL NFL players.

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Which some children, some parents, that's kind of their focus, right, they want the next you know,

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big player.

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But we're missing emotional milestones have tuning in and understanding what is age appropriate per stage, even in this tech world that we're finding ourselves in an even in this moment of immense global trauma.

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How do you tune in emotionally to the child in front of you based on their age, age appropriate to really help them and aid them

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