Omer El-Hamdoon – 30 Steps Towards a Refreshing Ramadan #14 Master Silence

Omer El-Hamdoon
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the importance of learning to control one's words and speak quietly in order to avoid becoming silent. The goal is to bring attention to the fact that humans can control their bodies and bodies, and that humans can also control their bodies. The segment also touches on the concept of Hadeeth, a training ground in MAC, where humans can learn to be quiet and become more aware of their body and body language.
AI: Transcript ©
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Santa Monica Anahata La Habra cattle loss of Hanover Dallas's Maile fogelman. Olin Illallah de here are team on it, whatever words are being uttered, then there is someone in T the very stern and precise observer for those words. And that's an important message that the loss of Hannah attalla is giving us as humans, that whatever you say, whatever you speak, whatever words you utter, then they're going to be monitored, they're going to be looked at, they're going to be scrutinized. And you will have to answer for those words, it as simple as that. Ramadan is an opportunity for us to not only control what goes inside our mouth, but also what comes out of our mouth. So when you are

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talking, you have to be focusing first, on processing the words before they come out. before you say anything, ask yourself the question, do I need to say these words? They mean, good?

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Do I have to say them?

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What is the consequences of saying them? Am I gonna be saying something which is bad, which goes against the essence of my morals? Or my flag? Am I doing something wrong in the eyes of Islam? Lots of questions you can ask, don't have to take ages answering those questions, we can start to just process quickly as how your brain is a very fast multi processor, which has the ability to do that. So with controlling what goes in, we can control what's our controlling our emotions, we control how we say things, we control everything related to ours, because they are going to be monitored. And if we can learn we can come out of Ramadan, with this gray virtue of having to say that, you know, we

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are mastering silence, learning to be quiet laquan that'd be such a great achievement in itself. When you go back to the hospital process and lamb and teachings you find that being Silence is a great thing. And what a beautiful Hadith is the one that says, Man samata nyjah, whoever is silent, will escape or be saved.

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So this one on the line, let's leave with that kind of reality in our minds. And inshallah, we can get over this aspect of not talking too much, or speaking too much, and therefore not making too many errors with our mouths.

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In the book, you can learn a lot more about a Hadeeth and the different aspects of what your tongue will harvest of badness. And trying to avoid this obviously is not just for Ramadan, but it's important to bring attention to it in Ramadan so that we can remember Ramadan as a training ground in sha Allah, we can do our best in these 30 days to control ourselves and what we talk so that for the rest of the year, the rest of our lives, we're in a better state and a healthy state. Take care. Keep silent Sally.

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