Bilal Philips – The Principles Of Tafseer

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The importance of understanding the Prophet Muhammad's teachings and the need for clear understanding of client plans to avoid confusion and misunderstandings is emphasized. The legal system is designed to protect the legal system and the court system. Different examples of legal systems being used throughout history, including the French legal system, the British legal system, and the Catholic legal system, are discussed. The importance of memorizing the Arabic laws in recitation of crime, identifying the steps people take to differentiate between those who are promoting a deviant crime and those who are promoting an Islamic crime, and avoiding false assumptions and misunderstandings is emphasized. The speakers stress the need for a professional to apply their knowledge and apply it to everyday life.
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Founded in an island in
another city, and while he was suffering from an extended
offer, due to a loss of seasons listings and his last prophet Mohammed long wanted to sell them and allow those who follow the path of righteousness.
is actually a very vast topic, which I couldn't hold hopefully, to cover in half an hour session.
So, what I will be talking about is only an aspect of these principles,
giving you some food for thought
that will encourage you to do some
further research and study
to improve your understanding of what is necessary.
What is the methodology?
How should we go about interpreting for
the interpretation of the client,
one of the
major scholars here
had outlined
a set of steps or levels.
person should pass
when they attempt to develop a commentary on the line.
And when I say here, that's what I was trying to staff here, coming from the Arabic verb
ready to make clear or to make understandable
in the family context
relates specifically to
how we make clear or make understandable to text.
Now, flattered interfere proposed
was that and of course, the principle that he prefers containing the text here. And that's something we'll see he sat down and legals and logically put together as the steps
without consultation with the client itself with the firm now the problem
was, he had said what he did, and the methodology used by the companions themselves in explaining the plan. He as a scholar, what he did was he looked at the information available to him. And then from that he extracted principles.
These These steps are not specifically outlined, you're not trying to find where a lot says step one and understanding that there's no no you find some problems as well. And as you said, step one is
what follows. You and others have done a look at that methodology used by sauce Mohamad
has looked at what the companions did, how they associate particular brands, and from their practice, they extracted these principles.
Now, the first of all,
should be followed
in the interpretation of the class. And actually I should say before we go ahead and look at
the first principle, we should also understand why it was even necessary
alive said, you know, that he is revered
and clear.
for mankind for their for their guidance, for one may ask why then do we need to have
an explanation? Why can't we just pick up the car and deal with it?
The point is that
if Allah had wished
he couldn't have made the call.
Every single pointing it's so clear that no one would have to look anywhere else.
The reason why we have to seek a commentary
was deliberately
then by a lot,
a lot, a lot of choice to look the interpolate,
that we lose
existed from the time of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad.
The plan was revealed in Berlin.
Yes, there are things there are points there versus ideas, etc, in reclined
which were placed there deliberately by a law
about with the companions had to ask Prophet Muhammad.
To give you a couple of examples, so you know, you can put it in context, we have
an example of what we did today.
He said the verb to believe, do not cover their face with transgression, or the term use.
this is
a verse 82 of Al anon.
Well, it was revealed, some of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad, Salah was very distressed.
Because for among them, we're not submitting some forms of them. And you're alive, loyal, who believe, truly believe, do not cover their face with those transactions wrong.
Because everybody committing something
new we are not forgetting.
So they have to come back to the camera now.
How does this mean?
to them? It is not as
we call that, look, man.
associating partners with God is the greatest form of
that are like
those who do not cover their face with
the general
disease, what it was specifically referring to here, what a lot of specifically referring to Yes.
None of us are free from
this is just an example that said,
the companions were compelled
to go back to the Prophet Muhammad, to get clarity.
And as I said, a lot could have put in this world.
Those who believe do not cover their faith.
A lot instead of using the term vermiculite, and then we'll compare it with a bit high they understood that
there was nothing magical there. So this is some some deliberate on the part of Allah. Why
Allah wants it.
Things difficult
mankind would be obliged to go back to the Prophet Muhammad sighs
for the understanding,
to never feel
that we are independent of Rasulullah
Shahada is comfortable with two proportions. It's not just one person, Milan, Milan, is mahamadou human life is in there. It is in there.
So that we will understand that for us to be able to implement Islam to understand and implement Islam, we have to come to the Messenger of Allah.
We have to come to him for
the implementation.
We can see that the first step of the Quran towards understanding the blind must involve coming to the Messenger of Allah.
Now, traditional
scholars have said
The first step
is actually the tough fear, our estimation will decline by the plan itself.
And fully,
this is something we have to consider.
But it cannot stand alone.
It does not stand independence as a single principle. And this example of the tough to
put it in that context.
We have,
for example, thought, for a long time by Sinatra, or the Knights of pulsar had thought,
and luck will make you understand what a thought it is.
A lot goes on to explain
what's happened, it is a fear thing stop.
using the term I thought it was could have a variety of different meanings. Then he goes on to explain that it is natural.
Sometimes these explanations are within the same chapter because sometimes they may be in one chapter and columns. In another chapter, something is mentioned. And it's called another factor. For example, in
my night, I'm in Toronto in life says, These rules or hurdles have been made hollow, or allow before you accept those which we will read to you. And then later on in the surah, another logic to dead animals, blood work animal sacrifice. So I'm going along.
You have for example, in other words, where a lot says, cycle obsession,
this is in
verse 103.
Site cannot catch him in reference to a lot. Yet, later on in
verse 23,
along with ads explained that the believers
will be gazing at their
sights in a caption is a general principle in this life, no one will see a law. However, on the day of judgment, those who enter Paradise will see
and accept the law.
So there is
another chapter had clarification of what the law said in the
but as I said,
understanding of the client
cannot stand alone.
although in some cases,
some of these explanations may appear to be fairly straightforward.
Where we're using a section of the plans explain another section.
However, there are many cases where if one does not use a portion of the client, according to how the profit margins are explained,
then you will make a misinterpretation of the client using a
system that cannot be separated from the understanding
it has to be there.
So, in fact, what we're saying is that the first step involves
looking at the client
site to understand it within the context of the client was relying also on the from the technical, to make sure that whatever understanding we have come out of the client with is not in contradiction to some explanations given by the problem.
So we did not get precedents.
What may be construed as interpretation of a blind by the prime over the cylinder. There's only put it in step four, we say the first step is
to find my clients, then the second step is admission.
Then this sort of implies that once you have completed that first step, if you got that explanation, you know, it can stand by itself. But this is not the case.
We have to go further in to look at to see entities that that interpretation of being gotten some declined by the court is not in any way.
Contrary to that, this is explained by the profit from the past.
And the importance of the explanation as defined by the problem of SLM has been
emphasized within the program itself.
We have, for example, the verse
in Surah,
verse 44, and what the law says runs in a different
way in a nasty manner delighting and then we have revealed a reminder to you are Mohammed
so that you may explain to people, what has been revealed to them.
That that explanation, understanding of the Quran
has to come to the top of Muhammad, Allah.
He has also said,
Enough, and also verse 64, we have already reviewed the book for you, Mohammed,
in order that you clarify for them, the things about what's different.
finally, role of the
explainer clarifier of
And, as I said, this principle, was deliberately putting forth my alarm,
in order that no one could feel
that he can understand that
without coming to Prophet Muhammad
and the significance of this.
In this way, the meanings of the Quran have been preserved from misinterpretation
because when we consider for example, the Bible
for each sector to sanity
so many effects against
sexual pick up the same verse,
For me, that same verse and 17. And on the other hand, they contradict, each one is arguing from the stuff. So, they are using the same model.
The reason being, that there
is for them,
to define the meaning intended Bible for a
human mind is capable of
imagining all kinds of things, it has human mind, at the head of making interpretations with themselves. So you have a multiplicity of interpretations.
in order to preserve nothing, this is unique This time for sure, in the time of Prophet Elijah, and a Salaam, he can insula provided declassification of the Injeel only the most of it is alive, until it is removed.
his explanation provided the classification.
This is
not unique.
in the collapse of the nation, if we are dealing
trouble is the essential principle, which preserves not only the text of the bond, because we all know about how the violence deserved the history of the Federation, you can ensure the authenticity of the text, but it also preserve the meaning, which is even more crucial, because an authentic text without a surety as to its meaning.
This is a bracing in the hands of the deviant.
This was one of the ways and
he promised that he is the one who reveal the class and we're doing it together and he is the one who would preserve it, preserve it not only in effect
and from this principle, we are able to identify another principle which
helps us to understand when somebody is deviating and is interpretational.
When you see a person who explains the plan, without referring back to the verses of the Quran, and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad
Then we are certain that this person is deviating because he is not following the methodology, which has been set by Allah
and put into practice
by messenger of Allah.
Signs of deviations.
Next principle.
The second principle, although
I mentioned the first draft the first look at together
The second principle is that of understanding the cause, and its revelation in the context in which
that is
addressed was revealed.
We know from the history of the revelation of the crime to the cloud was that we were all at one time.
all at one time.
We do have a Rachel upon law said that he has revealed
that there are other lists in the Bible a lot of said that is revealed in stages and the
you're an online little father was taken from the lawful food,
protected tablet was all things are written in the heavens, and taken down to Dayton is in the first habit, this is a case on medical habits. And from there, Angel Gabriel van took portions of the climb to the top of her lungs according to the circumstances.
So much of the plan was revealed to enter into deal with several circumstances which will take place in the life of the Southern homicide, hello,
knowing the density of
knowing what the prophet Muhammad wa sallam will face throughout his life,
a book of revelation
for verses would deal with the various circumstances to come in the life of
the believer then instructed to take verses from this chapter, that chapter from all over
down with a particular point.
the context
in which the revelation came
further understanding as to how to apply
the other structures on the top,
but then the context uses a further a deeper understanding.
And that context will come from the statements of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad.
Their classification of these
is the second level for the sexier or simultaneous,
we look to see what did the companions or departments
say and do at the time when a particular verse was revealed?
is called behind by ourselves for things and actions contains
an example of that
was a law
had said whoever does not judge by what a lie allies reveals is a Catholic
versus reveals and verses and so on neither for 44
that it is a form of
less than.
In other words, this is not the
one I feel from the obvious meaning of
leather juice is
on a lesser level than the full fledged Coco was assigned to hellofresh
And this will further explain
to the the distinction between what as long as copper
and copper
have any
copper in action and copper in the heart.
We also have a classical example of this distinction being made as in the case of a mighty acid,
you know a mighty acid, whose mother, Amar, she's mother
she was the first person to have died for the final has died for the sake of the final message of holding on to that final message, refusal to give it up as a slave woman, she was murdered by her.
Probably I could also escape.
Now, when a mob turns
took him inside the courtroom and told him to say that Muhammad died on them today. In addition,
the liar and the gods were laughing
when they put the pressure on him, he saw that death was in front of him. He said Mohammed is an addition and a liar. Hi, my god.
So I'm I used to attend the circle.
And after he said that he stopped attending
surprised to find out
the length and the sound in the
brain that's what happens.
So, when they relate it back to the south mom, she sold them to being a mass
He asked them I
said, What you said
was your heart surgeon he
You know my health and food
a look in his actions will statements that he made statements and actions.
However, it is not.
So, this may be defined as Cooper on the outside does not confer an insight. It doesn't take him open assignments to help
clarify that there is a distinction between the two in terms of action and
So, firstly, look at
that we may define as the
the meaning that is a facet in the fullest sense of the word
commit fornication, this is among the acts of the Catholic
that act in and of itself does that make him a Catholic.
Similarly, the rule that other than a law
however, is one for example, not one if one believes when one rule that other than a laws laws, the reason that these rules are superior to the rule of law, to the laws of Allah, French law, British laws also superior to the law said he is in fact,
a person from country
to country
has a legal system which is ironic
this person left within that framework
for the intention of protecting, as for example a lawyer in this system.
She works within the legal framework of the British legal system, which is a system of
a rule of
that person who grows and enters into the system with the intention of protecting listening.
Hello, he may deal with these laws and rulings based on the laws
Continue to improve, practically speaking, because some people will tell you don't become a lawyer, don't be.
So mean, then that when you are legal,
you have to end up beforehand.
This is not the case, we should have
people who are familiar with legal systems, but people should also be grounded in Islamic law, to know the limitations because of course, we're going to learn that legal system,
this legal system here, it doesn't mean you can apply all of it, this is accessibility, you have to step back.
And you cannot function, the way that the lawyers have the system function in the sense that they will seek, you know, the best lawyer is the one who is best able to get off the worst criminal
who's the best lawyer, the biggest criminal is the guy who's able to get enough.
This makes sense. That's why
we're from our perspective, if somebody comes to you, as a criminal,
protected from the legal system, know what, the only way you encounter within a system to ensure the rights of people
you need in a system.
This topic, as I was mentioning, where the languages were being turned over into Arabic forms with
language of knowledge of a limited,
we add now realize what we could call a prescribed something almost like a peace class, where the scholars
were the ones who advocate the masses of the people in any part of the
only ones who had the teeth,
for the people, and in both sides to the, to the translation of the clans into any other language, that people are forced now to come to these individuals and have to depend on them for whatever understanding
and the teaching of Arabic for the recitation of the crime, the pure recitation became popular and spread throughout the world, to a point where you had 1000s and 1000s of young people memorizing the whole class, from
the math, we know that the rap is off completely, and not understanding
and accepted.
However, let me go back and look at the statement of the problem.
People report back and support for it.
We cannot argue that,
but we have to look back
So while you were telling them, that every lack of the detail of the crime, you know, you get from lack of
encouragement to them, more and more of the crime.
To increase your contact information in the news, I've learned more to come to the individual with an
individual. This is why in the early adopters, you know after the
time when we're looking for fighting the wave of Apostasy because
we're being killed.
This is why all my
we had to memorize the Quran.
The difficulty of doing the lines of dividing
into you know, dynamic individual
them to resize to understand more and more.
We don't have any record of a person reciting to us because we took the literal meaning of what the talks about someone said when you could be justified in
Before I've had a little lamb,
lamb lamb, how
do I think the title
of the recitation of
his is not so
much for Baraka in
the word of a law,
the character
of that individual
was the goal of the recitation.
when we recite the Quran, as the afternoon, taking the various steps, which are outlined previously concerning how he goes to understand
we will get an understanding,
we know how to apply in our life, because the reputation
of the employee application ultimately, as the companion said, we used to learn the five verses and
we didn't go on to another set of verses, until we have learned all that a lot, you know, all the rules that
attempted to apply when we went on to the next
reading for understanding
the methodology and now we have that understanding based on crime by
definition of compliance.
Now, we have to apply it not only applied,
we have to apply to our circumstances.
To apply for circumstance today, we have to apply our reasoning, our our opinion,
if you follow these steps,
then apply
according to our premium will be acceptable.
Because we have done it,
the proper methodology. But now, if we apply the plan, according to our seniors without going through the steps,
then we will be
on a path other than that intended.
And this is
where we can identify the deviant.
Because when you're promoting the client, he will give you the text of the client and that he will give you his opinion, you don't hear anything about the context for the Arabic or in a jump from the title of this book presents in Arabic and Jews opinion. He doesn't come back to the US Department.
So once you see all of the many, many books which have appeared, you know,
if you pick up a book and we see that the man is he builds a verse and he's just talking talking talking,
explaining according to at the top
of the companion,
including Arabic,
do that, then be aware
of that.
Because likely, it will be easy as
a personal personal
person, for example, he's seen the verses and just being added music added new that
as I told you,
that is that
has changed meanings in time
in modern Arabic Now, some of it is not what was understood in classical Arabic, but you will make a reference you go back you go to a modern dictionary and it will agree with what you say, but that is not intended, and he will use it as a means of deviation. So the understanding of the methodology of tests here is for us to be able
to identify the steps that Lisa take one is live commentary on explaining it to others.
If we
attempt to explain the news of a crime, we should understand the correct steps to be able to distinguish between those who are promoting a deviant interpretation of a crime and those who are promoting an Islamic correct orthodox interpretation.
this point is our last, because we have a limited amount of time, as I said, we're going to attempt to publish everything of the principles of that theory, because it's so vast the topics will now give you all an opportunity to have any questions you'd like to ask, forgetting to the material.
Those who are within seconds
will have to send them off and they do so
either right here, or raise your hand.
two, to make it clear to those people living here and
what is the level of cover
which is sufficient to condemn a person to *.
I explained that there is different levels of copper.
I actually begin to twofold when I made the explanation, it was
with him from the heart
does a forbidden act.
This act is halau it is believing that this act is allowable for him he doesn't believe that this is prohibited, it has no meaning.
That token in the data
and that will condemn you to *, unless you tell before he dies.
No matter what scene you may come in, you know, whether it's
a form of
with one retention before one dies, that is before one realizes that death is a polynomial, the Angel of Death comes you know, that your soul is in your throat and you know, if you attend prior to that, then that can cancel the
fitness if you did in terms of the cause for you to be unhealthy.
Because I blame the individual who enters into the legal system.
He becomes a lawyer. The new
law is superior to Islamic law or in
Muslim countries or countries or Muslim
or a an administrator is applying the law of the land
which is not Islamic law, in some sense laws and British law.
Law is superior
than Islamic law from here
Well, hello, say that
we would not
identify people as captured
by refuse to get around to them or
not do so,
situation is not here
is a particular belief, which is clearly
the fundamental teachings of Islam,
then that person, at least externally that person is in the case of Cooper and we deal with him
as a person holds up a principle, which says that God is a man for example, podcast I can follow. So I can says
that a lot
of flowers on the back of the newspaper
said a lot God
in the person of NASA,
to America,
you know, people really believe
in your heart,
just like any Christian as a whole, who says, I believe that God is decided
we can get that. But now, when you have Muslim who are part of who uphold the same principles as we do,
right, but they may be following one Jamaat one group or another group, then this is the area of danger for us now, to label recycle people, people,
unless their opening statements
are statements of
ultimate the statement of purpose, then you can define him as it happens, and you have the right to have it happen. However, the fact that
you may not
actually believe this,
you may be doing it for one reason or another reason. That is the law.
And a law does not oblige us to determine what is in people's heads according to what they say what they do. You know, the classical example of that in the case of sama,
son of the former adopted son
after struggling with one of the disbelievers
managed to get on top of him when he was about to finish him off, but he
managed to save.
Well, now, what you did was reflected back to the
I mean, logic tells us, right, looking at the circumstance, a man said
a minute before that he was saying and trying to kill you, and then when you're ready to kill and he says, I love to laugh.
In Islam are commanded by
you have to give them the benefit of the doubt if you would give them the benefit of the doubt, but it doesn't mean
doubt, but you keep him under observation
you have to keep him on observation. And now depending on how we go from there this will determine whether this statement is true or false
follow action
and also I know that person is
going into
the thing that you have to get
access to cancel I mean
Oh, he said
we accept them initially, but when they
are conscious
of that statement in the application and that's what happened in the case that I mentioned yesterday
people refused to give the cow
the cows that are coming attacking Muslims in a position of weakness already been sent out, you know.
So, the point we have to keep in mind that
we have to judge from the outside
we cannot judge
on the basis of that,
if their actions or further statements contradict that, then that then accordingly to the person's actions
then we judge that individual statements about the judge that individuals have to
respond to the for that a lot is possible to judge according to external affairs
Africa, East Africa, India, Pakistan, all over the world,
not limited to any particular location.
That's individuals of course,
in terms of a lot of judgment on the individual,
the person who may do so, this is how he was raised, this is how his extension that he do these practices
for them that person that action on the overall can
really identify that particular person
using the amulet for example, you know, ward off evil
although this kind of you know, smacks of
a person out of ignorance in an accident, and the overall
the individual is a good fit, then a lot can absorb it in
a sensitive point, you know, because when you start to draw the lines it becomes, may become a bit difficult, but I'll do the example to show you
how this may take place. We have a side by side story
of a man electric man of the past
when the time came for him to die,
to burn his bodies.
Some of the ashes on the sea
sort of allow with
not be able to
allow car receipts to build these assets together and the lines are glued together and it's not enough
now the idea the idea that a lot of cannot bring you back to Africa to your body
allies like the same allies
This is a mistake this is incorrect.
However, it was done out of ignorance
and the man thinks
he's done wrong feel so great.
forgive him for the error.
We cannot go through and make a judgement if
you're not in a position this is with a lot because
you cannot plan
for that or whatever. No, he has concerned tension and fear of alignment boys being deceptive I like
to have that authority to do so. I'm just telling you that it is what allowed
me to be that individual
because a lot more
but without a doubt, this is obvious from the person itself that actually using the planet and how you as a talisman
ward off evil is incorrect.
It is not acceptable sonically decline is not to be used in
the plan is recited I know people say Come on, guys are projected on the wall to make idols like icicles small enough on the board you know
you have to use a microscope is needed and they will hang it
or do you see people competing with the sizes of the
quad and click on the climbing wall the climb was one inch by one inch. In India we might
need a microscope now almost electron microscope to be able to
work around the neck.
That's a lot to help us to understand the headers was meant to be understood, and to apply it in our lives and to call others productive, correct understanding and application