Omar Suleiman – Social Justice EP11

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the negative impact of being greedy and selfish, as it is seen as a way to profit and avoid loss. It also touches on the concept of " pest apocalypse" and how it can lead to evil behavior. The speakers emphasize the importance of finding a culture of total thief and finding a way to avoid loss.
AI: Transcript ©
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All right, so now I come back with celebrity counsel

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seminara 109 blandino salatu salam ala rasulillah carrying on and he was happy to sell him to * cathedra. So as is the case with every hallahan plus the numbers start to dwindle, but inshallah those that are consistent are taking notes and keeping up with it just to remind everyone, the notes are being taken every week, and they're being put up on the website at European So if you go to Kane, you'll see,

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you'll see the notes there. And in fact, you can subscribe

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to the email list of your clean and they actually have them emailed to you and shout out to Hannah.

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But I think that, again, we're moving into concepts that are often constricted to one or two applications, we think of them in one or two ways. And one of the goals of this series is to actually broaden our concepts to broaden some of these themes that we see that are specific to financial transactions are specific to, you know, social interactions, but then talk about how the Prophet sallallahu wasallam is really addressing a behavior and a concept in a much bigger way. And so many of you might have heard, or you should have heard, if you've read the Quran, the term element of the phone, there's a song called moto phone weighed on the Moto 15, an apostrophe or

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animal puffy phone. And this is a term that has many, many different applications and meanings to it. But I'll start off with the Hadith and that will actually be the Hadith the narration that we'll go off of today that mentions the reason for the revelation of this verse. Even our boss narrates that when the Prophet sallallahu wasallam came to the city of Medina when he arrived in the city of Medina. He said that the people used to cheat with their weights and their measures and in fact he says

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use a strong language he says number Kadima and abuse Allah La horning was seldom. Almudena can woman, Bertha Nancy Kayla, that they were the worst of people and cheating with skills meaning there was a reputation in the markets of Medina in the marketplaces of Medina particularly you have soaked bento karela which was the most famous marketplace where people used to cheat with their weights these to cheat with the skills for ns Allah to Allah so Allah subhana wa tada revealed Waylon limit of 15 woe to those who cheats with measures and weights. Woe to those who cheat with measures and weights and have been ambassadors for axon will Kayla Valladolid they became the best of people in

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the way that they dealt with one another with their weights and their measures. After that. Meeting, people started to take very close account of how they would do business of whether they were cheating the person in front of them or not. And last Pattaya continues Waylon and Malathion, and he highlights and Medina Electra luminosity, what was the last printout? What's the word that's used?

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Okay, it's still fun what either can Oh was I know. You're soon. All right. So what does this mean in Arabic because there are actually two different forms of Topsfield, two different forms of this concept. And the word that is the definition that I'm going to give for thought fief macduffie. foreigner people who do not feel thought fief is to shortchange a thief is to shortchange mobile phone are people that shortchange I don't know if shortchanges is a word or not. All right, but people who shortchange so Allah gives it two different meanings. Those who when they take their measure, when they take their weights, when they take their product, they take it in full. whenever

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they're in the in the place of distribution, they cause loss to the to the other party. They're two separate things when they take their right they take it in full, when they give the right that's due upon them, they minimize it, you know, someone asked in the q&a, I think last week or the week before, what's the problem with insurance, the contract of insurance in Islam, why did the profit slice and I'm not like the concept of insurance, the concept of people pooling their money together. And you know, people that are, you know, this is another topic for another day. But let's say for example, one of the practical applications, a bunch of fishermen, put some money into a pool. And

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basically, that money will be used to protect their boats. So if one of their boats is damaged, then they then they'll take from that pool to take care of their boat, that's fine. It's actually an Islamic concept. There's nothing wrong with that. But the concept of insurance where there's risk, and there's gambling, and the idea of the insurance company is to give you as little as possible while making sure that they collect their full payment from you, right. That's where you start to have what's known as a high

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There's a cheat, there's a form of cheating in that, okay? You take your full, you take your maximum payments, but you do your minimum responsibility. So a lot describes it in that way. And just for the sake of those who are into the the Tafseer of these verses, the mama sued the Rahim Allah, He says that there was a particular man by the name of Abu hanaa. in Medina, Abu hanaa was, was a master salesman, basically. All right. So when he would collect his his payments, when he would collect his weights, he had a way of playing with his hands and playing with the scales. So he made sure that he tipped it up a little bit. But whenever he would distribute, he would always have a way

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with playing with it just to take a little bit more. And he basically made his money off of quantity. So if you cheat a bunch of people with 10 cents, right, but you have quantity, then that becomes a lot of money. So this is, this is revealed in accordance to him. So the definition

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an amendment Kathy Rahim, Allah says a thief, a boss, Phil McHale, will Misa. So it's to cheat or to be stingy or to do, you know, to be unfair in the way that you collect and in the way that you give back. Okay, all of this goes back to and it's really interesting, because a lot of parents either ends this discourse by saying, yo, Mia, como una casa da banana mean, but the day will come where everybody has gathered before the Lord of the worlds. And so the scales will take place there, a loss of data will fulfill everyone's right, and we'll make sure that everyone is repaid in full. And a loss skills are unlike any other scales. And you know, there's a very powerful narration just to

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think about the scales of Allah, and then how we projected onto this discussion. The last panel is at the scales that he will use on the Day of Judgment, the prophet peace be upon him, he said that if you were to put the entire heavens and the earth in the scales that Allah will use on the Day of Judgment, that was the atom over there was electron, it would fit them and it would weigh them accurately, that alone will not wrong anybody. So there's some there's something profound, there was enough time. So imagine if everything was put in there, God will weigh it to the exact detail to the exact decimal right everything to the exact detail. That means that a lot won't cheat anyone on the

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Day of Judgment, he made by His mercy, tip the scale towards the good, but Allah will never tip the scale towards evil. Okay, so a lot of His mercy may allow just like the Prophet slicin, I mentioned that the card of the testimony of faith, that card of just tested the testimony of faith in Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah, that testimony of faith would come into the scale of good deeds, and it would cause the the scale of bad deeds, all the books to go flying out, just that testimony, that acknowledgement. So Allah will tip the scale in a way that's favorable to some of his servants. But Allah will not look at someone on the day of judgment that was rebellious and a transgressor and

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say, You know what? Let's give him an extra, an extra sin. So Allah does the opposite of what he's condemning in this court, right? When he's condemning in these words, those who when they take their right, they take it in full but when they distribute, they distributed deficient, Allah takes his rights, and it's inherently deficient. Because we cannot give Allah has do right upon us when Mercado de la Hakata you are incapable of giving Allah has do right upon you. But when I lost the parents, Allah gives his Shaku he gives you way more than you deserve. And remember that the goal is to actually amplify or to exemplify the traits of Allah the attributes of Allah when there is a

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human application of them. That's the best way to do tough deeds to fulfill the right of that name upon you, Most Merciful than be merciful yourself most just and be just yourself. So in this case, look at how a lot of deals with you, but the alpha with the US for how Allah to Hibernia for Allahu Allah come Don't you want to lots of forgive you so forgive others. so in this situation here, Allah says the multifeed are people that do the opposite of what Allah does with them. They do the complete opposite. Now this is just in businesses. And there's some modern day applications to this many of them especially as money is disappearing from you know, trading with currency, and it's

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becoming just these imaginary dots and numbers and figures on a computer screen. Right where an entire crash a crisis could be. could be caused by pressing a button or by deleting a number. Right? So it's a lot easier to do thought fief now than it was back then. Back then you got to find a way to play with the scales. Now in the financial sense to cheat someone to take a little bit more to throw in some percentages into the contract. You know, to round up for yourself, but round down when you give to somebody else. That's all a lot easier.

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And we don't pay as much attention to it because of the way that money works today, right? So it's something that we have to pay attention to. And the fact that this was so strong you imagine the profit slice of London podium and abuse online sentiment into Medina. This is when he first got to Medina last penance, I saw it as a priority to condemn this practice. The profits license has not been there yet, for a long enough time, right. But I already saw that as a priority. So we have to pay close attention in the way that we deal with one another, that it's so easy to just deduct a little bit more, or to give a little bit more. All right. Now, here's the thing. How do we broaden

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this concept? Because pot fief as we recognize it, in the sense of playing with scales or playing with the weights, sometimes we restrict it to the financial sense. But there are other ways that the companions understood this word, pop fief, to shortchange, is it possible to shortchange your Lord.

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Now, in you know, people try to cheat a lot, but they actually cheat themselves, right? But this is a very beautiful narration of the allowance. Hi, Daniel. He wants left the house of prayer. And he found the man that didn't attend the us out of laziness. So he said to him, What kept you from the answer to prayer? And the man made some excuse to him and honorable the Lord Thailand who said thief? You are shortchanging Allah, right? You're not giving Allah His full right upon you. Why are you just making some lazy excuse? Don't be excused. There's also don't don't make up excuses. There's another Hadith where, you know, some some of the scholars actually say it's smoke Wolf, it's

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it stops at Ahmed, it's not saying in the Prophet seisen. But someone was praying, and they were rushing through their prayers, you did not give Allah the full record, the full standing, the full such that the full prostration and realize that the Prophet peace be upon him said that that is the invalid prayer, made a man repeat his prayer until he recognized that at the very least, in every position of prayer, you should have a moment where your bone stop where your body actually finds or settles in that posture in that position. So if a person does this a lot about something I love him and hamidah and then jumps into sujood before they straighten up their back and they actually stop

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and take a moment to recite the remembrances or between the prostrations between the sides of those they don't actually relax for a moment, they don't actually settle into that posture, that is taught fief. And so the messengers, why send them saw this person in this situation said last top, fifth means galatic. Don't shortchange your prayer, okay, don't cheat your prayer. You're not you're not giving that right, you're taking away from those basic rights here. It appears to be fulfillment, but it's not fulfillment. And all it takes is an extra few seconds, but you're already on something else. Your mind is already on something else. This is your time for God. Give it to him. Okay, do

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not short it, shorten it in a way that would be cheating. And of course, those who cheat Allah subhanaw taala unreality only cheat themselves you cannot truly cheat Allah subhana wa Tada. Now, if you brought in top thief, there are so many applications that the scholars mentioned. So some of them mentioned thief in regards to the students that you guys are really going to hate this one.

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But but they're either not mentioned that Parliament element adaptado from from the the,

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from the mannerisms of a student of knowledge is that they arrive early to their to the lectures that they are prepared, that they're enthusiastic, that they that they take notes that they're actually giving the right of that knowledge that's being disseminated to them. Okay, so some of the mentioned that So, playing with your phone, while someone's trying to teach you is taught fief. Okay. You're supposed to be giving a teacher, a scholar, and I'm not talking about myself. We're talking about shit he has said on Wednesday.

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Give them the right. So some of the scholars mentioned in regards to attention. The prophets lie Selim when he was sitting with his companions, and he had a ring on his finger and he looked at his ring a few times. And he didn't give them the attention that he usually used to give to his attention, his companions What did he do? He took off his ring and threw it to the side and apologized to them because he wasn't giving them their his undivided attention. That can be thought fief. Right, because they have a window of time. They have a right upon you in that moment, and you're not giving them that, on the other hand, right? A teacher, that that doesn't prepare

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You know, and I prepare like, like, like 120 hours, but I prepare right for my classes. But if I don't prepare properly, when I'm going to lecture I'm going to teach then I'm going to speak to the student that took the time to come and listen and learn but they were not taught properly, that's taught fief to the students. Okay, to favor

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In the concept of a classroom, right, to be unfair to one and to be lenient to others to do Todd's fee for the one you're being unfair to, because you're not, you're shortchanging them, you're not giving them their full right upon you. Okay. And in regards to the employees or in regards to our families, preferring one child to the other, you're doing tuts fief, to one of those children. You're shortchanging them. Okay? Because you're, you're giving preference to one over the other without reason. Okay? pot fief is one. You know, some of the scholars mentioned, this is very powerful. They said, you know, if you get into an argument with your spouse, and and because of that

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your kids have to suffer, other people have to suffer? What did your kids do to you in order to suffer? So? What's what was their fault to you? So you're doing top fief with your children?

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pot fee for the spouse? How is their top fee for the spouse? Okay, remember, it comprises of two things, you take your full and you give your minimum.

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And in fact you shortchange what's due upon you, you take more than, you know the full of what you deserve. You're right. But you give the minimum. So I've been a boss of the law. I know the very famous example where he said that, you know, because when he used before he used to get into his house, he used to dress up and he used to put on some Cologne and straighten himself out comb his beard, and people would make fun of them. And he would say, look, I like to look good for her, just like I like her to look good for me. And he said, and on the Day of Judgment, look at the words used just like I want that from her. I do it for her. Okay. So he said on the Day of Judgment, Allah

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subhanaw taala, or asked me of the rights that were due upon me and the rights that I gave, and I want the rights that I gave to be more than the rights that I took so that Allah could fill in that gap. So I want the rights that I gave to surpass the rights that I took. Because I want a lot to show Santa means to show excellence to me, because if I fall short, but she doesn't she gives more than that means that I wronged her in that gap. I did talk feaf right, there is a form of tilt fief, I shortchanged her. That's probably one of the biggest issues with marriages when we instead of talking about urashima, or what is the best thing to do, we talk about what's required. And you know

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that it gets bad when you start talking about it, like a business contract starts talking about it like requirements, right, as opposed to a son, a son is not the defining characteristic, the defining trait of the marriage. But instead Heroku excellence son is not the defining trait, instead it becomes a form of rights and you owe me this and I owe you that and that's it. It doesn't work that way. Okay. So that can be a form of thought fief with the person spouse for the husband or for the wife. Okay. So last penzone mentions well at Houghton Mifflin la the LA hin and for them is what is upon them and for women are the rights that are due upon them from them. Okay, so Allah subhanaw

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taala put this this equality in fulfillment of rights. So when one of them transgresses, then one of them is doing pot thief. Okay, one of them is over is overwhelming or is transgressing the other. Okay.

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And it could it could be you know, where the profit slice that I mentioned Alcoa last year that a woman's husband would do everything for her but then he messes up one time and she says you've never done anything for me. So that's Todd's fee with the goodness that he did and it's neglecting just on that that one bad spot neglecting all the good that he did, right? So let's talk fief. There's a there's an interesting photo here. I'll just share it with an amendment everything in Rahim Allah, he's actually this is this is actually a question that he was asked. He was asked said, Look, a woman is asking, she said My husband is negligent of his rights to me. So do I have the right to

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fast? Deuce Liam without his permission, even if he's at home not traveling? I just want to do so. Yeah. Right. So he said yes, because he said the scales of justice deem that if he rebels then she has a right to rebel and he said, That's why for an hour to do at a conference to do it. He missed the monitor that

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that if they rebel against you, you rebel against them, but he said What's that? What's that going to solve? Technically speaking, yeah, one person goes rogue, the other one goes rogue, but what does that end up creating? What type of situation does it end up creating? So you're doing top feaf you guys are going to hear philosophy fall nightmare. You're just gonna be sleeping till two or 343. But hopefully you won't forget the meaning because then it will just be some word that you keep on repeating yourself to yourself that you don't know. So the idea is that every evil

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that is not that you are met with you do not respond, except with at the bare minimum justice.

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Every evil that you are met with, or every shortcoming that you are met with, you only respond with justice.

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At the bare minimum, you don't go beyond that justice. Okay? You don't go beyond that justice instead you reciprocate with their son, the best thing is to reciprocate with excellence, right. So you forgive the shortcomings to you. And when you give when you when you fulfill the rights of others upon you, you go, you go above and beyond, so that you are not shortchanging them. So, if you think about it this way, in every relationship, every single relationship, right, an employer with an employee, a husband, and a wife, a wife, and a husband, a father, and a child, a mother, and a child, a child, and the parents, grandparents, a brother, and a brother, okay, a friend with a

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friend, all of these different interactions, and again, in a very tangible way, the financial way, the employer and the employee, one is doing more than what's required of them.

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And the other is taking advantage of it, it's almost going to always be the case that one is going to be doing more for the other than the other is doing for them, it's almost impossible to have a situation of perfect justice. But that gap should not be so big that it's a situation of volume, but it's a situation of transgression. So for example, if I have an employee that works, that that that shows a sign to the employee that shows excellence, they don't just do the job, but they they do the extra, okay, if that extra is just enough, son, and it's out of the goodness of their heart, but I'm not wronging them in their wages, and that's okay. But if that extra becomes a point where it's a

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burden upon them, that's not being compensated, then it can become selfish on my part, I could end up I could actually be shortchanging that person. Okay. Or if I have an employer with an employee, and you know, when the contracts are written, they're ambitious, sometimes, there's the job description that everyone forgets, and no one can recall, six, seven months later, and maybe I'm not meeting every condition. But I'm not a horrible employee, I'm still a good employee. I do that in some parts I, you know, excellence in some parts, I kind of fall short on others, but at the end of the day, it kind of balances out. But if it gets to a point where I'm being paid more than I really

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deserve, and I'm not living up to that initial contract, and I'm not living up to that payment, then that's totally fine. My parts. Alright, that means that I'm shortchanging my employer, relationships with our spouses, when we get married, everyone thinks that they're going to be perfect. All right, well, maybe not. All right. But you know, all these promises are made and all but you know, at the end of the day, things will, things will become normal. Right. And if I start to fall short on just some of those things, that doesn't make me a bad person. That doesn't mean I'm failing as a husband or a wife. But if it becomes to a point where it's so dramatic, that the other person is showing

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axon and getting, you know, getting getting slapped in return, then it becomes a thief. Okay, then it falls into that realm with a limit of 15. Whoa, to the shortchanges vote to those who hold back the real amount even extended its power to brotherhood, okay, so so parents is, is kind of obvious, the thought fief of a child to a parent, the thought fief of a parent to a child, think about it this way, the very famous incident that took place with honor Pablo, the law of Thailand, where a man came to Omar to complain about his son.

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You know, he said, My son is disobedient. He's not he's not doing right by me. So the son responded and said, Well, does the child have rights over the father? Do I get do I get to have my rights to? So he said, Yes. He said, You know, you, you marry you, you marry a good other half. So choosing a good mother for you, in essence, right? So you marry the good other half. You, you teach them that

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there was a third thing that I'm missing

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a good name to show them a good name. Good job. All right. So good. Choose a good spouse, a good mother, choose a good name, and teach them and teach them divine revelation. So he said, I got none of that. And his name was Georgia, which means Beatle He's like, my dad gave me a horrible name. My mom is not good to me. She's not doesn't teach me anything good. And he never taught me a word of the Koran. So I'm gonna look at the father and dismiss them. He said, You know, you failed in fulfilling his rights before you can even have a chance to fail in fulfilling you know, his rights to you. So you failed in fulfilling your responsibility to him before he even had a chance you

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didn't give him a chance. So you did talk fief basically, right. You held back too much. You didn't do enough to get that, right. But there's more often than not that fee from the child to the parent. The parent gives their all and it's met with in gratitude as a person grows out of dependence on their parents. They start to shortchange their parents. They shortchange them on a phone call sometimes shortchange them in a conversation, just the extra

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You know, just the little things somehow that would that would complete things. That and the Mothman has this characteristic as long as it Rahim Allah said that the Mothman has this characteristic that he doesn't leave something until it's complete. Right? He's not mediocre with anything, not in the way that he fulfills the rights of people upon him or her, and not in the way that they complete tasks, they always make sure that things are complete, you know, you think about sloppiness. sloppiness can be toxic. Like if I'm painting a wall, and I'm a painter, and I don't bother to take a second look, and, you know, catch those spots. That's top fee for the person that hired me. So you

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make sure that you've completed the painting, there's the person that's detail oriented, sometimes to the point of being obsessed, because they don't want to wrong, they want to make sure they do the job, right. They want to make sure that they give that person their own. So thought fief is the job, someone hires you to do any job, not just an employer or an employee, you make sure you demand your full payments.

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But what usually happens apalla think about total refund a modern financial context.

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Aren't there times, aren't there some professions where you don't pay in full before the job is done? And why don't you pay in full before the job is done?

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Because you want to make sure they're going to do the job, right? Because that's culture. Okay, so I'll give you half now. And I'll give you the other half after you do it. And what happens when sometimes you want to be nice, you say, Well, he seems like a nice guy and you give him full and advance then the job is done wrong, it's not done properly. So that's a modern application of top five beyond just weights. And by the way till now, anyone who's in the gold market knows that they adjust the scales, right that they adjust the scales, literally the exact application of portfolio from the Quran, adjusting the scales and the gold I was shocked when when I first started getting

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these types of questions. And you know, from people that work in the gold mark, I was like really like Muslims do that. Muslims do that, like really like they like this is just our ama. You didn't have to get to a Lakota to the first like you, you're just ama you're in the 30th of July. And you're literally doing the exact same thing that Allah condemned to cheat with the skills and the percentages. What is taught FIFA and brotherhood okay, but faith and brotherhood. These are some beautiful things that we find from the scholars Mohammed the man sitting behind Allah.

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He says, Holy moly, I think it is it is injustice to your brother. And and testicle Minho. As what mattarella that you mentioned the worst of what you know about him, What? tecton Hydra, but then you hide the goodness of that person. So you only mentioned their negative qualities, and you hide their good qualities. That's thought fief. And remember Shafi Rahim Allah, I'm telling you, I was going to give a whole talk on this, but I just I decided not to know. All right, he said one line. He said, I swear low or soft notice and what is the number one he said that if I was to do good 99 times out of 100 tomorrow, and I messed up one time that I do, and

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then they would, they would count that one against me.

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Meaning when someone hates you, and when someone's out to, to point something out, you to point out a flaw I can do 99 things, right? They're gonna wait till I make that one mistake and then jump. That's tough to your brother. Right? Why? Because they were giving us our 99 times and you didn't mention that. But they gave you that one.

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One shortcoming or what you perceived as a shortcoming, and you took your full of their flesh, jumped them, right. So that's also taught fief to your brother. And they mentioned particularly settled faith, and they're really not,

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you know, that people, you know, particularly would treat the scholars in a certain way. So in some way, one group of one group of people sanctifies the scholars to where they can make no mistake,

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and all of their transgressions are forgiven. Another group of people, you know, what they will do is they would wait for that person to make one mistake and then they would do away with all of their height. All of their good. You know, there's a beautiful saying, from an amount of nanoclay Mahabharata, he was talking about Shetler Salman, Samia talking with some of his teacher talks about his teacher he said, he said that if you look at even Tamia, because he did, he did so much goodness in his life. And people that didn't like him. We tried to point out a few mistakes and try to jump him he said that all of those don't matter. Even when I disagree with him. He said, You know why? He

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said because the prophets lysozyme said that a large body of water never becomes impure.

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Okay, so all of the goodness that he's done drowned out those small impurities and profits I mentioned Kula Taner, 600 liters and some of them others are a river stream, that even if there is an impurity in it, then the river stays pure, the large body

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water stays pure. And he said that's how their image should be treated. Right that if they do so much higher, their large bodies of height, large bodies of water, and the few impurities will not corrupt or pollute the entire body of water. Okay, so they said that's how a person should treat their dilemma. So all of this is to say, again, way no limit of 15 woe to those who shortchange alladhina. Elected who are the nasiha, Stefan will either caralluma was an awesome

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All right. So you give, and when you give you give a short version, when you take you take it in full. Notice here, that Allah subhanho wa Taala did not say that when you take you take extra, you just take your full, but when you give, you don't give your full, you don't give the full rights, you don't fulfill what is upon you. And what I'll say here is that in a culture of thought thief, and when I say a culture of total thief, I'm not talking about the United States, actually, it's a global culture. Okay, we're talking about bribes last week, and things of that sort and the things that have become normalized in many societies and everybody does it. Right. But in a culture of

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shortchanging, because naturally, especially in the financial sense, or in the contractual sense, when do people resort to talk faith more? There's a certain destructive flaw that grows in society for that to happen. What does anyone know what that flaw is? That spiritual flaw is greed. The more greed there is, the more thief there is, the more self selflessness there is that's promoted, the more narcissism that's promoted, because we live in a time of just do you

00:31:50 --> 00:32:28

write Worry about yourself, the more of that destructive behavior that's promoted, the more people will translate that into their transactional behavior. Okay, the more that will start to translate in the way that they deal with people. So the top thief will show because we're taught to adore ourselves, to worship ourselves, your own happiness, your own indulgence. And someone might be saying, because this is really blasphemous, to say, in some context, I said this, I said this at a university a month ago, and there was a professor that wanted to eat me alive. Like you're telling people to, to beat themselves up, and you're telling people to harm themselves, and you're telling

00:32:28 --> 00:33:09

people that they should not they shouldn't be happy that they should prefer? I'm like, actually, that's exactly what I'm saying. Last part, not the first two parts. Well, you sirona and forcing him Oh, can I beat him kasasa last point, I said people prefer others to themselves, even if that means they're going to hurt a little bit, not physically. But even if that means they're going to struggle a little bit, they're going to have to make sacrifices, they prefer others to themselves. So yes, I, you know, it is important for us to say, as, as people, as believers, that we do promote selflessness. That selflessness is a missing quality in our communities, the idea of putting others

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before yourself, because if you put others before yourself, then you put your your rights become secondary to the rights that others have upon you. But if it's all about yourself, your indulgence takes precedence over the rights that other people have upon you. So there's a culture of worshipping ourselves and greed and the growing, you know, gap financially, you know, the growing, the growing gap and the quality of life, the people that are rich are getting richer, the people that are poor are getting poorer. So in that greed, the growth of greed and selfishness, right, you're going to have people that are that live to the utter neglect of everything around them, and

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everyone around them, okay. And guess what you become the insurance company.

00:33:55 --> 00:34:02

You predicate all of your relationships on the basis of how much you can take from that person and how much you have to give to that person.

00:34:04 --> 00:34:13

And when it becomes that you have to give to that person more than you're taking from that person more than you're benefiting from that person then that person no longer matters to you.

00:34:15 --> 00:35:00

That's totally okay. That is that is exactly totally if you're the HMO, you're the you're the insurance company. Right? The once the equation switches you disappear out faith, because you no longer feel accountable, responsible because now you need to move to a situation where yourself is getting more so it's get more and more and more give less less less to people financially, spiritually emotionally, in your relationships in every single capacity. May Allah subhanaw taala protect us from that and and really just think about the way that a loss pans out how does what does he say after these verses, and I don't know when I can remember

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Don't? Don't these people think that they will one day be resurrected? Don't they understand that one day they're going to be resurrected? Don't they know that they're going to have to be standing in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala like, don't they realize that look, I lost contact did not did not respond to their argument with you know, if you cheat people in dunya, then you're going to be cheated in dunya to Allah didn't do that. Even though that is something that happens as we saw from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam some of the Hadith we've covered. But alas, paratype just reminds you Li of Wonder Allah. Like, don't you think you're going to be resurrected before Allah, Leone and

00:35:39 --> 00:36:23

Arlene for a mighty day, okay. And Allah subhana wa tada is the one who will judge everyone and the last pantai is the one who will compensate and the last one is the one who will fulfill and Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one who will, will will, will do what needs to be done to repair what has been destroyed by someone else. And Subhan Allah The only right on the day of judgment that a loss of Hannah Montana will not forfeit, is the right that's not his. Think about that. The only right that he won't forfeit a loss of hundreds Allah can forgive anything that you've done that involves you and your Lord. But when it comes to someone else, that's up to them. Allah will fulfill their

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rights, Allah subhanaw taala will not forgive on behalf of someone else. Okay, so those who cheat others and do this to fief with others what is totally mean by the way, because I've said it like a million times. shortchanging good. Alright, those who do that with others would find that it's done. And one more one more just reflection that I have on this earth because remember the scales have a lost printout and the way that we cheat with each other right? On the Day of Judgment it's really interesting because the prophets lie some gives us this vivid description of a scene where a person falls one deed short

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one deed short, okay, of the goodness that's required, and they go around soliciting from other people. That one good deed right if someone will give me that good deed and on that day, people are knifes enough See, it's just me, me me. Okay, just like their NFC NFC. Now it's even enough's enough. Stephen Moore on the Day of Judgment, okay. But not one person is willing to give that up to them, to give them that extra deed? Had they in this world, had they in this world done just one more act of kindness? They wouldn't need to be going around soliciting that on the Day of Judgment.

00:37:42 --> 00:38:10

So have they done the opposite of what these ads are talking about? Just giving a little bit more to someone and taking a little bit less they won't find themselves in that situation? On the day of judgment. So we we asked a lot to protect us from doing selfies with our Lord and thief with our family and thief with our brothers and sisters and our friends and our communities and our environment puts faith in our work and our with our employers with our employees. And in any contract that we undertake a llama mean questions.

00:38:12 --> 00:38:14

Yes, can you introduce yourself by the way

Hadith 11: Don’t Shortchange Anyone. The comprehensiveness of “Tatfeef” in the Quran.

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