Moutasem al-Hameedy – Friday Halaqah 04-28-17

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary © The history of Islam is discussed, including the rise of Muslims to be associated with the Arab tribes and the use of certain clothing and language. The importance of learning Islam early in one's life is emphasized, as it is crucial for personal growth and family friendships. The use of the Hadith in court cases, including those involving the spread of inaccurate statements, is also discussed. The speakers mention the use of the Hadith in court cases, such as in the case of the Sun-force and the case of the American General War.
AI: Transcript ©
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In the learning, don't want to stay you don't want to stop Philip when I will let him in Shoreham fusina sejati hi Marina Maria de la la mobula woman you'd love for her the Ella. What should what La ilaha illallah wa the hula Sheree? calahonda Mohammed Abu rasuluh

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sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman Cathy Iran was that.

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Okay, we have today a very interesting character to talk about Sharla. And if you will notice the characters we're talking about, we're talking about, they come from different backgrounds. Some brothers expressed this surprised at the fact that it has an embassy was Persian has an embassy was Persian. So today, inshallah we're going to talk about a person who's not an Arab.

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Thanks for saving my life.

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That's when

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shaped takes precedence over content.

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So, today's person isn't as non Arab is not a Persian and is not from

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India, and is not from Africa.

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But he's from Spain, is one of the most notable, famous names. If anyone can guess before I say where he's from, when shall secure gift for him.

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The person we're going to talk about was born was born in chorus and chorus and chorus and is in Iran today. Hassan is the main part of what is known today as Iran. So he was born in the city of

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he was born in the city of model and model. Yes. And model city your model already today. What is what is named maybe it's the same name I'm not sure. City of model. There's a lot of scholars from Morocco. And in Arabic When they say someone from Morocco, they say middle model was

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not always easy. So this is why a lot of the Muslim scholars actually the last name is in metal wuzzy they come from the city of Myrtle city of moto Moto Z. And interestingly, this is only for human beings Moto Z, they say from moto his model was he but if the style like the clothing style is from Moto, they call it Moto E. They call it Malawi Malawi. But for people they call it model wuzzy model was he okay? The person we're going to talk about his

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his Abdur Rahman his model was he has anyone heard of Mandela model? Was he

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that's not his famous name right? Is Abu Abdul Rahman. Omar was he and his name. proper name is Abdullah normobaric. Abdullah Abdullah Mubarak, the famous

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man from a Tibet Tabby. No, he's probably in his time. He is the number.

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He's the number one number one prolific scholar in the sense, prolific scholar in the sense that he has mastered so many sciences of knowledge that many of the people of his time many of the scholars of his time they said he is the number one scholar of our time.

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So Abdullah a minimal bollock Abdullah Eman mobilock his his father, his alma bollock is under London mobilock ibnu wildly and humbly at me. Okay, so he's ascribed to the tribe of Tamim. So if Timmy is an Arab tribe, but he is not his father is not originally from the tribe of Timmy, but this at this time, there was something called a Molly and Molly were the non Arabs, were the non Arabs. There was there was a trend there was a habit there among the Muslim world, that any people who came from a non Arabic origin, they associated with one of the Arab tribes, we associated with some of them, it started first with the slaves, slaves, like a slave who, whose master was from a certain

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tribe, Islam led to a huge move and trend in freeing slaves. So a lot of the slaves within the first 100 years of Islam, they were freed. So they were call them alleles, they were given back their freedom. And because a lot of those people don't know where their origins were from, so they were attached or annexed to the tribe of their master. So they became, they joined these Arab tribes, and they even adopted their last name. So the same happened to and Mubarak was the father of Abdullah. Amnon Mubarak. Anyone knows where his father comes from what origin has found

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is from

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his mother is from our isn't colorism again is an aerosol? It's in. I think it's in Iran today, however is either in Iran or in Tajikistan.

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I don't know where what is missing. Oh, anyway.

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His father is originally Turkish. His father is Turkey. So he comes from a Turkish origin.

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His father, and Mubarak has a very interesting person. Very, very interesting person. He was very righteous man known for his excessive worship. And at some time of his some stage of his life. He was asleep. He was a slave and he was working for a merchant. And then this merchant

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who had a huge like garden and a huge farm, where and Mubarak was working. He had a very interesting story with Al Mubarak, and Mubarak is the father of Abdullah. Okay. So a Mubarak was a very righteous man

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would do a lot of worship. very honest, very straightforward. And one day

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he is his master. He says to him, he came to his farm and he wanted to rest and have like, chill, have an idea. So he asks, and Mubarak, he says, Give me some pomegranate.

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And make sure it's sweet. Not sour.

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So he goes and gets him one. So he opens it taste tastes is sour, too sour. So he says that's too sour. You know, give me one. Give me a sweet one, a sweet pomegranate. So he goes and gets him another one. And it turns out to be sour.

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And he says, Give me a third one. Now he's upset with him. So you guys gave me a third one. He goes and gets him a third one. And this also he says, You can't even tell the difference between sweet and sour pom pom grant? He says No, I can't. I don't know. What's the difference? How can you tell?

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He says Why haven't you tasted that? He said I've never tasted it. Because you never gave me permission. So he's been working. He had been working with him for years. But he's never tasted the pomegranate there. Why? Because he was not given permission. That shows you the level of what we call a while keeping away from even things that might be Helen, that might be okay for you. Because usually workers wherever they work, you know, they can consume, they can eat, you know, from the farm, they can eat from the factory, from if they work in a restaurant, they do eat some stuff, right? It's it's by like, that's the norms, but this person is still kept away from that because he

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wasn't given permission. So the man that he was working for was very impressed with that he really appreciated it.

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So he kept an eye on and mobarak. Then later on, he used to converse with animal products started to converse with him more. And he realized this is a very wise man. He's a very wise man, he has his own mind.

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So one day, he says, You know, I want to share with you something I have this my daughter, she's very precious. And I really have, like, strong love and sense of protection towards him. A lot of people ask for her hand in marriage, but I don't feel comfortable. I want someone who who do you think I should, you know, give her in marriage too. So mobarak told me he said, Well, previous nations you will find, for example, some nations, they would marry a woman for her money for her wealth.

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But other nations would marry a woman for her beauty.

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But in Islam, we marry a woman for her religion,

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for her religion, so he liked that kind of mentality. So he so this is a wise man. So he says to him, what do you think if I give you my daughter in marriage? Obviously, that was a big shock. So that time he freed him, and he offered him his daughter in marriage. Why? Because he saw a righteous man. And for him that was more precious than anything else. So you can see what kind of

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parenthood of Delano Bartok received from his father, and from his mother, because if his mother was brought up by a man like this would do such a sacrifice, and there are times that that would be probably inappropriate, socially inappropriate, but he had no qualms about that for him, as long as it was better for the Dean of his daughter. So he he took that step. So this is the kind of marriage that Abdullah Mubarak

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came from. There's an interesting story I said previously, when I was talking about Abu hanifa, that one of his students was up the lung and robotic lung rock studied with Abu hanifa. He studied and he learned a lot of from Abu hanifa. And for him, the NFL was the best

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Villanueva, although he had his own school of thought, the film of Abu hanifa was the best of luck in his opinion. So, when Abu hanifa saw the father of Abdullah Mubarak, so al Mubarak, when he looked at him he was surprised when he saw him. And he said to him in Arabic, he said, look at that, oh, mucho, la calle, Mr. Lizzy mean basically, when he saw the father of Abdullah Wallach, he said to the Father, your wife gave you back your genes that she kept your genes and she handed them down to your son. Like she didn't interfere in his resemblance in his looks, because a lot of work looks exactly like his father. So he said, he basically and we know that our honey for him was was very

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intelligent person. So he said, simply like your wife did not interfere in your, in your genes. She kept them. She had them completely to your son.

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No children are known for Abdullah Novak, none of the books or the records mentioned that he had children so we don't know he could. Maybe he had bought none of this was documented.

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He was born in the year 118 180. And after 118 after his law, and he was born, we said in the city of Myrtle in hora San which is today in what is known to be Iran.

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Abdullah and Barak started studying learning Arabic reading and writing and Koran at an early age so he was when he was sent to Al Khattab Al Khattab is like a school, the very basic school they'd like a madrasa lesson cooked up. So he was sent to Al Khattab where he learned the basics there.

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And the teachers noticed that he had a very sharp memory, again, very This is this theme keeps popping up in the life of scholars. They had very sharp memory naturally. So I would love to know about like, there's an example from one of his friends, and he says, I'm gonna recite the code in Arabic, then translated in English. One of his friends says, couldn't really imagine if he could tab from Arabic to Ana webinar mobile Aki wa junonia

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Sahaba hot button taweelah Salama Pharaoh call le immunol Mubarak to her

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Professor maharajji luminol tomie sakar hattah

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for the allihies normobaric rocket happy Aloha.

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Okay, he says this, his friend says we were young children going to the Khattab to the madrasa to study.

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So on our way, one day we passed by this man who was giving a hot by giving a speech. And it was such a long speech. So he spoke for long.

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When he was done with his speech, Abdullah and robotic tends to me and he says I've memorized it completely upon hearing it.

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So one man who was there one of the attendants, he saw him and he said, Oh, he heard that so he says, Okay, if you have memorized it, then deliver it to me now, the whole hotma so I belong robotic repeats the whole horrible to that man.

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He repeated the whole hog bot completely as it was so common, so that shows you the level of his memory. But some things now different happened to Abdullah and Barak we saw some of not all the scholars studied or started studying early. We saw that Abu hanifa Rahim Allah started studying later on in life. First he started with argumentation and debates and so on and so forth. But later on, he switched to an

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others lucky man Shafi started from a young age in mathematics started from a young age and started pretty much from a young age, I belong and bought a case he went to a good time from a young age, but then he stopped studying.

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So he lived a life like any normal young man, and he even did some stuff.

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So he went even the wrong way. He went the wrong way. And he was very good. He was known for his guitar, you know, the Arabic,

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the Arabic, the Arab guitar or the eastern guitar. Okay, that stringed instrument, he used to play music and he used to sing with it. He used to spend this time chilling with his friends and that's what they used to do. And some some books mentioned that he actually had the I had a fiance so he had a woman that he loved and he would spend time with her. And it wasn't marriage but nothing Nothing says that he committed Zina nothing about Xena but he was in a relationship with this woman, he would see her spend time with her and talk with her and chat with her. So she was his fiance.

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So that was the London robotics. So he lived a life of you know, like any, like the younger men at the time who are not practicing. So

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He was in what they say in Arabic Allah who wasn't so much he was playing, playing with his life.

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So, something interesting as well when he was studying with Abu hanifa Abu hanifa found him he found out a lot about it to be a very interesting person. So he says them you know, how did you start studying like oh, what happened? So he asked him I'm gonna say no, because when

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he asked him about he says anything. Kiefer can a bit bit Emmerich. How did you start? How do you start studying? He says come to jealous America when you feel Boston for a Kelowna Sherry banana peel. Welcome to more angular below the bottom board

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wanting to follow a two female Amitabh avanzato 18 year old lm yet needy Latina man Tasha boo boo homely tequila he woman has

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pulled to Bella center back to work consulter od for can. God says I was with chilling with some of my friends out, you know, we went for a picnic. So we ate and we enjoyed ourselves until it was nighttime. And now as he said, I was obsessed with my guitar, obsessed with the road.

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And he says that I slept. I was tired. So I slept.

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And when it was the later part of the night, I saw in my dream, a bird reciting the verse, and I'm yet needed. levena Amman and Tasha boo boo Nicola, isn't it time for the believers that their hearts you know, pay heed and feel the greatness of a lot of Yahushua and submissiveness to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the truth that Allah sent down so he said, I said to myself,

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in the dream, yes, indeed, that's the time this is a walk up in that moment, straightaway destroyed my guitar.

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And this was the first time I started practicing. The first time I started practicing, so when did he start studying knowledge? At what age 2323 he started studying Islam. And by the way, some people think that's a late age. It's not it's not a late age. I know some sometimes we see people study Islam from a young age and we think, well, maybe it's too late for us. I've reached I'm 18. I'm 20. I'm 25. Maybe I'm 30 or even 40. Or I'm 50. Yeah, it's too late for me. Why wait? Why waste my time get into this? This is something you shouldn't actually do. You shouldn't actually do. Some of the great scholars in Islam. Some of the great great, great, great scholars in Islam, started to study

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Islam later in their life. So this is the man eminent Mubarak, who was the best in his time, he started studying properly at age 23.

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Age 23. Many of us consider this to be too late.

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Imam, the biggest Eman ever in the history of the science of Hadith in terms of animal region, knowing the narrator's of the Hadith was an enemy of the hobby. Remember that he started studying Islam at age 21.

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Age 21. He didn't start from line seven. There are people who started at that time, but it's not necessary. It's an advantage to start early, but it's not necessary. Some of the great great great scholars

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some of the greatest scholars greatest and had the theme.

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Started study One of them was the wolf's been caisson bow who's been case and Liam and one of the most famous scholars of Hadith in the second century, second century, which is the time where along Barack was living, one of the greatest scholars of Hadith and a narrators of Hadith by was, in case an alien Manny, do you know when he started studying

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what eight

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throw a wild guess.

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Push it as late as possible.

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70 years 70. He started studying Hadith at age 70 770 70. And he became one of the top scholars of Hadith in his time.

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So it's not necessarily about age. Yes, it's an advantage to start early, but it's never too late.

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I think one, someone wrote a book about this scholars who started studying Islam later on in their life.

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Someone wrote a book about this. So he compiled the biographies of scholars who started later on the later part of their life, and they excelled some of the best scholars in the Hanafi. Some of them are

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Have the NFL started actually, I believe

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I forgot his name. But I think he started after 50. And he became one of the best scholars of the Hanafi. Prior to that, he had a profession, I'm not sure I think he was.

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He was fixing he was a he was a blacksmith 50 years of his life, he was a blacksmith. And then if age 50, it just popped in his head, I want to study it, I want to study. So he becomes one of the Masters, the main teachers and the Hanafi folks and Paula and one of the prolific authors.

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Everyone will mobarak in terms of knowledge, he was very, like, prolific in the sense that he studied so many sciences and he mastered them, he still had so many sciences. And the way he made a living was through business. So he built his own business because some of the biographies indicated that his father ended up doing business, although his father never like had a good

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social or financial status. Yet he was he got engaged in business. Abdullah robotiq was a successful businessman and he managed, he managed to actually, you know,

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provide for himself.

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So when he started studying Islam at age 23,

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he started traveling a lot and his business helped him because for business he needed to travel as well. So it was easy for him to do both things at the same time. So it was doing business and he was doing the studying controllable as he was traveling, and he is probably the one who traveled the most amount of time it says there is no one who traveled for seeking knowledge more than at the London mobarak. No one traveled more than hated for seeking knowledge. And this is because of this.

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Even though Barack says I've studied with 4000 shoe, I've studied with 4000 shoe. And I narrated from only 1000 of them and I will come to explain why. So he started with 4000. shoe. These are his teachers. And so he traveled from Horace Mann, which is in Iran traveled to Iraq to Boswell Kufa traveled to a sham travel to Egypt, to travel to Hejaz, to Mecca, Medina, he traveled to Yemen. And he started with all the scholars in all these areas. So wherever there were scholars, he would travel to them. So any place where there were scholars, he went and studied with them. And he was very intelligent in that he said, I developed my own tactics in getting a scholar to teach me.

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So because some, by the way, not all scholars were teaching like this, a lot of scholars kept their knowledge to themselves. A lot of scholars only taught a select few, a select number of students, and they will not open up to, to the public. So long will develop some ways and some tactics to get these scholars even to to teach him he even one day he went to prison.

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He spent some time in prison, and he didn't do any offense, but he got himself somehow smuggled into the prison. And the reason was, because there was a scholar who was put in prison, so he wanted to study from him. So he went into the prison, and he learned from him somebody. And then when they found out that they kicked him out of the prison,

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there's one. So he was very keen, and he was a very meticulous student of knowledge. So he would record everything. And he had a very sharp, you'd say, recognition of Good, good, good knowledge. And this he was described often like this is a person who had a very good sense for evaluating knowledge. So he would not only seek Hadeeth knowledge, but he would also seek understanding. So if he had of someone who had a very good understanding someone who had wisdom, he would actually record that and take that wisdom from that person. An example of this. He once heard that the Hassan al buslee made a statement and only has an imbecile he made a statement and only one of his students

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has it. And it has to do with making friends and enemies.

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But he didn't know exactly what it was. So he decided to travel. So he traveled from his city model city tomorrow, all the way to

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another city also in what's known today as as Iran every Okay, from Morocco to LA the distance between them is about 1000 kilometres 1000 1000 kilometers every year. By the way, there's a lot of scholars from around the city of Erie and a city over re, if a person is from A to Z, what do they

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How do they How do they ascribe that person to the city? So we said moto Moto Z

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makiki Medina Madani right, Basra Bosley Kufa, Koofi,

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Mr. mystery, and so on and so forth. But every How would they describe a person who's from Erie? How would they pronounce what they call Nisbett?

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raazi Yes, our raazi is from re so raazi last name indicates that this person is from the city of Erie. At re, okay, every Ozzy.

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So he travels from Morocco to LA. In order to meet this one person, one of the students have a has an adversary who knows how long it will move the Euro husana to hear that statement from a senator mostly because he appreciated the wisdom of it has an embassy and that statement was since he traveled 1000 kilometres. And it wasn't, you know, by car, he didn't take the train. He had to ride a horse or a camel

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to make that. Obviously, that's a long journey. So

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when he when he got there, he said, he met her on the mobila. And he asked him for that statement, then he went back tomorrow straightaway, not even staying in a tree. So the statement was since he travelled 1000 kilometers, it's worth that we mentioned it No.

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It hasn't mostly said the attached email what that theology will be either our theological in white,

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there's a lot of wisdom in this. Do not, do not get yourself the enmity or the hatred of 1000 people for the sake of getting the friendship of one person.

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So basically, what he's saying also, you know, the opposite is the other way around. Yes. Do not get the friendship of 1000 people.

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Okay, at the expense of getting the enmity of one person. So what is he saying he's saying, don't ever get yourself in a state of enmity with anyone, don't get in disputes, don't get in fights. So he says 1000 friendships 1000 new friends are not enough to compensate for having one enemy.

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Five, so that that's a lot of wisdom. That's a lot of wisdom. And some allies find some people are very generous, you know, with sacrificing that and they get enemies as they walk along. They make enemies wherever they go. And we find it easy.

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But that shows a lot of wisdom. Because a lot of times when you read in history, a lot of people were actually their death was caused by one person who hated them.

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One person who had enmity with them.

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So don't make anyone hold a grudge against you. Unless they have an issue themselves. That's different. But you yourself do not cause enmity with a human being, even if that means you gain or you win 100 friends, it's not worth it. That's what he's saying.

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So I'm no longer in Braddock, he studied with scholars who are older than him

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and have more knowledge than him. He studied with scholars who are at the same level with him same age with him. He also studied from people who had less knowledge than him.

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He didn't have an issue with that. So there was no ego involved, no pride involved, he would study with any person that he could learn from. And the way he narrated Hadith from people who are considered to be at the level of his students still inherited it from them, because he has no issue with that. And he was very studious person. So he studied a lot and he would, he was very careful with his time. One day was said to him in our method, asthma, until when you keep going to, you know, chasing scholars and listening to Hadith. He says, He limits till death till the moment of death, when they told him until when you keep seeking knowledge, he says, may be the statement in

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which there is benefit for me, that's gonna really help me. I haven't heard it yet. Maybe you haven't come across it yet. So I'm gonna keep seeking knowledge until, you know until the last minute in my life, because maybe what my benefit is, or the most important benefit that I should be getting, maybe I haven't arrived at it yet.

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There was there was a phenomenon as well as the scholars at that time, you know, they wrote with their pens were not as good as ours, right? So they didn't have these fancy pens or pencils to write with. What did they use, they used ink and they used feather.

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They used feather. So if anyone tried to use feather with ink, you know it's very messy. Your hands will will be full of ink all of the time and all your hands your clothes as well. So the clothes of the students and the scholars were usually messy, full of ink, all over their, their garments. So that was a common thing, as well, along with Alex's and Hebrew feet, Thea Hello, Allah. He says, the ink on the cloth is the beautification of the scholars that shows this person is

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doing some work, right? He's writing his reading, and he's doing some work. So the more ink he has on his clothes, the more work hard work he's actually doing. There's something funny, I just remembered there was

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around that time, there was two scholars met together. And then one of them noticed on the other person's Garmin, there was some orangey color. And orangey color comes from what

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something we cook with suffering, that fallen suffering.

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So, so he looked at that, and he says,

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He says, so he brought his ink bottle, and he took some ink. And he covered that,

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that orangey color on the on the fabric of the other man. And he said, for the scholars, it's better to be messy with ink rather than suffering, because suffering was a sign of people who are wealthy.

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She says, keeping kids better than this kind of suffering. Okay.

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And something that was very well known about the loving Obama case, he traveled a lot. But when he was in his city model, he would stay at home most of the time, so he'd go to the Salah, but he would spend most of his time at home. And he was blamed about that. But there's something we can actually learn from, you know what I noticed today, some people have no life at home. They have no life at home. There's no relationship between the father and his children. The mother and her children, they have to go out. The other go shopping, they go to the mall, they go to the library, they go to the park, they go to a friend's house, they come to the masjid, but at home, they have no life, there's

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nothing like the house is more like a hotel for them to sleep in. And that's it. Nothing, there's no life in the house. There's no legacy in the house, there's no family atmosphere in the house. That is very dangerous for the kids. Very dangerous, you know, you might be working hard. Yes, you might be trying your best for your kids. But the time the quality time that a parent spends with their kids is much, much more precious for the child not only emotionally but for their, for their maturity, for their emotional growth, for their personal growth for their wisdom. And for the emotional balance in life, the time they spend with their parents is very essential. They learn a

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lot from just being in your presence. Children learn from their parents just by being in their presence. So you need to invest time with your children. If you are a parent, or you're planning to be a parent soon, you need to spend time with your children quality time. And sometimes even as often as possible, spend time with each one of them individually, individually.

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Because they need that from you.

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Each one of them is different. A girl is different than a boy, they need to ask you some questions, they need to connect to you and bond with you. They need to learn from your wisdom from how you speak, they just need to feel that they are your companion. This helps them mature and grow. Believe me, you can't you can't do away with this. You can't sacrifice this for money for wealth for any other benefit. You can't believe me, you can't. And for them as memories, the time that they would remember, is actually the time they spend with you. It's not how hard you work to get to buy them a bicycle. It's not how hard you know, you work to to own a home. And these are good things if you can

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do them. But make sure your priority is actually spending the time. Spend time without judgment. Don't police them. So you spend time with them. Be Your friend, be their friend, be their friend, let them be comfortable. Let them open up to you. And this should be a regular practice. This should be a regular practice. We Muslims need to do this if we want if we really care for our children, especially with the huge amount of influence they are getting in school. It's destroying their minds. Yes, they are teaching them very good stuff. But in this school, there's a lot of bullying. There is a lot of, you know groups, there's a lot of ridicule. There's a lot of fun made of, of our

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children. There's a lot of different types of bullying that are taking place. there's a there's a lot of hidden tacit influence in terms of what they should believe what's right and what's wrong. There's a lot of pressure, peer pressure. There's a lot of social pressure from teachers, from the staff from the students. You have to be like this. Why don't you speak with girls? Why don't you drink? Why don't you smoke? Why did you watch that stuff? Why don't you have dogs? Why did you do this when you're weird? You know, you're not even a normal human being Why didn't you have this? Why don't you have that? Why do you dress up like that? Why do you behave like this?

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Right? So this kind of bombardment on the kids takes it all

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and it throws them out of balance. And when they don't have a strong bond with their parents. They don't know how to go to they feel lonely.

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They feel

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you're lonely.

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And that makes them weaker. So they start questioning, they end up questioning, you know?

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Are we on only true religion? Are we? Is it true that we when we believe it, we start questioning? Is it worth it that I go against all of this pressure all these people wrong and we are right. Even though we don't even have love in the family, we don't even have a home something to call on.

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So spending time, when I look around, I see non Muslims actually pay a lot of not all of them. But the ones that are educated, the ones that are socially aware, they actually make it a point to spend a lot of time with their kids, a lot of time quality time with their kids. And they do it by different things. They take them to the cinema, they take them individually, they take them to a restaurant, they go walk out with them, they walk in the morning, they have a morning morning walk just with one of their children. So each day, they have one of them, and they speak with them. They let the children open up, and they create this bond and this love.

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And what I noticed a lot, and then I make a point to actually investigate and ask about this. This is very uncommon among Muslims, very uncommon. We think parent in our parenting is all about telling the child do this, do that you're right, you're wrong, you're bad, you're good. And that's it. That's not parenting. Kids don't learn from this. Kids actually, you know, rebel, and they resist that kind of thing. But they open up to you and they will be willing to listen and trust you. And they will trust you even more than any external external sources like their their friends, the media, social media, the school teachers any kind of influence.

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If they trust you, they would go to you for information.

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And they want the truth. They want an opinion that they trust will come to you. But you need to create this bond with them. So this is something we Muslims need to spend time at home. I've seen some families and I've seen like I've seen some mothers, they actually they like they can't even stay at home.

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This they say there's nothing to do at home. So straightaway, they take the kids to the park, they even come to the masjid, they come to the masjid chat with other sisters

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or brothers chat with other brothers and they let the child loose. Play around with other kids. Where's your relationship with your child? You are if you are if you are a stay at home mom, and you have your child at home, that's an opportunity for you to bond with them. Spend time with them. Teach them they will learn from you so much. We humans learn by mixing with others more than we learn from reading and writing instruction. That's a very small, you know, tiny percentage of what we learn that we learn directly academically, what we learn what we learn from mixing, mixing, we learn unconsciously.

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So it's very important to keep this in mind. So Abdullah anabolic used to spend a lot of time on a lot of time, obviously it would be with his family, but another time most of his time he would spend it reading reading the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam that shows again, that if you want to excel in any area, you need to spend time alone. You need to do your homework.

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You need to learn to stay at home, do your homework.

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So he used to spend a lot of time studying even

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one of his teachers know it may be Mohamed. He says, Can Abdullah normobaric your kilojoules febe for Qaeda a lotta stalkerish along bollock used to spend a lot of time in his house, so people told him Don't you feel lonely? Don't you feel lonely?

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For Carl keefer Association and Obi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Asada? How would I feel lonely when I am in the company of the prophets as Adam and his companions, he's studying Hadith. So he's studying the life of the Prophet of the love of the companion and he brings it to life in his mind. So he doesn't feel lonely. He doesn't feel lonely, something similar was said but she felt abandoned or homologs either. So again, a long bark had a very diverse kind of exposure to sciences and knowledge. And he learned a lot and it is in his time, by the way, was very turbulent times. So dodoma we are made Caliphate at this time that was in its last stages. That was a very difficult

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time, there was a lot of revolutions against the oma yet a lot of revolutions.

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People would be dying in the 1000s we will be fighting and fight back and so on and so forth. And then they started to be that's when the time when translation started to take place, from first from Persian knowledge of the Persians, then from Sanskrit and from the Indian subcontinent, some knowledge was brought and translated, and then later on from

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the Greek and Roman philosophers. All of this was translated. So the Muslim scholars, some of them were able to actually have good exposure to the sciences and learn from them and master them, master them and use them use what is good for them in know what is wrong and what is faulty.

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And you know, show and expose it, but what was good they actually managed managed to use it and develop it and implement it.

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Anyway, so, a lot of robotiq when he visited Mecca,

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he met a lot of scholars, specifically Sophia.

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Sophia. Ignalina was the scholar of MK scholar of Hadith, in Mecca. And he met Alfredo Ayub, as well, the the close friend, the famous worship and the cost friend of Amanda hanifa.

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So when

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we're talking about a cliff temeka these two were giving him farewell. So, follow them. And so if you have no idea, you know, one of them said, Heather emammal. This is the Imam of the whole east. When you say a Mashallah among the Arabs, it's Iraq and whatever is further east, doesn't mature. And remember, it was a sham, Egypt and the whole of like, you can say, Europe, North Africa, that was an Mahara.

00:41:11 --> 00:41:20

So one of them said, this is a mammal, Elon Musk is the man of the East. The other one said no, he's the man of the east and the west. He's such an amazing scholar.

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And they say the famous Mohammed who has the book of Hadith as soon as he says, Lana Allah movie assalamu Baba gentlemen up near mobarak. When

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mean whether edge mahalik will be hustlin Mahmoud.

00:41:35 --> 00:41:51

He says we don't know it's time of Abdullah Mubarak, anyone who is greater than him, or anyone who is more noble than him, or anyone who has gathered as much goodness within himself as of the London mobarak.

00:41:53 --> 00:42:01

Emily mobarak excelled in the science of Hadith. So he was specifically specifically on one hand if that was probably his top specialty.

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And he's amongst the most trusted narrators of Hadith in all the books of Hadith, and all the books of Hadith.

00:42:13 --> 00:42:25

One day, a man came to be here in a room and is well known to be one of the main scientists of our region, knowing generators of Hadith. So he asked him, he says, Yeah, as a courier men can better for you, Mama.

00:42:27 --> 00:42:36

I'm Zack. Oh, Abdullah Abdullah mobarak says to him, who was the most accurate narrator who narrated from Mama

00:42:38 --> 00:42:40

was the Rosa was the rock.

00:42:42 --> 00:42:58

So you're having a marine was like on his side like this. Then he, he sat up. And he looked at that man, and he said, Well, cannon will take you and Festo jellies and we'll call cannabinol. MOBA kihira men and there was a woman earlier ariete

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through McCall.

00:43:03 --> 00:43:08

tollemache darwaza illa Abdullah. So he says a lot.

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I think he's talking about the Rosetta Sinani, like, top scholar of his time and so he's

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so the man said, who is more and more of an accurate narrator from Mama was it was

00:43:23 --> 00:43:24

so yummy, Marian said

00:43:26 --> 00:43:31

Abdullah wala, was better than Abdullah zap and his whole town.

00:43:32 --> 00:43:42

And then he said to him, you combine both together at the same level, is questioning the question. He's saying you're putting them at the same level. You shouldn't be asking this question. That's what he means.

00:43:44 --> 00:44:00

The famous scholar and the student of Amanda sheffy he says a metal Alba the Imams are for Sophia. No theory. Well, madico blue ns Warhammer W's eight? Webb normobaric. These are the Imams of their time.

00:44:03 --> 00:44:20

Hammer degrussa mal Koofi again one of the scholars of that time he said ignore mobarak if he has habit Hadeeth mithril ameerul momineen fineness. He says I'm the Londoner. mobarak. Among the scholars of Hadith is the MA. He's like Amelia momineen, the chief of the believers. That's his position among the scholars of Hadith.

00:44:21 --> 00:44:26

His memory again, we said from a young age, remember he memorized the whole hotbar

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so he says, ma, ma,

00:44:32 --> 00:44:53

add Appleby. She Anthony. He says, I've never like I've never run anything through my mind. Like I've never read or heard anything that's basically I've never paid attention to anything. And, and my heart never let me Oh, my mind never let me down my memory. Never Let Me Down. She says anything that I put my attention on. I memorized it and never forgot it.

00:44:55 --> 00:44:59

A person called another normal server asked him Helter Skelter half

00:45:00 --> 00:45:07

Heidi, like when you memorize Heidi? Do you like to repeat it and memorize it? You know, when we memorize something we keep repeating it right?

00:45:09 --> 00:45:27

So he says his color changed a lot. Because when he was asked this question his color changed like he was surprised. Why do you ask such a question? Then he says, Matt, have fun to have Ethan Cocteau in nama huddle kita from Brophy semester Hato Allah kabhi kabhi. He says, like,

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I never made it a point to memorize Hadith. Never made a point to memorize one Hadith. I just pick up the book, then I read

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anything that my heart loves, and it will memorize it. Anything that appeals to me out straight away committed to memory without having to do any effort. So Pamela,

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and one day, London Wallach visits Hamad bin Hussein homodimerization is actually one of his teachers. So he visits her mother's day, but because of the long run of Excel, she was considered to match the level of his own teachers. So he visits how many windows eight and the students of homodimerization were there. So they say to the teacher, they get under London Mubarak to give us some ahaadeeth

00:46:14 --> 00:46:48

so I don't know what it says Subhana Allah Yeah, but it's made or had this one to have some kind of light you want me to give Hadith when you are here? I can't like he's talking to his teacher. So his teacher says XM to Latif Allen, I swear by Allah, you will, you will just give them some married somebody. So I'm in London back out of his memory starts narrating a number of Hadith all of them are taken from him mad himself. All of them are from their teacher. Okay, so that shows as well that he had very good memory and he could choose what Okay, what to call from his memory or recall.

00:46:50 --> 00:47:24

Despite his knowledge and his memory, when he taught and he when he sat down to teach Hadith, he would read it from his book from his records. Why? Because he wanted to be sure, just like we said, the man had the similar, adopted a similar kind of approach, although he memorized all the headings, but he was still teach. By reading from his own book, he was also called the doctor of Toby. Why because he mastered the science of Hadith completely, that he could fix and find out any issue with any Hadith. So he was called the puppy, or the doctor.

00:47:26 --> 00:48:06

One of the scholars of Hadith you know, Adam, he says, Can to either open up to a communal master at Fela Majeed houfy khudobin mobilock. I used to Minho. He says, if I needed a very delicate, very precise issue in the science of Hadith that I know you can only find in the best of books, I will check the books of eminent mobarak if I didn't find it there, I would lose hope. Because I know if I'm in love with them, but I didn't get it, no one else would get it. Okay, so that shows the level of his mastery in the science of Hadith. Some of his teachers, the most famous of his two, he said they had 4000 teachers, some of the most famous so piano authority. So piano authority taught him

00:48:06 --> 00:48:07


00:48:08 --> 00:48:45

he was the Imam of Hadith. And this time, so if you ever thought he was sure, he took Hadith, mainly from sofian authority, and then he studied with Imam Malik Johannes, so he learned from mallacoota on a system that is more power, and he stayed with him in Medina, and he learned from him his luck, as well. And most importantly, he learned from Abu hanifa. So he started with Abu hanifa for such a long time. And he used to admire Abu hanifa so much. And as I said, For him, the Philco hanifa was the best. So he said, I've never seen anyone who understands, like Abu hanifa. That's what he said. And I mentioned when we talked about the level of hanifa, we mentioned that

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a lot of rock was in a sham with Allah was that he was studying with Jose. So Allah was that when he first asked him, he said, Yeah, Karani. He speaks I belong. Alex is your son. He says, My mother moved to the Olivia Valhalla. Who's this person of Buddha who appeared among you in Kufa. He's talking about Mr. hanifa because we said some people spread false rumors against the bonobo and they reached a low sigh. So I've long blog, didn't say anything. But he had his books, what he learned from Abu hanifa in a book, so he left it in the mustard. And remember, Jose picked it up and he read it after federal he loved it. He fell in love with it. So long Radek asked him, he says, How do you

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find this book? He says, This man is a scholar.

00:49:32 --> 00:49:38

And he left it without a title though without the author. Without the person it's just it had been so

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long Barack asks. He says, do you advise me to learn from this person? He says Absolutely. He says that's about it.

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So remember, I was I changed his mind. This is when he met Abu hanifa Imam in Mecca and had he spoke with him. He was amazed at the level of his understanding he realized what was prayed about about hanifa was untrue.

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Okay, let's talk about the scientific methodology of how the London mobarak. First of all, he was very careful. He was very careful. And he would take a lot of precautions when he taught. So he would only take from authentic, reliable narrators. He would not take anything. And he would document everything. Now his books, his notebooks, his notebooks that he wrote with his own hands. That's his knowledge that he learned from his teachers. And he had it in his home was 21,000 volumes 21,000 volumes, handwritten by him. That was his knowledge, he kept it in a record.

00:50:50 --> 00:51:00

So he was very careful. Number two, he was paid a lot of attention to the changes of narration so he would not narrate it would not accept the Hadith, he would not teach without mentioning the Senate.

00:51:01 --> 00:51:03

Senate oil is not which is the chain of narration.

00:51:05 --> 00:51:46

And he used to say it's now domina Dean, as his famous statement he said it's now do mean a dean Well, I will is not Lacalle and unsure. amercia is NAD is from bridging chains of narrations studying of the study of them is from the dean from Islam. He says had it not been for the chains of narration for the snad anyone would say whatever they like, right, they would say the prophet SAW Selim said this and that they would fabricate and make up a hadith. But he said so. And it's not so he paid great attention to this nut. He was very meticulous, very careful, very precise with Joshua tidy with checking the reliability of the narrator's of Hadith. And he was very just by the way,

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because some people went to extremes, they would like anyone who had a mistake or something that would over generalize it and they would sometimes go to extremes in

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in considering an arranger to be unreliable.

00:52:02 --> 00:52:23

And this is by the way, why when he started with we said with 4000 scholars, he did not know right from all of them he narrated from 1000 because he would narrate from the most reliable and there are people that he studied with and benefited from but he knows they have issues with their memories. They will call the Hadith and mix to a hadith together or like mess them up.

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He would not tolerate from these but he would not speak ill of them as well.

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He would want he would say for example, one of his teachers was a bad

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a bad one okay theory, a soccer field, mostly unknown worshiper, very righteous man, and even knowledgeable, but he used to make a lot of mistakes when he narrates the Hadith. So a lot of Moloch he said he was a very righteous man, a very good man knowledgeable man. But with Hadith, his narration is not reliable, why because he mixes up narrations

00:52:53 --> 00:53:15

he would come up sometimes with the strange statements. So he said, you cannot take his statements, but in terms of righteousness in terms of knowledge, he is a very righteous person. So he was accurate, he would not, you know, write the person off completely. He was good at that. But he would has an issue there. So with that issue, you be careful. You don't take from him hurry for the sake of narration.

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He was also very meticulous in the terminology that he used when he narrated Hadith. So for example, one thing among the scholars of Hadith, if you say had definite or had destiny, that means he narrated to me, straightaway that narrator narrator so I heard from him directly from his mouth to my ears. That's what it means that the scholars also use another thing, which is Bhavana Bharani. He informed us Bharani Anna banana is known among the scholars of Hadith. It's not necessarily that the teacher actually made this statement. It could be one of the students was reading from a book, and this scholar was listening to it and approving it.

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And you were in that gathering that was considered a way of conveying narrations was a wait like, for example, Mr. Malik, who would not read his motto, one of his students, students would be reading the Hadith. So if you heard it, in that gathering, and Imam Malik was there, he approved it as it was read. Then you can read this hadith from him American you can say Bharani Bhavana. Okay, but you can't say had definitely unless he was a statement directly from his mouth to you, too. He is. So long. Barack was very careful with using these two statements, although at some, some scholars used to mix them up. But for him, he was very careful and meticulous with all of this. He also combined

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he made a good combination between science of Hadith who said he started with Savannah theory, science of Hadith. And he started with Abu hanifa madrasa right so he learned from both madrasa try and withdraw sets and Hadith. So he managed to combine both in a very nice way,

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in a very nice way, but he was more heavily leaning to

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Woods had teeth. But still, he had a lot of knowledge in a way and this is why he had a famous statement in order to advise his students he used to say, Lia Cooney, Levy, your attempt to lie about a Hadith, I will let the thing that you rely upon most is the Hadith, the narration and other what would mean or what you may you fasciola can even take from a ye from understanding and from people who have understanding and people who use logic take from that whatever explains for you the Hadith and helps you understand it. So he that that summarizes his methodology, combining the ROI and the end because there was a dispute between Alhaji they'll say that's how do you take the

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apparent meaning don't get it, don't even try to explain it more. That's as it's a ticket as it is. Whereas lri we they used to take a look logical points, if this is how long then what is similar to it is how long Okay, what was different from it is not necessarily Haram, and so on and so forth. So they would draw a lot of logical points.

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So what he said neither, neither of them is wrong. You need to take the Hadith, but you also use it to help you understand the Hadith, deeper. That was

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his methodology. His leader was the leader of the companions of the Prophet SAW Selim. So at this time, there was a lot of

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like Shiism started to appear. And so he stressed the respect for the companions to Allah Sahaba. He also was against innovations and be that so he was upon the methodology of the Center for the early generations, the companions of the Prophet SAW.

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And he used to say, the equal machinists who come and Misaki in what he can to jealous of Sahaba. So, you know, spend your time with even even layman it's better than spending it with people who seem to be learned, but there are people have bid and innovation. And

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from His justice, he used to narrate from the writers of Hadith who were involved in Buddha, as long as they did not call to their bidder.

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As long as the scholars of Hadith have different doing a rate from the narrator's who actually were involved in Buddha, that was a big dispute among the scholars. By the way, Imam Malik was on the side that you don't narrate anything from them.

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Whereas other scholars of Hadith, like Abdullah and Barak, he was of the opinion, if they do not call openly to the Buddha, we can take their holiday they are known for their truthfulness. By the way, this was the opinion of the majority of them had detained by the way, that's the opinion of the majority. So he was asked Lima rabita, and say to Hashem at this tower, he autolock Daddy,

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these are all my Tesla people were involved in some entities. And so he says, so they say to him, why did you generate from salaried and he Sham the stairway. But you did not narrate from Mr. Abner obeyed.

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And they have their upon the same thing. He said, um, we used to call people to his belief, which is correct, which is false. But the other guys were not they did not openly speak they kept it to themselves. So I take the narrations

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and he was very strong against Tesla.

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He used to see the other end the people who wish to say a lot doesn't know what is going to happen as kuffaar

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he was accused of being a Moto G. He was accused with an object. And this happens today as well with some people along with Stan

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but he was free from that.

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And with the names and attributes of Allah, He used to be on the way of

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a self which is their meaning as they are in the Quran and the Sunnah, they are true, and we don't ask how we believe in them as they are and we leave them as they came through the revelation. He wrote so many books, most of his books are missing. Many he wrote many, many books, but most of his books went missing as manuscripts were missing. Some parts were found. The books that are printed that I have found architectural ability was okay Nikita Kitab Jacques de Vaca. That's his famous book emammal Baraka buzzard

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and kuttabul jihad. He was the first one to write a book specifically, on jihad. These are the two books that I know from him that are being in print available in print. Okay, so that was the life of the man of the London robotic.

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He lived 63 years, he lived 63 years. He was in jihad, by the way he was he used to take part in jihad, often most of the time. So he was a scholar. He was a merchant businessman. And he was also a person who would take part in military expeditions often very often. So one day he comes back from a battle, and he was close to Baghdad in a town called heat.

01:00:01 --> 01:00:17

And he passed he dies there at age 63. And he died in Ramadan. He died on the 10th of Ramadan. Rahim Allah Who? To Allah Subhana Allah this man is still his name until today is alive. May Allah have mercy upon him. Okay? Just

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do Salah.

Friday evening classes presented by Sh. Moutasem at the Abu Huraira Center.

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