Omar Suleiman – Abu Dharr Al Ghifari (RA) – Living and Dying Alone

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The importance of the relationship between Islam and religion, particularly in the early stages of life. The speakers discuss the roles people play in their lives, including leaders, agents, and employees, and the importance of knowing the person and being true to oneself. They also touch upon legal disputes and the use of language in relation to political events. The speakers emphasize the need for sensitive actions and avoiding labels.
AI: Transcript ©
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So now on e commerce until I have an account everyone are with us to me are you going to say thumbs up from now on well Haman hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen whatever we want to learn a lot I mean, what are people to learn with Tolkien a lot more slowly with cinema bad economic, Dakota suica Mohammed and sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was only he was lucky he was setting him to Seaman Cathedral. So then it tada as we go through the examples of those that are embracing Islam early on. One of the things that becomes just such an added layer of beauty is how you actually are able to see the way that these people who entered into Islam around the same time that first batch of Muslims also

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seemed to have found them themselves around one another at the time of death. And so

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if you don't want to watch the rest of this, then you can just fast forward to the end in sha Allah tada when you can. But I was just reflecting on the beauty of the relationship that will find for example, between a blue belt and a beloved Masood, and so on, so forth. So you'll start to see the way that some of these companions actually maintained a lifelong connection with one another. And it's just beautiful when you see the way that they came in, especially considering that the original class of Muslims for the most part felt or they fit a certain type of profile. And so tonight, we're going with without aletha at the LA hotel Don, who who is really, you know, and sometimes it feels

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strange to say one of my favorite companions, but in terms of his story, there's such a powerful beauty to his story like the other Sahaba but without all the alongside on hook is one of those that's not very appreciated. Though a lot of the religion as we have it today. We have through his questions to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that would fit us as well. You know with our beloved Mr. Udo the allot of time and who we mentioned that so much of the religion as we have it came through been Mr. Root whether it's called an or Hadith or film, or whatever it is, without without, it's his curiosity that makes its way into Hadeeth literature that sometimes gets to us as

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well and gives us hope and some of our moments so I'm going to go through inshallah Tada, his life and his entrance into Islam. But to introduce him first, his name was actually Jin Dube, even Jenna de john Dube, Eben Jenna, or joondalup, and livadi. Without, of course is his nickname and what he's famous for and how he is referenced in the books of Hadith. He is described as someone who has very dark skin, but he was a black Arab, so he was not from those of Abyssinia, but he was a black Arab. And he comes from this tribe of leaf out, which is particularly known as a tribe of bandits. So it's really interesting. his tribe is a scary tribe, a tribe that everyone feared because they were known

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to be highway robbers. They dwelled on the outskirts of the cities, and they would attack the caravans as they came through. And Abu Dhabi happens to belong to one of those tribes to a very prominent tribe in regards to its theft, which is the leaf out tribe, which which are found to the south of Medina. Now, without all the law of Thailand, who however, and as we see the profit slice and teaches us that some of those that had good qualities before Islam, maintain those good qualities theatrical, theatrical film, Islam, one element of that, that the best of you in the days of ignorance, or the best of you in Islam, is that those that had good qualities would only further

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polish them in Islam. So without is someone that is known to have shunned the way of his people. He was not someone that would partake in the highway robbery or the theft. He's someone that was known to be a very, very serious and very detached young men. And that's actually very important, because the Sahaba have different personalities, and it fit them well in regards to their journey in Islam and then their contribution to Islam. Okay, so without all the longtown and who is not responsible, the Allahu taala animal without is very different. He is someone who is detached from this world at a very young age. He is someone that did not really care for the ways of his people. He was not very

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social at all. He didn't have many friends, you can start to see that very early on in his formation that without was someone that was a loner, he kept to himself, even before Islam, and that personality of being introverted and keeping to himself would continue within Islam as well. So he was someone that kept to himself. He also seems to have been someone that was, you know, in rejection of the idols to an extent he didn't really believe in the idols. He didn't believe in the ways of the people of Mecca. So he leaned towards monotheism already, and he's considered from the lava he's considered from the weak and the marginalized. And of course, that fits again, the

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profile as the nominee zippity Rahim Allah says, of those that were embracing Islam very early on, for the most part, weak, young,

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marginalized, not very interested or or disillusioned with some of the the predominant ways of their people and so to heed, and some of the implications of tohave resonate with them right away. He's from, as we said, the leaf hop tribe and the default is from benaki, Nana, and benaki Nana is the overarching tribe from which Qureshi also comes so there is a relationship, a distant relationship between the father and Quraysh as well. So without his, you know, someone that tends to the outskirts of the city, he shepherds, sheep, just like the old town who shuns the ways of his people. And while he was in the what done desert, he hears about a prophet that arose in Mecca. Now, some

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had a lot, it didn't take him much time to start to inquire about who this person was that was claiming to be a prophet. And here's one of my favorite things about the story of of without, is that it's narrated by the love and bustle, the Aloha townhome and you'll see that the story of some of the early companions conversions are narrated by Eben Arbus, even though he wasn't even born when he became Muslim. How is that because I'm the love nobis would go to the companions and he would ask them their stories. He was a student of knowledge and became the scholar of this oma, he would go and he would sleep at the doorsteps of the companions and ask them questions, ask them about their

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time with the Prophet slice of them, and ask them their story. So the famous long Hadith about said mountain fantasy, well the law of China and who is narrated by Abdullah bustle, the Aloha and Homer. Likewise, when it comes to his story, his his most detailed description of how he embraced Islam does not come through, you know, some of the broader chains of narration that we find in books of CLR, typically, but actually through a head Ethan Bahati narrated from even abass of the Allahu taala and Houma. So been our bustle, the lavon, Houma and this hadith by Bujumbura, and I'll mention some of the other narrations within as well, to give the full story of Abu Dhabi. He actually asked

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the companions he says to them, his companions, meaning later on, shall I tell you the story of how I became Muslim? So they said yes. So he starts to say that without said that I was a man from the tribe of lifan. And we heard that a man had appeared in Mecca. Yes. And that was claiming to be a prophet. So I said to my brother, and in some of the other narrations, his brother's name is nice. I said to my brother, go to go to Mecca. And, you know, talk to this man and see if you can bring me some news. Go find out what's happening in Mecca, with this man that's claiming to be a prophet, and come back and let me know. So without his brother goes out to Mecca. He inquires a bit, gets a feel

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for what's happening in Mecca, and understands that there is a man that's claiming Prophethood and he starts to get a feel for who Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is and what his role in society is and how he was recognized before Islam for his good qualities and what the nature of his call is. And he comes back to us without all the low tide and when I was upset I asked him so what news do you have with you? So listen to what he says. He says, Well law he I saw a man be macadam and Allah who has such a noble set of qualities he has, he has a noble character, and yet Monroeville higher Vienna and his shop, he enjoys what is good and he forbids what is evil. So the description that he comes

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away with from the prophets lie Selim is noble character macadam, and of luck and the Prophet slicin. I'm set into my brief to meet with me my my Karima clock that I was only sent to perfect good character. So he said, I saw him a man with noble character, who commands good, who enjoys good and who forbids evil. And so without all the allowance out on who said Is that all you have, he said, that's all I have. He said, that's not enough for me. So without says, I took my water skin and my stick, and I proceeded towards Mecca. He said, neither did I know him meaning the Prophet sallallahu sallam, nor did I want to ask anyone about him because maybe I'd get in trouble done. So

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he said, I wanted to just go sort of feel things out myself. So he said, I went to the huddle. So imagine now we sort of told the story of the allow on some of the early people around the camera. He said, I went to the huddle, and I kept on drinking zum zum. So I kept on drinking from the well of Zamzam and sitting in the huddle until eventually,

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I need all the Allahu taala on who noticed me so I didn't know it, nor did he know me a little the low tide on who comes up to me and he says, Can I know Roger? No, hurry, it seems like you're from out of town. It seems like you're a stranger. So without says yes. So he told me to come on, and I proceeded with him to his house, and he did not ask me anything.

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Nor did I tell them anything. So IV is, of course, a young man, you know who's taking me, and I'm just walking with him. He's caring for me showing me hospitality, but he's not asking me any information about myself, nor my volunteering any information about myself. So I went with the law of town hall. And then in the morning, I went to the masjid, again to the huddle. I sat around there, and I tried to collect some information without being obvious about the profit slice on them again. So I deal with the law Tada, and who passed me by again. And he says to me, Mr. Dahle, allegedly yadi Forman, zita Habad. Is, hasn't the man at this point recognized his dwelling place,

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meaning, you know, if you came here from out of town, and you were waiting for someone, or you were looking to meet someone, or you were supposed to go somewhere, you would have figured it out by now. Right? So, you know, shouldn't you have recognized your dwelling place that you're, you know, your location at this point? So without still being very secretive? He just said, I said to him, no. So I deal with the law of Thailand who said, Okay, fine, come with me again. So he is wondering who he is without he does not know who it is, nor does he know anything about the profit slice anymore. It is relationship to the profit slice alone. So while Ali and I without our walking, it says to me, you

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know, so what are you here for? You know, what's your what's your, your, your business here? What's brought you here? What is it that you're looking for? So I said to ideal, the Ola hotel, I said, Listen,

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if you keep my secrets, I will tell you, so will you keep my secret? If I tell you I'm here? Well, you're not telling anyone else. So I deal with the law of time and who said, Fine, I won't tell anyone what your secret is. So without a set, so I told earlier all the law hota and who Bhavana Anna who caught holida hoonah? Rajan. Yes. And who Nabil he said, It reached us that there is a man that's come out in this area that claims to be a prophet. So he said, I sent my brother to come get some information out here. But what he came back with was too little, and I wasn't satisfied. So I wanted to come here and meet him myself. So I deal with the law of Thailand who smiled and ideal of

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the law, Tada. And it says, Allah in Mecca called the law said, he said, verily you have you know, you have been guided to the right way you've been you've reached your goal. So he says, how the wedgie Ed, I was actually just on my way to go see him. He says to Bethany So come with me to meet the Prophet salallahu Salam so he did not know and I eat all the Allahu tada and who you know, of course, is who he is. So I do the low I know says just come on with me to meet him. But this was a clear sign of Allah subhanaw taala guiding without that of all people that would catch him in Mecca and start to talk to him, it was ideal the allot of time and who Imagine if it was one of the

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enemies of the prophets, Eliza. So in any case, at least says come with me. I was going towards him now anyway. And I need all the law and who says listen,

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when I enter, or wherever I go, follow me. He said, But if I see someone who is suspicious, then I'm just going to stand near a wall, and I'm going to pretend to work on my shoes to mend my shoes. And you should go away from me at that point. So if we're walking, and it gets suspicious, because everyone knows who it is, right? So if it's clear that you're following me and someone starts to pick up on that, and I'm just going to take to the wall, I'm gonna start playing with my shoes a bit, and you go ahead and you disappear, right or you distance yourself until that person's gone, and then we can rejoin. So without a set, I've got it. He said, he went forward, and I followed him

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until we entered a place and I entered with him to meet the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and at that point, what is without while the Allahu taala and Jose, es Salaam, Arnica, Yata Sula, peace beyond to you a messenger of Allah and the Prophet slicin themselves why Nika? Salam or Aleikum? wa salam, O Allah, Allah, Allah to Googlebot our cattle and upon you the peace of Allah has mercy and His blessings. Very simple, right? It's just Salaam except here's the thing. Without it was the very first person to use a Salaam Arica Okay, so Subhana Allah, the first person when you talk about first the first to greet the Prophet slicin on with Salaam and to be greeted by the prophet slicin

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with Salaam with the greeting of Islam was without a lot of time and who and this was the context of that incident Subhana Allah so just as he was guided to meet it have to be thought about all the allowance out in the proximity of the kabah he was guided to greet the Prophet sallallahu wasallam with a Salaam sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So if you want to know where Salam comes from now, then it gives a new special layer to it. We can imagine the first conversation between bluebell and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So he said after I said saddam to him and he responded with saddam, I asked the Prophet sly Southern slum. Can you present Islam to me? So he said the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam presented

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Islam to me. He said for Islam to McCarney, he said I accepted Islam right away right in that spot. I did not move. I didn't take time to think about it right away. I accepted Islam. And the prophets I saw them said to me, yeah, I better look to them how the

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Buddha conceal this affair. What are their Isla Bella deca for either Bella vaca, the whole lunar

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Falcon, but he sets the lights on them that keep your conversion secret returned to your place, return to your people. And when you hear of our victory Falcon, then you can return to us at that point. So the profit slice alum is giving him instructions here to be careful, right? How early was the conversion of the allowed tada and who it is around the same time aside from Robbie wakasa, the law tada and so we're talking about very, very early on. Again, it's always you know, when we're talking about these early people embracing Islam, some people put him before Eben Massoud. Some people put him after even Massoud may Allah be pleased with them all. So the Prophet slicin told

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them that now without the allowance on who is a man who

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does not have any fear, and he tells the profit slice Allah, by the one who has sent you with the truth. He said, I will announce my conversion to Islam publicly to them. I'm going to tell them Yes, hello. Why would I keep it secret? yada Sula, this is beautiful. I'm going to go ahead and tell them all that I became Muslim without a comes from a tribe of people that don't fear anything. Right? So without says, I'm going to go ahead and announce my conversion to Islam publicly. Now. Even Massoud was the first to recite the Quran publicly. The first two announces Islam publicly around the Kaaba is without and this situation. He goes out to the cabin. He says, Yeah, I'm not sure operation in

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the shadow Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Mohammed Abu, what are pseudo Grace? I testify that there is no God but Allah, and that Muhammad SAW the law and he was to them as his messenger. He said, as soon as I said that, the Quraysh got up and they said, Get out, you know, go, you know, get this salt, this this sabi this Muslim, and they got up and they merely they almost beat me to death. So without as recounting the experience that they stepped on him, they beat him, they almost beat me to death. Now,

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I basally a lot of times, man who saw me, and he threw himself over me to protect me. So an Ibis, once again playing an integral role. And an Ibis, of course, was a nobleman, and someone that was respected. He turned around to the people to to then shoo them away. Now, is he going to say it's up to toto Narada and the akula Vlr. You're going to kill a man for saying, My Lord, is Allah? Or is he going to say something that works with these people? What does he say? He says, You people want to kill a man from afar. And your trade goes through the territory of the Father, like, Are you thinking about the implications if you hurt? Or if you kill a man from the Father, what are the

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father's going to do two holidays because there are a tribe of bandits and highway robbers. So the reputation of the fire saved up without all the lights on I know, in this situation. So the people, you know, they thought about and they said, you know, he has a point they left him alone. The next morning without a set, I went back, he's still telling a story. And I said again, yeah, marshadow Quraysh, India, shadowline, Allah shodhana Mohammed Abu hora, so he did it again. And he said, they beat me again. And an Ibis came to me. And he did the same thing again. And he stopped me once again. So without all the Aloha of Thailand Who said I went back to the Prophet slice of them, and

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he saw my condition and the Prophet slice of them said, didn't I tell you to keep your Islam secret, and go back to your people. So the out of soda law, it was a need within me and I fulfilled that need, I felt the need to do so. So the Prophet slicin um, said, Go back to your people, and tell them what you have seen and heard. Call them to Allah subhana wa Tada. And it may be that Allah will bring them good through you and reward you through them. And when you hear that I have that I've come out in the open, then come back to me. So the profits licenses, go back to your people and do them down. And wait until you hear instructions from me about the next step. So without returns to

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his people. And as soon as he gets back to his people who comes up to him first his brother, remember his brother who he sent? So his brother asked him, he said, what is it that happened? What you know, what did you do? And he said that I told my brother that I became Muslim. And then I believe in the truth of this man, that you had went and inquired about meaning Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So his brother responded, and he said, You know, I feel the same way. I'm not I don't I felt a connection to this Deen. So he said, I believe in what you believe into. So his brother immediately accepted Islam. So then a Buddha and his brother go to their mother. And they

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say, Let's invite her to Islam. They invite her to Islam. She said, you know, and these were simple people. She said, it makes sense. I see. No

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reason not to accept this lump. So I accept Islam as well, these people don't have the tribal restrictions, right? They're simple. They they just need to hear, you know what makes sense and what resonates with their fits. Everything is already out of the way their natural disposition towards monotheism already kicks in. So, without right away, his brother accepts Islam, his mother accepts Islam, then they go out and they start to tell the rest of leafa about Islam. And eventually, so many people from the father became Muslim, that without all the law of Thailand who started to lead them in some form of congregational prayer. Now remember, the five prayers were not yet instituted

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until Medina but at least double the law of Thailand who was leading them and pm was leading them in whatever form of Salah was coming and his people were embracing Islam in large numbers. So what happens to Pamela

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the prophets lie Selim makes his law without all the allowance Allah and who now has a way to come to come to the meet the profit slice of them to bring his tribes and this was the man it his thoughts was Salaam, who used to say, Ola guide them and bring them to me when they got to Medina,

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unbelievable the Allahu taala. And who comes with the tribe of leaf out and another tribe s&m, which is a similar tribe. And they are so many people that, you know, it seemed like they were even an attacking army of without had so many people that embraced Islam on his hand, that it seemed like it was an army that was attacking. And so the people saw it, and they were amazed by this large number of people, they came to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And they were, you know, men, women, children, all of them as Muslims and without all the allowed Tada, animosity out of the lie brought to my people, as Muslims to panela imagine how much joy the prophets Eliza unfelt when he saw all of

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these people had embraced Islam. So without did as he was told he brought all of these people to Islam, and they respected him. And they held him in high esteem and some had allowed the large number of these the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. You know, I was thinking about this, how I remember, I was once

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you know, in a conversation with an Imam who works in the inner cities, and while we were texting, he said, he said, You know, I just gave Shahada to 55 people said, What? Why don't you just keep Shabbat of 55 people just like that? He said, yeah, it was a game 255 people I just gave Shahada to a whole game. And I was like, so how are you serious and he took a picture of them all praying slots of Jamaica for the first time, literally a gang that had accepted Islam all at the at the same time, all at his hands upon Allah. And so I was thinking about this headache relief odd which was known to be you know, the, the the highway robbers of the time and they all come to the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wasallam as Muslims at that time, so do not withhold Islam from anybody you never know. Subhana Allah you never know who's going to embrace Islam, and you never know at what point things are going to, to come to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam come to the way of Mohammed Sai Salah in a way that would be pleasing to Allah and His Messenger Solaris and I'm so do not discount anybody do not find anyone unworthy of Darwin. And this is one of the lessons that we take from here as well that you know, everyone deserves this, this beautiful message and you never know who's going to come forward. So this was the tribe without all the lumps on who they came forth. Now.

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Possibly the most famous incident about a blue belt is this incident of him

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using language that that hurts the feelings of who is reported to be below the waterline right that incident of without any law or the law holds on. And I want to talk about this incident because it doesn't take away from without well the lowdown on how in any way, especially the way that it unfolded. This happens on the way to hedge Ah, okay, this narration is on the way to hidden on the without all the low tide and who got into an argument with a black man. And some of the narration suggests that it was below the allotted time. I know though that's not definitive, right. But in any case that he says to below the longtail honorary says to this man Yemenis so that you son of a black

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woman now again, without was a black Arab. So the indication here is that son of a black woman here is referring to have a shot and out of that habit from adversity and not necessarily the skin color. But he gets into this argument with the man he says this this this term Yemenis so that, and he goes to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam and the prophets lie Selim says, Did you call his mother bad names? Did you really insult him with his mother and he said that you are a man that still has some of the traits of jelly without missed the Tobia he did not have the mentorship and the

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Culture of the prophets lifetime in his in his companions in Mecca and Dada outcome and some of the other ways that they were being trained. And that made up without feel. So bats have had a lot to hear that that that admonishment from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And of course, we know that he makes Toba and, and you know his Toba is beautiful, right? I mean, it's complete humility, you know, asking for, for retribution, asking for anything to be taken upon him and learning a beautiful lesson from that so much so that we find that without all the a lot of thought, and who later on there's a narration In fact, the narration which, without narrates that this happened with him is he

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was walking and there was, you know, there was a freed slave that was wearing a book that was wearing a garment, just like without and it was a really nice garment. And he was feeding him the same way he was treating him the same way he was giving him all of the exact same things that he was given. So it was Imola someone that was under his care. So without all the allowed Tada, and when he did, that, someone said to him, you know, it's, it's amazing that, you know, he's dressed in the exact same way as you and without all the law of town who mentioned this incident that took place with the Prophet sallallahu it he was seldom, and he said that the Prophet slicin um, said that they

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are your brothers that Allah has put under your command. So the one under whose hand Allah has put his brother should feed him of what he eats, dress him of what he wears, and should not ask him to do anything beyond his capacity. And if at all, he asked him to do a hard task, then he should help him in that task and without all the allowance out and who became known for freeing slaves. So this became an actual habit of up without, well, the Allahu anhu and by the way, you know, we there's even a famous slave Christian sleeve by the name of john had been Hawaii, who, who had freed that fought alongside Hussein all the alongside I know, on the day of his massacre, so freeing those that

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were enslaved became a habit of unbelievable the allow Daniel, and this famous Hadith, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that there is no virtue over one with white skin or black skin, or there's no virtue for one with white skin or black skin except by taqwa. This is narrated by a widow the longtime so he's the one that narrates that there is no virtue. Of course, the prophets license said this on multiple occasions, but here that there's no virtue of one with white skin over one with black skin except by righteousness except by piety and tough one, it's a hadith in Muslim, little hemagglutinin. So this does not take from the status of without it because it was

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part of his learning and his part of coming to a lot in his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and how do we know that this does not take away from the status of without and this is, you know, a lesson for those of us and redemption as well. Right? You know, imagine how demoralizing it could be for the profit slice I'm to say to you, that you still have traits of the days of ignorance traits of jelly, you might think you'll never get ahead because of that right? But what did the Prophet sighs Some say about without all the alongside and he said Nah, volatile ha bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, US DACA mean,

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that the Earth has there is no one more truthful that the sky has shaded, or that the Earth has carried than without all the allowance add on. There is no person more truthful that the sky has shaded and that the Earth has ever carried than without all the allowance that I know. And so that shows us that, you know, there's hopes of panela even for a person that fell into that level of being admonished by the profit slice of them, that he was able to rise to be spoken about in such a praiseworthy way, by the Messenger of Allah sallallahu. It was some of some of the scholars they mentioned that one of the reasons why the profit slice on mentioned a slip clear is because without

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it as someone who's never afraid to speak the truth, he's someone that holds himself most accountable to the truth. And he fears not the repercussions of the truth. And so without as harsh as he will be with everyone else's will see that he had a harsh personality. And that's why the Prophet slicin obsessed without that he doesn't recommend him he tells him that you shouldn't take a position of leadership. Because you know, there were certain signs of weakness that would not fit him as a leader. Well, the Allahu anhu and this was from the place of Nah, see how the prophets lie, some said, because I love for you what I love for myself. Yeah, without inactive if you're weak, and

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it is an Amana when the Yeoman quanity has gone. When Adama it's a trust and on the Day of Judgment, it will be a source of regret and remorse if you don't do right by it, so I don't recommend you you should not take a position of leadership. So he he is someone with a lot of time I know that has a particular personality, a particular a particular stern nature, that he holds himself accountable.

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First, so he's not arrogant or rough with others and not rough with himself, he's rougher with himself than everybody else will be a lot of time. But you know, he's not suited to be a leader, for certain reasons, because of perhaps some of the scholars say that life here is referring to temperament, or maybe he'll be rough, not necessarily status, or things of that sort, he might be rough with the people. So he is the most truthful man as the prophets lie, some said that ever walked the face of the earth. And of course, this excludes the prophets of Allah. And this was a form of praise and not for the Aloha Town Hall. And we take it at what it means at its value that

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the prophets I send him was, you know, was was emphasizing the sick, the truthfulness of without a lot of the a lot of time. So, what are some other things to pay attention to with this man without, without all the allowance out and who now came to Medina, he establishes himself has a very unique personality, someone who is very dedicated to the truth, someone that does not shy away from the implications of the truth? How do we how do we deal with this? Well, we start to see that there are so many ahaadeeth so many a hadith of without asking the Prophet sly some questions, keeping his company asking him questions. And as a result of that, Subhanallah we have so many things that not

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only have without applied as virtues for us to try to apply as well. But, but things that give us hope as people that are that are disconnected from the era of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. So I'll go through some of these narrations. One of them is narrated by NSL villalta. And that the Prophet slice alum Mehta without all the low tide, and he said, Yeah, but without, shall I not show you two qualities that are light as a burden, but heavy on your scale than others heavier on your scale than others? Let me tell you of two things that are not too hard. But at the same time, they're heavy on the knees. And without a set of course, yeah, yes, love course. So messenger of

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Allah. So the Prophet slicin said, it could be her snail Whoa, look, we'll call this soft. He said, some of Lahore and he was telling them, that you should observe personal hook good character, while to the soft and long periods of silence. And he said, by the one and whose hand is the soul of Mohammed sly, Sonam, this the prophets lie some speaking, he said, no one will behave with two deeds more beloved to Allah than these two. So, silence is important long periods of silence and good character are heavy in the sight of Allah. You find a hadith of without all the longtime einhell which is so relevant to us now. Without was the one who sets the Prophet slice me out of sort of

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law. A man loves a people but he cannot keep up with them in regards to their good deeds. He loves the people, but his good deeds are not like their good deeds, and the prophets I send them set up without or without, enter madman. But you will be with the one that you love. And without all the law Tada. And he was so pleased, he said, I love Allah, and His Messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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you know, repeated in that guy, but then you will be with the one that you love. So Pamela, so the idea of you are with those that you love, we get this from without all the low tide on who as well. The famous Hadith where, without all the where were some of the companions are complaining that the rich Sahaba have taken all of the good deeds because they have money to give charity. And we don't this hadith is narrated in one narration from without all the a lot of time and who personally asking the Prophet slice on the outside of LA, the rich are running away with all the has enough, we don't have the wealth that they have to spend, to give in charity. And the Prophet sallallahu

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wasallam responds, and he gives a booth out of the prescription of sadaqa that we have as well to say Subhana Allah 33 times and hamdulillah 33 times Allahu Akbar 33 times followed by Nile Allah wa who knows ecola no medical condition, but then, after every prayer, so this had the youth we also take from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam through without all of the Allahu taala and so that's the nature of the questioning of avoidable the Allah knows how do I keep up? How do I keep up yellow Scylla because I was in his sick in his truthfulness always felt like he was deficient with his good deeds. And that's a sign of truthfulness that a person is truthful with themselves. So

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they're always aspiring for more. They never are complacent. And that was of course, so deep above Beckett or the law of time, I know more than anyone else, never complacent with this situation. So so many of these IDs that come through without all the allowance of asking how to stay at pace with

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Those companions that without did not imagine himself out of his humility, to be in the same class as though he was all the time with his righteousness, and Subhanallah that brings us to, you know, to a very particular incidence of taboo.

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Now, in our book,

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The Prophet Sly Stone was going to tell us without something that would stick with him until his death, and that would prophesize his death, which is similar to what the prophet spy Sam did, for example, with Earth not have not found all the lowdown on this narration from the low town who describes the scene of taboo now, to book was, of course, a difficult expedition in which the hypocrites were exposed. They gave all sorts of excuses. They tried to demoralize the entire Muslim army. It's what we find the harsh admonition from Allah in or in regards to in the poor. Okay, the hypocrites that tried to give excuses and and actually demoralize the rest of the army as well to

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not go along with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So what's happening here? Obviously, without a there's no hypocrite had been Massoud says that there were a group of Muslims. There were some that held back and they started to give all sorts of different excuses to the prophets lie Sunday. And the prophets lie some he accepted their excuses. And he went forth with those Sahaba that stuck with him. In tabuk. He said that the further that they got into the expedition, the more exhausted the army became. And so at that point, you started to have people falling off from the army of tabuk. Why? Because it was hot, it was in the peak of the summer. And so people were

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exhausted. And so as they're going along, in this journey, another group of people fall behind, and they give excuses. And the Prophet slicin continues to march forward, as his army is getting smaller and smaller and smaller, although the Allahu taala and who and listen to what the prophets lysozyme said. He said Salalah Hardy was so long as they were going and some people would be left behind some of the Sahaba with the prophets licenciado sulla, we still have these people that are left behind the prophets license said, It's okay, let's keep going. And if there's any higher in him, If Allah knows of any good in him, then a loss of habitat will cause him to reach you. And if he is, if it's

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Other than that, meaning if he doesn't have any good in him, then Allah subhanaw taala has relieved us of him. All right. So if people are getting left behind, and they're making their excuses and they're dropping off, let's not hold up the whole army continue to march forward. If Allah sees good in them, Allah will cause them to catch up. And if they are of the other group of the hypocrites, then we're relieved of them anyway, they're a burden upon us anyway, and we don't need them. So

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at some point as they're on this expedition,

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the prophets lie Selim takes note and the people take note that up without is missing out without is not a hypocrite. up without it is not one to make excuses. This is the man who first went out and took beatings for a loss man, oh, Thailand for the messenger slice, right? He's not one that's going to hold back. So it was a little surprising to those that were around the profit slice on them and to the profit slice them as well, that was that was not with them. So they told the prophets lie some of them

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that without stayed behind. And they, you know, they they said that, you know, it might be that his camel had slowed down because even the camels were getting exhausted in this expedition. So the Prophet slicin repeated, let's just continue to go forward. Now what was happening with up without, without, his camel indeed, had become weak. And because his camel gave out in the hot weather, and due to thirst and a Buddha was not able to care for his camel. It started to stumble, due to its fatigue, and so on. He keeps on trying to move the camel forward, and the camel slows down and slows down and slows down. So without, gets left behind. Now, without at this point, because he realized

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that the army with the prophets lie some had gotten so far ahead. He gets off of his camel, he grabs his belongings, he leaves his camel behind, and he runs as fast as he can by foots to join the prophets lie some of the companions. So the next day, I mean, this is how far behind he'd fallen. The next day. The Muslims were together around the profit slice of them and they see a man running and a cloud of dust behind him. And look at what the prophets lysozyme says, the prophets lie, some says couldn't let it be a Buddha. This is his love for him without Let it be without I hope it's.

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So the Sahaba they when they heard the prophets lie, some say that they went to see who it was, and they

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Shout it out to the prophets I send them yada Silla, it's, it's up with us and the Prophet slicin was so happy that it was up without all the Allahu taala and, and then the prophets lie Selim, he said, Your ham Allah, may Allah have mercy on us without yeah issue Why'd we move to one or you buy to sell may Allah have mercy on you.

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He walks alone, he dies alone, and he will be resurrected alone. He lives alone, he dies alone, and he'll be resurrected alone. So how that's an amazing prophecy, right? But that, without has always been a loner, he's always been by himself, and he will die alone as well. And he will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment alone. And of course, this was a sense of praise for without all the longtime, I know, not a sense of belittling him, or putting him down but that without always he's defined by being alone. And Subhanallah years go by the prophet slicin, on passes away. And without all the Aloha Thailand who lives to see the era of earth model the a lot of time when he lives to

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see, you know, Islam spreading through the world, and he lives to see a sham, greater Syria coming into Islam and he sees the wealth that comes into the oma and without remembered the hard days with the Prophet slice on them. And without who was a Zionist who was an ascetic, he didn't like this. So he would constantly argue with the people over the wealth that was coming into the oma. And because he was, you know, he found it too difficult. I mean, imagine somehow he could not take seen the goodness that came into the oma in terms of the wealth, he found it too difficult to understand and to, to connect with the people as the wealth was coming into the oma and I'm paraphrasing,

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obviously, you know, for the sake of, of this lecture, but eventually, you know, what he sees as this pursuit of pleasure or this pursuit of riches and wealth, eventually he asks her if mom will be allowed to live in a place known as a robata. So a Roberta would be on the outskirts of the city. It's to the east of Medina, on the way to Iraq, he said, You know, I want to live by myself, do I have permission to go live by myself away from the people, because he could not, he just could not, you know, connect with the new status of so many people of the wealth that was coming into the oma. And so it's modeled the law of town and approved his request. So he goes in, he lives by himself,

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with his wife, and with one young boy, he lives by himself in the middle of nowhere, no one else lived in love with him. And the only time that you would see up without him is if you were on your way from Edina to Iraq or back, okay, which is very important. And there are some, you know, there's a narration that a man passed by, and he's found without his house all by himself, and he says to him, you know, where are your possessions and he said, we have a house in the hereafter to which we send the best of our possessions, we don't have our possessions here, we send our possessions to the hereafter. So huizhou had his asceticism was very different, was very unique in that sense. And he

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stays away from the people. And he lives in this situation, where he's not around the community anymore. And he's living as the profit slice, I'm set alone. Now. So Pamela and alaba, his, his, his death starts to come. And as he's dying, as he's starting to feel, the hardships of death, his wife is weeping. Why? Because, you know, obviously, she doesn't know what to do. We live in the middle of nowhere. So he's going to die here, you know, there's not going to be a janazah for him, who's going to take care of him, right? he's just he's not in the same situation as the other Sahaba This is a great Sahaba of the prophets lights on them. And what does Allah say? He comforts his wife by saying

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that the prophets lie Selim told a group of us that a group of believers will find you and prey upon you. So he told me that a group of believers will find you will find me and they will prey upon me. And, you know, I know that a saw that I know that the truth will and the prophets license would not tell me except for the truth, so don't worry, Allah will send some believers and they will take care of me. They'll prepare me for death and they'll pray janazah on me, as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said because that is a prophecy that is yet to happen. So without all the law of Thailand who lays down and he dies in the middle of nowhere,

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and his wife and this young boy, they wash him and they put the coffin around unbelievable. The Allahu taala and who and I want you to imagine the scene is panela in the middle of nowhere, they, his wife then goes out and she holds his body and she she just leaves his body she sits with his body.

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stretched out laying down in his coffin, on the route. And keeping to what up without a said that a group of believers would come and they would find a bottle of the law of town. And they would take care of him. And some had a lot at that moment, a group of believers comes through. And again, this is the route of Medina to Iraq. And who is leading this group of people who is this group of people, it's not other than the love of the Massoud or the Allahu Tada, and some of his students.

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These first two companions that entered into Islam together and had very similar statuses have been Massoud who remembered the incident of tabuk. And it just so happened that Allah sent none other than that great scholar, that great companion at that moment with his students, and love and miss Ruth or the alota. And

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walking but traveling by the House of without any sees the body of without stretched out. And I've been misusing the law of town and who comes and he brings his students with him. And he sees a without and he starts to weep, starts to weep, he sees runs parallel, he starts to weep and he goes down. And he kisses the forehead of without all the law of Thailand. And he says recalling he repeats what the prophets lie Some said without he said lying Allah. May Allah have mercy on you, without tarisha watamu to work with tobacco, why duck you will live alone, you will die alone and you will be raised alone. It's Pamela think about that incident. It's it's you know, you can't make

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a movie, you know, where things would be put so perfectly in place. up without an oven, Massoud came into Islam together. And here it is Ruth who remember that incident of tabuk and who is now you know, not not only not away from the people, but recognize this as this. This legacy of or an amongst the people a governor and someone that is transforming the oma with Oregon and he sees his friend outstretched in the middle of nowhere, two different journeys, but they end up at the same point together. And I've been Massoud kissing him and honoring him. And then who praise Jenna's on him I beloved Mr. Evil, the law of town. And that group of students have been Miss rude while the

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Allahu taala and who and truly without lives alone, he dies alone, and he will be raised up on the Day of Judgment alone meaning with a special status. So Pamela, there's so many different things that we could take from this, but I think it's important for us to just acknowledge and to appreciate different personalities, yet their different personalities did not stop them from reaching that elite status that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had spoken about. And so without all the allowed time and who was a unique ascetic, he was a unique Ziad, but at the same time, look at what happens with him and look at the position that he has in Islam. Allah Subhana Allah be pleased

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with him, have mercy upon him and gather us with him and all of the companions and the profits and the margins and the rightest ones with our profit so lysozyme agenda through dos Aloma, I mean, just like Malala heighten, was Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

One of the most beloved of the Sahabahs. One of the ten promised Paradise. The one whom the Prophet prophesied as one who shall live alone, who shall die alone and who shall be resurrected alone. What was meant this prophesy? And who was Abu Dhar Al Ghifari? What made him so blessed that many ahadiths trace their source back to him?

Truly this concise and informative talk by the beloved Imam Omar Suleiman on this beloved Sahabahs deserves your time and concentration today.

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