Omar Suleiman – You Need Three Things To Be Happy

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The importance of taking notes, being a model, and looking forward to life is crucial to achieving happiness. The challenges of working and finding success in life are also discussed. The importance of avoiding drastic behavior and showing compassion is emphasized. The speakers stress the need for people to participate in a charity fundraiser and emphasize the importance of showing respect and compassion when dealing with negative behavior. The return of Islam to the United States is discussed, with some speakers suggesting it may be a result of a culture of fear and a desire to live in peace.
AI: Transcript ©
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alameen wa ala alihi wa I mean what are people tuning in with subpoena lahoma somebody was telling him about a quarter of Dakota so they can Mohammed in Salalah Han he was one of them. While he was happy he was suddenly into * kathira their brothers and sisters a loss of Hannah hoods Allah says in the end was Sadie or a llama, fellow teammate Robbie como Jonathan Otto has sama went out on a limb clean. Allah subhanaw taala says and rush

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towards the forgiveness of your Lord and a paradise that is as vast as to what the entire heavens and the earth and it has been promised for. And

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I want you to appreciate how special this idea is just for a moment because when we talk about the topic of the sun, before sun can be achieved, there has to be something that is called taqwa. And axon is a level above sign is a step above. And I was reading a book called the principles of happiness. And there is a quote in there. And the book was based on these principles, by a man by the name of Jose Addison, and I want you to listen very closely to what he said. He said that there are three levels or there are three things that are needed in order to live a happy life. Three things, you're taking notes, it's easy, it's not hard, inshallah something to do

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something to love, and something to look forward to

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Jose Addison, something to do something to love, and something to look forward to. Many times people go through the motions of this life, and they don't have any real purpose. They go through the motions of this life thinking that they're going to achieve happiness using the same ways and the same methods that so many people have sought to achieve happiness through and gained absolutely nothing but misery, and regrets and remorse. Because at the end of the day, they felt nothing. They saw nothing. They saw that their lives had went to waste.

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And many times people seek as my brother a model would say to be extraordinary, but they end up being extra ordinary, no purpose, no purpose.

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And here, when we look through these three principles, I want you to think about it before we refer back to the Quran. Why is it that we need these three things, if you have two of them, you will not be a happy person. And this is true islamically speaking too. But let's look at our lives for a moment, something to do something to love something to look forward to. Whenever a person tries to work towards retirement, and they've worked their entire lives to have an early retirement. And whenever you're a teenager, whenever you go to college and yours, you're usually susceptible to all the pyramid schemes and all those things that tell you that you can get rich and retire by the age

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of 25. And Mashallah, you'll be able to sit back what happens to people when they retire. What happens to people when they have money, what happens to people when they no longer have a necessity of working, you know what they want to do, they still want to work,

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they start to feel like they're losing meaning in their lives. So that's why you'll see people some Hanalei, even towards the end of their lives, they have something to love. They have something to look forward to, but they have nothing to do. And because of that, now, we need to start thinking of work, they give themselves work, I need to walk around this much every day. I need to do this much every day. Because we all need to feel productive. We need to feel like there's action in our lives. We need to feel like we're working towards something we need to feel like we're being put to good use, or else we feel like there is nothing left.

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Something to love. Many times people are very busy. And they have a lot of work. They make a lot of money. They go through the motions of this life, muscle loss successful in every single aspect except for spirituality.

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And they their family starts to fall apart. their businesses are expanding, their wealth is expanding. their reputation is expanding, but the family's falling apart. The people that are friends with them are just friends with them because they want their money and they no longer have any meaningful relationships because success has its price.

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They've got something to do. They've got something to look forward to, but they've got nothing to love and life falls apart.

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The wealth becomes a punishment. The success becomes a punishment in this dunya to them

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And then sometimes people have something to do and something to love. But you know what happens to celebrities and people who went after fame, and who spent their entire lives trying to build their rep their repertoire so that they could get to a level where everybody admires them. And everybody knows their names. You know what happens to them, they shave their heads bald and take a baseball bat and start beating people's cars.

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They commit suicide in hotel rooms.

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All they say they want they start having interviews on TV, like Mr. Keane, poor people, and say All I want is to be able to go out with my family and have an ice cream cone without a camera in my face. Yes, salaam you had that.

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Nothing to look forward to the dunya wasn't all that it was made out to be.

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But unfortunately, most people will be sheep. And they'll go through these motions, and they have nothing. And you know what, dear brothers and sisters one of the most dangerous things from a dean perspective, one of the worst things that can happen to your faith is when you become part of status quo. Whenever you are on the brink of hypocrisy, because the only thing that you do is you meet the standards of society. The only thing that you do is you give just enough charity so that people won't say, hey, you need to give some more charity. You go to the masjid just enough so people don't say hey, you need to go to the masjid. You do just enough you give just enough back so that people

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accept you so that you're meeting society's standards and why is that on the brink of hypocrisy?

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What are the two hardest Salawat according to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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I can't hear you guys.

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fudge it in Asia.

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Now Mashallah, when we look at SSL, if you go to any measured in the country, you'll find that ISI is the most crowded salaat and usually budget comes at a close number two.

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So we can all say Mashallah, there's no hypocrisy in the oma, right? We're all doing so well. Or maybe it was a loss. I seldom said that. Because, you know, it's hard to wake up for, because you might oversleep and so on, so forth. And why did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say that and what was the context of that? The context of that, dear brothers and sisters, is that the monastiraki in the hypocrites would not bother themselves going to President Asia, because at those times, you didn't have chandeliers and lights and those types of things. You got a feather in Asia, nobody would know you were there anyway. So hey, I'm meeting society's standards. Look, I'm there

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for the whole process.

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Think about that for a moment.

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Meeting status quo, making sure that everything is okay in other people's eyes, making sure that I'm doing just enough, I give just enough I do just enough so people will say Mashallah, he's a good brother, Mashallah. She's a good sister.

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And in reality, you know what you're doing?

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You're just as guilty as Tiger Woods when he gets caught sleeping with 20 women, and he stands up on a stage and he says, I am so sorry.

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Or john edwards in the United States, the senator, the people's champion, who got caught cheating on his cancer stricken wife after they lost their son in a car accident. And everyone's analyzing how sincere will his apology be on national TV? I am so sorry.

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Now, before that happens, these individuals, these people who get caught and exposed, they were picture perfect individuals. They were in the magazines with their families holding their kids, Mashallah a role model for society. But in reality, you know, what they were guilty of doing, they were putting a pretty face to a very ugly relationship.

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And many times we do that with a lie zone, we put on a pretty face for an ugly relationship for a very dysfunctional relationship, but society can't know how bad it is.

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And think about that for a moment, dear brothers and sisters, those people when they get caught, are they sad? Are they saying sorry? Because they actually feel remorseful? Or are they saying sorry, because they face the consequences, the societal consequences of those actions, because they got exposed? Where were you when you were actually in the process of committing all of the sin

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is just because they got exposed. Now let's take this back to our discussion about Assad. Remember, we said that there are three principles of happiness What are they Hurry up saying back to me? You guys need to wake up something to

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and then

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and then

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all of this is answered in the ayah that I read was Sadie Oh, and rush something

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Do Isla de la Tim Miller up be calm to the forgiveness of your Lord something to love what Jonathan Otto has Santa out

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and a paradise that is as vast as the heavens in the earth Allahu Akbar. They're figuring it out now and they're writing books on it. But Allah already spoke it 1400 years ago, it's upon Allah. And Allah subhana wa tada says, are a little more clean, that has been prepared for those who are conscious of Allah subhana wa tada and they're being conscious of Allah subhanaw taala leads them to fear of loss of how not to either and be in all the loss of heroin to Allah and love Allah subhanho wa Taala it's not just any type of consciousness, because sometimes you're aware of someone watching you but you don't respect the presence of that person. enough to really fear them. You're conscious

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of Allah subhanaw taala and because you're conscious of Allah subhana wa Tada. You watch yourself and taqwa, dear brothers and sisters, we said it's a prerequisite to our son. Before we talk about our son. We have to talk about taqwa. And to summarize taqwa in one sentence, as the scholars say, tuck what is to avoid Allah RC. To avoid the sense as to how powerful they allow Thailand who said when you're walking through bushes, thorny bushes, and you're making sure that you're not getting poked, and if you get poked, you don't keep walking and letting your body tear up.

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When you get poked, you come back into your path, because before we can talk about excelling, we need to stay away from those things. We need to make sure that the relationship between us and Allah subhanaw taala does not have anything that will make it deficient that will make it dysfunctional, that will make it a pretty face to an ugly relationship. So Allah subhanaw taala says, or

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even appa Rahim, Allah to Allah, he has a beautiful Tafseer of this ayah Why does the loss of hundreds Allah talk about something to look forward to engender? Because in dunya, you see people who have it all who get all the millions of dollars that they want, who by a private island and they're still miserable, because this is it. There's nothing left. And he says Rahim Allah to Allah.

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Allah Darren, Hera, mahalo Lita, everybody, Allah subhanaw taala. Because of that, the psychology Think about it. He has made the ark era, the place where he will repaid the believers, the underhive he doubt la tercera Narada neuroglia home, Allahu Akbar, because this world cannot fit what Allah wants to give us. doesn't have it. This world cannot fit what Allah wants to give us. When he and the whole agenda Dara Hamada and your Aplia home feed dad in law and because Allah has honored the believers to give he has given them too much dignity and too much honor to give them something that will be given to them or to give them in a world that doesn't have any eternity allowance to give us

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something that lasts Well, a year or two. Hi, Ron, whatever call and the Euro is better and everlasting.

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Now, Allah subhanaw taala is going to give us the definition of a son. Now that we make sure that there is nothing because you know what, I don't care how good I don't care how many flowers you bring to your wife.

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If you're cheating on your wife, it's not gonna help.

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I don't care how nice Your words are to your wife to the person that you love. If your actions are showing nothing but disrespect, then those words become nothing. taqwa.

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Making sure that everything is Saleem, I have peace with my Creator. I'm at peace with my Creator. I'm aware of him and that's what drives me. Now Allah subhana wa tada is going to give us the definition of Assad.

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Was Saudi or Isla de la team Robbie como Jonathan Otto has sama out or a Declan mucha tiene la la Vina UNC Puna ficelle wah wah wah wah, well tell the mean allays well as seen on in US will, La Jolla, hiboy Morrison in listen to these definitions, those who give in both hardship and an ease, and those who swallow their anger and those who pardon people and allow loves a lesson in Allah loves those who excel. Think about this for a moment. You know, their brothers and sisters. Whenever there is a fundraiser, everyone's going to be looking around for the wealthy. If I'm doing the fundraiser, I'm going to be looking around I'm going to ask the organizers of this conference. I'm

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gonna say who are the

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usual donors, who are the millionaires in this conference? Who are those who always give were the doctors were the engineers were the people that are a high level. Those are who we need to identify to give FISA at law.

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And no one's going to look to the one who's having a hard time in his life and say, Hey, you need to give peace of mind in law, no one's gonna look to the blue collar worker and say, Hey, give me Sabina law. No one's gonna say that to him.

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People don't expect it. But a lot expected. People don't expect it. society doesn't expect it. What society expects is that those who have lots of money have to give a portion back. So celebrities and athletes who care nothing about the world and who care nothing about social justice, and who cared nothing about the starving children in Africa will make sure that they establish a charity Foundation, because that's what society expects. But no one's gonna come up to you. When you're having trouble paying your bills and say, I give a piece of the law because it's not expected of you. But the Morison The one who excels expects that of himself. He puts himself to the test. And

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that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that one did hum exceeded in Belka and reward 100,000 Dellums.

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Think about that for a moment. How's that possible? Yes, little luck. Because he was the guy who gave one he only had two. He only had two. Whereas the guy who had 100 who gave 100,000 had alfalfa he had a million 1000 by 1000. So which one suffered more as a result of what he gave? The guy who gave one that one don't have means more in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala than the 100,000 dirhams? Why? It wasn't expected? It wasn't expected.

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What is that sound their brothers and sisters? Whenever jabril Allah is was Salam asked the Prophet sallallahu it was Solomon howdy jabril and Tabitha la haka, Anika Torah, that you worship Allah subhanho wa Taala as if you see him. And if you can't see him, then you know what, you know, he sees you. And that's what drives you. No one expects you to give whenever you're in hardship, but you know what, push yourself to give, push yourself to give not because people expect it from you, not because society has those standards, but because your standard is with Allah subhanho wa Taala wild cow the meaning of life, and those who swallow their anger. You know, everyone expects you to have a

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cool head, and to not have a bad temper when everything is okay. But if someone was to walk up to you, and to call you a name, or to say something about your mother, or to offend you, or to insult your Kabila or your tribe, or whatever it is,

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then society expects you to respond. No one's gonna tell the guy that just got offended. Hey, you have no right to respond, though you have every right to respond. That's justice. You have every right to respond to that attack. You have every right to respond to that assault, you have every right to respond to that disrespect. Everyone expects you to respond.

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But you know what? That person has a different standard and will tell the mean allay. Those who swallow their anger. You know, Subhanallah when we talk about anger, you know, it's not controlling your temper. When someone comes to you, and someone offends you. And you say, May Allah forgive you,

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like Fiddler? caffee Elia Sam hochiki. May Allah forgive you, you're actually using that as an attack because you're telling the guy that you're wrong. May Allah forgive you. You're yelling it at him. Everyone expects you to do that. Or if it shows on your face, or if you go

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huffing and puffing, right, clenching your fists, letting it show on your face. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with Abdullah Al Maktoum you know what he did? You know what I would say is this.

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Literally, the two lines that you would see in your forehead that's verbose. If a person just does this

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not May Allah forgive you and may a lot do away with you know, her boss, but he's a moisten sallallahu sallam, he is the greatest Merson, Allah holds him to a higher standard. And you know what, you should hold yourself to a higher standard, just because people expect you to respond just because it's just

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is for you to respond, hold yourself to a different standard and swallow your anger and say, Does Zach alive?

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Does that? Let it go? You know why? Because you want a law, who has every right to be angry with you and I

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to not be angry with us on the Day of Judgment.

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And then finally Allah subhanaw taala says, Well, I feel not in us and those who pardon people if someone takes your rights and this is the difference between an eye for an eye and a turn your other cheek, it's right in the middle. If someone takes your hack from you, you have every right to request it back you have every right to demand justice Islam gives you that right but Islam tells you what in the law yet little bit. Well axon, Allah commands you enjoins you with justice and compassion. What is the sign that a lot of talking about compassion, because justice without compassion will be worthless? You should show mercy. You should show compassion, you'll be rewarded

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inshallah. But if you choose to take your right that's fine. If you don't know that he can, I mean asmin more.

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That is a matter that requires determination as to who Allah Allah. His reward is with a loss of loss palletizers and sort of shorter, no one expects you to say let it go. society expects you to take care right back but if you're a person like apobec and acidic or the law of Thailand, I want you to imagine the situation dear brothers and sisters

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apobec could acidic or they allow his daughter I saw the law Ana was slandered with the word slander, accused in her chastity and that hurt the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam horrible Beckett and loved more than Ayesha and that hurt his own daughter. Not only that, but one of the men who passed the slander was misled a relative who I will bucket or the low tide on who used to give charity to on a routine daily basis. you imagine? If it turns out that the one who caused your daughter and your most beloved Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the one who caused them that pain was one that you used to give money back that's used to give money to all the time. If

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anything, you can go to the guy and say, Look, I'm not gonna beat you down. I'm not gonna beat you with a baseball bat. But give me back the money. If anything, it's only normal. We would expect that we would do that. Go down and say at least give me that money while I was giving you money to live you were slandering my daughter Give me my money back or at least go to him and say you should be ashamed of yourself.

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I don't want the money back but you should be ashamed of yourself. I will back it on the law. I know when he found out about the slander of ice on all the allowed Tyler and He only said one thing

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he sets upon a lot was Mr.

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I'm not going to give him charity anymore.

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Seriously, I'm not going to give him charity anymore. That's it.

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But on top of that, Eliza data reveals in the

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34 while you're

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allowed to head bone if it Allahu lecom

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let them forgive and let them part in.

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Don't you love that Allah will pardon you.

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panela will lie if we remember this eye all the time. It would completely refine our whole look and our character and completely redefine our interactions with one another.

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Wouldn't you love that Allah forgives you and pardons you because you know what on the day of judgment about so law sly Salam says man you shall resist

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whoever is held accountable and another de wire in the home and so Eli yom Okayama funkadelic As for the one who is asked on the Day of Judgment he will perish and I shall have the allow on her said Jada pseudo law but doesn't a law say well I'm I'm an OTA he turbo will be a meanie. For sofa you have several a sub aclr As for the one who receives his book in his right hand, he'll have an easy accountability. Well soulless. iclm says that he can.

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That's the presentation of your deeds. But if a law starts calling you out on each and every single one of your deeds

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or the you will perish and you will be punished.

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Manila yahama your ham whoever does not show mercy mercy will not be shown to him.

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You want a lots of part in you part in it

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Because you're seeking the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala allow you to name and Allah subhanaw taala loves the those who excel and one more Ayah dear brothers and sisters, a lot continues when levina eva alpha he sets an overall amo and foster home. That Care Law festival thoroughly is an OB him and those who whenever they commit

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a sin, something that is not befitting a one on one fusa home are they wrong themselves? They don't remember Oh wait, the community is gonna say this. Oh wait. Now my career is over. Now my reputation is going to be dragged through the mud. Remember they're thinking only for a law. That kettle law. They remember a law

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festival photo leaves and obey Him. So they say they ask Allah subhana wa tada for forgiveness and a lot console's the believers. What many of you know is the Nova Allah Allah? Who would forgive your sins except for Allah subhanho wa Taala what am your several Allah Masha Allah, Allah mon, and they will never be able to bring themselves back to that same sin, over and over and over and over again, knowingly, being aware of Allah subhanaw taala watching them,

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their brothers and sisters, all of this that we just described as a facade. All of this is called ignoring society's standards, ignoring the status quo, ignoring what people expect of you, and looking to what Allah expects of you, and looking to the pleasure of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, and not worrying about what other people say, and not worrying about what other people think. Only being concerned with the opinion of one

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And I just want to end with one thing, dear brothers and sisters, and I want you to think about this. A lot as Odell says in the Quran,

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little Nadine axonal news now was the

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for those who have a son is a listener, those who excel they will have an excellent reward and more.

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Now in krisna, is an agenda. And we already mentioned here what Allah subhanaw taala mentioned, what he has prepared for us in terms of an agenda.

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And that it's something that's not befitting to be given in this dunya because if it's given in this dunya then it won't fit. And if it's given in this dunya then it won't last. And dear brothers and sisters, the Sahaba asked are so lost a lot of us.

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We understand this now. We understand that Allah will give us an agenda. What's more than Jenna?

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What could possibly be more than 10? What is was the other and what did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam say?

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another era which he loves?

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Another Illa watch Hila to stare at the face of Allah.

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The one who you were working for the whole time.

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The one who when you used to come to Salah as the brother was mentioning the SEC was mentioning you were coming because Robin Mushtaq heart that was missing him. Looking forward to that conversation, that dialogue with Allah. The one who was that you were remembering when anyone was harming you, you would say and hamdulillah Allah will have something better. The one who on any hardship struck you. You remembered him and you said in that Ilana la Roger on, we belong to Him and to Him we return anyway.

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That one a loss pattern, what's Allah getting a chance to stare at his face.

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And some people get to stare at him and I'll done that every day.

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Some people have it twice a day. Some people have it once a week,

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getting a chance to consistently Look at him sapan hautala

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because you love him.

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And that love that you had for him. It drove you. Everyone has something that drives them. Everyone has something that gets them out of bed every morning. Everyone has something that drives them to work and gets them through the day. The believer has pursuing the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And even if I listened very closely to this, the mentality of the moisten is as such, even if Allah did not have a agenda prepared for us, or a Hellfire from which we seek refuge in Him.

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You still would not disobey Allah.

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You would still love him and that would still be enough of a driving force as

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All motivated football brother. Tyler I know sad about So hey, but roaming about the low tide I know.

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Even if there was no Heaven or *,

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even if Allah subhanaw taala did not prohibit disobedience. Let me honestly, he would never be able to disobey Allah subhanaw taala because that's how intense His love is for him. I want you to think dear brothers and sisters, the next time you're in a situation, the next time you're in a gathering, the next time you think about who you are, the next time you think about the Hadith have an aura of being strange. Ask yourself, are you even ascending amongst your family members? Are you even the person in your family? Or are you at a level less than your parents, less than your brothers and sisters, you need to ascend and set a different standard for yourself. Because you know what

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happens? We get divided into these cliques, you have the religious crowd, you have the secular crowd, you have the crowd that's in between. They'll perform all the rituals and things of that sort. But whenever there's a real inconvenience in life, they'll go back to the secularism and we belong to one of these crowds. Somehow you get fit into a crowd. Don't worry about the crowd. Think about Allah subhanho wa Taala. And if you are concerned with what Allah thinks of you,

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then you won't care what other people think of you, and that will drive you Have any of you ever heard of Maslow's hierarchy of needs? Raise your hand if you have?

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What is the top level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

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Somebody told me

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self actualization

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self actualization, you know what the definition of self actualization is? that the person becomes independent of the opinion of others. panela the person has security, a sense of security, self esteem, confidence, self actualization, realizing that they don't need to worry about what other people think of them. They've set new standards for themselves. They have a mission. They have a vision.

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And what do we know from Sophia on? Well, the law towel on him? What did he say? He's also Harmon kellwood, do calcolo heynen for kulula de Falco to rob to rob.

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If you if I have your love, Oh Allah, then everything else becomes worthless. Because everything that's on top of this dirt is in and of itself, dirt.

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If I have your approval, if I have your love, if I have your standard, if I have your guarantee, and if I have your pleasure, your loved one. I don't care about anything else. The next time you find yourself in a fundraiser and you find yourself that you know I'm thinking about well, I don't have too much money I'm struggling, give, give to show a loss of Hannah, what's that? I'm only worried about what you think of me. The next time someone offends you or insults you.

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And everyone expects you to respond. Swallow your anger and smile in their face and say, Did

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you have any advice? Salaam wa Alaykum

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the next time someone takes a write from you. forego that, right? Make your art for that person and say Oh Allah, I pardon that person in hopes that you would Pardon me. And the next time you go into your salon,

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make sure that the only one you're concerned about watching you is Allah subhanho wa Taala and you visualize yourself standing in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala in a dialogue with Eliza. And with that dear brothers and sisters, we would achieve taqwa and we would achieve a son and we would achieve the Diwan of Allah subhana wa Tada. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to grant it to us. We ask a lot to love us. We ask Allah subhana wa tada to make us amongst those who love Him. And we ask Allah subhana wa tada to make us amongst those upon whom he lavishes praise because you know what, dear brothers and sisters right now, what is the loss of Hannah Tata saying to the Metallica, Allah

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saying to the angels that reported to him, said we found this mejlis we found this gathering of people remembering you

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a loss of having subhanaw taala is saying if he loves us, yeah jabril in the head before Dan.

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Oh jabril I love that person.

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So you love him too. So Jabri will love him. And jabril Allah, his salon will go and we'll call upon all of the inhabitants of the heavens and say in the law, your Hippo, funan Habu, Allah Subhana, WA Tada, loves this person. So you should all love him too, for your HIPAA law. And so all of the inhabitants of the heavens loved him and asked for the earth. The people of the earth, the inhabitants of the earth, are soulless. I said I was does for y'all that are the whole cabal of an adult.

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The love of the people is placed in their hearts, they start to love that person. Allah subhanaw taala allows it to descend upon them at a loss of Hannah to add on when he sees this gathering, inshallah, to Allah, Allah, us the angels. What are they coming together for? Why are they here? What do they want? And Allah knows the answer. And it's just to remember you on a Friday night, when they could have been out party, when they could have been out at some Tao at some social gathering when they could have been out here there. They chose to come and remember you, Allah subhanaw taala says to the angels, bear witness that I have forgiven all of them.

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I have forgiven all of them.

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And the angels say But yeah, Allah. There is that person amongst them who's only here because his family dragged them. There is that person who's there because you know what he wanted to go meet his friends, social gathering, whatever, there's that person that's there for some business connection, something like that. And what will allow the panel to Allah say, he's forgiven to because no person accompanies such people or sits in such gathering except that he would be forgiven. So we asked a lot to forgive us and make us from moistening a llama I mean, does aka below height on Yeah, Kalani. Well, hottie a colo Kalia. That was the holly welcome was Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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