Hasib Noor – Historical Inaccuracy in Muslim Sources
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Ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls, and welcome to an episode of tagalong. I'm your host, Madonna here with us Hasib Noor, we've been in this series of videos, you don't have to necessarily watch it in particular order, we actually kind of go on all over the place. But one of the things that we've already talked about in the seminar succession, the rise of aboubaker. Number
one, I think the big picture, it's fair to say, for anybody attending would be that they can come in and leave with an understanding and specifics on how they can implement ideals of Islam, within the imperfections that an individual has, right within the profession of oneself. So and the way that you're presenting this class, is the fact that it is a story with multiple characters, the primary main characters being abubaker, Noma, said, the
book is different. And it's a moral farrokh.
And so
so you have the two of them. How
is Muslim or not above is not you go into them or hotter, because Muslim, the death of the Prophet salones de la casa de his death and passing over a hot dog, and his his rise to power, and the opening of different cities and ultimately, opening of Jerusalem and as well as the fall of the Persian Empire. And, and then, and that's how basically the whole thing is presented. But one thing that I've been wondering about is,
what where's all a lot of this information coming from? And why these sources specifically? And the reason I'm asking this is because when it comes to history, right, and you and I are very well aware about issues of historical inaccuracy, right?
we're talking about history that took place, you know, 1300 1400 years ago, right. And even when history is as old, as you know, just a few 100 years ago, you don't necessarily have the original sources, right? In fact, the sources that you're looking at are referencing other sources that may or may not exist anymore. So how do you deal with something like that? That is so old, right? over a millennia. So obviously, one of the most beautiful things about our faith is that our faith is preserved through a systems of checks and balances and authenticity. That is, you're not going to find Okay, and it's just historically sound as it can get because we have Are you talking about the
sciences of Hadith, the sizes of Hadeeth? In particular, the signs of it's not in Haiti. Okay, the chain of narration. Okay, so our change of narration is a form of checks and balances that is unsurpassed in human history. Okay, you're going to have a oral record in other traditions, yes, but not a sound in preserving text as you have in the Muslim tradition? Sure. So the primary source obviously, is the word of God. itself. Yes. The Koran. Yeah. And the Quran is not a history book. Yes. But it has history in there. Okay. And it's, it's something that we have to go turn back to make it as a primary source, even when describing Yes, the rise of America and the alarming part,
because there are things there, which discussed that. So there's aspects of the Quran that either they were a witness to His revelation yet coupled with the fact that is now obviously that was mentioned in the Quran. Right. Right. But not by name. No. Okay. His own admission, the point there is there's over 30 events over 30 events in the Koran. Yeah, that was based on Bob's question or direction. Okay. Oh, wow. Okay, so talk about that. Yeah. Yeah, I know, there's one issue where, okay.
We'll talk about that. So when, when that's the first primary or a secondary source knob, sorry, another second primary source is obviously the sun itself. Okay. And a lot of people think that Hadoop is just only the statement of the process. lm No, it's actually the statements of the companions, which are founded in that as well. It's it's understandable that at least to my knowledge, does not I mean, relatively speaking, like we have so many hundreds bable hora, so many hobbies, but I shall deal with in relation to what the number quantity that they have. We don't have the same number in relational books that they will do. I mean, for sure. We'll look at it. I'm going
to hold on. No, we do have a lot. Okay. That's why because his reign was 10 years. Sure. And it was longer, as far as I know, but that specific prophetic narrations from them? Yes, there's many. Okay, there's actually a book that is a volume of all the narrations of interest in relationship to the ones you mentioned. 100%. Okay. But as far as we'll look at all the Alon he only lived two years after the passing of the process. Did they have anything like that about all the narrations by law? Yeah, they do something called muslimah. Mohammed must
Sunday my man is a book called messy need, which means that every companion Yeah, in alphabetical order. Yeah, we'll have a muslin of all of the Hadith that he narrated. So they're so within Muslim Muslim.
Yes, there's one of the most
interesting. I mean, the book is called Muslims in my math right? Are we talking about math as in
the front of the 40 months if I had been humble, right, okay. That's why he was the man. All right, I'ma hold him humble is one of the 40 miles because mainly of his contribution, this contribution as well as his contribution to Phil. Interesting. Okay. Is it in English? I think they're translated. Yeah, they're translated a large portion of my data set up. Okay. Right. So it's gonna be it's 30 volumes. Oh, largest. This is the largest collection of headings that we have remaining. Yeah. In, in Islam to this now, there was one much bigger than that. Did this happen to be amongst those collections that was distributed via the printing press that was established in Egypt from Napoleon?
I'm not aware. Okay. But I can look into that. Because there's a lot of a lot of our books that we use today that have a lot of precedents, they have precedents because of the distribution that came about as a result of the implementation of the printing press in Egypt. So
just as you can tell me about this after we mentioned
part of it or not, but yeah, it's chill still transmitted and read. Okay, over to cover Okay. What do you mean, translated in red, are transmitted in red? Because as you know, look, from the sciences of Islam, yeah. Is Hadees transmission and the study of the oral the oral transmission as well as its understanding. Okay, so our understanding of how do you think not just Hey, me, you sit down open body, what are you so we're not. So we're talking about
the understanding as in having whoever's learning it is also able to do a shot of it. Yes. And it's still done that way. Meaning, explanation expanding of it expanding? Yes. From nclr hearts Yeah, shall be surely Southern. Right. Right. Right. So it's expanding meaning giving a detailed understanding of what this entails. Okay.
That's one that's right. Then we have the statements of the companions themselves which have also been recorded in the same way as the statements of the prophets I said now the statements the companions did they have a category in academics because we know one is called Hadith that's a statement of prophecies recorded by the companions right right. But then there's statements that the companions said right not relation not in relation to the resources right okay. Those those two have two terminologies okay. I thought I thought our model I thought I will walk you out okay or multiple for the relaxed multiple okay which means that it is what was what are these two words mean and how
are they different I thought his narration So, the narrations which have been compiled of these companions, generations of Alli the narrations I shuttle the aluminum gymea and then you have multiple fmoc often the terminology of sciences of Hadith means that it is something that does not reach the prophets I send them or it is the statement of the companion itself. Okay, what do you say does not reasonable so meaning it might be talking about them, but it's not that is referencing what he said exactly? Like describing the prophets of Allah right? So the though that's still considered sadhana because this is about the Prophet, okay, this will be an iteration of a rolling for example,
okay. It will say like even our best SAT, so is the opinion of a companion more or less, yes, but it can be a description, it can be news, it can be history, it can be an any, okay, many things not specific to
religious rulings scholarship, not not necessarily any spirituality and it does not. It's not attributed to the Prophet, so I set him as his statement. Okay. So it's called multiple. Okay. That's how detailed Islamic science that it is. Gotcha. So what I mean by that, is that we still read and you still apply the same science of math and the sciences? Yes. Obviously, based on these three types of literature, right. Okay. On obviously, right, we have marriage, modes of transmission to this day. Yeah. From the person who's memorizing Quran all the way to the process and to gibreel right, the Archangel Gabriel right to God Himself, right. Allah said to this, okay, that's what it
is. And there's authenticity to that, because of the witnesses that were there when they compile. Oh, and talk about the compiler to hold on to, right. Yes. So we're gonna discuss that now. Like both compiler, both compiler is one that was, you know, at the onset of the default. Yeah. And then the second one was at the time of argument of moto Moto, the olano had a part in play as well. Oh, he created a council. Okay. And that's why the council was created before that. Right. Obviously.
One of the great one of the other way
we need I don't believe in that is just going off on
one of the things that's more powerful about Ilana was he established was called noeleen. Okay, actual councils and like the formation of the state committees, committees. Okay. Very good. So not also ministries is a good word. Gotcha. So a ministry sounds so much more like church based and religious. Oh, I don't mean
Ministry of ministry as church I mean ministry like the
like department and like the Minister of like the Department of Agriculture Department, we call him department. He's such an American guy.
ministers in Europe like the Minister of
Ministry of Interior Minister, the Prime Minister. Okay, I got you. I got okay. Yeah, totally.
Sorry. My, my worldview is so limited.
Yeah, so basically, do we have those three then we have historical account. Okay. And Israel count now is where we're starting to get we have to start discernment. Okay. The reason why is because historical account may not necessarily have changed transmission. Sure. So you have many, many great scholars in orthodox Sunni Islam, which will collect massive amounts of historical accounts, okay. And from those historical accounts are people who sometimes lied, sure, but their role as a historian wasn't to distort discernment and reject people's accounts. And that in those books, their their their role was to simply collect compendiums of history, a component whether or not the
statements are regarded, yes. So the fact that somebody at some point stated it, yes, somebody else's job to verify, right. And the interesting thing is, they will also those same historians will have other works without which discussed the verification process. Okay. So the funny thing is that you will sometimes see, for example, today of poverty, yeah. Is it is a historical book that we have to respect. Right. Right. It's by the great Imam and well first said, yes, you know, I'm a tabula rasa Mala. Except my, I don't know if it's appropriate to say this, but I was duly disappointed. When he covers the history of Andalusia, right? literally two lines.
is like you have this guy.
Other hand warrior, right. He came, he conquered and his descendants roll till today. Right. Like, you don't need to be a historian to know that. And you see the strengths and weaknesses even within that history. Yeah. So you see, for example, somebody is very strong in the early. Okay. The early slump. Yeah. But later on, but he's also he was also himself geographically, right? limited. Well, not like the strength of his history, like the bison history, right? A lot of is from him. Right. Right. And it makes sense because he was in that region. Exactly. Whereas he wasn't in under Angeles, which shows you how Actually, it's almost like a praise. Maybe you don't like it because
you like Spanish, but it's a praise because it shows his scholastic honesty. Right. And I think it would be interesting, as I look, I don't know much about this
is what we know.
And remember, there's also another thing Yeah, remember that there was there was a rival ship between Spain and of course, Spain, pentewan, and Damascus. So you there is an element of that to play as well. Sure. You want to cause you know, when you're writing into glorifying the Spanish? Yeah, in Iraq? That's not a good idea. Right. Right. So you have to you have taken imagine Russian history versus American.
The revisionist history series, for example, like Malcolm Gladwell, yes, about a lot of this, of how our perceptions of history is based on who tells us what it is. Right? Exactly. We're gonna talk about that as well. So you guys gotta check it out. That'll be interesting. I'll be the first part, a lot of them were discussing, we're gonna go into much detail. Yeah, it's all in the classes, the first part, okay, so that you understand where we're coming from, we're coming from a tradition. So a lot of people will not tell you like, this is where my biases, okay, we're gonna tell you where we're biases are. Yeah, we're Muslim, because it's an our bias is based on the sources exact
looking. And that's what we're going to be very honest about. I'll give you an example. But we can also backup our reason, of course, or like, this is why we're leaning towards this because of our objective goal. Exactly. The authenticity we've reached based on the sorry, the subjective goal we've reached based on the authenticity that we have. Yeah. So when there is no authenticity, we're not going to see me making, you know, deriving rulings from it, you're not going to see me deriving you know, kind of necessarily guidance from it, rather telling the story and saying this one has been mentioned in history. Right. So for example, the glorification of Jerusalem. Yeah. wasn't so
glorious in the sense that they clearly, you know, yeah, like, they were like, opening throwing flowers. No, and it wasn't necessarily like that. Oh, yeah, we talked about that. Yeah. So the history is even similar to like,
when Muslims first came to Spain, right, right. Like there was a lot of injustice that happened there to where they took more than they were owed. Right. And as it was, a decade later, right, we're one of the Spanish governors took a lot of land away from and give it gave it back to the Christian well, that that didn't happen even in time. I thought there was much more justice than that. But that was a very good example. But I meant like that they weren't celebrating open arms. Right. They celebrated the justice. Yeah. You know, saying there's those who are throwing flowers and saying, Hey, he's not that bad. Yeah.
Okay, we won't revolt.
Till when? Till 1908 19 Oh, wait. Yeah, that's the Ottoman Empire when it fell.
So that wasn't 19 1908 or 19. But what about slavery? And that whole period? Yeah, I mean, I'm talking about that legacy lived on amongst the Muslims who took over. So I fell. Okay, who say so since since the conquest since the opening of Jerusalem via America, right. Until, from that point, moment, right after a jurusan was taken back, right, the Justice legacy of our model, which in reality is the legacy of the prophets. I saw them. Right. But we said, which was the laser problem is because he was implemented what Profit System did right he come to Mecca, and that's why he's successful. Okay. Right. So historical accounts, like we said, For we're going to talk about the
standard of discernment. Yeah. And then we're going to talk about obviously, Western academic, historical criticism. Sure. And criticism of what, when, when, okay, when when you hear the term Western Western historical criticism, then certainly criticism, okay. It just means analysis or well critique critique of it, of what the early Islamic literature and tradition. So the western perspective of these narrations, I had the faith and how they look upon us. So we're like I've, you know, what's interesting is Roger Collins, which is one of the stories that that I was looking at, right? He actually praises the, the science of Hadith that goes into preparing now, you're gonna
have people who prays, and some people will not, but he also, his criticism is that the same science and rigor is not applied to Spanish history or Spanish. Yeah. So for that reason, he's like, there's only so much that he can say this is actually happened, right. And then anything beyond that, that is, there is and then he goes to the criticisms of what, that's beautiful. Yeah. You know what it is? He is actually Muslim in regards to that critique. Okay, we believe the same thing. So when we talk about criticism, the criticism that is there that is based on the narrations of the prophets, I said, Yeah, it's nowhere near to the criticism we have or the level or the staunchness we have when
it comes to historical account. Yeah. And this is something a lot of talk about recent history where people have kind of not understood when they say, why don't we apply the same rigor, or the same model standard as Hadeeth onto the history? And guess you can't? It can't and by the way, it's against our tradition to do that. It is Yes. Why is it against our traditional history? A my mom in law said that when it came to narrations to see Yeah, and historical account, yeah. And CR, which is the cause of the problem in the details, we became less stringent in our an acceptance, okay. And when it came to ICANN rulings, we became more Well, I can understand in terms of embracing the fact
Okay, these are here, but we can't take action on these. We can't apply rulings on these, you can take general benefits, right? You can take benefits. But the thing is, even with history, like a big part of history, in my opinion, right, like we're talking about, like, a lot of history is economic history, right? governing history, political history, case law. Right. Right. But like if you can't trust the case law that was recorded back in the day, then, but that's why there is very little of that what you described in detail. Very little in the sense of case law. Yeah. That we cannot go through the the discernment of need, okay. Your said, Yeah, for example, there's a book called The
Alka bleah of the Sahaba. The judicial rulings of the companion, okay. And this is mainly the Flynn effect. Yeah. So there's the volume on it thick. Okay. Why? Because we he was such a, I mean, his case he was he dealt with a lot of exactly right. I'm allowed to make rulings, right. And all those rulings have changed of narration to them. So we have that level of discernment. Yeah. But when it came to, for example, I'm going to there's a lot we have, yeah, but there's not going to be like cases.
Dough No, like collections collection of law or court, you know, collection, is it that because they didn't have that much.
I would assume the necessity, it would necessitate because of I even thought it was times that they needed to have some sort of transcription, qualification, recording protection, right, because of the times they lived in. Yeah, I mean, there's a number of I mean, just like you have like the the creation and the codification of laws at the time of post colonialism. Right, right. Like such strong codification to protect it from the colonial influence, right.
Like, but you don't have that same love. Yeah, that's that's the thing. Like, I mean, historically, there's so many reasons why a lot of this record does not exist, I mean, doesn't exist when Persians is a Muslim Roma's historical record is something that whatever we find, we can kind of base it on. Yeah. But the beautiful thing is those we have such detailed historical record to this for whole effort, that we can even get a general idea of what their society was like, okay, based on how much we have narrated based on chain, okay, but as far as like, hey, the, for example, what you call it
Could tab of the Koba describes of court case? Yeah, right I mean, you're not gonna see that that too much even though it existed. Yeah. Details of even Armada statements Yeah, how they should run it just did it just like the court. The court of the typewriter Yeah. Lady hurry guy. Oh, yeah. So they have they had it for sure. Yeah. But how much did that survive? They didn't survive with chains of narration. Okay, so it just kind of maybe lost relevance maybe destroyed and ransacking of Baghdad or all of this. Right. So there's a lot that was the other question. I was I was like in these sackings of cities, right? What did we lose a lot, man, we lost so much. I mean, in the sense
one of a professor in Georgetown, he said something very beautiful to me. So that you know, it's actually a physical miracle, the amount of stuff we have lost, but none of it means that we have lost our tradition. In fact, that was copied in other works. Okay. So when when you think about it, if a million copies was destroyed in the library of Baghdad, yeah, you would think that this destroy civilization? You know, we're talking about now things are being destroyed and archaeologists being destroyed. But imagine so much gets destroyed and ransacked. Yeah, but a tradition still lives on. This is definitely divine.
For example, when we talk about Muslim Achmed, what's the biggest collection of Heidi? Yeah, there's something bigger than that that existed by a Spaniard and the Lucien scholar by the name of buckhaven Muslim. Okay, who traveled by foot from Spain to see Mr. Mohammed. Oh, wow. Okay in Iraq, and he had what year what century? This is the the third century, so around a century, so the third century into history? Okay. So this is 200. You know, 60 7080. Okay. Okay. So, it came from Spain. Okay. And he when he met me, I haven't met him. He's actually 10th century Gregorian, around there. Okay. So when he met him, I Mohamad, he was actually under house arrest at that time. Oh, yeah. So
he basically lived where it wasn't about that, but Eros coolfire. Okay, generally, What is today's era wasn't right. So when he would visit him, he he said that I can't teach you. He's like, do you know where I came from? He's like, a Land Beyond. Rocco. He's like, there's Land Beyond that, that Muslims living? Yeah, I get it in an amazement. It's like, of course, yeah. And then basically is Okay, come every day and ask me as if you're pretend to be a beggar. Oh, and when I opened the door, I'll give you Heidi. Okay. And you will do this constantly going back and forth. Okay, so finally collected, you know, the height of the bed, but he was somebody that traveled so extensively that
his collection was bigger than the collection. Okay, guess where that is? We don't know. It's lost. But check this out. Is it? I mean, being the skeptic that I was I said, If dude, if we have that many, a Hadith, a lot of a hadith collection that was lost, right, then how much? How many Hadees? Did we lose? Right? Or the prophets lesson? Okay. Well, the beautiful thing is that that man, we know every single scholar that he collected from, okay, okay, is it sciences? Yeah. And religion, the sciences of knowing the military. So essentially, whatever he collected might have been lost. There was already somebody else already know. redundancies. Exactly. Because of the science. There's
redundancy. Exactly. For example, the redundancy will say, yeah, it has all of them, what are the collection of mathematic already in it? Right. And it has behati in it and has Muslim like, who and etc. Okay, collections and the sciences, if for whatever reason, we lose the Hebrew hottie. Right? We could leverage the sciences again, right? To rebuild it, right. And also the fact that there's people memorize how to cover the cover right now. That's why I'm saying, right? Because we have that chain, right, that goal Exactly. And, and exact, okay. And because remember you by Muhammad, memorizing, you can literally burn all the books and we could rebuild, we can rebuild it. Okay.
Right. And that, in itself is divine is Yeah, I was gonna say astonishing, astonishing. That that shows you you know, this is a tradition which was preserved. And I said that in the poem. So, I think the liturgical accounts, the last thing I want to hit upon, is, because, you know, in terms of the sources and why you chose the sources, specifically, in regards to the Roman history, that's the changing of hands of Jerusalem, between Rome, Roman Persia, as well as the perspective of the opening of Jerusalem from the, from the Romans, right? And what was also taking place like what do you look at there? Well, there obviously, because we we don't Muslims, what focus on Muslim history,
for the most part, and you have Roman who obviously speak Roman history, so we always have to look at the scholars for each of these different types of empires. I looked at a lot of Western obviously sources for even by the way early Islamic history.
For example, William kaigi, is a scholar on present Byzantine Roman history. Sure. So I focused a lot of his works when it comes to heraclius. And there was a Roman ruler, and thing I'm curious about is what was the relationship All right.
Was he the Emperor? Yes. The I like he was the Byzantium Emperor like Caesar, but not right, because the Roman Empire is, you know, had split. Yeah, that split before. Okay. And he is one of the most interesting, like characters. For me personally in history, okay, because he lived during the time of the Prophet slicin. Okay. And he lived throughout the entire of the whole Hooda. Right. So this man, the more you know about him actually has a lot of influence in what you know about almost life. We're going to talk about him in great detail. Okay. And so you were looking at her achlys as a character. Yeah. Okay. Who else from that region, maybe from Persia? Well, Persia, we I didn't
really do it that much. because it'd be interesting to see the perspective of the Muslim. I didn't find too much from the perspective of Cicero's Okay, for example, and because, to be honest with you, Heraclitus and again, this has a lot to do with being Roman. Yeah. And there is
the perspective of history we have oftentimes in English in particular, and European languages. Yeah, we'll always kind of over focus on Roman Greek. Okay, right. So for you to get the Persian perspective, you have to go deep into fantasy and that, and the Persian language version, a compendiums of history, which I know, I know, fantasy, but I don't think I've got right, you don't have academic fantasy for me to have read. All right, right. So eventually, I would love to do that inshallah. But I didn't really focus too much from the perspective Cicero's only because he didn't really play that much of a role. Okay, as Heraclitus did the prophets, I said, I sent him a personal
letter, which has been preserved in our text. Yeah. So we didn't talk about it. That's the that's where the whole esalaam does love comes from Islam. Islam. Yeah. And so now, for anybody and, and one of the things that used to be in the automotive seminar tradition, right back when we have double weekends, right, is there was always a recommendation for people to start reading specific,
recommended books, not just books, but even other seminars too, in preparation if they wanted to the class and then at the same time, there would be other book recommendations to continue one's education and learning beyond that particular class. Okay, so for this right, the rise of Abu Bakar, right, or the olana What do you have one, two, or 10? Yeah, I will be everybody will get a list of them tell me we can post it even. Yeah, but one of the things I really recommend people to learn is the life of the Prophet himself, okay, because you will see the roles of Abubakar so a good prequel essentially is go through Sierra, go through Sierra, take a lot of plasma, shake up the body and
Okay, shift command McKee. And if and listen to, for example, the sealed lecture, there's the book called revelation. There's
like the seal vector. I mean, yeah, look, the Arabic is is amazing. Okay, but the English translation is a little bit hard to go through. But so yeah, bumpy, there's a new one, they revive the English. Okay. Ah, it's the one with the red cover. And it has a lot of diagrams inside. Okay, so that one I found actually to be much, much better. Okay, because they fixed some of the English and idiosyncrasies of Sure. So you have the sealed vector, the new version? Yeah. Martin Lynx, for example, Mark. Okay. And then you have revelation by me. Oh, the new one. Yeah, I actually I liked it a lot. And again, with all of these books, there's always going to be something where there's
going to be scholarly discussion in regards to some of the facts on issues, etc. Okay. But again, generally, we're looking at the general Okay, what about shaky answers off course? So
if you have the it's actually it's in podcast form also. Right. So if you Hi, definitely encourage if you really want to go 100 episodes? Yeah, about what an hour to 90 minutes. Right. Right. Right. So if you're talking about
you know, five days a week, right, right. The you could probably finish it inside a year. inshallah. Yeah, if you were really that should have done also john doe also has a podcast. Yes, he does. But he has a very different take his take us from a perspective of family and community for sure. Yeah, I got a personal touch and a lot of Dallas Mavericks references
but that's why I love look for me when you hear history from the different perspective. Yeah, I actually love to hear the same story from different people. Yeah, I mean, different lenses right shake. Gasser presents it from a very academic lens. Right. So check out the Nasir presents it from his strengths base. So, but So, I mean, that's a lot of Seattle and I
there's also there's a lot of books on the lives of these four. Hoda Yeah, one of the ones that I recommend really a lot is just because it's so in depth is Dr. Salamis works okay, is that in English in English I pH publications, okay, once we kind of sculpt the life and times I'll work on her life and times are modeled lifetimes and lifetimes of it on the line and he keeps going in Arabic.
It's all of his Islamic history. Okay, I think we've translated an awful lot headin, they're going to translate to Hassan and so he kind of did an entire body of work around these things called us alive. He's one of my teachers and, you know, got a chance to study. So what is he a historian? He's a Libyan historian who lived in Medina and then, you know, he's lives in Libya now. Wow. Okay. And they're still in the process of converting it to English. Yeah, because it's just so big. Mashallah, okay. Yeah, I pH focus. What's his latest piece in Arabic? I'm assuming he's continue. Yeah. He's actually started to focus on concepts now. So one of the things he did is he man through the whole
on Okay, so, but in terms of individuals that he's covered historically, whose law had been the last one he did is a shift baddies, the Algerian scholar and one who basically went against colonialism. Okay. While we're talking like around the time of matar. Yeah. So that things is easier. Yeah. Okay. So if baddies played a huge role, okay. And what's the last one that was translated to English? I actually haven't kept up because most of it, I go through an Arabic but you just go through an Arabic Yeah. Okay. I don't see as much I'm sorry. It's much better.
Learn every guy's
anything in its original core in its original form, right, will always be and then what I do is I also go to Western sources, because I actually like the amount of research that they do. Yeah. But then you generally want to stay away from their conclusion. I mean, we I mean, I think that's the thing that having the ability, I don't think it's that hard to decipher between the historian and author's personal opinions. Exactly. And what the research they present. Right, right, right. Because at the end of the day, you can think for yourself, right? I mean, I'm, that's what I think this class will kind of go into, okay. For you to understand our narrative. Yeah. When we look at
any kind of historical information, yeah. So when we come to, for example, really big schisms and theology, for example, schisms, like I don't like that split splits. The Sunni, Shia, for example, understanding how do we understand it? And in relation to the the, the status of the Sahaba? Sure, you're gonna need that. Okay. I mean, I think when we have those discussions, we'll see how open we should you know, we should have been having those kind of discussions and welcoming. Okay. Yeah. Cool, man. Guys, thanks for joining. This might have been a little bit of a longer episode.
33 minutes. Yeah. So that was when he starts talking.
So we'll see how much we can bring this down. Probably split it up. Or maybe not just enjoy.
I guess sorry. I don't think so.