Omar Suleiman – Isha Khatirah

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The upcoming lecture on the Prophet's mission to deliver peace is discussed, including the need for moral reform and caution in the face of profit-driven behavior. Prayer against people is emphasized, along with avoiding false accusations and letting people dominate one's art. The speaker also emphasizes avoiding appointments and letting things happen the way they want to.
AI: Transcript ©
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We uploaded the southern teeth episode of the first and him the LA Brahmin. And of course, for the first we were doing the last 20 of the short lectures, so they weren't live here in the masjid. And we were taking some of those Sahaba especially from the early Muslims from the hygiene, who had short bios and just making sure that we revive some of that memory. So Hamdulillah we finished actually tonight, and inshallah to Allah in about three weeks or so we'll start up again the full length lectures on the Sahaba insha Allah Tala with Season Two of the first and we'll focus on sort of the Madani period now in Charlottetown, starting with the early onslaught, and then some of the

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wives of the Prophet slice some of the instrumental figures in Medina, so the first Muslims from Medina, to embrace Islam and to give a hub for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and for his mission there in Madina Munawwara so like I said, that should be a few weeks from now inshallah Tada, I'll let you all know, when we get started with the night Tana tonight actually want to just share a reflection once again on the dua of know how to his setup.

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So hello, every time I read the Euro of know how to use Saddam, it hits me in a different way. Because with new honey has Salam. It is one of those sutras where you have a complaint and then a DUA, and that makes up the entire composition of the surah literally sort of nor is no Hadith slam complaining about his people. And the end result of that. And this was Mackay Quran. So in Mackay Quran, the stories of the prophets were not told in any exhaustive sense, but rather in a way that immediately related to the circumstances of the people of Mecca. So very stern warnings, that you're rejecting a man who wants good for you, you're rejecting a prophet who wants good for you. And the

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end result of that is that the Prophet will be saved, but those that rejected the Prophet and mocked Him will ultimately face destruction. Now I want to focus on on this question of no Hadith and I'm making your against the people. Okay? It's very important to understand that first of all know how to Islam did not do this in a tantrum. This wasn't that new Hadith salaam ran into a particularly difficult moment. And his Darwin said, you know, what, I'm done with you. This is a very deliberate, after 950 years of trying with his people. And he mentioned, you know, they mocked me in every way they harm me in every way. They treated me like dirt. I mean, what stuff shows the Abba home as if

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I'm something to be cleansed from, pushed me to the side called me names, and I called them to Allah subhanaw taala. And I told them that if you seek forgiveness from Allah, subhanaw taala, all of these things are going to happen for you in this life, as well as the hereafter. So I tried every single route with them. So the complaint is, first and foremost, yeah, Allah, you know, Allah, him and the beloved, really, it's all I delivered the message. I really tried with these people, I really delivered the message. And then ultimately, when he makes do against the people, it's very interesting that he gives the reasoning. You know, he doesn't want these people to even produce more

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wickedness on Earth. Okay, that if these people are left, the way that they are with the dominance that they have, then they will produce generations of wickedness. It's sort of the opposite of or it's the other side of the coin of zakat. Eonni Salam, where he's making dua to Allah subhanaw taala in the one a lot of money.

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When he says, Have fun in my early 50s In my family, I will refer to my family. They're both authentic recitations that I realized that I don't have inheritors for heavily men that don't care. Well, yeah, there is no one to inherit the mission of profit and so I don't see a vehicle for righteousness that exists on this earth anymore. So you ready for a new era from an earlier accord? Which would be ready to grant me a successor that will inherit my knowledge, the knowledge of the family of Iacob so the knowledge of the prophets and this will be a person that will be pleasing to you and that will ultimately spread righteousness throughout the earth so know how to use Saddam is

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not seeing any good anymore in the people. So he's saying, Yeah, Allah, you know, that's it, wipe these people out. So with all that being said,

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I think that the question that I often get is Is it okay to pray against people? You know, like he prayed against his people that the profit slice and I'm ever pray against people

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that he,

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he actually did. Okay, but it wasn't his norm. It's not like the profit slice and I'm gonna get bothered and if they were really aggressive one day, then the profit slice and prayed against them.

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The prophets lie Selim had enormous self restraint, submitted with his people patience with his people, even an audit right where you would think if these two ads came out of Tantra.

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comes right or fits of anger than would have been the place because that's when they really almost killed him. And that's when he said a llama fairly commonly phenomena yeah Allah mon Oh ALLAH forgive my people they don't know any better. However, we find the Prophet sly some prayed against rock would have been had been more eat he prayed against other people that died in bed

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and they were all found in one ditch search others that were found in that one particular ditch that the prophets lie some had prayed against.

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And I actually just spoke about the daughter of recruitment every more each who ironically unconfirmed probably Allah Tala and has Muhammad daughter of this man that humiliated the prophets. I send them by putting camel guts on his back. And the prophets license daughter faulting model the Allahu anha running out to him cleaning the the guts off of his back and crying. His daughter Oklahoman Abby more each daughter left the house of her family and made hijra to join the prophets lie some of the Muslims in Medina but the prophets lie some major against weapon and be more 18 Major against certain people. And it was accepted they died. Okay, they were all found in one ditch

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their intimate say that how do you reconcile that and with the Prophet slice I'm saying Nana, I was not sent as a as one to curse. Number two Rama was sent as a mercy that the Prophet sized on always was very specific about who he was making your art against and why.

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Okay, he was very specific about who he was making your art against. And why so the hikma of the profit slice I'm doing so and so for example, the element mentioned those six people or so that the profit slice I made there against that died in the battle of Beddit that there was a moment of triumph that they felt when they humiliated the profit slice. I'm in front of the car, but this is really towards the end of the days of Makkah. And there was a particular arrogance and boastfulness that Abuja had had in Oklahoma and these people had, that we really conquered the Prophet slice on and so the prophets lie. Some was saying to make an example out of them the same way that they think

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they're making an example out of him and SubhanAllah. That's exactly what happened. That embedded or you could count them in exactly the places that the prophets lie. Some said that they would fall. And so Allah made an example out of them similar to Abu Lahab. Right. So there's a hikma there's a wisdom, even when the prophets lie, some is due out against the people now what about us?

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The norm should not be that we make do out against people. That shouldn't be the norm. However, you find sometimes the Sahaba major against their oppressors. And it was accepted. Okay, it was accepted. Sorry, didn't was a little the Allahu Tada and who was wrong by one of his neighbors made, you're out against her. And she was afflicted with blindness and deaths. And she really wronged him. I mean, and so his response was to do I guess there was a supplication against her. And the prophets lie some sort of Tukey doubt and lagoon be wary of the supplication of the oppressed, because there's no hijab, there's no barrier between that supplication and Allah subhanaw taala. So the key

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function, how you interact with those texts, is be very careful from having wronged someone and they make they're against you, even if they are non believers. If you wronged someone and they make dua against you, there is no hijab. There is no veil between that you and Allah subhanaw taala. So imagine that if it's a righteous person that makes you out against you, okay, well, you have Allah Who makes they're against you, severe, severe, severe consequences of that. And you can't tell them, you know, don't do it too much, right, just don't wrong, anyone to where you would be deserving or you'd be on the other side of the DUA. As for yourself, if you are wronged. If you are wrong, you

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have the right to make your art against the one who wrongs you. But don't let it dominate your art, don't let it become your norm, don't let it become disproportionate to the rest of your job. And so this is sort of building off and I'll conclude with this on the Holtville. without judgment, I mean, Allah He matter you're doing you want something from Allah that they don't want. Okay? So if the only time you get emotional and interior, is when you're making your art against the one who wronged you, then that means that what triggered you is something worldly, and you want something worldly, which is you want that punishment to be to manifest itself in front of your eyes in a worldly sense,

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that's not healthy to get attached to that idea. Because it might be that the dirt that you make against the oppressor, just like other Durant's is stored for the hereafter, Allah won't let it go. But just because of its closeness to Allah does not mean that it's going to manifest in the way you want it to manifest in your lifetime. How many people made you're against their oppressors, and they didn't see the justice of that your outcome in this life but don't think Allah subhanaw taala didn't hear it. It'll come, it'll come. Right. So it's okay to do so. But don't let it dominate. And you know, that's one of the problems when we read in some of these stories of the prophets event that

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you take the the, the unique incident, and you hang on to it, and you derive a methodology from it. And so it really counters the entire

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Point and undermines the the entire thrust of the prophetic message and the prophetic example whether it's our beloved prophet sly some of the prophets that came before so we ask Allah subhanaw taala to accept our jobs first and foremost and to make us amongst those who do not wrong others and find themselves on the other side of that do we ask Allah Subhana Allah to never count us amongst the vile Amin to never count us amongst those who are arrogant amongst those who are rebellious against the amongst those who transgress or oppress. May Allah subhanaw taala forgive us for our shortcomings forgive us for our impulses, and may Allah subhanho wa Taala make us amongst those that

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He is pleased with Allah Amin any questions

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from my father

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angry so wisdom

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to do the opposite of putting up the

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angry, you want to calm that person, which we have control and do the opposite reaction you may go.

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Right, so the the common is doing Mohalla for two naps, which is one of the things that the scholars talk about in Teskey had to do the opposite of what your enough's wants you to do what your self wants to do, for the most part, that is the right methodology. However, if a person is wrong, and they make their against, and they are indeed amongst the transgressed, and they ask Allah against the person that wronged them, even if they do it in a fit of anger, it will be accepted. Because there's as long as they meet the criteria of being Muslim, and that's really the point here is that it's not men and cafard anymore, it is Malone and violence, that becomes the criteria of the

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accepted you're at that moment. And so certainly for a person that when they're being wronged, the opposite wouldn't hold true where you want to show right and so you do that against the person, right, but what you do, what you didn't mention is that if your natural impulses anger,

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to do Mohyla to contradict the novices is usually the healthy way forward for sure. Exactly. Okay. Any other questions?

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All right, a lot of philosophy comes from Oklahoma 100. Can shadow Atlanta testify locals who would examine it

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