Adnan Rajeh – Post Isha Khatera 26-02-2024

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The speaker discusses the concept of pm in the brochure and explains that it refers to actions after a prayer, including praying in congregation and anticipation of reward. The speaker also discusses the importance of forgiveness and the need for everyone to be aware of their actions. The conversation ends with a brief advertisement for a book on the topic.
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Imam Al Bukhari you are Muslim
and Abby hereditarily Allahu Anhu and then be your Salah Laura cinema Paul, Monica Mara Madonna. Amen and wife Lisa Wolfie Rolla who Metapod them in them. So there is hadith is found in the collection of both Imam Bukhari and Muslim were
both Reina narrates that the prophets of Allah Sam said whoever does pm will talk about pm means in Ramadan, out of sincerity of faith and anticipation of reward, then their deeds, then their bad, their sins will be forgiven, their sins will be pardoned. So here the word pm you can understand it in a general term, but in my mind, no, we didn't specify and he says here pm means tearaway specifically because it is the act of worship after a weird combination prayer together is done in Ramadan. So whoever does these,
those pm in Ramadan out of sincere out of sincerity of faith and intuition, anticipation of reward. So here we have three things, we have an outward Act, which is to come and do pm and pray in congregation totally. And then there's two internal components to internal acts of the heart, which is sincerity for us to do it for Allah and not for fame or for money or for people to say this and that. And then there is the anticipation of the reward that we're doing it because we know the virtues of Ramadan and we believe in the reports that have came to us from the Prophet sallallahu Sallam so when the Hadith are talking the Hadith and the Quran, talk about the greatness and the
virtues of Ramadan, we truly believe that this month is blessed that we truly believe that this month is virtue is virtuous, and that the deeds are multiplied. And so we are anticipating the reward during this month and we're not just thinking oh, okay, whatever you know, I'll just come pray and yeah, of course reward is just exaggerate. No, it's not exaggerated. It is, it is true, we truly believe that in a month in the month of Ramadan, Allah has offered so much bounties and so much and the rewards are not exaggerated, they are multiplied many folds that we cannot even imagine. So if these two conditions are there, and then Dr. Yang part which is to come and do the
outwardly action or praying in congregation are all of them are and then the good news is for all believers is that their their sins will be forgiven their past sins, the ones that they haven't paid attention to the bad work that maybe the bad word they said to someone or the the harmful acts they did to someone else, or maybe they were rude one time and they don't even notice it. So all these sinful acts that we do without noticing or we don't pay attention to or we don't think that it's a big deal. No, it is a big deal and and in Ramadan is the time where all these sins, we seek the forgiveness of others pantile And we do any acts of good deeds that will wipe off the sense so that
they don't burden us going forward after I'm on the way we hope that you you hope that you start a new white page with in terms of your records with Allah subhanaw taala so I hope that we take this hadith to heart and we apply it and Ramadan is just in two weeks or less insha Allah alone but little known Ramadan Yahweh, the Imam Al Bukhari and Muslim few, so hey, hi Hema, and Ebihara Rotolo, the Allahu Anhu and in the BU salah, and then and then we also have the law of cinema, Paul Manafort Mara, Madonna Iman and what is about Wolfie Rolla vumat about them I mean, Thembi so the colossal waste of Allahu alayhi wa sallam, Subhana Colombo behind the eye shadow Allah is the broker
to Lagos.