Omar Suleiman – From Magician to Martyrs

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The Magical State is a group of magicians trying to return Islam to the United States. The return of Islam to the United States is discussed, including the use of the symbol "has been slain" to reflect on the loss of the Prophet Muhammad and the deceptivism of the people. The deceptivism of the people in the world is also discussed.
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mean, whatever we want in normal Bali mean when people tune in with Turkey in the local Saudi was sort of about a karate chorus Whitaker Muhammad Sallallahu, it was salam. ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam selling to Simon cathedra. One of the most interesting groups of people in the Quran, to me are the magicians of Pharaoh. We don't know their names. But just like we spent some time with the brothers of use of hiding is Saddam and their curious situation and want us to look at this group of people and their curious situation now, with this just we move on from sort of Blaha to an MBR and unhedged where we get to some, you know, somewhat of the story of musante is Salam as well, but we
saw what happened or we were listening to Ibrahim alayhis salam, and the response to Ibrahim alayhis salam, when he took all of the idols out, and he left Kavita home, he just left the biggest one. And when they came back, and they didn't have an answer to what Ibrahim it has said, I'm sorry, it must have been the big one that took out all the rest of them. What did they say? How did he go who wants to add you had to come let's throw him into a fire and support our gods. Let's get rid of them. Let's let's execute him. So the big idol took out the small idols. But in reality, of course, it was a Brahim it his son, I'm showing them that all of their idols are meaningless in the case of their
own, and the magician's of her own show, he has just alluded to the way that they really didn't know much about the message of Musa it set up to the point that we know that when they believe they just said, We believe in the Lord of Mossad, Islam and how to whatever his whoever his god is, that's our God, too. We know that that's our God. But briefly, of course, we know that the scene was set for this group of magicians, and these were not just any Sahaba, these were not just any magicians, right? To be amongst this group of magicians that get to perform in the presence of the pharaoh, in front of Moses in front of Muslim to once and for all discredit him, you have to be the top of your
craft, right? So you think about the best magicians of the time. And each of them were vying for what what do you when you get to that point? Where you're the best magicians in town, right? What are you vying for more money, larger performances, and more access to power? Right? If you think about the mindset of those people as they went in there, they wanted more money. It's good to have more people in front of us to perform in front of and more access to power. So what did they want with their own, they want it to be closer to their own, get more money, bigger audiences. That's the meaning of their life. That's what they live their lives for. That's their purpose. Now, in that
moment, we know that they throw their staffs forward, they turn into an optical illusion. Allah tells musante salaam to throw your staff and it becomes an actual living, breathing, Python that eats all of them does away with that all. So this is not the big idol crushing the small idols. This is a real snake, a real Python that they know is not an optical illusion, because they know their magic. They know their sorcery, that is not what we do. That's a miracle. There's a difference between our magic and that miracle. That's a more jeiza Not our magic. And so they immediately believed as that big snake eats all of their illusions away, and then they immediately become
believers. Now, this is a very curious situation. Because not only did they become believers in the moment, what if their own tell them I'm going to do to you?
He said, I'm going to cut off your arms. I'm going to cut off your legs. And you know tyrants when they when they make an example out of someone you know what they do to their body parts, right? I'm going to really really make you look bad. I'm going to mutilate you take your body crucifying you in front of the public. I'm gonna humiliate you wait to see the torture that I'm going to put you all through at that moment. Subhanallah how much Yaqeen certainty did they have? Right What did they say?
Go ahead and they said it out. Albina lemon Caliban we are already in our return to Allah subhanaw taala anyway we're returning to our Lord anyway. Now by the way when when someone passes away we say in Nadi la he were in LA he Raji rune to Allah we belong and to Him we return Do we ever say one polygon? It means pretty much the same thing. Do we ever say that?
Are you sure?
Think about do you ever
say that we are moving collarbone
somebody you broke your fast already you can't use the we haven't eaten excuse. Has anyone here ever traveled before? Yeah so what do you say when you travel?
Subhan Allah the Sahara Anahata when I couldn't Allah homoclinic were in Iraq Bina lemon collarbone.
you glorify Allah subhanaw taala and you say that we are returning to our Lord, one called Eborn. One collarbone, the scholars say is a stronger version than Raji Arun Raji rune is how we settle ourselves when we say that you know what was in this world was not meant to be in this world, they returned back to Allah subhanaw taala when Kali Boon means that we are in this journey to Allah subhanaw taala. And the final resting place that we're looking for anyway is with him. So when you go out on a journey, you know what, yeah, Allah, you provided us the means. And if we reach this destination in this life or not, the real destination we're seeking is the destination with you the
destination of your pleasure. How do these people all of a sudden have all of this faith? Where did that come from? In a matter of moments, where they're saying, You know what, frown? Go ahead. Just a few moments ago, you were asking them hey, can we be your cronies? Can we be near you? Can we be close to you? Now you're saying mutilate us, crucify us. It doesn't matter. We're going back to Allah subhanho wa taala. Anyway, and that's the journey that we are seeking. The Curious Case that had been above will be allowed Tada. And Huma has this reflection, he said, subhanAllah us but who Sahara? Well, I'm so Shahada.
Is there any group of people like these people, they woke up, they in the morning, they were the magician's of the Pharaoh. In the evening, they are martyrs for Allah. Who are these people? You know, moments Subhanallah they flipped. They went from the worst of people to the best of people. What is for their own do to them, for their own takes them. And indeed, he cuts them up into pieces, and he crucifies them along the Nile.
So if you're looking at the Nile River, for their own indeed made an example out of them, right, they crucified them and their bodies were all across the Nile so that the other people could see and that their fear of Pharaoh the fear of fear own could continue to overcome their hearts. There are so many reflections that I'd like to share in sha Allah to Anna but I'll just share a few one of them by the ways that sort of Baha ometer Barbara the Allahu Taala and who became Muslim to sort of Baja the morning that almost all the Allahu Anhu went out he was the reason why the Muslims were hiding.
Right? The morning he went out he was the worst of people. The reason why the Muslims one of the main reasons why the Muslims were hiding away from the public because aroma or the Allahu Anhu was a big tyrant who not only was willing to kill Muslims but was willing to kill the Prophet Muhammad. So I sent him himself
by the evening and remember what they said about Amara, the Allahu Anhu. They said, the donkey of a hubbub will become Muslim before Allah.
But Allah changed his heart. And he became the reason why the Muslims were able to come out and proclaim their Islam proudly. So the Muslims were hiding in a home but because of Amato, the Allahu anhu, reading sort of Baja, they came out and they proudly declared their Islam without any issues without any fear whatsoever. These people were the were the opponents of the Prophet of Allah, standing for a tyrants. And now they were the reason why a tyrant was being discredited and instead standing for the Prophet of Allah and ultimately to be martyred for Allah subhanaw taala. So the way Allah used them as a means in that moment, but beyond that there's something else that they're at
and that reflect on by the way,
why is it that the Sahara for their own, their hearts were so soft, that they immediately were willing to receive revelation to absorb revelation, and they no longer had any fear? You know why? They realized that their entire purpose in life was a fraud.
It wasn't just the snakes that turned out to be a fraud. Imagine you've worked your entire life and bolted in falsehood, your entire life you are trying to rise for money, and you realize that doesn't mean anything. bigger audience and you realize the audience doesn't mean anything, and closeness to power and you realize that that power is false to Allah shattered their own pursuits. It wasn't just that the snake consumed their illusions, it's that the illusion of life became clear to them as well. This whole pursuit of ours was nothing. Who cares? Everything became insignificant to them at that moment when they realized they were living a lie. And that's why you see sometimes this full
day of the Allahu Taala and who says he says that keep keep
The company the close company of the renter's because they have the most tender hearts, someone that lived their lives away from Allah and then Allah changes their heart. Their hearts are so tender. He said, keep the company of those people because Allah shattered, it's like they already got there. They already got everything that you could want from this dunya you know what, in Nairobi now a monopoly when we're going back to Allah anyway, that's really the only place that we care about at this point. Also Subhan Allah, we were talking about your eyes with miracles,
their bodies being crucified, and hanging out there was just as much of an illusion as those snakes that they were once casting. Why? Because what happens to the Shaheed what happens to the martyr, as soon as they are struck, they see their place in Jannah. Their souls were already enjoying what Allah subhanaw taala was giving to them. These people went from trying to get closeness to the fitter own, to now having their souls in the bodies of birds, going to Allah subhana wa Tada in the presence of a man attaining the highest, the highest reward that you could possibly attain.
An end that, by the way, is not just the illusion of there's so many illusions here right? What is real, what is hap versus what is bottom? What is truth? And what is falsehood? The illusions of their bodies crucified, the illusions of the snakes, the illusions of their pursuits, the illusions of power, all of these illusions gone out the window, and the only thing they're now focused on is Allah subhanaw taala. But in that also, by the way, your brothers and sisters is hope, hope, right? That these people, we don't know their names. We don't honor them, you know, but we don't memorialize them. As far as the dunya is concerned, they left this world crucified.
But hope Subhanallah the repentance of these people in that moment, you never know. You never know. And by the way, there was someone like that in the time of the Prophet slice. I'm gonna end with this interesting man. And I will write all the Allahu Tada and who used to say should I tell you about a person who entered Jana? As a martyr? He was a Shaheed and he never even prayed a single salah. Do you imagine that he never prayed a prayer. He never fasted the day of Ramadan, but he was a Shaheed and it was a man by the name of Hussein Adam came to the Prophet slice alum right before the battle and said, You ought to sit Allah I'm ready now he was holding back his Islam all this
time. His faith came to him right before the battle he fought in the battle and he died. He was a Shaheed and he never prayed us Allah Subhan Allah.
You don't know where you're going to change. And that's why we're in Robben Island, one collarbone and the most famous of the prophets lie Selim yarmulke Libelle Kulu Oh Turner of hearts just like our lives are tribulation, oh, Turner of hearts thump bit colombiana Denecke make my heart firm on your path. So that our last moments are like the last moments of those magicians of their own who became martyrs for Allah, not like their first moments so that we are not the people who wake up as believers and leave the world go to sleep as disbelievers but we are people whose hearts are firm upon faith may Allah subhana wa Tada make us amongst those people who witnessed the truth of what
Allah subhanaw taala has promised us and whose hearts remain attached to that truth and are never misled by the illusions of this world. Allahumma Amin Xochimilco hide on Santa Monica