Mohammed Faqih – Stories Of The Prophets #9 MUSA

Mohammed Faqih
AI: Summary © The segment discusses the characteristics of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts of theattempts
AI: Transcript ©
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The characteristics of the characteristics of Musa alayhis salam of his qualities that are mentioned in the Quran

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is his strength

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and his integrity.

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And that came

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in a statement that Allah subhanaw taala attributes

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to one of the two women or ladies that Musa alayhis salam found

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taking care of their

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And Musa alayhis salam came in offer to help them.

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So, said in the Quran that one of them said to her father, when they went home and told him what happened? She said, Yeah, but he stayed

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in the hiring Minister Yatta I'll call you. I mean, she said, Father, you might as well hire him. By the way, the proper word for hiring a human being is stellar. It's called Jarrah.

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What what should be used for property is Kira.

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In its modern Arabic is only used in Northern Africa and Morocco and the western regions of the Muslim world. That's a more proper fossa.

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Right? When you rent a property, car or house, you that is called an Arabic killer.

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To call it tell you to, anyways, that's beside the point. This jar is for human beings, it's hiring a person.

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Alright, so she said, Yeah, but he said, You're who hire him, Father,

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hire him.

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In the hiring minister, your telco we will I mean, the best person, the most qualified person to be hired for the kind of services that we need is a person who has whose career I mean, who is strong,

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and trustworthy,

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strong and trustworthy. Obviously, His strength is something that she was able to observe. When she saw that he was capable of doing what a group of shepherd would do. He did it by himself.

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As it says, in some narration is moving the rock. I mean, the Quran doesn't explicitly mention what it is that he exactly did that made her. But she was able to see that he was able to finish the task that would take a group of people, he did it by himself out of his salon. So she was able to see that he was very strong and determined,

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in spite of the fact that he was traveling, by the way, right? And he didn't have much means with him. But the question here is, where does she or how does she know his Amana? That he was trustworthy? Someone might say, well, maybe by the fact that he actually did a good job. And he did not ask them for any pay, because he volunteered to do it. So he didn't ask for anything back. You know, sometimes people come and volunteer. And then they ask, they're like, I'm not asking for anything, but they're asking for recognition. They're asking to be celebrated. They're asking to be given special privileges.

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That's not the true spirit of volunteerism.

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A volunteer is someone that does something for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala or for the sake of providing a service.

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So Musa having Salam is said in some narrations, that what happened is that when she when they came back, or when she actually rather, one of them came back perhaps most likely the one that

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said to her father to hire him when she came back to him. Because what happened is after he finished whatever he did for them, he went Allah Subhana Allah Allah says tomato Allah Allah will he went and sat under a tree looking for some shade to rest. And then he made a dua beautiful.

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What did he say? I'll be oh my lord in Neelima and Zelda La Yemen hiring fuckin I am desperately in need for whatever good oh Allah you sent sent my way. So beautiful way of saying what? Some beautiful, humble way of saying, Oh Allah, I'm in need.

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And we learned from from the prophets and they're dry. They're very humble. They're very settled with Allah subhanho wa Taala the way they make dua, right. Sometimes they're not direct give me this or I want such and such.

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Alright, oh Allah choose what is best for me. In Lima sending a little Anta hamara Hey, beautiful. So he's, he made that draft. So shortly after that, she comes in she says, My father is inviting you to come

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to reward you for what you had done for us. Obviously he wants to talk to him not to look for any of you

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Word and that's when he offered to, to marry him, one of his two daughters. But she said, and this according to this Prophetic narration, when Musa alayhis salam when she told Musa come with me, Musa told her

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walk behind me.

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not because he's, she's a woman and they're supposed to be

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out of what?

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Out of being protective of her and out of hair, because of his modesty.

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It could get windy, and she may be exposed. And then some narration is said that it was windy and something. So Musa alayhis salam asked her to walk behind him, so that she doesn't what

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she's she's not exposed, so that he's not, she's not in front of him. And for her to feel safe.

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Right? For her to feel safe in his presence at a center. And he said, Whenever you want to direct me towards any direction, you don't even have to say anything, take a pebble or something, just throw it in that direction that will make that turn. And if so, how long? This shows his level of modesty, his higher his integrity, it has some

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very important qualities in anyone that you seek

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for any service that you do, you see, they say trust is a very important component

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of any productive

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and profitable

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However, there is something that is more important than the Trust has two components. What are the two components of trust? They said, one is skill.

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Right? Proficiency, someone's ability to actually deliver and do the job.

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The other is integrity. See, most of the time people focus on one

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on one on the first one, not the second one. However, if you were to ask anyone you know, any right state of mind, would you go to someone

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that has the ability to fix something has the skill to fix something and take care of it yet you do not trust their integrity? You don't want to do that.

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Right? When you go to a mechanic that you know is going to maybe be able to fix the problem, but it's going to cause some other problems. You wouldn't want to do that. So you want someone who's worth trustworthy, right? But would you go to someone just because they're trustworthy, and they're nice. You go to a nice person who doesn't know anything about

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the service you're asking them to provide. You wouldn't go to a mechanic was just lousy who doesn't know anything about

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fixing cars. So you're looking for both, right? You're looking for both integrity. But integrity is more important than the skill because it is the integrity that is going to make the person say, oh, I can do this job or I cannot do this job.

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See this. Integrity is very important. So Musa alayhis salam was a man of great integrity and he was a very honest person.

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And this is the second quality that is highlighted in the story of Musa that we find in the Quran I want to fast forward. When Musa alayhis salam stood before Allah and Allah azza wa jal told him that you're the chosen one.

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And I am your Lord and I commissioned you as such as such, what did Musa alayhis salam, the honest and the humble man said.

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And Humility is the third quality that I wanted to highlight tonight. What is this honest man say? He didn't say yeah, of course. I'm the most qualified No. He said,

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Oh, Allah. But but but I killed someone

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I have. I have something in my history that that they could use against me.

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Oh Allah, I have a speech impediment.

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And Harun my brother Aaron.

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He has the character of a prophet for loc de la Helen, who might be a better person who will have served me nearly seven, he is more eloquent in his speech than me.

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It's not a competition as to who needs to be in the forefront.

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There is someone else more eloquent, someone else who is more articulate, let that person be the person who speaks

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on our behalf. Doesn't have to be me, doesn't have to be.

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So Musa alayhis salam had the humility. He had the honesty and the humility.

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Right when Allah subhanaw taala told him

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Musa brought up all of these things, but what about what I did? What about how one might be a better person?

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At least

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his humility continues, by the way, because this is an integral part of his character and a Salah Alesund that we need to learn from him, whether it's with his family, or his brother, or even when Musa alayhis salam later on

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one day, Allah subhanaw taala people asked him as to who is the most knowledgeable person, and he wasn't because sometimes you see, we feel like there is a conflict between humility and honesty. So Musa alayhis salam was asked a simple question, who is the most knowledgeable person and he assumed

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and it was a very reasonable assumption, since he is God's prophet. He's ALLAH SubhanA. Allah says, as we get to spoke to him, he spent 40 days in the Presence of Allah Subhana Allah, Allah azza wa jal wrote for him, in the tablets, what Katana Allah Who filled him in coalition in north of sila, everything, so he assumed and he had access to Allah subhanho wa Taala direct line of communication. So Musa alayhis salam assumed he is the most knowledgeable so when we saw him one day asked him as to who is who is the most knowledgeable person, he said, I am the most knowledgeable person.

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So Allah azza wa jal revealed him that there is another person that has more knowledge or that has knowledge that you don't have. He was right. Go seek that. So Musa Ali Salam himself said, Oh, Allah, let me go learn from him. He didn't say, but I am the Prophet here. I'm the messenger here.

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I'm the one that you spoke to directly.

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Or, okay, let that person come to me. No. He said, Oh, Allah, tell me where I can find that person so that I can go and learn from him. Take some of the knowledge that he has that I don't have a lifelong learner, and seeker of knowledge.

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Right, in his old age at a center, he goes and he travels, and he was so determined. And you know, the rest of the story with Hillary salad and how humble Musa was and how persistent he was, even when I initially turned him down. And he said, You will not be able to deal with the kind of knowledge that I have.

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And with the kinds of action that I'm going to be doing, it's going to be very difficult for you to tolerate it, Musa

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Moses said,

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Don't worry,

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I'll do my best to be patient.

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But again, eventually his honesty kicks in, his integrity kicks in, he could not he could not, you know, hold himself and the passion that he had. So when he saw a lot of doing things that are utterly, that apparently seem to be outrageous, you damage and vandalize the ship of people that did your service, and carried you you kill an innocent child, or apparently what appear to be like an innocent child, he killed him. He just acted like the Angel of Death just took him out. Right?

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So Musa Islam couldn't hold himself

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each time. But eventually at some point, Moses said to him, Listen, I have not been as patient as I thought I would be. So therefore if I ever ask you or question anything else that you're going to do, then you have every right to leave me or to abandon me. So eventually, that that happened as well. All right. And Musa alayhis salam had to part ways with

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honesty, humility, coupled with humility, very important and essential qualities of any successful leader or servant of the people.

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And last,

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we should not, you know, we should always remember that Allah azza wa jal Commission has grown as well with Musa and there are lessons that we learned from both of them and for the dynamics of their relationship. I like him a sinner. Right.

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And how they worked together. This is just a side note.

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Musa alayhis salam asked Allah azza wa jal to support him and reinforce his Dawa and his mission with heroin, because heroin had something that Musa Musa thought he didn't have.

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It's not wrong. And again, most of being humble and the person who's honest and who's sincere, who wants this mission to succeed, it's about the mission, it's about the message.

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It's not about who gets credit for it's not about who gets the title. It's about getting the job done.

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And it doesn't matter who does it, or who gets recognized for it, or who gets the title.

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Musa alayhis salam asked for her own to join him. And Allah subhanaw taala commit

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Hold on as well and hold on was a prophet and messenger Allah azza wa jal tells us in the Quran, varsity Allah Harun, he said

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and they both pray together and they both struggled together.

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Allah Hema salah.

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Harun was Did Did we see anywhere where Harun was a why do they respect or why do they fear Musa more than me when Musa left for 40 days they they did what they did they would have not done it if most of us there as a matter of fact how when when Musa came to him and he said How and why did you let them do that? He said in almost fully

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they thought I was weak. They didn't have any respect for me. What car do we actually own any? They even were so close to kill me.

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Fella to Schmidt via that don't don't let them you know don't let them laugh at me.

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Take it easy on me Musa I didn't have much means you on the other hand, they would they would have not dare to do that in your presence. And I always by the way wonder why.

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How long was a prophet Musa was a prophet? Why did they fear most of more than

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anyone has an answer for this? Why do you think they feared Musa more than Hello? Like they would have not done that?

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Most of us are strong physically. How do we know that? How do we know is not strong?

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Anyone else?

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Again, any I really don't have a clear answer to it. But anyone maybe this would be the Ramadan trivia since the word like man or woman. Whoever gets the answer for this show will get an MIT mugisha

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What did you say?

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Musa is the one that had the physical Musa had the stick.

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Musa had the stick that turned into what? A snake with which he destroyed. The Magicians who whom they fear the most. The Magicians were the most feared Musa defeated them with his a stick that stick What was with him the whole time.

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Perhaps these people whose brains were were conditioned

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to believe and to fear physical objects

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more than anything else, right.

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The sick on Musa was gone with the stick.

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Their true nature came up.

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Right? And they didn't fear because when we told them that Allah subhanaw taala will punish you for this. They didn't care.

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But the stick scary

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right now, perhaps could be the stick? Allah Allah, Allah knows best. So So Musa and Harun work together. And the point the side point that I wanted to make is

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successful that our successful service and mission

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are people do much better when they work together as a team.

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And when there is humility, and there is focus on the mission

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and the job that needs to be done. May Allah Subhana Allah grant us the humility, the sincerity, the strength, the integrity that we need to be successful and for our actions to be accepted and blessed by Allah subhanho wa Taala may have lost peace and blessings be upon Musa will Harun Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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