Ismail Kamdar – The Islamic Story of Jesus

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The Bible is a single-word and not a combination of multiple words, and the similarities between the names of the Prophet Isa Alayhi, Jesus, and ZACHARY make it difficult to understand the pronunciation of words like Jacob and Jacob. The history of words and pronunciation is also discussed, as it is important to understand the meaning behind the use of words in the language. The importance of learning from the Quran to protect oneself from mistakes is emphasized, along with following the Bible and not repeating mistakes.
AI: Transcript ©
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About 2000 years ago, one of the greatest prophets of Islam, Prophet, Isa, even Mario, Jesus, the son of Mary was born. And today I want us to reflect a bit on some of the teachings of Isa on a Salaam and some of the lessons that we can learn from it.

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This is a very important story in our history, and too often it gets glossed over because we tend to use it only as a as a Dawa tool, right? We tend to only bring up the story when we're trying to do Dawa to Christians or Jews. But in reality, every story in the Quran has lessons for us, lessons that we can take, and we can apply to our lives so we can become better Muslims. So isa alayhi, salam, he was from the tradition of the Israelite prophets. Allah subhanho wa taala, from the time of year move, Ali salam until the time of a Saudi Salam, he chose for the major prophets to come within this one tribe. And all of them were part of this tribe. And he Salesianum would be the last

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of the prophets to be spent and sent to that specific tribe. And he came at a time where that tribe had lost all of their political power. The time in which isa alayhi salam had come the Romans, which at that time was a pagan Empire, and we didn't have Roman to think of Christians, but of course, that will be after the time of Saudi Salam. When he came, the Romans ruled over that land, but they were a pagan empire, they were idol worshipers, and the Jews had lost all of their political power. And they were citizens under Roman leadership. And in their minds, they were hoping and then wishing that the next prophet that God sends would be a political leader

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like that would Elisa, King David like Solomon, Elisa, King Solomon, right Allah subhanaw taala, the prophets he sent out two types, those who come with political power, like that would and so a minute Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they were prophets to have political power. And then they were prophets who just came and preached. We didn't have any political power, like Luther, or a Salah, and Zakaria and Yahia and Isa Isa.

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And at a time when he saw the Islam came, they were already prophets in the community. The courier or the salon was there, the couriers and Yahia was there. And they were preaching to this community and they were

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teaching the people that don't rock. But the difference between Issa and the other prophets that were sent at that time, is the difference between a newbie annual Rasool

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Nabhi is someone who receives revelation, Eros, surely someone who comes with a new scripture.

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And so Zach, Gurria, and Yahaya were in the beats, they were prophets, but they were preaching the Torah of Musa they Salah didn't have a new scripture. That was the scripture that people had to follow for all those generations. Isa alayhi salam was a Rasool he came with a new scripture that all the the,

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the Gospel.

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Now easily Islam comes at this time, where people are expecting a preacher who is going a prophet who is going to give them political power.

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And he comes with a very different type of Prophet with a very different type of message. But before we get into that, just want to clarify one point about who is Saudi Islam was one of the issues that people keep bringing up, it sounds like a very minor or set aside point. But it's something that a lot of young people ask and that is why is the names ISA and Jesus so different. Right? It sounds like a very minor point. But you actually a non Muslim saying now that, oh, you're following a different deal. Talking about the different Prophet Isa sounds nothing like Jesus, they are two different people. Right? So where does this name come up? Because they come to the other biblical

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prophets is easy to see the lake? Moses Musa, they sound to say, Abraham, Ibrahim, they sound the same, right? It's hard, Isaac, they sound the same. But Issa and Jesus don't sound the same. The only the model letter is the same. So are these the same name? Yes, they are the same name. They are the same name. But if you understand the history of of letters and the history of words, and the history of how the pronunciation of names change over time, can you understand why they ended up sounding so different? So the Prophet Isa Ali Salam, he spoke the language, Aramaic, right and Aramaic, the, the, his name would have been a sharp, A sharp, right, which when you get Arab besides

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becomes Isa. That's easy. That's simple. A SHA becomes Isa, right? The other side, the Hebrew, how would you pronounce a SHA in Hebrew becomes a vicious

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etias Right

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now, many people don't know this the letter J, the letter J was only invented 500 years ago. So the prophets name could not have been Jesus. The letter g was invented 1500 years after his time. And what you find is when the letter J was invented many ancient words the eye they started with an eye or a year, he got change into a gene. So Yaakov becomes Jacob Yunus becomes Jonah, and essence becomes Jesus. This is the history of the world. So they both go back to the C word Isha, right, but the album, it gets aerobicized into Isa, it gets in Hebrew becomes Asus, and then in English, and eventually becomes Jesus. So they have the same root, they are the same name. It's just in 2000

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years, the way words are pronounced, and region and spell keep changing in different languages. And that's why they end up sounding so different from each other. But the roots are still the same. So they're just to clarify a small doubt if they're all young people bring up. So this was the Prophet Isa alayhi, Salam or Jesus peace be upon him, he comes to the message these people now again, remember, in his time, the people were politically weak, but they also were spiritually corrupt. And this was something that ZACHARY And yeah, who were trying to fight, and they did not really have the power to fight it, but they just had to keep preaching to the people to follow the Torah. But people

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have become very spiritually corrupt at that time, they have taken up to money lending and on interest, right. And there was a lot of

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business dealings that were unethical. And there was mistreatment of parents, and all of the spiritual aspects of following the laws of Allah were missing. So isa Ali Salam, he comes with a message of returning to the spirit of the law, of returning to the true message of the prophets. It's not just enough to claim to follow you, the prophets to claim to be the chosen people. It's not just enough to claim to follow the book. But where is the spirituality? Where is that respect for parents? Where is that honest, business dealings, he came to call people back to being righteous, to being good in their character to having good manners. And that's not what the people wanted to hear.

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What the people wanted to hear is, we're going to gain political power. We're going to fight the Romans. We're going to take back our land.

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And these are Islam had no intention of any of this. His job was there to spirit spiritually purify the people. His message is summarized in Surah SFX in clean centered in three things right, three things he said in Surah stuff. He said the Alberni soya Oh children of Israel in new rasool Allah He Alico, I am the messenger of Allah to you. So he immediately claims that he's not just an OB, he's a Euro Su, which means he's coming with a new scripture, right, the gospel. But what did this new scripture do? It simply served as the bridge between the past and the future? Right? It's a bridge between two messengers. What are those two messages? We'll start the call The Marina Yeah, Dr.

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Minato, rock, to testify to what is in the Torah, that his message is testifying, it is reinforcing the message of the Torah, that in reality, there was no difference between the message of Jesus and Moses and we believe that that Muslims, that there's no difference between the message of Jesus and Moses, that all of the prophets consistently, they preach the same theology, they preach the same message that you must worship one God, and he must obey the messengers, there was no difference. And so he called people back towards the doorknob to a new scripture, but this new Scripture also was a bridge towards the future. What does the future what will Bashir on the Rasul Yachty mean by this?

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And to give you good news of a prophet after me known as Ahmed.

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Now some of the scholars spend a lot of time reflecting why does this why is the word Ahmed used here and not the word Mohammed? i This is the only time in the Quran the word awkward comes. And we all know Ahmed in this verse refers to Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we know that he was known by both names and both these names have the same meaning and the same root letters. But why is Ahmed used in this verse? And not Mohammed? Many different theories have been given by the university in my opinion, is the reason the word Ahmed is used is because it's closer to the Aramaic at the moment. So it's closer to the actual words he would have used in his language.

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Right that in the language that Jesus spoke, he wouldn't have used the word Mohammed, he will use something similar to Ahmed. Right. So to be consistent to what Jesus would have actually said that version of the word was used for we know Ahmed and Mohammed both mean the most praise. They both came from the same city route letters, they both refer to the same person. He was the bridge. He was there to hope to get people to hold form to the message of the people.

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prophets until the final prophet wives. That was his role.

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Now we know that easily Islam came with many miracles. I'm not going to go into the details about medical because that's what we learned about the most we know about him, right that when we learned about his Saudi Salaam in school, we all learned about the miracles. And yes, we all know the verticals of Saudi Salah that he spoke when he was born. And his birth itself was a miracle that he had no father, either his mother Mudumalai Salam became pregnant through a miracle. And he spoke when he was born. And by the way, even the Christians don't have this story of him speaking when he was born. This is a vertical that's unique to the Muslim scriptures, that he spoke when he was born,

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and that he brought the dead back to life. And he healed those who were born blind and he healed the lepers. Now, what's interesting is, the Jews witness all of this, the people the Bani Israel, they witness all of this, the Romans, some of them would have witnessed this as well. Imagine witnessing these miracles, meeting this prophet, hearing this message, and still rejecting it.

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It lets you understand that people if they don't want to believe something, they will make every excuse not to believe it. The truth can be clear in front of the eyes, they'll still find a way to reject it. And that's what happened is our SOL, Jesus came with the clearness of approves, he came with the most clear verticals, right verticals and no one else can possibly perform. Only Allah could have sent that kind of miracle to his prophets, very clear medical, similar to Musala Islam when he drew the stick, and he became a snake. These are the kinds of miracles that prove that this person is sent by God.

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He came with a clear list of verticals, he came with a clear list of messages consistent with the message of the prophets before him. He was the most righteous person in his community. No one could fault the character of Jesus. Nobody could follow this guy, he was the most righteous person in our community. And despite all of this, his people rejected him. His people rejected him to such an extent that something he had only 12 follows. Right, the 12 disciples of Jesus, you had a very small following.

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At most, you have been 20 people, a very small handful of people believed in you.

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I wanted the rest of the people do because he did not want to be a political leader and revolt against the Romans. Ironically, the Jews went to the Roman authorities, and they told them that this man is a political leader who's revolting against you.

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And so we know that the punishment for that would have been crucifixion. But this is where the Muslim version of the story and the Christian version of the story before. This is where our theology differs, because in their theology, Jesus was crucified. And we know all of the beliefs that came from that. But the Quran is very clear that they did not crucify him. What happened to him? Allah knows best. There are many different opinions amongst all AMA, right. The most common one, the most consistent one that Muslims have held throughout the ages is that Allah saved him from the crucifixion took him to heaven, and that he will return in the end times to fight the job to

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find the Antichrist. Right. That's the most common one, but there are other deities as well. But what we do know what the Quran makes very clear, is they did not crucify him.

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They did not crucify him and that he will return.

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And so it's important for us to know the story because number one, the story of Esau Islam is not just a, a story you bring up when you want to do Dawa, to people, yes, you shouldn't bring it up when you're doing that to people. But that's not the only reason. Right? Number two, it is part of our theology. This is part of our Aqeedah. This is part of our belief as Muslims, we believe in Jesus peace be upon him. And in his miraculous book, and in his message that he brought to his people. We believe that he was one of the five greatest prophets of Allah. And we believe that he will return before the end of time

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as one of the major signs when he will fight and he will defeat the job. These are beliefs that we need to be firm about, and we need to teach our children and we need to be clear about but we also need to understand that in the stories of the Quran, they are all these lessons for us. And this is a mistake we make when we read the stories of the binaries. Raheel many of us, the mistake we make is read the stories and be like, what's up with these Jews? Why are they doing all these wrong things? The purpose of the story is being in the Quran is not

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for you to think bad about other nations but for you to reflect and not repeat the mistakes. That's why the stories are in the Quran. Right that you read a story of something that happened 2000 years ago and you think to yourself, Okay, they did this, I shouldn't do it. They made this mistake. I need to make sure I don't make the same

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mistake they made. This is the purpose of the stories of the Quran that we reflect, and we ensure that we are not repeating the mistakes of those who came before us, because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one and predicted that this ummah will follow in the footsteps of the Jews and the Christians, so much so that if they had to enter a lizard hole, the Muslims reduce or two, meaning that there will be people amongst this ummah, who will blindly follow the mistakes of the nations that came before them. How do you protect yourself from falling into this? By studying these stories by analyzing the stories by reflecting on these stories and by taking lessons from these stories,

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that's how you protect yourself from making the same mistakes that they made.

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Ask Allah subhana wa to allow us to benefit from the study of the Quran. Walk through that one and you have to do that.

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Hamdulillah He washed our salatu salam ala mandanna Ba ba ba ba inner circle Hadees Tiki tabula rasa yo, howdy, howdy Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was shudder morning one decide to have a good morning, so did our COVID-19 Dolla dolla.

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After isa Ali Salam passed away, or after he was taken up, right after he saw the salam was taken up and he was

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and he disappeared from his community. And some believe that he had passed away. And all kinds of stories began to come up some it's claimed that he died in risen from the grave, or this claim that he had just been taken up other claim that he was dead. What happened after that time, after that, a variety of different groups came about with various beliefs about him. You see the message of Esau, the Salah was not a message calling on people to worship him. This came much later by other people. And we don't have time to go into the full story. But I highly recommend to go back and study the history of the Trinity to see how this belief evolved over time. Because there are lessons we can

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take from this history easily. Islams message was clear and consistent to worship Allah and to obey the messages completely different from what we see of Christianity today. All of those changes happen after his time. And an important lesson that we'll get into about that in a bit.

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For those who want to go into the story, more details, I highly recommend that you go home, you open the Quran with a translation and you read the translation of two sutras surah Allah Imran and sulamani if you never read the translation of the surah before go and do so today, because in these two sutras, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala reveals to us the story of Mary and Jesus, it's mentioned twice Subramanyam was immaculate Surah very powerful. Microsoft has some of the best rhythm and and poetic rhyming in in the Quran. A very early surah and that's why when the Sahaba went to Abyssinia

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and the spoke to the Christian of Amazonia, they decided to wrap it up to them this lets you know how early the Sunnah was revealed. surah Allah Imran was revealed in Medina, when Christians came to Medina and they asked the Prophet salallahu Salam, what do you believe about Jesus? And then this euro was revealed? So the Christian of Abyssinia, they got the message to Super Mario and the Christians that came to Medina, the delegation that came to Medina, the message that was sent to them was you saw the Ali Imran. And if you read these two students, you have two

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narrations of the story of Jesus that emphasize different lessons. It's worth going and taking the time to read through these to summarize and reflecting on the message, but let's do some reflections now. What lessons can we learn from the life of Prophet Jesus peace be upon him? Remember Allah subhanaw taala says the stories of the Quran are there for us to take lessons from for us to take lessons from? What are the lessons that we can take from ESA ESA. Number one, our job is simply to make the effort to try our best results from Allah subhanho wa taala. This is something we need to be very clear about the job of every Muslim whether you are doing Dawa, whether you are teaching

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whether you've been just working to earn a halal income, your job is simply to try your best. The results are color Allah, the results are in the hands of Allah subhanho wa Taala your job is simply try your best and leave the restaurant wash over hand over to Allah. Sometimes you see the fruit of your efforts in this world. Sometimes you do not and you get your reward in the afternoon with the prophets of Allah, they were those prophets who gained the large following in this world. And even those prophets who had no followers in this world and and easily salaam caught somewhere in the middle. Because in his lifetime, he had a handful of followers and are being passed away. There are

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many who claim to follow him, but unfortunately many of them follow a distorted version of what he preached and not what he really preached. And so our job is

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simply to convey the message and to try our best and to do our best and leave the results to Allah. Results are a part of God, they are a part of destiny, they are something we have no control over.

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Lesson number two.

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If people don't want to see the truth, if people don't want to know the truth, the people have closed themselves off to the truth. No matter what evidences or miracles are presented to them, they will find a reason to reject it.

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The people that Jesus was sent to, they saw the miracles through their own eyes. They saw the most righteous of people amongst them, preaching a message consistent with the prophets that came before him performing miracles that clearly were sent by Allah, yet, they still rejected him. And 600 years later, he do the same thing with Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam, the most righteous man of his community, who preach the message consistent with the prophets before him, who performed miracles, adding witness with the almond eyes. Yet still, some people chose to reject him, because he didn't like what he preached. And that's lesson number three. The truth is often but the truth is

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often something people don't want to hear, they don't like to hear. And that means when you preach the truth, you might make enemies, you might have people turn against you, people hate you. That's part of the job. That's part of the job. The truth is the truth, you have to speak it regardless of the consequences. That's what Jesus did. That's what Mohammed Salim did, they spoke the truth. They didn't worry about how people will react, because their job was to convey the message. But the final lesson I want to get into, and this is the most important lesson of all, to me, is for us to remember and to understand the importance of holding firm to our message of Islam, preserving it,

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and sticking to Orthodoxy and never trying to change Islam. What was the mistake that the people who claim to follow Jesus made, the biggest mistake they made is over and over again, throughout history, he kept changing his message, until what we see today is far away from what he preached. And this got especially bad in the past 100 years. In the past 100 years, there have been so many attempts to change and alter and modify Christianity to make it suitable to the times make it suitable to liberalism to make it more acceptable to atheists, to just make it more acceptable to all forms of immorality, there have been so many changes to the religion, that people have started

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to abandon the religion. And now we're seeing for the first time in history, that Christianity is collapsing, globally is collapsing. It is losing followers at a rapid pace. Many countries that were Christian lands 100 years ago on our atheist lands.

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How did this happen? We have to understand how this happens. We don't repeat the same mistakes. How this happened was, they did not take the Scripture seriously. They felt they can play around with the religion. They can change things even in the news this week, this new step, the Pope is now sanctioning or blessing, same * relationships. You can't change your religion like that there's consequences for doing so. And one of the consequences is people stop taking your religion seriously. Because if people can just edit a religion, it can be from God. You can just decide all the morality is this or the morality is that oh, God, change his mind is no longer immoral. If you

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can do this, you don't really have a religion, you're making it up, and people get see You're making it up, and people will run away. So we as Muslims, we need to be need to take this point very seriously. We are living in a time where there is a lot of pressure on us to do the same thing the Christians that there is a lot of pressure both internally and externally on Muslims, to change their religion, to make some edits to make things a bit easier. You know, something that's been known to be haram for 1400 years. Now we are people saying is there some way for us to interpret the scripture to say Allah, once you start doing that, you are now following in the footsteps of those

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who corrupts Judaism and Christianity, Moses than Jesus. They were the true prophets of Allah who preached the true message of ALLAH, their message was pure, their message was true. Their message was consistent with what we follow people who came after them, edited and change the message. And that's what led to the corruption. Do not fall into that mistake. Do not try to change the morality of Islam. Do not try to change the laws of Islam. Yes, there are some secondary issues, very small secondary issues that change from culture to culture and place to place their circumstances, circumstances circumstance, but those are secondary issues, our beliefs, our morality, halal and

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haram. These things are very clear in the Quran and Hadith. We need to make sure that we do

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not repeat the mistakes of those who came before us, because we are now moving towards a time where people are realizing. And this a big dollar opportunity was people are realizing that Islam is the only religion that's remaining consistent. Islam is only religion, there's not giving into pressure, Islam, the only religion where people are remaining firm on their beliefs, even when the whole world's going in the opposite direction. And now that is starting to attract people towards Islam, that people are now starting to say, hold on. If this is the only religion that is consistent in its moral teachings, then maybe there's something to it.

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So the main lesson I want us to take from the story of Jesus and what happened after his time

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is that we do not repeat the mistakes of those who claim to follow Jesus. We do not try to change our Scripture. We do not try to look for loopholes in the scripture. But we remain firm and consistent upon following the message of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam if you do so, Islam will try and fit in you ask Allah to allow us to follow in the footsteps of the righteous and to understand the Quran and Sunnah properly and to live our life provide Robert Artina for dunya Hassan will after the house in Iraq in Lebanon robbing the hub then I mean, that's what Gina was in Riyadh in Abuja,

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Baba Subhana Arabic Arabic is at the NYSC foon was phenomenal mousseline with hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen documents

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