Omar Suleiman – Freedom In Islam MSA IAW 2012

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the concept of freedom, including the history of the incident that took place in the Arab civilization and the negative impact of social media on people's lives. They criticize the use of slavery and slavery to secure personal freedom and achieve peace, and argue that religion is responsible for rising challenges to society. The history of Islam and its use of hate language and the importance of avoiding restrictions and avoiding negative thoughts when speaking to others is also discussed. The negative impact of people getting addicted to drugs and the need for more people to stop drinking is discussed, along with the rise of pre-ismism and the loss of freedom, including the implementation of Islam and the use of slavery in society.
AI: Transcript ©
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The concept of freedom. In Islamic perspective, freedom means something very, very, very different. I think everyone understands that no, I don't mean that freedom means cutting people's heads off. Freedom has a very, very comprehensive meaning. And I want to trace it back to an incident that took place in the life of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon, there was a man by the name of

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Allah lovely please with him, who was a man who was extremely simple, he was a bad one error. He didn't have a fancy horse, he didn't have a big camel, he didn't have anything to show for himself when it came to his worldly life. But at the same time, through Islam, he gained a lot of prestige. And he actually became an ambassador to the Khalifa.

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Just three years after the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon, and when the Muslims were at battle with the Persians, the reset to the emperor of Rome,

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to represent the Muslims to declare what it was that Islam has come to do, what is not represented and what Muslims were here for. Now, the persons wanted to show the Muslims, what they were all about. So they formed, you know, they have a nice red carpet spread for him. They have the soldiers gathered around that carpet, that walkway to loosen up to the anger where he was sitting on his throne and the soldiers, you know, made. See, there's fears, and they were expecting someone to come with, with a lot of dignity with nice clothes, you know, with some offering from the Muslims or something. Right? This was a show of honor. This was supposed to be, you know, a show of respect the

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show of power from the opposing army. But instead, whenever they see,

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he's in.

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He's riding a donkey.

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He walks up there, and he sees this display in front of him. And he's not impressed. In fact, he ties his donkey to the pillow

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line up on his side. He takes his spirit and when he walks up to the emperor of Persia, he drives his spear down the carpet, so tears off the carpet on the way.

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Like, man, this guy's serious business. So sensitive, and this is historical incident that has been reflected not only by Muslims as the definition of the intense of Islam, but even by non Muslim historians. This incident is so powerful, because Rustom asks, he says, What do you people want? What do you dirty Arabs want? Because if you look at the Arab civilization before Islam, it wasn't even worth calling the civilization. It was the most backward society on the face of the earth. from a standpoint of wealth from a standpoint of honor, from a standpoint of treatment of women from a standpoint of treatment of slaves. It was the most backward society on the face of the earth. And it

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was so backwards that when the

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dream that was interpreted by the patriarch to me that the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was the awaited prophet that had been foretold in the Bible. He said to the sets of the Arabs, he sets up the Spirit, He says, You know, I knew there was a prophet coming, but I don't think he'd be you guys. Like, seriously, you guys are backwards. So let's them says, What do you want? What do you want? You know, what makes you think that all of a sudden, now you have a mission, all of a sudden you have a purpose? What are you here for? And he says, these powerful words, and I'll say them in Arabic first, and then I'll say them in English. He says in

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11 Islam, beautiful, while the slaves of roosters are watching, while the slaves of the ever purge are watching, while the oppressed are gazing upon this man who seems to have a sense of dignity, who seems to have a sense of purpose, despite having very little worldly means. He says, God has sent us to take people from the slavery of other slaves, to the slavery of the Lord of all slaves, and from the construction of this world, to the vastness of the Hereafter, and from the oppression of all other systems of all other religions to the justice of Islam. And he felt that understanding that the people were watching him, he said that understanding that these people that have been subjugated

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their entire lives that have been in

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Virtual slavery by serving and worshiping that human being, you know, he said that knowing that they were watching him and they wanted to go with the representative. And, you know, there's no doubt about it. But the one that we're most concerned about is the last one, from the oppression of all other systems to the justice of the South. But it is not you have to be able to do justice to the first two in order to get to that. So I'll just briefly sunlight on what it means, you know, we talk about freedom, what is the freedom that we're talking about freedom from worship of anything other than God. Until today, in the 21st century, there's no faith that can play pure monotheism except

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Islam. And from a different from a study of religion, even whenever you study religion, you would see that what are called what religions that are called monotheistic faiths today are called soft polytheistic things soft polytheism. And Islam seems to take people off from die from the worship of literally other gods, and the worship of other men, and the worship of cultures and the worship of anything besides God, to the worship of one God. And I want you to understand this concept for a moment, because when you study religion, here's what you would be told, you'll be told that the world was wildly polytheistic that people used to live in caves and worship whatever they could

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find, if they saw thunder, in worship, whatever they feared, they worship whatever animal.

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But in reality, which you would find is that there have been books upon books that have been written that actually show that people were initially monotheistic, that if you studied the earliest civilizations, you can see clear, monotheistic undertones, which is the claim of Islam, that every person is born as a natural monotheists, every single person is born with something called Love, and natural, you know, natural orientation and inclination towards one God. And then he's converted to another system, so on so forth. And this is clear from a study of religion. And in fact, he would find that the first introduction of polytheism came through Zoroastrianism, and it wasn't even a

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ridiculous polytheism. It was diet, theism first to Gods, people could not come to terms with one guy who's responsible for everything that happens. Because then if we really look at if we really consider that there's one God that he would say, everything that happens in the world, whether it's bad in our eyes, whether it's evil, our eyes are good. It's a result of one God, we claim to be good and most merciful. So then the result is cretinism, which before degenerated into fireworks have actually said, there's a good guy, there's an evil god, there is a good God that's trying to do his thing. There's evil god that's supposed to him. So it wasn't even the concept of the devil, to Gods.

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And then that degenerated into polytheism, soft polytheism, wild polytheism and every single religion that we see that started off, monotheistic degenerated. And I want you to think about this, if you look at all of the things today, that worship multiple gods, even Buddhism, right, Buddhism, which was supposed to me, of course, Buddha, there's there's controversy over whether or not even existed right over whether or not he's a fictional character. I mean, that's a very powerful thing to think about. If he's really even real. There is a such thing as Buddha. People have, you know, studied what he preached he preached, don't worry about the Hereafter, just worry about your own

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life. Make your own life better. Right. Don't worry about the hereafter. There's no don't concern yourself with God, don't concern yourself with him.

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And his spirit, His Spirit, he was against Hinduism. And then years of, you know, years upon years upon years, 200 years later, he was considered the ninth incarnation of incarnation of the Lord Vishnu and Hindu figure. And now you see statues of Buddha everywhere you walk into a restaurant or you want to eat, you see a big fat.

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We want you to think God eats a lot, right?

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Like him, that if you go to another place, he's like, this

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is all sad, and he's got his hand open, you know, begging and things of that sort of manipulation, pure manipulation. In fact, you can find monotheistic undertones in Hinduism, and the origins of Hinduism and Christianity. Of course, there's no doubt that Christianity is a religion that we believe as you know, as Muslims originated from God that Jesus peace be upon him was a prophet who called to one God who call to the worship and servitude of this one God, But lo and behold, and if you study religion in any university, if you take any Biblical Studies class, who is the founder of Christianity, it's not Jesus Christ peace be upon a modern, modern day Christianity as it's free.

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It's the it's called the you know, they would tribute it to the Apostle Paul lived 100 years after

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If not less than 100 years, right? So now that he's considered the founder of modern day Christianity, and incorrect, it says, I have become all things to all people, that I may win their hearts to Christ. So you see, again, undertones of polytheism are introduced into Christianity. And there's still the struggle over what what was the role of Jesus Christ peace be upon him? What did he represent? Was he God? Was he the Son of God? Was he part of God? Right is there you know, you have so many different interpretations. And it's not to liberate people follow. And if anyone wants to claim that the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, came to the deacons, so that he can put people

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into the servitude of him and stuff, then what figure in history would you find order to be very ordered that he himself be buried in his own bedroom? So people would not take his grave as a place of worship? But people would not call upon them? Besides, what other secret history could you find?

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His way to emphasize? Look, I'm just the Messenger of God, when he heard his people singing that, you know, you know, tomorrow, you know, today, you know, tomorrow, we know what's gonna happen, that goes out of his way to say, don't say that when he hears people praising him to a great extent, and we certainly praise Him as Muslims. We say peace and blessings be upon him, but went out of his way to say when you bear testimony, when you testify to the oneness of God, and to my messenger ship, make sure you say, I bear witness that Mohammed is the slave and messenger of God.

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That he's both emphasized that one because it's a disaster when people become subject to that, and even if people don't worship living human beings, because it's not going away with the priests class, there is no priest class in Islam, there is no group of infallible scholars, there is nobody that you go to for fences, there is nobody that monitors your spiritual progress and things of that sort and tells you what you need to do and is at a higher level than human group definitely unto paradise. Well, you will definitely have to Hellfire is starting to do away with that, to emphasize the relationship between the caller and the one who is to be called Allah God.

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To give the person the freedom to supplicate to God alone, not to feel like he has to go through someone else who has his own his own issues.

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And even if, even if we consider the responses that we would still by associating anything with God, it's only natural because of the selfishness of men, we start to manipulate those figures to make them human beings and to craft them in the way that we want them to be. So for example, if you walk into a white church, Jesus is gonna have blue eyes and blond hair. If you're from Louisiana, like if you walk into some churches, Jesus will have dreadlocks,

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and have a nice beard, sometimes even as the beard.

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People use God as they please. And that totally defeats the purpose of having a god so from a theological perspective, freedom from the worst of anything, but God alone, and of the limits of God, a God that is unseen, but see, is all a God that is all powerful, and a God that has no inclinations, and is not overtaken by his anger does not have tantrums and destroy societies and then feel bad about it and repair doesn't favor one group of people over another doesn't favor the children of Israel, nor does he favor the Arabs, nor does he finger the non Arabs, nor does he favor anybody has no has no needs, except for rather, has no means but that he demands that people worship

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people, certainly not because he is needed them because we are in need of healing. So the first thing that we come to, to free people from this from the servitude, of worshipping anything besides a lot, we can even get to the other stuff until we understand this concept. So we understand what this truly means. And there are other forms of servitude and this kind of ties into the next part two, there's slavery of one that you love excessively. There's slavery of a standard that society has stuck feeling like you have to dress a certain way, feeling like you have to be a certain way to be accepted by society. That's also a form of slavery, feeling like you have to be anorexic to be

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beautiful. That's a form of slavery. All of that is slavery. And Islam comes to do away with that to make the person to give the person a sense of self actualization, the highest Maslow's hierarchy of needs to feel beautiful in the sight of the Creator and not worrying about the sight of creation, to be independent of the opinion of others and to have that that sense of confidence, that sense of self actualization, that sense of purpose.

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That sense of word, to really go out there and work for something that is that is infinite, and that never goes away. And that will last us for longer. And then the second thing, from the constriction of this world of this life, the vastness of the here, and I want you to think about this, people say, Islam doesn't give us freedom. religion doesn't give us freedom. Religion restricts us, why can't we just all be good people, even if we all have very, you know, these various definitions of what it means to be a good person, right? Why can't we just be good people? Why can't we just serve God in the way we want to serve them? Why can't I just pray and not have to worry about this worry

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about that? Why do we have all these restrictions? And the fact of the matter first and foremost, is that everything is permissible, nothing is restricted, unless God made it restricted. So this idea that religion restricts that the goal of religion is to restrict, and to take away a person's freedom is wrong in and of itself. But on top of that, what God restricts is what is bad for you, and what is harmful for you. And if God did not stop us from doing that, then he would not be a merciful God. And I want you to think about this. I mean, this relates to personal freedom, because this is obviously an issue, personal freedom, you know, this, this reluctancy to commit. And instead

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of committing, I'm just going to claim I'm going to hide under the guise of spirituality. And I'll just pray more often engage more in volunteerism, but I don't have to do any of the work. I don't have to follow any of the commands or the restrictions, I can claim to be a good person, I can cover myself under this guise of spirituality and say my logic doesn't agree with the logic of the Word of God. But here's the issue. If government did not tell us to stop these things that are wrong for us, because as we believe in Islam, God did not prohibit anything, just for the sake of prohibited he prohibited only those harmful for us. And I want you to think about this. He prohibited things that

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would harm society as a whole. He treated society as a whole. And he legislated according to the norm of society, not according to the exception, because many times people will say, Why can I drink out? What's wrong with drinking alcohol? Haven't you heard that, scientifically speaking, it's been proven that if you drink a little bit of alcohol, it's actually good for you. It'll increase your life, your your lifespan, and we'll do this, we'll do that right on just a casual drinker. I'm just a social drinker. What's wrong with that? Go out there and tell a mother who lost her child to a drunk driver that

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that's, you know what, it's okay for just social drinkers. If you can control yourself, you're not the norm, you're the exception. Because the vast majority of times people get addicted. And when they keep on drinking, they do more harmful things. So God for limited as a whole. And sometimes people will say, Well, why can't Why is it such strictness between men and women? Why can't we Why can't we go out? Why can't we? Why can't we go out with one another? Why do we have to keep the exam between each other the modesty, right? Why are we allowed to touch Why are we allowed to engage in intimacy? Why are we allowed to display our beauty? Right? I you know, I don't have any feelings for

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her. She's like a sister to me. Right? You know, he's, he's just like my brother. I don't have a problem with him. I can be with him a lot. There's nothing wrong with that. But you're not. You're not.

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You're the exception. Okay, you're the exception. And most likely, you're lying about being the exception anyway. But you're the exception. And God addresses society as a whole. Right? tell the parents of the girl the young girl that was raised for that was never treated given a fair shot at life because she was only looked out for her outer beauty and not for who she was on the inside. Who was only judged by the amount of cleavage she was showing that you know what this is, right? This is just this is this is civilization. This is how we're supposed to be. Tell, you know, and then we look at our society when we say hey, restriction, restriction restriction. Why does it sound

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legislate restrictions? Why do we have things prohibited? Why can we all just be good people? Do you know how many people die from drunk driving every day? Do you know how many homes have been destroyed by *? Do you know how many lives have been destroyed by *? They know how many lives have been destroyed by interest in usury and the financial teaching and transactions that were permitted.

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So we have this understanding as Muslims that God wants what's best for us. And that when God inhibits he prohibits because it's in our best interest to have that prohibition. And if we come to that understanding, and it's only logical Imagine if we observe the true essence of the job in modesty and now

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In how much how many lines, how much better marital relationships would become? Imagine how many lives would be saved, there would probably be equal standing here today that can't stand here today, because they were killed by a drunk driver, if alcohol was pregnant,

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imagine how many girls would still be able to many women would still be able to have their self esteem and would still be able to be normalized, had they not been raped and molested, because they thought that this guy was okay to be around alone. And they thought that they could expose certain things to this guy. Imagine how many things would be safe. So when we say God is restrictive, God prohibits too much. It's all about law. It's all about taking my freedom. That's just like saying that if you stop a child from choking themselves, or Pokemon toy, you're restricting that child's freedom

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God, trying to make things easier for you, God wants you to do things, right. God wants you to take to make decisions for rational reasons for the best interest of yourself. Do you know what would happen? You know, it's amazing how a lot in this society today when we preach abstinence before parents, it's like something that's backwards. That's eight minutes, right? Talk about protection. But don't talk about abstinence, right live with the reality of time talk about protection, will say that to a young person who died from AIDS because they forgot to use protection the one time that they didn't bring protection with

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you think about this for a moment. When a young girl loses her virginity in high school today. On average, she's expected to have up to 17 partners in the next 10 years of her life. That's according to the Pittsburgh medical journal 17 partners because your capacity to trust going from rep from relationship to relationship, you're emotionally more broken down. The you know, just jumping from relationship to relationship to relationship thinking this is the one making emotional decisions based on infatuation. And when you say marriage in Islam is backwards, the idea of getting to know one another internally and getting to know are discovering each other's interest in priorities in a

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permissible fashion, in a controlled gathering that that's backwards. You know, what they tell you to do when you go to buy it? Whenever you're considering buying a car, you know, what happens when you walk into a car dealership, and you're looking at a car and you're saying I just can't afford it, what does he tell you to do?

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Is take it for a drive,

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you'll feel a lot better afterwards. Then you get in the car and you take it for a drive and get out the car and you're about to make the dumbest mistake in your life. You've got a $30,000 debt, you're about to blow $70,000 on the car, good job,

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trying to make things easier for us. And as Muslims, we have that understanding as a believer in God, you don't just have the understanding that God liberated me from worshiping something else from from being able to worship Him and call upon him directly, not having to go through an intercessor not having to go through some saint not having to go through some great not having to go anywhere, just being able to call upon him my Creator, that's one but at the same time, the creator that I call upon, I know that he wants what's best for me.

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So when he prohibits I understand it's, it's in my best interest. I understand that I'm just like that child who doesn't understand what's best for them. Yep, I get it. I understand. Maybe my logic will not agree with the logic of the prohibition. But I can say that the prohibition is illogical. Because I'm a four dimensional creature. You see, you hear you smell, you touch, and you taste. If you got onto a ride today in a cardboard SpongeBob jumped out, you would scream like a little girl, knowing that it's not real. But you're a four dimensional creator and create creation. And you don't know that you have the nerve to say, Well, I don't think that this makes sense. I don't think God's

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making much sense right now.

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So as long as a person first comes to the idea of worshiping one God, then you will understand the second part too.

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And of course, now we look at the systematic aspect of it. Woman job with a guarantee that the injustice of all other systems.

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So the justice of the sun. Now before you get all worried, I'm not here to preach that we're going to take over the country which city on the ball by citizens, we understand our rights, we understand our responsibilities. We're good citizens and all that stuff. But at the same time, it's important to look back at history and to at least be able to analyze history justly and to understand what was Islam seeking to achieve on a societal perspective.

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What is that they're trying to criminalize in Tennessee, which on an individual level which would mean that we can even bring in the work that is incredible that getting married according to Islam as a criminal act, right what is it that what is it that's that's being criminalized? What is it that what's the what's all this fear about? What is it that Islam preaches on a societal level? What are what is criminal law in an Islamic Society in you know, in the time of the Prophet Muhammad peace be part of the successors? Were people just being stoned right left with people's heads been chopped off right and left, hands being chopped off? Right left? Absolutely not.

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A lot. God legislated. Something which gives rights assigns rights to the wife and to the husband's, to the child, to the to the animals, to the ruler and to the follower to society, the individuals right upon society and societies right upon the individual. All of that is addressed clearly. The right to worship, the right to choose who to marry the right to life, because guess what, before we snap, young girls were being buried alive, the right to life. And if you think that religion is what oppresses people that I have news for you, if you think that the way to bring about a just society is to eliminate religion, because essentially what Karl Marx said was religion oppresses people

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because it's a religion keeps people paralyzed, it keeps people in a virtual paralysis, because they're consistently being told, just deal with your situation and don't seek to make your life better.

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So the answer is secularism. The answer is a socialist state, the answer is no religion. And religion is responsible for the world's wars, then what about World War Two? And can you really tell me that the Crusades happen because of Christianity? Or did they happen because of the economic bankruptcy of Europe? Can you really tell me that Hitler killed 6 million Jews slaughtered 6 million Jews because they were Christ killers as he claimed it? Does really have some issues?

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Is it I mean, people claim this is all religions fault. This is not and you know, it's we somehow blind ourselves to the reality we somehow decided to eliminate all other factors and focus in on religion and blame religion. I'm not just talking about this, I'm talking about religion as a whole, because the rising challenges to religion as a whole that religion is all unjust, that religion is to subdue that religion is to take away freedom. Well, let's see how that worked out.

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How did that work on the Soviet Union? How's that working out in France right now with something that's called prescriptive secularism? It's not working out very well. In fact, it's been worse. And then there is no other society that you can claim is more oppressive than North Korea today, are they? Do you see Kim Jong Hong Kong with the target? No, it's a completely secular society, a godless society. But it didn't work out very well. It just doesn't doesn't work out very well, in individual basis, it doesn't work out very well on a societal basis, when you claim that the way to achieve peace is to eliminate religion, because the Crusades still would have happened, the suicide

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bombing still would have happened. You don't believe me? There's a book that I would like you all to read called dying to win, dying to win by Robert Payne, that analyzes every single suicide bombing of the last 70 years. And there's a political undertone to each and every single one of them. It was it was introduced by the Japanese kamikazes. Until today, the largest practitioners are the Tamil Tigers. Yes, what a secular group. It wasn't religion that brought people to that. It wasn't religion that brought people to that it wasn't religions that brought the oppression of women.

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It was Islam that liberated women. And if you don't believe me to look at the history of our look at the history of Islam and analyze it not according to Sean Hannity, or Glen Ford, or was the other guy.

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I don't think anybody respects him.

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But at the same time, these people dominate public opinion. They've got sheep all over the place, and not a single one of them has a college degree. And they're sitting there offering their expert analysis on on history and religion and anthropology and sociology. Are you serious? Sean Hannity was in the beauty school for two semesters, but doesn't qualify him to tell us about why study is here to take over the world and the dangers of Islam and the dangers of this is dangerous. People listen to that. People don't listen to professors and institutions like this. People listen to those guys, because it's the hate and the garbage that they

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Want to hear but analyze things for what they are? You look at the history of the slide 1400 years ago, when women were subjugated, and by the way, this isn't an assault on the catholic church because everything kind of has this dark period, but the Catholic Church in the year 611. Right, Augustine, what did he say that women have no soul, you can go ahead and read 1006 11, one year after the Prophet received revelation, women were given the right to testimony, women were given the right to live women were given the right to choose who to marry, women were given the right to pursue divorce, women were given the right to own property, women were given the right to not only

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vote but to participate in public systems, women were given the right we're sitting here fighting over whether or not women can be priests. And someone would say, Well, how come women can't be announced, because the amounts are not even the highest thing. Women can occupy positions of scholarship, or the

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transmission of ideas, which is greater than any via email is just the guy that leaves the prayer. A woman can occupy the position of a scholar and can give conservative by enough a woman can be a scholar of Habib can transmit a tradition from the Prophet Muhammad peace, the model. And by the way,

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one of the great scholars, he said that there is no documentation in history of a woman narrator

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there's there's complete integrity of all of the female directors of heavy women participated not only in choosing the halifa, they actually had roles in governance. And you find this even as early as

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three years after the prophet

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who was in charge, who oversaw the validity of all of the marketing transactions in the entire Muslim nation. So while we're sitting here fighting about female priests, to women, priesthood, and women being able to vote, which we only had a few years ago, is time guaranteed this 1400 years ago,

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assign the rights to everyone. slavery, right? When was slavery done away with in society? And people will look at us not and then they'll say, well, Islam is not like, you know,

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the problem is, is that we criticize Islam. And we ignored the faith traditions that existed around the time, including the traditions of Judaism and Christianity. There are very clear instructions of slavery in Deuteronomy until today, in Genesis until today, it's the Old Testament, you can say it's outdated, that's fine. But these were realities of society. And Islam was the first religion to give women the right to testimony. There is an inheritance, inheritance. Women never had rights to inheritance in any organized system, in any faith before Islam. Finally, a single verse in any previous scripture that gave women women the right to inherit, it's not the law, nothing the new

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international app or not the team, or not the American flag, or not the Revised Standard revised international modern edition of

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1400 years ago, women were assigned the right to inherit justice, slavery in Islam. And as

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a showrunner of the show, Allah legislated out of his desire to free to grant that freedom men and women freedom, slavery in a society where slaves were brutally beaten. It slapped the limits of the slab, limited slavery at all explaining what slavery is to prisoners of war. And what does that mean? I'd say, okay, prisoners of war. Now, that doesn't sound very nice. Neither does Guantanamo Bay. But at the same time, what a prisoners of war is not what is the slavery that is not allowed to sound restricted. Islam does not allow did not allow them to even call their slaves slaves. You have to feed your slave, your prisoner of war, which you would feed yourself, you have to close the loop

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once you would love yourself. You have to give that negotiate a person it's called indentured servitude, by the way, you want to research it from a historical point of view, it's not even slavery. People say Oh, slavery existed, slavery existed, you have to negotiate the contract with your prisoner of war with the slave to be able to get out of slavery has to be something reasonable, or else the judge is going to step in and make it reasonable, don't want to be born into slavery. You can enslave people based on the color of whatever it is, and Islam encourage you to free your slaves. And not only that, if you think about what would be the point of keeping a slave in your

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house, you can call him a slave. You got to feed him what you got to feed yourself, you've got to clothe them, but you've got to clothe yourself. You're not allowed to hit them because the Messenger of God census was hideously God is working for beating you. You're not allowed to do that.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:06

What's the point of having what's the point of having asleep? That's not having a sleep that's bringing another child in zero.

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indentured servitude is not eliminated. And you would find that Muslim, even when the legislation came even when they were bringing their slaves because of the good treatment that they have over

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the law. And, again, this was so that every man should eventually become free.

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When he assumed leadership, the callee been one of the most famous leaders, and he had 36 Ladies and he freed them 36 people were clicking on doors prior to be taken back into his house.

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Because they enjoyed his company. They weren't being beaten, they weren't being felt any loss. They weren't, you know, they weren't being treated as any as lesser members of society. So what was the point? What was the point of keeping a slave and it was in our favor?

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By the way, according to Michael Martin, Michael Hart is the 56th most influential man in world history. I'm sorry, 52nd most influential man in history. Who has a statement that today is in the United Nations Charter.

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Bob has a statement today that the United Nations Charter, how can you enslave a man that was born free.

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And it didn't just apply to Muslims, I mean, to non Muslims, and so on, are Muslims and non Muslims, whatever it was, it apply to everybody. And in fact, under this rule,

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whenever there was a man,

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the governor of Egypt, whatever his son was racing with a Coptic Christian, and he lost the race, and he rocks them on the face of Bob did not to sit back and say, Oh, he's a novelist in any way. He's just a slave anyway.

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Bring him to Medina.

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Let him come when he came to Medina, and he complains,

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bring the guy that lives and bring the one in whose name he was lost, meaning his father,

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who was a great competitor. And he handed him the whip, and he said, you whip him and whip his father because he whipped you in the name of his father. That's justice. That's real justice. Right? We're not talking about some superficial tasks. We're not talking about something that wasn't applied. We're talking about true justice. What about Muslims living under Islamic rule? How did they live? Where they just being tortured? Weren't they just like, weren't they being you know, subjugated? and things of that sort? does God say that when they pay their

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knees, that they should be solidly, that they should be read the meaning of diverse read when the amount of suffering, he says, simply means that there's something the legitimacy of the authority over them there something the Muslim rule, something the Islamic State, whatever they're living in that state, it's as simple as that they pay their taxes, we pay our taxes here, too. And you know, what, on top of that, why did they pay a tax and who paid a tax? Right?

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We're gonna come to America, and we're gonna bring it on legislative agenda. That's what's being put out there. That's the fear, we're going to subjugate our listeners who listen to, to pays account, which is 2.5% of their savings, their lifestyle jewelry, right? Listen, not to pay that didn't have to pay that they paid a tax that was less than that. And in fact, only young men who are capable of serving in the army have to pay that tax. And if they decided to serve in the army, too, they wouldn't have to pay that tax.

00:38:41 --> 00:39:03

Think about that for a moment. They had total protection. The payment was for protection to be garden just like anyone else in the state. You pay your taxes to the Department of Defense and the Department of Defense bill. Do you know what happens? Whenever you know if something happens to us today, Uncle Sam's not gonna come knocking on our door and say, Look, you paid some money to the army and we didn't do our job. Here you go.

00:39:04 --> 00:39:22

Cut it the Middle East. Whenever the people function in Syria, they made me a Mormon God freed them from their oppressor. Whenever they were attacked. There were some Christians that were attacked there that was supposed to be on the Muslim roll. He wrote a long letter of apology. We get to them all backwards. As you said, We failed you guys. We don't deserve this.

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Justice. You weren't subjugated. They weren't treated less. And in fact, they were allowed to worship. They were allowed to keep their churches they were allowed to keep their synagogue. We're sitting here talking about freedom of religion, when

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entered into Jerusalem, just 12 years after the Prophet Muhammad peace be in London, when he entered into Jerusalem, and the patriarch of Rome took him to show that the Church of the Nativity and the patriarch of Rome said, Hey, you know what? You're the leader of the Muslims. You're our new ruler. Why don't you pray? You're here, you're here. You're here. He says, No, no, no, no, no. I'm not going to

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He said, Let me pray outside. Let me pray outside because if I pray to here, then some, some Muslims are going to come later on and they're going to say that this is a Muslim is not a church. Let me go outside and prayer leader. It takes a few steps outside of the church and he prays in front of the church. And by the way, there's no busted they're called busted amo

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guy had some some vision. He's like, I know how my people are. I know what's gonna happen.

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Right here, this is Muslim territory, the church of Nativity. So the patriarch, I'm sorry, I want you guys to be able to keep this church. I want this to remain for you. They were allowed to understand Islamic State again, they were allowed to have churches, they were allowed to worship, they were allowed to be judged according to their laws. They weren't subjected to Sharia law.

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They were allowed to be judged according to their law and by their scholars by their power. What are we seeing today, that the minority in this country, a minority of Muslims, is becoming the victim is becoming the victim because of an increasingly intolerance, majority of politicians and legislators. As Keith Ellison said civil rights are becoming a popularity contest. If you were to ask people 40 years ago, how many of you want Japanese to be inserted in internment camps, you would have gotten a pretty high number and that can't be allowed. It's not allowed. It's not a number was a lot of Islam. And in fact, in Spain, in Spain, I want you to research an article called discovering the

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common law.

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When, when Spain was conquered, and it was conquered, and it was under Muslim rule, what was conquered is not being spread by the sword when it was conquered by Christians. The Christian population of Spain wrote a letter to Pope Urban saying, look, we want you to rule us the same way that the Muslims rule this.

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We enjoy certain rights under the Muslims, you better not come and take them away from us.

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That's historically documented, don't subjugate us. We were living free. We were living with dignity. We were living with rights. We were living with honor. And if you read in Jewish history, you know, I was very involved. We had Muslim Jewish dialogue in New Orleans, a good you know, good friend of mine, Robert, and he was showing me textbooks in Jewish history. That called the Golden Age of today's era. Under Islam, the Jews were only allowed were only able to flourish and practice their faith freely and grow under Islamic rule. Historically speaking, there Golden Age exists in under Islamic rule. Muslims were not subjugating Christians and Jews to the soil. And in fact,

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which this was only eight years after the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon.

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00:43:04 --> 00:43:06

I got no answer. So and in five minutes

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when he conquered whenever the Muslims conquered a place called summon, which is which is in the territory of

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And it was, it was inhabited by Christians whenever it was conquered. And he found that the people that conquered they did not treat them well. They destroyed some churches they didn't get they didn't give any fair invitation. They didn't give, you know, deal with the ethics of work. He sets his army back to someone. He said, Give them back the keys to their city. We're talking about 1300 years ago, we're not talking about, you know, the year 2000 1300 years ago, give them the keys to their city reconstruct the two churches that you destroyed and leave.

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And then three days later, they called me back and said, Come back.

00:44:00 --> 00:44:19

Because they saw that mercy that love you want to see the beauty of the mercies of Islam came with the freedom that Islam came with, read what falafel Dean was able to do solid and Don't tell me it's about Kingdom of Heaven. It's not about Kingdom of Heaven. I know people said Kingdom of Heaven favorite Muslims, but you know what even kingdom of heaven

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is do right? That's historically dispatchable read any book written by a Christian or Muslim on the way Salaam, dealt with both dealt with the Crusaders dealt with the Christians who inhabited Jerusalem whenever it came back from the Muslim world.

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And you would see mercy, compassionate freedom, the freedom to be who you are, and then will you will say this is the last claim. But you know what, all that is fine and dandy. But if you live in a Muslim country, then you're going to get stoned to death. You're going to have your head cut off. People are going to be walking around like this.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:07

Right, like, you know, people are always gonna be walking around hurt, they're gonna be people in the street flogging you and not supposed to be.

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I have something to share with you that I know that many of you most of you think Muslims will object to. But I have my source and that's given to me is called the scholar of Islam for a reason.

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And when we talk about the crime of adultery, the crime of stoning and by the way, biblically, there are things that legislate there are 12 penalties that legislate capital punishment, biblically speaking, there are only two of this nine or 12 in the Bible, I'm just saying,

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there were 273 in the United Kingdom until 1970, including attacking the hospital

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you know, mandated capital punishment, right?

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adultery, Cisco, the adulterous society, this person is going to be stole this person is going to be so that's probably all they were doing everyday, they kick back, they drink tea, they'll smoke their hoop, and then they'll start stoning people. Muslim society looks like

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me and he said that from the time of the Prophet,

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the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon the six hundreds to his time 1200 we're talking about a span of 700 years, not a single person was stolen because of adultery out of being caught.

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Not one

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existence, right over whether or not he's a fictional character. I mean, that's a very powerful thing to think about is he's really even real. There is a such thing as Buddha. People have, you know, studied what he preached he priests Don't worry about the hereafter just worry about your own life, make your own life better. Right. Don't worry about the hereafter. There's no don't concern yourself with God, don't concern yourself with here.

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And he's in his spirit. He was against Hinduism. And then years of, you know, years upon years upon years, 200 years later, he was considered the ninth in course of incarnation of the Lord Vishnu and Hindu figure. And now you see statues of Buddha everywhere you walk into a restaurant or you want to eat, you see a big fat.

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We want you to think God eats a lot, right?

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Like that. If you go to another place, he's like this.

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He's all sad. And he's got his hand open, you know, begging and things of that sort of manipulation, pure manipulation. In fact, you can find monotheistic undertones in Hinduism, and the origins of Hinduism and Christianity, of course, there's no doubt that Christianity is a religion that we believe as Muslims originated from God that Jesus peace be upon him was a prophet who called to one God, who call to the worship and servitude of this one God. But lo and behold, and if you study religion in any university, if you take any Biblical Studies class, who is the founder of Christianity, it's not Jesus Christ peace be upon a modern, modern day Christianity as it's free.

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It's the it's called the, you know, attributed to the Apostle Paul lived 100 years after, it's not actually a little less than 100 years. Right, so now that he's considered the founder of modern day Christianity, and in Corinthians, I have become all things to all people, that I may win their hearts to Christ. So you see, again, undertones of polytheism, are introduced into Christianity. And there's still the struggle over what what was the role of Jesus Christ peace be upon them? What did he represent? Was he God? Was he the Son of God? Was he part of God? Right? Is there you know, you have so many different interpretations. And it's not to liberate people from all of that. And if

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anyone wants to claim that the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, came to the deacons, so that he can put people into the servitude of him and stuff, that what finger in history would you find? To be very odd that he himself be buried in his own bedroom, that people would not take his grave as a place of worship, that people would not call upon him to find God? What other secret history could you find?

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His way to emphasize Look, I'm just the Messenger of God when he heard his people singing that, you know, you know, tomorrow, you know, today, you know, tomorrow, you know what's gonna happen that goes out of his way to say, don't say that when he hears people praising him to a great extent, and we certainly praise Him as Muslims. We say peace and blessings be upon but went out of his way to say when you bear testimony, when you testify to the oneness of God, and to my messenger ship, make sure you say I bear witness that

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In the slave and messenger of God,

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that is both emphasize that one because it's a disaster when people become subject to that. And even if people don't worship living human beings because it's not the priests class, there is no priest class in Islam. There is no group of infallible scholars, there is nobody that you go to for fences, there is nobody that monitors your spiritual progress and things of that sort and tells you what you need to do and is at a higher level than human group definitely unto paradise Will you will definitely have to Hellfire, it's tempting to do away with that, to emphasize the relationship between the caller and the one who is to be called allow God

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to give the person the freedom to supplicate to God alone, not to feel like he has to go through someone else who has his own his own issues.

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And even if, even if we consider the priest class,

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still, by associating anything with God, it's only natural because of the selflessness of men, we start to manipulate those figures to make them human beings and to craft them in the way that we want them to be. So for example, if you walk into a white church, Jesus peace be upon him is gonna have blue eyes and blond hair. If you're from Louisiana, like if you walk into some churches, Jesus will have dreadlocks

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will have a nice beard, sometimes even as the beard.

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People use God as they please. And that totally defeats the purpose of having a god. So from a theological perspective, freedom from the worst of anything but God alone, limited God, a God that is unseen, but see is all a God that is all powerful, and a God that has no inclinations, or is not overtaken by his anger does not have tantrums and destroy societies and then feel bad about it doesn't favor one group of people over another doesn't favor the children of Israel, nor does he favor the Arabs, nor does he * the non Arabs, nor does he favor anybody has no has no needs, except for rather, has no means but that the demands that people worship that people serve, not

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because he is needed them or because we are in need of doing. So the first thing that we come to, to free people from this from the servitude, of worshipping anything besides a lot, we can even get to the other stuff until we understand this concept. So we understand what this truly means. And there are other forms of servitude, and this kind of ties into the next part, too. There's slavery of one that you love excessively. There's slavery of a standard that society has stuck feeling like you have to dress a certain way, feeling like you have to be a certain way to be accepted by society. That's also a form of slavery, feeling like you have to be anorexic to be beautiful. That's a form

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of slavery, all of that is slavery. And Islam comes to do away with that to make the person to give the person a sense of self actualization, the highest Maslow's hierarchy of needs to feel beautiful in the sight of the Creator and not worrying about the site of creation, to be independent of the opinion of others. And to have that that sense of confidence, that sense of self actualization, that sense of purpose, that sense of word, to really go out there and work for something that is that is infinite, and that never goes away, and that will not oppress or wrong. And then the second thing, from the constriction of this world of this life, the vastness of the here, and I want you to think

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about this, people say Islam doesn't give us freedom. religion doesn't give us freedom. Religion restricts us, why can't we just all be good people, even if we all have very, you know, these various definitions of what it means to be a good person, right? Why can't we just be good people? Why can't we just serve God in the way we want to serve them? Why can't I just pray and not have to worry about this worry about that? Why do we have all these restrictions? And the fact of the matter first and foremost, is that everything is permissible, nothing is restricted, unless God made it restricted. So this idea that religion restricts that the goal of religion is to restrict, and to

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take away a person's freedom is wrong in and of itself. But on top of that, what God restricts is what is bad for you, and what is harmful for you. And if God did not stop us from doing nothing, he would not be a merciful God. And I want you to think about this. I mean, this relates to personal freedom, because this is obviously an issue, personal freedom, you know, this, this reluctancy to commit and instead of committing, I'm just going to clean I'm going to hide under the guise of spirituality. And I'll just pray more often engage more in volunteers, but I don't have to do any of the work. I don't have to follow any of this.

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Imagine the restrictions, I can claim to be a good person, I can cover myself under this guise of spirituality and say my logic doesn't agree with the logic of the Word of God. But here's the issue. If God did not tell us to stop these things that are wrong for us, because as we believe in, God did not prohibit anything just for the sake of prohibited, he prohibited only what was harmful for us. And I want you to think about this. He prohibited things that would harm society as a whole. He treated society as a whole, and he legislating according to the norm of society, not according to the exception, because many times people will say, Why can I drink out? What's wrong with drinking

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alcohol? Haven't you heard that, scientifically speaking, it's been proven that if you drink a little bit of alcohol, it's actually good for you. It'll increase your life, your your lifespan, and we'll do this, we'll do that right on just a casual drinker. I'm just a social drinker. What's wrong with that, go out there and tell a mother who lost her child to a drunk driver that

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that's, you know what, it's okay for just social drinkers. If you can control yourself, you're not the norm, you're the exception. Because the vast majority of times people get addicted. And when they keep on drinking, they do more harmful things. So God for limited as a whole. And sometimes people will say, Well, why can't Why is it? There's such strictness between men and women? Why can't we Why can't we go out? Why can't we? Why can't we go out with one another? Why do we have to keep the exam between each other the modesty, right? Why are we allowed to touch? Why are we allowed to engage in intimacy? Why are we allowed to display our beauty? Right? You know, I don't have any

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feelings for her. She's like a sister to me. Right? You know, he's, he's just like my brother, I don't have a problem with him. I can be with him a lot. There's nothing wrong with that. But you're not. You're not.

00:56:59 --> 00:57:41

You're the exception. Okay, you're the exception. And most likely, you're lying about being the exception anyway. But you're the exception. And God addresses society as a whole. Right? tell the parents of the girl, the young girl that was raised for that was never treated given a fair shot at life because she was only looked at for her outer beauty and not for who she was on the inside. Who was only judged by the amount of cleavage she was showing that you know what this is, right? This is just this is this is civilization. This is how we're supposed to be. Tell, you know, and we look at our society, when we say hey, restriction, restriction restriction. Why does it sound legislate

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restriction? Why do we have things prohibited? Why can we all just be good people? Do you know how many people die from drunk driving every day? Do you know how many homes have been destroyed by *? Do you know how many lives have been destroyed by *? Do you know how many lives have been destroyed by interest in usury and the financial teaching and transactions that were permitted?

00:58:05 --> 00:58:49

So we have this understanding as Muslims that God wants what's best for us. And that when God prohibits because it's in our best interest to have that prohibition? And if we come to that, understanding that it's only logical. Imagine if we observed the true essence of a job in modesty. Imagine how much how many blinds, how much better marital relationships would become. Imagine how many lives would be saved, there would probably be equal standing here today that can't stand here today, because they were killed by a drunk driver, if alcohol was permitted, imagine how many girls would still be able how many women would still be able to have their self esteem and would still be

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able to be normalized, had they not been raped and molested, because they thought that this guy was okay to be around alone. And they thought that they could expose certain things to this guy. Imagine how many things would be safe. So when we say God is restrictive, God prohibits too much. It's all about law. It's all about taking my freedom. That's just like saying that if you stop a child from choking themselves or Pokemon toy, you're restricting that child's freedom.

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God's trying to make things easier for you, God wants you to do things, right. God wants you to take to make decisions for rational reasons for the best interests of yourself. Do you know what would happen? You know, it's amazing how a lot in this society today when we preach abstinence before marriage, it's like something that's backwards. That's caveman, right? Talk about protection. But don't talk about abstinence, right live with the reality of time talk about protection. We'll say that to a young person who died from AIDS because they forgot to use protection the one time that they didn't bring protection with them.

01:00:01 --> 01:00:45

Think about this for a moment, when a young girl loses her virginity in high school today, on average, she's expected to have up to 17 partners in the next 10 years of her life. That's according to the Pittsburgh medical journal 17 partners because your capacity to trust going from rep from relationship to relationship, you're emotionally more broken down. The you know, just jumping from relationship to relationship to relationship thinking this is the one making emotional decisions based on infatuation. And when you say marriage in Islam is backwards, the idea of getting to know one another internally and getting to you know, discovering each other's interest in priorities in a

01:00:45 --> 01:01:00

permissible fashion, in a controlled gathering that that's backwards. You know, what they tell you to do when you go to buy it, whenever you're considering buying a car, you know, what happens when you walk into a car dealership, and you're looking at a car and you're saying, I just can't afford it, what does he tell you to do?

01:01:02 --> 01:01:03

Is take it for a drive,

01:01:04 --> 01:01:18

you'll feel a lot better afterwards, then you get in the car, and you take it for a drive and get out the car and you're about to make the dumbest mistake in your life. You've got a $30,000 debt, you're about to blow $70,000 on the car, good job,

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trying to make things easier for us. And as Muslims, we have that understanding as a believer in God, you don't just have the understanding that God liberated me from worshiping something else from from being able to work with him and call upon him directly, not having to go through an intercessor not having to go through something not having to go from not having to go anywhere, just being able to call upon him, my Creator, that's what but at the same time, the creator that I call upon, I know that he wants what's best for me.

01:01:52 --> 01:02:37

So when he prohibits I understand it's, it's in my best interest. I understand that I'm just like that child who doesn't understand what's best for them. Yep, I get it. I understand. Maybe my logic will not agree with the logic of the prohibition. But I can't say that the prohibition is illogical. Because I'm a four dimensional creature. You see, you hear you smell, you touch, and you taste. If you got onto a ride today and a cardboard SpongeBob jumped out, you would scream like a little girl, knowing that it's not real. But you're a four dimensional creator, to create creation. And you don't know that you have the nerve to say, Well, I don't think that this makes sense. I don't think God's

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making much sense right now.

01:02:40 --> 01:02:47

So as long as a person first comes to the idea of worshiping one God, then you will understand the second part too.

01:02:48 --> 01:02:52

And of course, now we look at the systematic aspect of it. Woman God,

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the injustice of all other systems.

01:02:57 --> 01:03:40

So the justice of the sun. Now, before you get all worried, I'm not here to preach that we're going to take over the country, which city are law abiding citizens, we understand our rights, we understand our responsibilities. We're good citizens and all that stuff. But at the same time, it's important to look back at history and to at least be able to analyze history justly and to understand what was Islam seeking to achieve on a societal perspective? What is it that they're trying to criminalize in Tennessee, which on an individual level, which would mean that we can't even pray anymore? that prayer is incredible. That getting married according to Islam as a criminal

01:03:40 --> 01:04:08

act, right, what is it that what is it that's that's being criminalized? What is it that what's the what's all this fear about? What is it that Islam preaches on a societal level? What are what is criminal law? In an Islamic Society in you know, in the time of the Prophet Muhammad peace be part of the successors where people just being stoned right left with people's heads been chopped off right and left, hands being chopped off? Right, left? Absolutely not.

01:04:09 --> 01:04:58

A lot God legislated. Something which gives rights assigns rights to the wife and to the husbands, to the child, to the, to the animals, to the ruler and to the follower to society, the individuals right upon society and societies right upon the individual. All of that is addressed clearly. The right to worship, the right to choose who to marry the right to life because guess what, the young girls were being buried alive, the right to life. And if you think that religion is what oppresses people that I have news for you, if you think that the way to bring about a just society is to eliminate religion because essentially what Karl Marx said was religion oppresses people because

01:04:58 --> 01:04:59

it's abused them

01:05:00 --> 01:05:09

Religion keeps people paralyzed. It keeps people in a virtual paralysis, because they're consistently being told, just deal with your situation and don't seek to make your life better.

01:05:10 --> 01:05:39

So the answer is secularism. The answer is a socialist state, the answer is no religion, and religion is responsible for the world's wars, then what about World War Two? And can you really tell me that the Crusades happened because of Christianity? Or did they happen because of the economic bankruptcy of Europe? Can you really tell me that Hitler killed 6 million Jews slaughtered 6 million Jews because they were Christ killers as he claimed to be the menace really have some issues?

01:05:40 --> 01:06:10

Is it I mean, people claim this is all religions fault. This is not and you know, it's we somehow blind ourselves to the reality we somehow decide to eliminate all other factors and focusing on religion and playing religion. I'm not just talking about Islam talk about religion as a whole, because the rising challenges to religion as a whole that religion is all unjust, that religion is to subdue that religion is to take away freedom. Well, let's see how that worked out.

01:06:11 --> 01:06:54

How did that work out in the Soviet Union? How's that working out in France right now with something that's called prescriptive secularism? It's not working out very well. In fact, it's been worse. And then there is no other society that you can claim is more oppressive than North Korea today, are they? Do you see Kim Jong Hong Kong with the target? know, it's a completely secular society, a godless society. But it didn't work out very well. It just doesn't doesn't work out very well, in individual basis, it doesn't work out very well on a societal basis, when you claim that the way to achieve peace is to eliminate religion, because the Crusades still would have happened, the suicide

01:06:54 --> 01:07:27

bombing still would have happened. You don't believe me, there's a book that I would like you all to read called dying to win, dying to win by Robert Payne, that analyzes every single suicide bombing of the last 70 years. And there's a political undertone to each and every single one of them. It was it was introduced by the Japanese kamikazes. Until today, the largest practitioners are the temple tigers, guess what a secular group. It wasn't religion that brought people to that. It wasn't religion that brought people to that it wasn't religious that brought the oppression of women.

01:07:28 --> 01:07:42

It was Islam that liberated women. And if you don't believe me to look at the history of our look at the history of Islam, and analyze it not according to Sean Hannity, or Glenn Beck, or what's the other guys.

01:07:45 --> 01:07:47

I don't think anybody respects me.

01:07:48 --> 01:08:29

But at the same time, these people dominate public opinion. They've got sheep all over the place, and not a single one of them has a college degree. And they're sitting there offering their expert analysis on on history and religion and anthropology and sociology. Are you serious? Sean Hannity was in the beauty school for two semesters, but doesn't qualify him to tell us about why study is here to take over the world of the dangers of Islam and the dangers of this is dangerous. But people listen to them. People don't listen to professors and institutions like this. People listen to those guys, because it's the heat and the garbage that they want to hear, but analyze things for what they

01:08:29 --> 01:08:31

are. You look at the history of

01:08:33 --> 01:09:12

1400 years ago, when women were subjugated. And by the way, this isn't an assault on the catholic church because everything kind of has this dark period, but the Catholic Church of the year 611. Right, Augustine, what did he say that women have no souls, you can go ahead and read 1006 11, one year after the Prophet received revelation. Women were given the right to testimony women were given the right to live women were given the right to choose who to marry. Women were given the right to pursue divorce, women were given the right to own property, women were given the right to not only votes but to participate in public systems, women were given the right we're sitting here fighting

01:09:12 --> 01:09:24

over whether or not women can be priests and someone would say, Well, how come women can be announced because emails are not even the highest thing that women can occupy positions of scholarship, or the law.

01:09:25 --> 01:09:43

transmission of Hadith which is greater than any bar is just the guy that leads the prayer. A woman can occupy the position of a scholar and can give conservative by enough a woman can be a scholar of Hadith to transmit a tradition from the Prophet Muhammad peace be model. And by the way,

01:09:45 --> 01:09:59

one of the great scholars he said that there is no documentation in history of a weak woman narrator number there is there is complete integrity in all of the female narratives of heavy women.

01:10:00 --> 01:10:09

participated not only in choosing the effects, they actually had roles in governance. And you find this even as early as

01:10:11 --> 01:10:12

three years after the province,

01:10:14 --> 01:10:33

who was in charge who oversaw the validity of all of the marketing transactions in the entire Muslim nation. So while we're sitting here fighting about female priests to limit the priesthood and women being able to vote, which we only had a few years ago, it's time guaranteed this 1400 years ago,

01:10:34 --> 01:10:45

assign the rights to everyone. slavery, right? When was slavery done away with in society? And people will look at us not. And then they'll say, well, Islam is not like, you know,

01:10:46 --> 01:11:26

the problem is, is that we criticize Islam. And we ignore the faith traditions that have existed around that time, including the traditions of Judaism and Christianity. There are very clear instructions of slavery in Deuteronomy until today, in Genesis until today, it's the Old Testament, you can say it's outdated, that's fine. But these were realities of society. And Islam was the first religion to give women the right to testimony. There is an inheritance, inheritance. Women never had rights to inheritance in any organized system, in any faith before Islam. Find me a single verse in any previous scripture that gave women women the right to inherit It's

01:11:28 --> 01:11:29

nothing new,

01:11:31 --> 01:11:37

or novel team are not the American flag or not the Revised Standard revised international modern edition of

01:11:39 --> 01:11:47

1400 years ago, women were assigned the right to inherit justice, slavery in Islam, and as

01:11:49 --> 01:12:35

a shudder at the show, for a while legislated out of his desire to free to grant that freedom men and women freedom, slavery in a society where slaves were brutally beaten. It's not the limits of the Islamic limited slavery, and I'll explain what slavery is to prisoners of war. And what does that mean? I'd say, okay, prisoners of war. Now, that doesn't sound very nice. Neither does Guantanamo Bay. But at the same time, what are prisoners of war? And what is the slavery that does not allow that to sound restricted? Islam does not allow did not allow them to even call their slave slaves, you have to feed your slave, your prisoner of war, which you would feed yourself, you have

01:12:35 --> 01:13:13

to close the loop once you would love yourself. You have to give that negotiator person it's called indentured servitude, by the way, you want to research it from a historical point of view, it's not even slavery. People say, oh, slavery existed, slavery existed, you have to negotiate the contract with your prisoner of war with the state to be able to get out of slavery has to be something reasonable, or else the judge is going to step in and make it reasonable, don't want to be born into slavery, you can enslave people based on color, or whatever it is, and Islam encourage you to free your slaves. And not only that, if you think about what would be the point of keeping a slave in

01:13:13 --> 01:13:33

your house, you can call him a slave, you got to feed him what you got to feed yourself, you got to clothe them with what you've got to clothe yourself, you're not allowed to hit them, because the Messenger of God said to someone who was hideously God is working for beating you, you're not allowed to do that. What's the point of having, what's the point of having asleep, that's not having this lady that's bringing another child in zero.

01:13:34 --> 01:13:39

indentured servitude, is now eliminated. And you would find that

01:13:41 --> 01:13:46

even when the legislation came, even when they were bringing their slaves because of the good treatment that they have

01:13:47 --> 01:13:53

been working with the law, and again, this was so that every man should eventually become free.

01:13:55 --> 01:14:08

When he assumed leadership, the callee been one of the most famous leaders, and he had 36 legs and he freed them 36 people were clicking on tools, doors, crying and to be taken back into his house.

01:14:09 --> 01:14:24

Because they enjoyed his company. They weren't being big. They weren't being felt any less. They weren't, you know, they weren't being treated as any as lesser members of society. So what was the point? What was the point of keeping a slave and it was in our favor?

01:14:27 --> 01:14:41

By the way, according to Michael Martin, Michael Hart is the 56th most influential man in world history. I'm sorry, 52nd most influential man in world history. Who has a statement that today is in the United Nations Charter.

01:14:42 --> 01:14:50

Bob has a statement today that the United Nations Charter How can you enslave a man that was born free, that's all

01:14:51 --> 01:14:59

and it didn't just apply to Muslims, I mean to non Muslims and so on our Muslims and non Muslims, whatever it was, it applied to everybody. And in fact, under his

01:15:01 --> 01:15:03

Whenever there was a man,

01:15:05 --> 01:15:18

the governor of Egypt, whatever his son was racing with a Coptic Christian, and he wants to race and he rocks them on the face of Bob did not just sit back and say, Oh, he's a novelist in any way. He's a slave anyway.

01:15:20 --> 01:15:21

Bob said, Bring him to Medina,

01:15:22 --> 01:15:25

let him come when he came to Medina, and he complains,

01:15:27 --> 01:15:32

bring the guy that loves him, and bring the one in whose name he was last meeting his father,

01:15:33 --> 01:16:07

who was a great competitor. And he handed him the whip, and he said, you whip him and whip his father because he whipped you in the name of his father. That's justice. That's real justice. Right? We're going to talk about some superficial tasks. We're not talking about something that wasn't applied. We're talking about true justice. Oh, what about Muslims living under Islamic rule? How did they live? Are they just being tortured? Weren't they just like, weren't they being you know, subjugated? and things of that sort? does God say that when they pay their

01:16:08 --> 01:16:19

knees, that they should be solidly, that they should be read the meaning of diverse read when the amount of suffering, he says, simply means that there's something the legitimacy of the

01:16:20 --> 01:16:34

Muslim rule, something the Islamic State, whatever they're living in that state, it's as simple as that they pay their taxes, we pay our taxes here, too. And you know, what, on top of that, why did they pay a tax and who paid the tax? Right?

01:16:36 --> 01:16:52

We're gonna come to America, and we're gonna bring it on legislative agenda. That's what's being put out there. That's the fear, we're going to subjugate our listeners who listens how to pay the cost, which is 2.5% of their savings, their livestock jewelry, right?

01:16:53 --> 01:17:07

To pay that non Muslims didn't have to pay that they paid a tax that was less than that. And in fact, only young men who are capable of serving in the army have to pay that tax. And if they decided to serve in the army, they wouldn't have to pay that tax.

01:17:08 --> 01:17:30

Think about the purple. They had total protection. The payment was for protection to be garden, just like anyone else in the state. You pay your taxes to the Department of Defense and the Department of Defense bill, do you know what happens? Whenever you know if something happens to us today, Uncle Sam's not gonna come knocking on our door and say, Look, you paid some money to the army and we didn't do our job. Here you go.

01:17:31 --> 01:17:49

Cut it the Middle East. Whenever the people in Syria mail me, and God freed them, from their oppressor, whenever they were attacked, there were some Christians that were attacked there that was supposed to be on the Muslim roll. He wrote a long letter of apology, we get to them all backwards. As you said, We failed you guys. We don't deserve this.

01:17:50 --> 01:18:04

Justice. You weren't subjugated. They weren't treated less. And in fact, they were allowed to worship. They were allowed to keep their churches they were allowed to keep their synagogue. We're sitting here talking about freedom of religion, when

01:18:05 --> 01:18:27

entered into Jerusalem, just 12 years after the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon them. When he entered into Jerusalem, and the patriarch of Rome took him to show them the Church of the Nativity. And the patriarch of Rome said Hey, are you the leader of the Muslims, your new ruler? Why don't you pray? You're here your human prayer here. He says, No, no, no, no, no, I'm not gonna do that.

01:18:28 --> 01:18:46

He said, Let me pray outside. Let me pray outside because if I pray to here, then something some Muslims are gonna come later on. And they're gonna say that this is a Muslim is not a church. Let me go outside in prayer, the leader ruler, it takes a few steps outside of the church and he prays in front of the church. And by the way, there's now a

01:18:49 --> 01:18:54

guy had some some vision, like I know how my people are. I know what's gonna happen.

01:18:56 --> 01:19:17

Right here, this is Muslim territory, the church of Nativity, so the patriarchy I'm sorry, I want you guys to be able to keep this church. I want this to remain for you. They were allowed with Islamic rule understanding Islamic State again, they were allowed to have churches, they were allowed to worship. They were allowed to be judged according to their knowledge. They weren't subjected to Sharia law.

01:19:19 --> 01:19:59

They were allowed to be judged according to their law and by their scholars by their power. What are we seeing today, that the minority in this country, a minority of Muslims, is becoming the victim is becoming the victim because of an increasingly intolerance majority of politicians and legislators. As Keith Ellison said civil rights are becoming a popularity contest. If you were to ask people 40 years ago, how many of you want Japanese to be inserted in internment camps, you would have gotten a pretty high number and that can't be allowed. It's not allowed. This number was a lot of Islam and in fact, in Spain, in Spain,

01:20:00 --> 01:20:04

I want you to research an article called discovering the common law.

01:20:05 --> 01:20:26

When, when Spain was conquered and was conquered, and it was under Muslim rule was conquered, not being spread by the sword when it was conquered by Christians, the Christian population of Spain wrote a letter to Pope Urban saying, look, we want you to rule us the same way that the Muslims rule this.

01:20:27 --> 01:20:32

We enjoy certain rights under the Muslims, you better not come and take them away from us.

01:20:33 --> 01:21:17

That's historically documented, don't subjugate us. We were living free. We were living with dignity. We were living with rights, we were living with honor. And if you read in Jewish history, you know, I was very involved. We had Muslim Jewish dialogue in New Orleans, a good you know, good friend of mine, Rabbi Ward, and he was showing me textbooks in Jewish history. That called the Golden Age of today's era, under Islam, that Jews were only allowed were only able to flourish and practice their faith freely and grow under Islamic rule, historically speaking, their golden age existed under Islamic rule. Muslims were not subjugating Christians and Jews to the soil. And in

01:21:17 --> 01:21:17


01:21:19 --> 01:21:22

this was only eight years after the problem.

01:21:29 --> 01:21:29


01:21:30 --> 01:21:33

I got no answer. So and in five minutes

01:21:35 --> 01:21:42

when he conquered whenever the Muslims conquered a place called Salman Khan, which is which is in the territory of

01:21:44 --> 01:21:44


01:21:45 --> 01:22:20

and it was, it was inhabited by Christians, whenever it was Congress. And he found that the people that conquered they did not treat them well, they destroyed some churches they didn't get they didn't give any fair invitation. They didn't give, you know, deal with the fair ethics of work. He sets his army back to someone. He said, Give them back the keys to their city. We're talking about 1300 years ago, we're not talking about, you know, the year 2000 1300 years ago, give them the keys to their city, reconstruct the two churches that you destroyed and leave.

01:22:22 --> 01:22:26

And then three days later, they call them back and come back.

01:22:27 --> 01:22:46

Because they saw that first thing that you want to see the beauty of the verses of Islam came with the freedom that Islam came with, read what salon Dean was able to do solid, and Don't tell me it's about Kingdom of Heaven. It's not about Kingdom of Heaven. I know people said Kingdom of Heaven favorite Muslims, but you know what even kingdom of heaven

01:22:47 --> 01:23:01

is due right? Historically dispatchable read any book written by a Christian or Muslim on the way philosophy dealt with both dealt with the Crusaders dealt with the Christians who inhabited Jerusalem whenever it came back when there was a war.

01:23:02 --> 01:23:34

And you would see mercy, compassionate freedom, the freedom to be who you are, and then will you will say this is the last place. But you know what, all that is fine and dandy. But if you live in a Muslim country, and you're gonna get stoned to death, you're gonna have your head cut off. People are gonna be walking around like this. Right? Like, you know, anesthetic. People are always gonna be walking around hurt, they're gonna be people in the street flogging you and not supposed to be.

01:23:35 --> 01:23:44

I have something to share with you that I know that many of you most of you think Muslims will object to. But I have my source. And that's the amount given to me is called the scholar of Islam for a reason.

01:23:45 --> 01:24:02

And when we talk about the crime of adultery, the crimes of stoning and by the way, biblically, there are things that legislate there are 12 penalties that legislate capital punishment biblically speaking, there are only two of this nine or 12 in the Bible, I'm just saying

01:24:03 --> 01:24:09

there were 273 in the United Kingdom until 1970 including attacking the hospital

01:24:11 --> 01:24:14

you know, mandated capital punishment, right?

01:24:15 --> 01:24:25

adultery system the adulterous Thomas is a cruel society this person is going to be stole this person is going to be so that's probably all they were doing everyday. They kick back they drink tea, they'll smoke their

01:24:28 --> 01:24:29

Muslim society looks like

01:24:31 --> 01:24:34

it will take Tell me and he said that from the time of the Prophet

01:24:35 --> 01:24:48

the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon the six hundreds to his time 1200 we're talking about a span of 700 years, not a single person was stolen because of adultery out of being caught.

01:24:50 --> 01:24:51

Now one

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