Omar Suleiman – The End Of Racism

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The segment discusses the ongoing struggles of the Muslim community, including the loss of lives and struggles of black people in their daily lives. The speakers emphasize the negative consequences of actions like the killing of Trayvon Martin and the struggles of black people in their daily lives, as well as the negative perception of certain individuals and their actions, including their actions. They also stress the importance of respecting and respecting others' natural tendencies.
AI: Transcript ©
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during the Modesto Phil will be going over we will be here when it's over can ya? When I

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men young

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Lonnie hi has also been helped me with the loss of the sub.

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to see more morning. What?

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What's up

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in Canada?

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Woman you play not how

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win the game begin by bearing witness to a loss of data alone is worthy of worship and unconditional obedience. And we testify that Mohammed Salah longlining was some of his his final messenger, our guide our beloved son.

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We asked a lot for some of this peace and blessings upon him, his family, his companions, and those that follow till the Day of Judgment, we asked the last panel to make us amongst them a lot, my dear brothers and sisters, it's no secret that if we look at the world today, it is full of full, it's full of oppression. It's full of transgression. And if you look at any individual cause that those who are the victims of that cause will say, well, we are the only ones that are being struck with this. Or we feel that way, we certainly feel like we're the only ones being struck with this. But at the same time, there will be another group of people that are also suffering, that would say, Well,

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why are you just focusing on

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focusing on us? We have more people that have been killed. We have more people that are under pressure. You look at Syria, and you say, oh, what kind of oppression is this? The blessing of asking me to come to the lesson today. And the people of Syria cannot even go to the masjid without hearing that one of the troops of Assad may have lost time to do away with him will come and stab them in the back literally, while they're coming to pray, have no safety for their families and children. But what about

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where you at 16 civilians that were murdered brutally? What about Somalia, where you have 1000s upon 1000s in Kenya and Ethiopia that were murdered by the neglect of mankind, without weapons by utter neglect,

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upon volume upon volume of steam, is it just because it's been all of these years we've not forgotten and we'll wait for another visit to happen is still happening. What about Pakistan? What about Shi Shan on the Muslims in Russia? What about the Muslims in China? Everywhere you look around the world there's there's oppression, there's transgression. And the first thing we do is we ask Allah subhana wa tada to lift the aggression from our brothers and sisters who are suffering under oppression no matter where they are. And secondly, we think a loss of kind of what's our opportunity to come and to pray this message, to praise the Lord to jump out without fear. We think a loss of

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habitat for allowing our sisters to work

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Without having a police officer come and yank it off of them, even though they're in a Muslim country, we think last accountable

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for the right of our children's safety, not having to worry about a member of the army coming in breaking down our record, and humiliating us and * our rise and killing our children. But with that, thanks, there's a man.

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And we look to the society that we live in today. And the privileges that we enjoy that income for free. There were people who suffered, we whine about TSA singlet singing the song, we whine about the derogatory terms that are thrown out in the media. We whine about sometimes being put through extra security sucks. But there was a woman by the name of Rosa Parks that wasn't even allowed to sit on a certain seat on the bus and refuse to tolerate them. And because of the struggle of women like Rosa Parks, because of the struggle like Garvey and Malcolm X,

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and Martin Luther King, one minority took the brunt of most of the oppression of this country. And because of that, here we are.

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Here, we are able to live this way. Here we are being able to take people to court if they defame us. And yes, the legal system is not perfect. And we're seeing the results of that right now. Racism is not out of this country and hasn't been taken out of this country, it still exists. And if you haven't seen the bumper sticker there, bumper stickers outside on some people's cart, that's a 2012, don't rename.

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And that's acceptable.

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And even if you don't agree with President Obama's policies, and I certainly don't I take offense to them.

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And there's the killing of Trayvon Martin, which has dominated the media, a young man who was wearing a hoodie,

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Skittles and an iced tea in his hand, and was killed because he was in a neighborhood that one man didn't feel like he was entitled to be.

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And some people would say, well, maybe he was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. If you're like, drop, Geraldo from Fox News, I'm sure we have many people in our Muslim community that feel this way. He said he should have left this video at home. He looks suspicious. But their brothers and sisters before we can talk about how messed up the world is, and how messed up the community outside of the Muslim community is, I want to ask you a question.

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If Trayvon was listening, he walked into the message of dress the way he was, how would you feel about

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if he walked into the message that there happens to be $2 that were stolen? Or that missing? Who would be the first person that would be suspected of stealing? If he walked up to you? And he was a Muslim? And he said, I would like to propose to your daughter.

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What would we say to him? And I want us to look deeply at our community for a moment here with a critical eye. And let's be honest, everyone claims that they're, most people would claim that they're not a racist. And I hope that all of us would make that claim all of us would have the decency to at least admit racism is wrong, but in our everyday lives and the way we treat our Muslim brothers and sisters in the way we stereotype, can we truly make that claim? I'm not a racist, but I still find it okay to say words like.

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And I don't think there's anything wrong with that, because everyone's a slave of the law. So it's okay to say the word slave. But if there's a brother and African American brother who actually understands what I'm saying, I'll be too shy to say it in front of him. But there's still nothing wrong with that, because you know what, everyone is a slave.

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There's nothing wrong with what you said. But

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be pleased with them both. Yep. So that was sort of a black woman. He didn't say anything wrong.

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He was black, and he was the son of a black woman. But

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you have to use some traits of some of the leftovers of the pre Islamic era, not that you're ignorant that there is some left over from pre Islam in you, but at least a long time he was man enough to admit it. And that's why he's a great Sahaba and take account for his actions and notes

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and put his face in the dirt and say step on my face. Put me back in my place. Well, he would say there's nothing wrong with that people have left because they came into the most of them. They heard those words being used, and they knew what it meant. There was a student at the University of Medina who left because he heard the shift using those words, but it's okay. We're not saying anything wrong. It's not about what you said. It's about the perception. You hurt your brother and all the categories that have just fell into a Supriya

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Not a single one of you might make a mockery of another group of people or another person because they might be better than you. backbiting because you heard a brother, that you would never say that to his face. If you knew what it nuts, you would never walk up to a brother to an African American brother and say, Hey, what's going on? He's a slave of a lot of just as you are, you would never do that. So it's not.

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I'm not a racist. But you know what? Everyone from Pakistan is like this. And everyone from hallstein is like this. And everyone from this country is like this. No,

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brother, if you meet this person, they're like this, they have this string inside of them. Now you,

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you just accused a lot of being unjust.

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Because if everyone was different if people were born with negative traits and characteristics that Allah subhanaw taala would not be just when he says, yeah.

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Oh, people, he would have to say,

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she would have to specify races, if they were all different, it wouldn't be fair anymore.

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In justice, that's not from us. You just accused the prophets of the love, it was just trying to have good PR public relations, when he said there is no superiority of over and

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over, you just accused him full of love.

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But in fact, as we know,

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a loon said, it's the circumstances, everything from the weather, to where that person was born, to all of the impacts of society upon that person that shaped his financial circumstances. But a loss did not create me better than you because my parents are Palestinian, or did not create you. Because you're from India, we're all the same. That's what

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it says.

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I'm not a racist. But if someone comes asking for my daughter, I don't care what kind of Deen and political chaos.

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If someone comes to you with pleasing religion and pleasing character, you better marry your daughter. You have no right to say no.

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Then you say no, no, no. There they see that. I'm not gonna let my daughter marry a Pakistani. I can't let that happen. No, he's an American. I don't care if he's a graduate from Islamic University of Medina. He's an African American who probably turned away, he probably wants something out of this. No, I'm sorry. You have to marry someone from our, from our tribe. And you know what ends up happening dear brothers and sisters, the realization of the idea

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that there would be

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consumption and trial and tribulation, because then your daughter ends up marrying someone with no games, and no photos. And still not from the reason that you wanted.

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But who started that fitness? I'm not a racist. But you know, if someone walks in, and he's from this country, I don't want him to be the man. I don't want him to leave the salon. I trust his knowledge he doesn't have. He was raised in that environment that says this and this and this and that he doesn't understand the sun properly, because he's not one of us.

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He wasn't perfect either.

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What did they say? A sweat.

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a blank slate, who stands on the roof of the cabinet? The same thing, but I'm not a racist. And it's ironic because of the practical aspects of our lives. All of a sudden, we separate ourselves and we say, you know what, I'm not a racist. But at the same audio were last cannaboids Allah says the first one to have on every single wedding invitation woman

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from the signs that

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he created for you spouses for yourself, so that you may dwell in tranquility with one another and placed between you mercy and compassion. And there's not as a sign for those who are pretty high on that even though secular waiting will have begin and how long the invitations what was the i o before and what was the I

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assume from the signs that he created you from you meet the African American brother, the Pakistani Indian brother, the Turkish brother, the brother, the Egyptian brother. You are created from Durban I was treated from birth.

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He has

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come in,

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from the signs of a loss

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is your creation of the heavens of the earth. And the difference in your language, and in your skin color, barely in God is a sign for those who have knowledge. And I mean, those who are ignorance, those who are ignorance.

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come next to the narrow form. And you know what

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we have created, you know, and female nations and tribes. So you may get to know one another, we'll talk about how beautiful that is. Why don't you go to if

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God forgives you for mocking your brother, or for mocking a group of people

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did not create anyone less because of his race, a loss, not make your superior because of your race, and have a must add

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a new traits because of your race, that is an accusation against the loss of

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a lot is unjust, but alive, is not unjust to the servants. It is us who are unjust to one another, we asked the last forgiveness for our shortcomings, the guidance to the straight path to eliminate the things the traces that we find ourselves in our communities

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to make it acceptable in his sights, and beloved to him.

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your brothers and sisters, I asked you again, when Trayvon was Muslim, and you asked,

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What would be your attitude towards? And how would we treat him? And how would we look at him? And I want you to really think about this. If someone wants to say to me, there is nothing wrong with saying

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something you would want to say something? Because it hurts your brother. If someone comes to me and says to me that you know what?

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These people have been given so many opportunities, minority rights, they can

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do anything.

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And why did you try sending them instead of us being in those neighborhoods and selling the drugs that keep those people subdued? The people that we're supposed to see the people that we're not supposed to judge the people that that we are supposed to be

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calling them to the

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judges, and we degrade them. And you say that they were born like that. And we say they have this characteristic and this characteristic in this characteristic. And we wonder why as the listen community, we get no respect, because we don't respect one another. So we can cry about others stereotyping us and others being racist towards us. So long as we are racist towards one another. It's not going to change because a lot

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of it had

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a lot

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of change the condition of the people killed a change that which is within themselves, unless we respect each other unless we treat everyone else like dignified human beings, and do not accuse us of being unjust. And do not think of ourselves be better than others and respect the knowledge of whoever the person is regardless of his race and except the person in our families. You know, it's one thing

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we can name our children after

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our Master.

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who was freed by our

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one of the most dignified human society and the richest man in the society pursued without

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limits. They just talk

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Pakistani Indian, Turkish black white ends, in Chatelet sila, the terrorists will end. And that will stop to let's not teach our children. Let's not teach our

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children and allow that to continue and allow our children to use those same words, and to act in the same manner that we have to ask. And if you didn't know before, give brothers and sisters, I only asked you to stop now. Watch yourself, watch yourself in your comments. Because you might hurt somebody, you might run someone away from the sound.

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Forgive us for the sins that we commit knowingly or unknowingly. Small ones from the large loss, to establish justice in this society make us very aggressive

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loss of time to establish justice all around the world. We ask lots of free our brothers and sisters in Syria and Palestine.

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And all over the world for the oppression that they face. Yes, the last 100 times alleviate the poverty for our brothers and sisters in Somalia and Pakistan, and wherever they are in the world. And we ask Allah Subhana Allah, not to make us a people who have come out of their role, but to make us slaves and servants of lust

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altogether, who recognize that we have been created as human beings and as forgetful people, and the only way to attain success is to be reminded and drawn closer to life.

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now and female nations and tribes, so that you may get to know one another. We'll talk about how beautiful that is. Why don't you go to

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your brother, or from a group of people

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did not create anyone less because of his race, a loss to not make your superior because of your race, and have a lot

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of new traits because of your race. And that is an accusation against the loss of

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a lot is unjust

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is not just to the servants. It is us who are unjust to one another we have a loss of forgiveness for our shortcomings to the street, to eliminate the things the traces of it that we find ourselves in our communities

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to make it acceptable in his sights, and beloved to him.

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What are

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your brothers and sisters? I asked you again? What if Trayvon was Muslim and you asked him

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what would be your attitude towards and how would we treat him? And how would we look at him? And I want you to really think about this. If someone wants to say to me there is nothing wrong with saying

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something you want to say something because it hurts your brother. If someone comes to me and says to me that you know what

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these people have been given

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So many opportunities minority, right? Thank you so much.

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Why don't you try sending them instead of us being in those neighborhoods and selling the drugs that keep those people subdued? The people that we're supposed to see the people that we're not supposed to judge, the people that that we are supposed to be

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calling them to assign judges, and we degrade them. And we say that they were born like that. And we say they have this characteristic. And this, this characteristic, and we wonder why as the listen community, we get no response, because we don't respect one another. So we can cry about others, stereotyping us and others being racist towards us, so long as we are racist towards one another. It's not going to change the law says in the law,

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a loss,

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change the condition of a people until they change that which is within themselves, unless we respect each other, unless we treat everyone else like dignified human beings, and do not accuse a loss out of being unjust. And do not think of ourselves be better than others, and respect the knowledge of whoever the person is, regardless of his race, and except the person in our boundaries. You know, it's one thing to talk COVID

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our children after

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our Master,

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Master, our mobile app, who is free by our master,

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religion is

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one of the most dignified people in society and the richest man in the society pursued,

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have been lifted

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out of Pakistan, Turkish black white ends, and

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the terrorists will.

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And that will stop too. But let's not teach that to our children. Let's not teach our garbage to children, and allow that to continue and allow our children to use obscene words, and to act in the same manner that we have to ask. And if you didn't know before, give others and sisters I only asked you to stop now. Watch yourself. Watch yourself in your comments. Because in my personal life, you might run away from

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Forgiveness for the sins that we commit knowingly or unknowingly, small ones from the large, lost time of battle to establish justice in this society to make us very progressive. Last time to establish justice all around the world. We asked the Lord to free our brothers and sisters in Syria and Palestine,

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and all over the world from the oppression that they face.

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To alleviate the poverty, our brothers and sisters in Somalia and Pakistan, and wherever they are in the world,

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without a Nazi people who have come out of their role, to make us slaves and servants of love,

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altogether to recognize that we have been created as human beings and as forgetful people and the only way we attain success is to be reminded and drawn closer to life.

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