Omar Suleiman – Daily Khatira 1-03-2015

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The importance of visiting the graveyard for comfort and the return of the Prophet's image to the sky is discussed, as well as the importance of not writing anything on the grave. The presence of the graveyard is seen as a sign of comfort for the deceased, and the holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy. The Prophet's actions have been reported to be illegal, and women should avoid it. The segment also touches on the holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy.
AI: Transcript ©
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certainly imagine where the prophets lie, Selim went a little bit more specific into things that you leave behind that would continue to benefit you. We clarified some of the differences of opinion in regards to what good deeds would actually reach the dead after they pass away. Its power today, I wanted to bring it to another discussion altogether, well, not altogether, but continuing now, those of us who have deceased relatives, what is it that we can do to benefit them? What is it that's permissible, in fact, and it's very easy for us to, at times when people pass away to do things that satisfy us more than them more than what will please them. As I mentioned yesterday, some of the

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innovations that take place, after a person passes away, beloved relative passes away, even when we know that they're wrong, and when we know that their innovations and we know that they fall into the category of Nia which is wailing, which would harm the dead, we still do them. And it's selfish, because we would rather not be ridiculed by our societies in our communities, you know, then we would even be willing to hurt our dead in order to fulfill those requirements so that we're not ridiculed. And that's obviously very selfish on our part. Some of the things that also have taken place, obviously are

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decorating the grapes, the prophets lie, Selim, he ordered that the grave should not be raised more than a hand spent, he also sets lice LM, not to plaster them, nor to write on them. Now, some of their elements, they said, Well, what is you know, there's a discussion on contemporary fifth, what's the ruling on writing the name or writing the date or so on so forth, just the name, or just the date, some of the elements of that if that's for identity identification purposes, then it's permissible or so last, I sell them however, what he did with some of his companions, where we have a specific narration from earth, not even maroon, or the law of Thailand who on earth mother, Mother

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own passed away, was so lost by Salam he put a different color stone on his grave than the grave that was next to him. So he simply took another stone that was of a different color to where the prophet slice and would be able to recognize that so with the other relatives, so with the relatives of Earth might have another room about the amount of time that they be able to recognize it. So that's definitely the best thing to do. The best thing to do to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet slice I'm in that regard, is to place something simple a stone or that would be of a certain color that would identify the person, the deceased person without necessarily writing on it. If you want

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to write on it, which most contemporary jurists allow for the sake of identification, then simply put the name. And you know if an even putting the date would be an extension, but simply put the name something to identify that person in Chatelet tie so when people walked by, they would make the effort so on so forth, what's the ruling on writing Quran verses on the grave?

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What's the ruling on that?

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What do you guys think?

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completely prohibited? In fact, this is disrespect to the Quran. Can you imagine the lawn mowers are going over it and people are walking over and so on so forth. So this is disrespect to the Quran. To do such a thing so writing Quran on the graves is definitely not permissible it's not going to benefit the dead whatsoever, nor would giving flop putting flowers on the grave benefit the dead whatsoever. There's a hadith of the messenger slice and him that he placed and olive branch on the graves of one person that had passed away and also lost items that I hope that this would lessen the punishment. So some of the element took from that that may be an olive branch but even then most of

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the jurors remember no we're him Allah Tada. He says most of the element they said that that actually is simply something that the prophets lifetime a specific total sola Seisen um, so it wasn't by virtue of the olive branch was by virtue of the hand of the Prophet slice, I'm touching the olive branch and making dua for the person, that there would be some relief for that person. So again, it's important for us not to become selfish when we bury our deceased and do things that would make us feel better, I guarantee you that our deceased you know, are not upset if they weren't, you know, if their clothes weren't the shiniest or if they're, you know, their teeth

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weren't pearly white when they were passing when they passed away. They don't that's not what matters to them. At that point. Once they passed away on whatever the disease Rahim Allah said something very powerful. He said that as a person goes into his grave, He is an even if he is completely independent of that which he has left behind, meaning he could care less if his car burn, you know, broke down or, you know, subhanAllah this is the idea of dunya. The the irony of it is that you would be so upset that it would ruin your day if you got a flat tire. But if you passed away, which is obviously likely, I mean, it could happen anytime. You wouldn't mind if that car was

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destroyed and put into a dump. You have completely no regard for the dunya at that point, once you've left this world for clear on Vemma but he is completely in need of that which lies ahead. So every good deed that you do on the part of that person giving a sadaqa on the part of that person doing Hajj on the part of that person, doing an omen on the part of that person. Can you imagine when you're done

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If your deceased relative found you, on the day of judgment, and you wasted 15 $20,000 on their tombstone, and that could have went to sadaqa and maybe actually benefited them in their pocket and maybe actually lightened the punishment of the grave for them and actually elevated their state their stations, their status in the Hereafter, can you imagine the anger that they would have towards you for that because the only thing that accompanies them at that point is their I'm gonna Salah is their good deeds. And that's what we should be sending to them. Some of the other sinners of the prophets lie Selim, were to visit the, the friends and the relatives of that person. This is

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one of the last one of the last mannerisms that we that we have in our time. We're obviously very, you know, the world has never been more connected, but at the same time has never been more disconnected than it is today, right. We have more ways to access one another to send messages and so on, so forth, but we're still more disconnected than we've ever been. What that means is that visiting the visiting the friends you know that someone was a friend of your father, you know that someone was a friend of your mother. It's from betreuung yt Dane it's from obedience and goodness towards the parents that you visit them that you call them that you send them a greeting card that

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you thank them, that you frequently remember them, that you see them and you say to Zach, Allah who hate on I remember that my father used to love you or my mother used to love you or you had a good relationship with them. That is a sin of the prophets lie Selim, that he used to do with the Friends of Khadija while the Allahu Taala and the prophets I seldom used to send gifts to the Friends of digital the Allahu Taala right that's, that's a sunnah that we have from the messenger slice.

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He particularly up out he particularly kept those ties with the Friends of the devil the Allahu anha, not because of none but because of Khadija, the Sahaba carry this on after the messenger so Allah Azza wa salam, the very famous Hadith and Al Buhari of Abu Bakr and Omar may Allah be pleased with them visiting on Amon about the Allahu Allah Now Amon is you know, has a lofty status in our religion because of who she is. There's no doubt about it. But who is she to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam she's the first woman to hold the prophets lie Selim she was a mother to the prophets like Selim, or Sula, sigh some said my mother after my mother to her, so I will recommend Omar

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we're actually applying a sunnah may Allah be pleased to them when they went to visit on Lehmann will the Allah Han obviously the very famous narration is that they went to visit on a minimal the Allah Tala Anna and it's very fitting because you know, today is the 12th of robiola. Oh well, it is definitely the day that the Prophet slice and then passed away well sola slice I'm left this world on the 12th a little bit over which is the greatest calamity this OMA has ever faced. You know, the irony Subhanallah is that we don't know historically what His birth was, we know exactly what his death was. Because that was a great calamity that to the Companions and the prophets, I send them he

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said that when you face any calamity in life, remember the death of remember my death and it will make your calamity small there is no greater calamity, no greater test and the death of colossal loss. I said, Let's go to Masada, female to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam that you remember your death in light of the death of the messenger SallAllahu Aneesa. So they went to visit on Amon while the Allahu anha and she started to cry. And I'm Rebecca will the law and who he said to him, amen. Well, the Allahu taala. And you know, don't cry, don't you know that that which is with that which Allah has given to the Prophet Sly Stone is far greater than what he had in this world. And

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she said, I'm not crying because of that. I'm crying because the way because the revelation stopped coming down from the skies,

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which showed you that as much as these people love the messenger slice on them, and they had a great emotional attachment to it was an attachment to the message more than the messenger even so Allah Hardy was salam. And so what that meant was obviously, that that, you know, the Quran, the greatest tragedy with the death of the Prophet slicin Was that Quran was not being revealed anymore from the skies. But at the same time, we have a sunnah that's being established now by Abu Bakr and Omar, may Allah be pleased to them in visiting mainland we also see the Linaro model the Allah Tala Anhu, which is also narrated by Buhari that he was once riding in the marketplace, and he had a particular

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camel that he liked. And he saw a random man, and this was from added value. So he was a bedwin. And I'm loving on what he got off. And he gave that man his camera, just like that. And so his companion asked him, he said, Why did you do that? Why did you just give away your camera like that? You know, he said, That man, he said, These people are headwinds. They would be pleased with the ideal home or the not like you gave them $1 They'd make do out for you and say, Alhamdulillah he thought he was a beggar. You just give them $1 and send them away right? He'll be happy with that. Why did you just give them your whole camp? And I'm loving OH MY GOD, ALLAH Tada. And who said, I once saw my father

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mentioned him. So he was a friend of my father's Subhanallah just by virtue of him being a friend of Omaha, Pablo, the Allahu taala. And who he Abdullah felt compelled to give that camel to that man, even though he didn't know much about him at all, even though he was an unknown man. So this is a beautiful son of the prophets lie some to fulfill as well. Keeping time

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As with those that have passed away, obviously we covered the other things to do

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sadhaka knowledge most have so on so forth, there's so many different ways that we can benefit our deceased but this is one son that is quite forgotten. So we asked the last parents out to allow us to show complete obedience and love to our parents when they are alive and when they have passed away and to to be guided to the ways that would benefit our deceased when they pass away in a way that is most beloved to Allah Subhana Allah and Allah Amin questions Yeah. Some

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people asking

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what about this? So the is it permissible to write al Fatiha on the grave as a means of reminding the visitors to read al Fatiha for the person? Well, as we established yesterday, there is no narration of an Fatiha benefiting the deceased in the first place. It's subject to difference of opinion whether Quran reaches the dead but certainly nothing to infer to hand particular. But the answer to that is no. Because the prophets lie some said not to write on the graves. So Rasulillah Salam by doing that, obviously he's giving us a an absolute prescription and an absolute prohibition at the same time. So if there was any good in that than the muscle loss, I some would have certainly

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done so. That's a panel I mean,

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in a way we're kind of kidding ourselves sometimes. Because if that's really what you wanted to do, you'd put it simple. You'd write recited thought to how you wouldn't write it out in marble, and in fancy calligraphy and so on so forth. I mean, in a way it is again, decorating the graves and so on so forth. So there's no

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it's very common, unfortunately. Absolutely. But that's actually from the disrespect to the Quran. They mentioned it from disrespecting Pawan Yes. What do you think it's when you visit the grave site?

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People do.

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The advocates of visiting the grave also lost by Salam used to say As salam o alaikum, Dr. Carmen Nene PSB on to you oh believers in a Muslim ina were Muslim knots and they're different narrations, different wordings from the Muslim men and from the Muslim women. And Thomas servicon are not going to become Nahoko and insha Allah the prophets lie Selim said that you have gone ahead and we are soon to follow in sha Allah and also la SYS and I'm in different narrations the prophets I send them would would say different things. Okay, yup. Good. Hola. Hola, Anna, welcome. May Allah forgive you and us and so on, so forth. All of these are different narrations from Bukhari and Muslim. The gist

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of it is the same, which is to go there to make do out for the person.

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And to also remind yourself now here's something very interesting.

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Visiting the grave was haram for 21 years in Islam. Visiting the graveyards was actually prohibited by the prophet slice and up until two years left in his white meaning until the age of 61. The Prophet slicin prohibited it altogether. And he said sly Salaam in the in the Hato commands era of cobalt, I used to forbid you from visiting the graves, why did he use to forbid them from visiting the graves. Because obviously, a lot of shit takes place there, Paul, you know, people start to call out to their dead people start to do certain things in the graveyard, and so on, so forth. So if you can imagine living in the time of the sahaba. What that meant was when we went to bury our deceased,

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that was it, we would never come back to see them again. Subhanallah and that was the profit slice. And it was fear of people innovating at the graveyard and doing certain things. But once the updater was established, once the Creed was properly established the prophets licenses in the night to commands the altar code. I used to forbid you from visiting the graves, but now I approve it. Why? Because to the cucumber note, it reminds you of death. You see the profit slice on gave there Allah He gave the sub he gave the reasoning for allowing it now, because it reminds you of Duff, meaning when you visit the graveyard you're really visiting for yourself. Because if you made your art for

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your deceased one here, or you made your art for them while you're at the graveyard, it's there's no difference between the two. You know, granted that obviously being there at the grave, you'll naturally feel more sincerity in your art and so on so forth. But from a technical perspective, there's absolutely no greater benefit to making drought for the deceased at the graveyard as opposed to in the measure there at home or wherever you may be. So the prophets lie. Some said that it's for your own good. It's for your own good, it reminds you of death. And that's why I allow it for you now. So Subhanallah I mean, that's, and the prophets lie some of the last two years of his life and

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he is Salatu was Salam. He used to visit the book here quite frequently and even before the prohibition or before the prohibition was lifted from the Companions, also la CISE I'm used to visit the graveyard so this was something again, out of fear for the Ummah not to do certain things when they go to the grace because obviously you become emotional there people start hallucinating there when they get to the graveyard I remember once I was I was visiting the grave of my mother, may Allah have mercy on her and I was wearing a white field and anonymous and mocked by

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And he saw me there all by myself. And he looked at me and he just kind of, he didn't he didn't know if I was real or not. He thought I was Jesus. And so

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they started running off. And

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so that was an interesting incident, you know, because in Louisiana, they just had a little section in Baton Rouge. So people start to hallucinate at the graveyard, they start to say certain things, they start to think that they're talking to the person and so on, so forth. So there's a fear there. But the greater good is to remind yourself and remember, no claim Rahim Allah said, The janazah, actually is to remind you of death, said Mr. Harada. says, As for this person, you know, he's already had his, his book as close. As for that person, it's really even the janazah is there to remind you, for the most part, the greater function of the Janaza is to remind us of death. But

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Subhanallah when you go to Janaza is now what are people talking about? They're already talking about dunya. They're already talking about the world. Right? I mean, I tried to escape from people at janazah. And it only takes a couple of minutes for someone to come up to me and start talking to me about football or talking to me about work or talking to me about did you hear this news? Or, you know, what are you going to eat for lunch? It's where our hearts become hardened, some handle have become hardened to a point that we quickly quickly. You know, no sooner than we've just put this person in the grave, we quickly put the person in the grave and start thinking about the dunya and

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talking about the dunya. And that's also another sunnah. That's that's missed Ahmedabad Ah, so the Allah Tala Anhu. He said as he was passing away, he said, When you bury me, and this is this is something to really and you know, I know that. I when I taught this in, in kitab. Jana is to a group of students once everyone kind of got sad, well, when we buried our deceased, we didn't do this on metal the whole time. And who he told his son Abdullah said, when you bury me, he said, wait at the grave, wait by the grave for the amount of time it would take to slaughter a camel and distribute its meats, which in the Arabic language is an expression for a moderate amount of time, meaning

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don't leave too quickly. He said, because that would comfort me, until Allah subhanaw taala sends His Messengers towards me,

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with their intimate take from that, is that as we said, the last thing, the first thing you you're given in this world is what you're hearing, the first thing Subhanallah you're hearing, the last thing to be taken from you is your hearing. You know, when you're in the grave, you can still hear until the footsteps leave your grave. And so it's from what we take from the narration of Armadyl de la Tada, I know in Sahih Muslim that there is a comfort to knowing that there is someone still there at that time, even though obviously when the angels come to you, you know, it's everything kind of blood blinks out, and so on, so forth. Like, it's not going to help. One of the other innovations we

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have in our times is when people start telling the deceased when the when the two angels come to you and they ask you man, Rob, look say Allah and they asked you who's your messenger say, Mohammed? How's that gonna help that person? If it was that simple? If it was just that simple, then even a normal person would say okay, this sounds like the Islamic narrative so when they asked me Who is your Lord I'll just say Allah and who is your know the Prophet slice and um, said, the person who didn't use to pray, the person who is not regular with their salah, when the angel ask them, men, Lombok, Who is your Lord, they would say, ha, ha,

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which is laughing hysterically, they wouldn't know how to answer. A person who knew Allah is my Lord, if you ask them while they were alive, who was your Lord, they would have said Allah. But because they were not actually practicing that law, when they actually are asked, none of them look in the two angels are standing in front of them, they would they would not be able to answer properly. And so again, it's a sunnah that we don't leave the grave the family of does not leave the grave too quickly. They spend some time there, make the art for the person, stay with them for a little bit longer, you know, and, you know, 1520 30 minutes, whatever it may be, just stay there and

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make draft for them.

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And that also, we remind ourselves that once we're placed in there, we really have, you know, when the two angels are in front of us panel, I mean, that's, this is a new realm now. You know, it's like when you have a car accident, most people when they when they when they have a car accident, and the officer the ambulance asked What's your phone number, they won't be able to say their phone number because of the trauma right? So it's that same concept that you know, when these two angels are in front of you, this is really about whether or not this was something that you lived upon. Right so we ask Allah subhanaw taala to along with a beginner in this world, we ask Allah to grant

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us firmness when we're asked I'll take two more questions and I'll stop inshallah.

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When you give salam Can they hear they're in another realm altogether, and if they were righteous, because at that point, I'll Barza the realm of the Barossa and maybe we'll have a class inshallah here at some because I know chef Yasser has done the hereafter and signs the Day of Judgment, that realm of the Bagua, which is the transition realm, their grave

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is physically this. But when you hear the Hadith of the grave expanding and becoming a garden from Paradise and the person being dressed with the garments of paradise and so on so forth, this is really another, another realm altogether. So no, you're not communicating with that person directly. Now if ALLAH SubhanA, Allah insha, Allah wants to, to inform a person that you said salam to them. And so Allah, Allah is certainly capable of doing so. But the default is that no, you're not. You're not speaking to a person. They're not laying there in the grief in terms of soul, right, they're in a different realm altogether at that point. So when was the last time traveled and it is thought

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would matter launch. He meant the profits in Alibaba in that realm. So when he says I saw Mousavi Islam standing and praying in his grave, He didn't mean his physical grave standing and praying and so on, so forth. This is a realm that we can understand properly. Yeah.

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I know it's Saturday night, but I want to let you guys go. So. Okay, you're telling us to visit the graves or to follow up?

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all right, controversy, are women allowed to visit the graveyard or not? This is a subject of ft laugh. It's a subject of difference of opinion.

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As far as women praying the janazah that's established, there's nothing wrong with them praying the janazah the difference of opinion is them following the janazah and going to the graveyard, okay.

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Now as far the reason why that's a discussion in the first place, is that the prophets of Allah Harney was salam said Latin Allah He said me Allah curse and now a hat. The women that that that cry and scream and shout when they're when they're when their people pass away another narration the profit slice and I'm says, the women that visit the graves frequently.

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Now I Isha are the Allahu Taala Anna, she followed the janazah of her brother Abdullah cannot even be buckled the lawn. And in fact, she went to visit his grave and so on, so forth. So when she was asked about she said, Didn't your husband also lost my son? I'm saying, May Allah curse the women, because she used to apparently frequently visit her brother, I'm the man in the graveyard. So they said didn't the prophets lysozyme forbid that she said that when the Prophet slicin Um said that, when he cursed the women that frequently visit the grave, it was at the time in Islam, where everyone was forbidden from going into the grave. So when the Prophet slicin them opened it up, and

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made it permissible for people to visit the grave, it shall be Allah and has said, that meant the women as well. So to actually show the Allahu taala? And the answer was yes. And another evidence to that opinion, would be the very famous story that there was a woman that was standing next to the grave of a deceased one, and she was crying in the Prophet slice, and I'm told her to be patient and to seek the reward from Allah. And she said, You don't know what I'm going through and so on, so forth. And the Sahaba reminded, they told her that you just said that to the prophets like some she wasn't aware that she was speaking to the Prophet sly seller. So their element they say that had it

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been haram, for that woman to be standing at the grave of the prophets lie, Selim would have been obligated to tell her, you know that this is a forbidden thing, or at least the Companions would have said you shouldn't have been here in the first place. So that opinion, is an opinion of it settled the Allahu Anhu. And again, the other. The other group of scholars, they take the the literal meaning of the text of the prophets, like some curse the women that frequently give visit the grape will all tie to Adam, you know, the way that we reconcile is that if a woman was to visit the graveyard, following that evidence of artificiality, Allah and the woman and so on, so forth,

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that was there and this is the opinion of a Shafi in the opinion. One of the opinions narrated from Imam Ahmed Rahim Allah. If she wants to do that, then she should avoid a near her she should avoid screaming, shouting or doing anything impermissible mixing with the man she should avoid all of that stuff. So she's a woman that can really control herself and control her emotions and she avoids the group of men. She remembers Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and she's calm and so on so forth, then I hope Inshallah, that would be okay. But again, there's evidence on both sides here. I believe that the, the opinion of it shall have the Allahu Taala and here which is what the chef or even some of

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the families took. This is just what I follow, obviously in that regard, a lot of times. Well, yeah. Last one.

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And if it's a controversial one, I'm sending everyone home.

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Talk about

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lightning and all that.

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A lot of South Asian countries they do that like machines and stuff like that.

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That's not controversial. That's actually just a pretty easy no answer. It's pretty black and white. So no, a person should avoid that. Altogether. Obviously, any of those things should be avoided altogether. Is it a short one?

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Very important. Very important. Okay.

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It is done.

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Don't wait until the camera is distributed. Yeah, that's what I just mentioned the narration

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is supposed to be a

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distribution. So what will be beneficial to the person who has been reading Quran during that meeting during that time or doing you should have come to Russia last night?

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Go to go to the YouTube channel and look up last night's coffee and we went into a very detailed discussion about Quran Quran verses do we ask Allah that all of those things will benefit our deceased within Aitana Lama means is often located on a cool courtyard that was like most Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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