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Did Nas Daily with the help of Mohammed
Hijab just come back to Islam?
I spent 1 full month
studying my religion,
Now some of you might not have known
that years ago Nas left Islam
and created his own religion called Nazism.
Didn't you actually invent your own religion? Where
is this conspiracy theory coming from? I'm totally
serious. Let's have a look. In life, there
are 3 things you shouldn't talk about. Money,
politics, and religion. So today, I'm going to
talk about religion. I was born and raised
Muslim. I prayed 5 times a day. And
on Ramadan, I fasted for 10 years. I
was taught Islam was the only way to
and I believed it. Then I started making
non Muslim friends. Christians said Jesus is the
son of God and is the way to
heaven. Jews said they were the chosen one.
Hindus said there's not one God, there are
1,000,000. And my atheist friends
made fun of all of us. The more
people I met, the more I
realized everyone thinks their religion is right. And
if one is right, then fundamentally,
everyone else is wrong, including me. That is
when I stopped believing in religion and continued
my belief in the idea of God and
decided to create my own religion. It's called
This was on the D
show, episode 676.
This is out of love. That's the brother's
name, Naz. Haven't you compounded
the problem of man made religions already?
That's a that's a good point. That's a
a really good point. I'll leave the link
below and at the end of the video
you should be able to see it up
here somewhere. Now my question is, do you
think that had any impact on Nas that
he left
that man made religion
that he made up,
created called Nazism.
Where is this conspiracy
theory coming from? I decided to create my
own religion. It's called Nazism.
It's basically following one's desires, making up things
as you go along, to actually coming back
to following Islam, submission to the will of
the creator of Allah. As we see him
saying that this is his religion, Islam, in
front of the Kaaba. Studying my religion,
Did he wake up seeing that Islam
is the fastest growing religion in the world?
Because it's the truth. Islam is the fastest
growing religion.
There are more than 2,000,000,000
of us in every country in the world.
But honestly, there's a lot of unanswered questions.
Like for example,
are they actually blackmailing
Nas? Turns out, I'm Jewish.
I saw what Palestinians
see. I was called a terrorist
by a 15 year old Jewish girl.
I was almost attacked
by an Israeli soldier.
And I was stuck at checkpoints
for hours.
Is that why he's remaining silent on what's
going on in Palestine? I am a Palestinian
Israeli. Whitewashing the crimes against humanity
that are being committed there against his own
people. Did he actually leave Nazism? The religion
of the nefs, of the desires
he made up before I decided to create
my own religion. It's called Nazism.
Or is he bringing Nazism into Islam? Now
that's a matter of the heart and we
want the best for him like we want
the best for all of mankind. But one
thing that we can take from this in
his latest video on Islam is I shaved
my head
just to make a point. You don't do
Islam to prove a point. Your intention should
be to please your creator because without the
right intention,
the proper knowledge,
and the proper action according to the Quran
and Sunnah, then it's useless.
But this religion, I did not learn from
a sheikh.
I learned Islam
from my mother.
Number 2, you have to learn Islam from
the qualified people, from the scholars, from the
authentic sources, the Quran and the authentic Sunnah.
Another thing we learned it's not right that
for all the other religions
that he was studying for a month
he actually met
with scholars of those religions.
I am on a 6 months challenge to
study the top six religions.
Buddhism, Hinduism,
Judaism, Christianity.
And now for the final religion,
But this religion,
I did not learn from a sheikh. But
for Islam, he's doing the Nazism, is it?
Making up stuff? Not good. Naz. You have
to sit
with scholars. You can't just make things up
as you want.
There it is.
This is where Islam started
in a cave that looks something like this.
Islam was revealed to prophet Muhammad
by an angel
while he was sitting in the cave. Now
the Quran was revealed to prophet Muhammad, peace
and blessed be upon him, the last and
final messenger sent to all of mankind.
Islam was revealed
from the start of mankind, starting with the
first man, Adam,
Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, all the way into
the final messenger, prophet Muhammad, peace be upon
them all. They all brought Islam Because what
does Islam mean? Submission
to the will
of the creator, God Almighty Allah, and this
is how you attain peace. So it's peace
acquired by submission to the will of Allah.
And so I read about Islam,
and the first thing I learned
is discipline. Discipline. Discipline.
After studying Islam intensively for one month, one
would come away with learning the most important
thing of Islam, which is the
absolute monotheism
that every one of these prophets and messengers
this is their main mission to deliver this
to their people, to the world.
This is the most important thing. You can't
miss that reading the Quran. At the end,
brothers and sisters,
we don't want to be
who just don't eat pork. They drink alcohol,
they sleep with other people, and they even
crimes. But the one thing they will never
do is eat
pork. No pork pork.
And do everything else
that's haram, that's prohibited by the creator. And
we make up our own religion, for example,
Nazism or any other man made religion, following
our desires
what the creator, god almighty Allah, commanded us
to do. We wanna be entering into Islam
completely as Allah the almighty says in
the last final revelation said to mankind in
the Quran,
oh, you who have believed, enter into Islam
and perfectly and do not follow the footsteps
of Satan, shaitan. Indeed, he is to you
a clear enemy. With that said, brothers and
sisters, we'll see you next time. Until then,
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your comments below, and we'll see you next
time. Until then, peace be with you.
If you are sincerely looking for truth, ask
God for guidance,
and it's upon him to guide you.
Beautiful. Done. We'd like to hear from you
now. Is anybody else struggling? Take this beautiful
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