Omar Suleiman – #7 Do they hear me when I visit? – For Those Left Behind

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The importance of the Prophet sallavi alayhi wa sallam in the actions of the Prophet's life is discussed, along with its use to obtain forgiveness for actions. Visiting the graveyard for good deeds is also emphasized, along with the importance of the Prophet sallua alayhi wa sallam in bringing good deeds to his heirs. Visiting the graveyard for good deeds is also emphasized, along with the need for comfort in one's eyes. The presence of the Prophet sallua alayhi wa sallam in the message is also highlighted, along with the plethora of evidence that suggests that good deeds can still reach their heirs even if they visit the graveyard.
AI: Transcript ©
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There is literally nothing that we can beat the prophets I send them with in terms of a song.

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We started off the series with talking about how the right of the Muslim on the Muslim is that you preach and as on them that you visit them. And you think about loyalty and courtesy and just the the way the Prophet sly Salaam, was so dedicated to those that were dedicated to him. And just like he did with that episode, Indian woman, one of my favorite narrations about the Prophet sly Salaam is actually in the final chapter of his life, where the prophets lie some chooses, before his final illness to make to last trips. And I'm not including the message in that because we know that in the end of the life of the Prophet slicin them he would try to go to the, as much as he could, until his

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health would no longer allow him to. But his last two trips out of his slots was saddam, were to go to a hood, and to visit the Shahada hood, and to seek forgiveness for them and make your app for them. And then his final trip and the Hadeeth of way he got all the lots out I knew a very famous narration, the prophet slice and I'm said I was commanded to seek forgiveness for added back here for the people of the book here. So he goes out to the graveyard in the book here. And he seeks forgiveness for his companions in the book here. Such a beautiful testimony to his character, it is Salatu was Salam and setting the example for us. So he makes those last two trips to them to seek

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forgiveness for them, giving us that insight into how often we should visit our loved ones and how often we should make do out for them. Now, a lot of times the question comes up, can they hear me when I go, do they feel me when I go, and I want us to talk about this for a bit inshallah. Now obviously, with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he has angels that roam the earth that deliver our Salaam to him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, no matter where we are, whether we're in Medina, or in Texas, or Morocco, or wherever you say suttle Allahu alayhi wa sallam, it will reach the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that is obviously something that is for the Prophet

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salallahu alayhi wasallam for us, when we go to the graveyards, what do we say? Think about the drought that we make and it has various iterations as salaam alaikum Allah Dr. Mina Mina when muslimeen you say peace beyond to you Oh inhabitants of the grave from the believers and from the Muslim so you're giving a general Salaam to everyone in the graveyard, what in sha Allah have become lakukan and we are assumed to follow and to masabi on you are the four runners well in that in sha Allah who become raccoon and again there are various iterations of this hadith. So you are the four runners you have preceded us and we are assumed to follow and that's a lot Anna welcome raffia We

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ask Allah Subhana which Allah for forgiveness for us and for you. So you're really talking directly to them in that sense, right? You're addressing this Salaam to them as you go into the graveyard. We know of course when we go to visit the grave of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam we say is that mRNA k out of Silla we send Salaam to the Prophet slice Allah and then salon I will back it and then Salaam to Omar may Allah be pleased with them. And you find By the way, even Omar will be allowed Tada. And it's a beautiful narration that when Omar will be allowed on whom I would go to greet the prophets I summon double Beckett and Alma it's different for him. Why? Because almost all

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the law I know is his father. So what would he said he would say a Salaam rtkl sort of law and then he would move over and he would say a Salaam or aka abubaker and then he would move over and say a Salaam ytk at peace beyond to you my dear father Subhana Allah so this is a beautiful thing. Obviously that belongs to the children of Abu Bakr and Omar when they would move past the Prophet sly summonable bucket Norma So the question becomes once again what is the value of going what is the value of saying Salaam can they hear the Salaam can they feel our presence? The practice of visiting the graveyard was actually late in legislation the Prophet slicin them actually said that

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in the in the hater commands. I used to forbid you from visiting the graves. But then the Prophet slicin them said visits because it reminds you of death. Why do I think this is so important in this discussion? Because it's not like they need us to visit them meaning what you know what the prophet sallallaahu it was our Salaam our Salaam reaches him wherever and of course that's something only for the Prophet sallallahu wasallam but with everybody your drawers or at least those again on whose behalf people have a man who on whose behalf good deeds are continued your eyes still count for them wherever you are. You're at the graveyard is not better than your at home, your good deeds that you

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do on their behalf that can be anywhere right and they're far more in need of that than

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Anything else and that's to give us perspective that the only reason the prohibition of visiting the graves was lifted was for our benefits not those that are the occupants of the graves, but those that visit the graves to remind themselves of death. However, remember when Omron also the longtime who was passing away and he told his children to wait a bit, so a step nessa because I can be comforted by your presence until the messengers of my Lord come to me, there are narrations that seem to match with what I'm doing also the law of town who is saying that when a believer goes to visit their brother or sister in the graveyard is that nessa be him that they feel their presence

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and they respond to their salon. But again, even if those narrations are debatable amongst some of the scholars The point is that we go to say Salaam regardless to them, we go to make their out we go to remind ourselves of death, knowing that drama and good deeds will reach them wherever they may be. So what can we establish in regards to the hearing of the dead we know that they don't hear everything on earth. And so they're not like the living in that they can roam and be in your you know, room and wherever they may be and hear everything that's still going on in this dunya but how much can they hear in their place in their graves right now? What we can establish is actually from

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the Sunnah of the Prophet slicin first and foremost in regards to the janazah itself, that the Prophet sallallahu is and I mentioned that the person here is the last footsteps leaving the janazah there's also the Hadith, in the aftermath of the Battle of better that after the disbelievers died, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said yeah, food I have no food and he started to call out to them one by one those that were the enemies of Islam, and he said, Oh, Fulani oh so and so the son of so and so Oh, so and so the son of so and so Oh, so so the son of so. So how do we get to my other camera? Come have coffee Raja to my widen Illa? Who have that? Have you found what Allah has

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promised you to be true? Because we have certainly found what Allah has promised us to be true. And when the prophet SAW Some said that they asked the Prophet slicin we have a sort of luck, can they hear what you're saying and the Prophet slicin and said that you cannot hear any better than what they're hearing. So a loss certainly caused them to hear what the prophet slice alum was saying to them. So what's the conclusion of all of this, the conclusion is they will hear what Allah wants them to hear, Allah will cause them to hear what Allah subhanaw taala causes them to hear, your deeds can still reach them, your eyes can still reach them. And certainly there is a plethora of

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evidence, primary and secondary that establishes this idea of going to the graveyard. When we say salon to them, we don't ask them to do things for us. We don't ask them to make your app for us. None of that but that there is some comfort and some connection with the Salaam to them. And there's certainly an increased comfort with the Darius and the good deeds that you sent on their behalf.

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