Riyadh Walls – Taraweeh Program Talk Only (24nd Ramadan 15 Apr 2023)
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a woman named Y banjo who claims to have a son and daughter, and a woman named Y banjo who claims to have a son and daughter. The dark night caused the destruction of infrastructure and electricity at night, and the Prophet continues his message of love and orientation while the news of the war causes confusion and uncertainty. The shadow is a wash, the light is a wash, and the shadow is a wash and the light is a wash. The shadow is a wash and the light is a wash. The shadow is a wash and the light is a wash. The shadow is a wash and the light is a wash. The shadow is a wash and the light is a wash. The shadow is a wash and the light is a wash. The shadow is a wash and the light is a wash. The shadow is a wash and the light is a wash. The shadow is a wash and the light is a wash. The shadow is a wash and the light is a
AI: Summary ©
Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah while I
early he was a happy woman while I'm about Jamal Muslimeen salaam
aleikum. Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
God Allah Tabata Quwata Allah fie Kitabi Hila Aziz were either with
the villa he may not show Utonium regime.
La caja Colonel la comfy Rasulillah he was sweat tune.
Lehmann Cornejo joola How will Yeoman here
well may well for in Allah
for NACA cannula comfy rasool Allah He was sweating hustler
lemon Karna yo Joomla how well yo mill here whether Kerala Kathira
sada colada, the
tomato Muslimeen
this is one verse that we have heard in the Salah tarawih
that we couldn't go by,
out of all the IR that we recited tonight. This is perhaps the most
important one for us in the context of our lives today.
We Allah subhanho wa Taala he confirms
and he tells us that indeed
in the Messenger of Allah, there is an excellent example for who
Lehmann Corrado jolla Holloman here for the one that has hope in
Allah and on the last day, in other words, a hope in the
forgiveness of Allah and the reward of Jana on the last day on
the day if you're Matsuyama well, that kind of Allah cathedra and
they remember Allah subhanho wa Taala much.
Now Gematria assuming this word or sweat on
the origin of this word,
can be found
in the letters seen
well in the Alif Matsuura Sawa
and it basically what it means is
a Tessa che on ma her Oh ma che in occur for something to be like
something else. But in the turkey of the word OSA we find the
meaning of goodwill. In other words, how to be like something
else is to follow that thing.
And in this case, it is the example of a beloved Prophet
Muhammad Salah turabi was salam who Allah He
tomato Muslimeen
our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
He warned us of a time.
Where Indomie whare Yquem a Yama Sabri
a sub roofie her Cobden al Gemma, you said they are going to be
behind me or after me. They are going to be days of great patience
and perseverance.
A sub roofie her patience and perseverance there in will be like
holding on to a hot call.
Patience and perseverance in what?
In the obedience of Allah and His Messenger
in abstaining from the disobedience of Allah and His
messenger, we are going to require great patience and perseverance to
hold on to humbly Lahemaa teen to hold on to the indestructible rope
of Allah subhana wa Taala
our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he
says In another Hadith, he says, we're in the WHO min year Ashman
come fissara If the Laffan kathira. And, indeed, he who is to
live off to me.
He will she for that matter, who is to live after me will see great
differences will agree will see great if they laugh.
They will be great confusion. In fact, he describes In another
Hadith as dokkan dokkan is a man it will be hazy.
It like being in
It fog
people will become confused.
In actual fact In another Hadith he describes it as a dark night.
Bad you will be a man, Phaeton and capitulating Muslim.
make hasty and doing good deeds. Why? Because there are trials and
tribulations coming like a dark night used to be Harajuku Mina and
William C. Catherine. A person will wake up in the morning as a
believer and go to bed as a disbeliever Oh yum see Momina will
use be okay if you're on a go to bed as a believer and wake up as a
disbeliever imagine a philosopher Imam and say SLUB When are you
ever Beloved, we seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala from that
your Borodino will be out of the minute dunya they will sell the
religion for a small price of the dunya
so in this time Gemma to Muslim and we are living this time wala
nanopi organism and we are in the last days, all the signs of day.
We are going to have to hold on to this as well.
We are going to have to hold on to this goodwill. Goodwill amellia
for its practical example, this best of examples, which suffices
us well ma also NACA Illa Cafetiere Linus Bashir on one of
the euro and we have not seen the O Muhammad Salah son as one who
suffices care for tele nurse but Shirin when the Iran as a bearer
of glad tidings, and as a Warner, for each and every single human
being in Nokia, Messiah, for all peoples in old times, until the
last hour, Mohamed Salah Salem, he is the example to be followed.
Look at the colonel ACOEM fear Rasulullah he was one has an
in the Messenger of Allah
is the best of examples. An excellent example. We are
sort of hijab verse number 21. We didn't give a reference.
We didn't give a reference, surah Taha, verse number 21 Please go
home and ponder over this ayah our beloved prophet Sasson said, for
inner who may Yasmin come for Sierra Aquila, fan kathira. So
indeed the One who is going to live after me, they will see great
dissension great disunity, great confusion, things will be like a
dark night, people Muslims, at that time will not be able to
distinguish between hope and Boulton halal and haram Shara and
higher they won't be able to differentiate between truth and
falsehood between that which is lawful and prohibited between that
which is good and evil. That is the dark night. I know we're
getting used to dark nights with low cheating. But I can tell you,
I still haven't experienced the dark night like I experienced in a
place called her Gisa in Somaliland. autosomal
when at the beginning and the end of the lunar month there is no
moon. And by the way, there was no electricity because of the civil
war that took place in the north. Remember we have Somaliland and
then Somalia yesterday we're all one country once upon a time, but
it's two different countries now. And in our the summer after the
Civil War, all the infrastructure was destroyed and they had no
electricity at night that generators operating in the
daytime and no electricity at night. And at the beginning and
the end of the lunar month with you it's no moon when I went to
the masjid for Salah to fringer in the morning well light was so dark
it's almost one of dialysis and already put on either Raja Yoga
hula me a cat euro in Allah describes the Abbas which is 1000
meters below in the depths of the ocean. It is so dark if a man had
to take out his hand in front of him. He would hardly be able to
see it and had to walk with the Somalis cola Bokhara a stick at us
my stick to walk to the machine because I couldn't see my hand in
front of my face. Only then did I understand what the Prophet
sallallahu sallam was speaking about.
is going to come this time with it's going to be so much fitna
trial tribulation dissension, disunity, confusion, ignorance,
ignorance about the ignorance of Allah, ignorance of His Messenger
salatu salam ala
a mo and what is the solution? What is the remedy?
So the Prophet continues the Hadith in Houma. Yasmine come for
your life and Kathira find a combi so Nettie
was sunnah till Holofernes Rashi Deen, Dean Dean, how do I be no
urges and no urges what is undergraduate? He says so
In this time of love and Phaeton and Dukan he says, hold on to my
and the Sunnah of my rightly guided successes.
upright, rightly guys Rashidi upright Melodien rightly guided
coilover rightly guided successes. Do I lay have been the word you
hold on to it with your molars?
Mr. commish, if you're having a good steak, do you bite with your
front teeth? Or do you bite and chew with your molars with your
molars? Especially if you have false teeth, you're going to be
sitting with a problem.
So we have to hold on tight tomato Muslimeen
Allah subhanaw taala he has sent down this Kitab this Quran unto
his servant, I pity he
may not follow Mattila nor unto his servant Mohammed VI Jabril
Halima salatu salam in order to take you out of the darkness. If
we are in the AML Phaeton if we are in the days of darkness in the
days of trial and tribulation
and we want to be taken out of the darkness, we have to follow the
good just pay lip service. Wow guys, look at that. We stuck in
the dark. We don't know where we are. But in the distance we see a
light it's a wash Allah. Look at that beautiful light. Isn't it
amazing light. Can you see what's in the light? Maybe a little bit
of bread, a little bit of blue in a blue bit of yellow. And it's so
amazing and it sparkles. Is that gonna get you out of the dark? Low
Allah we have to go towards the light and we have to stick to the
light and we have to move wherever the light goes. Just like our
shadow moves with our body.
Because that's exactly what Allah subhanaw taala says it's what He
commands us to do with Gods with regards to Muhammad Sallallahu
wasallam what does he say almost want to dialysis call in contempt
to hipbone Allah for Debbie Rooney, your people come along or
your failure comes in. Allahu Rahim.
Allah want to dialysis say to them Oh Mohamed Salah salah. And if you
claim to love Allah,
then follow me. That's Mohamed Salah Salem. He's being told to
say that to us. Imagine Mohammed Salah Salim is now saying to us if
you claim to love Allah, then follow me FET Tebbe Rooney, what
does it mean? It
eatable and the word it comes from the word to burn turbine, which in
Arabic means a vil a shadow. So literally we are supposed to
follow Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam just like our shadow
follows our bodies as we are moving in the daytime when the sun
is in the sky. That is how we have to stick to that light and he is a
light Allah describes him as a light but the general coming Allah
He neutron rocky terrible movie in details come to you a light and a
clear book whose delight delight is Mohamed Salah Salem we'll see
Rajan Munira is Allah describes him elsewhere in the Quran as the
lamp bearing light in actual fact you know Shut up the Hamid Kiska
Rahim Allah Tala the blind check from Egypt 30 Summa Nabi they call
him the night of the member the night of the member. Okay in IG HT
Chanda Hamid kiski used to say
he used to say
Kasab Yama tiene que Furby unmatted How can a nation
we're gonna be you know, what key taboo her know?
How a nation whose Creighton Sustainer is light Allah who
notice somewhat you will love Allah is the illuminator of the
heavens in the earth
whenever you are no and it's prophet is light because the gel
coming Allah He knew rocky terrible movie and it's book is
light. For Latina, I'm a newbie, what are the rules?
No, really the only dilemma and as for those who believe in Him, and
they honor Him and they aid and support him and they follow the
light that was revealed down to him. So how an Obama is creating
sustain is light its profit is light and it's poke his light K
factor Don tarisha How can it want to live in the darkness
and we have been given the light here would you like to see in the
world has gone mad in I've been watching this they passing no
The parents in some countries no parents who try to interfere or
intervene in the children wanting to change the gender, which by the
way is a fabrication. The word gender was invented by a *
in 1955. And a man who even said that * is not pathology.
As long as it's consensual watch what's coming tomato Muslimeen
watch what's coming.
What's what's coming? This is the darkness that we are. Their
parents are being threatened that the children will be taken away.
Parents are and our legislation is this country is not far off, is
not far off. So tomato Muslimeen buckle up. And I say to myself
first and my family, buckle up and hold on tight. But I give you a
Bushra listen to these glad tidings. Let's go back to the
What is our I am zap verse 21 Go home and ponder government ponder
the Hadith. We're in
ECAM AR AR must Sabri and behind you. They are going to be days of
patience and perseverance.
A subgroup roofie her
cup denial Gemma
sit behind you there's going to be days of patience and persevere,
being patient and persevering with holding on to the Quran and the
Sunnah that's what it means full stop.
Like holding on to a hot coals in the Prophet sallallahu sallam.
And then he said Li Li Li fi Andrew comm see the one who is
living by the Quran and the Sunnah at that time, at the time of fitna
and facade at the time of confusion, at the time when even
Muslims out there are not being able to distinguish between good
and bad, right and wrong because of the ignorance of the dean. The
one who is acting on it will have the reward of 50. Now who's the
Prophet speaking to? Who were the people that were there? In the
audience who's he speaking to he speaking to the to the Sahaba to
do one like to add an imaginary so they're asking Carlu yo,
Rasulullah come seen Amin home. Oh, come seen Amina? Will they
have the reward of 50 of them? Or 50 of us? For Karla sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam come see them income, they will have the reward
of 50 of you.
Holding on to the Sun name this time holding on to the Quran and
the Sunnah of our beloved prophet salaam Salaam in this time Gemma
to Muslimeen for every good deed that we do will have to reward a
50 Sahaba.
Can you imagine that? How can you use Allahu alayhi wa sallam, so no
more? No more dabblings Yamato Muslimeen
we were talking about a Yama summary. What are we doing in
Ramadan? We are fasting was so nice for supper. Fasting is half
of all patients and perseverance. So we've built up enough cyber in
sha Allah, Allah may Allah make it that lcm and OPM has granted us
enough enough patience and perseverance to hold on to that
hablo Allah he'll Mateen and together well, well Tasi will be
happily lay Jimmy and Walter for all of you all together onto the
rope of Allah. All of you together united hold on to the Quran and
the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, and do
not be divided amongst yourselves. It's the only way we're going to
survive, otherwise we are going to drown me I do need to tell you,
the Phaeton they are coming. Come watch. The Prophet described them
as waves for 2g Will fitna for
the trials will come. The next trial that comes will make the
previous one seem insignificant.
Are you ready? I don't know if I'm ready. May Allah make us ready. We
have to make the near to get ready.
Because you have to Muslimeen they are tough times ahead. But in sha
Allah, as we heard tonight and I end with this, this is a this is a
this is Shaha Ramadan, the month of what have taqwa and Iman lecan
Takuan. We heard Surah Tala three vs. Omega tequila, EJ Allahumma
KROGEN. While you're zooming highschooler Yatta Seba OMA your
token Allah life or husband at the one who is conscious and mindful
of Allah puts Allah first in their lives is in all of Allah always
concerned as to how Allah looks at them, then Allah will make a way
out of every difficulty for them, and Allah will sustain them from
where they cannot account and the one who puts the trust in Allah
Allah is enough for them. The next verse will Mejia tequila your
child Amina Marie, you straw, the one who is conscious and mindful
of Allah in their daily lives. Allah will make the entire lives
easy for them. It will be easy for them to hold on to the Quran and
the Sunnah won't be difficult. And the last verse or maybe a tequila,
you can feel
Ron who sejati Are you the MLA who Agera and the one who has stuck
with Allah, the One who is mindful and conscious of Allah in their
daily lives, in everything they do in everything they say everywhere
they go each and every single day. Allah subhanaw taala will wipe
away all their sins and grant them the greatest reward. May Allah
subhanaw taala accept Opia except LCM except that Attica fixup Dr.
Otto Quran, Allah subhanaw taala grant us that patience and
perseverance in his obedience, that patience and perseverance in
abstaining from his disobedience, and that patience and perseverance
to deal with all trials and tribulations. May Allah save us
from the trials and tribulations of this life and the punishment of
the Hereafter, I mean your blood I mean, and to enter us fee Jannetty
name was cell Allah Allah, Allah Allah Allah Sydenham Muhammad
while earlier we were vertical settling were accurate that $100
Bill Allah mean Welcome to Salah