Nouman Ali Khan – When We Fight Each Other #2

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The importance of faith in Islam is discussed, including the belief that one should pursue their beliefs and love someone. The speakers emphasize the connection between believers and their emotions, the desire for love and hate, and the importance of acceptance and faith in Islam. They also discuss the concept of "will" between Christian and Muslim communities, and the importance of community engagement in avoiding conflict and minimizing it within one's community. The speakers also touch on the concept of "quarantine behavior" and the importance of listening to others' comments and not criticizing them.
AI: Transcript ©
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100 Allah

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100 Allah Harlequin would you live in Adam, a jolly moody mean avola almost subliminal lm from Alcatel but he and another Finnish guru who either Messiah become an issue who Alinea one Sunday I lost to the healer from the shuffle I shall be when noodle will kitabi makan. Walk a Mile in the beginner will hartham say Ed whether the Adam led by shall be here is a new medium. Whether it be upset e Rahim Ali Salam in a Kenyatta recovery debate Allah

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for some a lot more either he was seldom very he hated omen. Alina barakallahu li him Kapha national Alabama homology and hamdulillah under the letter said well done William ecola, who shall contain murky William Nicola who will humid and full tequila? Well hamdulillah under the Angela Abdi him kitumba Elijah Al Hamdulillah Medina who want to stay in who want to start Philip will be one of our q&a when I wrote the bill that he mentioned already unforeseen a woman sejati Melina manyatta Hello fellow Mozilla. Fellow * Allah. When Allah Allah Allah Allah, Allah, Allah Allah Allah Allah Mohammed Abdullah he Law School of Salah Hola Hola, ilevel Houdini leovera Juana de Vaca fabula

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shahida for some Allahu Allah He was seldom at the Sleeman Castilian concealer Nevada in Allah DC tabula ohioana he had you Mohamed Salah love Miley will send them one shot one more demarked attached to our in nakoula more

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popular with Allah, Allah Allah,

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Allah Allah azza wa jal CWA caringbah an akula arrow the Ministry of Energy went into effect only when we need to be nahama embody

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a call to let it be a fee

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for him at fastly who may know whom I will settle in the law how you able Moxie thing? Love Medina Milano city in Milan, firstly who may not have a como la la la la maganda pain from the surgery were silly Emily Emily Sania poco de la misunderstand that not to be La la la la, la la la la la mina Latina Manuel I'm gonna study hard, what was the what was the subject? I mean,

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I'm continuing last week's hoba today. And last week, I tried to contextualize the placement of the ayah and its connection to what has been said before it in Soho gerat. That's the 49th sort of the Quran and the ayah that I wanted to discuss with you as the ninth one, what Allah talks about the scenario in which two groups of Muslims are fighting against each other. And one last thing that I wanted to highlight before we touch on this ayah is that allows origin right before it says, what I can allow, however illegal imagine that however, Allah has made faith, something beautified or beloved to you, was a year and a half to become and he beautified it in your hearts. So let's think

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about that for a moment.

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Allah is saying that our belief in Allah isn't just something that we carry as a burden, or we carry as a responsibility, you know, sometimes you find out the truth, but it's not pleasant. Right. But in fact, the beliefs that we've come to acquire in Allah and His Messenger in some way, sort of, in the revelation in judgment day, the knowledge of what is to come, all of that knowledge is actually something we love. Like the fact that we know now is, you know how sometimes you learn something you say, I wish I never knew. This is not one of those things allows me to love for this knowledge inside of our hearts. And if a person doesn't feel a love for that, then actually something is

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missing in their mind. So he says himself alive, taking it taking credit for making this something that we find love for in our hearts, this faith of ours, these beliefs. And then he says was the Yana who flew back home, and he made it beautiful inside your hearts. So not only did he make it something we love, he also made it something that's beautiful. And that's also an interesting contrast because sometimes you can love something, but it's still painful love. You know, we're currently studying sulit yusoff and Jacobian Islam loves his sons but it's a painful love. Right? So love isn't always easy. loving your children and children may be a source of pain for you but you

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still love them. So love isn't always an easy thing. But here when it comes to eemaan our faith, a blessing Not only that, he makes you love it and put love for it inside of your hearts. But he made it something beautiful to you. So you're in a sense, you're in all of your faith. You're You're mesmerized by its power and its beauty and you're constantly This is something you cherish like when when we love someone, we want to protect them. When we love someone we think about them all the time. When we love someone we consider what they would feel before we do something. These are the qualities of loving someone you know, when something is beautiful in our hearts

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Then it takes up our imagination. It takes up our free time, we long to see it over and over again and experience it over and over again. That's when something is beautiful in our hearts. And so when Allah says this about our human then he is describing our spiritual condition inside of ourselves as something that we long to feed over and over again. But then you know how there's an axiom in Arabic And there's an equivalent in English so Allah Allah shall be our daddy ha by opposites things are known right so Okay, so he made faith beautiful to you and something beloved to you in your hearts. That's what he says. But I can Allahabad in a coma. mana was a you know, Ruby code. But how do you

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know that's the case? Well, by the opposite things are known by opposites things are known. What can raha la como cofra? Well for Su, our CRM, how do you know that Allah has made faith truly beautiful to you in your heart? Well, because at the same time that you fall in love with something, it is, at the same time that you begin to develop a hatred for something else. And so what does he say he installed or instilled a hatred in you a disgust in you for three things. So loving Yvonne necessarily means three things become some things we hate, and we develop a hatred for them inside of our hearts. And Allah says that he inspired that hate inside of us, or he compelled us to have

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that hatred deep inside of our hearts. Now, what are those three things a rejection, rejection of the truth, rejection of a love rejection of His Messenger rejection of the book, denial, disbelief, that's the first thing we absolutely hate. one fell swoop and corruption, corruption, meaning you have, you know, desire to disobey or to violate or to manipulate the law, the law, and then a lot of that corruption comes out to the point where it affects you and it starts affecting other people to Allah makes corruption, something disgusting to us, because our faith is beautiful to us. Like, just because it's beautiful to you. Some other things become not okay for you. You just develop a high

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intolerance for them uncomfortable for soup. And finally, he says unrest and disobedience. Any thought of disobeying the law any thought of disobeying His Messenger slicing them is something you find disgusting. Something you can you just absolutely hate. Now, it's really incredible to me, that this is the IR right before. When after, oh, by the way, this whole This is phenomenal. Ah, who am I this is a great favor from Allah and a blessing from Allah that you have this love and you have this hate? Yeah. And right after that, he says to group of believers fight each other, so on and so on, and so forth. Now, what's the connection? Well, the connection is this believers are actually at the

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end of the day connected to each other, not by blood, not by tribe, not by you know, social obligation, they're connected to each other because they have the same love human.

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So the scenario in which we're fighting each other is already a problem. Because our image is compelling us to love the one that we love that has the same love as we do. They love the same things, and they hate they're supposed to hate the same things. But the other more even more powerful thing here about believers fighting each other

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is no matter how much you hate somebody for what they did, because Muslims do some pretty messed up things. We do messed up things to each other. And even if you have and you have somebody in your life that you absolutely despise, regardless of the fact that they're Muslim, that's not even part of the equation. They just they just did some really disgusting, despicable things to you how No matter how much you hate them or hate what they did.

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Your hatred of Cofer, your hatred of corruption, and your hatred of disobeying Allah and His messenger is greater.

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So and no matter how much you would love, you know, something your love of Allah and your love of his messenger is greater.

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So why is that important? Because when conflicts happen, the the hatred and the animosity and the desire to get back at someone or retribution can be blinding. I just want payback. I want them to suffer, I'm gonna fight back. The desire for vengeance or the desire you or someone thinks that they're standing up for themselves.

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And in that, in that desire, they may end up disobeying Allah, they may end up disobeying His Messenger, they may end up doing things that are in complete denial of what Allah said, even acts of COVID why because they are so blinded by their hatred in their spine. And so before Allah talks about because fighting doesn't happen, because you like somebody fighting happens in you can't stand somebody. That's when that happens. But before you talk about love and hate, Allah says, Well, let me tell you one thing that you're supposed to love inside you and supposed to hate inside you to begin with, and that love and that hate is greater than anything else. All the other feelings you

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feel towards someone else, this cannot be violated. This is one thing you can

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Cross. And that's a pretty important principle because that's where the devil gets us. That's where shape line comes. Because when you are so adamant about fighting somebody, or you're aggressive to or they're aggressive towards you, and you're back aggressive towards them, then either one of you can easily just forget what Allah has to say, just forget what the Prophet would have done in this situation. So most of them are, forget what the Quran has to say about this, we will forget, you can leave that aside, you know, it doesn't matter. Because right now, I just need to get even.

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And so the desire for retribution, can actually override once the mind and this is the last way of teaching us. That just means that your own feelings are more powerful inside your heart than the faithful love put inside you. So who's the God then inside? Who's the God that reigns supreme inside the heart that we surrender? That's a scary question. But that's implied inside of the text. So now we come to this ayah, about the two groups of believers fighting each other. And there's lots of observations inside, it's just there's such a beautiful, profound, I have the Quran. Let's start with one thought, if at any minute what we mean if two groups from among believers fight each other.

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So Allah didn't say if two groups of Muslims fighting each other, he said two groups of believers mean fight each other. And actually a literal translation of Luke can also be fight themselves, which we'll dig into a little bit later. But for now, let's think about that. What's the difference between saying Muslims are fighting each other, or believers are fighting each other? Well, you see, when you find someone, and you're a Muslim, and they're all Muslim, whether it's a Family Feud, or a tribal feud, or a national, whatever it is, then you're the believers. And they're the they're the one African, or you're the ones on Islam. They're the ones that have left Islam, you're the ones

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that are under help. They're the ones that are on the bottom, you're on the right, they're on the wrong, all the IRS and ahaadeeth, and all the admonitions that talk about standing up for justice apply to you, and everything else has about injustice and oppression and all that applies to them. And exactly the same is happening on that side. Imagine in a scenario when Muslims are fighting each other even on the battlefield. And that's happened and even happens today. They're both praying. They're both calling on the same a lot. They're both reciting the same Koran, and then going at it against each other. And one believes that they are more of a believer than they, the other is, or

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they have to convince themselves that they're not really true believers, which is why fighting them in this way, or being ruthless against them is justifiable because they're not really believers. You see, what does Allah do here? He says when to greet groups of believers and Eman is something faith is inside the heart. Islam is on the outside. So let's talk about that. When when I declare that I'm a Muslim, or I speak to you and my appearance that the things that I'm saying, you know, they automatically declare that I am a member of this ummah. I'm a believer in the Lima believer in the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam. I'm a believer in the Quran, that that's telling you something

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about my Islam. Now you and I are on equal footing in this life, because we're both Muslims. That's why we stand in one row in the prayer. It's not like if you memorize Quran, you get the first row. It's not like if you know Arabic, you get the you get to be in the first row. It's not like that. It's not an age categorization. It's not a class categorization. It's not a knowledge categorization. If you've taken Shahada, and you first come first serve. It's equal lines. And these lines in the prayer are a representation of what Muslims believe about each other. We're all equal before Allah, because we're all Muslim. That's it. There's no superiority once we accept Islam,

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there's no hierarchy, none zero. You know, a new Muslim, and someone who's been Muslim for 50 years or equal. The only thing that can make them better than each other is taqwa. And taqwa is something you and I cannot measure. Because I thought, well, when other prophets are, say, Santa Claus inside here, so it's impossible for a human being to gauge when if someone else has stopped or not, we can barely tell if we have it. How are we going to tell about somebody else? So the point is, when Muslim Allah uses the word Muslim, and it's specifically in this surah, it's talking about the fact that we consider each other Muslim, the outside but when he says believer Mothman that's the

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description of someone's heart. Someone who carries faith inside of their heart, it's very easy to understand Muslim literally means someone who surrenders, right. And surrender is an outward act. Surrender is you surrender yourself in prayer. You surrender yourself by fasting, you surround yourself by giving zakat. These are x visible acts of surrender, anybody can observe them. So your Islam is actually visible, but your emotion is invisible. Even your tongue me speaking right now is something that you can observe, you can set you can listen to you can judge, but you can't tell whether that's coming sincerely from my heart or not. That's only for a lot of know that something I

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know millennials, which is why the hypocrites are such a challenge, right? Because we only Allah knows what's going on inside of their hearts when describing groups of Muslims

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fighting each other, Allah chose to say believers because the first thing Allah wants us to internalize, it doesn't matter what side of the fight you're on, you don't get to judge the state of your opponent's faith. That's for a lot to know. They're believers there when you don't know and this is not a question of they're not true believers. That's why they're fighting you.

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Or they don't get to say about you, you're not a true believer. That's why you're fighting me. Fights happen. shaitaan creates discord and animosity between people, even fights happen between waha Julian and Sam, sometimes, while the prophets I said I was still alive.

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I mean, this happened, what's the reality human beings can get annoyed with each other, you will be seen get on each other's nerves. Human beings can have other baggage just because we're Muslim doesn't mean that we don't have baggage doesn't mean that we don't we can, I can end up like getting agitated by somebody or I don't like somebody or I don't like what they did. That can happen. That's why Muslim, the Muslim world also has courts and lawsuits and criminal trials, etc. This is a reality, this is the human reality. So the first thing to acknowledge is that this is not a justification to label somebody else's Ilan, what in thought, if I tell him in a minute,

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and then it's a strange word. Because you know, they fight each other, you have to do bah, bah, bah, is one explanation of it.

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But it's crazy, the word can also mean to fight oneself.

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And you know how the prophets I saw them described, that the oma is like a single body.

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When one part of it hurts, all of it hurts, right? And in that sense, when a Muslim is fighting another Muslim, technically, they're fighting themselves, because they're fighting their own body.

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They're actually at war within themselves. It's a tragedy. It's never a good thing. And this is important to recognize, because sometimes we take sides when people are fighting each other. And we celebrate a victory against somebody else. Well, you got him good, or she got her good.

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Are they good? Those guys got them good. And we're like happy that this group, sometimes it's a religious thing, this, this religious group, versus that religious group, this school of thought versus that school of thought, this speaker versus that speaker, this debate versus that debate, and people are watching, like, it's a show and when one stumps the other humiliates the other, everybody's like, Yeah, man, that was all man, that was awesome. The way he owned him was awesome. Why is this awesome? This is not a person who believes in Alliance messenger, this is a tragedy, like this should not be happening. But this just like anything else, you know, in, in the social

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media world, you have celebrity feuds, right, you have, you know, pay per view fights that people are looking forward to where people are gonna * each other and bludgeoned each other, right for the entertainment of the masses. Or you have people that are making taking shots at each other in politics and in music industry or entertainment industry. And we brought that same jhala that same ignorance into the Muslim scene. And now it's shaped this versus shaped that or speaker this versus speaker that and there's like spit spit matches against this institution versus that institution, this school of thought versus that school, but you know what else it's, it was bad enough that

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people that are alive are being pitted against each other and thrown into these these pit bull fights. But now they're, they leave them quote, people that died a long time ago that served as dean and did whatever sincere service in their in, in their sincerity to Allah, they provided enormous scholarship to this oma and they would not have had any animosity towards each other. But this one is pitting that one against the other. And quoting each other at them as if they were there on opposite sides of a boxing ring.

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And they're celebrating it like this is some kind of a thing to win. This is a win for someone inside the word, who already is an acknowledgment that believers should not be endorsing this anyway. It's a tragedy.

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How can you have an injury in one leg?

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Right, and it's causing you pain? And you take a knife and stab it and the rest of your body goes? Yeah, got a good

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part of you. It's your body. And if there is someone who's relentless that just wants to fight you or be ignorant towards you, what does it even say? Why is the heart of our homage? I don't know Salama? Is it better for you to fight someone or just leave them alone? Just walk away. Just ignore them. There's one thing that you have you have a right to defend yourself. But if someone just continues to want to be ignorant, and the smart thing for you to do is just leave them alone. Why entangle yourself in something that won't give any good you have to really assess that situation for yourself I for myself,

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so, what does Allah say in order to understand the rest of this ayah what I really want to impress

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upon you is I'm going to try to present this to you, as if it's a math problem. And I think it'll make it easier for you to grasp everything that's going on. So we're gonna say there's a scenario where there's three groups, okay? Not to three groups. There's Group A, is Group, a, Group B, and then there's the rest of the Muslim community see. And it could also be, there's some people in the family that are on one side, there's a, there's people that are fighting them tooth and nail there be they're at each other's throats. And then there's the rest of the family. And that's what see. Right? So there's three parties. There's a neutral party, they're observing, they're watching this

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craziness go on. And there's NB that are at each other's throats right. Now, what does the law say? He didn't talk to a first he didn't talk to be first he talked to who first? See. He says, What in law if I don't even know the meaning of the title for us, neihu obey no Houma, then make reconciliation between them.

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make things right between them, get rid of corruption from between them. So in Arabic actually means to make something right, to make something healthy, to make something whole, to nourish something.

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Islam is the removal of harmful elements, literally. reform is a good word for it, reconcile is a good word for it. What's the lesson, if you're an observer of two groups fighting each other, then Allah put the responsibility not on me yet. He put it on the observer, you should do everything you can to suppress this conflict, you need to try to make things better.

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Unfortunately, a and b may not have had a big problem with each other. But you know what happens? When somebody finds out that A and B have a little bit of a problem with each other, then they go to social media, and then multiplied by 10 million. And then the rest of us see make that problem into much bigger than it originally was. So instead of doing what a law said, which is to downplay and reform and fix the conflict, what do we do we escalate the conflict and turn it into a war. We turned it into a media war. We turned this literally happened even in the time of Sahaba, there were two people who had an argument, one from 101 from unsolved, and the conflict would have been small,

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but one called the rest of them, how'd you do? One called the rest of the inside. And it became a tribal thing in this in the matter of split seconds. And then the rest of them are passing opinions. And then there's the rest of them who say all these people are always fighting each other. I hate all of them.

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This is you making reform? What happened to the teaching of this? This is a long ad, this is just the first phrase, this is the first phrase so well, how can you and I not as the because, you know, when we talk often about the author of the Quran, it's easy to lament or that the oma is not doing what it's supposed to, we are not doing what we're supposed to. And when we say we have an open mind, we use big words like that, or the Muslim world than it was in psychology. They call it the diffusion of responsibility, meaning, oh, we're just messed up. What can we do? And when everybody hears we they're thinking of everybody else except themselves, right? So I don't want to make this

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whole about we and what our problem we have, because it's too abstract. And that feels like we can never solve it. Because we're all just messed up. No, what can I as an individual, you as an individual watching this? What can you do? What can I do? Well, well, first thing we can do is not be trolls to fanned the flames of conflict and any conflict, especially when it's between Muslims.

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You should not be going to hear one side and say, You know what else they said about you? You know what else I heard that said, Your, you fans of the cold is dying out is burning out, you're like, no, let me put some more oxygen in here. If you heat this up, and when it heats up, they say something, then you go and relate to the other side. You know what I just talked to them. And you know what they said, and you want to pump this up?

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This is This is no good.

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For the Apollo hydrologist what the prophets like Selim says a believer in either they should have something good to say. Or they should just be quiet. And okay, if you can't make this better, at least don't join, don't become one of the you know, like in a forest fire don't become one of the other extra leaves or twigs, that's also you know, adding the fuel to the fire don't become fuel for that fire. At least don't do that. So let's first the first principle in medicine they say is do no harm before they teach you how to do surgery and where to cut. They teach you all the places where you shouldn't cut. Right? So here's the What can I do? Let's first start with what you shouldn't do.

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How about we don't flood, your whatever thoughts impulses come in our head. And ideas come in our mind. We just put them on you know, we just write them out and and add flames because in in this world now expressing ignorance has become so easy. And it doesn't come with any consequences. And we think it's no big deal. That's Punahou hanging over here in the light here. I leave you think it's no big deal. It's a massive deal before a lot that something comes out of your mouth. And now it's even worse. It's not even out of your mouth. If you said something rude.

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Nicolas out of your mouth, somebody heard it, maybe they forgot it, it's done. But now you post it, and somebody can read it five years later, and it's still being edited against you. It's still being counted to get a new a new sin over again, because you put it on permanent record as a comment somewhere against somebody, you know, and then somebody else went further in their ignorance against you or in favor of you. So first things first, let's just come back to the original principles of our Deen, let's either say good things or not say anything at all. Let's be purposeful in everything we do what since we must shake? Well, I'm insulted. wisdom in the Quran, how purpose where you walk,

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and lower your voice? What does that mean? Because when you walk, you have a direction. Direction means you have a purpose in any activity you're engaged in, when you walk over to something. And when you're when you're doing that, then the things you talk about have to do with that purpose. don't engage in purposeless conversation to create unnecessary conflict. Well do it and don't consume it either. You consuming it is also part of you being a silent consumer, me being a silent consumer of a battle that's taking place is also a problem. Because when two people are battling and making YouTube videos against each other, or they're making posts against each other, and you're

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going and doing and saying, Man, what a tragedy. This is so pathetic. Look at this. And then you shared with 20 of your friends. And they'll say What a tragedy. This is so pathetic, it's so sad. Well, now that used to have 100 views. Now it has 10,000 views and 100,000 views, which means then you say, Man, so many people have viewed this as such a tragedy you you the irony in this, you made this famous, you turn this spark into a forest fire, and then use a Hey, what a tragedy. So many people have seen this. This is so shameful. You're the advertising for it. You're the consumer for lessons and put them somewhere down below. I leave them with love You mean among your audiences for

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those that spread wrong. And Elon knows all the wrongdoers, the ones that are trying to create chaos and the ones listening to them and enjoying the show. Or purposely listening, purposely listening. What do you get out of it? What do I get out of it? Nothing.

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You know, 20 years from now, 30 years from now these conflicts that people are having these meaningless conflicts that feel like such a big deal. Oh, these things. They're not going to mean anything in your life. They're not going to mean anything in my life. The only thing that will matter matter is what good Did we leave behind what trees to be planted? What legacies if you leave behind what good to be leave behind? People have argument and disagreement and insults will come and go and they will be erased from history?

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What what are we going to leave behind? what's what's going to matter in the end. So here when he tells he didn't start with, oh, shame on the people that are fighting? No, he starts with the people that are standing there watching. He starts with them. And he says for us near obey Noma make reform between them. Make reform between the means if you know them intimately. Well, if you know either side, well then go and talk to them and say, hey, what can we do to make this right?

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Can we just put put it into this? Can we just be brothers? Can we just figure this out? you intervene and make things right? In any way that you can to end the ugliness. Because what does that do to people conflicting with each other can turn into two families conflicting with each other, to scholars conflicting with each other can become two communities conflicting with each other. It's not two people that are arguing it's a like a virus pun intended, that spreads. It's a disease that spreads and it kills it destroys. Now the good that somebody did, is not going to go as far as it could have gone, because it was undone by unnecessary conflict.

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The days the we only have so many days in this life, we have only so many hours that were less giving us to stay awake, that our bodies can sustain. And we have the energy and the time we have this blessing that has given us that can be wasted on things like this. Think about that.

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But we should be the people that say let's make thing and if you can not in a shallow way brother be You should be ashamed. You should you should make reform false the

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fake virtue is actually a vise artificial virtue is a vise you commenting about in your mind you're doing you know, I've been in my role if you're telling someone to do good, but you're telling them in a condescending, insulting way without knowing anything about them. And then you're adding in your two cents and dropping a you know, a Google search item from the Quran. Just to you know, give them a reminder because you've spoken the hub. Nobody needs artificial virtue.

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That's not something you need to be engaged in. We're so invested in what people have to say. We're so worked up about it. Like if you know, and I humbly and I most of the time I'm not looking at comments or feelings.

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They need to respond or whatever but you know, one of the things you'll observe them in comments, people like Mashallah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah, I'm gonna say, brother, this is good, but please don't make comments and just listen.

00:30:11 --> 00:30:23

Why are you bothered? And what, just, you know more than somebody writing Mashallah, so somebody's saying Mashallah hamdulillah you know, more than that allegis Here's your die anyway.

00:30:24 --> 00:30:25

Allah Hitchens or anyway?

00:30:26 --> 00:30:38

Or are you somebody will write this as a cafe, you know, few people, doesn't matter who me or anybody else doesn't matter. Somebody feels the need to, you know, save the oma save Islam with their commentary.

00:30:39 --> 00:31:19

Like that's going to do something. But this, this needs to be a self conscious thing for you and me ourselves. When do we engage? And is our engagement actually going to take us closer to reform and minimize and the first thing we can do to minimize conflict is not pay attention to it, not feed it, not feed the frenzy. And if you are in a position where you can actually make peace between them, then you should feel obligated to do what your part Hey, what can I do for us? Nickleby Noma, this is something that is an onus on us. And this is not just about social media. I mean, I sidetracked into social media, this is even about your family life.

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If there's a conflict in your family life, and you know, you know, uncle and aunt are conflicting with each other cousins are conflicting with you some some battle is taking place, you're just sitting back watching, I don't care, I hate them anyway. No, then your job is to go in and say, We're family. This needs to come to an end. Let's let's figure figure something out. Let's arbitrary. You know, let's let's understand where the grievance is. Let's not make it into something else. How can we move on from this? This is necessary. This is this is an important thing that you must whether you succeed or not, isn't even the point. That's not even the point. I didn't say you

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better succeed. And by the way, the rest of the is going to be well, your scenario will you'll fail. And there's a scenario you'll succeed. That's actually describing the rest of the is describing the worst case scenario, which inshallah we'll talk about next week. But I pray that Allah azza wa jal makes us conscious about our own personal responsibility when it comes to our role in observing conflict and our role in potentially reducing conflict within believers and realize that we can put love mercy care forgiveness and tolerance for believers in each other's hearts and truly make us of the kinds of people that love describes. And then let in Alan, we need humbled before other

00:32:36 --> 00:33:00

believers in Lazarus to grant us that kind of humility, but a lot with your local field called unpacking. When evaluate your community with 100 is a work of art slotless, l'amour, I love it by the end of the Mustapha, wholesome Allah upon him Mohammed bin Mohammed inilah meanwhile early he was happy he had many Allah azzawajal if he could tell me who came around to be let him initiate

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for him in LA Loma. Linda you and Edina amanu sallu alayhi wa sallam to schema a lot more Sunday Allah Mohammed Mohammed Ali Mohammed can also meet Allah. Allah Allah Allah, Allah.

00:33:15 --> 00:33:15


00:33:16 --> 00:33:19

Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah.

00:33:21 --> 00:33:28

Allah, Allah, Allah. In Elia, what are we gonna do with their son David Koba, when Han is Russia, he will mooncup

00:33:29 --> 00:33:34

Allah never met us. Now I'm going to say that in the salata, kind of mini Nikita mahkota


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