Mufti Menk – Dealing with Difficulty #01 Seeking Help

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The host discusses the difficulties faced by people during the COVID-19 pandemic, including loss of their lives, health problems, and struggles with relationships. They emphasize the importance of finding help through patience and prayer, as it is difficult to deal with all of these difficulties. The host also discusses the difficulties of dealing with difficult people, including a belief in God that keeps them from reaching their desired results, and the importance of forgiveness and the Day of Judgment. They stress the need for a backbiting approach to addressing past struggles and challenges, and encourage the audience to pray for their success and alleviate their struggles.
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Welcome to the beautiful month of Ramadan. And welcome to this brand new series entitled dealing with difficulty. And the reason I've chosen this is many people are going through so much of hardship, so much of difficulty during these times that are very, very challenging. People don't have jobs, people are going through marital hardship, people are finding it difficult to get married. People are having health problems. We had the Coronavirus that scared the world. We had people who lost their lives people are going through loss in terms of their wealth and so much more. With all these difficulties. How do we deal with all of this? So
Allah Almighty tells us in Surah Al Baqarah, was standing in Orbis Sabah and he was Salah were in, like being in Ireland for sharing, seek assistance through patience and prayer. Seek help, you want help, you have to seek help through patience and prayer. That is more important than reaching out to another person. So if you want to be assisted by Allah Almighty, you must seek help through patience and prayer. And it's not easy. Being patient is not easy. We want to talk about the different types of patients. But with that, establishing your prayer is also not easy. So Allah Almighty says, we're in Hana gabbiano tune in Ireland for sharing indeed it is difficult except for those who are known
as l ha she in and Hashem so who are the harsh in Allah says it's going to be hard to be patient, it's going to be hard to pray regularly and to establish your prayer. It's going to be hard to do those but they are difficult except for those who are harsh, even harsher in those who have concentration and dedication towards Allah Almighty. And they are serious about their connection with Allah. Those are the Hashem but Allah describes them in a more beautiful way than the English language would ever be able to describe them. Allah says, a levy nailgun No, no, no, I'm molar beam,
whom in urology are on those who are convinced that they are going to meet their Lord, and go back to him. So if you have these two convictions within you, then you will be from among the harsh in and if you are from among the machine, you will be able to pray and seek help through patience. And if you were able to seek help through prayer and patience, then the difficulties are dealt with. Hence we have dealing with difficulty. So let's go back to this verse. Allah says, Those who are convinced that they are going to meet with their maker and return to their maker, I'm going to return to Allah, I always look at those who don't believe in the hereafter. And I think to myself,
imagine these people, they presume, or they think, or they believe that that's it, we just got to live this life and do whatever they suffer and struggle. And dealing with difficulty for them is not easy. When you have conviction, you will deal with your difficulties in a much better way. Look at our brothers and sisters struggling as we speak, in Gaza, in Philistine among other places. The conviction they have that they're going to meet with Allah and going to return to Allah keeps them happy to the last moment, it keeps them on a level of connection with their maker that they are convinced that they are going to go to a better place and they will Insha Allah, may Allah grant
them goodness. So if you look at the difficulties I have in my life, or you have in your lives, they are nothing compared to those people's hardship and difficulty in Gaza. And in Philistine and in other countries that are suffering, either man made problems or disasters that we would call natural disasters, something that was like a flood or an earthquake or something of that nature. So these types of difficulties vary from person to person you need to know Allah will never test you with something beyond your capacity, law you can leave for long enough son in law whoosah Allah never burdens a soul except according to its capacity. So this is why when a person has done wrong as
well, Allah doesn't punish except what you deserve. And when a person has done right when a person has done good
Did Allah Almighty will reward that person in an amazing, beautiful way, that reward is always multiplied. But when it comes to the sin, Allah never multiplies it. If anything, he wants to forgive it, you have this month of Ramadan. It's the also known as the month of forgiveness. What is Allah going to do for you, he's going to give you more than what you've asked, he's going to forgive you. And if it's a month of forgiveness, you seek forgiveness from the sins you've committed, forgiven, but never does Allah say, he's not going to reward you for the good that you've done, he will reward you the only time Yes, you might lose some of you might lose some of the reward. If you
engaged in backbiting, if you engage in harming others, and if you've engaged in oppressing or doing wrong to another person, and some of your good deeds may have to go to that person as a payment if they haven't forgiven you. And you've now arrived on the Day of Judgment. So, dealing with difficulty is made easy. If you connect with Allah, connection with Allah is made easy when you are convinced that you're going to return to Him, and you are going to go back to him. And that
definitely there is a hereafter believing in that is made easy if you connect with Allah. And if you actually think about who you are, where you came from, we are so sophisticated as humankind, I look at myself, I'm an intelligent person, I have a brain we are only quite clever. The people of today we have a lot of knowledge we we are so complex, we have emotions, we have feelings, we have eyes, we see we watch all of these, are they not the gifts of Allah to prove to you that oh, man, you are so sophisticated, that you cannot just come to an end. It can't be you can't, you know, coming to an end, and thinking that that's the end of everything is actually disbelief in Allah Almighty in your
makeup. People might say, well, you know, we came about, we came about, we just happened to, you know, grow and come on Earth. Do you know how sophisticated you are, you have a kidney that works in a way that someone has to have made it. You have a spleen, you have a pancreas, you have an esophagus you have, let's look at your tongue, the saliva,
your teeth, and the way they are your fingers, your nails, your thumb prints, your fingerprints, the way your hand is shaped and made, the way your legs are the bones, the muscles, the veins, the blood, the heart, the arteries, the capillaries, the movement. And you also have sickness and disease that comes in and creeps in that Allah grant us or cure all of these your identity, you know, your face, the facial features, the way your hair grows. All this and you're trying to tell me that it just came about it is too complex and too sophisticated. For this to just have come about. I remember speaking to a medical doctor who told me and he was a physician, he said, the more you
study, the more you realize that there is definitely a maker who made this, it cannot be coincidence to have such a sophisticated DNA to have such a sophisticated genetic makeup. All this is part of evidence that Allah exists. The reason I say this, we're talking about dealing with difficulty, you will not be able to deal with difficulty properly and correctly if you are going to be a person who is disconnected from He who made you. And if you believe no one made you, unfortunately, we can't really help you. Besides trying to point towards what I just did now that you know we are sophisticated, we have so much on Earth, do you think you're just going to leave this behind? After
not even 100 years, the average lifespan of humankind now is nowhere near 100 years, nowhere near the number of people who live to 100 and beyond is very, very small. So we ask Allah Almighty to grant us from His goodness, and to make us realize that this life is so short. We need to seek help during times of difficulty and hardship, by connecting with Allah, and by praying and bearing patients.
When we pray and bear patients, Allah Almighty will indeed make things easy for us. So I want to end by telling you, if you're not praying, and if you're not patient, then you don't really have a problem and you don't really have difficulty because if you do have difficulty and you really are serious about dealing with it, you would pray and you would bear patients. May Allah Almighty make it easy for all of us. May Allah Almighty help us. I look forward to another
29 episodes of this beautiful series today is just an introduction to this wonderful series I pray that Allah Almighty grant us the ability to discuss matters that are affecting you in your lives and inshallah we hope to help each other. Navigate through these hardships and difficulty in a way that pleases Allah and alleviates our struggles. According to Kali hada was Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh