Nouman Ali Khan – Surat Al-Baqarah – Part 46

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of "assurance" in the Bible and how it can be used to describe a person or group. They stress the need for people to think about leadership and address issues related to the pandemic, and emphasize the importance of addressing leadership and providing a great customer experience. The agents reassure the customers that calls are monitored and recorded, and inform them that they do not need to provide health information unless it is used.
AI: Transcript ©
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Our mission is to spread awareness of the message and divine beauty of Quran across the world. Support our [email protected] there's ba y y i n H dot o RG

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our Mena shavon ology smilla rahmanir rahim Yeah, Bernie saw a lacuna Mattila de la come when the football to como la la la mean what

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is enough so naps in sha Allah jacoba lumen

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were in Libya tele Ibrahim Abu bkd met in

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color in Ninja you can even see him call amin de Paula Yana and why the worldly mean? Rubbish everywhere Silly me. Dr. Tommy lasagna consoli from hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam, O Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, he was a PhD. So once again, everyone has said Mr. Ricardo, we begin today with the final, or the final two ions on the narrative of the Israelites 122 and 123. That's where the entire discussion on Benoit slightly concludes you have an Israelite elf guru near Meteor lithium to alikum. Well, Andy for both to come on. And I mean, so the sons of Israel, make mention of the fever that I showered upon you, and that I have given you preference over all nations and all peoples of

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the world. This is a an ayah that completely, just absolutely mimics I am number 47 of the same surah. This is actually of the 19 passages that the Israelites discourse is made up of that I've delineated and defined, defined and organized in a previous session. This is number 19. That number 19 is just these two charts, the concluding discussion. And this is actually, in a sense, taking us back to the first passage of these 19 passages. The first passage is also began, you have any sort of Isla guru near Mattila de la como phobia de oofy, via article, but that's where it began. Okay. Now that first passage, it was really interesting in that it began and ended with the same call.

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Yeah, Vanessa, if you have any sorry, that's how it began ended. And the summary of that first passage was they were being called, they were their crime was being summarized as and this is specifically the Jews of Medina. First of all, they're being told, be grateful for the favors that were done to you in the past, and how you were given more favors than anybody else. What he forgot to commodify Let me give you a preference over all other nations, not just in that Allah gave them prophets and messengers, but Allah did the more favors than he did any other nation in history. So first, they're made aware of their history. The second thing that they're being told is to accept

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this final revelation. Koran while I'm in new Bhima, Masada, Colima, Morocco, and of all the people that should be accepting this revelation, they should be the first. And ironically they shouldn't be the first to disbelieve in it. Well, that's our lack of lamb. Then they're called out on their current state of affairs, which is you people, you know, you are experts in the religion, you're the people that know the Torah and the Scripture, the Hebrew Bible more than anybody else. And you know, it's kind of a closed society, not everybody in the Jewish community knows what's the content of the Torah, it's the experts, the scholars that, like we have, in our tradition, the bassoon and the

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fuqaha, those kinds of people, they know what's in the in the text. And so you're in a very easy position to disguise the right thing with the wrong thing. Like tell people what you want to tell them and not actually what's in the book. So he says, Well, I tell people how COVID bottle will talk to don't disguise truth with falsehood, and thereby hide the truth. And so in saying that, specifically to the religious leadership, what's being highlighted is they're in a position to interpret the religion and manipulate people any way they see fit, and the less calling them to fight against that tendency. And so that entire passage in summary, that first passage is simply

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calling them to do one thing. First of all, acknowledge that there are a lot of favors have been done to them. And now it's time for them to truly show gratitude by accepting the final revelation and leave their corrupt practices behind. This is a call more than anybody else. It's I know it says yeah, but he is slightly sons of Israel, all of them. But as you study the crimes, particularly, there's primary audience and secondary audience, the primary audience is in fact, the rabbis of the Israelites. And then the secondary audiences are the congregation's who blindly follow them. Okay?

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Now, what happens here at the end is that by by mimicking the same exact idea, and revealing in the order at the end again, we're almost reminded. Now I want you to think back to where we started, and revisit this question. But it's incredible that now even though it's the same exact words, it has a different meaning. That's the first thing I'd like to highlight to you about this. Ayah when Allah says make mention of the favors I've done to you, have you mentioned any favors before? No, this the first thing he said?

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make mention of the favors I've done to you. And then came the list I rescued you from the Pharaoh and you know, the cloud and the, the, you know, the rock that gave out springs and all of it right? And so first, what favor What do you mean favor? And then there's a list of favors. By the end of it all when he says, Israelites make mention of the favor.

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They already know which favor why because it's all been listed. But question is, where is it been listed in the Quran, it's so amazing that the Israelites are being told the only way to mention my favorite to you is to actually become reciters of what is so beautiful, that they're being called to the Quran. In this way. This phrase even with guru and enmity allotted under article is actually called Quran to them. Now, let's read the Quran, study the Quran. The other beautiful thing here to note is the use of the word Nima the singular, with guru near Mati mentioned my favor, one that I showered you with one favor, there was a list of like 1000 favors, or so many favorites. Why is he

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saying one favor, you know, and when you take stock of what's been said throughout, the ultimate favor to them is that they, despite all of their Miss misdoings get to be the audience to the Quran, and the Prophet size of them. The grand favor of all the favors is that you're in the audience of a less final word, even though you violated a last word previously, there's so many reasons to disqualify you. But you get to be the generation that here's the last word yet again, and I address you want one more time, so of all the favors and they all apply, because you know the singular in the Arabic language, which can also be used in a sense called assumptions. Assumptions means an

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entire class or entire category. So for instance, when we say in English, you know, man is unfaithful, or something, or man is forgetful, that's not a reference to one man. It's a comment about mankind, but the word man is singular, one person, right? Similarly, the word favor, it can be interpreted as all favors, you know, but it can also have this meaning of a very singular, so it's kind of got that duality in meaning. So in the sense that it's singular favor, I would argue that the most compelling case is that of the Quran itself, and the prophets presence before them sallallahu alayhi wasallam and that the same ghibelline that their enemies to which was at the

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center of this passage is the same God that's giving them the words through Allah, Yaba, nice, really cool and aromatic Mattila to like your enemies to me, and I'm giving you the favor of guidance. That's you be grateful for what's what's being given to you. And that then the other interesting thing, here is another, then I had favored you over all other nations. That phrase also me for both Omar Abdullah Al amin has a dual meaning. In the beginning, it's a reference to what happened in history. Historically, so many no nation received what you received. And now, it says though, the past tense here is suggesting now the favors done, I used to favor you over all other

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nations. Like it's done with now. It's the case is closed you better you better get your act together and the cases closed, something I probably should have highlighted in the very beginning that I'll make mention of now. is even the use of Yeah, bunny ears opposed to yahood. You know, yeah, Al Kitab people of the book, but instead of saying Yeah, bunnies like sons of Islam, clearly what they're being called on to remember themselves as is their lineage. Right? Children of Israel, and it's like his other name, if you don't know is Yaqoob. Yahoo's father is anyone know

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yakuts father is his heart and his hawks father is Abraham, right. Now, on the one hand, revelation was given to the children of his Huck, and through his hog Jaco, which is a slight Island through Israel, then you get to eat on the other side of Abraham's lineage, but he Marley slams on his spine, and through his smiles on the edge, you get the Prophet Muhammad SAW them. So you would think that on the one hand, you have the children of Israel, and on the other hand, you have the children of Israel.

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That's the contrast right children of Israel, children of us married, that's not the contrast in the Quran, or the Muslims are called children of Israel, you know, but interestingly, we are called, we are addressed as your father was Ibrahim mulata, abiko. Ibrahim, like the only prophet that's ever been referred to not just as a prophet to us, but a father to us is Ibrahim Alayhi. Salam. Now that's important to understand as far as lineage, because the Israelites when a lot of calls them, he calls them to remember their father is sorry. And when he calls the Muslims, he calls them to remember their father who, Abraham, that's the contracts were actually if anything, were children of

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Abraham. He's our father. That's that's what the Quran call is. But then it seems like on the one hand, the grandson was referenced, and on the other hand, the grandfather was referenced right in it. The Jews are also children of Abraham, aren't they?

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So why just referred to

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As children of Israel, and we are children of Israel, in a sense, because that that's where the lineage begins for the prophets of Salaam and all of that. But he takes us back to Abraham realism. So what's the benefit in doing that? It's actually in a sense to remind us that we have to think of our identity, like identity comes from the Father, the Muslims have to think of their identity tied to Abraham, are they set up

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as just as the Jews thought of their identity tied to who?

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It's not? Like, that's how they identify themselves. That's their father figure, just even in your personal life, how much does a father have an effect on a child's personality and their sense of identity, right? their last name, that's it's a part of who you are. It's an inseparable part of who you are. But if you reflect on that, just that notion that Ibrahim alayhis salaam is, in fact, our Father, then our identity as Muslims is actually shaped very much at its core by his personality. And that's really amazing, because the Israelites were a specific nation.

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Right? They're the lineage of a specific father. But Ibrahim Alayhi Salam didn't stay in one place. He travels around. And he's not even concerned about one nation. He's just everywhere he goes, he's taking a loss message. And then there are profits that are coming to destroy even the nation of loot that has nothing to do with Ibrahim, and he's arguing with those angels not to punish the people of loot. In other words, clearly he is concerned about who all of humanity, the Israelites were concerned about who themselves. Ibrahim, however, was concerned with all of humanity, and we are the children, not of his body, but the children of Abraham. If you if we were called children of a

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smile, that would actually in a sense mean that we are concerned with the Arab peoples.

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And if once we call ourselves children, Ebrahim mulata be coming Rahim. We're actually just like Ibrahim Ellis, I'm concerned with all of humanity. So the scope, the way we identify ourselves what we're concerned with way more broadened. I had given you preference previously over all other nations, but this is this is going to be different now. So this is the concluding discussion on the Israelites, and how it's now wrapping up. But then that's the other beautiful, beautiful thing that I didn't get a chance to highlight before. And I think it's so important in the study of the Quran to like, in my studies, there are sometimes insights inside of it, you know, you realize something

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as you're studying, and you make note of it. And there's certain principles. And principles are like, you know, in a building, there are pillars that are holding up a building, there are certain principles in the study of the Quran, that when you become aware of them, then your study just changes. And this is one of those principles that I'd like to highlight to you. What are the Jews actually, in the study of the Quran, especially these 182 or so I thought, what are they, they're a nation that lost their,

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their way, after having an elaborate tradition in religion. They had books, they had law, they had fit, they had arcada, they had the seal they had, they had it all, they had a llama they had, you know, jaza, they had the entire system of tradition. That's what they had. But over time, it deteriorated and deteriorated and deteriorated. And what was left was some rituals that were empty. And people didn't really know why they were doing what they were doing. And they were Fatah was in all different kinds of directions. If I were to give you an analogy, to help you visualize that what Allah gave them was this beautiful building. This Islam was this beautiful building that Allah gave

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them. And over 1000s of years, this building deteriorated. And now it looks like ruins. It's still a structure, but it's hideous, it's ugly, it's got leaks, it's falling apart all over the place. That's what they became. And But still, it is a building. And it originally was an amazing thing. It's got historical value, and the heirs of that building generations later are being told, you know, this was one of the most amazing buildings of its time, you should restore it.

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Right, you should restore that building. It's, it deserves it. It's a it's so phenomenal. It was at the heart of, you know, the people like you know, imagine if people didn't care to take care of the night in the nation's capital or something like the Washington Monument or something like that. They didn't take care of it. And generations later have to have a revived sense of identity, the first thing they will do is what restore that, like what they do in Europe, right? These are in France, for example, they're constantly renovation is going on of the buildings from Napoleon's time. Like they're constantly renovating them. Why? Because they just that's their identity, the faith that

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they were given was their identity. Now, the reason I painted this elaborate picture is to give you one of those, those pillars that I was referring to in Quranic studies, like one thing that you have to have to hold on to, if you have a nation that was a nation of faith, that were given law that were given revelation, and they lost their way over time, and they just became like empty rituals, and they don't really know what the religion truly is about. And they've deteriorated in all kinds of ways and they're fighting one another, and they're hating on each other and that's what they've become. That's what the Israelites had become. And they're dispersed and scattered. And they take

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some parts out of college.

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text and other parts that completely, you know, completely ignore, etc, etc. Like, this is what they've become by the way I'm painting this picture, and I'm hoping you realize it doesn't sound like I'm describing Jews.

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Right? That's why I'm describing it this way. That's what happened to them. How do you take people that have so gone down the drain so bad? How do you bring them back?

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Well, how does the Quran plan to bring the Israelites back? The Quran says step one, call them by the lineage that gives them a sense of identity. Yeah, Bonnie, sorry.

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What would that be to us?

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will be our lineage, our heritage that gives us a core sense of identity? What father figure? Yeah, the first thing you got to do is bring you back to whoever he wanted.

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If you want to fix the oma again, you got to go back to every mother. So now

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the second thing is with guru neuropathy, and let's hear from make mention of the favor I did on you. How did Allah make what the idea of the favor Allah did for them was, of course they cross the water with the Pharaoh, you know, he gave them you know, cloud in the desert. He gave them mundane salwaar he gave them the springs of water. These are the things he gave them. But how did he describe that to them he described that include the Quran in the Quran became a list of the favors that were given to them. Guess what?

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For us the ultimate they cross the water, our messenger across the desert from Mecca to Medina, didn't he?

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The enemy was after him, just like Fidel was after Musa.

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And they crossed and then they became a nation that were given law, Moosa went across the water, they were in the desert, and then Allah gave them the law, that not a lot was revealed. But as soon as I saw them crosses the desert, and he gets to Medina, and what does it like? Give him? Sharia? Hallelujah Helen haraam that wasn't revealed in Makkah that was given to him. And so are there parallels here? Yeah. And these parallels are important because that journey, and that, that that entire, like story, that powerful story of the prophets, I seldom, there is no better place that captures the story of the prophecy of the neutron.

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The Quran is actually the most beautiful sila text. That's what actually what it is. It's the story of the Quran. And the Quran is the story of the prophecy. And the prophets life is a story of the Quran, they're each other's story. Now, what happens is there are some sutras in the Quran that

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have the like, if you study them, you're like, is this a commentary about me? Or is this talking about something that happened in the prophets life?

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It's an elaborate description of what happened in bother,

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like, exhaustive description of exactly what happened in butter, exhaustive commentary of what happened in, for example,

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a detailed description of what happened and how they do a detailed description of what happened at you know, with the new Khaleda and so the question why is this so specific? If the Quran just wants to give you general rules here are here's the, you know, the the code of ethics for war, here's what you must do. Here's what you must not do that you can do that right. And then just that's revealed, and that's what we do. But the Quran is actually commenting on very specific incidents, very, very specific incidents, yes. And we study those incidents and let me say, let us drive universals from it. But think about this philosophically for a second, why not just give us the universals? Why

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makers go through the incident, and then pull out the lessons? Why do we have to go through the incident to begin with, part of the guidance of a nation that will deteriorate is they have to relive the struggle of their prophet.

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They have to review the struggle of their prophet.

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The Jews were made to review the struggle of who Masada is around the struggle of the righteous people among them. We every time you study the Quran from beginning to end, there are parts of it where you have no choice but to review the life of Rasulullah saw seldom What does that do? It actually makes you grateful for the favor you've been given because when they made that hit on that and on when they made when they did the via and when they fought her name and when they did this or that or the other. That's the reason I get to be a Muslim today. It makes me grateful for what I have. The Jews that were being talked to in Medina did not cross the water.

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They just live in Medina that happened 1000s of years ago. What does he say to them for UCLA become Alba we crossed the what you cross the water we made you cross the water when that's not you. That's your ancestors. Yeah. But when the way Allah describes this to you makes you feel like you're there. Allies making you and me feel like we're there in the seal of the prophets like that's one of the goals of the Quran. We started looking at looking at the Koran so legalistically that every time we look at an IRB say what can what's the fatwa that we can derive from this, what's the theological principle that we can derive from this? One of its fundamental goals was to actually connect us to

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that original struggle. That's guidance that

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It's always guidance. When people start reliving the life of the Prophet silence through the book of Allah, and mentioning the favor that Allah had done on us. Now we start mentioning the favor Allah had done on us, then we're gonna start becoming restored. This is guidance. By the way, this is a piece of, you know, guidance, guidance through this to an appreciation of history.

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guidance through history, like reliving history, not just knowing history reliving it, to crying those tears with them, fearing those fears with them, well, Bella Hotel kulu, Valhalla, gelato, Bula, Bula Bula, your hearts had reached into your throats and you were thinking all kinds of things. You're reading that about Amazon, you're like, like, you're standing there, and the armies are approaching and you're terrified. He makes you relive it. Now, that's guidance through history and appreciation of history. And what's the next thing? If you know, you know how to say this, you know, cheesy saying, You can't know where you're going. If you don't know where you came from, kind

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of thing. You know,

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you can't really understand your future if you don't understand your past. What am I doing this just to sussing it out? And what is the past? make mention of the favor I already did to you the way I prefer you over all other nations. That gives you a sense of history. What does the next time I do what tacoman data is enough, sir and up century and be cautious of a day on which nobody will benefit Anybody else? That's your future.

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What's the thing that will give us guidance in the future? judgment, a judgment tables guidance from the past, it's the history that a lot recorded forever hold on. For the future. It's a constant reminder of Judgment Day. And so both of those have been put together. And either one of them at the expense of the other, or without due diligence to the other creates a kind of imbalance. There are people all they concern themselves with is the afterlife. And they forget about where they're, you know, what this history is and how it's how do you prepare for the afterlife, you have to look at what happened in the past. And there are people who only revel in there. That's what happened to the

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Jews, they only thought about their history and a skewed picture of their history and became self righteous and think that thought that they have nothing to concern themselves with in terms of meeting ally in the afterlife. You know, this, both of those concerns hand in hand together is the balance of crime. So anyway, so what tacoman Be cautious of a day, like today is enough, soon enough century and no person will be able to compensate any other person, whether you bloomin her eidolon and ransom will not be accepted will attend follow her charlatan, nor will intercession be taken without human saloon, nor will they they're not the ones that are going to be aided this ayah is

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also a mirror of iron number 48, except the sequence is a bit different. And so I'll make a few comments about that.

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The first of them is in iron number 48, where this whole thing began, a lot reminded them of Judgment Day, but the way he reminded them was two things one Judgment Day, nobody will help anybody else, nobody can pay for anybody else that does you have to understand. That's number one. Number two, no intercession shall be accepted. Now intercession is a big word. So replace it with a smaller word, a pleat,

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no plea will be accepted. No attorney will be accepted. Nobody to come in in the middle and say, can you go easy on enemies, you know, he had it rough. Just somebody to stand between you and the judge. That's usually in courts. It's a lawyer, right? Or it's some somebody who has a connection, that one will not be there, no intercession will be accepted, nor will any ransom be taken. Now, that sequence is important to understand. That's the first sequence, it's important to understand, because it's a very simple psychological sequence. When somebody committed a crime, and they're about to be taken in front of the judge, they will be smart to have someone speak on their behalf,

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usually some kind of a lawyer or somebody else, right? That would be a shaffir. That will be someone who makes a case on your behalf. Now, if you have no lawyer, nobody that the art wasn't accepted, a lawyer wasn't was thrown out.

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And now you're just you're just you and the judge.

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Now you have two things. Either you're going to do jail time or pay the fine. What would be your option? jail time are fine. What would you go with? The fine, right? Your first option was the lawyer will get me out of here. Your second option is at least I'll pay a fine. What does Allah do? When he says law, your voluminous cefazolin intercession will not be accepted. Basically lawyers, no good.

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lawyers. No good. What was your second hope? The fine. Now you're not alone. There is no find against going to be accepted. No comment, no ransom will be taken.

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Then the only thing left is punishment. Because the two things that could have gotten you out of it are gone. And then as you're being dragged away, and you're screaming, somebody help somebody bust me out of jail. So anyone want a home, in sorrow. They're not the ones that are going to be hated.

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That's the that's the picture in the beginning. And this is important to note because they thought

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that even if we do get in trouble with God, yeah, the prophets will come and speak on our behalf. We had more profits than anybody.

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The Torah will come and speak on our behalf. The angels will testify on our behalf. They'll vouch for us. Even Koran says angels will vouch for us and judgment in and only outcomes hieratic dunya Avila Hara, the only idea hello to

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why not.

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But then as these these, you know, at semiauto revealed, and it is demonstrated that the prophets you think will come for you and come in because you messed up with the profits, and you became enemies to the angels, and the book you changed and violated. So if anything, they'll testify against you, not for you. By the end, the order of this language has changed. Allah says, law your bloomin hydron no ransom will be accepted. When you say the first thing by the way, you better watch out because no ransom no fee will be accepted. It's like the lawyers out of the question, isn't it?

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Because it's already been established, the ones that we're going to come defend you, they're not going to defend you. If anything, they'll testify against you. So then the first sort, the first first resort for you is actually the ransom the fee. You know? And so you say Allah says, What are you alone in this ayah he says, no compensation, no fee, you know, no fine shall be taken. While attending for OSHA, and somebody coming on your behalf is of no benefit any way for you. I mean, at this point, that should be obvious to you Latin for OSHA. And that's why even the word benefit, because the Shahada could have benefited has been eliminated. Well, all of a sudden, they're not

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going to be helped anyway. And so as this wraps up, I bring you to the last I have today's discussion, just a couple of things about it, inshallah, and we'll have a more elaborate discussion. Maybe, maybe I'll finish this, maybe it'll take about 15 minutes. Bear with me, inshallah, we'll get through this.

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A lot began to Surah. And there are the first major story was a story about the mighty Salaam. The second story is the Israelites. The third story is Ibrahim. Yeah. It's pretty cool. Because it began with the story of a father. Then the story of children of Israel. And he goes back to what, Father, Ibrahim is a father. And then he's going to be our Omar who are his children.

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Right. So the sequence is father, children, Father, children, it progresses that way. Okay. So now we're at the second and then the other thing is this sequence father, children, Father, children, has another remarkable element to it. The first story was who again?

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Other the second story was Israelites. The third story is Abraham. And the last story. Last account is Muslims, ourselves. All four are tested,

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was tested, where the Israelites tested. Was Ibrahim tested, are we going to be tested? Yeah, level two, under condition. We're gonna be testing you with all kinds of stuff. Literally. That's what he's gonna say. Okay, now check this out. All four are, what do they have in common? They're all tested. Now go back, either pass or fail the test,

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fail the test, but then recovered? Because you can fail a test and recover by repenting because that's what he did, right?

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second group, Pastor failed a test the Israelites

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fail the test and recovered or no, no, they didn't repent, failed, and then failed squared.

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The third group is the third story is who

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Ibrahim Hassan has the test to fail the test, pass with flying colors. He passes with flying colors, you've got three scenarios, you've got someone who's tested and failed and then recovered. You got someone who tested and failed and then recover. And you've got someone who was tested and passed with flying colors.

00:29:00 --> 00:29:01

And then it was mentioned

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and we're about to be tested.

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And now we're being told there's only three possibilities for you guys.

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Because we're not told if we pass or fail, we're just gonna you're gonna be tested.

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So you could go the route of Adam, which means you will fail sometimes and you better do what?

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And you might end up going down the road of the Israelites

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failing tests and then revel in that like glorious failure and not repent

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and let it stink it up.

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Or you can be like Ibrahim Alayhi Salam and pass the tests with flying colors to begin with. And by the way, I expect you to pass because you are children of

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so boss. So cool.

00:29:45 --> 00:29:59

That's, that's how this is ordered. You know how the themes are progressing in the salon. Anyway, Ibrahim alayhi salam. Let's first talk about his name is Abdullah Ibrahima or Bobby Kelly Martin. When you

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Ibrahim was tested thoroughly and Ibrahim like no other was tested thoroughly by his master. The word Ibrahim according to Hebrew scholars comes from three parts.

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They break the word up into three syllables up or up and hum. And the word Rob, not like Rob in Arabic, Rob in Hebrew means chief or Captain or leader. And they make that short and drop the second bar and just make it wrong. So instead of Rob, it's pronounced rah. And that's what you get eight bruh ham. It was actually Abraham and became a bruh ham like that. That's how that's it's entomology in the original language. Means father. The raw part means leader. And how means many?

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The Father who is the leader of many, that's the actual meaning of Abraham the father, who's the leader of many. Okay? Now, that's a pretty epic name. Because, and by the way, did the Arabs know that meaning?

00:30:59 --> 00:31:03

No, because not an Arabic word. Ibrahim is not an Arabic word.

00:31:04 --> 00:31:11

So when you look at this ayah that we're looking at, so number 124, what does Ibrahim mean again?

00:31:13 --> 00:31:17

Father, who leads many, okay?

00:31:19 --> 00:31:25

color in New Jersey locally nasty Mama. Allah said, I'm gonna make you a leader over all people.

00:31:27 --> 00:31:28

That is meaning

00:31:29 --> 00:31:30

that what is the means?

00:31:32 --> 00:31:33

leader over people,

00:31:34 --> 00:31:38

a lot literally translated his name in the ayah.

00:31:40 --> 00:31:47

And you wouldn't know that until you studied the etymology of the word. And he's done that for

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from the study of the role of 60 names 60 names that Arabs did not know the meanings of have been translated in the Quran in an ayah.

00:31:57 --> 00:32:00

Like he'll mention the name and then translate it.

00:32:01 --> 00:32:03

Actually, later on, it's a smile into

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his mind. It's not an Arabic name. It's my email. Yes, my email that's the original. And that's also Hebrew. And yes, my actually means like, yes, Morrow in Arabic is close to the Hebrew what Yes, tomorrow

00:32:17 --> 00:32:21

to listen, is there an equivalent of Allah? Yes, not Allah. What does that mean?

00:32:23 --> 00:32:34

Allah listens. A smile was born. Abraham was in shock that he had a child at such an old age. He said, his raise, Allah listens.

00:32:36 --> 00:32:37

And I became his name.

00:32:39 --> 00:32:42

Yeah, and so his name is Allah listens.

00:32:43 --> 00:32:47

And check it out. later on. They're gonna build the foundations of the Kaaba.

00:32:49 --> 00:32:57

Well, you're familiar Rahim al Khawaja middleweight in Israel. Ravana Taco Bell winner in the canta sovrn.

00:32:59 --> 00:33:01

is building the house with this idea Allah you listen.

00:33:02 --> 00:33:03

I got proof right here.

00:33:06 --> 00:33:15

His name is translated and B is Abraham's name is also here translated in the diary. Luca, Linda Sima. That's a side note about just the etymology of the word. So so beautiful.

00:33:16 --> 00:33:42

Then you have the word Tila, amazing word of the Arabic language. Learn how to love God, a word that could mean itself and its exact opposite. Bella who in Arabic could mean into Hannah who is Tara who test somebody. But that can mean a test if they like could mean a very difficult test. Bella who tactic is Alec Bhima, an AMA who Arabic students can tell me what Anoma means.

00:33:44 --> 00:33:49

To bless to bless, to like salata, la de la Antalya like that.

00:33:50 --> 00:34:16

If de la Ibrahim Allah who could mean two things at the same time, Ibrahim, his master thoroughly tested Ibrahim and greatly blessed Ibrahim. This is the common word used in the Quran for tests By the way, but it's not the only word but it's the common one. And it's incredible that Allah uses that because in using it, he has taught us a philosophy of tests and trials. trials to Allah are always a blessing.

00:34:18 --> 00:34:21

They're actually two sides of the same coin.

00:34:22 --> 00:34:34

Somebody trial is somebody else's blessing or even their own blessing down the future. And there is no greater example of that. And Ibrahim alayhi salam. Whenever I'm Elisa Lam is about to slaughter his son. He has no idea that that's a blessing.

00:34:36 --> 00:34:38

All he could see at that point is that's a trial.

00:34:39 --> 00:34:44

That's a test. When he's about to be thrown into a fire. All he sees is a test. He doesn't see a blessing.

00:34:46 --> 00:35:00

But when Abraham Elisa is about to slaughter his son, and then Allah says got a doctor. Yeah. And then that tradition of sacrifice is inaugurated. And to this day, every time an animal is slaughtered, and every time

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somebody takes a single bite of any of the animals that are slaughtered. Who gets the blessings of that?

00:35:07 --> 00:35:07

era human as well,

00:35:09 --> 00:35:14

for all those 1000s of years, for all those 1000s of years, it's him.

00:35:15 --> 00:35:20

There's not a single person who's ever done Hajj, that Ibrahim didn't get the reward for it.

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00:35:26 --> 00:36:09

it's overwhelming to think about like, the tests are massive, but what they covered behind them were enormous what blessings enormous enormous blessings. The take a step forward and you find like I'm because I teach a lot of who they be alright, so just even think about one aspect of her davia those people that went but the problem is, is I'm to perform hygiene didn't get to do it. They didn't get to do it. And they came back, they were super frustrated. They bled, they were almost killed on several occasions. They were humiliated, they saw a boo gender, their own brother, grabbed by the head, bleeding and in chains, dragged back from between them back into a prison cell in Makkah, and

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they could do nothing about it. And then the and these are the people they fought in northern Azov, and they can't touch our gender being tortured like that by his own dad.

00:36:18 --> 00:36:28

And there's walking right through them and they're walking around frustrated. And, but that them not being able to do Hajj that year, is the reason we do Hajj.

00:36:29 --> 00:36:33

You know, they slaughtered the animals that year. And they fed the animals to the Michigan

00:36:35 --> 00:36:38

a Buddha just dragged by his father

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00:36:40 --> 00:36:59

And then the Muslims are told sauce because you when you finish, how do you slaughter the animals? You were leaving, you have to slaughter them now. They slaughter the animals. They can't take the meat back in Mubarak mushrik una vaca Not only did you just humiliate us and not let us do Hajj, all these animals that we walked from Medina

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are going to be given to you.

00:37:03 --> 00:37:07

And then we go back, you know, when you eat like meat from eat,

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right? Like the reason we get to eat that meat is because they didn't get to,

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like their trial became our blessing. You understand? It's incredible that and I would argue that no person has ever done Hajj since that those people didn't get rewarded for them not doing houses the reason we do

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incredible. So if the either the philosophy of trials in our religion, and that's even at a personal level, you and I go through trials, our trials are a blessing

00:37:43 --> 00:37:48

no matter what it looks like they're a blessing. But the question is, how is it a blessing

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and maybe a blessing for you in a way that you don't yet understand and in, in in the future in a way that you don't understand? Or it may not be a blessing for you right now at all. It may be a blessing 1000 years later, for somebody else.

00:38:04 --> 00:38:11

It may be a blessing for people you will never ever meet. Well, Ibraheem alehissalaam did is not a blessing for people he's never ever met

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from all over the world, in languages he'll never speak.

00:38:18 --> 00:38:45

You can't limit how it's a blessing or who it's a blessing for, but no, it's a blessing. Every trial is so he says he turned Abraham is mocha who does Ebrahim has been sued and it's no condom. It's before the words are on Woohoo. So it suggests when Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam was tested by his best friend like no other we can imagine with just some words. Allah tested him with just words and I love this phrase can imagine because usually in karate sickly Mattila

00:38:46 --> 00:38:47

the words of a luckily Matty, he,

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okay. Or Kalamata Robbie, colo, colo cannabichromene, de de kalavati, robots modaf to something it's always like words of my master words of a low his words. here's just some words. And this is an echo of something that occurred previously in the soul of Allah either Mousavi, Kalimantan, Patanjali Adam came into contact with some words. And those words were the reason historica was accepted. Now that same words are coming again. And we're there we thought about words, those words must have been $1 that he asked a lot of forgive. Those were the words and that's why I love forgave him. Now we're learning words from Allah could actually be a trial, and that'll get you forgiven.

00:39:29 --> 00:39:43

The trial may be the blessing in a trial, maybe it's the reason you got forgiven. You're yearning forgiveness to it. An easy example of that is sickness. Isn't it? Sick. This is a trial. What does the Prophet say about Islam, bla bla, bla bla bla, no problem. It's a purifier.

00:39:45 --> 00:39:59

But if a lower to will, right. So that's the idea of Kalamata instructions that were given and the other ambiguity about it is some of his trials. He didn't even realize their trials. He sees a dream that he's slaughtering his son. He's not sure what that is. He sees it again. He sees it again.

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Then he goes to his son and says in the autofill Manami, and he has Baraka, I see my dream that I'm slaughtering you. His son doesn't say that do what you see if Alma Torah, he says, If Alma Toma, do what you're told, the son says actually what you're seeing is a command that let me take the ambiguity away it is a command.

00:40:21 --> 00:40:34

So it was General Kalimantan, and then it became specific for atom mahana is here, the the translation would be he fulfilled all of them. The first thing I'd like to highlight here is the word hoonah.

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It's actually expected to say half my highest non human, but the lessons hundun the Freeman, meaning those were not small instructions. He completed, oh my god, he completed all of them. A good them is a big deal because there were small instructions that were not easy things to fulfill. The other interesting thing I'd like you to note is there are two words for completion in the Quran that occur commonly. There's a Kamala and uttama like Aloma committed to la cadena come to Allah community.

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Islam Medina because it's Marvin aikman. Okay. But the difference between them linguistically is command or eckmann is about a timeline. Okay. So, if, for example, you completed the three month course, which means you studied the entire three months, this is a cameltoe. Okay, so completing something that takes time. That's the idea of Kamala Rickman. That's why we say for example, it's really cool. The idea about you know,

00:41:36 --> 00:41:58

mothers, how long should they feed their children? Well, while you're there, Anna oladipo know how Laney carmellini carmellini lemon arada and you TIMA aldara? Carmen, you timber? What does that mean? Mother should feed to whole, two whole years? two whole years time period, right. So the word whole or complete is scrambling

00:41:59 --> 00:42:35

to fulfill the risk to you know, for anyone who wants to complete and perfect. The requirement of feeding you Tim Ah, so let me tell you the meaning of a terminal cabin, or akmola has to do with the time fulfilling the time requirement uttama is to perfect something every Rick that was missing in the wall has been added in and repatched that needed painting has been painted. When you finish a job and there's no shortcomings left. And it's done to perfection. That's called uttama. Okay, that's uttama everybody can finish the exam in an hour.

00:42:37 --> 00:43:06

But not everybody is going to perfect the exam at the moment. LMT how'd you get it? Somebody who like killed the exam, perfect score. They didn't love you, Camille, who? Well uttama who he didn't complete it as in he just finished the test. Somebody who didn't feel much out or just xy, xy xy and handed it in they also did a command but they didn't do it, mom. Okay. So he says uttama Honda here to suggest every single test he was given. He fulfilled it to perfection.

00:43:07 --> 00:43:23

He didn't just see through to the end. Because you know, when a trial comes when a difficulty comes to you and me, it's come for a limited time, right? maybe a year, maybe a day, maybe an hour, whatever the trial period is, you got through it. AKA multa who what I don't know if you kind of

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you know, you could go through it like with flying colors or you could have like messed up royally along the way and like I at least I got through it somehow. Like

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unless has a thumb mahana he fulfilled them to perfection, no hesitation color and then Allah scholar in Ninja Luca Lindner Sema the here please pay attention there are two things to note. They're incredible. One meaning of I am make I certainly I have made you for all people without exception. That's why it's more common for all people a leader and I'll interpret leader in a bit. But that statement that he's he's made Ibrahim A leader overall people can mean two things. In this ayah linguistic grammatically, it can mean two things. And they're both incredible. One meaning commonly taken is he passed all these tests. And what is the badge of honor he gets at the end, you

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get to be the leader. You went through some incredible tests. Here's what you get, you get to be the leader. Here's the second meaning. What the law test him with? What is the MSA he tested him with what words right? Some interpret these are the words.

00:44:33 --> 00:44:38

Allah tested Ibrahim like he's never tested him before with the words I have made you a leader.

00:44:41 --> 00:44:47

Like of all the tests he went through, the biggest of all of his tests was that he's made him a leader

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in Nigeria locally nasima Sema,

00:44:51 --> 00:44:52

that's the ultimate trial.

00:44:53 --> 00:45:00

So there's personal trials and then there's trials that you know that your failings are going to effect on

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Now let's talk a little bit about Imam.

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Imam comes from the word ama, which means to have casada to have intent, or purpose. And Omar is a group of people unified by purpose as opposed to a comb or a carrier. They can be geographically unified or ethnically unified. But an oma is unified by purpose. And the mom is someone who leaves a people and gives them purpose and direction when Ibrahima leaves and by the way, that's literally the case with the mom who leads the prayer, right? He determines our direction. He also determines our course of action. Like, what should we be doing and when is determined by the Imam

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Ibrahim alayhis salam is called Imam and the profound statement

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you know, as opposed to a SWAT, you know, role model, right that's used for the prophets. I seldom what that suggests what the implications it has, and it's going to be important to note because a few hours later, we're going to be called an oma woman Daria Tina omata Muslim maternal same origin same root origin is the moment where the oma that means that the sense the sense of direction for the oma the spirit of the oma the way we think about ourselves and the way we think about the world around us should be framed by our Imam which is Ibrahim Ali Salaam, and he is concerned and forgiving that sense of purpose to all people in Nigeria locally nasty Mama, kala woman Doria t

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ingeniously says, and from my children, when you say from my children, as opposed to saying about my children, huge difference. And the reality about my children means the reality from my children who don't like me, he says, what would that mean? That means that he's not asking for all of his kids. He says he recognizes that you can't have all your children be leaders, but so long as some of them are, they'll help lead the others. So he very ingeniously asks Min giulietti the Ria is not just children, that's abna or olade. The Ria actually means generations upon generations upon generations to come. Like descendants. What about my descendants down the road? This is so heavy. First of all,

00:47:15 --> 00:47:32

we're thinking we should think about Islam like Ibrahim Elisa, that's what I'm trying to get it right all the time. Now we're now you're learning we should think about leadership like Abraham, are they set up? If you really become think like, Rahim, Allah Islam in terms of leadership, you never think about leadership right now? What do you think about?

00:47:33 --> 00:47:34

What do you think about

00:47:35 --> 00:47:36


00:47:37 --> 00:47:38

Who is that?

00:47:39 --> 00:47:43

100 years from now? 200 years from now? 300 years from now?

00:47:44 --> 00:47:50

our children's children's children's children's children? How do you leave something that will benefit them?

00:47:51 --> 00:47:53

You know, the oma today is on fire.

00:47:54 --> 00:47:56

So many places, they're in a state of emergency.

00:47:57 --> 00:48:07

Don't think of an entire country in a state of emergency. Think of one house in a state of emergency. One house has a fire. When one house has a fire? What can you What's the only thing you can think of?

00:48:09 --> 00:48:10

How do we put this fire out?

00:48:11 --> 00:48:15

How do we that's all you can think of you can think of how do we extend this house?

00:48:17 --> 00:48:49

You don't think of that? You don't think so? How do you make this neighborhood safer? How do you think of how are we going to accommodate you know more people as guests? You don't think of any of that? How do we improve the backyard? You can't think of any of that. All you can think of is how do we put the fire out. The problem with the oma today is we are in one fire after another after another after another after another. And our questions and our concerns and our problems and our our thoughts are always about putting out one fire and the next and the next. And the next one. It's not Syria, it's the Ranga Muslims and Muslims. It's what's happening in Kashmir was that Kashmir did

00:48:49 --> 00:49:07

something. It's just it's just something or the other. And we're caught constantly putting out fires. And the thing about leadership is like leadership, regardless of fires, has to take a step back and say what are the reality? Where we will be heading 100 years from now?

00:49:08 --> 00:49:15

Where are we going to be to like, Who's even thinking about the oma for the next 100 years? For the next 500 years?

00:49:16 --> 00:49:19

We're just thinking what's gonna happen next year after the election?

00:49:20 --> 00:49:22

What's gonna be bad? I think I'm moving to Canada.

00:49:24 --> 00:49:30

That's, we can't think ahead. We can't. And until we do.

00:49:32 --> 00:49:34

We're not we don't know what leadership means like.

00:49:36 --> 00:49:37

We just don't know.

00:49:38 --> 00:50:00

Now Allah gave him this is the last bit now. Ibrahim Elisa. Okay, this is his greatest trial. But the other interpretation is he passed all the greatest trials. And now like gives him this award that you get to be the leader. And even in that sense, if he's done so much for Allah, he's passed through so many tests with perfection. Allah says with perfection, you should be in some kind of a position to be able

00:50:00 --> 00:50:00

Ask stuff.

00:50:02 --> 00:50:30

After all, you ask a lot for stuff when you go to Hajj or when you pray the 100 or fasted, you know ashuelot or something. If you've done the extra thing is not the time to ask. Like, the more you've done for Allah, the more you should be in a position to ask. Well, Ibrahim alayhis salaam has done some incredible stuff he should be in a position to so he did. He said what about my kids? And you will be hopeful that Allah will just yeah, of course you anything.

00:50:31 --> 00:50:34

Hey, kids, grandkids You got it.

00:50:35 --> 00:50:36

You earned it. And Rahim

00:50:38 --> 00:50:39

on great job

00:50:40 --> 00:50:42

because he's not asking anything else.

00:50:43 --> 00:50:50

And so when he asked this question, Allah says, law you know what I mean? My promise does not extend to wrongdoers.

00:50:53 --> 00:51:02

It's kind of cold. After all the trials and all the perfect score passings, you asked one thing

00:51:03 --> 00:51:19

and you just made leader over humanity. By the way notice he was made leader over human people, all people he didn't say can you give me leaders out of all people he said give me leaders out of were my own kids. That's another concern about leadership. Before you can fix humanity, you have to fix your own generations

00:51:21 --> 00:51:31

your own. We start thinking there are geopolitical problems. There are problems in this region in that region and economics this and political science that and our grandkids are praying.

00:51:33 --> 00:51:49

Like Linda Lee, he's teaching us something. leadership will come when you become concerned first with your own generations. That's your primary task. Now, unless as my promise doesn't extend to wrongdoers, what does that mean? Allah didn't say no.

00:51:50 --> 00:51:55

He didn't say no, he just said not to wrongdoers, which means some of your children will have leadership.

00:51:56 --> 00:52:08

But there are other children that are going to be pretty messed up. And I will call them a volley mean wrongdoers, and my promise What promise, by the way, promise here means there's a promise I will give leadership.

00:52:09 --> 00:52:13

But I just won't give it to wrongdoers. Now the thing is

00:52:15 --> 00:52:18

the who are the two main audiences of the Prophet? Think about this.

00:52:20 --> 00:52:28

The two main audience the two main communities that are the audience of the process, rather than the Muslims, from Russia, good America and the people of the book in Medina, isn't it?

00:52:29 --> 00:52:39

And of course, in the in this surah it's the machico of Makkah and the Jews. Those are the two audiences. The Michigan of Makkah consider themselves children of Abraham, yes or no?

00:52:40 --> 00:53:00

Yeah, they slaughter the animal every year because they think of themselves as children of Ibrahim, the people of the Jews considered themselves descendants of Abraham are no, they do. And Allah says, Ibrahim, I made you leader over all mankind. Can my children have leadership, some of them who currently has leadership, then wish you good luck? I have leadership

00:53:02 --> 00:53:08

and the Jews of Medina have leadership. They have two different kinds of leadership. The most you could have mccobb leadership over the Kaaba.

00:53:09 --> 00:53:13

The Jews of Medina have religious leadership, isn't it?

00:53:14 --> 00:53:17

Allah says leadership is not going to be extended to the wrongdoers.

00:53:18 --> 00:53:42

Who's the wrongdoer? Are they both wrongdoers are the most economical wrongdoers? Yeah, as a user, Medina wrongdoers, yeah. And Allah says my guarantee of leadership does not extend to them is one statement 1000s of years ago, Abraham and Islam and in one statement, the prophet is being told corporations are not going to stay in power, and the Jews are not going to be the religious leadership of Medina.

00:53:43 --> 00:53:52

Because Abraham was told they don't deserve it. These are the failed children of Abraham. In just one statement, once we'll learn along

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the last comment I want to make to you about this prayer is that Rahim Allah Salam has words miseria t suggests something that we should make to our and we should concern ourselves with at least some of our children,

00:54:11 --> 00:54:42

prepped for leadership, prep to learn and teach the religion prep to be role models to others and not leadership, not in the sense that they're going to grab a mic. But in every family, there has to be some cousin, some brothers, some sisters, some aren't. That's the go to for their Deen. Somebody needs to be there. And the idea window really suggests is the you know, you have like 100 cousins and there's like one person that knows the religion and then you have this huge gathering and they're all asking him questions. Hey, so is chewing gum around is this herranz era? Like they do that, don't they?

00:54:43 --> 00:55:00

Because that's the one that has some education. Every family should actually think yes, I have children and some of them may not be very inclined towards the study of the religion or understanding it and leading other people and guiding them in what is right and what is wrong. But those who have that attitude, we must invest them in

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This. So every every family has at least somebody, everybody among them that can guide the rest. That's the genius of this law. And then Allah says, By the way, even if you have that, there's still gonna be wrongdoers. And no matter how much preaching you can do, or teaching you can do, people that want to do wrong will do wrong, they're just gonna do what they're gonna do. And I'm not guaranteeing that they're going to be righteous, just because they belong to that family, you know, and righteousness cannot be genetic, it can't be inherited. And so that's, that's the the comment that's being made here is very, very profound about like, especially in our time, right? Like, we

00:55:34 --> 00:55:47

constantly think we're living in a non Islamic environment, how are we supposed to raise our children? I find that question rather absurd. I really do. The entire history of prophets, is them living as minorities,

00:55:49 --> 00:55:55

entire history, living in highly on Islamic in my soul on Islamic that God will destroy those nations.

00:55:57 --> 00:56:09

That's where they're living. And believers are living, they're the most stable. You can argue society where like we were kind of, you know, the prophetic model is in charge is Medina.

00:56:10 --> 00:56:15

When the prophets, the governor of Medina, did you know that we were numerically a minority in Medina,

00:56:17 --> 00:56:25

we were not the majority. The seal of the province is the seal of a man and his belief is followers that lived as a minority the entire time.

00:56:26 --> 00:56:44

And we're surrounded by a what you can argue a toxic environment. Medina, up until the 16th year of revelation had brothels, prostitution houses, well documented. So the law came down in that context. And I'm like, why do they have that?

00:56:45 --> 00:56:47

That's Madina, munawwara.

00:56:49 --> 00:57:31

Whoo, even has to have that stuff. You have to have customers, who are the customers. there's a there's a society in play. They do their thing. The Muslims are there too. And they're dealing with it. And they're still holding on to their Islam. So the you know, for us to think that being in a certain country, or in a certain place is somehow going to, it's not. It's how you raise your kids, like you raise your kids, how you are with your generations. That's what determines everything. You know, there are there are people I've seen it with my own eyes. I've seen kids that have been brought and raised in a very Muslim country, messed up.

00:57:33 --> 00:57:35

And I've seen kids raised in Oklahoma that are amazing.

00:57:38 --> 00:57:46

That I mean, honestly, you know, it was so wild to me that when I was in a gulf country that shall not be named.

00:57:48 --> 00:57:48


00:57:49 --> 00:57:52

shall not be named. And it wasn't the way

00:57:53 --> 00:58:04

and they had they held a Hello question answer session with parents. I was like 200 parents showed up. You know, the question was, how do we teach Islam to our kids, like you guys do in America?

00:58:09 --> 00:58:19

I am and I know I travel a lot. Maybe I lose track of where I am sometimes. I am in the Arab world right now. Right? Yeah. We don't have any Islamic schools.

00:58:20 --> 00:58:23

What do you what are some Islamic school curriculum recommendations?

00:58:24 --> 00:58:26

No, no. Why?

00:58:27 --> 00:58:28


00:58:29 --> 00:58:31

I was in another country that shall not be named.

00:58:33 --> 00:58:33


00:58:35 --> 00:58:40

the question was the Muslim country, an extremely Muslim country.

00:58:41 --> 00:58:43

How do I teach my kids Halloween is wrong?

00:58:47 --> 00:58:47


00:58:49 --> 00:59:06

you have to teach it. Yeah. Cuz, you know, we all go to American schools and British schools and they have holiday. Like, why aren't you? We are in America and Britain. And we plug our kids out of the school system, and put them in dilapidated Islamic school buildings.

00:59:08 --> 00:59:10

You are in the Muslim world.

00:59:12 --> 00:59:19

And you plug your kids out of Islamic environments, and put them in American schools. You're awesome.

00:59:22 --> 00:59:31

And you say they don't know how to pray yet. He's 16. He doesn't know how to pray. Fantastic. You know, the places that determine what kind of parent you can be, what kind of environment

00:59:33 --> 00:59:47

you lie in a lot of volume. That's That's all it is. We pray that Allah azza wa jal allows us to become parents, good parents, and then that we are able to raise among our children, those that can carry the banner of this thing barakallahu li walakum wa salaamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

00:59:49 --> 00:59:59

Our mission is to spread awareness of the message and divine beauty of Quran across the world, support our [email protected] there's ba y y i n a

01:00:00 --> 01:00:01

Eight dot o RG

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan delves into the final Ayats 122 123 of Surah Al Baqarah on the discussion of the Israelites. This Ayat mimics Ayat number 47 of the same Surah. The points that are discussed here are:

  • How the Israelites were conferred with numerous benefits apart from having Prophets and Messengers amongst them and how Allah did favors more than that done for previous generations.
  • How they should accept the Final Revelation and they should be the first to believe it in also.

We should look at the blessings that Allah SWT has given us and not envy others. We should be pleased and content with what others have been blessed, but should never pray for their blessings to be snatched. Most importantly, we should also never lose focus of the Final Day – the Day of Judgement when man’s only concern will be his own salvation, so much so that parents will leave their children, and spouses and siblings will not worry about one another.

We are left with a parting note with a profound statement – ‘ Every trial is a Blessing.’

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