Nouman Ali Khan – Surat Al-Baqarah – Part 47

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the use of words like "frontier" and "backward" in English, as it relates to inter acknowledgeled laws and laws. They also discuss the benefits of protecting people from getting into trouble and the importance of recognizing people's actions and intentions. The speakers emphasize the need for faith and humility in praying for others, as well as the importance of praying for the removal of culture of the Prophet's house. They also touch on the history and meaning behind the names of the god's and the way the Prophet's home is reference.
AI: Transcript ©
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Our mission is to spread awareness of the message and divine beauty of Quran across the world support our [email protected] that's ba y y i n H dot o RG salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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Wa in Jalan beta masaba. tellin see what, what does he do meme Kami Ibrahima masala? farheena Isla Ibrahima is my hero btle or iffy nawala key in our

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food rubbish actually sadly will still be Emily rock that Emily Sania Khalifa hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah. While early, he was shocked to hear that, once again Somali Kumara laevigata some things on my mind about iocked we've already covered and I feel like I shouldn't go on until I bring that up, even though it's not directly related to this passage. It's the two ions of the beginning and end of the discourse on the Israelites that are very, very similar. On the one hand in the beginning in number 48 Alonzo just said what taco Mendota is enough soon another century and be conscious of a day on which no person will be able to benefit another or compensate another person,

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whether you bloomin hatia tone and intercession or please from another person or anybody else will not be accepted, whether you mean her either nor will any compensation or actually any ransom be taken wallonian saloon they and they neither will they be aided. A similar idea at the very very end of the entire discourse is what tokuyama Latina persona and absentia be conscious of the day on which no person will compensate in any other person in any way shape or form. Whether you call him in her idol, the order is now reversed, and so no ransom shall be accepted with a 10 foot rule, Harsha and no intercession will be of any benefit, no intercession instead of saying no intercession

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or no plea will be accepted. The verbiage has changed. No intercession will benefit Latin for Shabbat, no interest more literally no intercession will benefit such a person and Pharaoh Ha, ha ha goes back to knifes. When our commune solid, nor will they be aided that's the thing I wanted to highlight is the difference between intercession being accepted and intercession being of benefit, right because that's the two different verbs that are being used for intercession. And to make the matter simple in the very beginning of this discussion, the language is no intercession or no plea is going to be accepted. And at the end is no plea or nor intercession will be of any kind of

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benefit. And this is I thought about this for actually a long, long time. And just one of the things that hit me this morning, Allahu taala on them, is there's a difference between how a conversation begins and how a conversation ends. And when this conversation begins, the Israelites have not yet been incriminated, the case against them hasn't been made, it's the first thing that they're being told is, you better be cautious of the day when this is going to happen. Right. And when they're thinking of intercession or a pleat, you have to think of things that come between you and the punishment of Allah. They're standing in trial in front of Allah, and they're about to get into

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trouble. What can they put between themselves and Allah as a shield, that can protect them from getting into that kind of trouble? The first of those things that can be a shield for them would be the book itself. Like for example, in our case, or on a project and like our like the Quran is either a shield or a case made for you or against you. Like there's so many a Hadith of the prophets, I saw them where you know, the father of the Koran, and the IOD coming and cleaning on your behalf or turning into a crown of light on your, you know, and then the light coming out of the chest and sort of the hub and meaning people who had caught on in their hearts that among the Koran

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turns into light that they can walk with. In other words, on the day of judgment, one of the things that makes the case for you, that shields you and protects you is revelation itself. In our case, it's called on in their case, it was what it was thought. So one possible hope that they'll have shafa will be the tonality itself. The other shofar as we know would be hopefully their Prophet, the prophet can testify, they stood by me, they were loyal to me. And if a prophet makes a case on your behalf, then you're good. Right? So there's the book that should make a case for you make a plea for you. The book itself testifies in your favor, the Messenger of that book testifies in your favor.

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And of course, on top of that the witness to all of our deeds all the time are Who? The angels, which Allah says, in court, our national oleocanthal Hara to De Niro phylloxera. We are your protective friends in this life and in the next life, right? So, the idea is that even though they are going to come and testify on our behalf, as a matter of fact, they're even making it too far for us as we speak. Now, there are three I've mentioned so far. It could be the book, it could be the messengers, and it could be the angels once you go through this entire passage, and so the first thing they're told is no intercession will be accepted. And the question that might come in the mind

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of the Israelite is Wait, so the book won't testify on

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might we have? Wait, the messenger Musa? Won't? All these relay prophets won't testify on our behalf? Wait, wait, angels aren't even gonna testify on my behalf? How can that be? Why wouldn't it be accepted? Like, because the phrasing is it won't be accepted. Right? And it does beg the question, why shouldn't that stuff be accepted? We are the people of these things. By the end of this entire discourse, what has become clear, they violated and committed crimes against their book, they violated and committed crimes against their messenger. And they committed crimes against the angels, they became enemies to the angels, when can I do? What did you believe in? Right? So by the

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end of it, it's become abundantly clear why it won't be accepted.

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And so now when you say it won't be of any benefit,

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they won't be because you can't say that in the beginning. Because the the, the intercession or the play of the book, or the angels or the messenger can be of benefit. It can be of benefit. So that would actually negate the idea that those things are beneficial. But by the end, there's no possibility for the book or the messenger or the angels actually playing on your behalf. So now you're going to look for an intersection somewhere else, these things are no longer they've been invalidated. And if you look for something to shield you against the judgment of a law and judgment a anywhere else is that of any benefit. No, and that's why by the end, the phrasing is and what

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intercession is going to be a benefit to you is not going to be of any any benefit that's unfair or harsh or

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they're not going to be aided at all. So it's a profound statement about how once the case has made where you're going to go, you have no manager that you have no you have no refuge left, that you can turn to and thus no no other kind of plead will be of any any avail. Anyway, so now I come back to the passage on Ibrahim alayhis salam and Ibrahim Ali Salman in the first I in the jar luckily Nancy mama I made you a leader and someone who determines direction a mama from my own cassava which means to have direction

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for all of people. His first question was What about from some of my children were middle Realty. welcome your call the Realty and the heck matter law human has an Atlanta Georgia takuna Jamie on national academy I had a man usually home, Leon Jacobi him Columbia Alma Hua, Mr. Harada

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Lucy Rahim Allah says he didn't say what about all of my children? He said, What about at least some of my children, the word min makes it the dream. And he says he did that because he knows that it's impossible that all of one's children become leaders that at least out of my generation, can there be some role models, at least that's what he said, he asked a realistic door, and not an unrealistic one. And on a side note, what we learned from that is that we should ask a lot, so we have dogs, and the concept of da,

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it really has become very confusing for Muslims. We make to offer all kinds of things right, somebody gets sick, we make the offer them, we withdraw for our children and their well being glad to get you know somebody for somebody to get married, or whatever else or somebody to recover, or somebody to find a job, we make all these kinds of laws. But the thing is, you can easily categorize those into two, you can break the things you ask a lot, you can break them up into two, one of those things are spiritual in nature, you're asking a lot for guidance for strength to carry out his his commandments, you're asking a lot for patience, you're asking a lot for a bigger heart. So you can

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forgive, you're asking a lot to help you deal with a situation, whatever it may be, you know, those are spiritual doors, right there in a sense, or, you know, helping your Iman in some way or the other, they're strengthening your faith in some way or the other. The other side of dogs is what stuff you asked for your life. You know, for a family member you're making law for, you know, for a better job you're making for your studies you're making, for getting into med school, somebody who's making, you know, to have somebody just wrote to me recently, they've been trying to have a child, they haven't had a child for six years, they're making a lot, you know, so there are daughters that

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are worldly in nature in one way or the other. And they're the ones that are spiritual in nature, in one way or the other. The thing about it is that from I mean, Allahu taala, what I've been able to understand is that

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we ask Allah, the loftiest of things when it comes to the spiritual and we're supposed to, we're supposed to ask Allah for the highest levels of gender or the strongest of faith and like there's no holds barred when you come to ask a law about duck law or a man or forgiveness are patience and perseverance and firmness and faith and all of those kinds of things. And those doors are open without restriction when people ask for those things. Allah gives those things without restriction. There is no limit to what plugins are loaded and say, well, I'll hold that back from you. You know, you asked for human I won't give you that though. Or you asked for adequate material you can have

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it, etc. you when you genuinely ask Allah for those things, those things are given immediately. The difference however, is when we ask a lot for the other stuff.

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Somebody made a lot of that their father's in critical care that they be healed and the father passes away. Does that happen? It does. And then they're like, I made all this law. What? What was the point of it? Why didn't it matter? I've been making the Law Day and night for what's happening in Syria, or what's happening in Philistine and I've been making to offer the people of Yemen, or the people, you know, the Rangers or whoever else, but the crisis continues. What's the point of this law? In other words, you're not going to see an immediate response to your daughters, when it comes to them being what what in nature, material, when they're about worldly things, then the

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question arises, why even make that long? What's even the point? The thing is that what what seems to be the case and at least what I've been able to understand of Quran is that we are to ask Allah, about worldly things with humility.

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What that means is we have to acknowledge I have to acknowledge I actually don't know what's best for me in the worldly sense.

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I actually know absolutely what is best for me in the otherworldly sense, duck, what is the best thing for me, Eman is the best thing for me. Subbu is the best thing for me absolutely. No doubt about it. There's no ambiguity that those are the best things for me, no matter what situation I'm in. But having a kid, is that the best thing for me? Or, I don't know, I actually have to have the humility to say, I don't know, you know, the story we went through in certain cases, and the child is killed. Was that child the best thing for those parents? No, but they don't know that. They're still gonna cry and suffer because they lost a child, there's no way for you to know, there are

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things that are happening that on their face value are extremely tragic, and painful, and you're praying for them not to happen. But you and I lack the wisdom of Allah and the view of the grand plan of how this what seems to be bad, is actually good in the long run for not just you but for a lot of other people, or the the the good in the overall sense outweighs the bad that you see here. You know, by leaps and bounds, you know, that we don't know those things, all we know is what we see immediately, and we make up for that. So the way that the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet have deal with this. If you survey all of the prayers of the prophets, lysozyme, and all of the prayers

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of the Quran that asked for something worldly, you'll notice the language is always general.

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The language is never one number specific. It's never specific. And that's actually by design.

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We don't you can make up for like a 95 on a test or you can be specific. But you know, when the more specific you are, like, yeah, like give me a son. Or give me a you know, somebody making the offer that, you know, you're a lot Let me help find me someone who is to marry who is a United States citizen who can give me a green card really quickly, who is you know, this tall, and my mother likes her? And you know, and she's from the same zip code in Seattle court. And like, you know, you could ask for all that stuff. You can get very specific in your laws. Can't you like a wish list? You could, but if you study the spirit of worldly prayers in the entire religion, you'll notice that

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there's what they're always ambiguity. ambiguity. Ibraheem alehissalaam has a son with him right now is smiling. He's making God I want to say that making you a leader.

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Immediately, you be very specific and say, Can I can get a guarantee of this one right here?

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And can but he's just, he's thinking future generations and saying, some are of my generation. Can I just, he's being realistic, isn't he? And he's broadening the scope of what he's asking for. like to have the humility to put the brakes on what you really want.

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And then say Yala, just give me something good.

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You know, what's good for me better than I do. I know, I really want this. But yeah, like just

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just something good. There's a guy and a girl that are engaged. They're ready to get married, something happens or the other. The girl says I don't want to anymore. The guy's devastated or vice versa. Right. And now she's making the Oilers change his mind. Hello, please. I can't live without him. Or he's on the other. Yeah, look, please just make her eyesight worse. So I started looking better to her or something like

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and then it doesn't happen and your faith is shattered. Why? Because what you were asking was for was far too What specific atina dunia

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just hustler. It's not like Siadatan.

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It's just open ended. You know.

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So that's

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Actually, then I actually believe that if you don't internalize that spirit of the law, then it lands you into a lot of trouble.

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it lands you. But on the other hand, you have like the Prophet says, I'm asked Allah even if it'd be for a shoelace. Right. So that's there too, right? But what does that mean? Even if you're in the need of a shoelace, if you're in the need of the smallest of things, ask Allah asked a lot. You know what your need is? Don't ask a lot how that need is fulfilled. That's the difference. Yeah, Allah, I'm hungry. Your luck give it is not your luck. Give a double cheeseburger with extra mayonnaise. Because where this will come from? You don't know.

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Y'all, I don't have shoes. I need Nikes I need an londono. I just need shoes. Yeah, like, just give me something that can alleviate my difficulty. And a level provide? Because you're so common high schooler? Yes. He provides from where you can't imagine. So you You and I have limited imagination, we have something in front of us. That's what we want. That's not the case. There's something much better for you. But you can't see that you have to learn to ask a lot. But that, again is a isn't. It is only possible for people when they stop thinking like consumers. And they start thinking like slaves.

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Because when you're a consumer, you place very specific demands. And you say, I paid the price. I placed the order I charged the credit card, why isn't this delivered.

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And now we bring that consumer attitude to the heart and say, I made this law like 85 times, I still didn't get it.

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What kind of deal is that? I'm not making go anymore.

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And this can really mess somebody's relationship with a love. Right? So which door is given response immediately, and you have to have absolute faith, it will be answered which kinds of doors spiritual ones, and they By the way, are far more important and they far outweigh across the board. They far outweigh anything material you asked for in this life, even though the just literally the weight and the volume of those doors is so much greater than than this side. As a matter of fact, even the physical everyday things you do, when you think of the doors that you make, when you enter the home or when you enter the bathroom or when you enter when you get into a car or when you change your

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clothes, etc. those doors, you'll notice that they're entirely spiritual in nature.

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Actually entirely spiritual in nature. You know,

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you're getting in a car Subhanallah the Sahara.

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And then you're like, wait, I'm going from here to that destination and I'll come back home. But we're in Nairobi now.

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We're gonna be coming back to our master. Like that's our actual home. Like you acknowledge that as soon as you get in a car. It's panela. So beautiful, beautiful thing. So that's one thing I wanted to highlight on the side about the nature of law, which I do feel if not given due consideration can become very deadly for people. And it really really shattered their faith, you know, with jasmine beta Mesaba Telenor So anyway, call Allah Allah. Do you mean he said, Allah says my promise does not extend to wrongdoers. Knowledge and Allah to reach or to extend to somebody I had is a promise or a covenant. It's a it's a pointed word. As I point as I indicated in the last dose on this diet, that

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the word I had is particular to the People of the Book. They use the word that I had for the Old Testament, the Arabs. So my promise doesn't extend to the wrongdoers is also kind of a pun, that wrongdoers didn't deserve the Old Testament that they didn't live by, meaning the you know, the the Jewish community that violated their book, but right now, it's just a conversation with Ibrahim alayhis, salaam, my promise, my promise of leadership does not extend to the wrongdoers. Now the conversation is about imama, right. It's about leadership. And there are two kinds of leadership. There's Medina leadership and there's macro leadership and the life of the prophet SAW Sam McCann

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leadership is about the custodianship of the Kaaba, who was in charge of the carbon, Medina leadership, the Jews is the custodianship of who is entitled to be the the the flagbearer of Revelation. Who is the chosen oma? Right? The air the Quraysh don't care about being the chosen nothing. They just care about the Kaaba. That's their leadership. So there's two dimensions of leadership who considers themselves the leading nation and who considers themselves the custodians of the capital, if you will. In this statement, when Allah says my promise does not extend too long to my promise of leadership, both groups have been disqualified. If they do wrong, what What wrong

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have done Mr. Kuhn done, they've surrounded the Kaaba with idols. They replaced the house of Ibrahim, which was the house of worship of one God with the worship of many false gods. They're not qualified for leadership, which means they're supposed to be deposed. They're not fulfilled and they took pride in being children of Ibrahim. On the other hand, the Jews that the surah is talking to, were they also considered and they also consider themselves children of Abraham. Yeah.

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They did. And the law says yeah, even though they're not worthy of leadership, and that's something that really hurts both sides because both sides feel very strongly that they are entirely entitled and forever entitled to leadership. And in this one statement, you're like, not according to your not according to what I told your dad.

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Because I told your father wrongdoers know the wrongdoing of the well established and in the IRS, we just studied the wrongdoing of who the Jews well established. So yeah, like the volume in disqualifies book. It's a very telling thing. It's actually an indication By Allah, that both reins of leadership are about to be taken and handed over to Prophet salallahu alaihe salam and this oma Where is Jalan beta masaba de la sua amlan when we made the house, which house before I even translate the rest which house

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but there's no mention of the car before you see when you're when you're speaking. And you just say the house you and I because we're Muslim, and we have hindsight is 2020. We read this ayah and we say Oh, it's referring to the Kaaba. But you have to understand when the ayah was revealed. I mean, the the audience for a long time has been the Jewish community. They're a big part of the audience here and when they hear house, which house are they thinking?

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The house that was made a sanctuary, which house are they thinking? They're thinking about this, that's what they're thinking. But then as the IR continues, it starts shattering their view. Like it starts with the general language of Java. So there's a deliberate ambiguity in instead of saying, If john l Carr bata bata bottlenose is Yanan beta. We just made the house and then it's my saboten Saba in Arabic sobre Zulu Raja hubby and they say in Arabic Sabah Nottage tomorrow Raja Sabha means the verb means to come back after you left to return to the place of origin. That's Sabah. And then tabernas means when a lot of people gather and arrive. Okay, well enjoy john Elway, Thomas habita.

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Linda suggests when we made the house a place where a lot of people will gather and arrive. It was meant to be a place where lots of people gather and arrive. Then the other interesting meaning of it is it's a place that was meant to be something you come back to, but that's the place you were originally from. What comes you you come back to your essence. And there's a there's some shout out that some of us you don't have commented on here that I think are very, very beautiful. And those are the word masaba is not just coming back, it's coming back to where you started. And when a human being goes to hug or comes to the Kaaba, it's like they get a deep cleanse, and they are restored to

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their fifth law where they started.

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Right? You know how if you do Hajj Your sins are forgiven, which is the same as when you were born? is when you when you started, you know, so you get a restart in this place. So halala is metabo telling us the other interesting indications that Lucy even alluded to,

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that the Kaaba has hedgerows. What anhydrous was is a piece of stone from where

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from Jenna was from Jenna, and we're from gender.

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That's where our story began. And we come back to where we began, in a sense, okay, so masaba telling us when we made and when it says Lynas, all people. That's the part that the Israelite community hears it goes, No, the house is pretty awesome to come back to and cleanse yourself but not for all people, but for who? the chosen people, the Israelites. And then what Amen. And we made it a please place of security of peace. There like how is it a place of security and peace? knock this was ransacked several times. Jerusalem has been ransacked earlier way back by the Babylonians and the Assyrians. And then on top of that, again, with the Roman Empire, you know, Nebuchadnezzar,

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Nebuchadnezzar, they call him he, I mean, they they destroyed Jerusalem several times took everybody captive. The Jewish accounts say no to bricks of Jerusalem remained intact. In some of those, you know, invasions. 300,000 of them were taken as captives and the other 300,000 slaughtered in front of their eyes.

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How is it a place that was always meant to be peaceful?

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Wait, that doesn't add up. First of all, it's not for all people. And second of all, it hasn't been safe. It hasn't been peaceful, by the way to this day, is that region riddled with conflict?

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That region has its history is one of what conflict and the last thing now this house is peaceful. He must not be talking about that house.

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What house is he talking about? You see what just happened? And then a lot opens it up. What duck a zoom in nakagami, Ibrahima masala and take the command

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Now take from the station of Ibrahim A place to pray take up a place to pray, you know, right by the station of Ibrahim, that also raises a big question because he still didn't say which house but the Jews are familiar with the Rahim Allah Islam and they also know another thing. He didn't build that house in Jerusalem.

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That's the Temple of Solomon that's attributed to later Jewish history. It has nothing to do with Abraham.

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Certainly, how you know how in the world by the way, incidentally, the the really interesting inconsistency is in Jewish accounts like hamidou, Dean Farah, he made reference to so awesome. So he writes, he writes this book about which of the sons of Abraham was slaughtered, right? All right, yes, I hear you, man who would be the correct position and who was to be slaughtered.

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And he shows that, you know, he studied Hebrew, just so he can access the Hebrew Bible to comment on that part of the story. And he says, so they say that they took that because they believe it's Isaac. Right? And we believe it's who is Mariela Islam, they believe it is hot, and they actually believe is half because of that choice was blessed. And that's why his children were blessed. And Ishmael was not chosen because he's cursed, and that's why his children will forever be cursed. And that's why the religion that comes from those people will always be a curse religion. And that's why Islam is a curse religion. So this small thing about who was to be slaughtered is actually the basis

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of a lot of neocon worldview today, that stems from Jewish literature. This is not a small, little detail. It's actually the birthplace of a huge ideological big bit of baggage and a lot of the religious doctrine about Israel and anti Arab sentiment and all of it It goes back to this one thing.

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Like the on the religious side of it, there are political reasons, but to religious rhetoric, it goes back to that one thing. Anyway, so that so that, you know, they argue that he took his son Isaac to a valley with a spring of water between Shiva and moolah

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Shiva and Maura.

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And they write this in Hebrew and have a good deed for it shows it and he changes a couple of slants and says, and that's how you pronounce once you change these lands, Safa and Marwa

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are dry valley with springs of water between the marks of Shiva and Mura.

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That was awesome. How is Jerusalem and Dr. alley?

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help you understand that part?

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And then they're like, and this was right by the Temple of Solomon, as stated in their accounts, very close to the temple of who? Solomon, oh, great Temple of Solomon, which is going to be built centuries later. Because we're talking about the story of Ibrahim alayhis salam, and it's only in his way down descendants that you get soleimani or the Salaam who will eventually build the temple.

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And no,

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you know,

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so he demonstrates how they, you know, they didn't do a good job of editing the story.

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And changing the account and actually even shows a lot of Jewish scholars who believed it was inspired, in fact,

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that was to be slaughtered. And there's actually interesting anthropological sociological evidence to the Arabs who have nothing to do with Judaism or Christianity, the Arabs of Mecca for 1000s of years, are performing a ritual called halogen slaughtering animals.

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What do you think if you ask them why they say Abraham?

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They don't know anything about a book anything about a prophet, nothing? Where are they getting this wrong?

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And they don't even like the Jews and Christians, they fight them. And this, you know, our father when he was slaughtered, is smiling, and they've kept that part of the ritual survived 1000s of years even before Islam. Yeah.

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Yeah. How did you get there? You know, so hon Allah. So that is actually the original account. And that is the account of the you know, even within Muslim tradition, there were some who held the view that it could have been as Huck, I would viciously disagree, as with me to the inference because this is actually a fundamental point.

00:29:10 --> 00:29:49

It's a fundamental issue. It's not a it's not a side issue, because called under the name him, which which of it was supposed to be. And also the other thing is that hold on makes it very clear that both sons are legitimate, is married and is Hocker, both legitimate sons. And the Bible will say slaughter sacrifice your only son. He has two sons, but the Bible says what sacrifice your only son, which means there's a time where he only has how many? One son, which means this must be referring to the older son, right? And even according to their accounts, the older son is who is married, but they say no, no, no, no, no, he's an illegitimate child. So he doesn't count

00:29:50 --> 00:29:59

because he was born of a slave woman, and that was out of wedlock so he doesn't count really as a son. That's why the only son is the only son that counts.

00:30:00 --> 00:30:39

Isaac, we on the other hand have a completely different view of this. We're saying these sons are all what legitimate you know and that's what the Quran will describe but Abraham's relationship with this night you know that he's gonna stand next to him and build a callback cetera and they're gonna make to offer their future lineages. So this stuff is important to learn, it's important to understand especially inshallah, one day when our interaction with the Christian and Jewish faith communities becomes deeper and deeper, and we get to have heart to heart conversations about this stuff. We have to be ready. We have to know our stuff. And I believe the book has now a version of

00:30:39 --> 00:31:16

that book has now been translated. Alright, you say I'll dig it up and I'll see if I can find you the author and charlo Todd is good read. What is beta metabo telling us he will instill an ambiguity with Duffy zoomin nakagami, Ibrahima masala. And take up from the station of Ibrahim, a place to pray. I'm going to read to you some research on Omni Brahim. tomorrow. I'll summarize it for you today. Instead of reading it off to you today. maqam Ibrahim, they are there in Hadith of the prophets of Salaam. There are two pieces of the architecture of the Kaaba that are unusual sacred value. He calls it a broken Wilma. Calm, okay, broken is a reference to hedgerows what the

00:31:16 --> 00:31:54

Blackstone macom is a reference to macom Ibrahim and these were all these were both part of the cabinet they were joined to the Kaaba, the macom is actually a piece like a stool shaped kind of stone. That Ibraheem alehissalaam as he got as the wall got higher and higher, he used to have to stand up on and then it's Mario used to hand him bricks so he could put bricks higher up. Okay, so this was the kind of seat that he used to use. And he used to move it around as his chair, you know, as a stepping stone to build. And it became soft by the mercy of Allah and His feet were imprinted onto it. You may have seen it, those of you that have gone to the huddle, may have seen pictures of

00:31:54 --> 00:32:32

it online or something like that, right? That's called makonnen Rahim, Allah Azza wa sallam, according to some accounts, and some other accounts all around hottub. I'm more convinced that those who lost himself moved maqam Ibrahim, and he pushed it out a few feet away from the cabin. So you notice that it's not adjacent to the Goblin anymore. It's now on the outside. And there was speculation about why he did that. And the closest to convincing argument is actually that was the place where Abraham are listed and lived. That was his home. So he used to do this construction work, and go back home and do the construction work and go back home. And it was also a solemn place

00:32:32 --> 00:33:06

the stone where his home used to be. Okay. And so now what the prophets I used to do, when he would meet the love he would do seventh off and then he'd come and stand behind where he placed that stone and he prayed to God there he would first recite this ayah what Ducky loom and macabre Hema masala take up that place as a place of prayer. And then he would pray to record here. And it's really interesting. And he would when he would pray those two records, he would pray he would recite to sutras who do yoga phone and call who Allahu Ahad. Those were the two that he would recite. Now that's really convenient for Pakistanis, because they're like the only two soldiers they know. But

00:33:07 --> 00:33:16

there's a significant reason for reciting those two solos. Because for the longest time, that house was taken hostage by disbelievers.

00:33:17 --> 00:33:28

And they have their religion has nothing to do with the religion of Ibrahim. So he stands there, restoring the legacy of his father. And since Kalia, you had calculon now, Alberto, I don't

00:33:29 --> 00:33:47

know. What are you doing? What are you doing Mr. Buddha compleanno camillia Deen and that's also really important to say, because the idol, the the the wish the goon worshipped what stones and now he is here standing, praying with a stone in front of him. And he's clarifying. I'm not praying to the stone.

00:33:48 --> 00:34:03

I'm praying to Allah, I have nothing to do with your religion. It's remarkable also, historically, that of all the idols that they worshipped, and all kinds of ugly statues that they made. The two pieces of stone that they never worship were macabre, evangelists, but

00:34:04 --> 00:34:11

they didn't worship them. That's amazing. They had regard for them, but they never worship them. Because if they didn't worship, then what would have to happen

00:34:13 --> 00:34:45

has been destroyed. They will not destroy it. This is not the same religion as they're so beautiful. And so then the professor would come behind it and pray to the gods. And he would recite in the first one. Oh, yeah. And then cool. Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola. is actually that is the legacy of Ibrahim isn't it? It's that that's the purpose of this house. That's the reason that's like the fulfillment of the entire mission of the Prophet selection is a class is totally that's that's the point restore the relationship of humanity with one God, you know?

00:34:46 --> 00:35:00

So that's what he would do. So he says to all of us with dakila mocambique rahima masala. Notice what's happening here. A lot was telling us the story of Ibraheem alehissalaam and he was talking about how he did that for him. We made that house

00:35:00 --> 00:35:10

As a place for people to come to an A place that remains safe and secure take up you take up from the mahkamah Ibrahima place to pray Who's he talking to now?

00:35:11 --> 00:35:28

Muslims plural What does he do plural? The Muslims This is another nice horizon it the Sahaba are in Medina the Prophet is in Medina and other being told go take mikami Rahim as a place to pray you can't take McCormick Rahim as a place to play when you're sitting in Medina where do you have to go?

00:35:29 --> 00:35:44

You have to go to Makkah but there's a slight problem Makkah is currently under the control of who Quraysh and they have idols all around it How are you going to go just you know go there and by the way, and you're going to go and the place is meant to be peaceful

00:35:45 --> 00:36:19

because it's supposed to be a place people come back to spiritually and a place that's supposed to remain peaceful so the is already saying there's no possibility of war inside Mecca that's not gonna happen but you should go pray there. So that and this by the way is early Medina the prophets are sent me this is like the first you could argue so far these first six months even early early Medina okay. And when this stuff is being revealed to the Prophet sizer, the Muslims already know. They're already very clear. We're not in Medina for long. We have to go back where Mecca.

00:36:20 --> 00:36:51

Like, that's not just one day we hope to go back home. That's our mission a lot already told us what Tokido macabre Hema masala, like we just recite and say, Oh, yes, Muhammad Rahim. Very important. When I go there, I'll put a couple of records behind that. That's not how they were thinking, guys. They were like, oh, oh, we gotta go back. We got to take them on. I already described that they are not worthy leaders. Where did you describe that? previous ayah they're not supposed to be Mr. la dee.

00:36:52 --> 00:37:05

They're not fulfilling the legacy of Abraham, you must, you must restore it. And so this is why I argue that the goal of the prophets I send them was to restore the legacy of Ibrahim.

00:37:06 --> 00:37:35

You know, the liberation of the Kaaba is actually the way the Koran phrases it is what the human maqam Ibrahim masala that's how the Quran phrases. This is actually if you were to in the Quranic sense, spell out the mission of the Prophet slicin them is to restore what his father started. Abraham. So that's why we're called militar de comida Rahim, the religion of your father Ibrahim. So what I what I hinted at Elijah Rahim Allah is married. And we took a promise from Ibrahim and is married.

00:37:36 --> 00:38:14

isn't the first time the promises coming up. Previous I said my promise doesn't extend to wrongdoers, and what promises this, here's the promise of leadership that comes with leadership. Well, I hidden it like Abraham, I was married. We took a promise from Abraham and is married, and by Hara Beatty and I thought if he in our archive, in our case, Jude, that you will both purify my house, for people who do tawaf for people who do Attica. What is aka to remain in devotion in the house of Allah, to not be distracted by any worldly matters and to stay there in devotion, right. That's, that's our key thing. What kind of plurals are these thoughts? afina Aquafina, these are

00:38:14 --> 00:38:23

masculine plurals, right well, no, no, no. You can also say what the bar if ina will Aquafina water rocky Rena was saji Deena.

00:38:24 --> 00:38:27

We already read. What karuma

00:38:28 --> 00:38:34

or rocky Rena? That's what you already read about it. Lisa will say elsewhere. Let me zoom in srg Deena

00:38:35 --> 00:38:40

he wasn't from those who do search that there are two plurals for Sergeant Sergeant means the one who does search

00:38:42 --> 00:38:43

Sergey Duna

00:38:44 --> 00:38:53

Sergey Duna or sujood so Jude is also a plural of Sergeant a bunch of people doing searches are called word sujood.

00:38:54 --> 00:39:03

Then similarly rocky arena is a plural but another plural for rocky The one who does recover is Roca a broken plural

00:39:04 --> 00:39:14

it's really interesting that two of these are regular plural spa if Hina kena and the two of them deliberately turned into broken tools are rokai sujood.

00:39:15 --> 00:39:21

The thing is when you have options when you have a regular plural in Arabic and you have a broken plural you guys do this or know

00:39:22 --> 00:39:31

the difference between them. The Broken forum is actually much more in number than the regular plural. If you have the option

00:39:32 --> 00:39:34

if you have God if you don't and you have so far

00:39:36 --> 00:39:37

Okay, who is more

00:39:38 --> 00:40:00

kofod is more. Okay if you have some bullet and Sanibel, some Bula tone, and Sanibel, which is more. Sanibel is more, because I'm looking for when you have the option, the broken one is more. So a lot deliberately made two of these words more than others are Raka a salute appreciate the beauty of that where

00:40:00 --> 00:40:01

Are you supposed to do it all off?

00:40:02 --> 00:40:16

mica? Where are you supposed to do a take off this one? Micah, and you can do attic off elsewhere too. But do a lot of people do take off? No. But by comparison, Is there even a comparison to the numbers of people that do ruku

00:40:17 --> 00:40:19

and the numbers of people that do surgery,

00:40:21 --> 00:41:01

there's no compare they're far greater in what number and therefore their their expression is a ruka. A salute the broken pearl used to illustrate that this purification of the house, its implication on reguler and sajida, across the world will be far, far, far greater than just this place. We are making Roku and so do that a little break. We're gonna make Roku and so do that at our break. And that's part of part of that is what we're doing here. Now the other thing really interesting is numbers that are on subtlety in progressiveness. You have tawaf going around the Kaaba, let's just say 1000 people are doing that at any given moment, or 10,000, whatever. Okay,

00:41:01 --> 00:41:08

100,000. Attica are the number of people who do articles around the world more than the people who do throw off in one place.

00:41:10 --> 00:41:18

Yeah, yeah, at the cuff is more, and is the people that do Riku, far more than the people who do actigraph.

00:41:19 --> 00:41:36

Yeah, and for every record, you have at least how many, to seduce the people, the amount of studies that being done is even more, so you're going from less, to more, to more to most. And the climax of it all. I love this part, the climax of it all is such that

00:41:38 --> 00:42:18

the combination of all of it is such that which is a recurring theme in the sutra, you have, in the beginning, at least refusing to do so is that you have the Israelites being told in the first half of their discourse. Even rocks fall with humility. Because the rocks falling is the hearts falling and hearts falling is the image of such though. And the second half of the Israelites, people who submit their face to Allah Eslava who Linda, people who submit their submission of face What does that mean submission of face, such that and now he says the climax of the you know, the mission of or the building of the Kaaba is to do that the end of the day. But Rakhi sujood

00:42:19 --> 00:42:57

you were both supposed to cleanse my house for these people, they thought if he will argue in regards to you. It's a really interesting dichotomy here. And the beginning of law says this was a house meant to have a place in the hearts of all people, and a place where all people can find peace. And then later on, he says, and this house must be kept pure for people who do the love at the golf ruler and sujood you know what that tells you that we have to invite all of humanity, all of humanity to this religion, so they can experience the massage and the amount of this house. That became our responsibility that house that love built as Abraham Ellison and built for the benefit of

00:42:57 --> 00:43:07

all humanity. Now that becomes our mission. We have to introduce them to that place. We need to we need to give them the gift of experiencing that peace that Allah has given us through tawaf and your takeoff and recover and

00:43:09 --> 00:43:22

that's inshallah Allah will conclude today. If not tomorrow, I'll read again some of the comments on the on Nakamura Brahim, and we'll go on and show love to the to the daughters of Abraham Odessa. barakallahu li walakum Hakim

00:43:27 --> 00:43:40

Our mission is to spread awareness of the message and divine beauty of Quran across the world. Support our [email protected] there's ba y y i n H dot o RG

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan delves into an explicit explanation of the Ayats 122 – 124 of Surah Al Baqarah.

One of the first things we learn about Bani Israel is that when they were tested with trials and tribulations of the highest degree, they constantly failed those tests. Another thing of interest is the attitude that they possessed believing that Allah had given them preference but Allah reminds them that even worse trials were afflicted on those before them. What was the honor Allah bestowed on Ibrahim AS? Allah made him the universal leader – the Imam over all humanity.

Ibrahim AS is the father of both the Arabs and the Non-Arabs – Ismael AS and Ishaq AS. 

Numerous lessons can be imbibed from this lecture.

  • We should look at the blessings that Allah SWT has given us and not envy others. 
  • We should be pleased and content with what others have been blessed, but should never pray for their blessings to be snatched.
  • We should also never lose focus of the Final Day – the Day of Judgment – the Day when man’s only concern will be his own salvation, so much so that parents will leave their children, and spouses and siblings will not worry about one another.
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