Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J03-036B Tafsir Al-Baqarah 267 Part 2
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Thirdly, we are taught an etiquette over here while at a young man will Habiba Minho wala and do not tell your mum who you are intend laka Yamamoto do not intend. This is from the root letters yummy meme, the word Tamil is from the same root, all right. And basically the time means a cost, okay to intend to aim for something to set your mind on something when you make time moon, okay? In the absence of water, you have to purify yourself in order to pray salah, you'd make TM Moon you're not physically purifying your body like you would with water. Right? Any for example, when you wash your face, or if you have to take a bath, you wash your body, you know you purify your body with the
water, right you clean it you remove the impurity you wash yourself. So you do that with water. When you make tanaman What do you do? You just have the intention of obtaining purity and then you pat your hands on Dust. All right, and then you wipe your face, you know blow over your hands. So you're not really purifying your body, what are you doing? You are intending purification All right. So this is the meaning of to move, to intend something to set your mind on something. So we are taught over here that will add to your mammal hobbies do not set your mind on the hubby's meaning when you are going to spend in the way of Allah give something in the way of Allah do not intend to give what
is impure, what is bad Cobis by the way is from Harbeth that and I'll hobbies over here hobbies can refer to impure as an unlawful wealth. So, for example, if a person earned some wealth unlawfully we discussed different examples earlier like Riba or theft so let's say a man will hobbies do not intend to give from what is impure from what is unlawful, all right. And secondly, hubbies can also refer to that which is bad, all right, that which is bad, like for instance, food that is expired, all right, or clothes that are so badly damaged or so worn out, or, you know, they are basically unwearable. All right, don't give that or furniture that is broken. That is you know, you cannot fix
it. You cannot really use it. Don't give that. So let's take a moment hobbies. Now isn't this interesting? It hasn't been said do not give hobbies lead to hobbies. Rather, it has been said let the young man will hobbies do not even intend to give what is impure to give what is haram to give what is bad, because don't even intend any don't even think about it. Don't even think about giving what is impure? Any, you see when you are thinking about giving sadaqa you think about the wealth that you have the kinds of property that you own. Let's go back to the refrigerator example. You're thinking about giving some food to someone they're hungry. All right, they're asking for food or you
know, they will benefit. So you think about all the things that are in your refrigerator. There is Ilana that you just baked yesterday, and you know that in your refrigerator there is also some video Annie which is like two weeks old, so you're thinking what to give. So you think about the two week old biryani don't even think about it. That's not even an option. Don't even consider it. Latta young mum will kabisa Minho do not intend the impure men who don't feel corner and now the word men who can be connected with a hobbyist or it can be connected with don't feel corner if we connected with hobbies. This means kabisa tuneful corner who any do not intend the hobbies from it from what
meaning from your wealth from what you have earned or from what we have produced for you from the earth. Okay, so for example, you have a harvest of tomatoes or of chilies don't give those chilies which have gone bad by now which smell weird. All right, or tomatoes which are in a rotten or which are spoiled don't even intend that from your harvest. Okay? Secondly men who can be connected with don't feel corner men who don't feel corner from it you spent okay meaning do not spend from it. So let your mumble kabisa men who don't feel corner well as to be FEV INLA and took me to fi while you all yourselves would not be one to take it at all except
In the case where you took me to fee where you would you know close your eyes or you would ask for a lesser price. Now let's look at the meanings of these words well as stone while you all are not meaning you yourselves are not be FTV at all ones who take it as he V. This is Alfie Veen Okay, plural of the word AF HIV, and our fifth is one who AKA a hada from Hamza ha than to take so our fave is one who takes all right, if he been one zoo take plural and the known of amphibian has been dropped to connected with the HA. So what are some B Fe you all yourselves would not be ones who take it, meaning the hubby's in law and except in the case that to me, Lo Fi, you all close your
eyes in regard to it, or in taking it or you all diminish the price when taking it. And to me Luffy let's look at the meaning of the word took me to dog noodle is from a vein meme blood. Okay, line meme blood. And it will meld is to basically close one's eyes. Okay, your mouth is to close one's eyes, and a mouth fee. Like over here and tofu fee. It means to have the price of an article brought down because of its inferior quality. Okay, so for example, you go to a store, they're selling, you know, let's say a hat. Okay, and the hat is $25. And you look at the quality of the hat, it's really not worth $25. All right, let's say it's damaged. Okay, so what are you gonna do? You're gonna go to
the counter, you're gonna say, Okay, this is damaged. All right? Would you reduce the price? And they agree that yes, it's damaged, we will reduce the price. Okay. So why did you ask for the price to be reduced? Because the property was damaged? All right, this is Ill mount fee something, what is the point? The point is that when you are giving something, then put yourself in the position of the receiver, would you like to receive what you're giving, you would like to receive something that is the tube something that is good, something that is halal, something that is of good quality, then you should also give what is the you what is of good quality. And if you would not take it yourself
except with his mouth, after having, you know, brought the price down. Like if it was a situation of buying and selling, you would only take it for a very cheap price. All right, then do not humiliate the other person by putting them in a situation like that, where they're being compelled to for something that is a very cheap quality. All right. So it mulled over here means first of all, that you take it with closed eyes. Why would someone take something with closed eyes, because it's embarrassing to receive it. It is of such cheap quality. It is so bad that it's embarrassing to receive it but you are desperately in need. So you take it anyway. So you take it with great QA with
dislike. So except that you will take it with great reluctance, great hesitation, great dislike, which is why you're closing your eyes with closed eyes. Right? Secondly, and told me Lo Fi means that you belittle it, and you would disregard it, you would think it does nothing not worth taking your note that it's not worth taking it. So for it, it's quality that if you were to buy a thing like this, you would definitely have the price brought down. So inland told me to fee basically you would only take it out of courtesy not that it fulfills a need or that it is honorable to receive it. No. So we are being taught over here to put ourselves in the position of the receiver. If we
would not like to receive what we are giving then we should not give it how would you feel if someone gave you a piece of meat that is have eaten? Would you eat it? Would you take it? No, you wouldn't want to receive it and if someone insists Yes, you will take it but with great dislike. Right? With great hesitation. So don't make it awkward for the receiver. Don't humiliate and embarrass them by giving them something of cheap quality wireless or more and you all should know and hola hola ne Yun Hamid that indeed Allah is LUNNEY he is free of need. He is rich. He is not in need of our charities. Allah azza wa jal is by
He only accepts that which is the Yep. So you should know that Allah is money. He doesn't need your charity, you need your charity. So give what is of good quality, give what is lawful. And Senator Hatch is 37 We learned layan Allah Allahu Allahu her wala Dima Guha, we're lacking in Allah with the coulomb income. When you slaughter an animal, the meat of the animal and the blood of the animal does not reach Allah what reaches Allah is the piety of your hearts. So Allah is not in need of your charity, Allah is looking at the condition of your heart. Right? That how are you giving it and this means that you are also making sure that you give what Allah subhanaw taala would like, and that is
the Ube that is what is good. And Allah is honey, Allah does not benefit from our charities because he is rich, it is we who seek Him through our charities. So how do you want to seek ALLAH through charity that is off, you know, bad quality or charity that is a good quality. And you think about it if you want to please someone, okay, you want to please someone? Let's say your spouse is upset with you and you want to get them a gift in order to or do something for them to make them happy. What are you going to do? Are you going to go and get something that they dislike? Or are you going to do something which really, you know, makes them happy, you're going to get them something even if it's
something very small, but something that you know, makes them happy. So, when you are striving for Allah subhanaw tarnis approval, when Allah is money, he's not in need of our charity. Then give charity in the best way give what is of good quality, give according to the teachings that Allah subhanaw taala has given and Allah subhanaw taala is Hamid. Now, Hamid, this is also have a smile on her sinner, Allah subhanaw taala has beautiful names, her made this from the root letters how meme doll and hand is praise and Hamid means two things. First of all, Hamid means Hamid, one who praises okay one who praises so Allah praises, who his righteous slaves who do righteous acts. So when you
do something good for the sake of Allah, like you're giving sadaqa and you give what is the year? All right, then this is something that will bring you Allah subhanaw taala has approval, Allah subhanaw taala will praise You, Allah subhanaw taala will appreciate you and do you not want Allah subhanaw taala his appreciation? How are you seeking it then through what kind of charity? Secondly, Hamid also means Muhammad, Muhammad as one who is praised, one who is worthy of praise? And Hamid is one who is always praiseworthy, he is always worthy of praise, because his actions are perfect, his attributes are perfect, His names are perfect, his words are excellent. And he Allah subhanaw taala
has always praiseworthy. So, what are you doing for his sake? What kind of charity does Allah subhanaw taala deserve from you that when you give in his name, what are you giving? And when you keep something for yourself, what are you keeping? What does Allah subhanaw taala deserve from you and he is Hamid. So wirelend was an Allah Negan Hamid, keep that in mind when you are giving in the way of Allah for the approval of Allah. Now, in Hadees, we learned that this IO was revealed about some unsought who brought cheap poor quality dates and hung them in the masjid for the US herbal sofa. Okay, let's have a sofa, we're basically those companions who had migrated to Medina. And now
that they were in Medina, they didn't exactly have any homes, any family, all right. And they didn't really have any wealth of their own because they had to leave everything behind in order to get to Medina. And even though they could financially establish themselves in Medina, you know, by working every day, by you know, doing something or the other to have a source of income, etcetera, they chose not to do so. Why? Because they would spend their time where, in the masjid, all right, or in the battlefield, they would spend their time learning from the prophets of Allah who early who settled on preserving the religion of Allah. All right. And also whenever there was, you know, time
for jihad, they're the ones who would go forth. So these people essentially didn't have the time to go and earn for themselves. All right. So let's have a sofa. The people off the bench they work
called. So the unsought what they would do is that whenever they would harvest their dates, they would you know, bring them and then hang them in the masjid so that the US herbal sofa could eat whenever they wanted whatever they wanted. So, what at one occasion the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam saw that there was a branch of dates that were visibly of a very poor quality, okay, in Hadith in its describe rotten, shriveled dates, anything about it if you, you know, sometimes you open a box of dates and you take one out and it's got bugs in it, or it smells funny, or it's so hard, shriveled, dried, any It's so upsetting to eat something like that. And we eat dates for
luxury. They ate dates as their regular food, right? So we learn that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was very upset on seeing those dates. And this IO was revealed at that time that led to a young man will Habiba men who don't feel calm, while a stone be Arkady Illa and talk me a little fee. All right, but vinyasa bro de la Horne, who reported that this was revealed regarding some of the unsought at the time of the new date palm harvest, they will take a bunch of dates that were beginning to ripen and hang it on a rope between two of the pillars in the masjid of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the MaHA Jun would eat from it. And one person
deliberately mixed a bunch containing rotten and Tribble dates and thought it was permissible because of the large number of dates that had been put there. So he said, you know, no harm if there are some which are rotten, if there are some which are shriveled, which are inedible. All right, so this was revealed. We also learned in a hadith and Sunnah necessity, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came out with a stick in his hand, and a man had hung up a bunch of dry and bad deeds, and he started hitting that bunch of dates. And he said, I wish that the one who gave the sadaqa had given something better than this, because the one who gave these dry bad dates will eat
dry bad dates on the Day of Judgment, stuff that Allah any you will get on the Day of Judgment, what you give now. So would you like to receive something like this on the Day of Judgment? No, if you don't want to receive it, then don't give it right now. And you know, there is a very important principle that the prophets of Allah, whoever it is that I'm taught us, that none of you can truly believe until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself. Right? So what kind of food would you like to eat yourself? Same kind of food give to others? What kind of clothing would you like to wear for yourself? Same kind of clothing give to others? What kind of furniture would you like to
take? Give the same kind to others? And since the context is of the masjid, we also need to see that when we donate something to the masjid, what is it like? Many times it happens that people you know, bring out their old furniture and they just donate it to the masjid. And God forbid if a masjid begins to collect slightly or gently used clothing, or slightly gently used, you know, pieces of furniture, things like that. Literally, the Masjid looks like a dump, because of the way that people will just bring whatever they want to get rid off and as dumping in the masjid and let the masjid admin have to deal with it. And it becomes a burden on them. Because now they have to pay literally,
I have witnessed such events where Masjid management has to pay for such articles to be picked up from the masjid property to be taken to the dump. Because they're unusable, unusable. So people will bring it in their trucks and dump it at the masjid. But then the masjid has to spend the money in order for all of those things to be removed. So give to others what you will take for yourself. In a hadith we learned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he He taught his family the best of actions, he held them at a very high standard. Okay. We learned in a hadith that once lizard meat was gifted to the Prophet sallallahu earlier Salam and he did not eat it, even though it's
permissible. He did not eat it because it was not something that he was accustomed to. Sorry, Chateau de la Mancha. You know, she said a messenger of Allah, shall we not give it to the poor? And he said, Don't give what you will not eat yourself. And if you find it hard to eat this, then why impose it on someone else who is hungry and desperate for food? Yes, if there is someone who wants to eat it, all right, who is accustomed to it doesn't mind eating it, then sure, give it to them. But if you know that they will not like it, then
Don't embarrass them, right? They're being forced to take it but they take it with great hesitation. And another thing we see in this idea is that we should give what is halal, right? We learn in a hadith in Sahih, urban headband, that the person who acquires unlawful wealth or collects wealth that is haram, and then he gives sadaqa from it, he will get no reward from it. Instead, what can is true RLA he, its burden will be on him, meaning you will actually earn sin Subhanallah in EVE a person gives from haram wealth, then it doesn't bring any reward whatsoever. And the sin of acquiring haram wealth, that sin continues, as long as a person keeps that haram wealth. So now
there is a question, what if a person has acquired wealth unlawfully? What should they do with it? Let's not you know, talk about why how, you know, everyone has a history. All right. People make mistakes, people sometimes unknowingly earn what is unlawful? The main thing is what if someone has haram wealth with them? What should they do with it? Because if they give sadaqa, that sadaqa will not benefit them. So first of all, what a person should do with it is that they should return that wealth to those whom it lawfully belongs to. Okay. So for instance, if it is wealth that they stole, or they unlawfully took through a court case, you know, dragging someone through court, and they
took a lot of their property like that, and they know that they're not it's lawful owners, then what should they do? Part of their Toba is that they should return the wealth to its rightful owners. Okay, they should return the wealth to those who whom the wealth actually belongs to. Okay. However, what if it is such that, you know, it doesn't belong to an individual? Like, for example, if it's interest that a person has earned by keeping their money in a certain type of a bank account? All right, they have earned interest from the bank. What should they do with that? Well, that interest money even if it's a couple of dollars, what should they do with that? Then they have to get rid of
it. All right, they have to get rid of that wealth, as part of their Toba. If they give it to charity, with the intention of earning reward to someone who was poor, Allah subhanaw taala will not accept that charity, if they get rid of it. All right, then Allah subhanaw taala will accept their repentance, meaning they should not keep that wealth with them, they must get rid of it. How can they get rid of it? There's different ways. For instance, national zakat foundation and in Canada, they accept money, which is impure, alright, unlawful earnings. Why in order to use it in ways for which the ruler might have given a fatawa that yes, unlawful earnings can be used for this cause.
For instance, there is a student who took a loan, and they have accumulated a lot of interest on top of that. Now, not only do they have to pay off the loan, they also have to pay off the interest. Let's say the interest amount is $2,000. All right, and 20,000 is the actual loan. So now the $2,000, which is of pure interest, organizations like that will help you pay off that interest money with someone else's interest money, you get it impure, for impure, that's how you get rid of it, that you use impure money to pay off a debt that is impure. Because, for example, if the student you know, they have to pay $22,000 off, right, that's the total debt that they have now, but 2000 of
that is just interest. Why should someone's pure money be spent to give to pay off? What is impure? All right. So there are Muslim organizations that will facilitate this. Do your research nationals ACAT foundation in Canada, I'm aware that they have a program like that. So something like that you can talk to your local Masjid management and find out what they have in place. But the main thing is, what we learn is that if a person has hot on money sitting with them, then as long as they keep it, they earn sin if they have repented from it. All right. They have repented. They have made Toba from earning money in Haram way, then they must get rid of that head on wealth. That is part of
Toba. You cannot keep that haram wealth with you and say oh whatever is done is done. No. If you have truly repented to a
lovin you must dispose off that HUD on wealth all right and Warren a mu n Allah Helga Yun Hamid