Nouman Ali Khan – Surah Yusuf #7

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The importance of "na" and "rodo" in Arabic language is discussed, as it is a legal act. The speakers emphasize the importance of showing the best story in a comprehensive view of the Quran and not just giving information. The importance of proving one's favorite story and finding the best way to tell it is emphasized. The importance of storytelling in the way people think about their experiences is also emphasized. The importance of finding a surah in a surah and finding the best way to tell it is emphasized. The importance of storytelling is emphasized, and the ultimate goal is to teach the audience what they need to know to make a good story.
AI: Transcript ©
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arugula homina shaitana Raji nanako sweida ax and alkazi Bhima hyena la caja de PUE

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waiting time in Cabo de la mina aloha fi publisher history with Emily melissani of cocoa leaf and hamdulillah salat wa salam O Allah Rasool Allah Allah Allah He

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once again everybody salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Today, we're going to try to discuss the third idea of salt yourself. I want to start off by saying that yesterday, I know the sound was pretty bad. And I know more than half the comments are contemplating on the sound quality of these lectures. So that's cool. But there are two copies of these lectures being made. One I tried to do off of the phone, actually, for the live broadcasts, we are in COVID-19, limited resources, and the other is being uploaded, you know, it's being professionally recorded, and that gets edited and then eventually uploaded to be in a TV. So there are two copies of this that have been worked on.

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Regardless, I'll do my best to work on the sound quality and run some tests in Sharla. It'll get better over time, so bear with me. Anyway, so today, I want to get started with the third eye of sort of causes. It's actually even hard to translate just straightforward, but I will try to do so first. So you have an idea of the subject matter that this is dealing with some pretty amazing things in here. una casa de la casa del casas, we are the ones in fact, that narrate onto the story in the best possible way it can be told NASA asset classes, be my ohana. ilica, huddle Quran, by by way of having inspired this hold on to you, meaning it's talking to the prophets of Allah Salaam,

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first and foremost, we're in contact in public, he let me know how you're feeling. And, and for sure, for a long time before this, or you could even mean for sure. Up until now, up until right before you were being told the story, let me know that if you didn't, you truly were from those who are unaware, meaning you had no idea what the story is. Now, this ayah has a lot to unpack. And there's some pretty powerful things in here. So I'm going to try to organize my thoughts and present them to you one by one, so that we can get ready for iron number four tomorrow, which is the start of the story itself. But this is again a law, you know, setting our minds in the right direction

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orienting us before we get into the story of this remarkable story in the Quran. The first thing that Allah is taking, taking into tattoo emphasis, as he speaks to us here is the words nano nano nakasu. In Arabic, you could just say no, so we narrate. But he says nothing una cosa we, in fact, we narrate so he double iterates himself. And the purpose of that is to highlight that this story is not being told by the prophet, it's being told by Allah and the origin, that it's not just the information, that is that is being delivered to you, the way in which the story is being told, is attributed to Allah. Because as everybody knows, there's the story and there's the way in which you

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tell the story. So Allah is taking full advantage, full credit, actually, of being the one who's not only telling the story, but narrating it in this specific or this particular way. It's also important that in the previous ayah, we saw in nutans, Allah who Koran an Arabic and it is, in fact, we we sent it down as an Arabic Quran. So if you start from the beginning of the surah, we saw those are the heart of the book in the heavens. And then from that book, we've sent it down as an Arabic Quran. And within that Quran, we're the ones that are telling this story. So we started with the ultimate book, down to the recital being happening to the prophet SAW Selim, and from there to the

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story. So it's kind of zooming in, it's honing in, you know, from the larger to the smaller to the smaller.

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The word costs is really important, because they translate this as a lot of common translations say we tell you the best of all stories, or we narrate unto you the best of all stories, we're gonna have to dig into that a little bit. The Arabic word is the sign Arabic can be used in the meaning of story, but usually the Quran uses the word surah. Or rather, it's plural, assaulted, and assaulted came into Arabic word or stole or came into Arabic from Greek or studia. And from Greek it also went into Latin languages like English and became the word story will store our story. And the same origin when it came into Arabic became assaulted, like legends and stories. The word Casa however,

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is not quite story precise is actually a story or an account, a historical account. It could be a story, it could be any narration in which a speaker is taking you step by step. Okay? So, pasa literally means to follow step by step. That's what Casa means, okay? And that's the meaning in which it occurs in certain causes. When the mother of musar told his sister to go follow him step by step she used the same word. She said, Go see he follow him step by step. Now that's important because what that means is the story

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Tell her are the the one telling you the historical account? whatever they're telling you. They decide what to tell you first, then what to tell you second, then what to tell you. Third, what and it's not just what to tell you. It's what this what the speaker wants you to feel. What words did they put first? What words that they put second, what characters did they introduce you to first? What characters did they introduce you to second? If two things were happening at the same time, you know how you guys don't watch movies because you're also Islamic. So I don't even know how you're on social media. But you know, sometimes in movies, you have scenes happening at the same time, like

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Meanwhile, back at the ranch, right? So there's a Meanwhile, meaning to things are happening at the same time. But the producer of the film, as the federal law has to pick one scene, show you that and then say Meanwhile, or three days ago, or you know, two hours later, and then they show you this other scene, right? So, but they decide what to show you first and what to show you. Second, I want to show you third. That's what happens in film telling or film, film production, or storyboarding, what they call storyboarding, right. So the storyboarding in this account is being done by a large project himself. So that's one really important piece of this. The other actually is that there's a

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difference between when someone tells you like a crafted story and the way in which they tell you. And when someone just kind of just gives you information, I'm reminded of a ridiculous story, but it's one of those things that are, you know, they they inform my approach and methodology and teaching quite a bit when I used to be a Sunday school teacher. In New York, one time, I had a group of nine to I actually had the group of teenagers. And next to us, was a group of eight to 12 year olds, so and you know, the machine doesn't have different rooms. So you're all in the same room, but they're separated by a partition. So you can't see the kids in the next group over from you. But you

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can certainly hear them. Right. So their teacher walks in, and he was going to tell them sort of use of and the story of use of and they said that day, and we're just kind of doing our work, and we I can overhear him. He comes in he goes, do you know what the best story of all time is? Who can tell me what's the best story of all time. And all these kids raised their hand, and I can hear the enthusiasm from the other side, like, ooh, like, when you start hearing those monkey sounds, you know, the kids are really into class. So I put my kids on pause, I kind of snuck over and wanted to see what's going on on the other side. And what happens, one kid picks up his hand, Dragon Ball.

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As I look, it knows that Dragon Ball, you know, the storyline, and then he gets named some other game. This guy goes, No, it's Transformers epic story, bro. And then they start arguing with each other about which story is the best. And each one of them is hooked on to a different TV show, or a different movie. And whatever TV series and the class breaks out into this intense debate about what the best storyline is, and then one of them says something. And it was Yeah, that was awesome. And the teacher is just at a loss. Like, this is not where I was going with this. Because what he was trying to do is, this is one of its translations that they say is, we tell you the best of all

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stories, right? So this played out very differently in the mind of that teacher, he's gonna walk in and say, do you know what the best story of all time is children and the kids were going to be like yourself.

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That's not what he got. That's not how that worked out at all. But it does beg the question a lot. He's making a pretty tall claim that he's telling the best of all stories. That means that he's done, there is no other story. That's better. Right? So then he's put this story and allegedly in direct competition, with every novel, every kid's story, every video game that has a storyboard, every movie, every TV show, every legend, I mean, every story, any story that's ever been told, he's saying this is better. And obviously, if somebody asks you, what's your favorite movie? What's your favorite cartoon show? What's your favorite story? Everybody will have a different answer. Right? So

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you can't scientifically prove No, this is the best story and you can also say, because Allah said, so. Okay, that's it. It's when you consider something the best story, it's a matter of how you feel about it. It's how attached you are to it, how it moves you how you want to watch it over and over again. people that get that people that have a favorite movie, they'll watch the same movie 20 times. My kids and I watched Finding Nemo, I think was 25 times is a good good 25 times they met their whole father Finding Nemo, I am to pee Sherman 42 wallaby way Sydney, Australia, I know

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something that way. Because it you found it entertaining, you found it fun, there isn't go back to it over and over again. That's actually proof that that's the best story to them. Right? But the question is when Allah says he tells the best of all stories, that's kind of a tall order. How do you back

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claim up, you know, this is not some scientific argument. There's not a mathematical computation that I can prove it, that this is the best story. This is why you have to have a comprehensive view of the Quran or you and I have to have a comprehensive view of the Quran, you have to take a step back and understand something. The Quran gave stories to us for a very particular purpose. The same purpose for which the Quran said every word of Allah said every word of the Quran for one exclusive purpose, to guide humanity to guide humanity in what they need.

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Not to entertain humanity, not to not to draw humanity's attention to something fun. You're not to wow them. Those are those things can happen. But there's one thing that's the goal of the Quran. The goal of the Quran is there's not a story will be told not an ayah will be revealed Not a word will be said that doesn't go back to one fundamental purpose. Human beings are in need of guidance. Austin's act like a human being said straight. Okay, thank you. Okay. Human beings are in need of guidance. And so when the story is being told, then allow Allah is telling us, he tells the best of all stories, and I'll put in parentheses so you understand he there's no one that can tell a better

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story, where every element of it, every character of it, every line from that story, every event in that story, every scene in that story will have guidance for countless people throughout countless generations, through countless cultures. And they'll all get guidance from the same exact story, and they'll get something for their life that will make their life better from the same exact story from every single scene from every single line. Nobody can do that better than a luck hand. This is not no naka su la casa de cosas. Then come to the next part. Allah is telling you the best of all stories he already said previously, that he sent us as an Arabic Quran right? And now he's telling

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you as he's telling you the best story in the best way. What does that tell you? He chose this language because in its richness, Allah azza wa jal used its richness to tell the story in the best possible and the most rich possible way that it can be told. That's what allows authentic in this story. Now we get to the phrase accidental causes, as I know, the word causes, actually means to narrate. It's the infinitive form. So one, and I won't get into technicalities with you, and shala in a subsequent discussion, which is suhaib. I'm going to release some of those to the conversations we have about the seed of these are the technicalities of it. So we'll put that aside. But for you

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guys, I need you to know some basics. One way to translate this is excellent Naxos meaning, and its objects. What that means in Simple English is the best of all stories, that's a common translation. So we were telling you the best of all stories.

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So we'll keep that as number one. Number two, we're telling you the story in the best way that it can be told.

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Okay, that's the number two. And here's the number three, we're telling you the best of the story. So I've given you three, the best of all stories,

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the best, the best way of telling the story, and the best of the story. And we have to dig into each of these. Let's start with the best of all stories. You see a lot is the architect of whom the story of humanity from Adam alayhis, salaam, every single human being that's ever lived, has a story doesn't don't they, every one of us has a story. From the from the moment we were born, to the moment we're going to be put in the ground, we're going to have a story every day is a story every year is a story, every event in our life is a story. And every one of us has profound moments and stories in in our in our careers. Right. And then what historians try to do. Historians try to

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capture not the story of one person, but a story of a region, the story of a nation, major events, big stories, right? So they're gonna try to capture who conquered Who? or How did this great, you know, construction get built? or How did this empire rise? Or how did that Empire fall or this is what historians tried to capture, instead of trying to capture the story of one person. And even if they did, let's just say a historian is interested in a cake, and the history of a king and the life of a king. They're not going to know or they're not going to be interested. And even if they were they couldn't find what happened in the bedroom of the king, or what kind of conversations that he

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used to have with his kids in the morning. Or, you know, what was his? What were the favorite things to do in his free time, you won't know those things about the king. All you will know is the king issued this decree, the king had this policy, the king going into this war, this these were the triumphs of the king. These were the failures of the king, the big stuff that the public knows, everybody knows. That's what history is about. Right? But when Allah tell Allah chose from all of those stories, the personal ones that nobody recorded, right, like, I'm a parent, and I have children, and 3000 years ago, on some other continent, there was another parent and they also had

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children. Yes, they had their story to have all those stories, public and private. Allah decided that I

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handful of them are so important. And he will not even the entire stories, the ones that he picked, there are certain scenes from these people's stories that are so important that the way I will talk about them in my book will guide humanity till the end of time.

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So, of all of the stories that exist, of all of the human beings that Allah created, he chose certain stories, the story of Moosa, the story of the people of the cave, the story, and there are lots more stories that were happening in China at the time, there was a lot more happening in Africa at the time, there was other things happening in Australia at the time, the world had stories going on. You know, somebody once asked me, the Quran talks about the story of Noah, or talks about the story of Luke or Sally. But at the same time, other things were happening other places around didn't talk about those. This is the answer to that question.

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Allah did not take it upon himself to tell us everything that was happening in the world, it's not a history book, a lot took it upon himself to tell us the stories of those that he deemed in his wisdom that we need to know until Judgment Day.

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And even then, when he chose, like, for example, new had a salon, let's just take nucleosomes example. Everybody knows that nobody should live between 950 to 1000 years, depending on how you interpret the ayah. You know, alpha Sen. Illa, some Senior Airman could mean he lived 1000 years minus 50. So 950, it could also mean he lived 1000 1000

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difficult years, say 50, that weren't so hard, you could interpret that in two ways. So it could be 950 to 1000 years. That's a lot of years. Maybe a page was written to summarize each year, one page to capture everything that happened and how long one year, a page is nothing right? for a whole year, you could write 10 pages for what happens in one day. Right? But if even if you took one page per year, for 1000 years, how many pages would that be? That'd be 1000 pages. Does the Koran tell the story of normally serving 1000 pages? No, he doesn't. This leads me to the third, I said there are three interpretations, the best of all stories. So he chose these stories of all other stories,

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the ones that are in the Quran. But the third interpretation was the best of the story.

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of all those 1000 years, which were countless conversations with generations of people in the story of Noah police around, there were some conversations, some events, some back and forth, that he decided he will select of those endless hours, those few seconds of moments that he will select, that he will put in a score on this is what he calls us and allows us also, we took the best of what was needed for humanity's guidance, and pulled it out from the larger story.

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So what we started first with was the story of all human beings. And from them, he chose very, very few to tell the stories of and within those human beings that he chose to tell the story of he chose very little of their stories to tell us why so little, because those little things are heavier than everything else put together because of the value they have in terms of guidance. Okay, and then the middle interpretation, I told you, the second one was the best way can be told. And this now explains what is it mean? The best way it can be told everything Allah will tell us is actually going to be the there was no better way to say this, or no better way to illustrate this for the

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benefit of you to learn something that you need in your life. That's actually the goal in the Quran. So when you're reading a story in the Quran, you have to actually stop and pause and ask yourself, why did Allah tell me this detail in the story? What do I learned from that? I need to learn something from it. There's no frivolous detail. There's no detail for artistic purposes.

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There's no Comic Relief on the side. There's nothing superfluous nothing was added on to make it a little extra spicy, nothing. Everything goes back to that fundamental purpose of guidance. That's accidental causes. So this is this is the second dimension. These are the dimensions of our causes. Now what does that do? If you compare I told you before the story of Joseph has been revealed in previous scripture, it exists. So if you simply said if this I only means we tell you the best story, and that it's a story of who you serve, then somebody will come along and say, Oh, well, thanks for telling us the best story. We already knew it.

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Because it's already there.

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So then that's not enough of the meaning there's there multiple dimensions of the meaning. We're not just telling you the best story, we're telling you to you in the best possible way it can be told now Ally's saying that the way that he's telling the story this time is different from previous scripture. And you're going to get some beauty from it acid doesn't just mean best. It also means the most beautiful

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and I'll hosted well, Jamal are synonymous in Arabic. So the most beautiful way the story can be told, meaning you'll you'll retrieve guidance from it in the most beautiful ways that wasn't accessible. It'll make you think about things you didn't think about before.

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it'll, it'll take your mind in directions it didn't go in before. It'll open up thought it'll open up reflection from the same events that never opened up before. So he says Bhima ohana ilica has

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the next part of this ayah. So we're telling you that festivals are telling you the story in the best way can possibly told be told, on account of the fact that we are, by by way of having this Koran being inspired to you, meaning allies telling the prophets I seldom you're getting this way of storytelling. Nobody else got it before you, Musa alayhis salam did not get storytelling like this. This is only a quality of this Quran. This Quran is unique in the way it tells stories. Now, one of the things that you're going to see

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that is this is the time dimension because Allah is now seeing the Quran, his way of telling stories is different from even previous scripture, this especially given to us will last a little longer. So in the way that he inspired the squat onto him. Like I have this recital is unique in the way that it tells stories. So let's pause for a second and understand what makes the Qurans way of storytelling unique. There are lots of things that make it unique, but a few things that that are connected to the word cosas. I must explain now because Allah Himself used the word cost us right now. Una Casa La Casa del cosas. I told you Casa means to take a step, then another step, then

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another step. Yes. I'll give you an example from this little itself.

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At one point in the surah,

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Yusuf Alayhi Salam is sold into slavery. Machado who be some become an unboxing, the raw human model that they sold him for a very cheap price. Okay. He's a little kid, and he's been sold as a child slave. And a minister in Egypt has bought him. So in one ayah, he's been sold as a slave.

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In the next ayah, the one who bought him has already brought him all the way to Egypt, and he's talking to his wife and says, Take care of his housing. crema flow

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in the next so he's still a kid, right? But that's that when he when they when he bought him that was out in the boonies somewhere. By the time he came to his palace, was that a long trip? Yeah. The Quran talks about the trip at all? No. Did you have any interaction with Yusef in the middle? I'm sure.

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He just purchased this child and he realized the child is special. Because you can tell he said it to his wife that this kid seems to be special. You can tell from the way he's speaking there. But Koran doesn't mention any of it. it skips all of it. And one is telling you he was bought the next day. We're already in the minister's house in Egypt all the way. So is there a big jump? Yeah. And then after that I Allah says and then he when he became a teenager,

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in the next IRA, he's no longer a child. He's already a young man.

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Already a young man and in an eye after that, he gets into this scandalous situation.

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So in for IOD, we probably covered a decade of use of life.

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In for if we just went, I mean, if you say step by step by step, each step is like a Olympic leap. We skipped over a lot of details to take the next step, then a lot of details. So the next step, you understand what I'm saying? So the idea is that Allah when he tells the story, he also a great storyteller knows what step to tell next, what step to tell next, what step to tell next. Those of you some of you are really good at telling jokes. And some of you are horrible at telling jokes, because you don't know how to launch how to wait for the punchline. When you start laughing at your own joke before you tell it. There's an art to storytelling, there's an art to you know, there's an

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art to creating interest. And there are there's a there's a sometimes you want to create a mystery, sometimes you want to skip certain things. That's part of storytelling. That's that's the art of storytelling. Remember, that's the example I gave you a teacher who said, Oh, gonna tell you the best of all stories and that whole thing broke out. And he said,

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You are in the house of Allah. It is the story of Yusuf alayhi salam.

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And they all said

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Because the way that you tell the story is so boring.

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Honestly, it's like your your Terminator, your robot telling the story. Use of a syrup was taken from his family when he was a child, and then they put him in a world and a kid sitting in Sunday School is going to get a lot put me in a well is better than

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when he says he tells the best stories. Well, you know what it has to be matched with our own enthusiasm. When we tell our kids stories, we have to tell them in an enthusiastic way. We have to learn something from the Koran style of storytelling, but the point I was getting at those jumps that I was talking about.

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It seems that Allah is not just teaching us what to pay attention to. Allah is also teaching us what to skip. He's teaching us what to skip because

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He's extremely selective in what he told us. And he decided to not tell us a bunch of things. I mean, he never told us the minister's name.

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He never told us to the woman who tried to seduce us, we never told us her name.

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He never told us her age or whatever happened. There are things that are missing. You use his brother's threw him in a in a well, we don't know their names here.

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There's no mention of there is there his brother their brothers.

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And on one of them said, Don't tell him just throw him in a well, and which one, one of them. The guy who spoke like Allah decided to de emphasize certain things, and emphasize other things. That's actually part of our training. Because Allah is teaching us what deserves focus, and what doesn't deserve focus. Nobody's a better teacher than Allah. Nobody knows these details better than Allah. And nobody has the right to withhold those details more than a law does. So when a law decided to withhold these details, there's a purpose for them, because he wants you to go from this step to that step. He doesn't he wants to skip the other 1000 steps that were in between. Those don't know

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they don't matter. Why don't they matter. They may be interesting information. They may be historical facts, but they don't serve your guidance. So you, here's the next step that serves your guidance. Now, here's the next step that serves your guidance, you see that. So we go straight to what matters and what matters and what matters and what matters. That's a process. And that's the way of telling the story. This also, you know, gives me the opportunity to share with you how come in the Quran, other than this surah the norm in the Quran is that you don't find an entire story in one place. You find in a surah, a little bit of the story, a little bit of that story, a little bit

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of that story. And then it's not even in chronological order. And then some of that story is repeated, but some new details are added in some other Sora and then some other solo and then some others. So why not just take all of the musar stories and put them in one place. Call it so let Moosa be done with it. Or how conservative Rahim only has a little bit of Ibrahim, but there's way more Ibrahim Al Baqarah. Then there's other Ibrahim and other places. Why not just take all the Abraham's and myka potentilla, Brahim, right? How can not take all the accounts of us you know, the use of our son we have in one place but what why not take money? Or, you know easily Salam or

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zaccaria Elisa and put them all in one place? That's not what the Quran does. The question is, why not? Because the Quran his purpose wasn't to tell you the story. Every soldier has a purpose and its purpose is always guidance, right. And part of that guidance is for the lessons Allah wants to teach you in this surah. Here are some things from that story that will help this lesson. And here are some other things from this other story that will help that lesson.

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So what will be taken from the stories elements, a little bit of this story, a little bit of the story, a little bit of that story, because the point wasn't the story. The point was the guidance that's coming at the end. So they're all connected by, you know, what you call

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case studies. Right when when somebody's writing a paper they put case studies example, one example two example three case study, one case study two case study, to present their thesis, the surah has a thesis, and in order for that thesis to be presented, pieces of the story will be taken, which leads us to a curiosity about the surah at hand. This surah unlike any other is its thesis itself seems to be the story of users. Usually the story is not the thesis. But this time, in a unique way. Allah decided that this entire surah should revolve around one story. And that story doesn't have one theme. It has multiple themes. There's lots of things going on here. There's lots of lessons to

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be learned. But Allah decided uniquely to make this soda like no other and that also justifies that this is the best way of storytelling that you will find arguably even in the Quran, like Quran has the best stories to begin with. And the best of them is the way that the story of Yusuf has been told. So it stands on its own, because usually only a part of the surah or the part of the story serves the purpose of a particular kind of guidance. But in this surah every piece of the story mentioned is going towards the larger thesis of the of the surah itself. It seems that every bit of that if all of these events are going towards these these things that we are going to need in you

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know we're going to be the ones who need to learn these lessons. So now we get to the last part where in quantum in Kabbalah, he let me know happy I love this part. For sure you used to be just even just before this suit I came you were from those who truly had no clue, meaning you had no clue who yourself is. You had no clue who his brothers are. You had no clue what happened with him. The Prophet has been told you had absolutely no clue of any of these things. In other words, as this sutra is coming out of his mouth,

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he's hearing it for the first time too. Can you just imagine this for a second? Like he's reciting the sutra and people are like

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And he himself is going,

00:30:04 --> 00:30:08

as he saying, because he himself is unaware of what's about to be sad.

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When Google came in calmly, a moment before you said this, you didn't know

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a moment before you said, when you said to his brothers, I saw 11 stars, the sun in the moon, the, you know, I kind of know what I'm going to say before I say it. But what's what's being told to us about him? Even the moment before you say it, you have no clue what you're about to say.

00:30:34 --> 00:31:11

You have no clue. It's coming from Allah azza wa jal, we're in gutermann. Complete aminophylline. He's actually telling this to the one he's reciting this. He's reciting this to himself. He's telling him, he's telling himself the story, by the words of Allah. Be my ohana ilica. Has Khurana in condemning Kabbalah he let me know Javi amazing. And then can you imagine the wonder and the enthusiasm with which our messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would for the first time recite this ayah and then would recite the next tire and then recite the next because every ayah is a new discovery about a Prophet he never knew.

00:31:12 --> 00:31:14

Right? I want to profit in evernew.

00:31:16 --> 00:31:52

I'm going to take five minutes, and I'm going to do something that I was going to hold off until the end. But since we brought up our profits item and his enthusiasm towards the learning of this story, Masuda la solo Shalom, it said that the surah was given to him in one of the hardest years of his life, he lost his wife, who was a major support for him called the Chateau de la la. He lost his uncle who was a financial, social and political support for him. We'll call him, right. So the mccanns are now you know, no holds barred. There's nothing holding them back from attacking him, and going after him and physically torturing him. And, you know, he's already going through the mental

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and emotional anguish, anguish of having lost his partner, and having lost his uncle. And on top of that muffins are at their worst. Now this is one of the worst years and the Macan seal of the prophets, life sucks on him. And in the midst of all of that, Allah decided to give him the story of use of honey Salam. From the Arabic etymology point of view, the word Yusuf is set to be tied to the word SF, which means sadness. So the one who experienced sadness is what they say from the Arabic point of view is the meaning of the name, use of inshallah, in another session, I'll share with you the Hebrew meaning of the word, because it's originally Hebrew. Now, what's remarkable about the

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stories use of Hassan is going to go through a lot of turmoil, a lot of sadness. And in the end, he's going to see peaceful resolution.

00:32:38 --> 00:32:41

Now Allah has been telling him the story of Masada Salaam a lot.

00:32:42 --> 00:32:50

And he's been telling you about the fifth round a lot. You guys know that right? A lot talks to the prophets, bla bla bla, about the pharaoh quite a bit. Now what happened with the pharaoh at the end?

00:32:51 --> 00:33:09

He drowned was a violent end, right? And the lamb is worried every time he hears Pharaoh and the violent and why? Because he doesn't want that for his people. He loves them. He doesn't want to see anybody destroyed and he's the final messenger. If he sees his people destroyed, who's what guidance will be left after him.

00:33:10 --> 00:33:24

So he's, he's wanting a peaceful resolution, you find that the, at the end of this this remarkable story, please pay attention to this part. This is a little a little bit crazy, but I gotta tell you, cuz you know, it's Facebook. It's okay.

00:33:26 --> 00:33:52

So this happened about five, six years ago, I was flying from London to Manchester, my friend. fame was chef for him, was playing with me, I have the habit of passing out on a plane before it takes off and waking up after landing. It's my thing. Right? So the by the, by the time they say, can I get you? That's it. And then sir, we've landed, get off. That's, that's the thing. So Alhamdulillah

00:33:53 --> 00:34:09

but in the middle of my flight, I woke up. And I turned to him and I said, they're all connected. And he's like, what's all connected? I said, The dreams, the three dreams in the Quran. They're all connected. What are you talking about? What did you read this? I was like, I didn't I didn't read it. I saw it in a dream.

00:34:11 --> 00:34:43

So it's like what are you talking about? So I explained it to him. There are three dreams in the Quran. The dream in the surah what's the dream I saw? 11 stars, the sun. I'm talking about dreams of the prophets, not the dream of the king, the fat cows and the skinny cows. Dreams of prophets. There's the dream of 11 stars, the sun and the moon. Yeah. There's a dream of Ibrahim Alayhi Salam that he sees the slaughtering his son. Yeah. And then there's the dream of Rasulullah saw Salaam he's making Hajj, shaving the head and making the Hajj. Yeah, there's the and I saw in a dream that they're all connected. I literally saw this image.

00:34:44 --> 00:34:50

And I shared with him. I'll share it with you because I'm still after waking up. It's not just a dream thing. I do believe they're deeply connected.

00:34:52 --> 00:34:59

Ibrahim alayhis salam saw the dream that he slaughtering his son, which eventually became a ritual of the Hajj. You

00:35:00 --> 00:35:34

Yes. So when the prophet SAW Selim saw the dream that he is going to be making Hajj, it meant that he is going to be conquering Mecca so you can peacefully make Hajj and when you make Hajj, what do you do? You slaughter the animal. When you slaughter the animal, you are fulfilling the legacy of your father, Ibrahim alayhis salam, the dream your father saw so many 1000s of years ago, its destiny has been fulfilled by the dream of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam seeing that he's making the Hajj because that slaughter was meant to become the ritual for humanity every single year, at the occasion of had you see the connection between those two? So the dream of Ibrahim

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Alayhi Salam is actually come to full fruition in the Sierra in the end of the spirit of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam, okay, so that's one part. And of course, we call this the religion of our father Ibrahim. So there's an obvious connection. But what about Yusuf Ali surah, Yusuf Ali Salaam saw a dream that he sees 11 stars, the sun and the moon. And by the way, Yusuf is the son of Jaco who is the son of his Hulk, who is the son of Abraham. So Abraham has two lineages, one lineage, he sees the dream, but he's slaughtering his son, this mine. The other lineage, his great great grandson sees a dream about 11 stars, the sun in the moon, but both dreams are in from the two

00:36:13 --> 00:36:47

lines of Abraham. Right? So one line of Abraham, the dream of slaughtering his son, we see how it's connected to the Prophet size on them. But what about this side, the other lineage, the Israelite lineage of Abraham, from in this dream, he saw 11 stars, the sun and the moon, prostrating and how was that interpreted? In the end? What was the reality of that dream? He was able to overpower his brothers. And then when they were overpowered, they fell into such that and he said, This is what my dream meant, right? When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam fulfilled the dream of Ibrahim.

00:36:49 --> 00:37:17

When he fulfilled the dream of Ibrahim, he conquered Makkah. When he conquered Mecca, he overpowered his brothers, the Quraysh, who had expelled him, and the suggestion was kill him, but they were happy also to expel him, which is exactly what use of brothers did to him. And then finally, when Yusuf Ali Salaam had power over his brothers, he has the right to punish them now, what did he say to them? He said lattice Riba, Allah Komiyama Quran in the surah no harm shall fall upon you today.

00:37:18 --> 00:37:37

No harm shall fall upon you today at all. On the day of the conquest of Mecca, the prophet SAW Selim is on the puppet, his brother and who tried to kill him, the corals are standing there on trial. And he said, I will say to you today, what my brother use have said to his brother in law three, Bali como young, no harm shall fall upon you today.

00:37:38 --> 00:38:17

The legacy of forgiving your brothers and reconciling and they all accepted Islam. What happened in Makkah, at the conquest of Makkah, is actually a reiteration of the interpretation of the dream of use of Islam, which is why the Prophet himself so Salaam quoted Yusuf Alayhi Salam at the time of the conquest of Makkah, all of the dreams of relating and what that tells you is from both lines of Ibrahim Elisa, the line of his name, and the line of the Israelites, all of them culminate, the completion of both of those lines is in Hama Rasulullah, sallAllahu sallam. They're all connected. They're all just tied together. So when the prophets any he doesn't even know that yet, the

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association doesn't even know that yet. But clearly, Allah is giving him comfort through the surah in the hardest part of his life. And when finally he has relief from it, he's going to be saying the words that are in the surah the words that the one who went through discomfort in this surah found at the end to forgive his brothers. He's gonna say copy the exact same brothers at the end of those 23 year career at the conquest of Makkah. Subhan Allah. So now una casa de la Casa La Casa de ma, la Cava Quran. When confirming de la mina Laughlin, even moments before this, you had no clue. You had no clue how tired you are to this man, who you have no knowledge of, you are completely unaware.

00:39:00 --> 00:39:34

Others say well the prophet SAW Selim obvious meaning the prophet SAW Selim does not know Hebrew or Aramaic, he doesn't have access to the Jewish scriptures. So how would you know the details of the account of Joseph Yusuf Ali Salaam in this way, you yourself had no clue of this whatsoever. It is we that are telling you the story. This is you telling the story. We are the ones that are telling you the story that nanako Swati Carson causes so with that inshallah Allah I'm going to conclude today's session. That was number three. And that gets us ready to actually enter into the story of this remarkable incredible prophet Yusuf Alayhi Salam and his family. So we'll start tomorrow with

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the story barakallahu Li walakum, Quranic Hakeem, when he finally when he can be he would like him, Solomonic or live with Ricardo

The best of Al-Qasas

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