Nouman Ali Khan – Surah An-Najm #22 – Searching for the Truth

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The complex and complex nature of Islam is discussed, including false assumptions and police brutality. The importance of creating a history of the Islam world is emphasized, along with the use of assumptions and words like "hammed" to describe the natural world. The speaker also provides examples of words like "will" and "will" in the Quran to describe the universe and potential for new doors to be opened. Viewers are encouraged to take advantage of the "derive look" series to explore the natural world and learn more about the natural world.
AI: Transcript ©
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commands that Allah has planned was for the angels to talk to this woman, Allah spine for us was for this angel to slap her face, and that slapped to be recorded until Judgment Day.

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You know what I'm trying to tell you about the world of the Quran. When the Quran says something, I want to dive in. I want to go in that world, when Nigerian, either

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male oneness or he will come women of our

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make the most of this series by downloading our free workbook for a guided contemplation of this powerful surah.

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In the study of Islam, to make assumptions, and when you question the assumption, who are you to question the assumption? Are you as good as them? Are you as good as this person? No, I'm not. But I'm still it's still an assumption. It's an assumption from a really good person. It's still an assumption. In your W ona in the one Allah has given us a religion that is revolutionary. No, no part of this Deen can be based on what

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assumptions none of it. It has to be rooted us new healthy habits for federal happiness among its roots, our firm, and its branches into the sky. This is this is a profound religion. It doesn't just go off of feelings. Anytime you're on a loved one, we're in a one now ugni middle hockey che and by the way, the idea of Medallia I said the Medallia form of the IR meaning this following of assumptions will remain a problem for humanity until Judgment Day. This will be a god assumptions will be a false idol that the Quran will continue to keep breaking. And the people of the Quran will continue to keep breaking until judgmental it'll keep going.

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And then he says we're in a one up when a hockey che assumptions cannot help you against truth at all. Let me tell you how assumptions work in our times give you an example or two.

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You see, for example, let's talk about something people get fired up about. Let's talk about police brutality. Right? You'll see a video a police officer beat up somebody. Oh my god, I hate police brutality.

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Now then you see another video where a police officer is grabbing somebody. Before you know the entire story. What are you going to scream immediately.

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Police brutality. You don't know if the guy pulled a knife tried to kill the police officer. You don't know what else if you fired a gun, you don't know if he beat a child, you don't know anything. You just know this one clip where a police officer is grabbing a guy and he's doing this now it could be police brutality. And it could be a legitimate case. I don't know enough to be able to pass judgment because I have one bit of information, not the entire picture. But you know what that's called when you have one bit of information and you assume the rest. It's called one what in novena. Now you can even have Tisha one, that assumption based on little information cannot free you from

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the truth itself. It cannot help you against the reality of the situation. Now, let's not talk about police brutality. Let's talk about our religion itself. For a moment. I'll give you one example.

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famous story of Ibaka Siddiq in a narration told his son to divorce his wife

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and worker told his son to divorce his wife. I was in a halacha. One time and the chef that was describing this story said this is the right of the parents. Even if the parents told you to do what?

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divorce your wife you should want. Divorce you're like, oh,

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what did you just say, bro? Shake, bro.

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Hold on. So I let me ask some questions. Marriage between two people? Can you just know about somebody's marriage? You know everything about that marriage? Everything about that relationship? No.

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Is every marriage the same? No. is the relationship between husband and wife purely spiritual? purely economic, purely emotional, purely familial? Or is it a mix of a lot of things? It's a mix of a lot of things. And if a marriage isn't working, could there be one reason? Could there be one simple reason could be a lot of complicated reasons, or is it usually just one straightforward reason?

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So huge, complicated reasons. A big complicated history is not a simple thing.

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We have the story says Abu Bakr Siddiq told his son to divorce his wife, how much information do you have?

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It's like you know, like a keyhole. Looking inside a keyhole. How much of the room do you see?

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You see this much? And you say I'm going to tell you all the furniture in that room and tell you everything in the closet. Stupid. You don't know anything. You have this? Everything else you're saying is what

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One now without knowing the rest of the situation, for you to say, therefore, when a parent says, I don't know because Sadiq barely says anything man.

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Like, study Bukhari and Muslim. And you'll find on hand single digits in a hadith coming from a worker. So when he speaks, we get very little from him.

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So the one thing we know from him if he if he did tell his son to divorce his wife, we don't know if he told him or allowed him. We don't know how many times his son came down and says, Dad, I can't do this anymore. I don't know it's not working. How many times you told them stay in the marriage seminar. And one day he told them the worst? We don't know. Anything. We know nothing. We know.

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one data point today, and what do we do with these stories in our history? What do we create

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an entire set of assumptions and then we present them as facts.

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We're in novena. Now you can even as you can say, all other religions do this. I'm telling. I've been trying to study Islam for 23 years now. And I'm still a student. I'm not a chef at all milkshake at best. But like, somebody's got that, okay. I'm happy now. Somebody's like, Hey,

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I tell you one thing, there's a lot of assumption.

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And there are, there are hundreds. And there's levels of scholarship. There's people that are like, they know, like, eighth grade level Islamic studies.

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But because they are in a community where everybody else is a kindergartener. They look like Shaco this now.

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So then they talk about stuff. Like what I just told you, and everybody says, mashallah, oh, the story increased my Eman. I'm going home because my mother told me to divorce my wife. And I'm going to follow the legacy of Baba because of the Columbia Law. Why?

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Because you got eighth grade, and, you know, the depths leading the blind. And then you get a level above that. And you get scholars, like real scholars, and Allah has opened doors for me that I don't even know, I can't even explain how he opened those doors. When I get I get to meet some of the world's most incredible scholars. And let me tell you, the more scholarly they are, the less they talk.

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You don't see them on YouTube, you barely see them. And if you do see them, we have like 8080 views on their video.

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Because their brain operates at a frequency that the rest of them are like,

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That wasn't fun.

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That wasn't interest that wasn't entertaining.

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You know. So when I talk to them,

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I get a very different picture of Islam.

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About the same stories I've been hearing in a heartbeat since I was a kid. And I listen to them. And I'm like, What is this? You know why? Because of this, if we're in Atlanta, now you can even have Keshava hackers have

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your own, we have to be brave enough to face it.

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You have to confront it. And we have to break the world of assumption within even our own. Ask questions, seek answers, seek conviction. Don't be afraid of questions. And there's entires you know, the vast majority of the human population lives in South Asia.

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The vast majority of South Asia and Southeast Asia, you draw a 3000 mile circle 75% of the human population lives there.

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And you know, the most shake happens there too.

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And the majority of Muslims live there to Indonesia, isn't that part of the world, Bangladesh, Pakistan, the Muslims in India Those are huge populations of Muslims. And you go to places like Pakistan, one of the most common things Muslims in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh will tell you is don't read the Quran you'll get misguided.

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Keep ven don't go to hawk

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we're in a vanilla human of acacia. I need you to know as I leave Huck means three things. At least for the purpose of this is how you need to know means three things.

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Huck means reality.

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So assumptions cannot change reality. They will not free you from the need to face reality.

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have also means true.

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And hack also means purpose. You know what that means? People of assumption can never fulfill a purpose.

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If you're living in assumptions, you can't live with purpose because it no one now you can even have markeesha

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Happy in Arabic actually has one more meaning that's not relevant to this ayah but has you should know it means right also. Like how can we say anyone backroom Right? Talk will validate the rights of someone. But truth, reality and purpose are all fused together in the word health.

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And I need you to know that because Allah is saying you develop these religions that have no truth. They have no reality and they have no purpose. And the Quran is the truth. And it's describing reality as it is and it's giving your life and my life of purpose. All three things fuse with

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In, we're in Atlanta, now you can even and hawkish Al Hamdulillah, we reached the conclusion of today's session. Before I leave you, I will give you just one quick lens. Bear with me. We didn't get to talk about the lenses of contemplating the Quran, the booklet has been with you. It's only been used as a passport so far. So I'm going to give you just one lens today. And we'll talk about more later. So it says the lens of language, one of the lenses that says the lens of language, I don't have to talk about that one, because I've given you a really good taste of the lens of language so far. And so that, you know, sort of Najam every word, the grammatical implication,

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what's the men doing here? What are the secondary meanings, those are all the lens of what language and that's why language will open up doors for the double. And if you don't have access to that on the last day, even if you don't know Arabic, I'll start giving you tools that you can access some of these lenses yourself, okay. But the second quick lens I want to give you is the world of the Quran, the lens called the world of the Quran. And what does that what does that mean?

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When Allah was talking about Yusuf Ali Salaam in ancient Egypt,

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you know what shakes her hips say, My dear friend, he and I are partners in crime when we study Quran, there's a few others. But when we study Quran, and we were studying sort of use of, we literally imagined that we lived in ancient Egypt, what did it look like? What was the marketplace? Like? Are the women like these women that were, you know, talking about, you know, use of Alexa? What was that party? Like? What were the drinks? Like? What were the servants? Like, what was this environment you want, I want to place myself in that environment as much as possible. So to understand sort of the use of we actually started looking at his the history of Egypt and what life

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was like and their sociology, because if ALLAH is talking about a world, I want to go inside that world.

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We were studying sort of variants 51.

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Align the beginning talks about winds.

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You know what we did, instead of just studying the difficile. In addition, we studied winds.

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I watched documentaries on the wind, I read papers on the wind, I read National Geographic on the wind. Allah says winds that carry and implies carry winds that carry long distances. I didn't know that sand from the sub Saharan Desert of Africa, is carried by the wind and dropped on the coast of Florida. I didn't know that across the entire ocean. With that iati Dawa.

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I didn't know atmospheric pressure, entire climates are carried by the winds from one region to the other. While homiletic, Accra, I didn't know that, when there's a calm weather in one place, it creates a void and atmospheric pressure and creates thunderstorms, hurricanes and tornadoes in another place, and Mooka Sumati umbra.

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I didn't know.

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But the more I studied winds, the more I realized, something I saw more in sort of that era, the opening that I saw before, what am I trying to tell you, if Allah is talking about mountains,

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the best thing you can do to go up if you want to do it, if you want to do to see, open up a new castle, open up prazi, open up a translator, whatever. If you wanted to set up or watch a documentary on mountains.

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If you want to know if ALLAH is talking about bees, start reading about bees, study their behavior, learn about them,

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and then read the IR and your view of the IR will change.

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If Allah is talking about a, you know, when Allah was talking about

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the mother of the mother of his heart, at that time, Ibrahim Ali Salam was actually it's my Ibrahim only son was visited by the angels. They said you're going to have a child. And his wife said, What are you doing our team? And she slapped her face. She slapped her face and scream, a socket which we'll call it add us on our team. She's literally she did this all woman couldn't have a baby ever. She screamed out.

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Now, think about this for a moment. Bear with me. I'll let you go after this.

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How long did Ibrahim alayhi salam live? plus 100 plus years?

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How much of his conversations are in the Quran? 30 minutes worth.

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If you record the conversations that are in the Quran, primate brain, no more than 30 minutes of 100 plus years life. I want to know every minute of his life when Allah didn't give me that Allah Allah gave me how much 30 minute recording from his life. So Allah chose right because Allah is very selective. So every word in the Quran is highly selected because

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So much information was left out. And so little information was given. So the information that was left was highly selected chosen by Allah, and of the most selected moments of his life. Why did I need to know this woman slapped her face?

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What's the Select? This was, this has to be important.

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Why does she say, I can't have a child, and I've never been able to have a child and I'm an old woman now. So the words old woman and infertile are important.

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And her, her emotions of hitting her face and crying are important. So you know what we did? We read the diversity. And then we studied infertility. And then we studied papers on anxiety and depression rates among women that cannot have children and the rates of infertility around the world and older women that are never able to have a child and what they felt. And we studied the I wanted to understand the emotions of this woman, because Allah recorded her emotions. And the two words that she identified herself with Allah decided to put not the words of Ibrahim or they said I'm in the Quran, he put her words in the Quran. And then the angel responded to her instead of talking to

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Abraham and Hassan and saying temporary humanism yet. Deborah Rahim, Allah sent us to talk to you can you put your wife in check please, for a moment? This lady is losing her mind a little bit. Can you can you can you, you know, take care of your household.

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He didn't do that. You know what the angels did? They started talking to her

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was part of Allah's plan. Because angels don't do anything unless why

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Allah commands it Allah's plan was for the angels to talk to this woman. Allah's plan for it was was for this angel to slap her face, and that slap to be recorded until Judgment Day.

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You know what I'm trying to tell you about the world of the Quran. When the Quran says something. I want to dive in. I want to go in that world. I want to be in that room. I want to be on that mountain. That's what I want you to do. What world is the Quran asking me to go into when it speaks? When Allah started talking about the stars, I took you into the world of the stars that night.

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When Allah talks about the false gods, we have to go into the world of the ancient Arabs only.

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What world is he wanting me to go into?

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That will open up new doors of the double for you.

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New doors, he opens a different book after that. So the lens of language and the second lens is the world of the Quran. Enjoy your evening I hope you survive the night. Hey guys, you just watched a small clip of me explaining the Quran in depth as part of the deeper look series. Studying the Quran in depth can seem like a really intimidating thing that's only meant for scholars our job at WBNS to make deeper study of the Quran, accessible and easy for all of you. So take us up on that challenge. Join us for this study the deeper look of the Quran for this surah and many other sources on Vienna under the deeper look section

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