Nouman Ali Khan – The Right Intentions

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the use of words like "assalamoni" and "areptic" in Islam, as examples of words that can become " filthy words." They also criticize the way people are treated and the negative sentiment that comes from their actions. The speakers stress the importance of learning the Sunents of the Prophet for a better understanding of the beast, avoiding false expectations, and being aware of the consequences of actions. They also highlight the impact of recent events on people and their behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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Probably shortly suddenly were silly Emily Weiler aka Mila Sania Kohli Allahumma sabich dangle multiball, La ilaha illAllah Amira, but I mean, today's photo is dedicated really to just one, maybe two IR of SoTL munaf yakun. And most of this code by I'll be talking to you about an incident, a story that is behind the revelation of certain one of your own. I've spoken about this story on a couple of occasions. But the more I visit the story and revisit the story, I realized there are things that I've missed speaking about, and I think they're extremely relevant and important for myself and for the oma. So I decided to revisit the story and share some insights with you regarding

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it. This surah is revealed to the Prophet Alayhi Salam in Medina, so it's he's already transferred from Mecca to Medina, and it's been a few years now that they're in the city of Medina and a few battles between the Muslims and the Quran have taken place. One of those battles is the Battle of God. And in all had Muslim suffered some very heavy losses. Because of those losses. Some other Arab tribes near Medina, they thought that's a good opportunity. The Muslims are injured right now. If we attack them right now we can make easy money. So they were not enemies of Islam, they were just capitalists, they were just hoping that they can rock because that's how they made good money back

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then they robbed each other. You know, a lot of them just pillaged each other. So one such tribe, but he muster luck. They figure it's a good time to attack the Medina. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam had very good intelligence in the region. And he found out before they were even going to attack that they're preparing their arms to rob and raid the city of Medina because they think the Muslims are weak as a result of orphaned. So the prophet SAW Salem preemptive strike, prepares a group goes along with them, and heads out towards but he musta left, it's actually not much of a battle. And very quickly over 100 of their soldiers have been taken prisoner of war. And

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you know, the battle is basically over with minimal casualties. And when these this among the people that were captured, was actually the daughter of the tribe leader of Winnie masala. So, and she accepted Islam when she accepted Islam Association and marries her. And then he gives her a marriage gift. And the marriage gift is those 100 prisoners of war are returned. They go back home on the other side, you have people crying because they've lost combatants. And you know, there are women wives, you know, daughters, sisters crying and lamenting over their lost family members, the caretakers of the home and they come walking back in, like, how did you get back? Well, we're a

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wedding present. And you know, and when that happened, the entire tribe became Muslim. Everybody took Shahada. So this was one of the easy and what very profound victories of Islam, one one that really boosted the morale of the Muslims, and especially something that the Muslims needed, given the circumstances of offer that how demoralizing it was. This was a real boost to the morale and the you know, positive attitude of the Muslims. Anyway, on the way back from it from this good experience on the way back, a strange incident occurs. And that's what this story is about the surah is about on this way back. There was a well and there were people lined up to get water after well,

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and among the in that line there the Muslim army and the Muslim army is made up of people that are from Makkah Maha June the migrants, and the Muslim army is also made up of people from Medina the answer, you should know if you don't know the Arabic terms. Mahajan are people who migrated for Allah sake. So they left everything behind and came in their loyalty to the profits lies on them. So when we call someone, a Mahajan, it's actually a very noble term, it actually means they sacrificed everything to be with the profit or the subtle cinema. They left their home, they left their property, they left their businesses, they even left their families in some cases, and just came

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because of La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam So anyway, some of the people there are Mahajan. Other people that are unsolved and so are basically the people of Medina who aided who provided not small but huge amounts of aid. You see, Messiah in Arabic is someone who helps but unanswered in Arabic is someone who helps a great deal, a huge amount of help. The answer were people who offered unimaginable kinds of help to these muhajir own that come from Makkah. They provide them home, they provide them they're not well off themselves, but they share their homes with them. They share their livelihood with them, they share you know, like literally every part of

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their life with them and put themselves at an inconvenience. Nowadays, you and I live in three bedroom, four bedroom, five bedroom homes, and a guest comes over and you can't use that extra office room anymore. And that agitates you back then their homes are one room. That's all they are. And if you want to make a separate bedroom, draw a curtain there you go separate bedroom, and that and they're not coming over for an hour or two these are living with each other now families living with each other like this. This is not a small thing to do what the inside did alive and says well, you know, Allah and foresee him will kind of be him kasasa they give others preference over

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themselves, even if they're starving, even if they're starvation afflicting them, like and not just if they're hungry. They're starving, you know? But anyway, so these are the Mahajan rounds are there in line at this well, and it's just so happens that one of the one of them will hide you know, one of the people of luck

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His name is Joshua. It's an interesting name Joshua. And he's the, he's a servant of Omar of the Allahu anhu.

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He's in line and he gets into a little argument with another member of his village sunanda nwaba. This other synanon fellow and this judge after they start arguing with each other fighting with each other, and Java basically kicks him and kicks him hard. And when this happens, the Ansari meaning the person from Medina, the Sahaba, who got kicked from Medina got very upset. And he said, You, you from Makkah, you get to do this to me, You can't do this to me. And so he cried out, he said, Yeah, Sharon Mahajan.

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And another legend says Yan SAR, meaning I'm sorry, these people of Medina come look at what this guy did to me. And he then the other guy just says, You wait, you're gonna gang up against me, I got my gang, too. So he goes yellow hygiene, and all the modules in the camp. They gather behind him. And what was originally an argument or misunderstanding between two people turned into two groups, and ready to just fight each other because they're all stressed out. And you know, and what, where did this come from? Where did all of this this mess come from? Before we go on with the story. When you say la ilaha illAllah, then your nationality becomes secondary, your ethnicity becomes

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secondary, your language becomes secondary. What connects you to another person now is stronger than any of those things. What connects you to another person now is like the High Lamas thicker than blood. That's what connects you. And the Sahaba understood this. It's not like they didn't understand this. But you have to know that our bond with each other of Islam is not the only bond human beings have human beings also have tribal bonds, tribal affiliations, we also have national affiliations. We also have ethnic affiliations, language affiliations, it's okay if you're from Bangladesh or Pakistan or Egypt or whatever and another Bangladeshi walks in and you guys started

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talking to each other, in Bangla, that's okay, because you connect at a level of language. That's natural. There. If you go to New York City, there are people their entire neighborhoods that are entirely in Mandarin, like even though store signs are in Chinese Mandarin. There are other stores, other neighborhoods that are entirely Greek, other neighborhoods that are entirely Arab. others that are entirely not just Arab, just Yemeni, just Yemeni, there are others that are just entirely Punjabi, others that are entirely Bangladeshi. That's, that happens naturally, people want to move closer to and they gravitate towards people that are more familiar with them. That is a part of

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being a human being actually made us that way, which I love them. shirogane wakaba, Isla de Tara, he made you into nations and tribes. So you get to know one another. That's part of our our human experience. But what I want you to focus on is when they called each group at that moment, it actually wasn't about ethnicity. It wasn't it wasn't even Yeah, I hamaca. Yeah.

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People, people obviously didn't use those words. They use the words well, hygiene, and I'm sorry, these words have nothing to do with ethnicity. They have nothing to do with nationality. They don't even have anything to do with region, they actually have to do with contribution. That's what they have to do with the contribution of the module is that they migrated. The contribution of the answer is that they aided

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so they used words, what I'm trying to get at is they used words that in and of themselves are very beautiful words. These are words that Allah uses in the Koran to describe the greatness of these people. These are not small words, this is these are far more dignified words than any ethnicity. So on the one hand, there is a fight breaking out. But on the other hand, there's a thing of beauty here to embedded that the Sahaba before they see themselves as people of Makkah, they see themselves as Mahajan own and before they see themselves as people of Medina, they see themselves as on thought, but something is in there that says you can't treat me this way you came from outside and

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we help you and you're gonna kick me like that. Wait a second, and then this this, some tribalism is in there somewhere and it comes out. So this report comes to the sudo Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he says that Oh Ha, Leave it. Leave it for inner Kalamata montina This is a month in our democracy a little tough to translate a literal translation that like Lisandra enable removal is translated as a right or wrong. And Carrie has a disgusting smell. A disgusting smell and especially salon says the words they use have a disgusting smell. That's what it leave it It hasn't you know like when something smells bad you walk away from it and you leave it so that's the imagery of the

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saying of the Prophet slice of them. The words that have been used here or to disgusting the smell to nasty get away from them. Don't indulgent them, don't go near them. Don't bring them up again. That's what he's saying. Now, what words did they use any dirty words? Did they use any bad language they use beautiful words I told you to use what have you done and on top. So why would a pseudo lossless alum take the words that are actually in the Quran?

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These words are in the Quran, and they're not used in a bad way. They're using the most beautiful of ways. You know, these are people who love praises of Quran and yet Allah called the alleged messenger calls them, you know, smelly, disgusting words that you should get away from. We're learning something very powerful about our Deen. It's not just about using the right words, it's the intentions behind those words, you can say the best words, but when those words are being used to cause a division, when they're being used to bring up stir up a gang mentality, when they're being used to stir up we are this way and you are that way and separate the ranks of Muslims than even the

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best words can become filthy. Even words that are in crime can become filthy.

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language isn't just about words. Language is about what attitudes are behind those words. Just to make that simple to understand there's different ways of seeing Alhamdulillah somebody says they have a problem. How's it going? How are things on hamdulillah? How are things I have a lot of problems about hunger and I guess

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you still set on hamdulillah but you set it in a in a smelly way. That's not that's not how you praise Allah. The same thing with set up when you say Salaam to somebody, there's a way to say Salaam when you say Salaam to somebody, there's no argument left. There's no quarrel left, you basically said you I'm at peace with you. And I hope that you have everything in your life is peaceful. And I'm pretty allowed to send this piece on YouTube. But we're good, we got nothing. That's that's when you say Assalamualaikum. But when somebody has to go, that's not peaceful, that's filthy. It's a beautiful word being used in a filthy way, in a in a disgusting way. And that's what

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the prophets of Salaam is highlighting in Kalimantan. montina. But that's not the entire story. This piece of it, what I wanted you to understand is that we today have Muslims that make different contributions. You're sitting at you're listening to what buy and buy in a campus. But you know, as a name, it's a label. There are other educational institutes there's a tune up, there's automotive, there's, you know, there's Michigan University there is, you know, their universities around the world, teaching Muslims in some capacity or the other there are organizations there relief organizations. And in America, for example, we have a lot of four letter organizations, it's not

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acknowledged three letter organizations like you know, mass, etc, etc. We have all these organizations and you know, some people sometimes say, why do we have so many different organizations? The Muslims should be united? We should always be one.

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Even in the Quran, did Allah separate and distinguish the Mahajan only with a label? And the answer with the label? Yeah, he did. Based on the contribution they made, isn't it? Every one of these organizations, every one of these efforts has a unique contribution to make, perhaps even in a unique community. We're blessed to live in a city where there are tons and tons of massage. So what if they're not under one organizational banner? So what? So what is some people came together and started praying inside of a storefront, and then they raised enough money to build a machine. That's the story of lots of massages. But these massages are not in competition with each other. These are

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all and if you're a volunteer at one of them, you are you're a part of one of them, then you're part of something good. This is not division. But the moment, the moment you start using these words, these beautiful words, these organizational names, which basically represent a contribution to our Deen, and effort that's being made a server then when you start using these names to distinguish yourself from another organization, and talk about how much better you are or how in competition you are, then these very Islamic organizational names become filthy words. If Mahajan and ansara can become filthy words. If they can become smelly words, then what's the say of any other label? Any

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other school of thought? Any other madrasa any other machine? We have to think very clearly about what the Prophet is saying or the subtle Salaam. But then when he said this, there is another narration here, somebody came to the zoo last Solomon said, but you know, cuz he kicked him, he kicked him. And what was the profits response? So he kicked him, you know what he said? He said, love us? No problem. Don't worry about it. No big deal. No big deal. How's it not a big deal, he kicked him.

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Out of Los Alamos teaching us something very powerful. Sometimes Muslims have arguments among each other. And sometimes things get ugly. And when they get angry, or ugly or temper flares, and you want revenge or you want justice for what happened, somebody has to pay. And when you're calling for justice, and making your voice heard, and you're raising your voice in your gathering people around you, reminding them of what one Muslim has done against another Muslim, you are creating division in the name of justice. And you need to learn the Sunnah of the prophet SAW them when he says, You need to let this go and make this not a big deal. Because when you blow this out of proportion, the price

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will not just be paid. You're not just seeking justice, you're causing a lot of problems in your pursuit of justice. You're making way too much noise for something that can be handled much better, much more quietly in a much more civil way. And

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Much less provocative way. Look, it was two people arguing with each other and oh, well, something big, something bad happened fine, but it's two people. But in a split second, it's the entire group of the module is the entire group of the answer. How quickly something small became something big.

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One can just a man, I lost my temper Sorry, I had a long day I had a headache. I don't know what got into me, I apologize, I shouldn't have kicked you done. Finished. You don't have to make a bigger deal out of it. But there are those who would love to make a bigger deal out of it. There are those who capitalize their hope that something small happens, a spark happens and they can turn it into a forest fire. There are people who wait for that opportunity. And you have to watch that that is a reality that will always exist, there will be people that will find the differences. There are people that are so sick in their minds. They'll say they'll listen to this shift that shift that

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shift they see mom, Daddy mom, and then they'll know that they have a difference of opinion on some issue. And they'll purposely go you know, by the way, you know what they say about this issue, they have a difference with you.

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And then they'll exactly because they want to see, they want to see that they find it entertaining. They don't watch sports. When people are boxing each other. They'd rather Islamic groups, scholars, Imams, speakers, they argue with each other, they debate with each other. This is their sport. This is their entertainment. It's sick, that's sick. When this fight broke out the prophets lie Selim basically gave the advice to defuse the situation. But there was another person on the other side, even Obi alive in a way even cellula anahola the head of them when I 15, who's obviously that is not the doesn't read the label of mafia. He's among the Muslims. He saw an opportunity. He called all

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the people of Medina that he could enter his camp. His camp was further away from the prophets camp. So I

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called them system down. How am I to be unfussy come

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the look at what you did to yourself. These people have McCarthy's immigrants came, they take our jobs, they take our money, they take our homes, we provide them everything and look at how they treat us. This is what you get. See. All they wanted was your money. All they wanted was your welfare. I tell you, we are so dignified. These people are beggars. They because you know when when somebody is a beggar, they're humiliated when somebody gives, they're the dignified one. These people have no respect. We're the ones that have respect and they can treat us this way. You know what they remind me of Carl Wilson min callback Jaco. He gives a speech and he says they remind me

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of the old Arab saying when you give your dog until the dog gets fat, and it bites you, he called them Mahajan own dogs. In his speech, in his camp, he did this. And he's doing this to capitalize to build and build the emotion and the sentiment of the inside against them wholeheartedly. And he swears he says, you know the second we go back guys, the moment we go back to Medina locoregional, assuming halogen, we the most dignified, should get rid of these humiliated people watch stop spending on them. He says he swears to God, he says, if you just stop giving these people charity, watch them disappear. And they'll live on welfare somewhere else.

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You know, now don't feel qualified and also rely on fabu. Don't spend on all these people around the messenger, watch them disappear. They'll just disappear. Watch. They're only here for your money. And then they treat you like this. So he's giving this poisonous speech. See, on the one hand, the profit section, I'm saying let it go. And it it's a disgusting, filthy word. Don't exaggerate it. And on the other hand, this guy is pulling, you know, putting fuel into the fire. He's wants to make the fire bigger and bigger. What he didn't know is there's a young boy sitting there's a different outcome.

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1011 years old. He's sitting in the audience listening to this entire poisonous speech. He runs over and tells his uncle what nobody said.

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His uncle goes into the camp of the profit slice of them. We're almost sitting there too. And he says, This is what nobody's saying, Who narrated This is an 11 year old.

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That's who narrated it.

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Now, what is the Prophet supposed to say? Well, we can't trust the child.

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How can make anything up? How can we rely on them? No questioning. They tell him no questioning. As a matter of fact, almost sitting next to him said I know I know a guy Amar. I want you to give me permission. I'll get Amar he'll walk into their camp slowly walk up to Him and obey even someone who's giving this speech and slit his throat. Just give the word I got this. I know just the guy for the job.

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No Salaam says layer on normal. That's not what we're gonna do. You know, because the people will say amen Mohammed and yaku as Hubba Mohammed kills his people before I go any further why would almost say kill him?

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Isn't that barbaric? Like Sharia law gets you to kill people.

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These understand what's happening here. They're a military. They went out as a as a military and when inside a military when they're actively on the battlefield, someone within the ranks

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The army tries to create discord between the army that is creepy that is considered an act of espionage and an act of high treason punishable by death because you're putting the entire army at risk. This is military protocol in every military in the world, from history until now, this is considered high treason. So when Allah says kill him, he's not saying some Islamic rule of killing him. He's saying that's how we deal with treason in the military. But also someone says, No, we won't do that. We won't even do that, even though they're well within their rights. If there was any other military that this happened, and nobody would even say anything. Nobody would say that's, of

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course, that's what you do.

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But he doesn't, they call Him and obey. Instead,

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call him let him explain himself.

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Because he doesn't know that the prophet will hear it. But he heard it. So now Bolivian obey, and is full of they've come, they come inside the camp, the boys at medcom is outside the camp, he has no idea what went on inside. He just told his uncle, remember, his uncle went in and talk to the Prophet less of them. The boy didn't go in. So they, you know, he goes inside starts swearing at the top of his lungs, well lie. I swear to God who made this lie against me. I believe you're the Messenger of Allah. Why would I say something like that about you? Why would I say something like like that about our brothers? I have given so much for Islam. I came to the battlefield that night.

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How can you question me like this? You know, your whose word Are you taking over mine? Why Why am I not proven myself and he starts giving the Prophet a lecture, Harley santosa at the top of his lungs, and also Salaam says you can go he doesn't want to hear any more nonsense. He says you can doesn't argue with him. We're learning something else. They are going to be people who cause trouble. And when you question them, they get very loud.

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They get very loud. And when they get very loud, what's the son of the prophets? I said them, it's okay you can go Thank you.

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Some people are not worth talking to. It is just not worth talking to. That's that's the Sunnah. Let them go. When he lets him go. zeta Malcolm is outside. He sees this this.

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He sees this man leave and he says, Oh, wait, he's not in any trouble.

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I told on him, and he's still not in any trouble. So he says a savani. Humble Lemieux 70 got a sadness took over me that never hit me before I was sad that day like I was never before in my life.

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So he says sadaqa who Rasulullah Kansa bunny the Prophet taught thought that even obey the guy who was yelling and screaming was telling the truth. And the Prophet didn't believe me because I'm just a kid. He didn't believe me. That's not the case. The case is actually the Prophet believed him right away some of them but he doesn't know that because he's on the outside. So he says I went back to my tent and I just laid down crying. This boy just slide down and he's crying.

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The prophesized home has no idea what this boy is feeling we learned about that later.

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Then Allah revealed so little mafia when I told you this goodbyes about certain munafo in certain African base basically in 11 ayat Allah azza wa jal quoted the demand or come to IOD or quoting zaidan or come word for word.

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They came and told the prophets I saw them or told his uncle who told the prophets I saw them. They said that Elijah Elijah Medina Tila regionalism, in other words, love and obey. This is what he said, when we go back to Medina, the dignified ones will expel the humiliated ones. That's what he said, or on comes and says Jaco, lunala Jana el Medina, T. regionalism in heaven. What in the * is a truly meaning so holla word for word, the narration of Zaid is now part of Quran

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he said they said also don't spend on the people around the Prophet until they disappear Latin fiocco Allah endo rasulillah he had tion photo IR comes down

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who you know Hakuna Matata, Hakuna Latin Foucault, el amin and also de la junta. infobel. When the surah is revealed to the prophets, I seldom he calls for his aide, who was crying by himself. He calls he sits him down, puts his hand on his knees and says la casa de la, Allah prove that you're telling the truth. And he recited the entire sort of sad 11 year old boy, before anybody else heard this little essays heard the surah.

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This surah it's like it has so many purposes, this surah but one of its core purposes was to you know, care for the sentiments of this child.

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This this this this kid who spoke so hon Allah, there are there lessons after lessons after lessons inside of this aura. And inside of this profound incident, these just these 11 out, but what I wanted to highlight to you as I close is this

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is this this this entire story what binds it together is one theme. the softness of the heart.

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Believers are supposed to be brothers. We know that already in Mindanao, but it's very

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Easy to destroy brotherhood. Very easy. It takes very little. And sometimes it doesn't even take bad words. It takes good words set in a bad way. This thing that Allah has given us for Allah by Nakula become the love that he put between our hearts is very delicate. It has to be handled with a lot of care, especially those that are serving in any capacity towards the deen. If you're volunteering working at an Islamic organization, you're affiliated with a school or another unless your door and other than you have to be extra sensitive not to become a gang. That speaks in any condescending way about anybody else. extra careful about that. And that softness, then if you understand that, then

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you understand the next layer of sensitivity and that's towards children.

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And even children, when they we don't dismiss them, we don't think of them as a nuisance. They are obsessing over like, Can you imagine nowadays, when somebody is giving a lecture their children in the audience, we keep requesting Please, can you keep the kids quiet? Can you keep them in a separate room? Can you can you put some kind of barbed wire around them or something? Or can we have some kind of soundproof bulletproof oxygen proof room where we can, you know, keep these kids or if there's a kid in the audience, even though the speaker, the scholar, the chef, they're not concerned, they're concerned if the adults understand they're only concerned if the kid doesn't make

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noise. That's all they're concerned about. And this entire event, it hinges on the contribution of this boy's aid.

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On this boy, don't dismiss the contribution of our children the value of our children. Don't underestimate bringing them to the machine and listening to the whole bar next to you. When you bring your kids sit with them. Sit with them, don't have them go Wander Wander off on their own, sit with them, teach them the other books sitting in the machine listening. When you go to a dentist take your kids with you it's okay they'll be bored one day one or two times but some of this stuff will stick in their head and 15 years later it will save their life. You don't know what will stick and what won't stick. Now that doesn't make a soft towards one another and clean in our intentions

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towards one another. Which does not make us of those who forget that the real contribution of our to our Deen is with sincerity to Allah azzawajal barakallahu li walakum Felker Anil Hakim when I finally we are coming out with the hacking

Revisiting the context in which Surat Al-Munafiqun was revealed, Nouman Ali Khan sheds light on the multiple lessons to be deduced from that series of events. This Madani surah was revealed after the morale-boosting pre-emptive attack and victory of the Muslims over Bani Mustalaq, a tribe that had planned to storm Madina following the Muslims’ defeat in Uhud.

This Khutbah was recorded on August 5th, 2016 at the Bayyinah Mussallah in Euless, TX.

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