Isam Rajab – The Rope of Faith 9/14

Isam Rajab
AI: Summary © The legal system in Arabic is discussed, including the importance of considering actions and forgiveness. The speakers stress the need to read the book and consider actions in religious language. The speakers also emphasize the importance of practicing the law and following the Mahabharata. Practice is crucial for achieving Islam, and the book and pillars of it are discussed as important for practicing the law.
AI: Transcript ©
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salonica Tila thank you for joining us in the Arcadia class. Today inshallah we will discuss the issue of the DA

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DA in Arabic means

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But it's actually more than that. Therefore, in English, we have several meanings for the law. In Arabic, it is the call from the one who's lower to the one who is higher. That's what we mean by

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neither niddah is a similar word, but it is from two equal people. That's why I don't call

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when I asked you to come, I call it me that

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command is from the one who's higher to the one who is lower, because he has the right to command. So we're talking about the first one, which is the drop from the one who's lower to the one who's higher. Now we're discussing here, the schicke

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is that to other than Allah should coordinate and we have been discussing many issues for the last couple of sessions or more, and all of them are talking about the ship. So, before we proceed, there is very important question.

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by answering this question, we will understand all these different issues about shark? How do we consider an action? If it's true or not?

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How do we know this action is true or not?

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What do we do?

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Is it a bother or not? Why do we ask this question?

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If the action is not a bad, does it involve shirk, then? No, because shirk is related to I bother. So that's good. That's the first question. Is it a bad or not?

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What if it is a bad?

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What if this action is or bad?

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If it's for other than Allah, it is true.

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any action, any diversion of any type of a bad data other than Allah is what? schilke? Now let's apply this let's try to apply this. What about the rokeya?

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Can the rocker be shark or not?

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It could

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remember, now you're doing the same action.

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But what's the difference if you're doing the Rukia with the Quran?

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And it's not sure why. Because it was legislated by Allah subhanaw taala, or by His Messenger sallallahu wasallam. So if the action was permissible, then there is no shortcut?

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If it is not, then you need to look at the intention.

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So that's what you need to look at, in order

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to consider this action should coordinate is it a bad or not? If it's not a bad? It cannot be sure it's not a bad the actions that are involved a bad

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if it is a bad, is it permissible? Or not? Because sometimes you do the same action. One time it is check and one time it's not. The Baroque, as we said yesterday, seeking blessings from the messenger sell him while he's alive, is it?

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It's not sure why it is permissible. What about the Baroque with other people, if they are dead?

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It becomes sick now it's the same action. But the ruling is different. This is very important. Every time you need to

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consider an action if it's your corner. Let's say we found out that it is sick

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because it is a bad. Now we need to know is it minor shirk or major shift? How do we know if it's minor or major?

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It's not very bad. It's not

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it's not a bad, but if it's a bad

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incantations Yes.

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It depends on your intention. That's true, but not always actually. Not always. What if someone prostrated himself to an idol? And you asked him what you're doing

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He said, No, my intention is not to worship Him.

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Would that be enough for him?

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To say that it's not a major shift? It is major shift, regardless of the intention.

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Now the kuffar the era, when they were asked, Why do you worship these idols? their worship was sometimes by prostrating themselves to them. Sometimes it was by asking them,

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but it was considered worship. So it's not always intention.

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How do you know? Again, if it is diversion of the right of Allah to other than a lot, then it is major.

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If it's means to the major shake, then it is what minor.

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And in order to understand better in each chapter, the footnote explains for you, if we had time, we would have read what was written in the book. It's very important. That's your job. You need to read what was mentioned in the book about sacrifice, about

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the trauma and the Raka. And now about the doula also.

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Now in English, they use the word supplication.

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If you understand this word,

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what do you

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what do you get from it? Is it religious word or its linguistic? Also?

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supplication? Is it always take into the religious term? If it's so then it is a type of very bad

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Prayer is always religious calling. Now calling could be another and could be nothing bad. I called him.

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linguistic. So calling here not like this case.

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If someone said calling another is it shift or not? You need to ask him, What do you mean by calling another because it may be calling by phone? Maybe calling him while he's there. It may be calling Allah subhanaw taala?

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Isn't all these meanings applied here? So in this case, you need to to see is it the intention involved here or not? Is it about that or not? That's why it's important always to see if this action is that or not. Now, what about this application? Is it always a bad

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So you could say to someone I invoke him means I need from him.

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You can invoke Allah all these are used in religious term. That's true. But are they explicit only to the religious terms, or they could be used linguistically. Also, that's the last one calling for sure it could be used. So we cannot say any calling is a bad you cannot say that. Well thought about supplication is any application in by the ordinate. Is any invocation I bet there is any prayer about the ordinate.

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supplication. So it's always

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Okay, prayer, the same thing.

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What about invocation?

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Okay, so, again, here, if the word is used in religious term, and in worldly terms, you need to apply the intention?

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was the intention for better or not? Now, the prophets I send them said, Do I have a bad

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will a bad

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day that is indeed their data. It's one of the highest

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types of a bother because it involves all types of everybody. Think of any type of data that you do. Prayer? What's the prayer?

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how it's that you are moving.

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This all movements in the prayer, when you stand up and you say Alhamdulillah, it is to Allah subhanaw taala to forgive you, to elevate your rank in paradise. All the types of

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I better, is involved in the same thing and has the same thing as a cat when you give money to charity. You ask Allah Subhana Allah to bless your money. You ask Allah to accept from you that is involved. That's why the prophet SAW Selim said, a bad it's the core of the a beggar all the types have a bad day involved law. Therefore when we define the law, we say asking with humiliation and love, you ask Allah subhanaw taala with humiliation. If you are asking

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arrogantly, that's not God.

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You ask Allah subhanaw taala you humiliate yourself? That's why the best

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in which position the best when you are prostrating yourself, Why? Because that's the most humiliation situation for a human being when he is in situ, but you are in the nearest position to Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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What are the virtues of that? Why do we pray to Allah subhanaw taala? Why do we ask Allah subhanaw taala?

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Now, again, you may not find this in the book, but it's really important.

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It's really important, you may be asked to give a talk short talk about that, what do you say?

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What are the features of that? JOHN?

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do you do that? Tell us why you do? Why?

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To ask for forgiveness. So you only asked for forgiveness,

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to seek refuge from what?

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Why do you ask Allah subhanaw taala

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if you ask Allah subhanaw taala you're guaranteed one of three.

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For sure.

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Anytime you ask Allah subhanaw taala you will be guaranteed one of three things, whether Allah subhanaw taala will grant you what you asked for.

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You will be granted what you asked for.

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instead of giving you what you asked for, you will be forgiven. Allah will forgive since or something harm was supposed to happen to you. And Allah subhanaw taala removed that harm from you.

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you will be granted what you asked for, and you will see it or it will be saved for the Day of Judgment, you will see there and the day of judgment as forgiveness as reward higher reward, or it will divert something harmful from you.

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And if you ask Allah subhanaw taala as long as this law is not for an evil thing,

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anytime that you ask Allah Subhana Allah for that's what you will get. Anyway. So once you ask Allah subhanaw taala you have to ask with certainty that this is what you will get at least

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I wanted I said, please do me a favor. Is this black?

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to someone?

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No, you are asking him to do you a favor?

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clean my car.

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So it's not that

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you asked someone to clean your car. You said I need a favor from you.

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Buy this are you doing? Why

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not? Why?

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It's favor. What if you ask someone I need a favor and here he told me what what do you want from me? And he and you said I want you to forgive me? forgive my sins.

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Is this law or not? You ask Him to forgive you because you

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know, you are someone as human being. Oh Mohamed, please forgive my sins

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committed against him or all my sins?

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What if you did?

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That's my question. I'm asking is this chill corner?

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Is it dry or not?

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asking for forgiveness.

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Forgiveness from Allah. But

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remember, I said at the beginning, I need a favor from you.

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And what was the favor? To forgive all my sins?

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Do you think?

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Yes, do we have an answer?

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Go ahead.

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Only Allah can forgive my sins. What if I ask someone else? Something that only Allah can do.

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Is this trick or not? It is.

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It is sick. Isn't that what they are of this

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when they asked protection from the idols, were the idols able to protect them or harm them?

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Was it considered okay for them to ask them or it was considered check

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for them, but in the sight of Islam

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it was it was a major shift.

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So sometimes even the words they have no influence as long as you are asking arrived of Allah subhanaw taala from someone other than Allah

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Okay, how about this for stellata olivi michelotti Allah let him do the man of his party.

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This is the story of masala Sam asked him for help against his food.

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Now he asked him, it's not any request stellata

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stellify usually something

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you need, you need help in in very bad situation. In a pressing need.

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Yes. And in that time, you should ask Who?

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You should only ask Allah subhanaw taala.

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But here Allah says the man he asked for help from masala Salah. Was this one was this considered chick or not?

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Why? Why it's not chick.

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The man who has a lot more power. Okay.

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I help a man

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to help stop the harm

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from coming on to him. And most

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struck the man didn't mean to kill him. He wanted to stop them from harming.

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Okay, he died. So he's asking Yeah, asking this request. Is it check or not? Why it's not check, because it's asking for a human.

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If you ask someone

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to do something that he can do it is it chick? It's not sure.

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When one This shirt is involved, again, when there is I bother involved. When there is something that they cannot do. That's when she gets involved. But in this situation, it's not sure even though in the Quran, it was called this the author usually is the author pertains only to Allah subhanaw taala. But this is this ayah is reminding us that the word sometimes even using the same word is really not effective. As long as the action itself is permissible.

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Because they know Sally Salaam helped him or not, he helped him so that's not should appeal to him. Appeal again another word is appeal a religious word or it could be used in

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linguistic so it depends on the intention, it depends on the action itself.

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Again, back to our question, what are the futures of

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what do you get by asking Allah

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it reminds you that you are a human being, you are not that powerful. You need the last rantala always. And that's exactly the that's the beauty of the DA. It's automatically admitting that Allah is the Creator. Allah is the powerful, you are fulfilling to hit by law. Because he admit that Allah subhanaw taala is the one who created you. That means the last one, Allah is the one who is able to harm you or benefit you. So you're asking Allah strengthen what else

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creates love Exactly.

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doesn't tell us how to love us to ask him.

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Exactly. When you ask Allah subhanaw taala allow love you.

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You want the law to love you ask him what if you asked human being?

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Sometimes they like it but if they if you ask them more and more, definitely they will not like it.

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But the more you ask Allah subhanaw taala The more he loves you

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What else?

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It shows reliance again, it perfects your Eman. The more you ask Allah subhanaw taala the more dependable on Allah subhanaw taala you become, the more you will fulfill your faith and you will perfect your Eman. That's very important thing. What else? These are all virtues of that. I asked the previous students actually to write a paper about the virtues of that. So don't make me do the same thing. Give me some benefits of the DA

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Doesn't it give you protection?

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Don't you ask for protection provision removing harm,

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getting health

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having happiness in this world and in the

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countless things that you will get by the law, yes.

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It can change.

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Exactly. This is one important advantage of the law.

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It changes what was this by Allah subhanaw taala now you're not nothing changes the cutter except the DA that's what the prophet SAW said him said layer on the other Elijah.

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Okay, one more thing and we'll move on.

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One more thing.

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And then

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brings peace to your heart and contentment. How that's very good. Yes, that's very good. Yes.

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It increased your knowledge How?

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That's very good also, but how?

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Yeah, when you when you want to perform that you need to, to know what you say. And that increases your knowledge. You know, what's the virtue of this law? What you will get

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profits awesome. Yes, that's

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We said that brings you close to Allah. Yes. One final thing.

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Yes. By itself, you are asking a lot to increase your knowledge.

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Now, what are the DA that you say everyday?

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Is there any specific law that you say everyday? What is

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sort of the fact that it includes da da da Serato stalking guy that's the the straight path. That's it so you don't do anything? Except in the prayer.

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Sarah, you had something or you were whispering?

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Banana cydonia Hassan again this when do you say this?

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And the prayer outside the prayer. You don't say anything. When you wake up when you sleep?

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What's the Richard?

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Yeah, I utter Kersey. What about it? Kersey?

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I'm asking you you saved every day.

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You know you don't know I'm asking you. Do you say it or not? Why?

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You do something you don't know why.

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Okay, what do we have?

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upon waking up? What do you say?

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What do you say when you wake up?

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hamdulillah the ohana bought the mammoth and our initial Praise be to Allah who gave us life after we die.

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After eating What do you say? Before eating in every

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major movement in your life in your day? You entered the restroom Don't you say the door when you go out? Don't you say that? After the window Don't you say that?

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In every

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I gave you just examples. This is one of them. One do I call say you do the step far. Say the list of I like the chief the master of forgiveness. This few seats in the morning and you die on that day. What will happen to you all your sins will be forgiven. If you say this drop in the night and you die while you're sleeping. What will happen to you all your sins are forgiven that's why it's called see you do this

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do you know this or not?

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No it's not very difficult.

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Yes buzzer

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No, that's not out. We cannot lie.

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Why it's very difficult. Why?

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quite long. How long? 10 pages page long. So Pamela, how are we good

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Our page long you cannot memorize it.

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If someone asked you to memorize this page and He will give you $200 once you memorize it

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let's be honest, don't you memorize it if he told you, why don't you memorize the

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LA mantra De La La Land Halekulani one after another? The karateka mustapa. will be coming Sherry masana Abu laka dramatically we then be perfectly reasonable and that's that's the job.

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Yes, that's not a bit long. It's half page almost.

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four lines.

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Unfortunately, I mean, you have to memorize it. I will make it mandatory. You cannot be a student of knowledge if you don't practice.

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You know, this is the the reward that you will get and you don't memorize it.

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Or repeat it one more time you go and you find it it's there available.

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Yeah, it is in the heslin Muslim law mantra de la ilaha illa and jalapeno and abduch. Well, and Allah, deca, deca MasterCard, I will be coming. Sheree masana abou la Vina ametek la with MB felt fairly fine ally of Rosa novella. I cannot imagine a good Muslim starts his day his day without saying this law

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How could you start your day without saying this? How could you sleep without saying this law

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it's only four lines less than four lines.

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And we think that we are the perfect Muslims.

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This is one block only.

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What do you say when you enter the house?

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What will be then be felt fully fine. Alia for the novella.

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What do you say when you enter the house? You don't say anything?

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Bismillah you say Bismillah. Always in everything. That's good. At least you say something Bismillah

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Salaam Alaikum. What else? That's it?

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I mean, what do you what do you practice every day? How many hours do you say

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12? falsetto? What are they tell me?

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Yeah. What do you say?

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That's the dog when you have sickness?

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That's it. You don't say allama. Jimena Tobin was

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something you practice every day if someone asks you What's your name? You. You say wait a minute. Something you say? How many times do you say your name every day?

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You should memorize this law more than you memorize your name.

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Well, it's tragic.

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You have to say when you entered the house, Miss Miller village now in our lives have been at our corner. Yes.

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Of course you should learn this guy always.

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Bismillah Allahu Allah, Allah, Allah Allah Allah quwata illa Billah wa maniago

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July, that's what we say when you leave the house what will happen if you say this,

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the angels will tell you, you are guided protected and sufficed.

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You will get all this by saying this when you when you leave the house

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and a devil chiffon will tell another sheet on what do you think of a man who is protected guided and suffice? They cannot harm you.

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Again, these are a few examples. The prophet SAW Selim used to save God in every

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major movement. If you sit down Bismillah if you if you are

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climbing or you are ascending, what do you say?

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Allahu Akbar Kannada sadhana Kabbalah Kabbalah Habana.

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sabana Subhana Allah, do you say this when you are in the elevator?

00:29:47 --> 00:29:49

You forget. See.

00:29:50 --> 00:29:53

stairs, plain

00:29:54 --> 00:29:59

drive when you when you drive the car when you are in the car.

00:30:01 --> 00:30:02

That's the purpose of knowledge.

00:30:03 --> 00:30:07

All of you know this law. But how many of us practice

00:30:10 --> 00:30:13

the law before sleep? What do you say? When you sleep?

00:30:16 --> 00:30:18

Or do you say before you sleep?

00:30:21 --> 00:30:23

I ticker? See? That's good. What else?

00:30:26 --> 00:30:27

Now the thing.

00:30:32 --> 00:30:37

You don't say Miss makara biodata jameela carpha Why didn't you tell me?

00:30:46 --> 00:30:51

Okay. Anyway, this is a reminder for all of us. You need to practice the graph.

00:30:53 --> 00:30:56

What if the person is that? Can you ask him?

00:30:58 --> 00:31:00

Can you ask him to help? You?

00:31:01 --> 00:31:07

know, what, what's the ruling on asking the dead people? Yes.

00:31:08 --> 00:31:09

Shake. Why?

00:31:16 --> 00:31:18

Because they are beloved persons to Allah.

00:31:23 --> 00:31:24

Why it's shirk.

00:31:26 --> 00:31:30

I did not worship that man. I did not prostrate myself before him. I just asked him.

00:31:32 --> 00:31:33

That's what people say, What do you tell them?

00:31:35 --> 00:31:36


00:31:40 --> 00:31:53

They don't have the power. When you ask them something, they cannot do it. It's the right of Allah subhanaw taala and you just said that is a bad. So you are diverting, I bet that to other than Allah. So it is what it is Shik.

00:31:55 --> 00:31:55

It is sick.

00:31:58 --> 00:32:03

Now, we will end the topic

00:32:04 --> 00:32:13

of the major and minor shake, you have lots of reading to do in the book, but we have to move forward. Now inshallah we're moving to the book of a man,

00:32:14 --> 00:32:19

the book of the man, this is the second major topic. Now we will not use this book anymore.

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We will use the other book, the book of the man for one time, you don't have to get the book. I will do everything here in the class if you follow up with what we have. But of course, if you have the book, that's great. You need lots of reading student of knowledge without reading is nothing. You are getting here the minimum. So we have lots of readings from the first chapter until chapter 13 in the book.

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Now we're moving to the book of a man.

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And the essence for this chapter is the hadith of gibreel. Ali Salaam.

00:32:56 --> 00:32:58

hadith of gibreel, Arif Salam.

00:33:00 --> 00:33:03

This Hadith is the first Hadith in Sahih, Muslim,

00:33:05 --> 00:33:10

the hadith of an armada of the Allahumma from his father, Mahabharata. lavon.

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When he said that, we were sitting with the messenger, sallAllahu wasallam. And a man came

00:33:19 --> 00:34:08

and he asked him about the Pillars of Islam, the man and the son, this man, his description was unique because no one of us know him. And he did not seem as a traveler. If he was traveler. That's understandable because we don't know him but it doesn't seem his traveler yet no one of us knowing it was debri. He was degreed Alex. So this Hadith, this Hadith, the pillars of Eman were explained the Pillars of Islam were explained. We started with the Shahada, La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah. We started about the, the hate the importance of the oneness of Allah subhanaw taala and the danger of shield. Now we are moving to the pillars of Eman. So in this Hadith, one man one day,

00:34:08 --> 00:34:19

we were sitting in the company of last prophet sallallahu wasallam when there appeared before us, a man dressed in pure white cloth, his hair extraordinarily black.

00:34:20 --> 00:34:23

There were no signs of travel on him.

00:34:25 --> 00:34:27

None amongst us recognized him.

00:34:28 --> 00:34:32

And this is strange, whether we know him or his travel.

00:34:33 --> 00:34:56

At last, he sat with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he knelt before him, placed his palms on his thighs and said, again, this is also strange, because all the companions they respected the messengers are silent, they would not sit in front of him and they put their hands on the messenger send them unless this man is very close to you, he won't touch you.

00:34:57 --> 00:35:00

So it was strange for them anyway.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:08

He knelt before he placed his palms on his dice and said, Mohammed informed me about an Islam. Again another thing

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they used to say out of Salalah. So it was strange for the companions, the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam said,

00:35:17 --> 00:35:22

Al Islam implies that you testify that there is no word for worship except Allah.

00:35:23 --> 00:35:35

And that Muhammad, Salah Salem is the Messenger of Allah, and you establish prayer, you pay the Zika, you observed the fast of Ramadan, you perform the Hajj to the house of Allah subhanaw taala.

00:35:36 --> 00:35:40

If you can bear the journey. So what did you breach say?

00:35:41 --> 00:36:33

So that you told the truth? And again, that was another strange thing? How would How would a man ask about something? And he verifies it, if you know it, you should not ask about it. If you don't know you should not verify and say Yes, that's true. So that was a strange thing. Then you realize I'm asked again, tell me about the man. So the prophet SAW Selim told him about the man to believe in Allah, His angels, his books, his messengers, and the last day, and the other, the good and the evil of the other. Again, gibril are excellent said you told the truth. Then he told him about the sun. And prophet SAW Selim said, to worship Allah as if you see it, if you don't see him, you know that

00:36:33 --> 00:37:09

he sees you. And you will again he said, so that and he left after that the messenger saw them as the companions to follow Him, and they did not find him. So he told them, this was gibreel he came to teach you your religion. So all the religion is in this hadith. Now you have assignment, you need to go to this hadith. Again, as I told you, it's the first Hadith in Sahih Muslim. Read it twice, three times. Tell me what do you learn from it? Because we will start inshallah, our next session from this hadith from the book of a man

00:37:10 --> 00:37:16

with this will conclude our session for today. Now though, salatu salam ala Ramadan savage man. Is there any question?

00:37:20 --> 00:37:21

No, you don't have to turn it.

00:37:26 --> 00:37:26

This is the book.

00:37:33 --> 00:37:48

Any book about demand? There are many books about demand. This is very deep book a few. Now I don't think you will be able to understand it fully. But after we finish the semester, yes, you will be able to read it and you understand the tension.

00:37:50 --> 00:37:50

Do we have to?

00:37:52 --> 00:37:53

Oh, yeah, actually.

00:37:54 --> 00:37:55

I thought it's

00:37:56 --> 00:37:57

this is the book.

00:38:02 --> 00:38:04

Man for me.

00:38:15 --> 00:38:23

Yeah, you don't have to turn anything in what do you just need to read? And the other assignment you have the book 13 chapters

00:38:27 --> 00:38:28

13 chapters of this book.

00:38:30 --> 00:38:30


00:38:32 --> 00:38:35

deeply, the the footnotes

00:38:37 --> 00:38:41

and the lessons after each chapter. That's what I expect from you.

00:38:42 --> 00:38:43

Is there any question?

00:38:48 --> 00:38:51

llama now they're coming after them. All of them are below obon.

00:38:52 --> 00:38:55

Ours in our gallery Jalali

00:39:00 --> 00:39:07

in the masjid. I made the assignment for all the people who pray in domestic. I gave them the papers about their car and now I am

00:39:09 --> 00:39:15

writing another one. All of you. I believe you have hustlin Muslim. You have that small book. So why don't you read every day? the ASPCA?

00:39:20 --> 00:39:26

Mashallah you have time to log in? online you have time to check your emails. You don't have time to read the ticket.

00:39:28 --> 00:39:29

You have time to watch

00:39:31 --> 00:39:33

games and matches

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