Nouman Ali Khan – Surah Al-Jumuah #01 The Secrets Behind These Ayat

Nouman Ali Khan
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We're just imagine for a moment, every time you enter a surah you're entering into one of Allah's palaces. This a surah from Allah is a gift sent from above the seven heavens to humanity, and you're entering something that did, the world did not have access to it. This came from way, way above. And it came as a gift to humanity than zero miserable. I mean, we all take a deep look at Soto Juma as deep as I can do at least, and there's still endless oceans left, after whatever I'm able to do. But whatever I try to do, I will try to simplify as much as possible. That's how humanity was sent down. There's a there's a mindset that's taught in these ayat, you know, the Quran is not just

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information, it's a mindset, what is priority? So what Allah says, F whatever is in the skies, and whatever is in the earth declares the perfection of Allah. Is there a special stress on the earth? You understand? So you will find in most of the sutras wherever this be has mentioned, there's a special stress on the earth.

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And what's really cool is Allah will mentioned that special stress on the earth and immediately in the next aisle

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said I'm gonna have to live with

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the hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam o Allah say that MBE will mousseline Wilder Eddie he also had a woman standing beside me at Hilo Medina, along with a lemon home woman and Latina ermine and Samuel slowly hat will also be happy with wasabi Sabra Emiliano but I mean,

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I'm like to first express to you how excited I am and I'm happy I am to see so many of you and I know that many of you have driven long distances to come and attend this program. Inshallah Tada I pray to Allah that He counts all of this as a bada for him. And that he includes us among that hadith that was mentioned by the Imam, hydrocodone tandem Al Quran, Allah Allah who the best of you are the ones who learn the Quran, and then teach it. So what I'm going to start with is an introduction, just so you all have an idea how these lectures are going to go, how these discussions are going to go, and what the plan is for them.

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For this entire week, if those of you that are committed to coming the entire week with me, we're going to be studying surah. Two Juma. So we're going to be just to read so in one surah of the Quran, and it's only 11. Ayat, it's not long at all. So it's only 11. Ayat, but it's going to take us a whole week to study that surah.

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Somebody asked me on the way here, actually a volunteer asked me on the way here, are you going to be like very high level? Are you going to talk to the rest of us? So I need to address that question. My job is to try to study the Quran as deeply as I can, and address some of the hardest questions I can address in my own investigation with my team with other researchers and scholars. And then that's the easy part of my job, the hard part of my job is to learn all of whatever I can learn, and then to simplify it so that human beings can understand it. Because scholars and students, they speak some kind of alien language that the rest of us don't understand. So we need

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to, I need to make sure that I explain things to you in a way that makes sense to you that you can grasp. Some concepts are difficult, they're more complicated, but I'm gonna do my best to keep things as simple as possible. So there's two different things. One, you want to talk about complicated things, but two, you want to talk about them in simple language. Right? So and you have to have that balance because sometimes people just talk about simple things. That's not healthy, because life is complicated. There are some complicated things we need to talk about. And then what happens is when people know people have more knowledge, then they start using more complicated

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language to talk about that you know, university professor language, and that nobody understands. And then those those discussions remain in certain circles in the society and everybody else doesn't get it. And this is actually the problem that I felt myself and I feel that pain for for you. So what I try to do Inshallah, in these lectures, is yes, we will take a deep look at Soto Juma as deep as I can do at least, and there's still endless oceans left, after whatever I'm able to do. But whatever I tried to do, I will try to simplify as much as possible. Now, having said that, I'm going to speak to you for about 40 minutes, 45 minutes at a time. The moment I see some of you traveling

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into the spiritual world.

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Some of you do this in very creative ways. Some of you look like you're

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Just really concentrating on the material like,

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you know, other people fight it, they fight it by agreeing with me a lot. Like even if I'm not saying anything they're like,

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like slowly declining.

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I've seen the brothers do this alive, like, they'll be sitting in the masjid floor, they're sitting versus sitting like this, and they're sitting like this, and they say, like this. And eventually, you know.

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So, but 40 minutes at a time that I'm gonna give you guys a break. I know, there's lots of sisters, lots of brothers here. So what I'm going to try to do in those breaks, the brakes will be five to seven minutes long. I believe Maghrib is around 920. So we have about two hours before Maghrib. Tomorrow onwards, I'll start exactly at seven o'clock, because I want to make the most of the time we have. So seven, maybe five to 10 minute break in those breaks, you can come up to me or I can go in that middle area. So I can hear from both brothers and sisters. We can have some conversations, take whatever questions. The breaks are dedicated for questions and discussions and comments. Those

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are the most valuable. Pictures can wait. I'm here a whole week.

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And we will we'll figure out a system and we'll do all the pictures you need to do no problem. I have no problem with it. But in the breaks, I'd rather just focus on conversations that let me this is what I'm going to do. But that will let me tell you what I expect from you. This week, I want you to use your imagination if you if you walked into a historical Palace, right and ancient palace. You when you walk in, people walk in with their cameras, right? And they're like, they're making video of every door and every decoration and the ceiling and the windows and all that stuff, right? Or the the artwork on the wall or the calligraphy and things like that, right? So tourists are just wow,

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this is amazing, that kind of thing, right? Because this represents the work of a great king of the of the past.

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We're just just imagine for a moment, every time you enter a surah you're entering into one of Allah's palaces. This a surah from Allah is a gift sent from above the seven heavens to humanity, and you're entering something that the world did not have access to it. This came from way, way above. And it came as a gift to humanity. 10 Zero Mirabella me what happens in the Quran. If you've even read the Quran in translation, you will know the Quran has a lot of repetition. Right? The Quran talks about judgment day. And then it talks again about judgment day and again about judgment day. The Quran talks about one prophet like Musa alayhis salam. And we'll talk about him again and

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again and again. And again. Right. So there are many subjects in the Quran that keep repeating. And what happens to you and me is when we look at that, and we say, Oh, I already know that part. I already read that before. I've seen that before it's show me something new. where's the where's the cool stuff? Where's the new stuff because we're always into something new. Right? And now because of Tik Tok, and Instagram, and all this other stuff, and YouTube reels, now we're addicted to something new. You're like you can't if you're watching one clip, one clip, then you see an older camera already seen this, you get annoyed if you see something you've already seen. So we become addicted

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to newer forms of entertainment.

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But the way I want you to think about this, the way I describe this to my students is every surah is like a palace designed by Allah. And there's another palace designed by Allah. And they may have similar bricks, or they may have similar windows. But does that make them the same palace? No. Are the doors being used exactly in the same way? Is the is the flow exactly the same as the exterior and the interior exactly the same? No, every bit of art has its own unique identity, doesn't it? Think of an easier example nowadays forget about architecture, think about cars. Right? There's one manufacturer clearly couple of big manufacturers in this town. Right? And they have lots of

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different models. And those models have a lot in common, don't they? But each model has its own unique identity too, doesn't it? It has its own features is unique, you know, exterior interior, the mechanics, the technology, there's some variation all the time. What I want you to think about when you study the Quran is you're not trying to study the entire Quran. Just give yourself to one surah really give yourself to one surah. And this surah is super short. It's like not even two pages. It's really, really short. So what I want you to do this week is just the whole week. Read this surah over and over it

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In just before this lecture after this lecture, you just read the surah and ask yourself, What is Allah saying here? What does he want from me here? What does this mean? ask whatever questions come to your mind, start documenting your questions about the surah. The questions I want to discuss with you in this week, I will take some of your other questions too. But I don't want to hear you're like, don't worry about the questions about nail polish or halal meat from McDonald's or just you know,

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those questions will be there before this program and those questions will be there after this program. But you know what, let's surrender our questions to the Quran for a week. I'm calling it Quran week, because I want this to be a week of just Quran for you. Do you just immerse yourself completely into it? Now, we're gonna start talking about Soto Juma because we are short on time, I've these slides are not there to make your life easy at all, They are there to make my life easy. Okay, so this is you getting you know how when you use an app, it's easy to follow, but you don't see the programming code behind it. I'm showing you some of the code, not all of the codes some of

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the code, but that's for me to navigate. So you get some idea if you even if you take these pictures, or you're not going to use them in your like, you're never going to look at them again. But that's okay. But I'm still going to walk you this helps me organize my thoughts and everything I want to share with you. Some of these things you can take a picture of you might benefit from, but most of the time it is complicated. So don't trust the slides. You know, those professors that put a slide on the screen and everybody's focused on the slide and nobody's listening to the professor. That's what I don't want happening. This is for me, as my aide, what will help you as my

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explanation, that's what's going to help you so don't turn this into a distraction for yourself regardless. In my study of the Quran, I've come to believe that the Sutras of the Quran are in groups. They are in groups. So, you know, there's 114 sutras in the Quran, right? And you'll see, for example, sootel Baqarah was after Soto dakara people.

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Ariana Grande was after Eid Iran Nyssa and was after in this app, Maya so Bacara Aileen Imran Nisa and my ADA are four very large sutras, all four of them were given to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam when he was in Medina, so they're very large and they're all from Medina, and they're all together. So those four sutras are a what their group and when you study them carefully, you will see there's very deep connections between the four sutras, they are together for a reason. When you go further in the Quran, you you look at Surah two,

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and salt on our graph, two very large Moroccan sutras. So there were four Madani sutras and then to what makan makan Surah means the the Prophet got them when he was in Bucha. So Allah Allah who sent them, right, those two swords are very, very large mannequin. Surahs are usually not that large. There are some relatively but these are the largest ones. And these two are together and they're very closely related to each other, they become a group, just a group of two.

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And then you see two very large Madani Surahs again, and fall in Toba. And they're also deeply connected to each other. So what that does is you're studying a surah. But you also have to figure out what neighborhood does it belong to? Which group does it belong to? Which other sutra complements it? And what group of sutras came before? And how is the conversation proceeding in every book, many of you university students or university graduated in any book in any subject, there is a logic to the sequence. Right? There's a logic if you if you don't give you can't understand what the logic is to the sequence. You can't understand the book. You can't make sense of

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it. But a lot of times in our study of the Quran, we think that this order of the Quran is just something that the Muslims decided to agree on. But this is actually not the real order of the Quran as intended by Allah. I strongly disagree with that philosophy. I believe Allah Himself said Kitab one Okay, Matt, I autovu a book in which it's Ayat were stitched together, stitch together. When you stitch something, every stitch is perfectly placed, or no. every stitch is exactly where it's supposed to be. Exact. And the word the fact that even Allah called it GitHub, GitHub doesn't mean speech. GitHub means what? Book and book is not a word document. A book is not a Google Doc, a book

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back in the day is something that was carved or scratched. When you carve something or write something or scratch something, can you change the order anymore? No. So if Allah is calling the entire Purana Kitab this actually among many other evidences. The book was intended to be in the

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order from Allah. From Allah just like when you say Alhamdulillah here behind me. R Rahman r Rahim Malik here, Medina, there's an order, right? And you cannot change that order. You cannot say oh Rahman Al Rahim first Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen. Second, you can't do that there's a set order. The same way, there's an order within the ayat of the Quran, there's an order to the entire Quran. And when you observe that order, you learn a lot. So we're gonna go into every eye of the surah. But first, I want you to know what neighborhood does it belong to? Right? And this is right next to another group of surah. So I'm going to start there. There's this is one number, by the way,

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anybody knows surah number? Very good. 62. The group before this one is 50 to 56. Off, to walk out, that's the previous group. And that group is all McKeague surah. So when I say maki solos, what do I mean? Surah is given to the Prophets. I saw them in Mecca, right? In the early period, the first 13 years, those sutras have some a lot of commonalities. I've already covered a series of those sutras. And in those sources, one of the things you learn is Allah is constantly warning those who don't believe he's warning people who don't believe in the afterlife. He's warning people who don't believe in the Quran. He's giving them more so the people in Makkah, who don't believe are the

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target audience, and particularly the the wealthiest among them. So actually, it's also a mistake to think all the Quran was attacking everybody in Makkah, was criticizing all these makin Mushrikeen it wasn't like that, actually, the Quran when it attacked, or when it was aggressive. It was aggressive with the elite of Makkah, the elite politicians, the multimillionaires, etc. Who were using their money and their influence to attack Islam.

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Those were the ones that was coming after they're called on with graphene are called McDonough B here's why German on different phrases are used in the Quran to describe that group of people and Allah goes after them directly. And you will study if you study Quran carefully, especially Moroccan Quran, you will find Allah is keeps highlighting. Have you seen the one who has this much money and he doesn't give? Have you seen the one who wastes is when he like this? Have you seen the one who spends to make sure that people don't listen to the Quran etc. They say this, they say this. It's not everybody who's saying this. There's a group of people that have a lot of power and a lot of

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money. And they're using that power and influence and money to attack the mission of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and the Quran is responding to them. The huge population of Makkah, many of them, they're just quietly watching what's happening.

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They're not on this side or that side. They're just spectators, you understand? And that's actually what happened when Islam one then many of them came to the Prophet SAW Salem and said, What is this? Like, this is a new, I see that you guys broke all the idols.

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What's going on is still a party.

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And the Quran said in the huddle, middle machete, kinesthesia Raka. For a Jew, if one of the machine comes to you, one of the idol worship comes to your worshipers comes to you and says they want your protection. Give them your protection, until they hear the speech of Allah because they didn't know some of them didn't even know all we read the 23 years of the seer of the prophets, Allah Salam, the from Revelation, and we think everybody knew what was happening. No, some people were at home playing on their PlayStation, they had no idea what's happening outside. And they finally got out to do the groceries and alone, what is this?

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The world had changed. So Allah says Vladika Vietnam Coppola Alamanda. US because these people had no idea. Give them their space. The same way the source just the same way that the Quran criticizes these Mushrikeen this group 62 Serato Jamara starts with surah number 57 sort of Hadith. And it ends with surah number 66. So 57 to 66. These are 10 sewers, and they're all Madani. What does that mean?

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given to him in Medina, these are short Madani surahs, one after the other, starting from 57, all the way to 66. Okay, and one of the things you will notice inside these sutras is that it is warning not the disbelievers it's actually warning the believers. It's warning the believers and I want you to understand why that happens.

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When the Prophet saw a sham started his mission in Makkah. Everybody believed everybody actually everybody who believed in him, was completely sincere is what I meant to say everybody who believed in him was losing their family. They were losing money. They were getting beat up only for believing in Him.

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You get nothing from believing in the profit. You get nothing from it. You get

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beat up, you get insulted, you get attacked, you get kicked out of your home. That's what you get if you're in Makkah, and you believe in the Prophet, because everybody the, the, the elites, they call the Prophet SAW Salem insane. So if you join him, you are also what we were also insane. And so and they say that he's not loyal to his people. And so now you're not loyal to your people. So basically, in the tribe, and tribal life, if you're not loyal to your people, you lose your citizenship. That's your citizenship. So if you join the Prophet, in a sense, you've lost your citizenship, you will, we're not going to do business with you. We're not going to marry with you,

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we're not going to weak, we're not going to sit and eat food with you, we're going to boycott you. These are the kinds of things the Sahaba had to face when the Prophet SAW Shannon was in Makkah, so you know what that is, the only reason you will believe is because you are getting something greater than all of these problems. Still, it's called return on investment, right? To return on if I'm, if I'm going to lose my friends, I'm going to lose my family, I'm going to lose my money, I'm going to lose my house, what am I gonna get? Why am I signing up for this, and I'm gonna get beat up, and I'm gonna get humiliated and insulted. Well, you get Iman,

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and Allah will reward you in the next life. When you get to be loyal to the prophets, the final messenger of God is here, and he's standing for the truth, and you have the honor of standing next to him. As all you get good enough for you. Yeah, good enough for me. It's an honor, they they're getting beat up and they're happy, they're getting beat up. They're getting spit on and they're happy they're getting spit on. These are the people, we call them a sabich, Ornella Walloon. The people who came first, the people who came first, I'm gonna take a few minutes to explain this to you. Because this is really important concept. When someone comes first to something

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than they are, they lose friends and family.

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If you come from a family where everybody's a doctor,

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and you decide I'm going to sell bicycles,

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you're the first one says, I'm going to start a bicycle store, I'm going to have the most successful bicycle business in Europe.

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You will look your your father will write you out of your will, your mother will contact as many psychiatrists as possible. Right? Don't even contact the local Imam. Maybe he can recite some Quran and on you.

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Because you're doing something that nobody else in the family is doing, you understand. So when you break away and you do something else, then everybody turns against you.

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What kind of support do you have when you do something like that?

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Do you have anybody to support? You know, you have to have the strongest kind of personal will, that you're going to do this, even if everybody thinks you're crazy.

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And some of these people, like one little boy says, I'm going to be a farmer to be a footballer.

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I'm going to win the World Cup.

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And then that kid

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turns into an actual football player who eventually ends up winning the world cup. And then they tell his story and say, when did this began? Well, this began when I was a child. You know, and there are other boys that say, I want to be a footballer, I want to win the World Cup. And their dad says, that's cute. Do your math homework.

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That's cute. Sign up for college, get this job. So the dream starts getting crushed, doesn't it? But some people, they don't care what anybody says they they fight everybody and they go after their dream. And they even get there with point 000 1% of people. Whatever, that's small percentages.

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The point is, if you do something new, you lose everyone around you.

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The Sahaba by believing in the Prophet social and we're doing something new yes or no.

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or doing something new. Nobody did that in their family. Nobody did that in the tribe. Nobody's done that for 1000s of years. What are you talking about? What are you crazy?

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You know? And because they did that, they are the first comers. These are you know, these people you know what we call them nowadays we call them pioneers. In American English. We call them trailblazers. They set a new trend, they do something nobody's ever done before. And when they do that, eventually, they become heroes in society. Whether they're in business or in sports, or any you know, anything, when they do something new. Everybody's like, wow, this person did something so crazy and so new that nobody had even thought of, and they start pioneering something and it takes over and then there's a next wave of people, we call them fans or followers. In the beginning, that

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guy's alone or that won't

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alone. But once they reach success, what happens? Lots and lots of people follow them. So they become trendsetters in the beginning, they're crazy. Eventually they're the they're the one to follow the role models. The Prophet solution by the time he gets to Medina,

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the Sahaba already there, his loyal followers already there. And now even in Medina and some people are early to follow the prophets like Selim and even in Medina, people are like, should be really you think he's a prophet

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of God? You you think an angel talks to him? That's what you think. Hmm.

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And so, it would be difficult. There are people in Medina that have Jewish background.

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They could say to their family, well, your book isn't good for you good enough for you?

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Musa Guna, Moses isn't good enough for you. The Torah, is it good enough for you? Your Rabbi gives such a great sermon every week. That's not good enough for you? Why are you becoming Muslim? What's the matter with you? It could be a Christian background. There could be other books and they're they're starting to accept Islam, and they're all their families losing it. But as it starts growing, and by the time the Prophet gets to Medina solutia,

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actually, a huge population of people living in Medina are ready to accept Islam.

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It's no longer sacrifice. Now, the people who follow Islam are not the minority. In a sense, they are the powerful majority. So the world is very different in Medina than it was in Makkah. Now the Muslims are the winning team. They're the winning team, because they are the winning team. You then get three kinds of Muslims. This is really important to understand this group of sutras, you get how many? Three kinds of Muslims you only got one kind of Muslim in Makkah, which kind the pioneers, the ones who are ready to sacrifice everything that's the only kind of Muslim you get in Makkah. When the prophets are set of moves to Medina, you get the pioneers, and the Pioneers are from Mecca, and

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some of them are also from Medina, a Serbia Kunal Aluna, middle mohajir, Nina Whelan, sar, the first and foremost who came from the MaHA Julene. And the first and foremost from the insol, meaning the people of Medina, that's group one. Then there's group two, they accept Islam, because it makes sense. Because it's it's a beautiful message. But they don't have to give up their family. They don't have to give up their job. They don't have to give up their home, meaning they accept Islam intellectually. You accept Islam emotionally, but it comes without any sacrifices. It's not a major sacrifice, by comparison, the pioneers that they have to make major sacrifices. Yeah, so this is

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accepting Islam easier now in Medina. Yeah. So a good number of people start coming into Islam. And it's easy. Sometimes an entire family accepts Islam, the whole family becomes Muslim, easier and easier and easier. Then there's the third group of people. The third group of people says,

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we were, we were doing pretty good before he got here.

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People used to listen to us, people used to follow us. Now all of a sudden, everybody wants to become Muslim, if we want to stay relevant. If we want to be a part of the society, then we have to join the winning party.

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We need to accept Islam because if we don't accept Islam, everybody else is going to follow the trend. We're going to be left behind. Now they're not following Islam. They're not coming to Islam because they are interested in Islam, or they find it convincing, but they think it's a good political move. It's a good social Move to accept Islam. You understand? The Quran calls these people when African hypocrites that's what he calls them. You get three kinds of Muslims. In Medina, let me ask you what they are was the first one and pioneers than the average Muslims, a couple call them the average Muslims and the third one

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to mafia con. But there's a problem with the average Muslims. Let me tell you something. What happens with the average Muslims? The average Muslims came in with or without sacrifice.

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without sacrifice, generally without too much sacrifice. But pretty soon in Medina after a little bit of time, is there going to be a need for sacrifice? Yeah, cuz my car's not sitting still.

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The Americans are not happy about what happened.

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And within six months, there's going to be preparation for war. Which means anybody who accepted Islam is potentially a member of the military.

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I just I just liked the prayers. I just, I thought it was really

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He knows the fighter has sounds so nice. I just accepted Islam for like, so beautiful and like, spiritual. What are those Fighting? Fighting? A fight? I'm a farmer.

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I don't know how to fight. You know, the only fighter ever had was with my wife forever, neither fight.

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What do you mean we're going to bother? We're gonna go to brother

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and the the people who came for political reasons, remember the mafia con, they come to the regular Muslims and they say, see what you signed up for? You see what happens?

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You missed the days of the past or what?

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And when Alfie Kohn are trying to pull the average Muslim towards their team, to also make them into what?

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When I feel so there's actually when I pick one or two categories. There are two categories. Now, let's, again, let's understand this picture again.

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Because there are three groups. Because there are three groups I want you to use the analogy of, if you have a lot of iman, it's high temperature. If you are basically Muslim middle temperature, and if you have no iman or you're hypocrite, a hypocrite is cold temperature.

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in Makkah, was the average temperature high, middle or low, it was high. But in Medina is the overall temperature going down.

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So I'm not talking about one person but overall as a community, is the average Imam the overall eemaan decreasing. It is isn't it? To address this problem, the overall Imam is decreasing.

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Muslims needed to be given a wake up call don't fall into being when afek

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Don't let your iman die you need to increase the temperature not decrease the temperature. The goal of these 10 sutras is to shake up the Muslims to increase the temperature.

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That's what's going on in these 10 sutras. Soto Juma is one of those 10 sutras. Okay, and that's the that's the the overall picture I want you to understand the overall picture and the agenda of the sutras and that's what that is exactly what everybody Okay, now let's go on I'll skip some of this.

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Some things you should know these are some subtle things in the previous group. Let's see if anybody remembers which Surahs which surah number two which was our number was the previous group

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5256 This is off to walk ya. Allah talked in every surah he said something or the other about the Quran.

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He said something in every one of them. He started with cough one Quran is Majeed cough I swear by the majestic Quran was a kibble karate mania halfway the remind with the Quran Whoever fears My threat, remind to the Quran Whoever fears might or doesn't suit path number 50 and 51 he says for up this summer you will already know who the heck on our inocula happened with them and knock on 21 I swear by the master of the sky and the earth. It is meaning the Quran is the truth as true as your ability to speak. Though he's convincing people of the truth of the Quran. Then he says with a kid from further care from Entebbe, Dr. Mattila becau hidden will emerge unknown in 52. He says remind

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people because you are not a mind reader and you're not insane. Like they say I'm yeah kulula Sharon. Are they saying he's making poetry? He's a poet. Yet our boss will be here label Maroon. Let's see how this situation changes. Maybe somebody will come and kill him. Maybe his poetry will go out of fashion. It won't be it won't be viral anymore. Let's just see how things but let's wait and see. But we'll just believe in him yet. Let's wait and see. I mean coluna taco Wella Who are they saying? He just mix it up. But the UK? No, no, they're not ready to be convinced. Failure to be Hadith a myth in the heat and carnosa the pain let them bring something even close to it. If they're

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telling the truth. What is that a challenge of produce something like what? Not gonna here's all the allegations this is what you think the Quran is okay, well, if it's poetry, give me your poetry.

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If it's magic, show me some magic.

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And so number 53 He says oh my Antigua dill haha he's not making this up from his own feelings. He doesn't speak from his own feelings, his own emotions in who are allawah who knew this is nothing but revelation that's being given to him.

00:34:31 --> 00:35:00

In into that the next will after a comma or after after najem Kumar Allah says Welaka the SML Quran Allah decree for Hellman with the we made the Quran easy for people to get reminder. We made it easy for them to remember Allah then Is there anyone who wants to benefit from that reminder. You know the famous words about the Quran and Sunnah Rahman already surah number 55 are mono Quran for most loving the most caring one. He's the one who taught to

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Quran Why do you not realize this is an act of love from Allah. And then at the very end of this in Surah number 56 really interesting further Ecosim will be more rocky and no longer in the hula Casa lota and I'm gonna have him in the hula Quran Kareem I swear by how the stars are placed in the galaxies.

00:35:21 --> 00:35:34

And that is an amazing oath. This is a noble Quran. This Quran, Allah compares the Quran IR to the stars in the galaxies, right, which is a deep discussion, but for another time, I've already done the series on other words,

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but I will tell you this much Allah says about about the Quran in Slovakia the last Surah before this group begins, he says something special, he says SRB hasn't had ECM to Moteino you want to play games and negotiate with this book with this speech. You want to do a negotiation, we like this part, we don't like this part. This is what you want to do. What I do here is Taco we're not going to cut the bone and you think that you can just keep your provisions your risk. Meaning the real reason you want to play games, with the Quran with this revelation is because you don't want to lose out on your money, or your assets or your social power. So you want to take the parts of the Quran

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that allow you to keep your current assets and your business and your politics and your social standing exactly how it is. And everything that challenges that you want to put that aside. That's, that's the negotiation you want to do. This was important because in the coming Sutras, the group we're dealing with, Allah will talk a lot about the hypocrites. Now you understand why, and what are the hypocrites want to do, they want to compromise the word of Allah. They want to they want to protect their assets, they want to protect their political standing. So by the end of the last group, we were already mentally prepared for what's coming in this group. Something special that

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happens in this group, moving from the previous group, is Allah doesn't just talk about the Quran, which he will in practically every Surah he'll also mentioned something about the Quran from 57 to 66. But he'll add something, this time it's going to be about loyalty to the Prophet sallallahu Arny. Who said,

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this is actually going to the prophet is going to keep coming up, and how you treat the prophet slicin And what the prophet does for you. Like in 57, he says Allah sent His Ayat, his revelations to his slave, so meaning the prophets lucidum so he can bring you out of darkness into light. Allah didn't just mention the Quran, he mentioned the Prophet his slave, right, he highlights him. Then he will keep mentioning or believe in His messenger and believe in his book, you know what I mean? It'll be rasuluh here you can give Laney Marathi at the end of will Hadid he will give you two portions of Rama and he'll allow you to walk in light. So that now it's not just in the previous

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group. It was a focus on the Quran. And now there's a focus on the Quran and the Prophet sallallahu said this is really important, especially for Medina. Why? Because people say yeah, of course I believe in God. I believe I believe that the afterlife

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or why do I have to go to war? Just because he's saying

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I mean, he's just another man like us. Okay, fine. He's a prophet, but

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you don't have to follow Him in everything.

00:38:25 --> 00:38:46

I mean, these guys are crazy. Look at these people. They became homeless following him. They're living here on welfare in Medina, even though they had homes and families in Makkah, these people are idiots. You want me to be like these idiots? Or not me? No, come under sofa. We should believe like these idiots believe it's in the Quran.

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That's what they said. In other words, their loyalty to the prophets. Allah shoulda made them bankrupt.

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Their loyalty ruin their life. So they're trying to question we, you, you should follow the protocol. Pray with him. That's fine. Listen to some inspirational feed speeches. That's good. But if he's asking you for bigger sacrifices, come on. We're not crazy. That's too much. That's too extreme. We're not going to take that route, you understand? So now it was important to highlight loyalty to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam in the soldiers. Okay. Now.

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Actually, I want to skip this part. I want to show you this diagram. I don't know if it's going to make any sense to you.

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But I'm going to try.

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So on the on the left side, it says this be you guys know what this be? Has anyone noticed me as saying SubhanAllah? What are Subhanallah mean? We'll have a discussion today about it. But after this introduction today, the only thing we will get done is iron number one, hopefully. Hopefully. Okay, so that's as far as we can go to it. But anyway, this B means to declare a law

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as perfect. So when you say Subhan Allah you are saying I declare that Allah is perfect or Allah is flawless, flawless stanzi of Allah, He jambalaya Dooku. When you when you say something about Allah or you believe about Allah, that anything that will take away from his perfection, you have removed it from your mind. That would be just be. Okay. So in a sense, you can say you know how you know what detox is? Right? When you detox your concept of God from any impurities, that's called this B.

00:40:36 --> 00:40:41

That's actually so removing all the negative, removing all the negative, that's just

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happened is something else. 100 is adding all the positive,

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this B removes all the negative and 100 adds all the positive, that's that's the two sides of it. You cannot add Halland without first doing what does B you got to do this B first, but you can't just do this with because just because you say Allah is perfect, he doesn't have any flaws. You still haven't said anything good about him. You just didn't say anything bad about him. That's not good enough. So there's Subhanallah but there's also what, what hamdulillah they go together and in the Quran, behind the Arabica, meaning do this be with the hand of your rub. Meaning First, remove all the negative detox your concepts of God to make them pure, and then add the positive you

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understand these sorrows, the ones that are marked in green meaning 57, Hadith 59 hasher 61 monta, Hana 62 or soft, sorry, 61, soft 62 Joomla and 6040 hoburne. These are the ones that begin with disbelief.

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These so half of them begin with SB. Okay, that's an important observation, because B is one of the main themes in this group. So half of them get it.

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Another thing that keeps coming up in these sodas is in fact, spending. Spending keeps coming up one way or the other, and 57 and 58 and 59, skip 6061 6263 6465. Spending, spending, spending, spending and spending. The last one is interesting.

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65 It's actually spending on in family matters. Spending not related to battle, but in family matters. hypocrisy, which I mentioned to you is the problem. Where does it come up? How does it come up? Where does it come up? Every one of them, every one of them? And then the last one is I changed the color a little bit? Not because I ran out of ink, but because it is being talked about more indirectly. It's there but not as direct as the other sources. Okay. Then, of course, this is really interesting two things that seem like they have nothing to do with each other. What are the last two items, family and what

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prophetic war? You would think okay, well, the the Prophet moved to Medina sorry, Saddam, now there's the Croatian are going to attack, there's going to be wars, but that is going to happen, or this is going to happen as these are the battles in the life of the prophet and many small battles in between. So there's war matters. And of course, when you talk about war, there's a goal once we when we will establish government. And when we establish government, these will be the laws. This is how we will deal with murderers. This is how we will deal with thieves. This is how we will deal with, you know, criminals, war criminals, this is how we will establish justice. Like there's these

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big constitutional laws, you would think you would talk about those. But what the Quran does is he talks in the sutras about prophetic war. And then instead of talking about the constitutions that will come after winning the prophetic war, he talks about family law.

00:44:01 --> 00:44:13

He talks about as a lot of husband and wife actually, husband and wife is like, sort of majorda all about husband and wife all over it. So Tabellen actually even even before that,

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in sort of mom to Hana is about husband and wife. And then you get through that when you're gone. And then you know he says Latin Hey, come on while looking whether or without the command decree law that's about children and money. Don't let them distract you from Allah's remembrance and 64 He says your money and your spouses are a great test for you.

00:44:36 --> 00:44:41

Some people don't read a little too much right now. The moment I said your money and your spouse's are a great test for your Volmer

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have the Quran

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surah number 65 is called a Talaq the surah of divorce. So to the Hareem is

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A sutra that begins and ends with actually the spousal relationship, guidance on the spousal relation and the middle it says, Boy and forsaken Alikum Nara Save yourselves and your families from the fire. The thing is, I said, there seems to be a contrast Why would war be mentioned side by side with one? Family law, family guidance, married life? What is the connection between these two things? This is actually where you appreciate the philosophy of the Quran, the wisdom of the Quran,

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Allah has sent other mothers around to this earth. And he there was three that came down to the earth together. Adam Hawa and there's one more.

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Please, thank you very much like all

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of this. And Allah says bow LUCAM, the bobbin or the you will be enemies to each other. He said you will be enemies to each other. So there's three people, three individuals, Adam, Hawa and Iblees. And Allah says you'll be enemies to each other. What does that mean? You two will be enemy of that one. No, that's not what that means. If I say the three people, you will all be enemies to each other. A will be enemy of B. A will also be enemy of C, B will be enemy of A and C, C of A and B, you understand it's gonna go. So Shetlands job is to make sure that you become an enemy with who

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the man becomes an enemy to. And then they become enemies of their children and their children become enemies of each other and animosity spreads.

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That's the that's the whole it started with manna wife. Allah is saying, in the Quran, you solve that conflict, you address that conflict, and you've created peace inside of a family. If you've created peace inside of the family, you're going to raise children in what peace and those children because they have learned peace will then create families that also have what peace, peace will become viral. But if you have conflict here, then what will you pass down to coming generations conflict, you'll pass conflict down conflict, conflict, and you will be enemies to each other. Now, those who say Salam is going to war for the sake of Allah. And it's as if Allah is saying, if you

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don't win the battleground of the family, then there's no purpose of this war. The real victory the real palace, is actually the book of Allah is implemented in the household. Now I'll tell you something that you might think is shocking. It's actually quite true.

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If you think of all the laws that are mentioned in Islam, and the Quran, the Quran is a book of proportions. By the way, everything is in proportion. Like Allah created my body in proportion, my fingers are a certain size, my legs are a certain size. My pinky is not the size of my leg of Hamdulillah. Right? Everything is in something small, something is big, isn't that the case? Some bones are small, some bones are big. Some nerves are are longer, some nerves are shorter. Isn't that the case? The Quran some subjects take up more space, some tablets take less space, isn't that the case? And Allah decided all of it. This is a design from Allah himself. In his design, the vast

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majority of the laws mentioned in the Quran are family laws.

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Vast majority, you would have number two maybe financial laws.

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Suppose to take the main stage, mains main space in the Quran and within them, the marital relationship and inheritance, top items, the top top items.

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When we don't know the Quran, we don't study the Quran, we have a different picture of where the focus is. You understand when you actually look and study what Allah is saying, and how he's seeing it and where he's placing it. One of the most amazing sutras in this series is surah number 66. I'll just tell you one thing about it because we got to keep moving surah number 66. So Taleem

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it begins with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam being to

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being too influenced by some of his wives who are trying to be controlling.

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They were trying to be controlling over him. Everybody has a right over everybody, but they were trying to make him make something haram that Allah didn't make haram

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and that he kind of like, I'll make it easy for you. If you love me, you won't go hang out with your friends ever again.

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Or if you love me, or if you love me, you will never get your sister or you'll ever call your sister.

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Because he loved me. While I mean I love you a little less now

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Castillo my sister.

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Husbands can do this wives can do this. You try to make a condition out of love of Me. You need to cut off a part of yourself.

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You need to cut out some people from your life. You can't you know, a young man or young woman, they love doing something they love art. Or they love to some guy love basketball. And his wife says, Yeah, okay, no, no, go play basketball, Coco Coco.

00:50:28 --> 00:50:33

Why would you stay home? I go once a year. No, no, go go. It's okay.

00:50:36 --> 00:50:37

I'm fine.

00:50:41 --> 00:51:15

What she she's not she's saying go. But she's not saying go. She's saying, If you really love me, you'd give that up. You wouldn't go. You understand. So what happens over time you build resentment. If this person doesn't let me be who I am. They're controlling. They're using their my love for them as a chain. To stop me I'm not even doing something wrong. I just wanted to say Salaam. I just wanted to go see your friend. I just wanted to say some people don't you know, some some mothers will tell their sons. If you love me,

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you will do that you will do this, this this to your wife or you will say this to your wife. Or you won't talk to her or you won't do that you will punish her in this way.

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go eat a sandwich. Does this does not your space.

00:51:32 --> 00:51:33

Yeah, Snickers that'll be good. Yeah.

00:51:35 --> 00:51:58

The point is, in the beginning, the profit was told don't allow a family member to go beyond their rights to step on your own rights. Don't do that. Because if you do that, then your entire ummah will learn that from you. And that will become okay. You are role models. Sallalahu How do you set up? This is in the beginning of what Surah tahanan at the end of the surah.

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Allah says, Yeah, you have an Abuja, hadal kuffaar. Our munaf Yukina volcanoes other him, Prophet, make jihad against the kuffaar and make jihad against the hypocrites.

00:52:11 --> 00:52:34

Whoa, now he's being taught to like he's the Commander in Chief, the general of the Muslim military, you understand and fight those who are trying to create espionage and trying to be traitors from inside the spies within you fight them and fight the enemy outside. So the commander in chief is being talked to as the general and he's being told to lead the war is any?

00:52:35 --> 00:52:38

But is that at the beginning of the sorority, and

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at here?

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You would think between a family issue

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and war,

00:52:47 --> 00:52:54

war for the sake of Allah, which should be not in our mind, what is item number one in our head? War? Jihad is a bit

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hard, it's all the way down at the end. Why? Because that's the first battle.

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That's the priority. That's how humanity was sent down. There's a there's a mindset that's taught in these ayat. You know, the Quran is not just information, it's a mindset. What is priority? Why are you even fighting? What's even the purpose? What's even the purpose, you know, you know, when Mohammed, Mohammed is Surah of fighting. It's a surah is also called pseudo kitab. The Surah of fighting

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this I have seen two men to see the film or the war to cut through or Himachal. Allah says if you don't fight, you know what's going to happen. You will cause corruption in the in the land, and you will cut family ties.

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Allah says the great tragedy of not fighting against the machine raccoon and Mikado prophetic war, you know what the real damage of that will be? Family Ties will be cut. That's what Quran says. Remarkable. The thing the reason I'm making a point to share this with you is oftentimes we are afraid to talk about why the Prophet fought.

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What was he fighting for?

00:54:01 --> 00:54:24

And what's even scarier is when people do talk about the subject. They don't talk about this, which is right there in the book staring at you. It's important to highlight what Quran let the Quran speak for itself. So this is the neighborhood in which Soto Jamara belongs now just a couple of other quick really subtle and beautiful points that this be have Allah

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let me tell you a phrase so you understand what this all means. I'll explain it first. Subhan Allah He maphis Simone YT well

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Subhan Allah He Maphorisa, Marathi, wonderful out everything, whatever is in the skies and whatever is in the earth has always done this be of Allah. Hear me again in English, everything that's in the skies, whatever is in the skies and whatever's in the earth has always done this B of Allah. I used has always done Yes. Let me use it again. Everything whatever.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:08

In the skies, whatever is in the earth does and will always do this be of Allah. What tends to that I use now?

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The present and future. Yeah, some of these sorrows mentioned that this be of Allah in the past. So you find that in certain Hadith, in the beginning of subtle Hadith, you find that in certain Hashem, you find that in Soto Juma Largemouths, very soft stuff.

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And there are three sutras in which that is be is mentioned in the present and the future, everything in the skies in the Earth does and we'll continue to do that as we have Allah that's mentioned in surah, Al Hashem, and in Jamara and in the harbor, one surah has both past and present, which one which number do you see past and present together? hashes hash opens with the past ends with the present. Okay, but I'm not teaching you certain hashes, I won't tell you why that happens. It's pretty cool, though. I will tell you something else.

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Every time Allah mentions this be in the past,

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human mentioned fighting.

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The Sutras that begin with this behind the past, they mentioned prophetic war.

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The Sutras that that mentioned this behind the future. They don't mention what prophetic war. And actually, there's lots to learn here. But one subtle thing I will tell you, the war that was administered to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will become a thing of the past, this will be a historic war that will bring the victory of Islam and cleanse the house of Allah. That was that was built by Ibrahim Alayhi Salam. And it's actually meant to become a thing of the past, and then that the speech of Allah forever shall continue.

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So there's a there's an association of the past, with war, actually, in the sutras with prophetic more particularly. But then there's another really beautiful thing. And that's, that's not happening in this surah. But you should note the perfection of the Quran. Listen to me carefully and tell me the difference. Whatever is in the skies, and whatever is in the earth, declares the perfection of Allah. How many times did you hear whatever? Good, I'll say it again. Whatever is in the sky is in the earth declares the perfection of Allah. How many times did you hear whatever.

00:57:32 --> 00:57:53

There's only two, two places where Allah says whatever once, whatever is in the skies in the earth, everywhere else he says whatever is in the skies, and whatever is he he mentions ma twice. Subhanallah he maphis mit wanna fill up the mouse twice other places Subhanallah he Murphy's somehow it was just once.

00:57:54 --> 00:57:55

Now if I told you

00:57:56 --> 00:58:01

I know whatever you said, and whatever you said, and whatever you said.

00:58:02 --> 00:58:07

And I say, I know whatever you said, you and you and you said which one is more mammal?

00:58:09 --> 00:58:17

The second was more natural. You don't have to say whatever over and again, why are you doing that? Because I'm going to come after you then I'm going to come after you. They're gonna come after you.

00:58:19 --> 00:58:40

There's an extra emphasis on every whatever you understand. So what Allah says, as whatever is in the skies, and whatever is in the earth declares the perfection of Allah. Is there a special stress on the earth? You understand? So you will find in most of these solos wherever this be has mentioned, there's a special stress on the earth.

00:58:42 --> 00:58:52

And what's really cool is a level mentioned that special stress on the earth and immediately in the next is something about the PEEP us and whatever's happening in the earth will be mentioned immediately after.

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There's only two places where that special whatever is on the earth is not mentioned two places. Those two places are sort of Hadith in the beginning, and so to hasher at the end use of the hula hula math is somehow it will work with as he's on Hakeem. What's amazing about those two places, is they only talk about Allah

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there's no mention of what's going on in the world. If you go to the end of SoTL hasher you find who hola hola de la ilaha illa Huwa de Monterrey beware shahada T who are Rahman Al Rahim who hola hola de la ilaha illa who El Malecon quote those who said I will move middle why middle Aziz will Jabbar on Medaka Subhanallah he I'm not usually going who Allah ha ha Eikenberry will most hope we will have a smile on husana the home office somehow it would there's somebody who is somebody who the home office and it will

00:59:46 --> 01:00:00

used to be hula hula maphis Somehow it was no special emphasis on the earth this time. Well as easy to forget, because it was all about Allah. And there was no focus on the people of the earth at the end is only about

01:00:00 --> 01:00:37

Don't go to the beginning of Salat. And if you don't know the Arabic these are all names of Allah descriptions of Allah. Now you go to the beginning of SoTL, Hadith Subhan Allah He manifests and it will dwell ICs and Hakeem la Homolka somehow it when you're here you meet well, who are the conditioning buddy? Who was a one what ask you to worldwide? Well Balt in a world who will be equally Shana Ali? Who under the Halacha somehow it will Allah visit 30 am from Mustafa. Yeah. And that will Maya let you fill out the form if we Jimena. Well, Maya Angelou, Mita sama or Maya alluvia Well, who am I aquamarina Makoto, well la Hobbema Tamela and I will see La who will go somehow it

01:00:37 --> 01:01:15

will wear either Allah hater Gerolamo you will use a lesson now him well you will need your Nowra phindile well who are an even b that is sudo all of it is about all so Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah there is no focus in the world now just be forget about worldly matters in this in this past is the two places that talk about Allah uniquely the Maya is removed this is just to show you every small detail in the Quran. Every word in the Quran has a strategic location and a placement right but the one we're dealing with is there a map? You Serbia only nahi maphis sama Watty Omar Fulani, so to Soto Jumeirah there is to Mars, okay, now,

01:01:16 --> 01:01:22

I know my introduction is going to take super long but should I give you a breakdown here give me a break. I don't really care about your feelings.

01:01:24 --> 01:02:05

So to surface the solar right before this one, in my study of the Quran, it's important to know what neighborhood Asuna belongs to remember. And one of the one is what group does it belong to? And the other the other is, who's the immediate neighbor? What's the sewer right before and what's the surah right after so this little right before the Sunnah we're about to study is sort of stuff. So to slough. So to start begins with everything has declared the perfection of Allah Sabha, the past tense, this was going to begin every Surah declares, and will continue to declare the perfection of Allah, between the past present and future does not cover all time. So they already complement each

01:02:05 --> 01:02:32

other because it kind of together they cover all time. And this B was happening since ever, and is happening now and will continue to happen forever. So all three tenses get covered in this in the last surah Allah mentions, what did he send the messenger with? He sent him with guidance. What did he send him with? In this surah? We're going to learn? Who was he sent to?

01:02:34 --> 01:02:35

Who was he sent to?

01:02:36 --> 01:02:45

There? We're going to learn what was his overall objective, you'll hit on one other Dean equally so he can make this Deen victorious.

01:02:46 --> 01:03:21

Here, that's the overall of the macro objective. You understand macro and micro. That's the macro objective. What's the micro objective, every individual needs to be purified? Every individual needs to be transformed that's going to be in this surah yet or the Maya to use a key when you find in just two reactions in especially in Makkah, there were two reactions to the Prophet saw them. Some people they were almost required before they were almost doing some of them when the Quran came, they hated the Prophet a lot. And some of them when the Quran came, they left their misguidance and accepted Islam.

01:03:22 --> 01:03:39

The people who hated the Prophet are mentioned in surah a Soph. What the * was the code and the people who came towards Islam and left their shit when Councilman Abdullah Fablehaven Mubin are mentioned that this surah In Surah, to serve Allah mentioned that Musa spoke to his people who were his people.

01:03:40 --> 01:03:43

Good bunnies, like Esau spoke to Benissa II.

01:03:45 --> 01:04:22

And they both were speaking to people who already believed they were already Muslim, but they weren't living up to Islam, even though they had a prophet among them. And both of these prophets came to which nation but he's right. In this surah you're going to find the example of those who are given the torah as a as a responsibility and they did not carry this responsibility. Do you see a continuity? Musa is the beginning of the Torah what he started as the conclusion of the Torah and now I live in a formula turret and the next Surah So you see, you can see there's a continuity of messaging from one surah to the next surah

01:04:23 --> 01:04:56

Allah mentioned there Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people Allah who lay I did call faceting Allah Allah did call Molly mean this has mentioned two times and sort of stuff. And in this story you also find wala who lie they'll call Malala mean Allah does not guide this guide or does that guide the wrongdoing people? One of the most amazing contrasts and so to surf when Allah was calling the encouraging the Muslims to engage in prophetic war when the war was coming towards them. He says, don't look at that era Tintin G coming up in that name. Should I tell you have a business deal that will save you?

01:04:57 --> 01:04:59

Should I tell you a business deal that will what is

01:05:00 --> 01:05:39

They view and Allah mentioned the Giada. Again in this surah he says when the Prophet saw them was standing, giving goodbye, there was some trade show going on some caravan. You know, nowadays you can buy, you know clothes and groceries and things like that you can buy them from the mall or from the grocery store. Back in the day, they didn't have grocery stores like that people used to bring the items and stuff. And then this set up a whole camp for your shopping like a fear, like a market, right set up a market and then briefly, they're there if you want to catch the best deals come early, and then get out. So the Jumar football was going on. Salto Juma was going on and this trade

01:05:39 --> 01:05:59

fear came. And people heard the bells and the you know, the dancers and the singing songs and all that stuff that they set up to make noise to attract their customers and a bunch of people left Serato Juma and went there. Now the good thing nowadays is you don't have to leave the masjid to go to the entertainment you could just

01:06:02 --> 01:06:33

not have to get up. Good comes to you. You don't have to go to it. But anyway, unless is what you thought I owe to Jonathan, when they saw that trade. Allah one hours and saw something entertaining, they ran towards it, they left you standing there. Allah mentions you will fight in Allah's path. And you will spend with your money and your own selves, you'll spend your whole life that would be the ultimate trade. And in this surah, Allah will, Allah will say, the death that you are running away from it will catch you.

01:06:34 --> 01:06:42

There's no way that you will escape that and then melt into the into February. You know, one of my most interesting, most favorite comparisons of these two sutras is actually

01:06:44 --> 01:06:45

about Jesus.

01:06:46 --> 01:07:10

So, if you might, if you don't know the followers of Jesus are called the Hawara Yun, the Bible calls them the disciples, the disciples of Jesus. Yeah, there weren't many. There were very few. And after whatever happened in his mission, they were all spread out. Like they didn't win the battle, you understand? They were dispersed because they were so few.

01:07:11 --> 01:07:49

And it took a couple of centuries before the Christianity or the some version of following Jesus made a comeback. But for a long time, it was just dispersed in the early mission of Jesus. By contrast, in this surah, Allah says that Allah sent this messenger among people that had no education before the Arabs don't mean and there are others who haven't joined them yet. Who are coming. Who's he talking about? Others who haven't joined them yet? He's talking about us.

01:07:51 --> 01:08:04

He's talking about us. He's talking about Islam, going to Europe, Islam, going to Africa, Islam, going to Asia, Islam reaching Australia, Islam is going everywhere. It's gonna go everywhere. And the numbers are gonna what?

01:08:05 --> 01:08:33

And is it going to be many centuries of Islam disappearing? And then it will appear? No, no, no, from the very beginning. Islam keeps spreading and spreading and this is the funnel of Allah, that's the favor of Allah He gives it to whoever he wants. That is not how things played out in the vision of Jesus. But this is how things are going to happen in the mission of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam right. You guys seen I mean, don't answer this publicly isn't people might stare at you guys see the Hollywood sign in LA on the mountain?

01:08:35 --> 01:08:35

is okay.

01:08:39 --> 01:08:46

I was in an island in Malaysia Kota Kinabalu some time ago. And this is like

01:08:48 --> 01:08:57

you fly out of Kuala Lumpur a couple of hours you're going over the ocean and you landed this remote island. It's like a vacation Island thing.

01:08:58 --> 01:09:05

I was just I was just on the plane. I was just looking out at the sea and I was thinking how did Islam here?

01:09:07 --> 01:09:08

Like this is so far.

01:09:10 --> 01:09:12

And there's so much water in between.

01:09:13 --> 01:09:14

Like Allah's word just

01:09:16 --> 01:09:34

good everywhere. And then I land in Kota Kinabalu and we're driving and it was it was a good hour and a half drive. And I see a mountain and on the mountain there is a calligraphy giant sign that says Hola, like the Hollywood sign, except not to join them.

01:09:35 --> 01:09:36

It was as

01:09:39 --> 01:09:41

I was just baffled, like look at this.

01:09:42 --> 01:09:47

This people want to just, they're driving and they're like, Oh yeah, I should remember Allah.

01:09:49 --> 01:09:50

You know.

01:09:53 --> 01:09:59

To me, this offer in our main home the blessing Allah gave to this online the way that it spread is one of the most

01:10:00 --> 01:10:09

amazing miracles of this religion, one of the most amazing things okay. Finally, I'm going to share a quick comparison with you about Soto Juma and Soto manavi Khan.

01:10:10 --> 01:10:19

In the at the end of Soto dua Allah says the people left the Prophet standing he was given called by and the people left, people walked away to the trade, right.

01:10:21 --> 01:10:57

And the beginning of suitable Africa when some people come to the Prophet said, look at the imagery in the end of one surah people are walking away from the Prophet and the beginning of the next one, people are coming to the prophet, and they're both wrong. They're both wrong. The ones who walked away got distracted and the ones who come are hypocrites trying to come trying to impress him. They're coming for genuine reasons. So to Java says he gives people revelation. He teaches people revelation so he can purify them. And then there are people who hear this revelation, but he doesn't purify them, they take their aid, they take their faith as a shield to hide their real dirtiness. So

01:10:57 --> 01:11:11

they they're believers on the outside, but really not believers on the inside. And that's highlighted in Serato. Mafia Han, Allah says, they the people before us, they were given the responsibility of the Torah, but they didn't carry it.

01:11:12 --> 01:11:21

They were burdened, but they didn't carry it. This surah says hypocrites, they believed then they disbelieved. I'm an Omega photo.

01:11:22 --> 01:11:31

You know why that's important. When Allah talks about the Israelites, and the Quran is actually not really only talking about the Israelites. This is really important.

01:11:32 --> 01:11:35

When he's talking about the Israelites, what do you think he's talking about?

01:11:36 --> 01:11:37

He's talking about us.

01:11:38 --> 01:11:51

This is a really important principle of the Quran happens over and over again. They were talked about, by the way, the word used for them will be indisputably Messiah, their example, when is it? When does the teacher give an example? When does a parent give an example?

01:11:52 --> 01:11:56

The example example is given to benefit the student.

01:11:57 --> 01:12:03

The example is not the goal. The example is just a means to learn the lesson for you.

01:12:04 --> 01:12:19

So when Allah is merciful for them, is because look at what Allah says of our buddies, right? No, he said that because you look like that homie. That's why he's saying it. There's a there's a direct correlation being made. So

01:12:21 --> 01:12:30

I'll quickly run to the end of this. Allah says in Soto Joomla, he says, First I will advocate in the rush to the remembrance of Allah.

01:12:31 --> 01:12:37

So from what I recall, he flips it and says, Don't let your money and kids distract you from the remembrance of Allah.

01:12:38 --> 01:12:43

And so the Joomla he says, Remember, Allah, Allah so you can succeed?

01:12:44 --> 01:12:49

I'll say that again. Remember, Allah Allah so you can what? Succeed? Okay, okay, what's the opposite of succeed?

01:12:51 --> 01:12:59

He says, Well, my Yep, I've only got like a humble Hospital and the next one, and whoever it gets distracted from remembering Allah, those are the people that have failed.

01:13:00 --> 01:13:35

One sutra says, Remember Allah to succeed. The other says, you get distracted and you will want to you see a connection. And I wanted to illustrate this to you. So you understand how sutras move in. Like there's a structure there's a method, there's a continuity, and this is your concluding comment, and I'll give you guys a good you've earned a good 10 minute break, mashallah, you've been very good. So, I'm gonna give you your first 10 minute break soon. These are the three sections of Soto July's, 11 ayat, but it's going to be broken up into three sections. And hopefully today, we can

01:13:36 --> 01:13:37

do one IR from the first section.

01:13:39 --> 01:13:41

Hopefully, I don't think it's gonna happen now what.

01:13:42 --> 01:14:05

But this is what we're gonna go through. And at the whenever we reach the end of a section, I'll give you an overview of that section. Then we'll get to the end of the second section, and an overview then the third one that an overview of the entire salon. And this is sort of my method in giving these lectures on the surahs and channel Tada. So with that, I'm gonna give you guys your first 10 minute break and within 10 minutes, I'll be back here talking again, does not come along.

01:14:07 --> 01:14:41

I hope you guys enjoyed that video clip. My team and I have been working tirelessly to try to create as many resources for Muslims to give them first steps in understanding the Quran all the way to the point where they can have a deep, profound understanding of the Quran. We are students of the Quran ourselves. And we want you to be students of the Quran alongside us. Join us for this journey on Vienna Where 1000s of hours of work have already been put in and don't be intimidated. It's step by step by step so you can make learning the Quran a part of your lifestyle. There's lots of stuff available on YouTube, but it's all over the place. If you want an organized approach to

01:14:41 --> 01:14:49

studying the Quran beginning to end for yourself, your kids, your family, and even among peers. That would be the way to go sign up for billionaire

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