Omar Suleiman – Why Me #01 Where Was I Before I Was Born

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary ©
The concept of "slack points" is discussed, including a book on people's spiritual bodies and a study on how people can connect with their spiritual bodies. The realms of sacred claiming, including birth and death, beast, and god, are emphasized, along with the importance of history and writing a decree. The Holy Spirit is emphasized as crucial for understanding one's life and future, and writing a history is crucial for understanding one's life and future.
AI: Transcript ©
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Our lives are filled with moments that define us.

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moments of pure joy that create memories for years to come.

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And also moments of hardship that eat away at our thoughts,

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our relationships, sometimes even our faith.

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It can be hard to sit with the cards we're dealt with.

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Is my life entirely my own if it's already been written for me?

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Why do some people struggle with immense pain while I'm given this blessing?

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Or why am I struggling with this hardship, while others seem to have it so easy?

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Why is this happening? Why now? Why me?

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Doesn't start with your parents, or your grandparents, or even your ancestors. It actually all starts with a pen.

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Imagine the conversation, it was ALLAH and nothing else. No Heaven and *, no angels, no humans, no devils, just Allah. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that 50,000 years before he creates the heavens and the earth, he creates the pen. And he says to this pen octobe, right. And then the pen asks, and what should I write Oh my Lord. And he says, Write everything decreed until the final hour, October ilmi fakulti. Right now my knowledge of my creation. And so the pen writes everything down in a low hill, my thoughts, these heavenly tablets that only Allah subhanaw taala has access to and even above so the a lot of times and Houma he describes these tablets as made from

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red ruby extending from the Throne of Allah subhanaw taala. Imagine all of the stories of history in one place. The empires and nations the tyrants and heroes are taught by Hema hola acid in it is written for their own is from the people of the fire, and timber to the Vela have been water Perish the two hands of Ebola. But it's not just these grant episodes of history. It also has the stories of the seemingly most insignificant of people with every single emotion recorded. And then there's the special chapter with your name on it. And it has all the precious little moments that make up your life.

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moments that are strung together in a way that only al Hakim the most wise could have organised

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also that you can get to know him. Founder ILA authority Rahmatullah look for the traces of the Mercy of your Lord, because Allah subhanaw taala programmed us with this perception of him before he even brought us into existence all so that we can get to know him, and then worship Him.

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So where were we before we got here? Our souls in this dunya are between two realms of souls, Adam Yveltal, the realm of pre existence that we came from, and then once we die, Ireland will Barza the realm of our greatest, now Subhan Allah, which you'll notice is that both of these realms are dark, and they're only lit up either by blessed a decree or by blessed deeds. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in Hola Hola, Kochalka houfy volna Allah created his creation in complete darkness. What if other people come in many Adam and in glory him do reata home. Remember when your Lord brought forth the descendants of the children of Adam, and the prophets why Selim said and

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imagine the scene that Allah creates out of them it has set up, and then he brings forth a batch of his offspring from his back. And Allah says, I have created these for Paradise, and they are going to do the deeds of those who go to paradise. And then Allah subhanaw taala extracts another batch from his back. And Allah says, I've created these for hellfire, and they are going to do the deeds of those who go to *. Now, I want you to imagine the sight of every single one of your ancestors, and all of their descendants lined up one by one until it gets to you.

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And we came out like though these little tiny particles.

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And Allah spread us out in the valley of Amman, which is alpha. Now think of the scene of alpha and Hajj, but not just with a few million Muslims, but every single human being ever created, like tiny particles assembled in that single place of alpha. And that's why our alpha linguistically means to come to know your Lord, because we're renewing that original covenant every time we go. And what was that covenant? Allah subhanaw taala spoke directly to each one of us. And He said to us, allow us to be Rob become, am I not

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as your LORD, that was the first conversation you ever had with Allah, and we forgotten it, but its impact is hardwired into our souls. And that's why we believe everyone has an inclination to God, and then chooses whether or not to follow it, and to get to know him. Another profound connection about that preexistence is that you'll notice it started with a question as to be, Am I not your Lord? And what's the first thing we'll be asked in our graves when we cease to exist in this world? Men rockbrook, who is your Lord La ilaha illAllah. So that's the hardwiring. That's an every single one of us. Then the Prophet SAW, Selim said, Allah cast his light upon the creation, and whoever was

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touched by that light, is guided, and whoever wasn't goes astray. And in another narration, the prophets why Sam said why Giada Bina is a coolie in San and minhang Wahby, some manure that Allah put between each of our eyes a portion of light, but our light was not all the same. They're just like, our light is not all the same in the grave. And it's not all the same on the Day of Judgment. This is the light of your goodness. And I want you to think about how much light was on your forehead. And imagine the Mighty Sun, I'm walking around the gathering that day, and looking at everyone with their light. And the prophets, like some said he was amazed by one man. And this is a

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man who is going to be distinguished with his future deeds of worship a man who's going to pray the last third of the night, he's going to fast every other day. He's going to live a life of works of gratitude. So either my son looks at his light and says, Hey, Robbie Madhava Oh, my Lord, who is this? And Allah says, this is your son that will die to his Salaam? And how the mighty Islam says, and how many years does he have? He said, he's going to live for 60 years out of the Muslim said, give them 40 of my years because he needs to live longer. So imagine the mighty Saddam walking through the gathering, and then meeting you for the first time.

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Do you think your light captured him?

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Or do you think he just moved on?

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And then after that, imagine us meeting each other. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Allah Junoon regenda That souls have a similar likeness are like these conscripted soldiers. You know that recognition of our light on the Day of Judgment, where the prophets I send them said that our will do will shine from our bodies, as will all of our good deeds. Even before we got here, that light guided righteous souls to each other, to the point that have been mistreated or the law on who said that if a believing soul were to enter upon a gathering of 100 people, 99 of them being hypocrites. He'd find that one believer he'd be driven to that one believer because of that light.

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So who you're going to be and who you're going to meet has already been written. The prophets lie some said Jeff Collymore, Allah al Milla, the pens have dried with the knowledge of Allah. But if that's the case, do you have any say in what's written in your decree? Yes, because there are multiple forms of documenting decree. The document that never changes is allowed in metal. But there is later two other every single year. In fact, every day, couldn't a Yeoman who officia Allah azza wa jal is decree. And when you were in your mother's womb, there was decree and all of those writings can be changed based upon do as and deeds. But all of that has already been taken into

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consideration in the low head metals, because Allah knows what will change and he already encompasses it in his writing. So then, what's the point of doing good if you can't escape your written fate? The Sahaba ask the profit slice I'm the same thing and the profit slice and I'm sad airmen who couldn't learn more. Yes, sir. Don't Lima, Haleakala do your good deeds. And everyone will be facilitated to what they were created for. Because Allah does not force upon you a decree that you had nothing to do with. It's your decisions and your deeds that you will find written on the Day of Judgment, not his tablet that already recorded what he knew you were going to do. His

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knowledge of your fate is perfect. But you have your own choices within that fate while never escaping. The life he created for you is because he already knew how you would live it. But you have to live that life and proceed through the many unknown chapters ahead. Now magnificent Tour de Illa Allah Who are their own fika Yong Li, not a breast will you take except that a decree of destiny has made it go forth.

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As your life and your destiny begin and you start to take control of your life. You'll find that Allah always knows best.

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And you may come to find that it still surprises you.

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Even when you least expect it.

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So what then is the purpose of your existence?

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Why was this the moment Allah chose to place your soul on earth?

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blame sleep and

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