Nouman Ali Khan – Ramadan 2018 – Nightly Reminder – June 11

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The culture of K Hospitality includes a series of actions and commitments, including a commitment to not allow anyone to say anything until they have made a promise to the Prophet. The importance of listening and obeying Islam is emphasized, as it is crucial for everyone to receive the message. kn 'ro' is the words used to describe struggles of one's life, and achieving a perfect grade is a result of hard work and dedication. The concept of "naught" is used to describe struggles of one's life, and achieving a perfect grade is a result of hard work and dedication. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a program on human emotions and how they can affect one's behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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rubbish at least everywhere silly Emily Wagner aka Tommy lasagna, cocoa leaf and hamdulillah salat wa salam, O Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, he was a huge bang on the god once again everyone Rahmani Kumara tada Mercado. Today we are trying to appreciate some things about a very powerful I would argue even possibly the most powerful da in the Quran. from whatever little I've been able to study at Lowe's book. This is a dog found at the end of Al Baqarah, the longest surah of the Quran. And the narrations about the suit are pretty remarkable. This is an exception to the rest of the Quran, that the Quran was descended, it came down via jabril Allah He swam to the messengers of Allah while

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he was alone, with the exception of these ayat, they were actually given to the Prophet social. And when he ascended, when he rose up to the heavens, and had a meeting with prophets and eventually even spoke directly with a larger budget, that's when this prayer was given to him. It's an incredible, incredible, he has lots and lots of lessons, I'm only going to try to highlight a couple of them for you here. And I'm probably going to be talking about to start today, and I'll be talking about it tomorrow. So let's start with a few background observations, not just about the context in which it was revealed, but also its placement. Social dakara the first the early account sort of

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backlash from the beginning of sort of Baccarat, we learned about other malayalam coming down on the earth, and allows origin describing that if every guidance comes to you, From me to you, in other words to him or his children, than whoever follows that guidance, will have no worries and no fears. Right and finally allows me to give him words from him. And so the the image of the beginning of the surah is the human being coming from the heavens down to the earth. And here you have an eye, towards the end of the soul, you have eye art in which a human being ascends now, from the earth back into the heavens. And so it's actually a means by which a very subtle way of the Quran telling

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us and Allah telling us that these are ways by which we can ascend, we can elevate ourselves. It's also remarkable about this door that soldiers didn't just mention his messenger because he was honored with that, you know, and the sibylla Telemundo, monta, and the agenda to our

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intro to ledger mala describes the elevation to which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but he actually described something else here he includes not only the messenger, but us under rasuluh Viva La La Merapi, meaning, like the messenger believed in whatever was given to him, whatever was sent down to him, but also the believers along with him had faith too. So ally included, not only the pseudo la sallallahu wasallam, but he included the rest of us in this remarkable door. So we have been mentioned in the highest of places in this remarkable door. And that's a special honor given to believers in this top. Now, after declaring our faith, Allah says about us before we get to

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the de kado summit in our Atlanta, the believers declared, we hear and we obey, you may have heard this phrase before we've heard and we've obeyed. Now this is a two part phrase, and it's the prerequisite of this law. Before you ask Allah for something, you have to declare something to Allah. This is actually the same as the Fatiha first you have to make a claim to Allah, He aka Naboo, we're worshipping you, we're going to worship you. And then once you've made that promise to Allah, then you're in a position to ask him for something we are going to stare, you know, we need your help. We're gonna ask for your help. So first, there's a verbal commitment and a sincere

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commitment to Allah. And then you're in a position to ask the same way here. We declare to Allah we hear and we obey. And of course, this is in the context of the greatest of all of Allah's revelations, the Quran, so we're actually not only making any general claim about hearing and obeying, we're making a promise to a law that we're going to listen to his words. We're going to listen to the Quran that he's given us, we're actually going to make an effort

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To hear what he's got to say. And then when we hear it, we're willingly going to submit ourselves to the instructions that he's giving us. That's the commitment that we're making in Savannah, will Atlanta but that's not going to be perfect. Even though we're going to make that commitment to a lot to listen and to obey, we're not going to turn into angels, we're going to mess up, we're going to forget we're going to make mistakes. And so immediately after we say we hear and we obey, or we've heard and we've obeyed, we say, well, Veronica, Donna, your forgiveness our master, because our hearing hasn't been perfect, and our obedience hasn't been perfect. So we need you to cover the

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faults that we've made thus far. Well, illegal moseyed until you finally is the return Anyway, we'll never gonna forget that in this journey of listening and obeying you we're whether we, whether we obey you or not, whether we listen to you or not, it's like we're heading towards you whether we like it or not, every single day, whether you personally spiritually and I personally, spiritually morally made progress, getting closer to Allah, my heart got closer to a lower not, my soul is heading towards a lie anyway. It's not like I'm getting any time extra time. I'm on this conveyor belt and it doesn't go backwards. It only gets forwards in the kakatiya only logic at hand for

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malarkey. But before Allah actually teaches us the rest of this door, this is the claim the claim is we're going to listen and we're gonna obey. Before he goes any further he Allah Himself adds a comment. And this comment is essential in understanding this there are so much so that you know a lot of times the doors in the Quran, they are the entire is the door. But here, this comment by Allah is the introduction. And then it's the rest of this door and all of that is one ayah. It's not even separate out. Half of this ayah is a lot of talking, and the other half is us talking. Okay, so that's actually how the ayah is structured. Half of it Allah speaks the other half we speak or the

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opening Allah speaks the rest of it is we speaking. So what does he have to say before we even asked him? He says, you can leave hula hoops and Isla de la casa but while they have Makita summit and hopefully what I'm going to do today is just highlight that what is the last thing before we even make the out to him in this in this remarkable Dora? What does Allah want us to know? First, he says Allah does not place a burden, await a responsibility. These are the meanings of the word tech leaf. Allah does not put a weight or responsibility or a burden on any individual on any person, except allows are accepted their capacity.

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This is teaching us a number of things so far one is teaching us every one of us has a different capacity. A child has a different capacity than an old man, a young man and a young woman are different. A wealthy, the wealthy, and the poor are different. Someone in one society is different from someone in another society. Someone knowledgeable is different from someone who had no access to education. People are different. Allah gave us all different responsibilities in life, he will never put anything on us beyond our personal capacity. It's a long way of telling us he knows every single one of us individually and exactly what our limits are. And he will never expect from us to

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his he won't ever ask us for anything more than we're actually given capability of law, you can live a low enough level. So that's one of its benefits. The additional benefit here is the word knifes. The word knifes is actually in the Quran used to describe the struggling part of ourselves, meaning our desires come from our knifes, you know, matters the hill enforce, then the nuts has temptations and desires and, you know, it has emotions, it has feelings. And Allah says Allah will not burden you with anything more than what you can emotionally handle. More than he won't make you sacrifice which what Allah put inside of you. And you know, make you hurt yourself know if Allah give you

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responsibilities, because you're capable of it. And the third, at least the third benefit for today that I want to make sure you appreciate of Illa was Aha, which is probably the most important and in my view, is that, you know, I'll give you this to you by example. So you'll remember it. It's you know, there there are some students, like when I used to teach math, right? There's some students that are super smart, they're just really, really smart. And they don't have to study a lot to get an idea on the exam, they could get 100. But the kid already knows even if I don't study, I'm at least gonna get what a 90, so he gets a 90 and nobody else in class got a 90. And so he's like, I'm

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doing good, because I got a 90, but the teacher knows that this kid had way more potential than that 90. So even though technically a 90 is a pretty good grade, the teacher pulls him to the side and says, I know you can do better. I'm disappointed in you.

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This guy got 60 you're not disappointed in him.

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So actually, no, he was only capable of 30 and he did 60 I'm pretty proud of him. You were capable of 100 but you didn't use your full potential. You didn't exhaust your potential you are more capable of this. But you didn't put any effort in you didn't put your heart into it. And so when Allah has given you What sir also means your capacity

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Potential ally is not holding you responsible except to your potential. In other words, each one of us has been made capable of some incredible things. Nobody knows that except ourselves, people will come around and tell you, you're useless, you're worthless, you can't do anything in life, you're a loser, etc, etc, etc. What are you going to do with your life? You know, and you start accepting that narrative about yourself that you're not capable of anything, any great potential, Allah put in incredible Was there an expansive potential inside every single human being? And Allah will ask every one of us? Did you exhaust yourself to your full potential? Is this the very, very best that

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you could have done? Because I made you capable of doing this, and you stopped trying after you even got here.

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And you were capable of much more, but I will ask you because I gave you the potential for this. I gave you much more, and you didn't use it. And so part of the meaning here is that Illa de was really hard. His love was Aha, the wisdom of the human being will be burden. In other words, the capacity, the potential that we have inside of us, we have to be really hard on ourselves, am I capable of better? It did Allah make me Did he empowered me with more, which is why less has Kowloon yamano, Allah shakeela T, tell tell them, everyone should work in accordance with the way Allah formed them. The way Allah shaped them, meaning Allah shaped you, in a way, put yourself to work

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exhaust yourself in every everything the Muslim does, there is no such thing as mediocre. There's no such thing as you just getting kind of kind of getting by at school, or kind of doing okay at work, or kind of taking care of your family, or whatever, everything you do in life, for you, 10, who they should excel in it, do the very, very best you can. This is a less expectation from believers, he chose us from the rest of humanity to have the honor to c'est la ilaha illAllah. That's not a small thing. Like there's a huge population of human beings on earth that don't say la ilaha illAllah. And we get to say that, we get to say Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam, this is an award

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given to those who have some amazing potential. And he's going to ask about that. Now you can leave a lot of sunny levels Aha. But what do we get this and then then the rest of the statement, the harmonica Sabbath? What are they how accessible This is where I'll conclude for today, before we get to the law itself, you have to be ready for that dog. This is a lot of talking to us before we ask him. You know, it's it's pretty amazing. He says, I'll talk to you before you talk to me is basically what's happening here. Before you ask me, let me tell you, let me set your mind straight. Let me orient your thinking. So he says let hamaca Sabbath while they have Makassar. But to every

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individual's benefit is whatever he or she earned.

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And every individual will only be harmed by what he or she earned. You will only be benefited by what you earned. And you will only be harmed by what you earn. Now, the earning is mentioned twice Casa but exhibit two different words for earning have been used. And there's lots of reasons for that. My job today is in a couple of minutes to help you think about what those two what reasons can there be. cassava is the natural word for earning. It does. Why is the unnatural word for earning normally you don't say excessive I use a cassava.

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Allah azza wa jal is telling us good deeds are actually part of our fitrah naturally you Allah made you capable of doing good things. That is how Allah program your soul, your heart. And so our hearts are inclined towards goodness called Lumo Lu Lu, the new little alpha trotty. But when shaitaan convinces us, we actually go out of our way, and earn evil deeds. And shaitan convinces us that actually evil these are easier to earn. And good deeds are harder to earn. And we go against our nature, unnatural earnings, and that's excessive, but that's one of the meanings of Casa Botanica. But you're fighting your own nature, when you're earning evil deeds, the hamaca, Sabbath, Sabbath.

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We're also learning in this area because of the US, nothing else will matter. These doors are there. But these doors are not a substitute for you thinking about the only thing that Allah will ask me of is what I earned for myself and what I earned against myself. And what you earn and you don't earn isn't just by your hands, everything we do our hands except effects our hearts. And actually, at the end of the day for who is even called Woohoo, a couple of hours before, actually what sinful isn't the hands, what sinful is actually the hearts and the hearts that the only thing that's going to matter on Judgement Day, what good deeds were earning cleansing of our hearts, bad deeds, we're

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earning pollution of our hearts. That's what lies teaching us here too. But last bit on this is to just appreciate a parallel or a silly example but you'll get the point I think

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if I told you, you know there's a little bit of a little bit of grass on the side of this building. I said hey, there's a spot here. Here's a shovel. I want you to dig a 10 foot hole.

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Don't you dig a 10 foot hole at the bottom of that 10 foot hole. There's a quarter waiting for you.

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25 cents.

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Get Started in the middle of the afternoon Ramadan, you're fasting, Texas heat.

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And the next to you there's another guy and I say here's his shovel. Same time for all next to him. There's $2 million at the bottom of this waiting for you.

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Okay, both of these guys are out in the sun digging a hole. But one of them does it once

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now it's too hard. It's too hot.

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The guy that's digging for 2 million bucks

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you ask is this are you what do you want to stop? Do you wanna?

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I'm good. I'm good bro.

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The hardest thing became easy Why? Because what's at the end of that is worth it.

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And the easiest thing could also become really hard because what it's not worth it.

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Allah says the harmonica Sabbath the hamaca Sabbath good deeds no matter how hard they are, are actually customize the easy earning exercise harder

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we actually think that sensor easy good deeds are hard but it's actually the reverse. When you internalize in your mind what is it that a good deed is worth? What is it that Allah is going to give you what millions are waiting for you? Then you'll be fine. Nothing is easy

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for you to use No no, I think you should stop it's really hard this isn't worth it. Just go take a break I'll do no no you say this is my job. I'm going to do this you don't want anybody else touching your needs because this is going to bring you a lot of ease you forget all the difficulty because on your mind is all the ease that is coming you understand this that's the harmonica Sabbath.

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And on the flip side of it is are they how much of it actually for a true believer sins may feel really easy but you're gonna see them as super hard everybody else's like come on, man. Just a party. Just go. I can't I can't it's too much. I can't Why Why are you so hard on yourself? Why are you Why can't you just chill out? You can't because I think this app for you. It's not just for you. It became too heavy for you. That's the hamaca summit Valley hamaca summit. This is the mindset that someone has before they make this heavenly drought to Allah literally taught him to heavens that we're going to be learning about inshallah Allah tala tomorrow barakallahu li walakum Quranic Hakim

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whenever Finally we are coming out with Mr. Mr Lee Kuan October.

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