Nouman Ali Khan – Ramadan 2018 – Nightly Reminder – June 12

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the difficulties of Islam's series and the loss of lessons from it, as well as the responsibility of individuals to be mindful of others' bubble and avoid harping on past experiences. They stress the importance of remembering to avoid mistakes and not apologizing for mistakes, as well as the need for monitoring behavior and avoiding harping on past experiences. The speakers also criticize the way some people are put in trials and devalued their worth, and emphasize the importance of avoiding mistakes and not letting people become humble until they don't fulfill their obligations. They end with a brief advertisement for a book and a social event where people are instructed to avoid going to a certain location and not bringing their own hands.
AI: Transcript ©
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We'll be learning in a shaytani r Rajim learn you can leave a law who enough son in law was I heard her her mark so but why don't you have a bit of burner to hidden in Siena

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cabana with me Laila in Islam kemah Hamilton who Island Latina Minh COVID Lena robina wala to hum in pocket catalana Obi Wan

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moulana from Seoul comin caffine

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published after the surgery where silly MD Dr. Millis Ania COVID hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah, he also has been another.

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This particular series, this is the last session of our series has been quite a challenge for me. And it has been challenging because these doors there's so much that can be said about them. But I wanted to make sure that the discussions we have around them are limited. And there's a short amount of time and we can pack as much in as we possibly can. And I'm absolutely certain that I've missed lots and lots of lessons and a great amount of wisdom that can be extracted from all of these dollars and I'm but whatever little we've been able to extract I'm hoping that is a benefit for us. And it brings us closer to Allah and makes it easy for myself and all of you to have a more

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meaningful conversation with Allah by means of these remarkable prayers.

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What I want to start with today is kind of some finishing touches on the phrase that you can leave alone Epson illos aha, we talked about that yesterday, the hamaca Saba to Allah hammock does have it. I heard that you put it on silent now young man know how to put it on silent. Okay, I'm watching. Okay, so good. Okay. Now,

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the first thing, additional meanings of Allah does not place a burden on anyone more to more than their potential more than their capacity. I talked to you about that before. One, you know, you have different kinds of people that make different kinds of excuses in life. And I hope you're not one of them. But you might know someone or maybe you refuse to acknowledge that you and I might be of those kinds of people, you hear someone say, Well, you know, my God, you you like pray five times, like, all five, like, on time, like every day, wow, I could never do that. mcdouall for me one day, I have to feel I can do that, too. Like you have people that when they hear someone obeying the very

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minimal commands of Allah, make it sound like it's some superpower that you have, that they clearly don't have. And a lot didn't give it to them, and they gave it to you. And unless they had it, because Allah hasn't given it to them. That's why they just can't do it. Man, I could never wake up like that. That's insane. Even at work, or college you do this to That's amazing. And so when when someone does that, they're actually not realizing that Allah has said the exact opposite, he would never have placed a burden on you, unless he knew that you were capable. And so either you're saying, You're saying I'm not capable, and Allah is saying, Yes, you are. So who's lying. And if I

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still claim I'm not capable, then I'm actually claiming that a lie is not accurate in what he said, novela. So it's a pretty serious thing. He took the excuse, ultimately, you can't lie to yourself anymore. You can say, Man, I wish I was capable, you already are already guaranteed it, he would not have given me and you these obligations if he was not clear if he wasn't in his wisdom, not knowing that we are capable of carrying this burden. That's the first thing. The second interesting thing here is that, you know, Allah gives us responsibilities. And if we don't do what Allah says, then we should feel bad. But sometimes people put pressure on us. And when we don't do what people want,

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then they make us feel bad. Right? And what happens a lot of times is we refuse to do what Allah wants. Because we're too worried about doing what people want. I don't want someone to feel bad. That's why I'm disobeying Allah. I don't want someone to make me feel guilty or make me feel like I've abandoned or been disloyal or been, you know, I've hurt their feelings or whatever. And all because of those reasons. I am now putting their burdens on me. Allah says you are not responsible for anyone else's burdens, anyone else's feelings, so long as you're good with Allah, then Allah has not placed that burden on you. So a lot of times people instead of carrying the burden that Allah

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actually put on them, they take that burden off, and they take all these other people's burdens and put them on themselves and live life with I can't make this one I'm happy. I have to make sure they're okay with me. I have to make sure this is done. This is the and people pleasing, live a life of pleasing people. Allah says the only the only burden that you're responsible for is your own. And due to your capacity, you're not capable of carrying someone else's burden that's theirs. So if so it may be because his mother says if you become Muslim, I'll stop eating it says mom, she

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raised him and she's starving. He feels horrible that his mom's not eating. But you know what, like I said, the old Texan saying you can only control your side of the street. So all he can do is what a lot told him to do. And her choice to not eat is not his responsibility. And if she says, you know, you're starving your mother to death, you're killing your mother, you feel good about that. She could say whatever she wants, that doesn't change the reality she starving herself. People will use the kinds of words to make you feel like you're doing this to them, even though they're the ones doing it to themselves, you understand? And be clear, when a lot places a burden, it's on you. When

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other people place a burden, it may not be on you. They just may be manipulation. And that's it's actually a freedom Allah has given us in desire, that the only burden that you have to worry about is the one Allah placed on you. Now you can leave alone of sin Ilsa.

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Then the other thing now, now we get into this drama itself, itself, now returned immediately into law after law says that whatever responsibilities he's given me, I am, in fact capable of, well, even though I'm capable, just because you're capable of doing something doesn't mean you're doing a good job. Right doesn't mean you and I are doing what we're supposed to be doing, even though we're capable, and we know what to do.

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And you know, when you you are capable, and you know what to do and you mess up, here's the first thing, you turn back to a lot of bananas that are hidden in nesina. Don't grab us, don't hold us to account. Don't Don't seize us, meaning meaning don't punish us right away. This is actually a meaning of the club. Don't punish us right away. Don't grab us right away. Don't hold us to account right away. Don't hold me responsible immediately. If we forget. The first issue is we forget, we're acknowledging to a loved one of our biggest problems is we need reminders. And when we don't get a steady stream of reminders, then our programming is more called insaan. for a reason, one of the

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origins of the word incentives nice yen, or forgetful. So it's because you know something doesn't mean you'll remember it. Even Musa alayhis salam student is traveling with musawah and Sani huella, shaytaan. Cora, I forgot. They're traveling and he forgets, you know, shaitan can make you forget. And so the thing we're remind reminding ourselves of now is one of the easiest attacks of shutdown, distract you and make you forget, now about this making us forget, you could forget a responsibility. You're hanging out with friends doing some work and you forgot to pray for her. You didn't mean to what you just forgot. And then you remember it and you apologize to Allah La to ask

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Edna in nesina. Yeah, that's one easy meaning of this, this ayah. But there are other meanings. You have a purpose in life. You're there's some talent Allah gave you I talked to you about that before. There's some skills Allah gave you some opportunities Allah gave you some provisional law gave you he puts you in a certain country, in a certain family, with a certain society around you and you're supposed to do something amazing with what Allah gave you. And you forget that and you get too busy entertaining yourself. And you forget that and you're too busy with Oh man, the last game of the NBA Finals. And you listen to Salaam Alaikum, Salaam Alaikum, sola. And you check the score. You know,

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you forget you forget what your goal is in life. You forget that you are made for a higher purpose than just feeding yourself and entertaining yourself and talking about people. You know, when people forget about their higher purpose, you know what the only thing left for them to do is talk about other people or entertaining themselves. That's all that's left in their life. This is the Seon also, Yala. Don't hold us to account if our lives have become meaningless. And all we do is make ourselves feel better. By entertaining ourselves and eating and sleeping or talking about others. That's all we've become in the center. Or the other problem was

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our means if we make a mistake, again, mistakes are of two kinds. Miss, you can make a mistake because you just didn't know. Somebody didn't know what you know, they're just new to Islam or you don't know much about Islam. You just started learning. This is your first Ramadan, you came back to Allah. So, you know, you don't know what breaks we'll do. Or, you know, somebody told me a funny story. You know, recently somebody kept praying broke, they will do they kept praying then later on, they're like, oh,

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oh, wait, I was supposed to go and do that. Oh, did none of it count. Now there were well, that's a mistake. They don't know any better. They didn't know any better. Right? There's some people innocently. They like they'll take like, oh, man, I have a headache. It's a long fast they pop up some Tylenol, but like medicine doesn't count. Right? Then later on, they find out Oh, it does count.

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Does that mean the cup of water I had after that to go up and down. That also didn't count that. But they didn't know. If you genuinely didn't know. That's one thing. That's a mistake. That's one dimension of mistakes. But also there's another type of mistake. And that is okay, now you're trying to do the right thing. You're trying to make yourself better. Just because you're trying to learn. You're trying to pray. You're trying to improve yourself. You're trying to get away from sins. Doesn't mean that journey to do good deeds is free of mistakes, even on your path to doing good things. You make mistakes, you make somebody upset, you don't do things the way you should have

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done. You don't say things the way you should have said. You didn't pray as well as you should.

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have prayed there are mistakes in our we'll do our mistakes in our salon mistakes in the way we interact with people their mistakes, maybe in the way that the tone of our voice was with our mom when we said radico salon, their stuff we don't realize we do. And you know people might notice and we might not notice these are mistakes. You didn't deliberately do it. Somebody came up to you and said, Sir, I'm article and you're busy putting your shoes on. Instead, when it comes to love, you didn't even look up. And now they feel bad. He didn't even make eye contact with me. He thinks his shoes are more worth more than I am. You didn't do that you were just really busy looking for your

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shoes, because it's a machine that shoes get lost easily. You know, you've been wearing somebody else's shoes for a week. So you really want them back. But there's a separate problem. But it's a mistake. It hurts somebody's feelings. It's a mistake. These these are mistakes also meaning even when you intend to do good sometimes bad comes bad happens. Even with good intention bad happens and we're begging a lot of these mistakes. Yeah, a lot overlook them in nesina, Astana then he says robina Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Islam, don't put a burden on us. His soul is actually used for something that's tied on not just wanting loaded on you, something tied on you. In other words, like

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you know, for an animal, the when they load the animal with goods, they don't just load it because the animal could just lean a little bit and all the stuff falls over. So they got a tie it up. So it's on you and it won't come off. Yala. Don't load a burden tied on top of us. Come on Hamilton, who Elena dynamin commelina. Like the one you loaded onto those who came before us. The surah is half of it is dedicated to Vanessa in and Allah gave them so many responsibilities. Right? I want you to understand the word load the burden in three ways. Three ways. The first is responsibility. a loved one was right in responsibilities. They did not carry them. Don't be arrogant and say man,

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those Jews man.

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If I was them, I would never have a stuffer levels. You know, don't be arrogant that you would have been better. Tell Allah beg to Allah. Allah don't test me the way you tested them. They failed. That doesn't mean they're worse than I am. I don't know if I would have been any better. I don't put myself in a better position. Yeah, Rob, do not give me the same test you gave them because you've given me a whole story of their failure. I do not want to be put in that position. I'm not super confident that I'm going to come up with flying colors where they failed. I'm not going to do that. I do not want to be tested by Allah. la de la nice. francha Mohammed De La La Nina and Kadena. So

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when we study the failures of those who came before us, we shouldn't read that and say, are those crazy Israelites? No, no, no, we're supposed to actually get scared. I hope Allah doesn't put that on us. Allah doesn't put that responsibility on. That's the view with which we look at history. Now. We don't look at history to criticize a nation. But to get scared that if we were up next, the second meaning is situations. Yala. Don't load us with situations and circumstances like you did for the people before not just responsibilities. Not they have to travel in the middle of the desert, starving. They had to, they have to be put in all kinds of trials. Allah do not put us in those

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trials, those burdens, like the ones we read about because my life is way easier than what I read about. And y'all let you know that I may not have the same strength that those people had. Do not put that on me. Do not place that on us. The third meaning of Hamill is actually really interesting. It actually means the the weight of the consequences of your deeds. Allah says Well, I have what I call a homeless column. I have called him total ankle boots. I'll load them on with their burdens and the burdens of others that they along with the ones they misguided What does that mean? Listen to this ayah carefully This is about buenavista il phobia one minute Latina How do I have another MP

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button or hella home? I'm going to take five extra minutes today and I'm not sorry. Okay, so I'm letting you know okay. So

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because of the wrong that the Israelites used to do, Allah says good things that were opened up for them meaning good things Allah was gonna give them in life. Allah forbade from them

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you know, so So Allah have a button hendaklah home, we forbade from them, we deprive them of good things that were coming their way that were made open. And that doesn't just mean Hello, it means unleashed. Like for example, rain was going to come and give them a good year of crop but because of the harm they were doing, the rain stopped, and they had the crop got destroyed. Good things were coming your way. And things we're gonna, we're gonna make your life easier. They were coming your way. And because you kept on sending and sending and sending and doing wrong, your life got burdened and heavier and heavier, not in the next life in this life.

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Life becomes more difficult when we disobey Allah not because he punishes us, but because we ourselves close the door to the good that was coming. That's not a punishment, that's just us, you know, depriving ourselves for the thief that comes from a

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Love the lightening of our burdens that come from alone a very powerful thing to say. Not only nightline, Mr. Hamilton who Allah Medina, Malcolm Nina, don't let that burden Come on us by those doors of risk closing the way they did for the people that came before us, you know, the kinds of humiliation they suffered, the kinds of difficulties they suffered, because those doors closed, yellow, don't let those doors close on us. And then we say, well, but I would love to have Minamata catalana be our master do not put a burden on us or do not load us even further with what we have no capability of carrying. And this is a step further if it's if it's more mobile, it's more emphatic

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than than even the previous phrase. What does it mean? It means you know, to give you an example, I'll give you a medical example. The doctor tells the guy you need to stop eating chocolate, you really need to stop. No, no, it's okay. It's just a little bit I and the guy says no, I don't even eat chocolate. And in parentheses silently says, Every day, or every hour, you know, I don't really smoke that much. You know, just a pack every day. And every night, you know, and then you know, at the time, you don't see that this is a big deal. You're just standing outside smoking away. And then 1015 years later what happens? lung cancer, open heart surgery.

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That's a bird that's a weight that you're not capable of bearing. You brought that on yourself. At the time you were doing it you were making your life harder, but you didn't see it. You didn't see the weight. Eventually don't don't allow us allows. We're asking Allah don't allow us to become like those people, where you burden on us something that we're not capable of bearing. But inside of these words is actually don't let us keep making these mistakes that make our life so difficult that we can't even deal with the consequences of our own mistakes. Don't do that. Don't let that happen to us. lotto hamin laminata catalana v.

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And you know, in these words, I didn't share with you before.

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When when, you know, we say to Allah La to ask him in the center of Astana when we say that

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he had his largest portfolio. I've done it. I'm not going to hold you to account if you make a mistake. And Robin de la cama cama de la la, la Fonda, especially when a foreigner will fill in our humla we're under contract, we'll fill in our contract will have not found three times. Part lovingly Forgive us, Europe will lovingly forgive us. Do not stop loving us because of our mistakes. Notice, when it doesn't matter what kind of loving relationship you have with anybody in life. If you hurt their feelings enough, then they can't see you and not remember the pain you caused.

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Right? If you've been abusive to someone, you've hurt someone's feelings, even if they forgive you, it's not the same. Right? They can't look at you the same way something has changed in the relationship. Some scars don't heal. We are asking a lot to forgive us with love, which is different from just forgiving. Who has hope in it. In other words, even though we messed up really bad, y'all love love us the way that you loved us even before the mistake happened. And our job is unlike any creation. This is why it lies beyond image beyond imagination beyond example, because Allah loves the slave who makes a mistake and comes back even more. Not less more human beings. What do we do

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when someone makes a mistake and they come back then later on when we get a chance? You know, I should have never forgiven you.

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I still remember what you did. I know you said you're sorry. But I thought I should remind you, you know, that's what we do. But Allah No, I like covers it he buries those mistakes, and he turns those mistakes into good deeds. That's the love of Allah for Allah. Well, fella and cover for us. What humbler and show us love care and mercy. This Is Us turning to a light at the end of the day. And recognizing that no matter how hard we try, no matter what we try to do at the end of the day, even after he forgives all of our mistakes, and maybe we have nothing else to ask forgiveness for even then we're not good enough for agenda. We're not good enough for his mercy. He still has to

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intervene himself for an hour filled an hour Hamlet under molana. You are our protective guardian. You are the one who takes care of our affairs. You're the one that's with us all the time actively protecting us all the time. Notice this draw ends in a very strange way from sadhana Allah COVID caffeine as against the disbelieving nation, help us against the disbelieving enemy. Wait all the whole door I was about us.

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All of a sudden it became about the enemy. You understand this? So big switch all of a sudden, actually fun sadhana would have been enough or for an hour fiddling our hammer done. What is this from solar alchemy caffeine in it and what's it doing there? We're being taught a very profound message by Allah

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And that is that until the believing people the oma until we don't become people of SFR we don't become humble before Allah. We don't learn to carry our own responsibilities. Allah will never ate us against enemies.

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Enemies of this Deen will always have an upper hand so long as we don't fulfill the first part of this law. And the last and the most beautiful thing I want to share with you is as follows.

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There's one place in the Quran is sometimes in the Quran, Allah azza wa jal corrects the Prophet. So, I shall listen to this carefully. Sometimes Allah corrects the prophets

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You know, he found and he turned away for example, from the from the blind person satola came down

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another time, you know, in Salta, tober.

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There was a we were all the Muslims were all going into battle we were there was a draft in draft means every citizen capable of fighting has to go. All the men have to go if they're capable of fighting. One of the hypocrites came to the Prophet Solomon said, Yasser Allah, we're gonna go towards the Roman Empire. And on the way to the Roman Empire, there are some villages, and those villages have some really beautiful women, and I have a problem. I can't help myself. So please don't let me join the army because you know, I'm a player and I can't help it.

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This is the excuse he gave to the prophets. I said, I'm for not joining the army, the prophesies of them. Obviously, this guy is not going to be any good on the battlefield, even if he didn't make this excuse. And you need capable soldiers on the battlefield. So the prophet SAW one of those what, lets him go, okay. You know what you say? You're better off here. Okay. So he gives him permission. I came down Lima didn't Allah, why did you give him give them permission?

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Why did you give them permission, and so Toba, but you know, what's amazing about that is when the Prophet is being corrected, he'll feel guilty because who's correcting him? Allah is correcting him. And you know, if you correct someone, like if I corrected one of my employees, I say, Hey, you, you uploaded this incorrectly? But it's okay.

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But it's okay. First, I correct them, then I tell them it's okay. Meaning I first I slap them a little bit. And then I give them a tissue.

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Right then I make them feel better. Or even with your children. Hey, you didn't do your homework. That's not good. I still love you though.

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That's five minutes later. for five minutes, you let them suffer? And then you tell them you love them. What does Allah do with his messenger? So I sent him He says, Allahu Anka, Lima didn't Allah, Allah has already forgiven you. Why did you give him permission?

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He, he doesn't forgive him after saying that. He says, before I tell you what, I'm going to correct. I've already forgiven you. You understand? This is in the case of excessive love. When Allah forgives, when Allah answers the door before the doors even made the after that I came Lima, Vinton. And why did you give them permission to prophesy? Someone would have asked forgiveness from Allah. before he even gets a chance to ask what does he do? He answers it. Now listen, we ask a lot don't put a burden on us that we can't handle.

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Don't load us with something we're not we don't have the power to bear. Don't give us something like you gave to the people before us. Yes. before he even asked about all of that in this ayah he already answered the door out when he said now you can live in Laguna, Sunny LA. He already answered you, he said I won't do it. I'll never put a burden on you you can't handle

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I'll never put a burden on you. You can this is a love of Allah in this ayah that the answer to the door of this is already in the beginning of this ayah before he even before we even ask, it's there. The last thing would be why am I even asking them because Allah loves that you ask?

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Allah loves that you ask. And every time we recite the cya, we appreciate that Allah knows what is going on inside our hearts before it even reaches our tongue.

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The words of the dollar on our tongue, but before we get there, the words of a lesser response preceded them Subhana Allah, may Allah azza wa jal give us a true love and appreciation and our heartfelt faith for his words. And for his you know, for his promises, realize that we don't overlook all of our mistakes and accept all of our worship in Ramadan. The mistakes I may have made in this month may last evident, forgive me. Allah forgive all of us for our shortcomings. I wanted to make a request a humble request to all of you as I leave, I would like especially the families that are here that are listening to I just want to give you a humble invitation. And that is I told

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you today we forget, right? And my mission basically, is to help Muslims stay connected with the Quran. Even if a little bit every day. My request to you is to sign up for Bina TV. It's on sign up. And you know how many people here have gone through the entire Quran in translation or an explanation

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and number a few of you How many wishes

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They did.

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Okay, well, I'm here to help. So sign up. Just listen to 20 minutes when you're dropping your kids off to school or when you're commuting somewhere, you're going to work 20 minutes a day, 15 minutes a day, and slowly but surely get through the entire Hold on, I've got an entire translation of the Quran on there. I've got an in depth study on there and I've put together a journey like you don't, I'm not expecting you to finish the whole Koran. But so long as you and I are doing a little bit of Quran message every day, a little bit, a little bit a little bit systematically, then inshallah tada we can journey through the entire book of Allah and that's my invitation to you. That's something

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that I hope you guys take advantage of with the latter Allah, those of you it's a subscription, it's a paid subscription, but any who cannot afford it, go to the website, there's a click, there's a button that says gift. And you can just ask for a free gift, nobody's turned away. So if you can't afford it, you get it for free. No problem, inshallah. Tada. So I hope you take advantage of that. And those of you that can afford it, I would ask that you support someone anonymously who can't afford it. There are people from all over the world that sign up, and we'd love for you to take the agenda of them learning Quran right? So this is this would be an opportunity for you to give to your

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you know, to other families to others who are studying Ally's book, and you may never even know how that shows up for you on Judgement Day. barakallahu li walakum pukalani Hakeem when finally we are coming out with Hakeem Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan gives the final lecture in this series on Ramadan 2018 and highlights some of the benefits of these last two verses, according to the narrations from the Prophet ﷺ himself, and inspires us to take these verses as a companion in our daily life.

ءَ“The Messenger bbelieves in what has been sent down to him from his Lord, and (so do) the believers. Each one believes in Allah, His Angels, His Books, and His Messengers. (They say,) “We make no distinction between one another of His Messengers ـ and they say, “We hear, and we obey. (We seek) Your forgiveness, our Lord, and to You is the return (of all).”

Allah never burdens a person beyond his scope. He gets the reward for that (good) which he has earned, and he is punished for that (evil) which he has earned. “Our Lord! Punish us not if we forget or fall into error, our Lord! Lay not on us a burden like that which You did lay on those before us; our Lord! Put not on us a burden greater than we have the strength to bear. Pardon us and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy on us. You are our Mawla (Patron, Supporter, and Protector) and give us victory over the disbelieving people.” 

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