Nouman Ali Khan – Quranic Punishments

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary ©
The history and implementation of Islam in various political and cultural settings, including the use of the god's name and the use of the word Islam to address the audience. The importance of understanding the needs of the audience and the history of Islam's use of language in various political and cultural settings. The use of the title "the spirit of Islam" in various political and cultural settings and the "immigrated population" concept are also discussed. The history and implementation of Islam's rules, including the use of language in media and media, and the importance of guarding the limits set by Islam and disobeying before the next life. The speaker also mentions a news update about a new film and a possible roadmap for a new film.
AI: Transcript ©
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Al Hamdulillah he follicle which would mean an item which I really knew the mean of Gollum are mostly just subliminal

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famil Kaito but the island near them finish Kuru who Island Mossad AB can manage Kuru who either

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wonderfully Allah rasool Allah hill across the shell of Villa Shami when noodle

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while Kitab will.

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What command in the beginner will hurt him say the Villa de Adam? Olivia Bashara be here is an Imodium with the Alphabet City he Ebrahimian Alayhis Salam Hina Cornejo, Farooq Cava AWT lehle Muharram

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for sallallahu alayhi wa sallam what are the very high lumen Alladhina BarakAllahu Rahim Kapha nurse a lot of women who will Agim

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will handle Alhamdulillah Allah He let me attack it well done. Well let me Akula who said he couldn't sell milk? Well let me Akula who Willie you may not do li or Kabir hooter, Kira Well, hamdulillah Hilah De Anza Allah Allah over the hill Kitab wala major Allah whoever

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will hamdulillah Hill Athena Madhu who want to start you know who want to start a fiddle when when Obi Wan at what color are they he when our rules will be let him and Shruti and fusina women say Dr. Molina, man yeah the healer who Fela Malala woman yoga Leila follow her the other one a shadow Allah ilaha illallah wa the hula show de cada when a shadow Anna Mohammed and Abdullah he Rasulullah sallallahu Allahu Taala Bill Houda rodinal Huck leovera who Allah Dean equal Lee Walker Fabula he Shahida for sallallahu alayhi wa seldom at the Sleeman, Kathira and cathedra

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I'm about to start called hottie thekey tabula. Well How long had you had you Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are in a short run Ohmori Marta to her were in Aquila Mojave desert in Morocco la vida attend Walla Walla Walla that infinity

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Allah Allah azza wa jal vikita Bill Karim Allah will let him initiate on regime.

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Okay human creating an angry Robbie Havasu D for her Sabina Serban Shalida will adopt a new crop for SOHCAHTOA Bella Emery How can I help people to only have masala

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rubbish actually somebody will silly MD looked at a melissani of coho coli along with a bit now under multibeam, La ilaha illallah Allahumma jameelah Latina Amman and why middle Saudi had what also been happy what was absorbed omiana But I mean,

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in the next 20 or a little over minutes, I have taken the task to try and explain to you a concept that I think is extremely important for me to remember, I think for every Muslim to remember, it's going to come from a Madani Surah of the Quran. And as I tried to get to the point, I hope that you can keep in mind the pieces that I'm trying to put together in the course of this very brief,

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where I'm going to begin to somewhere familiar for all of you. The Quran, was revealed in stages, and the two major stages of the revelation was the Moroccan and the medina revelation. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was given two thirds about of the Quran when he was in Makkah and the last third, when he was in Medina, Aliso to Sudan.

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The content of the Quran in Makkah and Medina is fundamentally different. There is some overlap, but actually, as far as the subject matter of the Quran, there is a significant difference between the way Allah spoke and what Allah spoke about in Makkah, and the way Allah spoke and what Allah spoke about in Medina, and of the many things he talked about, in Makkah, you will note one thing that Allah kept bringing up nations of the past, that God destroyed. So any of you that read the Quran regularly, and you go through the Meccan, Surah of the Quran, the nations of AD and ThermoWood, and the Nation of New hottie Saddam and the nation of law today, Saddam and the nations, you know, I'm

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sure everybody has set up these previous infidel and of course, nations that that came in long time ago in history, some of them very close to the Arabs also, because when they used to travel, they saw some of the ruins and buried sites of some of those nations. Some of them were further away. Allah even mentioned nations around the world that have been buried, that will, that the Arabs will never know about. And even now, nowadays, we're doing digs and archaeological excavations in islands in different parts of the world. And you'll find, you know, buildings and villages and even entire pyramids and castles 200 feet under the ground, that are like 20,000 years old, 15,000 years old.

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And Allah says about them Fela, Shah, Russia, Allah covered whatever he covered, right, so he's not just referring to those nations. But let me get to the point. He brings up these nations over and over again, because the primary audience, the main audience of the Moroccan Quran, were the non Muslims. So yes, people were accepting Islam, but majority of the Quran that was revealed revealed to the Prophet salallahu, alayhi wasallam. in Makkah, two thirds of the Quran was actually that Well, anybody who was listening, chances were the majority of them were not Muslims. Very few people have accepted Islam. You've heard of dozens and dozens and dozens of stories of companions of the

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prophet or the Allahu and much Marine, who would hear the Ayat of Allah and then they would become Muslim. So the the audience to whom Allah was speaking was non Muslim, and actually one of a non Muslims are not the same. They're not all the same. They're in different levels. And one of them was the worst of them. One category of non Muslims was the worst of them. And these were the elites of the society, the billionaires, if you will, the political leaders, if you will, even today, I mean, I don't know where you get your information from many of you probably Tiktok. There's plenty of content available on the corruption of the financial elite, and the corruption of the political

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elite. And that's something everybody's always known. People at the top have the highest levels of corruption, right, and they work with each other to maintain their power and maintain their wealth. Doesn't matter how much blood they suck from the common man, and how much how much they destroy the rest of society so long as they can hold on to their power and their position. The Quran identified the leaders of Makkah, the billionaires, if you will of Makkah as the one of the main problems, in fact, the idles around the Kaaba, were actually a really good business strategy for the leaders of Quraysh because it was making sure that tribes from around the region would come and pay respect to

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their own peers.

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So no idle. And that way that way they can maintain tourism in Makkah, because Makkah doesn't exactly have the kind of weather that's suitable for tourism. So you have to have reasons for people to come there and spend their money and spend time there. And every time people come in, more money comes in, right? And then they have special privileges. They have security because they are custodians of the Kaaba, you know, you know, Allah Azza wa geven makes reference to that. And so to conclude that he made a haram an ammunition

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that Allah made this haram space, a safe space for them, a safe place for them, and they can travel like Allah says, relata schita, it was safe. But then why did Allah talk about these past nations, he was telling the Quraysh look, you are rejecting Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam, you are rejecting the word of Allah, you are rejecting Allah, you're not the first ones to do this. There were people before you that were billionaires like you. In fact, they had more money than you. There were people before you that had power like you. In fact, they had much more power than you can even imagine in this region. Your little situation over here, where you have some power in Makkah, is

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nothing compared to what the Federation used to have. The otard is nothing like the kind of structures that the mood and art used to build, and the kind of might empower the youth to have the kind of militaries they used to have. So Allah is basically telling them you think you're so big and tough, I've dealt with bigger and tougher before you. And here's how I deal with them. When they when they reject My Messenger, when they do cover of my messenger, and they make fun of my messenger and they even tried to kill my Messenger, then eventually what I do with them is I destroy them. In this world, I don't just give them the warning of hellfire or judgment day, that's for everybody,

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every human being will come in for her Allah and judgment A, but those nations have to pay a price in this world. They get annihilated in this world, before they pay a price in the next world. And that is part of the you can call this the collective punishment. So individually in the Quran, every individual you and me and everybody else is going to come in front of Allah individually called Luma to Malkia Mati further, Allah says, every one of them will come in front of Allah alone. So I have to go alone, you have to go alone, every one of us has to go alone. But there is another system of Allah, another system of justice of Allah, and that system of justice is for nations. And those

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nations that get a messenger and then they reject that messenger and they mark Allah and the Ayat of Allah and they receive a miracle and they reject that miracle. Allah doesn't just deal with them on judgment a he deals with them in this life too. And he this is one of the most repeated lessons in the makin Quran.

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The Macomb Quran so the Sahaba Radi Allahu Anhu Jemaine who will reciting the Quran day and night, they heard these stories of these nations over and over and over again, if you do even a cursory search of a nation like the mood, it's mentioned over 25 times in the Quran across the entire American Quran. And it's not just a mention, it's their story over and over again, referenced over and over again. Now, here's the point that I'm trying to make the Sahaba the companions of the prophet or the Allahu Allah which Berrien were very familiar with the subject matter of the Moroccan Quran.

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And I told you the kinds of things Allah talked about in Makkah, are somewhat different than the kinds of things Allah talks about in Medina. Now when we come to Medina, one of the things that changes is Allah addresses the primary audience is no longer the non Muslims, the primary audiences, the Muslims, ALLAH is talking to you and me. So we get this new introduction to a phrase. Yeah, are you Hello, Dina Amanu, you've heard this phrase a million times. That is a Madani phrase that's not used in the Macan Quran that's used in the Mandarin Quran after the migration, the Muslims are a community and Now Allah is giving guidance to this community, okay. And in this, the subject matter

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is not the same as Oh, those nations got destroyed and all of that that's not the subject anymore. The subject is how to deal with the enemy that's coming. For example, there's a lot of movement from the Quraysh there's also the the hypocrites that are within Medina that are trying to sabotage the government of the Prophet's life Salem. So how to deal with the hypocrites, how to deal with the neighboring tribes, the Jews and the Christians and how to do dialogue with them and what to say to them and how to speak with them. These are the kinds of instructions that are coming in Medina and of course then there are the the aspects of worship and rituals that are coming in Medina so how are

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you supposed to fast? What are the rules for fasting comes in Medina, the rules for Hajj come in Medina, some of the laws like the law about riba or the law about inheritance, right these laws in their in their details come in Medina and how to how to lend money, how to borrow money. Those kinds of instructions come in Medina and one such law you might be surprised. The one law Allah talks about more than any other law the

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One law one rule that Allah gets more space in the Quran than any other rule is divorce. Allah talks about more than anything, there's compared to that. Inheritance is less compared to that, you know, like Salah gets less details, in fact doesn't even get much details compared to that fasting gets mentioned what once and that said there's one one couple of hours about fasting and we're done the discussion will not happen again in the Quran when it comes to the subject matter of divorce and not just divorce How should a man divorce a woman? How should he do it?

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Allah talked about it in so much shocking detail over and over again. And subtle Bukhara multiple pages if you're counting pages, then again instructions and certain Nisa then again, some guidelines and certain new then again, some guidelines so to Lhasa, then again an entire pseudo pseudo talk. Then again, other references like insert

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mode multiple times in the Quran on this one subject. Now, here's what I want this my son

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and the nations that are destroyed, why am I bringing this up? Let me share one small piece of a small Surah that was revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Medina and I already told you what kind of subject is in Medina, this is Surah Talaaq, the surah of divorce and after seven Ayat giving Muslims instructions on how to do the divorce. Then Allah says what can I am in Korea in Atlanta and only Rob beha are also ready for her SubhanaHu sabun Shalida will either Bunnahabhain nohcra

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He says and how many nations have there been that arrogantly disobeyed the instructions of their master and arrogantly disobeyed their prophets? Then Allah gave them intense punishment. And Allah, Allah held them to account and give them intense punishment, and they tasted the consequences of their deeds meaning in history, they already tasted the consequences of their deeds. And then there's the next taste coming which is judgment a, Allah mentioned this not in the Moroccan Quran now he's mentioning this in and so on and so Talaq and the sahabi listening to this, who's been listening to the Quran from the Moroccan times, yeah, Allah, You talk like this, when you talk to

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the kuffar. You speak like this when you talk to the Quraysh, because they act like the nation of Newark, and they act like the nation of loot, and the nation of Saleh and the nation of your aim. And they act like they're our own. So you tell them about our own and how you destroy our own. Why are you telling us about this? Why why are you telling us you destroy previous nature? Or do you punish previous nations? In order to step back and understand something? Let's understand one thing about the word or two, or do in Arabic is a little bit different from from Sen. Sen means disobedience, as yon disobedience, or to actually means disobedience with defiance? So there is an

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element of Kibber in auto. So to put it simply, there is a student who didn't do his homework. And the teacher says, Where's your homework? And he says, Sorry, I didn't do it. I'm so sorry, Teacher. And the other one says, I didn't do it. What?

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Yeah, I didn't do it.

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What you're gonna do about it, you're gonna call my dad, here's my phone, call them put it on speaker.

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That kid is not doing a cin. He's doing too.

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So he's not just disobeying. He's like, so what? And he's defiant. He's arrogant in his disobedience. This is the next level. Allah warns about a nation that doesn't just disobey Allah. They do too. They get arrogant, and then Allah punishes them, not in the next life in this life, and he's warning the Muslims of this. So I, when I was studying this a couple of months ago with my team, I started wondering, Allah collectively, he destroys nations and he says things like, file Torah, Allahu membaca. Is there even a single individual left, nobody's left? Nobody left alive.

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But Allah has another rule. And the other rule of Allah is what happens when Muslims disobey Allah? Okay? Those stories are about when non Muslims refuse to obey Allah and the messenger. But does Allah also have a rule for when Muslims in the in the hundreds in the 1000s in the millions, if Muslims start disobeying Allah? Does he have a rule for that too? And the example we have for that in the Quran before us, is the example of Banu is Surah Al

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Bundy Surah Al were the Muslims before us, they were given a book they were given prophets they accepted those prophets. They believed in those prophets. They believed in that book, they identified themselves as people of Revelation, and yet Allah says they disobeyed Allah.

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So what did Allah do with them? Let me read this to you from Sultan Arif.

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Just so you understand what a How does Allah deal with a Muslim nation that disobeyed Allah? Okay because he has already explained in Moroccan Quran how he deals with disobedient nations outside of Islam. This is now inside of Islam. For that matter one man who and who, when they arrogantly disobeyed or to again,

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this is talking about the Israelites, when they arrogantly disobeyed against the things are about the things they were told not to do. Hula Hoop who knew Clara that and hacia in, we told them become monkeys rejected apes. Now, you could think this is biological apes. But there's something else going on here. You know how apes behave. Apes are some of the most violent animals on the planet. And apes can turn violent without warning, and they become extremely violent even against each other.

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You could have apes that get along for many years and one day, one gets pushed by the other and he beats the other one to death and the other ones joined in and beat and cannibalize their own they'll eat the other opponents face, his own brother who does face when apes will see some food or something, they will attack. They won't care who it belongs to her if it's dangerous, they just attack and they act like a herd. They don't think for themselves. If one is doing it, they all start doing it. So you'll become these impulsive, herd minded people, Donald just not even think for yourselves you'll act like apes. You'll start beating on each other, fighting each other killing

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each other. This is what you will become this is one punishment. But Allah is not done with Rob bucola Asana Allah Himalayan milky Amati Manya Chu mu home su Dhabi, in Europe, Dhaka la Saudi Arabia Cobb, well, now hula Rahim. And Allah said until the Day of Judgment, people will keep coming, that will keep having power over them. Allah will keep putting other nations making the more powerful over the Muslims that will humiliate the Muslims with the worst kind of punishments and the worst kind of tortures over and over again. And at the end of it, Allah says, and Allah is very quick to take, take, take vengeance, but Allah is also forgiving. Meaning if Allah wanted he could

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destroy a nation immediately. He doesn't have to put someone to through centuries of humiliation. He could just finish them right away at the end the home button like other nations, Allah but these these people are being given slow, painful humiliation, because hopefully that will wake them up. Hopefully this will be enough for them to make Toba and say okay, no more disobedience to Allah. And so Allah at the end of that sign, and if they do make Dawa, there's a shadow in the hula photo Rahim. And certainly He's forgiving, loving and caring, too. He's not just punishing

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them then even another punishment for the Muslim nation that disobeyed Allah he says, We're Katana home, Phil Obioma. We broke them up into multiple mini nations in the land. They're no longer one Oma. They are multiple, smaller, smaller, smaller nations. And you might think, Oh, this must mean they got broken into different countries. They got broken into different into Pakistan is a Muslim country of Afghanistan as a Muslim country. Bangladesh is a Muslim country, but they have their own national interest, right? The Indonesians have their own national interest. The Malaysians have their own national interests. You can have the Algerians and the Tunisians and the Moroccans and the

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Jordanians and the Syrians, but they're all their own nations. They have their own interests, they have their own agendas, even if they have family ties across from each other. You can have you know, tensions between families in the Gulf that lives some of them in Bahrain, some in Qatar, some in Kuwait, some instead of the US, I mean, Yemen, they all have family ties but the politics are difficult and you have no fly zones and you have all kinds of stuff going on. Sometimes that happens that's one way to look at it. Here's another way to look at it even within the same country or which city you're from Islamabad

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you from Karachi or these Karachi people man

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Will you speak silletti or Bangla Which one do you speak? Are you are you are you are you like Malay? Or are you Indian Malay? Which Malay Are you?

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So which part of Tunisia you're from? Which part of Tunis you from? Oh the south Okay, okay. Katana Han Omar you see, these are my people those are those people those are those people those are those people this is what Allah did with the nation before as well Katana home Oh mama autofill or do mama Minho Sally home I mean home do not Alec among them are good and among them not so good. Other than that, too? Well bologna home Bill Hassan it was say that Allah homeo Jiang. We tested them with good and bad so hopefully they can come back. Then this is the last of these punishments for Call of hummingbird the him call phone that a new generation took after them. That wasn't very good. A

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useless generation came up a powerless generation, a backwards generation took over. What do you call kitab? The first description of that generation is they inherited the book. They weren't Muslim because they believe it. They're Muslim because mom and dad were Muslim.

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They just inherited it. Why do you live in this house? Oh my

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Dad lives in this house. That's vilasa Why do you have this car? It also was my mother's car and we got it. That's why it's I have it. Why are you muslim? Oh my man, my mom, my dad. That's why they're, that's why we're Muslim. They have no knowledge of the Book themselves. They just got it passed down in inheritance. What do you feel GitHub? Yeah, hold on our other had a dinner. They become extremely materialistic. They have the religion, but their real religion is money, and house and fame and attention. And social power. Political, that's what they love. They love this world have this lower life. They don't care about the next slide. The book is there because book is

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sitting on the shelf. What's in front of them front and center all the time is material benefit in some way. And Allah says he adds where your holiness or yoke for Wynonna? And on top of ignoring Allah's book, and being materialistic, they have the audacity. They are so courageous in their ignorance. You know what they say? Of course will be forgiven. I mean, what do you mean after all, we should be forgiven? We have who else says these, these kofod are not gonna be forgiven? What does Allah gonna punish us? No, no, we are the chosen Omar of Allah. We are the ones. We were on metal Islam. So you follow Donna? And then if that wasn't enough, Allah says we're in Yahoo. He says we're

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in to him out of the mythical. Yeah, who is really interesting phrase, Allah says if they have all the money in the world,

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and then they had the offer to get double of that.

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You would think okay, I have enough. No, thank you. No, no, no, they will run after that too.

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This is Allah's way of describing that they had so much greed, that they can never be happy with what they have. They always want something more. They always want the greed never dies in them. They had their there's always wanting more always wanting more always wanting more. So they would go after it. And Allah questions them. Let me lay him mythical. Kitab Allah, Allah, Allah He ill, Huck wasn't the Promise of Allah taken from them that they will not speak anything but to hug.

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That and what the Rosu mafia and they're going to study what's in the book? What that will ask era a Hydra. Lilina takuna Fela credo I felt attacked you don't actually. And the final hammer home is better for those who have Taqwa. May Allah make us of them. Don't you people think Allah says, Don't you people think? Now, I said that I about the nation's destroyed was from our nation's punished or some sort of Talaq.

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The last thing I'm going to share with you in this couple of minutes

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is what is the subject of Soto Talaq? You may have heard the word Hadoop before. Hadoop is the limits set by Allah. The word HUD actually originally refers to a fence or a border. That's the HUD of some the animal doesn't cross the fence. Allah in His laws, has set some fences and said to the Muslims stay inside this fence. And whoever crosses this fence is in trouble with Allah. Either you've done wrong to yourself, while may into adulthood or the Lofa Kavala Manasa. Who, Whoever crosses these limits that are set by Allah, they're doing wrong to themselves. Now listen to this, I just just want we can talk about all of the whom we're just going to talk about the one that's in

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this surah ensuited autolock I want us to think about ours forget thinking about the governments that are not obedient. And we said we need Islamic governments we need Sharia established, we need to our you know, our elites are secular, they're liberal, they're bringing, you know, modern values to Muslim countries are stuck for the last time. Before we do is thought about them. Let's everyone myself included, let's look in our own family first. And listen to what Allah is saying. Allah says in the beginning of this surah Yeah, are you gonna be that Allah Octoman Nyssa fatale Kohana the read that he Hannah well actually what taco la Jara back home lot of regio Hanuman booty hinda mean

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booty hinda? Well, they are Hallucigenia in Illa. And yeah, Tina before he should finish the movie, you know? What, till Kahoot Allah

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or many other other who do the Allah He forgot? Voila, NAFSA.

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The opening is says, here's how you divorce women. And I won't go into the details because we have one minute left. But I'll tell you one thing. He says when a Muslim man divorces his wife, he's not allowed to

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kick her out of the house, to pressure her out of the house. Or even suggest maybe it's better you go to your parents house now.

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He's not allowed to say any of that or do any of that for three period cycles. And then there are additional rules if she's older three months if she's pregnant until the baby's born. Three periods cycles. And Allah says do not expel them from their own homes. Now you could have your name on the house. You It's your name on it's your property. But actually for those three months at her house, when we moved to Hana, you have to treat those months

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Like the house belongs to her.

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And you can say, Man, I'm getting divorced because I hate this woman. I can't get along with her. I have no, I can't even share the same room with her at some of the alcohol. You know what they said about desire. They said if you hate her that much you leave the house she stays,

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can kick her out of the house, and they shouldn't leave the house. Now I come from a Muslim country, Pakistan, our neighboring countries, Bangladesh, millions of hundreds of millions of Muslims in India. Sri Lanka, you know what the common practice in our countries is when somebody divorces a woman, Muslim countries, Muslim families. The moment the guy says, you're done, I divorce you. He calls her Dad, come take your daughter.

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She'd come to London. Take her away. The first thing Allah said is what duckula raabta Comilla to rijo naman, booty Hannah, have Taqwa of Allah, your Rob, Don't expel them from their homes.

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Don't expel them from their homes, and they shouldn't leave. And then he said, and these are the hood of Allah.

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And what is the milk out common? This is the most common thing and we say, well, we want the hood of Allah, we want to abide by the Sharia of Allah when Allah says his food, we say come take your daughter, get out, get out of my house.

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Kind of what else? How many millions of women? What am I gonna go I have small children, how am I going to pay for them? And Allah made the expense of the child a responsibility of the men in the Quran exclusively.

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exclusively. The Children's support child support is exclusively the man's responsibility. Explicit These are from the hood of Allah.

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Okay, if one person breaks this rule, okay, maybe that's just one person who's sinful and you're in there in your family and you don't say anything. So you know when you don't say anything. When he comes on our own Allahu Allahu Allah, Muhammad Ali mean, you're listening to it happen. You're watching it happen, but you're not seeing anything. While Allah knows all the wrongdoers, the one who does it and the one who watches like a spectator can't say anything to my uncle can say anything to my older brother, he's my older brother, etc, etc. We do this all the time. And the point I'm trying to make to you is if enough of us enough of us do this. If enough Muslims break the law of

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Allah, this limit set by Allah and we're proud to do it too. We're being a real man about it too. We do too. Then Allah has a formula.

00:32:24 --> 00:32:58

Allah has a rule. When you do this enough times, I will make you fight each other and kill each other. I will break you up into multiple nations, I will have other people have more power over you and they will humiliate you in the worst most possible ways. You will have a generation of Muslims new generation of Muslims who won't even know why they're Muslim, they just got Islam and inheritance. They will become extremely materialistic. All they will care about is money looks pleasure, that's all they'll care about. And it will never be enough for them. And they won't they won't ever be learning and studying the book of Allah or the deen of Allah that won't happen. This

00:32:58 --> 00:33:24

will be a punishment Allah will give to those who openly enough numbers disobey Allah. So now are reading Why would Sahaba we warned that nations were punished before you? This is the last I am leaving you with my time's up. He says the Allahu Allahu Madaba and Shalida Fatah Kola Yeah, we'll Barbie Latina Amanu cada Anzahl Allahu La comme the Kra.

00:33:25 --> 00:34:08

He says Allah punished those nations Salia sure I both nations are thermal those nations. He says Allah gave them intense punishment. Therefore, you have Taqwa of Allah, people of good minds that have actually become to come to believe Allah has sent a reminder especially to you, Allah is reminding you through them. All this time we thought Allah is reminding Quraysh through them. And now Allah is reminding you and me through them. There's a Sunnah of Allah of collective punishment. I pray that Allah does not make us of those worthy of collective punishment, nor of individual punishment. I pray to Allah that even within our own families within our own circles, when we see

00:34:08 --> 00:34:47

wrongdoing happen and an open violation of the hadith of Allah going on, that we put a stop to it. We stand by Allah describes us as well. Have you Luna Lee who do the law will have a lien on those who guard the limits set by Allah, that means I have to not cross those lines. But if I people I love are crossing those lines, I pulled them back to and say no, no, no, no, we don't do that. We don't do that I have to guard that's what it means to guard the fence. So I pray that Allah makes us of those who guard the limits set by Allah especially when it comes to our families, especially when it comes to our own. You know, our own circles. May Allah azza wa jal accept our Toba and our

00:34:47 --> 00:34:59

mistakes and make us transform our behavior so we don't become people that get Allah as a club. What we get we get Allah's Mo Farah and Allah's Rama His forgiveness and His loving care BarakAllahu li Walakum Quran Allah

00:35:00 --> 00:35:02

I came whenever any way I can be it vertical Hakeem

00:35:05 --> 00:35:40

hamdu Lillahi wa Salatu was Salam o Allah about the hill of the Mustafa, who was another have told him or hurt him in the beginning Mohamed El Amin rather early he was a huge mine called Allah azza wa jal vikita Who can embody an Akula arugula him and Shetland regime in the la mala Erica, who you saw Lunarlon maybe you already know Ave Salalah. He was telling me to SEMA Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed kama Selita Alebrije him early Ibrahim El Amin in Majeed Allahumma barik ala Muhammad in early Muhammad Carmen Baraka, Rahim, early Rahim I feel I mean in Nikka hamidou Majid about Allah right Nakula it took Allah and Allah yet moto with the with their son when he died when

00:35:40 --> 00:35:48

her annual fascia it will be one of the Corolla he Akbar Allahu Allah wa to stone Alchemist Salah insalata kind of mini Nikita Mahkota.

00:36:12 --> 00:36:15

Log on log a shed one

00:36:18 --> 00:36:20

more hammer down was

00:36:21 --> 00:36:32

for Jana Swarna. Do you have a year on Fela whether or not you solid body a bomb at your Salah log Mark MK

00:36:44 --> 00:36:45

a law expert

00:36:55 --> 00:37:22

Alhamdulillah he rob Bella let me unlock man and Rahimi Maliki young me the young cannot boot away. I cannot stay you know Dena sera Mustafi sera con Medina and I'm tiny him one in Melbourne behind him when a bomb on early in

00:37:24 --> 00:37:26


00:37:30 --> 00:37:56

work a meal coding at night and Europe Bihar what also Lee for her Serbian he said and Shadi dang why Debian Hi there Ben nohcra Feather cots Web MD Hawaiki kiba to em we have Austra i The Law hula who might

00:37:58 --> 00:38:01

share the then fed taco law

00:38:02 --> 00:38:10

will be led the man who called the ands and Allah Who ILA II from the craw

00:38:11 --> 00:38:12


00:38:19 --> 00:38:21

semi Allah holy men Hamidah

00:38:24 --> 00:38:25

Allah Akbar

00:38:36 --> 00:38:37


00:38:44 --> 00:38:46


00:38:54 --> 00:38:56

hola Akbar

00:39:00 --> 00:39:26

Al Hamdulillah he rob belied me now, man you're walking me man in Kenya with me. Dini Khurana Baldwin Yeah, Kenneth Stanley is Dino slaw autonomous stepping email Seema. Nadine and I'm tearing him one year in Malibu behind him when more likely than

00:39:28 --> 00:39:30


00:39:33 --> 00:39:48

Rasulullah yet no either you come in he MOBA unity new friedgen Medina. Man Why me you know saw the hair team enough valonna t 11.

00:39:50 --> 00:39:59

While many may be yet way out men smiley happy you feel hujan get in touch

00:40:00 --> 00:40:04

redeeming the Heaven and * Rohan Ed Nephi

00:40:07 --> 00:40:11

goddess Santa Allah hula hula is call

00:40:12 --> 00:40:23

a wahoo ladies Allahu levy Horner cassava Osama were team women Wamena and we miss Levin

00:40:24 --> 00:40:28

yet Anna's Zanele em Aruba you know who Nellie tat

00:40:29 --> 00:40:33

and not Maha colletion

00:40:34 --> 00:40:36


00:40:37 --> 00:40:43

y en and law how are they how are they equally shine in

00:40:45 --> 00:40:46

Allahu Akbar

00:40:53 --> 00:40:55

semi I love holy men Hamidah

00:40:58 --> 00:40:59

along who Ekbom

00:41:06 --> 00:41:08

along ECMO

00:41:13 --> 00:41:14

Allah Lot went

00:41:23 --> 00:41:25

a long way

00:41:56 --> 00:42:00

Salah Morena kumara nettle more

00:42:02 --> 00:42:06

more Aileen kumara Mantell more

00:42:43 --> 00:42:43


00:43:22 --> 00:43:22


00:43:35 --> 00:43:37

so many labor cattle

00:43:39 --> 00:43:40

he is on the line

00:43:41 --> 00:43:43

we have a janazah for brother Leon

00:43:46 --> 00:43:52

Subhanallah this week maybe our brothers in his 70s but last week he was 21 So,

00:43:54 --> 00:44:35

don't be fooled by your age or your health or your wealth. Sooner or later we're all going to be here. So please make the offer readily act as if he's your own father and your own brother. And if you'd like to go to the Janessa to the durian, it will be in Farmersville Jonathan salata Janessa is 40 years after the first tech mirror, recite Surah Al Fatiha after the second tech mirror. We will say solid on Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam just like we see in the saliva Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad all the way till the INEC ammeter Majeed after the third tech Vera we will make the for the deceased along that for Lahore humble if you're not the whole hamdulillah if you don't just keep

00:44:35 --> 00:44:42

repeating along buffalo Wareham Allah have mercy on him and may Allah forgive him. And then after the fourth pick, Mira will make Salam on both sides in sha

00:44:46 --> 00:44:47

Allah Hi Khurana.

00:45:06 --> 00:45:06


00:45:26 --> 00:45:27

Hola microphone

00:45:28 --> 00:45:29

number for now

00:46:05 --> 00:46:07

hola Hi Corrado

00:46:08 --> 00:46:13

as said Mr. Anil Kumar Rahmatullah. I said Mr. Anil Kumar

00:46:17 --> 00:46:32

My dear brothers and sisters just one quick reminder that readonly effort did not know that last Ramadan was his last Ramadan. So please if Allah kept us alive to witness this month of Ramadan, make sure you treat it as if it's your last Ramadan inshallah Tada we're going to proceed from this door

00:46:33 --> 00:46:42

and if anybody would like to go to the cemetery you could Charlotte Allah, follow us there, and I'm gonna request the family to leave right away please because there are five Jeunesses at Farmersville today

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