Musleh Khan – Thematic Study of Quran – Surah Nisaa – Class 9

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The importance of learning and educating oneself to protect and protect one's identity is discussed, including the use of deem and shaming women to prevent them from doing things they may not want to do. The speakers emphasize the need to reexamine relationships and use words like "has" and "has a" to describe relationships. The importance of forgiveness and tolerance in marriage is also emphasized. The transcript discusses the historical context of "married to" and the potential consequences of not wanting to be "unsure women" in relationships.
AI: Transcript ©
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So with that being said, if you have anything you want to say, maybe you can, we can talk about that later. But right now, let's get back into this. This is our sole our purpose

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no matter how, how hard it becomes how difficult it is out there, there will amount always, always tell us and encourage us and speak to us. This is one thing that never stops, is you never stop learning and increasing yourself with a lestine knowledge is the comfort when you're going through tough times. Knowledge is the piece when you're going through total chaos. And so this is the opportunity that you and I are taking advantage that a love brought it here. And we have an opportunity to come together and learn something about our routine. That is something our Prophet Alayhi salat wa salam told us do that until you until you come to your grave, never stop learning.

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And so in history has always taught us that despite how difficult life may be at times, the one thing that never pauses is you never pause your life in learning and acquiring knowledge of your deen because at the end of the day, this is the only thing that helps to preserve and protect who we are and what we are. We are Muslims and we are people of faith, people of God. And the only way that we can protect that so that others can see that despite the tragedy we are still here moving forward and still proud of our identity is you keep learning this Deen you keep educating yourself and learning so this is more than just seeking knowledge. This is about preserving and protecting our

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life, our heart and our soul. And so we escolares Scylla gel to protect us and continue to teach us Aloma me.

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Can somebody remind me what diverse we had pasta?

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Oh, and did we do this verse. Okay.

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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillah wa

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salatu salam ala rasulillah

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Ali of total solar automata, slim birdsong. So, we are a diverse number 19. And we are coming pretty much to the end of the subject with respect to the orphans and the rights.

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We are coming also to the end of the subject of inheritance. It will be alluded to in some of the other verses but not as much as it's been mentioned in almost all the verses that we've been looking at thus far.

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quick recap. Yeah, yo Latina m en la your Hill Lula calm and Teresa Nisa, a cuddle her. So people have faith that is impermissible for any of you to inherit women forcibly, which we've already discussed what this meant, and what it was referring to. This was a very nasty and inhumane practice in pre Islam in Jamelia or ignorant time. So what a lead in hand, one of the biggest things one of the greatest things that Islam came to do is that it liberated women from these kinds of practices and gave them rights and and gave them the the opportunity as well as the right to be heard and to be respected. So this is one of those verses of the end that did that, that it addressed everyone

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unluck clearly just stop this, this behavior,

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this practice, and clearly says, it's not permissible, like you're here Lula come. In other words, you can never ever do this again. So it's not just the rule, hey, moving forward, let's not do this no more, it's very strong Arabic here. So Allah clearly and puts, you know, a stamp to the end of this practice that you cannot inherit them anymore. And in addition to that, what a taboo, taboo be barrel deema, tied to one, and you do not force them, don't hold them back from that, from them that you remove some of the things that you've given them. So we've also talked, whatever it is, that was theirs, whether that was gifted to them, or they had inherited it from their families or something

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that was passed on from generation to generation. So an example of that is, many of the Arabs and the tribes back then even till this day, they inherit land. Land is a huge, huge

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and really important asset in Arab Arab culture. Like it's enormous. And so owning your own land and inheriting land that's been passed on from generation to debt.

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Generation when this practice was happening, some of that land or most, if not all of it was taken away.

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So Allah also addresses that don't force them and don't hold them back. What is the law referring to when he says don't force them? What is he talking about? Don't force them in marriage. What a terrible one here is also referring to don't force them in marriage. Because again, that was also a practice then, that these women had no say, in who they could marry. And even if they did not,

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did not approve of that marriage, they couldn't say anything. And so this, this is one of a few verses, there's a couple more verses like this intuitive bacara. That pretty much denounced this practice, and hold them back from some of the things that you've given them, except if they went out of their way to do lewdness in the total open. We've already talked about what fascia here was, and facia to move a union fascia or some kind of shameless act that was done in the open that was done in public. We've already talked about what some examples of that was. And that has its own protocol of how it's dealt with, not just for women, for all people.

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We're going to be looking at the subject in a bit more detail as we get more in the middle of the sorta in sha Allah. y 01. Bill maroof. We've talked about metal roof quite a bit, what's my roof? Just shout it out to me. What is metal roof when we say we need to have metal roof and live with metal? What are we saying?

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universal standard. You know, you're right, justice, kindness and peace. But remember, all cultures and backgrounds have different limitations and understanding of what justice is for them. What might be just for one culture isn't for another, what might be peaceful, for one is not for the other. So mauto really sets the standard that whatever is considered to be peaceful and just around the world, that must also an always be maintained. So why should one not beat him out of the bare minimum, Allah says in marriage is that you treat women with at least marital if you know nothing about marriage and relationships, your own common sense should tell you that things that you do, and you

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don't do when you're in a marriage. So Allah is speaking to us, in particular the men but also the tribal leaders that they need to ensure that they change their attitude and how they treated this women, these women. So a couple of things has happened here already like this is one of those areas that are a revolution to the owner. So it stopped inheritance with respect to women being the product of inheritance. So it stopped that it also stopped forced forced marriages. It also addressed that if any sort of shameful act was done in public, that that was something that needed to be addressed and dealt with immediately. Because if you allow any form of shame, to continue,

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then what ends up happening, it ends up welcoming and other practices start to happen and it leads to more and more and more. So in order to prevent the shameful acts whatever they may be to spread and taint a society. You address those as well. Then number what is it for Allah says I should open an IBM out of the bare minimum of how you treat your women as you treat them with maruf. So a couple of things that have never been heard about, never been talked about in the oma have now been put in place the inquiry to move one, then Allah continues and live with the women in this fashion and if you started hating them over time, then maybe you don't like something and Allah has put a lot of

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good in it for you. This this phrase fit fit in carry to Mohan Pfizer and Takata who share why hrl Allahu fi, Hydra and kathira it's mentioned twice in the Quran, this surah as well as sort of buckler in Surah Al Baqarah. It started off in the context of battle.

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So, you know, in Mindanao, and most of the battles happened during that period. So one way that I'll use the same phrase that you may dislike something but Allah has put a lot of good in it. Can you imagine that all these sahabas came from Mecca. They arrived in Medina hoping for peace hoping for a brand new start. Only to be told okay or heard is coming up now. Because they're already on their way from Mecca. Trying to event

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Due to the Battle of butter, then from that leads to another tab book and hunt duck and all of these battles, just one after the other in medicine equal to n. So this is where Allah had to pretty much set the tone for some of these habits because some of these habits felt like oh, my God, we're never going to have peace. Everywhere we go, we're always being persecuted and sought after like, what's this is insane. And each battle, we're losing more and more of our community, our parents, our relatives, our friends, our neighbors, everybody's dying in these battles. So what is LSA? You might look at all of this and think, Oh, my God, this is terrible. But you have no idea that Allah has put

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a tremendous amount of blessing and honor and goodness in it. This is how sahabas were able to internalize what may have appear to be something bad, that it was actually something okay, maybe Allah has put goodness, you know what's amazing to me right now.

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We're talking about this one week, after what just happened. It's amazing, you know,

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moments like, like, this is what a love refers to in spiritual hedge when he says, Don't worry about methadone for STEMI Allah, I keep showing you examples after examples, but it's up to you to pay attention.

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he'll teach you something that an area or a reminder would come at you at the most, you know, bizarre time, but it's linked to something that's important to you are important in your life. Here we are talking about something may appear devastating and horrible, but Allah has put good enough for you. Doesn't that immediately start to build some spiritual strength in you? When you think about what happened last week, and similar, you know, events, it really like, makes you feel like oh, Allah, I trust you. You know, that was pretty horrible. But I trust you, you are allies, these will Hakeem, you are the most powerful and wise. So why did that happen? It happened. I trust you.

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By the way. I got this confirmed last night. All the casualties from that event, right. So you had 49 plus one that was in the hospital. So 50 in total, were killed.

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There was a Mufti from Australia, who was acquainted with the same community in New Zealand. And so he was going to help out with the whole soul of all the the bodies and things like that. And so he was well acquainted with the management of that message. He released a video that was sent out to just a few people, and I happen to receive it as well. And he mentioned that he was talking to the Imam of the masjid.

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And the Imam told him something that Allah He was, was just out of this world, and said to him, that it's incredible how this happened, and who was chosen to leave this earth. On that night.

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All the people that were killed, were actually regular attendees at that Masjid. They were Masjid people. They were there every day for as many salomaa. They were volunteering. They were part of the meetings, they were part of dinners and events. These were the regular attendees, every one of them.

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Those who are injured, were kind of the attendees that came once a week, they popped in for special events, they were injured, those that were spared, nothing happened to them. There were some of them, if not most coming there for the first time.

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It's amazing. When you think about, like how this unfolded, and he released this video, and he actually he requested not to share this publicly because it was a private conversation between him and the human. But he wanted some of us to hear and know about this, that something may appear terrible in the sight of your eyes and mind. But you have no idea what Allah has hidden plan and gem is behind all of this. Secondly, do you know what is taking place right now with respect to the community and the authorities in New Zealand? So everybody's going through a crash course in Islamic studies?

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Yeah, all the massage it's them.

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Pretty much all the authorities are in there in uniform sitting with books like you guys. And they're learning and educating themselves about Islam, so they know how to deal with this. And they're also sensitive to the culture and the practices of that religion. And in addition to that, all the female officers

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decided to put on hijab out of respect when they're in these sessions. In addition to that, they're working on talking about declaring a hijab day for all of you

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Zealand just to commemorate and remember to encourage everybody, all the women of New Zealand to just put on it heat up for a day to remember that. It's amazing.

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So, you know, on the one hand, these lives were lost, and that in and of itself, no one can explain the pain except those who are connected to it and experience it. But on the flip side, Allah knows what he's doing.

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And so this is a reminder to all of us that as hard as it is, you have to trust him. And that's why we need verses like that. I'll have to trust him that he knows why this is happening.

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With that being said, Now in context to this a and then we'll go on to the next one.

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For me, personally, the conclusion of this is one of those sentences you want on your phone each and every day, you want to look at this all the time, because every one of us has a story that has the same sentence attached to it, every one of us does. And we have stories like that perhaps every single day.

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Hello. So

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because of time change and everything, and Sala we have less than an hour.

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And then we'll be at 854 salata lecture, okay, so let's get this going and keep moving.

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I'll be honest with you, I don't know where we're going to end. With respect to this semester, I had a place in mind. But I also want you to know that it's not just this class, it's every single class I've been teaching and all the other teachers I know as well, because of a lot of things that have interrupted this half of the year, whether it was a major factor for all of us. And one class I teach in Cambridge, I think we have about five sessions had been cancelled just because of weather alone. And I think the total that we have for the whole semester is 11. So five of them are out. So just to give you an idea, and all of that five was just because of the inclement weather, so let's

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just keep going with it as much as we can in sha Allah.

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So to conclude, verse 19,

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we had also talked a little bit about fat Asia, as you see in front of you. And this conversation, led us into verse 20.

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And verse 20,

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would now introduce another issue as well.

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There's a lot of things that you may not like about your spot, why not remind yourself of the good things instead, general rule of thumb, divorce is always a last resort. I believe we did talk a little bit about that. You thought that at the end of the day,

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what whenever you suffer from any hardship or pain in relationships, in particular marriage, the first thing that you must do, this is a general rule of thumb and principle, that all or limit teach us that the moment you go through any sort of struggle with respect to marriage, the first thing that you should do immediately before you even address the problem is start thinking about all the positive things that that relationship has brought for you and for your spouse, and our Prophet alayhi salaatu wa sallam used to teach this and tell and remind the companions about this as well, that sure, you know, maybe on one hand, there could be all of these issues. But on the other hand,

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the good always has outweighed the bad times. And it's not to say that when you think about the good times, it should just wipe away those feelings know, what it does is that it starts to give you strength to do one of two things, you can start to heal the problem.

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Or you can eventually wreck recognize and understand how big and significant that problem really is. So one of two things will happen when you when you confront all of your struggles, in marriages, with this attitude, you will be able to deal with the issue and solve it immediately by saying things like, you know, what, why are we fighting for some big deal? Oh, my God, I can't believe we've been fighting over that. You know, just because I didn't make coffee this morning, or something like some random thing. And then when you stop and you really start thinking about yourself and about how trivial or how important that issue is, you start recognizing, gosh, let's

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not let that happen again, or, or whatever or how significant is it is you'll start saying things like

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You know what, we've been married for so long, maybe for this problem, we should get some counseling. Maybe we should talk to somebody, you know, we we have to recognize there's an issue here. So you, you look at all of the good. And it's allowed you to recognize that there is that big elephant in the marriage. Right, that big problem is there. So you didn't you're able to tackle that? You know, I've heard this a million times from psychologists and experts using principles like this when they're counseling marriages. So it's nothing new.

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For us. Well, in order to most stupid dollars, oh, Jim McCann is out.

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And if you make up your mind that you'd like to replace your wife or another wife, and you have given her a huge pile of wealth, in other words,

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I know that the language in this area is kind of strange. Alright, I recognize I see it right away. Remember, there's context to this. There's context to it. Right? And if you think about Bedouins, Bedouins used to come to the Prophet alayhi salatu was salam, right, and just talk to him straight up in his face would disagree right in his face. You know, there, there are stories of companions that they couldn't even look at the process of them, just make eye contact with him, how much they loved him and respect him, and they were so humble in front of him. But when it came to Bedouins, so all those who were not accustomed to city life, when it came to communication and people skills,

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they pretty much had next to none. So this kind of language here is what Tafseer calls this is the old fashion kind of style or rhetoric that Bedouins used to use with one another, it wasn't something disrespectful. They referred to their women as just a wife. And the wife referred to her husband as a husband. Rarely, their stories like this have rarely they would call each other by name. Let me give you another example.

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Even Prius lab, this was the case, SEO, the Ola Juana

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Seola. On her, she's the wife of whom fit out the door Archie makes to Allah.

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When a genie min fit around warmly, she didn't say when Ed Genie Min zoji.

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She called him out by name. And she said,

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save me and protect me from her own. She couldn't even acknowledge him as her husband. So the flip side of this, you're seeing that in some cultures, if you call your husband or your spouse out by name, it is a bit disrespectful, isn't it? There are some cultures even till this day, if you do that, and you don't refer to my husband, you say the name but you also attach with my husband. If you just stop it the name it kind of makes that person or the wife or the husband feel like you're just talking about me like I'm anybody. I'm your husband? Yeah, my name is Ahmed. But you should have said it's disrespectful. And the wife may say the same thing. There are cultures like this

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today, there still carry the same habits. So my point is, is Yeah, on on the outside when you look at this, that Allah use this particular term, and just called up wife for what the wife is zellige.

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Understand that this particular sorter, and what's happening here is very early with respect to gamma and rulings on this issue. So Horan is extremely, extremely thorough on this. And you'll see hundreds of examples like this where the language might look like it's it's pretty stern or insensitive, but the context or it makes total sense, why it would be that way, why Allah would speak in such a harsh manner to a particular group or a particular crime, tribe or etc. So,

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basically, what is happening here is, if you divorce is the last resort. However, you have gifted her with many, many things. Does this now start to sound familiar in our day and age? If divorce is about to happen in a marriage, and let's just say both parties have been gifted many things over the years. What is a general rule of thumb with Quran? Allah says, don't take anything.

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fella, hold all men who shy

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don't take anything from it.

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To hoonah who Bhutan and what Islam albina and you have given her a huge pile. Don't take it are you taking for yourself a clear open allegation and a clear open source

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In. So what is this referring to? It's literally referring to that you gifted these things to your spouse. And all of a sudden now you're retracting this gift and saying, hey, those are my, that's my bed. Those are my blankets. That's my rug in the living room I paid for that was my TV. And she's like, Okay, well, let's your TV, but that's my cable box.

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Those are my Those are my carpets. Okay, well, that's my couch. So all of a sudden, you've got bits and pieces of furniture, when everybody moves out and everything's gone, you've got a TV that you can't use. You've got a living room with no couch, but carpet. And it's just like, it's a weird thing. general rule of thumb core ends principle very clear. What's theirs is theirs. You know, this is how a Islamic court would have worked and judged a marriage like this. Right? It'll start to look at receipts and start to look at, okay, who was gifted this Where, where, etc. And it would make sure that it's very clear, whose property is what I mean, it's just a starting point. Don't Don't

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quote me and set up black and white issue all the time.

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A huge pile of wealth is what is referred to in this a it's called pin pod. Pin pod is the word that is used. It also refers to so one interpretation of the gift that's being referred to in this area is the Mahara itself. So they are both correct. Now let's talk about the Mahara in this context.

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A lot described Mahara as pin par. It's a huge pile of wealth. So that brings us to this question in yellow.

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is requesting an expensive Mahara? A big Mahara? Is that permissible?

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This is the billion dollar question. And you should have the billion dollar answer no pun intended, hmm. Yes, it is completely permissible. There is no head, there is no limit to a mohawk.

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Now, with that being said, it doesn't necessarily mean though it's a free open ticket. And you can just be like, anything you want, no scholar still give advice on how this is done. You, you certainly should take into consideration what his lifestyle is, and his income, etc. If the poor guy is probably working at Walmart, or Canadian Tire or something, they'll ask him Look, I want to, you know, a five series BMW 2020 model that hasn't been built yet. But by the time we're married, it'll be out. So I want it. You know, you don't want to put that strain on the marriage either. In this day and age, hedge is usually a pretty popular model.

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I can understand and I totally get why I highly discourage it. Because why it's not easy.

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It's not an easy, just, you know, price and money wise is one thing, just the logistics of now moving and getting there and being able to perform the hedge and all the little things that need to fall into place. It's really difficult to guarantee that kind of method, which is why I personally don't encourage it. I can't say it's wrong or anything, but I just don't encourage that. So the point here is, is that Allah is describing a characteristic of Maha that at the end of the day, no matter what it is, to her, it's like a huge pile of wealth. It's something big and honorable to her. So for for another couple, the wife, the fact that she got her first computer,

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the first time she's ever been able to have one, and it's hers that her husband gave us him a hug. that's a that's a mountain of wealth for something, you understand. So it's more of the psychology behind how she perceives this mountain what she feels when she receives it. So those of you who are not married, especially the brothers, right, this is the attitude that you're looking for when you present a Mahara. So when you talk about the Maha with your potential, this is what you're looking for. That whatever it is that's agreed upon. For her. It's like, Oh, my God, wow. You know, one brother, I remember years ago, he gave him a hug to his wife. It was to get her a job because she

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had never worked before and she had always wanted to work but she came from a pretty bad home, where she was, you know, restricted, etc. So she said my goal was just to be able to have a job and make my own income. just so happened. The brother had a business.

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He gave it to her.

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He gave her the entire business. He switched over her name. She was the only

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And he worked with her for two years to teach her everything and then let her go. I said, Okay, now it's yours. I have no say in this business whatsoever that was compiled for her. She talked about this all the time. And this is how we knew about she was a student of mine. And this is how we knew she mentioned her story. And you know that that's what you want. At the end of the day. It doesn't have to be significant in terms of quantity and wealth, or value, but it must be significance in terms of her attitude, her feelings, etc. That's what compound is all about. So let's answer the question now. So there is no limit how much it can be what scholars differ on the minimum, the

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prophet alayhi salaatu, wa Salaam, his mouth to all of his wife was always 12 Rokia, which is approximately that amount. That was his mouth. 175 bucks.

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So does this make sense the sinner is to give a Maha within that ballpark? Does that make sense? No. Why? Because this is stuff that I hear all the time. All the time. Why is that not still considered a prophetic tradition or sooner?

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You're absolutely right. But why?

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Okay, that wasn't what I was thinking of. Really. But

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guys, it's it's it's the cultural thing, right? It's a different time. It's a different period. $175 back then 12? Or Pa? Do you know what that was? That was probably 1750 bucks or something that could have been even 17,500? That was a lot of cash. That was a lot of wealth. You could survive off of 12 to four months back then. What does that tell you the process? Lm did when it was time to give a matar to his wives? What do you think he did? What was the first thing he thought about pin talk? I want to make this something really special. And I want it to be above and beyond what she's expecting. That's the second secret ingredient when you're trying to figure out a model is that you

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wanted to also so if she asks for, you know, some jewelry, she says, Okay, I just want some some upbringing or some bangles or something. What do you do? You get her both. And you throw in some earrings as well. And you throw in a necklace as you try to get her a package of jewelry and say, Okay, this is all for you. Here's my question, by the way, Before we continue,

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what's the point of doing that?

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What's the point of the mouth?

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It shows his commitment to the marriage.

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He's got to just buy her stuff or just give her a gift.

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There is a deep wisdom behind this. Why did Allah azza wa jal legislate in a mother for the wife? There's so much better for him? Just for her Why?

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Okay, yeah.

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wealth. So there is that switch? Okay, good.

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By giving her the walkthrough are showing a big difference between at least one apply for this day between Western dating or electronic purchase? Where if we were if we were to definitely differentiate the difference of

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waste your time or

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why are you wasting your time?

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You see this The second one is tough to to recognize, right? Because there are a lot of good marriages that start off this way where he goes out of his way and he gets the most out of that she requested or more, and the marriage still crumbles. Right? why this happens, you see, it's really important to understand is even parents here as well with your kids, it's really important that you understand and you teach your children this, the deep wisdom of a mouth. How it's legislated in Fortran is you have to look at a number of things. Number one is all of the different terms used for the mouth. One of the names of Mahara is a Sadat

00:34:34 --> 00:34:39

from cidco cida sodic. What does that mean?

00:34:40 --> 00:34:54

To be honest and truthful? Why is this gift that is only given at this time? Why is it given that title? That's a pretty strong,

00:34:55 --> 00:34:59

deep and powerful name to give just a gift

00:35:01 --> 00:35:43

Because this is the truth of the relationship. What that means is that if Allah had commanded something to happen pre marriage, and so in this case, the Maha, you don't fulfill it, there's no marriage. If he's able to commit to this, there is a good chance that insha Allah, he'll commit to doing all the things that needs to be done to ensure her safety and security and overall well being. And he's not doing this only because she wants it or needs it. He's doing it. There's an ultimate purpose. There's a deeper wisdom, why is he doing all of that at the end of the day, to please

00:35:44 --> 00:36:32

how he learned that attitude, because of the purpose why he worked to fulfill that Maha walima is the same thing. A will Lima is legislated and encouraged why it's not just to get the word out. It also shows the responsibility of both couples that they have come together for the overall betterment of the oma to serve this woman. It's not just so we can have an amazing celebration, spend millions or 1000s of dollars and go in depth for the next 15 years and just say that that's it etc know that deeper wisdom behind the walima was to actually express and for others to see this, these two people got married. And they did this really and truly, for the sake of Allah subhana wa

00:36:32 --> 00:36:47

tada and the betterment of this woman. So sadhak Now going back to my look at the process of now says about this. The best of Maharaja is the simplest, meaning more most affordable.

00:36:48 --> 00:36:50

Doesn't say the cheapest

00:36:52 --> 00:36:54

says what? The simplest.

00:36:55 --> 00:37:38

Right? what's easy for him? what's easy, what doesn't bring strain to the relationship and to him as well? Doesn't mean cheap. A lot of people think that that's what this is talking about No, for what is affordable for one person may not be for another so he can he can pay a 10,000 or a $50,000 my house? No problem. Okay, that's not the case for everyone else. So, you find what is easy and simple on the marriage as a whole. There is nothing here that talks about the husband right. So the default is that this head is talking about the marriage itself. So when it comes to the mouse, it should be as simple and as easy as possible. With respect to that marriage. She can bring this case in front

00:37:38 --> 00:37:55

of Allah azza wa jal as well. In other words, if she does not get the mouse, this can be a case presented to a lot yomo PM, because why? Well add to Nisa, outside of party hinda Nicola, one of the what is it the fourth of the fifth day of the surah. Allah said, what

00:37:56 --> 00:38:23

give her the smile. So a deeper wisdom as well is that this is an order and command from Allah subhanho wa Taala. It's his gift to her. And he's saying to you do this on my behalf. So the method is not even from him. He's just facilitating something that a lot told him to do. So the gift in essence is actually a gift from Allah subhanho wa, taala. To the life.

00:38:24 --> 00:39:09

It's amazing. Now you have, I mean, I don't have to tell you, but you certainly know and hear stories all the time of what Muhammad has become, you know, it's, it's really, really become the subject of great, you know, controversy and hardship and problems and you name it in marriages and relationships. Now, it's also become a huge barrier. For some people. It's got to be this or no case at all. And then that irresponsibility is also sometimes on him. You know, he he has a job, maybe wherever, right? He, you know, he works at the at the restaurant or somebody who just has a simple day to day minimum wage job, but he wants to go marry the princess.

00:39:10 --> 00:39:53

It's not wise, right? Because that's what Sakina in the A of the toxicology, what is it called woman 80 and Holloman and foreskin was what Li test guru la ha test guru Sakina there's some compatibility, you kind of on the same level. So if she is Mashallah waterfall up there, and you're kind of still working down here. It doesn't mean that this can't work. But you should be cognizant and aware that you guys are both on two different levels of the spectrum here you guys are just totally, totally different and that is going to hamper on that relationship to some way. So at some point, so anyhow, point is this. She could bring this case in front of Allah.

00:39:54 --> 00:40:00

Why do I say that because it is a help in the marriage that Allah gives to her case closed so she could produce

00:40:00 --> 00:40:07

present this in front of a loan car, I'll be I requested the Mahathir he promised me this at this time and it never happened

00:40:08 --> 00:40:23

and he may be punished for this. It is something that if the men for whatever reason could not fulfill it, he needs to seek forgiveness from Allah. So Toba is required, but he also needs

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to seek forgiveness in whatever form or context that is. He needs to also seek the forgiveness of his wife for that

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it is completely 100% in her hands right? unfortunately still the practice the either the matter is returned or never fulfilled in the full place in the first place. May Allah make it easy for for us for this moment. This is one of those major major issues that hamper relationships and marriages in a Muslim although these days

00:40:57 --> 00:41:00

21 and how can you take it?

00:41:01 --> 00:41:09

Okay, for Toluca, who are cutting off long barrel to Camila barrels, I mean Kumi syrup and Oliva this ayah is amazing.

00:41:11 --> 00:41:14

By the way, students, why are we talking about marriage all of a sudden,

00:41:16 --> 00:41:21

we we went from inheritance, or we went to orphans, to inheritance.

00:41:23 --> 00:41:27

Now marriage stuff, why are we here in this subject?

00:41:29 --> 00:41:42

Okay, so just make sure you continue to flow with sorta tennis, I continue to go with the flow of the surah. everything is interconnected with the previous subject. So why are we here? What Why are we talking about this subject all of a sudden, because what has happened?

00:41:43 --> 00:42:29

These orphans, they mature, they grew up, they themselves are also looking for independence. They want to kind of have their own family one day. So the rules now were legislated of how that could happen. Whether that comes from the caregiver, that he could marry or propose, or she could do the same with him. So marriage now became a subject now that some of these, these orphans, they grew, they matured, they became adults, they were ready and looking for marriage. So because of that, that's why all of these rules are laid out. You know, it's amazing to me, what's one of the biggest hardships for orphans. It's what its lack of wealth and money. What's the first subject when it came

00:42:29 --> 00:42:35

to marriage a lot is talking about and legislated it straight and clear. What is it? The Mahara?

00:42:36 --> 00:42:47

It's amazing. So the first thing that Allah says no, okay, this is going to happen. Make sure that you give her a Mahara. That is contort. And she feels Nicola from it as well. Yeah.

00:43:00 --> 00:43:03

Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.

00:43:06 --> 00:43:07

Yeah, yeah.

00:43:13 --> 00:43:15

Yeah. Good. Good.

00:43:16 --> 00:43:27

You got it, you got pretty awful, you know, I would have no clue about the law. One said that. If you really want to appreciate Islam, just study what people were doing pre Islam.

00:43:28 --> 00:43:54

Just look at what the kind of practices and people were involved in, then you'd really appreciate why these rules came and why they're worded the way they are. So now, next step, how could you possibly take it and you had been in contact with one another, and you were intimate with one another? And they have taken from you a serious contract? In other words, what is this a all of them? f law to share?

00:43:55 --> 00:44:42

You shared close relationship with her like no other. You were extremely close. How could you just take it all? In other words, now if a separation happened? How is it possible that you can look her in the eyes and take away everything that was part of the marriage? And if there wasn't much the fact that you both shared a relationship, that it only happens in marriages like you came intimate and close to one another only happens in that kind of relationship? Doesn't that alone? Bring some level of tolerance and mercy in you? that whatever is hers is hers. Who is Ally defending here, by the way, is that the husband or the wife, the wife, because who was the subject of this problem to

00:44:42 --> 00:44:59

begin with? It was the wife. If this was a bad, horrible practice back then. I wouldn't be surprised if it is a practice till now. But this was one of those, you know, top three worst practices of marriages and relationships back then is that

00:45:00 --> 00:45:42

Okay, if it didn't work out, she was thrown out to the street. But in on top of that all of her wealth and belong, especially the things that he provided, was taken back. So the language here is actually quite harsh. It's really harsh and direct. There is no room for questioning or anything here. So Allah asks straight out, how could you possibly ask what kayfun or Luna, how could you possibly take anything? And you were this close? Now the last thing, myths up in Hollywood everybody see that serious agreement that can never be altered or changed? This is the man's liability on the Day of Judgment. His job was to care and provide for her, she will be given an opportunity to plead

00:45:42 --> 00:46:34

to Allah if this was not fulfilled me up and Alibaba literally means a pact. It is also the same term that is used for like an international agreement between countries. They call that mythical Oliva Musa alayhis salam. And his agreement with Benny is sort of happened four times in pseudo Bukhara every single time. What is a hudna? mythical Bunny is sort of what is a HUD name ether poverty is ROI. For time times Allah started the same thing said you took a pact with Benny Israel, you had this contract disagreement. What that tells you is the language meetup and the holly Viva La Liga refers to a woven refers to something that's really really firm, really stern. So the guard for

00:46:34 --> 00:47:26

the doors of jahannam is also called a Holly of because that guard that angel that is put there to guard that door is not going to have any any attitude of you know, easygoing or a nothing. If you're in, you're in shut the door, your God can cry out can do anything. So this name for this kind of contract in marriage really shows you the seriousness of what a marriage is. Marriage is, in essence is an agreement between the husband and wife. They agree and they make these promises that these are the things that we expect out of this marriage, these, this is who is going to fulfill what we talk about. Now, these things don't have to be written down. Although there are some of them that advise

00:47:26 --> 00:48:04

you do that. There's some element that actually advise a written marriage contract. And that can happen at any time. So even if later on you want to do that, that's, that's really up to you. They encourage it just simply because of clarity and things like that. Otherwise, the contract that we're talking about here is not just the marriage itself, but it's also the things that you talk about and you the expectations you have within that relationship. Those are the things that are accountable in the sight of Allah with respect to him. Of course, it's his liability on the Day of Judgment. He was supposed to do a lot and if he didn't, for whatever reason, those are things that are questionable

00:48:04 --> 00:48:06

in the sight of Allah azza wa jal

00:48:09 --> 00:48:10


00:48:11 --> 00:48:16

wallet Thank you home man, Nick. Welcome, Mina, Nusa.

00:48:17 --> 00:48:18

So this as

00:48:20 --> 00:48:53

those that are prohibited from marriage, this conversation comes up as well. Again, none of this was practiced. So just an open free card, do whatever you want, whoever, whatever doesn't matter what connection we have doesn't matter what the family relationship is. It's all open. Now all of that will change as well. So a lot and so when Jill sets down one rule, do not marry what your fathers have married. So of course, you know, your father's wife, if he divorced her, no one is allowed to marry her within the family

00:48:55 --> 00:49:20

from the whim except for what has already occurred before. This has always been a shameless thing and a disgusting thing and a horrible path. So these are laws dealing with all possible problematic situations that can happen. Laws deal with problematic scenarios, laws are written for criminals. So here's what you need to note about this subject. Only sort of 10 Nisa addresses this.

00:49:21 --> 00:50:00

Remember, in the beginning of this sort of we said that Surah 10 nissa. Part of its characteristics is that it addresses major out of this world issues that usually people don't even talk about or get involved. But just in case, somebody is as crazy and as lost, that they would have reached this extent and get involved in relationships like this. The poor n is going to deal with that. Got it. So this is the extreme of extreme, which is why it's only mentioned

00:50:00 --> 00:50:40

In this one surah. And it's only mentioned in this one section of the surah, this conversation will not come back again, for the rest of the Quran. Okay? So that's why it's going to talk to you. And it's going to tell us things that you might think are really obvious. But you just never know what kind of people are out there, right? So laws like this are written down for criminals, when human beings engage in evil, there's no limit to that evil. So that statement, at the bottom there alone pretty much summarizes why we have verses like this, please keep that in mind. Because there are critics of the horror end that single out these things. So look at your core ad, like it actually

00:50:40 --> 00:51:06

tells us that, you know, and then it's gonna start telling us about don't marry your mom, your dad, your son, your daughter, it's gonna actually explicitly say, these people are forbidden for you. What's the point of that? What a waste? Like it's so redundant, it's not even necessary? Well, there have been people who have done things like this. Right? So this is the first number 23, we're not going to go through this.

00:51:07 --> 00:51:48

Because again, this is one of those verses of the horror end that is a massive subject, that scholars have written volumes on explaining the implications of what this is, what are the, you know, rulings behind what should be done? If relationships like this have happened? If children have come out of relationships like this, I happen? Where does it leave inheritance, what kind of relationship you have with kids like this, etc. Like, each of these sentences are just massive and loaded with FERPA and rulings. But of course, that is not something that we are we are talking about, but again, you can take a look at it. So hurry metallicum, Omaha to come over to come

00:51:50 --> 00:51:51

to holla, to comb

00:51:53 --> 00:52:03

to comb, and it continues and it continues. So fathers sisters, mothers, sisters, not to be accused uncle wives, it even will mention mother like in laws as well of her arm for you.

00:52:08 --> 00:52:17

Two sisters, except that we shall pass the doodle was extremely Forgiving and Merciful. The only thing I want to address is actually the last sentence at the end, everybody see that?

00:52:19 --> 00:52:27

Except that which already passed? Indeed, Allah is extremely Forgiving and Merciful. Can I ask you,

00:52:28 --> 00:52:30

when Allah lays out

00:52:31 --> 00:52:55

all the categories of relationships that are not permissible. And then he concludes that sentence, or that paragraph with Allah is exceptionally Forgiving and Merciful. Why is the year ended this way? And it doesn't end with you know, if you get involved in these kinds of relationships, a lot of shit either the cops or watch out. Why didn't it end that way?

00:52:56 --> 00:53:06

That alone is you know, strong and it has punishment. Why did Allah end off on a verse like that with mercy and forgiveness?

00:53:08 --> 00:53:11

It should be obvious think back before this a was was sent down, right?

00:53:15 --> 00:53:15


00:53:27 --> 00:53:27


00:53:34 --> 00:53:52

So there were already families that were close, lidded and structured under some of these, you know, types of relationships that were already children born out of these kinds of marriages that were alive, and they were coming to Islam. So yada so little, what about me?

00:53:53 --> 00:54:33

I was born in this kind of family where, you know, this was related these were by parents, but they this was the relationship that they had, you know, they were close family themselves, like, what about me? What's going to happen? Do I get anything? Is it what's going to happen to me? It's incredible. You know, at the end of the day now that these rulings and this legislation that was was put down, this is where Allah subhanho wa Taala makes it very clear. At the end of the day, human beings have limitations to their forgiveness. There's only so much somebody will take from someone else. But not with Allah subhana wa Tada. We will never understand and be able to comprehend his

00:54:33 --> 00:54:40

level of forgiveness and mercy over his creation, we will never really truly understand what that is. So

00:54:41 --> 00:54:48

that's just a few. It's just categorized easy for you, that you can understand what is being talked about here.

00:54:51 --> 00:55:00

Relatives by marriage and kinship. So this was a practice quite common back then. I'm told that it's

00:55:00 --> 00:55:45

His practice till this day very rare, but you can still find this practice of. So what what they used to do is when the child was born back then you would send your child for a couple of years, to women who were living in the desert bed, we women, and they would nurse the child for that two years. And the reason the wisdom behind that was to kind of teach the child certain morals and ethics certain etiquettes and build strength, you know, they grow out of the city life and they're out, they're exposed to a lot of hardship, etc. But they're also being provided and nursed with the best that is there for them. So it was just more of a cultural preference. Our Prophet Allah, He saw

00:55:45 --> 00:55:48

some your, as you all know, had that in many of the companions had that as well.

00:55:50 --> 00:55:52

Let's move on to 24.

00:55:55 --> 00:55:59

You don't have to be too concerned about these verses, because these are not.

00:56:02 --> 00:56:07

These are not our discussion in this program. But they're there for your reference.

00:56:08 --> 00:56:11

And so this particular verse,

00:56:14 --> 00:56:40

the women amongst the population that are protected by force accept those women whose rights hands have come into business that is low. Okay. So this area now brings into another issue, which is called more sun, more sonet. What is more Sana woman that is in a marriage, or a woman who is in a decent household, the right hand possesses is something that is talked about quite a bit in court as well.

00:56:42 --> 00:56:59

As you see, in other words, battles have happened and the girls were taking a slave these women were previously married. Now those marriages were not respected. So they are now new, and being presented into a decent household. So what has happened very simple, is that, basically, who they were married to.

00:57:01 --> 00:57:39

Now, whatever happened, either that marriage was nullified because of these verses, or their spouses were killed. And they were captured as slaves. And so for the first time in their lives, they were actually given rights, they were actually given choices. And so they were given a decent home, where they were now respected. And they were given the rights to make choices. All of these things were very new to them. And that's what a man, a man or woman is talking about in this particular verse.

00:57:42 --> 00:58:09

So with your money, people are going to bring women for decent homes, not wanting to be those who want to get their desires fulfilled, see that look in the center there that you should pursue, pursue with your money being people who want to bring these women that were captured, that were had nowhere to go nowhere to live, that you only do so in order to provide them a decent and safe place to live and not wanting to be with them just because of desire. So

00:58:10 --> 00:58:22

one of the reasons why the subject becomes problematic for some, and it's also been a subject of criticism for some is that they focus on that part.

00:58:23 --> 00:59:01

It almost It almost sounds like Oh, they don't have nowhere to go. So Islam just says you can take them and you can just keep them and do whatever you want. actually know the rules are pretty straightforward. If those are your intentions, you're not allowed to have them you're not allowed to be anywhere near them. You have to be able to provide and give all the rights, make sure that all of the requirements are there, and they have everything they need. So Marsan at literally is a woman also marsinah is also defined as a woman who seeks to be free seeks freedom, so much sooner is also somebody who seeks freedom.

00:59:05 --> 00:59:09

That comes the obligation to have a few agreed upon or mutually agreed on nothing.

00:59:11 --> 00:59:54

hiromasa hain is another group, someone who cares about fulfilling their less than desire. Musashi hain this term is used in poor end and it's mentioned in sort of tailor made that as well. So these are these are the troublemakers of of this kind of culture. These are the troublemakers who went out there. So what was happening is, let's say a battle was over. And some of the women they lost their caregivers or protectors or husbands. Well I almost said to him would be around looking and saying hey look, you know I can adopt you and I can provide the whole world for you and I can give you a good home. So Allah gives attention to watch out for the for this group.

00:59:57 --> 00:59:59

Animal stuff in here. Georgia home bill Murphy Marsala

01:00:00 --> 01:00:13

And when someone tells me that hurt you that or sin for entertainer marriage doesn't turn off fitna, we live in a very impulsive society and must be people have patience and restraint. So where I'm getting this from, is if you go back to this verse,

01:00:14 --> 01:00:35

when we talk about not wanting to be those who want to get their desires fulfilled, then on account for whatever enjoyment you have had with them, then give them their compensation obligation. In other words, give them what they deserve all of their health of their money or their rights, you marry these women up, you're treating these women exactly the same way you would treat anyone else.

01:00:37 --> 01:01:28

At the end of all of this, this is one of those verses that also started to tap into this problem of fitna and desire. And if you don't address these kinds of behaviors, then it eventually leads to a lot of problems. So in other words, one of the lessons that we all take from verses like this today is that if you have children, for example, that you see certain behaviors in them, that could be somewhat worrisome. You know, you see them might be talking to the wrong people, or they might have like, friends on social media that kind of, you know, raise your eyebrow a bit, but you don't really address it. That's what this is about, you know, if you let certain things go, there is the risk

01:01:28 --> 01:02:07

that, you know, you could lose all of the qualities that you're trying so hard to preserve and protect. And that's what this a is also seeking for these women as well. That if you start off this kind of protection or relationship off with the wrong intention, then it's going to lead to other issues, not just for that marriage, but others will also see an a culture could potentially develop out of that where this is an okay thing to do. Does this sound familiar? By the way? You know, Malcolm X once said that the media is so powerful that you can take a lie repeated enough times until it becomes the truth.

01:02:13 --> 01:02:18

For those of you for verse 25, what is in red, you may want to fill that in.

01:02:30 --> 01:03:09

There's a lot that I want to talk about this verse, verse 25. Okay, verse 25, I actually have 21 different subjects that are extracted out of this verse 21. And because this is a thematic study, remember, we're not doing Tafseer here. This is a thematic study. So we're extracting all the different subjects and we're going to look at some of the rulings behind it. Okay, so this one a, we definitely need to spend some time on it in sha Allah. So we will do that next class. So panicle lahoma will be handy. cachito will let you let you learn to stop it'll go over to blue lake. So I'm already going to look over cattle

March 21st, 2019

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