Ibraheem Menk – Stealing From Prayer

Ibraheem Menk
AI: Summary © The internet is difficult to connect to and people should focus on the consequences of it. The importance of learning to use the internet and finding the right person for help is emphasized. The speaker gives advice on how to properly shower, wash hands, and remove water from oneself, and gives a tip on how to shower and perform the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the act of the
AI: Transcript ©
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Slam. Don't steal.

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Most of us will say, we are not

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We don't steal.

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So why are you telling us not to

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But Rasulullah Sallallahu

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Alaihi Wasallam taught us about a thief who

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is worse than the ordinary thief.

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He says

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The worst of people

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in theft are those who steal from their

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He does not complete his ruku,

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and neither does he

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complete his sujood.

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So he steals from that salah that Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala

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told him to complete.

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And this is what we find is the

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case with many of us.

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As we stand up for our salah,

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we don't take enough time in our qiyam.

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And we rush through the fatiha. As though

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we are fish out of water. We want

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to get

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back into the water. What is the water

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for us? The dunya.

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So we want to get back to where

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we are comfortable. The salah makes us uncomfortable.

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We can't connect with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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enough. And

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it is too much for us to take.

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Because we have made ourselves

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used to the fact

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the salah is something that you need to

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do. So get it over with and done

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with and leave.

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You know, oftentimes,

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if you look at the one praying,

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what does he do? Allahu Akbar.

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Why? Why?

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Why are you rushing so much, yet you

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can spend hours on end on your cell

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phone with nobody bothering you? Nothing taking your

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attention away. You can sit and go through

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reel after reel, video after video. But when

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it comes to connecting with Allah Subhanahu Wa

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your attention is very short.

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In fact, some of us go through our

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salah thinking of

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everything else out there.

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And previously,

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we would say that on your way to

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the masjid, you see so many things. You

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see cars. You see buses. You see people

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walking. So you come into the Masjid, and

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that is what is in your head. Today,

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people are on their phones

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and seeing all sorts of things, let alone

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whether it is halal or haram, even if

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it is halal content that they are viewing.

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And now when there are 5 minutes left

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for this salah, what do we do? Quickly

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put the phone away, make our udu in

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1 minute, perform the 4 aqaat in 4

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minutes or 3 minutes, and we are done.

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Why? Because we just wanted to get over

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with it. Because Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala told

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us, you don't pray, there is a punishment.

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as believers

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who know that we are going to stand

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before Allah

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one day,

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how hard is it for us to say,

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instead of 5 minutes, I'm going to take

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10 minutes in my salah.

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Instead of performing my salah at home, I'm

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going to go to the masjid. How difficult

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is it for you?

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Perhaps you find it difficult to go for

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5 salawat in the day. At least choose

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2 salawat or 1 salah a day where

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I will make the salah in the masjid,

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and I will make dua to Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala to give me more salah, to

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gift me more salah. You know why? Those

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who find themselves in the masjid

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are not there because they chose to go

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to the masjid, because they put petrol in

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their cars, because they decided to turn that

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engine on and force themselves to the masjid.

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They were invited by

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Allah as VIP

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guests of His. Those who come to the

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salah are the ones who will find themselves

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closest to Allah

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Allah on the day of piyama. You want

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to perfect your standing

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before Allah

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then perfect your standing

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before Him in this dunya. You want to

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perfect it when you get to Him. You

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want to be shining before Allah

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then shine in your salah today, here and

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now. Take a few more minutes to perform

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that salah. And even if you are taking

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just those 4 minutes for 4 aqaat

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of salah, even if you are taking only

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just those 4 minutes,

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your salah

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upon Worship Allah as though you see Him.

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You know when you stand up and you

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say your takbira tulikhram,

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Allahu Akbar.

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Imagine Allah in front of you. Think of

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Imagine it's you and him alone.

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And that is the salah that you want.

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Why? Because when you get to Allah

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then that salah will be a shining light

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for you.

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The hadith of Rasulullah Sallallahu

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Alaihi Wasallam says that give glad tidings to

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those who walk to the salah in the

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with complete light on the day of tiyamah.

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With complete light on the day of Piyama.

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Why? You chose when everybody was asleep, when

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nobody could sacrifice, in the darkness of the

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night to get up and walk to the

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masjid? Allah says, in the darkness, you did

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it for me. I will give you light

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today on your mulqiama.

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Which one of us would want to say

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that we don't want that light? But how

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many of us are willing to sacrifice

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and wake up at that time? Most of

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us are not at work at that time.

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How hard is it for us to wake

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up? Half past 4 in the morning, perform

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a few raka'at of tahajjud. And 5 o'clock

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comes, let us move to the masjid.

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And that will guarantee you the light before

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When you stand before him and people are

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worried about themselves, there you are smiling before

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You see,

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one man walks into the masjid of Rasulullah

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Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,

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and he goes and he performs his salah,

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and he comes and he sits with Rasulullah

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Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. So the messenger Sallallahu Alaihi

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Wasallam, he responds to his salam. And then

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he says,

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Go back and pray for indeed you have

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not prayed. But the man performed 2 rakat

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of salah.

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So he goes, he performs his salah, he

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comes back. And the messenger sallallahu alaihi wa

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sallam tells him

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Go back and perform your salah. Repeat it

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because you have not prayed. What did he

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say? You have not prayed.

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And then the man comes back

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and he says He goes to sit down.

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The messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam tells him

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yet again,

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Go back and perform that salah for you

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have not prayed.

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So the man says,

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I don't know better than this, oh messenger

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of Allah.

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So teach me, O Messenger of Allah. So

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Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam tells him,

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When you stand up to your salah then

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perfect your wudu. You see where the perfection

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of that salah begins. It begins with your

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wudu. When you bang out that wudu and

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you want to get over and done with

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it, and perhaps you even have your phone

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there on the sink watching something while you're

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performing your wudu, then that is not a

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complete and perfect wudu. Perfect that wudu. Wash

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limb properly. Your face properly from the

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means where the hair is meant to come

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out until

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the bottom of the chin and from one

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ear lobe to the next ear lobe or

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from that which is in between the the

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ear, in the middle of the ear. From

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that part of the ear to the next

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part of the ear.

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And then when you move to your hands,

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ensure that you wash your hands from the

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tips of the fingers to

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just after the elbow.

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And ensure that you begin

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from the tips of the fingers rubbing every

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part properly. Both hands like that. And then

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when you make your Masj, you remove the

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extra water. Wash your hands, remove the extra

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water. Take your hands, make the Masj from

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the front of your

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forehead to the back of your head,

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back again with the palm of the hand,

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and you

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ensure that you rub the ears as well.

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Put your finger inside. And then when you

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wash your feet, wash your feet properly. Top,

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bottom, in between the fingers. That is

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That is perfecting your

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Why? For Allah

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I'm going to meet my maker. If you

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were to meet the president of the country,

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how would

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your bath be? Or perhaps you were getting

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married that day. How would your hussul be?

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You would shower and ensure that you have

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the best of perfume. You look tip top

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for that meeting. But because we are instructed

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to meet Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala 5 times

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a day, we take it for granted. This

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is a gift from Allah

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Imagine the president inviting you 5 times a

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day, come for a meal to my house.

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Come sit with me. We'll talk. We'll chat.

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We'll have a good time together. What would

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you do? Every every time you have to

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meet him, you make sure you look good.

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You look tuk tuk. Why? But because it

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is so frequent, we have forgotten whom we

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are going to meet with, whom we are

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going to stand before. And that is none

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other than the one who created you.

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Then face the

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then make the

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That Allahu Akbar is you uttering that Allah

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is greater than everything in your life. So

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here I am, oh Allah. And you utter

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Then recite whatever is easy for you to

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recite from the Quran. Allah is making it

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easy for you. Recite the

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and then recite something easy from the Quran.

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And this is where

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most of us

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most of us make a mistake in our

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ruku and in our sujood.

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Make your ruku until you are completely

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at peace

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in your.

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What does that mean? Every single bone is

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in its place. You're not in motion before

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you get up. What happens? You say, Allahu

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And this position,

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Then stand up until

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Until you are completely

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at ease standing. This position is where many

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of us What do we do?

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The bare minimum and then Allahu

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Akbar. And you go into your ruku,

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Then make that sujood until you are completely

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at ease with your sujood.

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get up again until you are completely

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at ease.

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Until you are completely at ease sitting.

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This is the position again where we find

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people say,

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No. Until you are completely at ease, what

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did Rasulullah

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salallahu alayhi wa sallam tell the man? He

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Go back and perform your salah, for indeed

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you have not performed salah. He didn't say

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you have stolen from your salah. He didn't

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say your salah is not complete. He said

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you have not performed salah. Meaning, the one

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who missed this salah and this man, they

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were the same. Exactly the same. No difference.

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Why? Because

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their prayer was not counted. This one didn't

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pray. And this man prayed, but he prayed

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so badly that it is as though he

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has not prayed with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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How many people I see even today in

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the masjid? And I'm not here to fire

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at anyone specifically. All of us at times

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are guilty of this crime.

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What do we

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Before we are completely at ease, we are

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in the next sujood.

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Take 2 seconds.

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2 seconds, brother.

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In fact, I remember telling 1 uncle. And

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Alhamdulillah, he's not in this country.

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I remember telling him, uncle, your salah is

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not accepted if you don't sit long enough.

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The next salah, same thing. And And I

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thought to myself, Allahu Akbar.

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Who knows? Maybe he's excused. We hope he's

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excused with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala because there

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is one opinion that I don't follow.

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But there is one opinion that says if

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you do that only between the 2 sajda,

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then it's okay. Only one opinion. The rest

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of the scholars all say what? Your salah

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is not accepted. Why? Because of this hadith

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of the one who was bad in his

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So, dear brothers and sisters in Islam,

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it is a simple message. Simple.

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That can benefit you a lot with Take

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few more seconds

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in every posture.

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Few more seconds.

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And the bare minimum,

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you say once.

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You you say

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go into your sujood

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once, the bare minimum. Don't say it.

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Such that before you even complete it

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In fact, after you complete it, your motion

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has not even stopped. So what you do?

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Your motion has not even stopped. Your salah

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is not accepted.

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And that is according to all of these

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scholars. If you go into your sujood,

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and you don't spend enough time in that

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sujood, until you are completely at rest, your

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salah is not counted.

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Imagine getting to Allah

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thinking, I've got all my salah.

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I've got all these years that I put.

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And then you come to find

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that, you know what? I didn't spend enough

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time in that salah for it to even

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be accepted

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with Allah Brothers and sisters in Islam, spend

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2 seconds.

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It is a call to spend

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2 seconds more in every posture. And Allah

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will grant you more reward than you can

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imagine. May Allah perfect our salah. And may

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perfect our standing before him.

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