Nouman Ali Khan – Insights on Surah Al Isra

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of guidance and being on the road in achieving a goal. They emphasize the need for guidance and being guided to avoid losing momentum and find one's talent. The speakers also touch on the physical "monster" in Arabic and the importance of rewarding experiences and helping others. They stress the importance of finding one's physical ability to make a positive impact on others and fulfilling a purpose.
AI: Transcript ©
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Frobisher, sorry, we're silly Emily looked at me listening, Coco Lee kondalilla salatu salam, O Allah, Allah Allah, he also he has been an avid. I'm going to take a break from our series on the drusen earlier in Milan and I want to share some different places in the Quran, just some reflections with you. And today, I've decided to share some lessons with you from social Islam. This is Surah number 17. And the ayat that I want to talk to you about today centrally is iron number 84. But some things about iron number 83 and 85. Also, certain Islam is a very different meccan surah of the Quran, it's got 111 iaat. And it has some of the very difficult I often make intercede. It's

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very difficult I have the Quran belong to certain Islam. And some things that are mentioned in total Islam are not mentioned anywhere else. So you have for example, in mechanical on lots of repetition, things that are mentioned in different places occur again insert in different sources in mechanical arm. But certainly slide describes some realities. For example, the way that Allah talks about the rule, as you may have heard the Arabic word as I was reciting the is aluna caranya rule. Holy Roman on the rugby Rama ot terminal enemy in the polyglots only hear is no but nowhere else that even that question has been discussed, right? So it has a unique place also among the series of

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microcontrollers within which it is found. But I want to start with you today with instead of getting into the meanings of the IOD, first and foremost is just some concepts that I want you to visualize. And that'll help, like, help us appreciate the lessons here a little bit better. When somebody is traveling, just imagine yourself or myself or anybody traveling, then their goal, if you ask them, What is your goal as a traveler? Well, your goal as a traveler is to reach your destination. It's pretty simple, right? So anybody who's ever engaged in any travel, they're arriving at their destination is their ultimate goal, right? So the closer they get to their goal,

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the more progress they're making, and the moment they reach their goal, they've attained success, right? Now, that's an important visualization. Because when you are, you know, your goal was not to take a step, your goal was not to finish one mile or two miles or three miles, your goal was to get to the destination. Now, let's say your destination was 10 miles away, and you only traveled four miles, and you couldn't go any further, then you failed. Because you didn't reach 10 miles. That's what your goal was. And if you only took two steps or three steps, you still failed. And if you made it all the way to 9.99 miles, and you only had two steps left and you couldn't make it you still

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failed because you did not make it to your destination. This is important because when you when somebody asks for directions, now I'll use Islamic terms that you're more familiar with, instead of saying directions, I'll say, when somebody asks for guidance, right? So you call it you know, GPS, right? So when somebody asks for guidance, then they're obviously asking, this is my this is where I want to go this restaurant, this airport, this hotel, this machine, whatever. Can you give me guidance on how to go there? Right, that's what they're asking for. And so we never ask guidance to get to the road, we always ask guidance to get to the destination. Like somebody says, Hey, can you

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guide me to get to this road? Or where do you want to go on that road? What's your destination because nobody's destination is the road itself. You understand? That does that wouldn't make sense? But now take a step back and think about the Fatiha We ask Allah azza wa jal Idina axolotl, Mr. King guidance to what

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the road but in life we never asked for guidance to the road. We asked for guidance to the destination and Allah will explain himself in the Quran likened soltana Jomo and Nairobi Carmen Taha that the final destination the end is your Rob himself. That's the destination. But we don't ask Allah to guide us to him. We ask Allah to guide us to the road itself. This is very important to understand. And if if somebody understands that the way they look at the Quran, and they look the way they look at their life, the way they understand allows expectations changes completely. Because someone who's saying My goal is to be on a road is very different than someone who says My goal is

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to get to a building or to get

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To study there are two different things. If the only goal you have in life is to be on a road and stay on a road,

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then when is the only time you're done

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once the only time you're finished when you die,

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and your goal is not to reach someplace, your goal is to actually die on this road. That's that's your goal. Your goal was not to get to a destination. Isn't that profoundly different? Now, if that's your goal,

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then you're no longer concerned about, you know how we say when you're traveling, if you know one time I traveled from here with my kids to Colorado, pretty long drive 700 some miles. And you keep the keep asking how many hours left? How Many Miles Have you traveled so far? How many more miles left? And you keep checking the marker? Okay, this many left this many 100 left this many 100? That? Oh, we did 10 more? We did 20 more? We made 30? more you understand? So you keep checking how much progress Have I made? Oh, my God, I came so far. And I have only a little bit more to go. Because if you have a

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stationary destination, then every step you take, you've made progress, and you're getting closer and closer to your goal. But if your goal was the road itself, do you look back in front? No, no, that's no longer a concern. You're no longer worried. Hey, how much were When can I get to this goal? When can I get to that goal? When can I get to this mile marker, this milestone? Maybe now I'm 75%. done now. I'm 80%? Nope, you're not concerned anymore. You don't even look back and say, Man, I made a lot of progress. That's no longer your concern. Because it doesn't matter. The only thing the only thing that matters for a person whose goal was to be on the road, is that when the last moment

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comes of their life, and we don't know when that is that they were still on the road. That's the only thing that matters, nothing else matters. Now this changes our perspective on guidance all together, no matter what you and I may have done in the past, that's good.

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No matter what we did, that's good. Today, Does any of that matter?

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No. All that matters today is today Am I on the road or not? And no matter what mistakes you made in the past, you were off the road, you were in some off some Cliff somewhere, wherever you were, if so long as you're on the road today, that is all that matters. Tomorrow doesn't matter because it's out of your control. Yesterday, doesn't matter because it's too late. All that matters is that you're on the road right now, isn't that profoundly different? It's incredible that a lot. And by the way, if somebody fell behind, sometimes people are on the right path, and then they stop. Sometimes people are on the right path and they take a little turn. Sometimes people on the right path, they start

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going backwards, it happens. And if you're walking with your brother, and one of them got tired, and they stopped and you kept going. Now it seems that you are much further away. And he's still further behind. And one day he decides to get on the road again.

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Should he compare Himself to you anymore? As a man, he's so far ahead. How am I ever going to catch up? I must, he's doing so much better than I am. And I'm all the way back here. None of that matters. Because there's no comparison of where you are, how far you got. All that matters is that you're on it. Some people that are traveling on this road are traveling very fast. Imagine a highway some people are driving like beyond the speed limit. Some people riding a bicycle, some people are walking, are they all traveling at the same speed? No. There are some people that are traveling in a bus. So there's lots of people together traveling. So their journeys easier. They help each other

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they you know, one gets tired, the other takes the wheel, right? They're giving each other company and you know, when you have company, the road becomes easier, right? And there are some people that are traveling what all along.

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And then there are some people who are traveling and the person they're traveling with, they don't even like them. They have a difficult journey because they're stuck with this person that they don't even like and they're traveling on that road. Is everybody traveling on the road traveling at the same speed in the same way? No, No, they're not. But that doesn't matter. You know, two people can have the same exact they could be on the same exact Street, the same exact road. But is their experience of traveling on that road the same?

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Can Can you imagine that you went on a highway from one exit to another. And at the same time, there are 100 other cars next to you. And somebody says man remember that time we were driving that was the best day of my life. And next to you is a car that says man that time when I was driving that was the worst day of my life possible. I know.

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For some people the same journey is the easiest thing ever for the other people. That's the hardest thing ever you understand? It's not the same just because the cars are traveling together. They're all headed in the same direction. It doesn't mean that the experience is the same for everybody on it. It's not the same.

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If we understand this this image then you will appreciate what's being said I'm in many I especially desire and I want to start with the end of this ayah and then go back to the beginning of desire for a book home Allah movie man Hua. Sevilla

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Your master your rub, all of you knows better, who is more guided in terms of sticking to the road, who is more committed to the road? He knows better.

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First of all, by Allah saying Allah knows better, luckier place, he says, In Arabic Allah, Allah, Allah and sahbihi wa who Allah will be monitored. He says he knows the ones that have fallen off the road and he knows the ones that are committed to the guidance committed to the directions that were given. He knows the difference between them. When Allah says that in Dr. Baca, who Allah, you know what that means? That means you and I are no longer in a position to say, Man, that guy is on a good road.

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And this one's off the road.

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He took that away from you, he took that away from me because who says who knows better? In Naropa Alamo. In this is hands on with Allah. He says for a movie man who he knows he knows better. I am no longer concerned with who is on the road and who is off the road. That's, that's not for me to know. There's no way for me to know. You know what happens with people when shutdown comes to them. He makes them forget this reality and their only concern is who is on and who is off.

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Let me tell you who the deviants are. Let me tell you who who are not on the right path. Let me tell you who have fallen away from the path. Let me make a list of you for them. I've literally gone to massagin where they update the list of deviance you should stay away from

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and then they make a list of people that you should follow or listen to or benefit from and they're still guided, they're still under and I've literally seen this one is crossed off moved over to that list he's deviant to last week. He said something. They keep chat tabs on who what's you know who's on the road and who's after Yella. YOLO Allah says that's not your license. That's not my place. That's a lot for a Latino horombo Kumar llamo women who are at the Sabina then here's the other thing you know, in certain Fatiha Allah azzawajal told us he did not say Latinos in Surat in Arabic comes from the word Sadat and salaat is a wide, long sword. The long because the Arabs used to make

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curved swords, if you know anything about swords, the strange sword for the Arab was the long straight one and that was called a salaat. And from it, you get the word civet a wide but straight road, right or wide but straight road. And you know in Arabic words have plurals just like in any language that kitabi scudo must do this massage salon has no plural. There's no solid, there's no solid, there's nothing.

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Why? Because they can say that is the kind of road that doesn't have an alternative route.

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Like you know, if imagine there are there's only one bridge that goes from this island to this island. There's no other roads that can take you there. That would be called a slot. Why? Because there's no other road you can take. There's only this road you can take there is no plural available. There's no alternative available. That's the last way of telling us Islam is one. The Dean is one guidance is one there's only one road to take. So far so good. But then Allah azza wa jal uses other words, like the word Sabine, like the word semi now Seville is a small road. Seville is actually a small road. And 30 is actually another even a smaller road. So the way I want you to

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visualize this is you know how you have a street and from an inside home Street, you get to a main street which has three or four lanes. And then from the main street, you get on the highway.

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Right, the highway is Surat. And then there's three that leads to Sabine that goes to Surat, if you want to get on that highway, you still might have to take some local route. Yes, you can't just jump on the highway. You have to take some smaller pathways. So everybody's starting point may be different, but they're all making their way to the same highway, you will know

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a lot as origin in the beginning of this ayah This is why I was really fascinated by this ayah today who will tell them Colonia Manuela shakeela t tell them everyone every single human being every single person and why do I know it's cool? You see hoonah insan in is Sadko the correct Elisa? The previous is talking about insanity, insanity Ababa when Abidjan de Lucia route Canada, the previous is talking about the human being all human beings in this ayah Allah says tell every human being tell everybody yeah Malou Allah Fukuyama Lu Allah shakeela Tito, everybody works. Everybody does work according to their shakeela that's the hard word of this ayah shakeela the word shakeela comes

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from shackled, shackled means form, shape. Allah is telling us that he made me different He made you different. Our bodies are physically different. Our our skin colors are different. Our genetic makeup is different, our personality and that's biological

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We even biologically, the way our we physically we look is very different, eliminate each of us, individually to the point of our fingertips to the point of our fingerprints, right? He made us genetically different. But then there's something inside us that's also very different. What's that thing inside us that this is the physical body, but there's something inside us that's also different, which is what the rule. Notice in the next day, I was going to talk about the rule. Yes, aluna, Anna, ruhi, holy, Roman, and Robbie. Every human being has been shaped from the outside and the inside differently.

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Every human being was shaped from the outside and the inside differently. My rule is different from yours. My body is different from yours. My voice is different from yours. Every one of us is different. The way my mind works is not the way your mind works. What I like is not what you like, what interests me is not what interests you. What is my strength is not your strength, your strength is something else. Every single human being Allah made with some strengths and some weaknesses. And every single human being and that's the beautiful thing about shakeela. One side of it is each one of us is extremely unique. Like I know if you have more than one child like I have. Our children are

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very different. Some children are very artistic. Some children are very hands on learners. Some children are very good listeners, some children are very good readers other other kids are allergic to books, they're completely different. Their their eating habits are different. their interests are different, their personalities are different to the point where even you have sometimes you have twins, physically exactly the same. But personalities could two completely different people, two completely different people. Why? Because each of them has their own shakeela. But the other beautiful thing about the word shakeela is that it also means you know, they say polyp that shakin

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in Arabic, a road that has Shaquille means a road that goes off into many smaller roads, like, you know, like a highway has many splits. Right? That's actually called sherlockian. In other words, each one of you even though the highway is the same, each one of you has your own mini roads to take on the same journey. Is it possible that when you're traveling is you know, some, again, help you visualize somebody on the highway, and some people are on the service road. And they're still traveling essentially in the same journey? Yeah, because they're still headed in the same direction you understand. Alonzo just says each one of us actually has our own particular road, our own

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starting point, our own way to get on the road, our own pace. And if your road is your own, you know, if I'm on a different Street, you're on a different Street, then the view you will have is different from me. The bumps you will face are different from me. The police that's watching you are different from mine, the stop signs are different for you and different from me, you understand that? Right? The dangers on the road are different for you and different for me, the opportunities are different for you in different because we're all on a different road. Now let's put all of that together. Allah azza wa jal is telling us in this ayah in Colonia Malou, Allah Shakira de ayuda, the

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modality can be understood in Arabic as a statement of fact everybody does according to how they were made. It's a statement effect. But the melodic can also also be a subtle form of Amr. It can be a form of command. Let me explain that in Simple English first, those of you that are parents can easily understand this one.

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You know, you It's time to go to school, your kid is pretending to sleep. And when they really pretend hard to sleep, they do this.

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And if you're working that hard to close your eyes, you definitely not asleep.

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And the mother says, You are getting up right now.

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Now repeat the English you are getting up right now. That's different from Get up. When I say get up, that's a command, right? But when I say you are getting up right now, that's a statement of fact.

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She says it like it's a fact.

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Because that's a reality. You can't escape. You understand? That plate will be finished.

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not finished the plate that plate will be finished. So a very strong way of commanding someone is to actually say it as as a matter of fact, as a matter of fact, no, you're not going there. That is different from saying don't go there. Oh no, you're not going there. Full stop. Like it's a fact. Like it's a done deal. In that sense. The the the nobody here can be Colombian shy everybody is going to work you better put yourself to work. Yes, you will put yourself to work exactly according to based on how Allah shaped you. Now, this is a self assessment. What Allah is telling us of Hannah Watada is that each and every one of us Allah give us a different place. We were born different

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parents. We were born to different circumstances, different culture, different language, different economic opportunity, different starting point different experiences, different difficulties. Your trials are different from my trials, the challenges you had as a child the challenges you had growing

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are different from my challenges. Every one of us has our own bumps on the road. And Allah says, based on those experiences, you must put yourself to work, given the strength that I gave you.

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Allah azza wa jal basically crafted your life, he designed the story of your life. Right? It's the Think of your life like a story, the author is alive himself. Right? And he puts you through every one of the experiences he puts you through for a purpose, for a reason, you may not understand the purpose, why did this happen to me? Why did that bad experience occur with me? What was my fault in it, I deserve better, etc, etc. Understand, every one of the good experiences and bad experiences are there to help you get on this road. That's the purpose of them. But you can't get on this road unless you identify the gift Allah has given you or more than one gift that Allah has given you. You

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know, masala Salaam had to discover that his gift was strength.

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Right gift is a physical gift with strength. And you know what his disability was? You know, physically very strong, you know what his disability was? Anybody know? speech. Now think about that. His strength, got him in trouble, yes or no.

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So what used to be his blessing, got him in trouble.

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And the thing that was the hardest for him is what's recorded in the Quran his speech. nobody speaks in the Quran more than musasa.

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Think about that for a second.

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He throws one punch a guy dies and everything in his life goes to chaos. But the thing that was his disability, when it occurred to you been even fairer, if it all made fun of him is Oh, look, he can't even talk at all. It's almost like he can't even clarify one word. He has a hard time saying this single word. Look at him. And that speech will condemn Allahu Musa attack Lima. Musa alayhis salam spoke with Allah engaged in passionate conversation with Allah debated one of the greatest Polish evil politicians in history and to crush them in debate. That was bizarre Listen, what am I trying to tell you? Sometimes we don't recognize we think of I think I know my strength. And I think

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I know my weakness. But actually, you don't know that your weaknesses also lessen? The thing that didn't make you good at the thing you think you're not so good at maybe the thing that will put to work? What do people say his use of honey salaams gift?

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He's got two gifts. He's got the interpretation of speech. But what else?

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beauty? Was his beauty an asset or a liability in his life? What do you think?

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musalla is love strength got him in trouble. You suffer asylums? Good looks got him in trouble.

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You understand? And in this world, everybody sees these things? And what do they think this is a blessing. Allah bless this person would look, Allah bless this person with strength. This is a blessing. Allah says Allah knows better, who is more committed to guidance. Allah knows better, who's actually putting the shakeela to work and the laws teaching us something through these examples in the Quran. He's teaching us that there are different kinds of abilities, there's abilities on the outside, gifts on the outside. And then there are gifts on the inside.

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The ability to understand speech, like use of honey syrup, the honesty of Musashi, salaam, the integrity of masala serangkaian. I mean, he's strong, but strong, being strong is easy, being strong, and at the same time, honest, that's a very difficult thing. To have those qualities. Now, that is some incredible shakeela given the potential login, to reach where he reached, you know. So now, what does that mean for you and me and everybody else, what that means for you and me is, first of all, we don't think of our children. As parents, we don't think of our children the same way we think of ourselves. Just because I found a love for the study of the Arabic language, and teaching

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doesn't mean I have to make all of my kids a teacher, that may not be their calling, that may not be their shakeela. It may not be.

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It could be that you're a doctor. And sometimes in Muslim in the Muslim world, once you become a doctor is wajib to make your children doctors, like there's a lot about this, it's haram to let them be anything else. But your child might be. You know, and a writer, your child might be a great sociologist, a political thinker. Your child might be an artist. Your child might be a great scholar, Li or something. I don't know. They may have potential in different directions. We have to allow our children to first to recognize their potential and to encourage them in that potential. So they can put themselves to work according to their potential. But amyl is important this is this is

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why the wording of the IRS is so beautiful. It's not just that you find your potential. Being talented is easy because the talent didn't come from you tell him came from a lot. If somebody

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These are like he has a beautiful voice. That's that didn't own it that was given to them. If somebody is very good at mathematics, their mind the sharpness of their mind isn't there that was given to them. So if it was already given to you, you don't get credit for that. Not according to Allah. That's what a lot gave you. That's the shakin, Allah gave you. What do you get credit for? Amell

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Cologne, Yama, Lu, Allah shakeela T. In other words, is it possible that somebody is very talented, but they don't work hard?

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happens all the time. And tell you a story. I found you know, I, at one point in my Institute, I was looking for to hire other teachers to teach Arabic. And I found this young fellow who I thought was a brilliant teacher. And this kid was incredible. I thought he's one of the best teachers as a talent I've ever seen. For an Arabic teaching Arabic is hard. learning Arabic is if you're if you love learning, you'll learn it. But teaching it is very different. And how do you know you're a good teacher when your students are motivated to learn, because the easiest thing to do in Arabic classes to quit.

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So students are loving his class. He's motivating the students. He's a fantastic teacher, he knows how to explain and carry himself in class and keep them engaged. And I love the fact that he's so talented. And so I brought him on board and gave him opportunity. And you know, he's teaching.

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And as he's teaching, he's missing deadlines, not showing up to class not checking students homework, not responding to emails, missing meetings, and it's going on, you're not what why aren't you showing up to work wire? Oh, yeah, I got busy. And then later on your question, why are you doing this? You know, you? I'll, I don't think we can work. Who are you going to find who's as talented as me?

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Really, because you think talent is the only thing that's valuable? Allah gave talent to lots of people. You know, there are people that are that play professional sports. Right? And we see them they're really very talented. You know, there are just as many talented people sitting in our neighborhood,

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physically just as a table, and it can be amazing athletes. Guess what's the difference?

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Work? Practice. I'm not sure how many kids do you see that the coach says, Man, if you work hard, you'll be in the NBA, you'll be in the NFL you'll be you can jump in premier football. And

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don't do the work.

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If you're not, if you have the talent, you don't put yourself to work, it's not going to go anywhere. The same thing is true. Now in terms of the in terms of being allies, essentially giving has given each one of us different potential different strings, which was true of the Sahaba de la normativa. before them, even if you study the lives of the prophets, different prophets have different strengths. You know, even a lead describes for Ba ba ba ba ba, ba, ba, ba, ba ba ba ba ba Why did he distinguish between them? We give them different preferences, different strengths. Why? Because Allah did not want humanity to be one thing. You know, he says, Would you Allah come Sure.

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Reuben acaba de la Lita Otto, he made you they translate this He made you into nations and tribes that's not a good translation. Shaban Arabic is a hole in a wall. You know, when a wall is nice, and there's some some broken part. Like in America, we don't see that a lot because we kind of saw sheetrock and the imperfections get covered. But if you go to like Pakistan or back home countries where they have like cement walls and actual brick walls, some part of it chips off and falls off, and there's a hole when you see those imperfections, that's called a shadow.

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Allah calls every nation shall. Why? Because it's made up of citizens that are together, like a wall. But it's not it's never perfect, no nation is ever perfect every nation has some flaw, just like every human being has some flaw. And he says you have to learn to get to know each other. Because what is your weakness is somebody else's strengths and their weaknesses, your strengths, so you will learn from them and they will learn from you. This is why I love when human beings together. When human beings come together Musashi Salaam is put together with his brother wine who have Sakuma Nissan he's a better speaker than I am I have a flaw but he doesn't have that he'll

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strengthen me I'll be his strength, he'll be my strength, which should be he agree. Why should the coffee me? You use him to support me, I need backup and the best backup is him. So Allah made us dependent on one another, he made us dependent on one another, when you discover yourself your shakeela will also identify in yourself and I will identify myself What am I good at? And also what am I not good at?

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What do I What do I need help in so you know the right and you then you'll identify the people who can help you cover those gaps. And as you learn that, then you realize that so long as we are on the road, we are not comparing ourselves to anybody.

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If Allah made you good at something, how will you serve Allah and His creation you

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Using what he gave you, if he made you good at speaking, speak, made you good at teaching teach, he made you good at writing, right? If you make if you made you're good at building build,

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if you're really good, you're good at engineering engineer.

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What is it that he made your mind and your physical ability amazing at you have to find that in yourself and put it to work. And you don't say to yourself, Well, you know, I'm not really good at anything. That's a lie.

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That's not true. Allah gave everybody a shakeela. And he gave everybody a way to get guidance towards him. He made you good at something he made you able to do some kind of good. And good doesn't just mean everybody to a lot good means good towards other people. How can you benefit other people in some way? At the very least? How do you benefit people around you, in your family among your friends? But it grows further than that. If you become more ambitious, you say, How do I benefits society? How do I benefit humanity? How do I do something bigger than myself, but it won't happen if you're not even a benefit to the people closest to you first, right? So this ayah I'll

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start over again. So as we conclude to wrap everything up, unless has tell them everybody should work, or everybody better put themselves to work according to their shakeela according to the road that is uniquely crafted for them, and according to the unique talents and abilities and strengths and weaknesses that were given to them, which are different from everybody else. So they never compare anybody to themselves to anyone else. And they don't say, hey, why do I have this difficult road and this one has an easy road,

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you're not interested in comparison. That's no longer the case. It doesn't concern you, their road and what they what they were given and what they were not given that's with Allah, and your road is with Allah. And he knows who to give what, according to what, you know. So he says, For bukem, lm ob manhua. And your master knows who is more guided, who has more, who's more valuable in terms of guidance and who's who's closer to guidance, as they traverse the path maneuver under subpoena. So so beautiful desire, so profound desire, then you you start valuing every experience in your life, you start thinking about every one of the things that you've gone through, and how that can help

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craft you as a human being, you know, how is it making you a stronger person? How is it that you learn something from it, and you can help somebody else with it, you can be of service to somebody else with it. You know, I keep making reference to masayoshi son, because first of all, I'm obsessed with Mercedes. And because the Quran emphasizes him so much, but something else about him comes to mind as I talk about this. And of course, this is total Islam, which is about buenavista II, which is the nation of Muslims.

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But in any case,

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musalla when he ran away, and he was in Midian.

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And, you know, he's got very heavy guilt on him because he accidentally killed someone he didn't intend to, but he did.

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And he says it'd be nice for them to not see, I've done wrong to myself. He also says have them in Amalie shape. And this is from the work of the devil. I mean, these are his words when this happened.

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But when he went away, you know, in your head and in my head, when you do a sin, what's the way to fix that sin you make us too far. You don't bother you do thicker you cry to alarm you go to Hajj. You do these things? You meaning you connect more and more to Allah.

00:33:25 --> 00:33:31

Look at Masada, some he goes and he sits down in Meridian, Allah dama de la omata minasi a spoon.

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And what does that mean doing him I'm doing him Mr. Attorney to Sudan.

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He saw two girls that are struggling to feed their animals. And you know the story he goes and he helps them. But what's remarkable to me is when he was done helping them and he sat down to a level of will he goes back and sits down in the shade. This is what have been neelima and delta Elysium and Hayden hoppy Master, whatever good opportunity to do good you give me I could use it.

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In other words, he is constantly driven to do more good for other people, not just to Allah, good towards other people, his previous experience of hurting another human being. He is now compensating for it by helping other human beings. If somebody hurt you, in some way, you learn from that and say, I'm going to make sure nobody gets hurt the way I was getting, I was hurt. And you try to help others who got hurt. You learn from your experience for the benefit of others. That is shakeela that is putting ourselves to work. And so in Why are we so different and why is it so? You know, why is it that Allah made me the way he made me and he made you the way he made you we will never know.

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What is the reality of our own reality is the biggest mystery. That's our rule. And Allah says well now we'll do two minutes. Luckily, that's the next I actually you haven't been given much knowledge at all. What you have been given is your shot. You can recognize your Shakira. You can recognize what you're good at a self assessment.

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really thinking about yourself? And what is it that you're going to accomplish in your life? You know, I know I was going to conclude, but I'll share one quick thing because I show is almost upon us. Or we just pray, but rather, I'm still in the old time, but five minutes in,

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you know, if you if you lose sight of your purpose, if you lose sight of the purpose the shakeela gave you, I want you to think of it this way.

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food, drink, happiness, peace, safety, these are things we want in life. Everybody wants to feel peace, everybody wants to be happy. Everybody wants to be feel secure, etcetera, etcetera. These are feelings that people run after. So why do they want to buy a car, I want to buy a new car, it will make me happy. I want to get a house, it'll make me feel safer. I want to feel safer. These are some feelings we run after this. Toma, Nina, this sentence of calm and peace. Let me tell you, that's not our goal. Our goal is to fulfill a purpose.

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Or my goal in life is not to feel better. My goal in life is to accomplish something.

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The peace and the tranquility and the happiness and all of those things are only there so you get strong enough to fulfill your purpose. But they're not your purpose. You have to do work in life. Yeah, marylu, Allah, Colonia marylu, Allah shakeela T. And when you fulfill your purpose, you actually truly find peace. Let me put that in Simple English and I'm done. And simple would not have seen literature, no abstracts.

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You have someone who Allah gave a talent to that they're very good at, let's just say counseling.

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Right? They should go to school and pursue a degree in counseling, they should become licensed and becoming a counselor. And they know that when they this talent that they have, everybody goes to school and gets the same degree. But some people like give them an ability that when they talk to people, people really feel healed. People feel different when they speak to them, right. And ally has given them that when Allah has given them that purpose. And when they put themselves to work in that purpose. They're going to feel a calm and a peace and a happiness and a satisfaction, that no matter what clothes they buy, no matter what car they buy, no matter what food they eat, they're not

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going to feel it.

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And that same person who, you know, does this work, and they fulfill this purpose. Now they start making a lot of money. And when they make a lot of money, they say I don't have to do this work. Now I can just enjoy my life. And they start busying themselves with vacations and enjoying themselves and eating good food and living a luxurious life and all of these other things and guess what's missing in their life. Now, they're no longer happy. They have all these things around them, but they're not happy anymore. You know why? Because purpose is missing.

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If your life is missing purpose, everything else will have no meaning.

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Everything else around, you'll just lose meaning. And if you have purpose, you don't have to have anything else, you'll still be happy.

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You'll just everything else will become secondary. It is only when people don't have purpose. Then they compete for things.

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When they lose purpose, then they compete for things then they compete for clothes. And they compete for house and they compete for car and they compete for money. And they compete for showing off who had a bigger aid party who had a bigger Akiko for their baby who had a bigger wedding ceremony, that that obsession, all of that's there. When purpose is missing. When and when purposes there, all of these things come and they make you happy. They give you some fuel, but you're never comparing yourself. You're never competing. The only competition left is am I taking another step? Am I still on the road? Am I still making progress? That's all. That's the only concern I have. Nothing else

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matters. So we have to become people of purpose. We have to become people that don't get petty. Don't lose sight. Because when that happens, we've lost everything human that that by the way, what is purpose mean? purpose means you're on a road,

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right? That you haven't accomplished. But when you have stuff you're like, Oh, well, now I already have it. Then it's just about the next item and the next item and the next item that's all it is now one TV show to the next one outfit to the next one pair of shoes to the next one gadget one toy to the next. That's all we can wait till the new iPhone comes out. Why not? Why? what purpose do you have? What are you missing in your life that you can't wait? I can't wait till the next season of this show comes out. I'm dying. Why are you dying?

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because your life is seriously missing something you're already dead.

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means you're already dead. Because that shouldn't be in urine use something else should preoccupy you. You can't get entertained. That's okay. That's not why you exist. That's not your goal. And when you see people like that, when they're dressed in the outfits and waiting for the next thing to come out and diehard worshipping fans of sports teams painting their faces, oh, you know and fighting now after a match and all of that. You know what that tells you that tells you how far humanity can get away from purpose. how far they can get away from purpose. Allah did not make human beings for that purpose. He did not

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This is the tragedy of the human being. And that's what's described in the on your own time. Just contemplate the idea before this one, this is number 84. And number 83. Wait, I'm not inside. When I began to be what I am associate brokenness, when good happens really happy when bad happens really upset. What kind of people get really happy when good happens and really upset when bad happens. People whose goal was happiness, people whose goal was stuff, when they lose stuff, they get upset when they get stuff, they get happy.

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When people who have purpose, things come and things go, it's okay, I still have my purpose, I'm still fine. I still have my mission, I'm still going. And the moment you somebody and a shutdown will come they'll try to steal your purpose from you.

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He'll rob you of your purpose, any chance he gets, he wants to take it away from you. He can make you lazy, he can make you forget, he can make you distracted. He can bring others and say hey, that's not your purpose. And others come and say no, no, you don't deserve to have this purpose. Other people should have this purpose, not you. He'll make you get off of it any way that he can, and you have to just push all that out and stay on track. If you and I can stay on track, then we've accomplished something remarkable. In this life. We allow God to keep us you know, positioned on the path on our own journey with purpose and metalizer to help us become a support for one another

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barakallahu li walakum cinematic wanna like Allah over

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan provides valuable insights into verses 83 to 85 of Surah Al Isra of the Noble Qur’an.

“And when We bestow favor upon the disbeliever, he turns away and distances himself; and when evil touches him, he is ever despairing. Say, “Each works according to his manner, but your Lord is most knowing of who is best guided in the way. And they ask you, [O Muhammad], about the soul. Say, “The soul is of the affair of my Lord. And mankind has not been given of knowledge except a little.”

What do these verses mean? 

Allah says in the Qur’an that when He bestows His blessings on man, we turn a blind eye to them. Man is not grateful for the blessings that came his way when he was in need of them and for which he had prayed to Allah. He alienates himself from Allah and becomes the embodiment of arrogance and egotism. But when calamities and trials begin to resurface, he loses his patience and becomes desperate and again turns to Allah for help.

The Lord is observant of the state of everyone and knows which path is better and which mode of guidance will prove more fruitful. the reality of the ‘spirit’ or the Ruh is beyond the comprehension of mankind and it is that which lies as one of the innumerable secrets of Allah SWT. The knowledge and understanding of mankind are trivial, limited and very minimal when attempted to compare with Allah SWT.

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