Nouman Ali Khan – Explanation Of Surah Al-Fatihah 1of4

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The Fatiha Surah project is broken up into multiple parts, with the meaning of fax and "IT" being related to the Fatiha. Speakers emphasize the importance of giving a break and highlighting facts about the Fatiha, finding reasons to praise and finding genuine gratitude. The segment also touches on the difference between praise and thanks in Arabic and English, and how "medicals" can be considered a form of praise.
AI: Transcript ©
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salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam O Allah says via you will mousseline while early he was happy he married so mama Baraka, rubella him in a straight line on rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen Rahim Maliki Ahmed Deen er cannot hear can stay in a salata, Mr. Team salata Latina and I'm telling him he will not do Ba ba ba ba Dean I mean

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Hello darlin today's session is going to be a very strange program, I'm giving you the warning ahead of time. The way that I'm going to be conducting this program, I'll give you some introductory comments now, so that everybody here is mentally prepared for what is coming. And then from there inshallah Tada. Hopefully, I'll gauge you know, however the evenings progressing, but one thing I will tell you for sure, I'm not going to rush. So if I don't get to finish everything I intended to finish, I'm okay with that, but I won't rush through any of the material. Okay. Now the first thing I want to tell you is inshallah, the intention of this evening is to discuss some of the aspects and

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some of the beauty of certain Fatiha and I certainly would not say that tonight is at the feet of Sultan Fatiha because that's too big of a project. As a matter of fact, like according to some are Lama, the rest of the Quran is at the feet of the Fatiha. So you can't really and you'll notice if you if you if you're a student of the seed, and you study the books of scholars on the Koran, the longest of seed of any surah is usually Fatiha, they take their time explaining virtually every idea of the Fatiha and they see how it's connected to the rest of the Quran, and so many heavy concepts in our Deen. So we're certainly not going to be able to accomplish any of that tonight. But what I

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did want to do is highlight some of the aspects of the Fatiha that are very hard to appreciate in English. You know, there are things that are easy to talk about when you translate the surah. And everybody understands them. And then there are things that are discussed among you know, the books of language in the books of grammar and the books of you know, Bulaga and things like that, among the technical sciences of of the Arabic language and of the of the explanation of the Quran. But for most people who don't know that technical stuff, it doesn't make any sense. It's really hard to understand. So my job tonight is to take some of those things and try to make them easy to

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understand. That's my job. My job is not to give you the technical information, or to expect from you that you know a lot of things about the Arabic language I if you don't know anything about the Arabic language, it's okay. It's okay. That's that's my task. Now the way I'm going to be doing this is going to be broken up into several parts, I can't even count anymore. But our first header, our first session is going to be just Alhamdulillah. That's all we're going to talk about. And when we're done talking, maybe it takes me 10 minutes, maybe it takes me 30 minutes, I don't know yet. But when I'm done, I'm going to give you a break for one minute you can make new friends and new

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enemies. Just do that for one minute, then we'll talk about what I mean, then what will I do? I'll give you a break, make some more enemies, then come back, then you see what I'm saying. So I want to take each piece and give it its own session. Right? If it's long or short, that doesn't matter. So I'm not giving you an official schedule on how this is going to go. And this way, we'll try to cover as much of the facts as we can. And some of these things that are overlooked again in translation things that we don't normally get to appreciate. Those are the things we're going to try to highlight and shout out on and now the first comments about the Fatiha itself and this will be the

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Alhamdulillah session. But before we do that, there is a discussion among scholars about whether the Fatiha begins with the words Alhamdulillah or It begins with Bismillah R Rahman Rahim there is a debate about that. So some scholars are of the view that the first I have the fit hi is Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Other scholars say no, the first I have the fighting has what? Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen and both are legitimate views. There are lots of evidences on either side. I personally just as a matter of being honest, I find it more convincing that the surah begins with Al Hamdulillah. I find that more convincing, especially because of a famous Hadith of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam in which the prophets lie Selim told us what Allah says about the Fatiha but some to salata, benei verbena, ugliness Fein, I divided the prayer between me and my slave into two halves The law says and this is a hadith could see right? And when the Hadeeth begins when is full hi Lee when is foolhardy. The half of it is for me, half of it is for my slave. And then as the Hadith goes on, it begins with Alhamdulillah. It doesn't begin with Bismillah. It begins with Alhamdulillah. So it seems to be an indication that it has the official beginning is Alhamdulillah. But that's just my personal what I personally find more convincing. You're entitled to your own

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position. So for that reason, I won't be starting with Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. I'll be starting with what Alhamdulillah there's another

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reason that I don't or I can't start with Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim because when you discuss Bismillah R Rahman Rahim that takes three hours. So that's going to that should be a thing by itself. It's just it's a project by itself just discussing and understanding the beauty and the power of the words Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. But that's not something I'm going to dedicate this session to this will be about the Fatiha the rest of the Fatiha, if you will. Okay, so what's our first Hello? Can you guys tell me and you can speak out loud when I ask you something? What's our first session?

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Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah. Now, I'll ask you, how do you translate Alhamdulillah?

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Call it out.

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preach to a live heard that before. What else? Any other suggestions for translation?

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If you call it out, they'll be embarrassed. It's okay. I won't put the camera on you. Unless you want. I mean, if you want I can do that and make you famous

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to do that, but call it out Praise to Allah. What else have you heard?

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Thanks. Very good. You know, the first thing I want to share with you is that sometimes in Arabic, there's a word. And in English, you cannot translate it with one word. It's really, really hard. And sometimes it's impossible. Because this one word in Arabic means at least two things in English, that are two very different things. As a matter of fact, hummed in Arabic means if I was to try to make it easy, I would say it means praise. And it means thinks two things at the same time. praise and thanks. Now let's try to understand the difference between those two, because they're not the same. When you see a nice car, drive by and you say, Wow, nice car. What did you just do?

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You did praise you don't pat the car and say thank you, BMW.

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There's a difference. You praised it because it's beautiful, or it's got great performance. Or you saw a sports game and you saw the athlete perform really well. And you praise the athlete, you don't thank the athlete, you only praise them. There's a difference. Now, on the other hand, there's things like when someone does you a favor, you will do what? Thanks, thing, it's a different context. And sometimes we praise without thinking. And sometimes we think without praising I'll give you an example of praise without thinking you can praise a beautiful mountain but you don't think the mountain you think Allah is the ocean and how beautiful it looks. But you're not going to think

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the ocean you understand. But on the other hand, what about if you think someone but you still don't want? You still don't praise them? Is that possible? Yeah, it actually is possible and it happens. And I'll give you some examples from the Quran of when that happens. You have the case of Satan or Musa alayhis salaam, who's who by the way, whose house was he raised in? And it's kind of embarrassing to call it a house was kind of bigger than a house but but rounds and round raised him fed him educated him protected him his entire life. Yes. And when he came back to fit on ferons said alumna Rebecca Faena. walidah didn't we raise you as a newborn? And he reminded him of all the

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things he did for him, how can you talk to me like this, I did all of these things for you. So now Musa alayhis salam acknowledges what you can imagine.

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That is, in fact, a favor you did for me, you did do me a big favor. When you said tell someone you've done me a big favorite, whatever you just done. You thank them. But you will never find Mussolini's Salaam Doing what?

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That's impossible. So he's thinking him but not praising him. So praise and thanks are two different things. Yes. I'll give you one more quick example. Allah says in the Quran, that you have to be grateful to him. But he also says initially while he while he did, right, be grateful to me and to be grateful to both of your parents. Now, let's talk a little bit about Ibrahim alayhis salaam Ibrahim Alayhi Salam has a father and some argue uncle but let's go with the Father argument for that for a moment as of who makes idols and is really upset with the Rahim Allah His salon because he refuses to worship idols.

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Now you're his father, and we know that you have to be grateful to your parents, yes or no? Yeah, he's gonna be grateful to his dad, but he certainly won't what he won't, he can't praise what he does. He can't praise Him. So the point the first point I want you to understand is that hound means praise and thanks, and they go together in this one word, but we know that praise by itself is something else and thanks by itself is something else now if if the if the Quran said Ahmed Hola, praise belongs to Allah. That would have been an okay translation because mud

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means praise. If it said a sign out with another word in Arabic for more elaborate praise, it belongs to a love fine, we could have translated it praise belongs to a lower praises for Allah. If it said a shockula or like I think you guys call it sugar, right? Sugar, sugar. So a shokuhou Lila, then you could have said things belongs to Allah thanks to Allah. But it doesn't say Allahu Allah, Allah doesn't say a cent out when the light doesn't say a sugar, the light says what Alhamdulillah. So let's combining two things together. Now, that's a really important concept before we move on why combine these two things together. Because if we, if we only said praise belongs to Allah, then it

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could, it might mean you're praising him, but at the same time, you are not necessarily thanking Him. And it could be that if you set a shockula, only, then you're thanking him, but you're not necessarily praising him, but our attitude towards allies more comprehensive than that. So let chose the best possible word which is Alhamdulillah. To let us know that whatever Allah does, we have to have two attitudes at the same time. There are two things that have to go on in my head when I say Alhamdulillah whatever I said, I'll humbly love to Hey, how was your flight? Alhamdulillah? Two things. What are those two things? I am praising Allah for the flight?

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And I'm thanking Allah for the flight. Now what do we do? And hamdulillah My back hurts.

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Now, but the flight attendant was really mean.

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So we say Alhamdulillah can we undo it?

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Or is that you see somebody in a bad mood? Hey, what's going on you okay? Yeah, hamdulillah

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them meaning of it is that you have to find reason to praise Allah. You have to mentally prepare yourself to have reason genuine reason to praise Allah. And then thank him on top of that, be grateful on top of that. So now, the idea there's a few things I want to get across before I move on, we're not gonna we're not nearly done with Alhamdulillah yet, but a few basic things that I want to get across. first of them is, you know, when you praise something, you can pray something and complain at the same time.

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You can't do it, it's kind of is really hard. Some people are very good at it, though.

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Like this is Mashallah brother great speech, but I disagree with you completely. And you're going to go to *, except, like,

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just you start with praise. I get a lot of emails, you see people email like that, Mashallah, how are you doing? I really appreciate everything you do. But actually, I don't like you at all. And you're like, it's just one more sentence, and it just undoes everything in the first sentence, you know, but genuinely, when you praise someone, and that's the other, that's the next element here. When you praise them, when you have a positive attitude, you're not complaining, you're not looking at the negative, you're looking at the positive. If you're looking at the positive, then it's that is easy for you to do. If you're looking at the negative, then it's actually practically impossible

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for you to do hump. You know, the point I was trying to get across, it was just this, that our religion begins with a positive attitude.

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optimism is part of our faith.

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pessimistic people that are always negative, that are always looking at what's wrong. What's wrong with our community? What's wrong with our machine? What's wrong with our government? What's wrong with our my friends? What's wrong with our family? What's wrong with my in laws? What's wrong with me? What's wrong with my health? What's wrong with my job? They don't understand what they're saying when they stand in front of Allah and say, What? Alhamdulillah

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it's a change of thought. It's a complete change in attitude. That's the first thing I want to get across about this fundamental difference. There's another thing Some are llama argue some scholars argue that the word hummed actually, necessarily means genuine, sincere praise, and thanks. Now, that's important because if a police officer stops me,

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and I know I was speeding, and as soon as he comes over, I say, nice uniform.

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I'm praising him. But I'm not praising him because he's got a nice uniform. I'm praising him because I'd like to save some money.

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You understand? So you praise but you didn't praise for genuine reasons. You understand? Or, for example, the husband told the wife I'll be home by eight o'clock. Then he showed up at 1130.

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And as soon as he walked in, she was standing there and she looks like there's smoke coming out of her head.

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And he says, You look really beautiful today.

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Now you praised her

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but it's hard to believe that one he

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you understand

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But Hello necessitates that the praise is what? genuine. And the gratitude is genuine. It's genuine. That's the other. That's the, you know, now let's talk. We talked a lot about praise, but I didn't talk enough about gratitude. I'll just say one thing about gratitude before moving on. And that is that gratitude thinks is actually a reaction.

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Thanks is a reaction. In other words, if I help you fix your car, by the time we're done, you're going to say, thank you.

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If you needed help translating something, and I translated it for you, you're gonna say thank you. Something has to be done for me. And then I react by saying, Thank you. So you could say that, thank you or thinks is a reaction. Yes. It's a reaction, but it's only a reaction. If you accept that somebody did you a favor.

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is not the case. Somebody has to do you a favor before you say anything. And maybe somebody is doing something for you, and you will have no idea they're doing it for you. They have no clue. You have no idea. You're never going to thank them. Because you never accepted it. You never acknowledged it or you never even knew you never even knew. Now when the last has hummed, he actually did not use the word sugar. And by not using the word sugar, actually, the gratitude to Allah is deserving of him whether you're aware of what he's doing for you, or you're not aware of what he's doing for you. That's actually a difference between sugar and hummed. In a sense. It's not only praise, but it's

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gratitude that is not limited to a reaction. You don't have to like know, like, why should I do hamdulillah people say why should I do? Why should I think Allah? I've get those questions sometimes. Why should I think Allah? Like, even if I didn't tell you any reason you should still be thinking?

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Because he didn't ask for sugar. He asked for what first? Or he declared what first actually the hummed belonging to Allah. That's the first thing sugar will come later. That's another conversation. Okay, so now, let's move a little bit further is that much clearer, by the way the praise and thanks thing that much is clear. Okay, so let's move forward and some exciting things I need to share with you. We hope you benefited from this video from the pseudo alpha course the explanation of the entire sutra can be found inside banner tv bayona tv is our video on demand platform with over 2000 hours of content about Quran, Arabic, Islamic history and the life of

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Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam We are very excited to announce that this week you can join bayyinah TV for a free two week trial. We would love to share with you our guided and practical journey through the entire course on buying a TV. Let's take a look. The Quran journey on bayyinah TV consists of five steps and it begins with Surah Al Fatiha. Surah Al Fatiha is not only the opening surah of the Quran and its overview, but it is also a long introduction to himself in his own words. That's why this is the first step of the Quran journey on buying a TV. The second step of the Quran journey is divine speech which is all about giving you an appreciation of how and why the

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Quran is miraculous before diving into the Quran surah by surah.

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The third step of the Quran journey on bayyinah TV is called the Quran a thematic overview This step is meant to give you an understanding of the main subject pillars of the Quran. Through this you will be able to recognize exactly which main subject pillar every ayah of the Quran falls under.

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By the fourth step of the Quran journey you are ready for a guided surah by surah journey through the Quran. This step is called the Quran a concise commentary. In this step, you'll have access to over 200 hours of video commentary that will give you a renewed appreciation and love for the Quran.

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And lastly, the final step of our Koran journey is the Quran a deeper look. This step is a lifelong journey of reflection and guidance. We take our time exploring and reflecting on every passage of the Quran going into depths that you may not have even known existed. This step has over 150 hours of video content and it's continuously expanding. We're also very excited to announce our free beta TV mobile app available on both iOS and Android phones. This lets you take your current journey with you on the go. Join me in a TV this week to take advantage of our two week free trial offer. There's no risk and you can cancel anytime to sign up for the free two week trial now go to

In this first episode br. Nouman explains to us The Meaning Of Al Hamdu Lillah

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