Hasan Ali – What to look for in HimHer

Hasan Ali
AI: Summary © The speaker advises the audience to focus on finding the person with a positive attitude and a strong religion. He also emphasizes the importance of having deeds and being religious in every situation. The speaker warns of potential problems if the audience doesn't have deeds and recommends asking the master's questions to understand their mentality.
AI: Transcript ©
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You're looking to find the person who's on

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the inside,

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not on the outside only. Yes. You want

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beauty. There's nothing wrong for you to getting

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beauty. Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa sallam told us

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that. That most people, like, don't look for

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1 of 4 things. Okay? So they're gonna

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look for beauty. It doesn't mean that you

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find the religion and you don't find the

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beauty. It doesn't mean

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that. Look for at least beauty that is

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nice to you. Fine? But religion must be

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something which you give priority to. Don't miss

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out on that. And I'm gonna tell you

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why. A lot of people suffer later on

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because of these wrong choices.

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Have a beautiful person but have religion with

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it. Have a person with wealth but have

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their religion with it. What's the point of

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you having wealth if you don't not have

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religion? Honestly, what are you gonna do? You're

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gonna destroy yourself. I was telling a businessman

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the other day. A businessman the other day,

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I said, listen, bro. I said, you're trying

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to make the millions fine. Alhamdulillah. May Allah

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bless you. Rahmulillah bless you with the millions.

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But if you don't have taqwa, if you

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don't have God consciousness, then that money will

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rule you. That money will take you to

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ways that, you know, you to areas that

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you never wanted to go in your life,

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but the money will take you. Why? Because

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you got no fear of Allah inside you.

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You got no consciousness of Allah inside you.

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You do not want a man in your

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life who's got money, who doesn't have Allah

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in his heart. Honestly, I'm telling you, it

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will it will lead you to a lot

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of problems. You do not want a woman

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with money because some guys honestly, I know

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one guy here. He actually is up from

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north. Yeah. He's not getting married. I said,

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why are you not getting married, bro? He

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goes, because I'm waiting for the rich sister.

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Like, guy doesn't wanna work. You know what

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I'm saying? Like, he wants to hang around

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and sit down. Honestly, for years, every time

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I ask him, he doesn't wanna get mad

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at wife because he's looking for a rich

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Rich sister who's gonna basically you know, people

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think that money solves everything. Money does not

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solve everything. Anyway, if Allah's blessed you with

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wealth, Alhamdulillah, may Allah bless you more. There's

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nothing wrong in having wealth, but you better

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have the deen. Okay? If you don't have

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the deen, if you don't have religion, you're

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gonna take yourself to destruction. Now, the third

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thing Rasool Allah said, he said, lineage. People

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look for lineage like this family, noble family,

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this family. Yes. It's all good. Have a

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good family. Have a good background, but don't

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sacrifice the 4th one, the most important one,

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which is religion. And when we get to

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religion, what is religion? Is religion when you

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pray pray 5 times a day? No. It's

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Religion doesn't stop there. Religion doesn't stop at

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the hijab.

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Religion is inside.

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It's a state of the heart.

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Okay? When you have religion inside you, you're

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religious in every single setting.

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It's not just, you know, when when other

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people see me that I'm religious. No. It's

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not just for, you know, just a few

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salahs. Oh, yeah. I'll tick the boxes. No.

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It's not that. You're religious from the inside.

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You're religious wherever you are, wherever you go,

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and you gotta you gotta ask those questions

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to understand. So what kind of questions you're

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gonna ask? You know the question you wanna

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ask when you when you're seeing a prospect,

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you wanna ask the question which master do

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you go to?

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What's what's the master you frequently go to?

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sheikh do you do you listen to online?

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And now you're getting to something because now

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if they say I listen to this sheikh,

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that sheikh, that sheikh, it gives you an

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idea of the person mentality.

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Then you say to the person, okay. What

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are the favorite quotes you've heard from the

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Right? Now we're getting into proper fights. You

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know what I'm saying? Like, before marriage. Like,

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not after marriage, bro. You know what I'm

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saying? Before marriage, ask these questions. What are

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the favorite quotes of a sheikh? Now, if

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she says my favorite sheikh my favorite sheikh

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is so and so, and he said, you

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know, when a husband comes home, he cleans

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all the dishes for me, and does everything

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in the house, and he looks after thing,

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he's my favorite

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My favorite quote. Yeah? You listen to that

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bro. Yeah?

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Basically, you're gonna be if you love that,

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bro, if you love that, go for it.

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Honestly, there's some men who like this. Honestly,

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there's one talk I gave. I think it

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was in the middle and somewhere and the

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brother, you know, put his hand up. He

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said, I happily do all the chores of

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the heart.

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Good. Alhamdulillah. Barakallahuwik. May Allah bless you. But

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there are men who don't wanna do that.

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And there are women who want that done.

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Now you better start talking about this. In

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front of the. As I said, in front

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of that father father figure, in front of

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that, you know, the brother is the older

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brother of hers who's there to prevent the

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loose talk. You wanna ask these questions because

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there are different sets there are different mindsets

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that we have. You better get to know

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those mindsets before you get into that marriage.

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