Nouman Ali Khan – In Depth Study Of Surah Al Baqarah

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history and importance of Islam, including the birth of the new nation and the use of the "monster" in praying. They emphasize the need for transparency and honesty in business practices and being a model of Islam to avoid going crazy and become a model of Islam. The Kaaba is viewed as a historical significance, with its location and use seen as important.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Al hamdu. lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah Ashraf al anbiya wa Sallim wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Minister nabeshima t elomi Deen Allah Masha Allah Muhammad Allah Xena Amano Amina Sahni heart whatever so when Hakata was on the southern me Nana Malala mean so mama dad upper cover

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Okay, good. At least one thing I remember.

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inshallah Hurtado my intention today is to cover, as was mentioned, is number 142, to 144, of swords of Bukhara. And what I'd like to do now is get right into the subject just immediately beginning and give you a little bit of an introduction, and why these ions are so important. SoTL bacara as a whole Rasulullah saw Islam described in one place liquidly Shea in Suriname was animal Quran in dakara, everything has a peak, and the peak of the Quran is bacara. It seems like it has all different kinds of subjects. But actually, if you look at it, look at it carefully. It's building a very powerful argument. And one of the most powerful arguments that sootel dakara makes is the

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argument of the identity of the Muslim. So when we talk seriously about the identity we have as a not just as an individual, but as an oma, then this is the first and foremost surah that we have to look at. And so I want to first illustrate that there are three main components as far as history. Before we get to these if and by the way, I'll tell you what these are about in a minute. The first the earliest story mentioned in Bukhara is the is the story of other Maliki Salaam. And the battle between, essentially there are two camps, there's the side of the angels, and there's the side of the shell team, right, and other mothers Salaam is right in the middle, and the children of Adam

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will have to choose whether they will choose the side of the angels, or the child, the side of the shell team, that's what's going to have to happen, then the story moves forward. And Allah gives us a very long history of the Jewish people. The blue is for him. And as he mentioned that story, he basically describes how they were given revelation. And they were told how to choose the right side, but ended up following the way of the shelter and also literally in the middle of the passage. What about the shell theme? Silly man, they literally ended up following the ways of shell theme. And, and they ended up not appreciating the guidance that Allah had given them. Now, it's important to

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note that Adam and insulin was chosen over all humanity. And actually over all of creation, the mallesons choice is a choice over all other creation. And among his children, this family, the children of Islam, were chosen among all other nations and all other people. So first and foremost, you have the highest choice Adam, and from within his children, you have the highest choice beneath him. And the choice of Adam was to demonstrate what it means to obey a law by choice. Angels don't have a choice. shayateen have a choice, but they failed. Adam and Eve Salaam is supposed to have a choice and succeed. He's supposed to demonstrate that to the to all two before allies origin. As a

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nation, Vanessa in we're supposed to show all the other nations what it means to obey Allah and get the best of this world and get the best of the next world. The role of the Israelites, the reason Allah gave them prophet after prophet after Prophet, the reason the law preferred them is not because they are racially superior. It's not because of their race, it's not because of their language. The reason the law chose them is because they were supposed to demonstrate to all the other nations of the world, what it means to obey Allah. So all other nations of the world could see that model and be impressed with that model and come to the way of Allah. So you know how we have

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Dawa as an individual, one person talks to a Christian or a Jewish friend or a Hindu friend, or a Buddhist friend, and is telling them about Islam, that's Dawa as an individual. But there's also such a thing as that why as a nation, when a nation has the you know, is built upon the model of laws, teachings, then the existence of that nation itself is that law itself sends a message. And if one person can make that one to 1000 people, can you imagine what the Dow of a nation looks like? It can affect the entire world, if that model exists, it will affect the entire world. This was their job, but they failed. And when they failed, a lot reminded them that this job of theirs is not just

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because they're children of Israel, they're actually children of Abraham. So the next story in the surah is not the bonus law in that goes back to Ibrahim alayhis salam, because they were supposed to be like their father, Ibrahim. And so here what I'd like to share with you is another continuation. It's very simple to remember I hope in shallow tally you keep it in your mind for today's discussion. The first story was which one you tell me

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Hassan. Adam, I think he was the medicine was tested yes or no. He was tested by suicide is the second story right? Where they tested yes or no. They were tested. Ibrahim alayhis. Salaam is the third story. Are they tested? Is he tested? Yes or no? Yes. three stories. And in all of them, the main characters are tested. Yes. In the case of Adam and his Salaam did he pass the test? Or did he fail the test?

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It's okay. You can say I'm not gonna kick you out. He failed the test the ink from the tree. But he can make it up later by doing this. They're far right. He apologized. Because that's that's the way of humanity will sometimes we will fail. And we'll ask a logical, you know, for an apology will make us the club and we can come back, right. That's the first story of a failure. But then you can recover. The second story is the Israelites did they passed the test or they failed the test? They failed the test and they didn't apologize.

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There's a difference between Adam and Adam failed, but apologized. The Israelites failed, but they refused to apologize. Actually, they became even more arrogant. Instead of becoming humble after failing, they became even more arrogant after failing. What's the third story that I mentioned?

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Abraham, did he did he pass the test or fail the test? He passed all of them. So you have three scenarios you can fail and make it up. You can fail and become worse. Or you can pass three tests. And then in the surah, the next story is the story of this oma from here on it's talking this surah is talking about this oma us the Muslims. And the question hasn't been answered, did we pass the test? Did we fail the test? Are we going to recover from it? Well, the reason we're mentioned here is because now three case studies are there before us. We hope to be like Ibrahim alayhis salam that we pass the test. In case we fail the test we hope to be like who

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are demanding now because in case we fail any test, we should make a step out and fix ourselves. We hope that we never become like who

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who pass the test and become arrogant and keep failing or fail the test and become arrogant and keep failing. Now it's our turn to be tested and our first now that we are the chosen nation, by the way, when we saw in were removed from this position. And now that we are supposed to be the children of Ibrahim alayhis salam, we're supposed to carry that responsibility. We are now given that title. We are now being transformed. And in these I asked we're gonna see the phrase what Corolla Corolla Come on, man. That is how we made we made you into an omen, you are now the nation. But before I get to that, just these few elements, the first of them. We the Muslims see themselves as the continuation

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of the same battle that started with Adam alayhis salam, the battle between the side of the angels and the side of the shell team. We are actually the final soldiers in that battle. That's what we are. That's the that's the thought of a Muslim, then we are supposed to be the people we recognize that we are not the first ones to be chosen.

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There was a nation who was chosen before us. And what happened with that nation. They were replaced, replaced by who? us if Allah did that once he can do it again in Taiwan, no yesterday. Hi, Rocco. Aku. I'm Salah calm. If you turn away if you fail, he will replace you with a nation other than you. And they won't be like you. He told that to us. So we don't say Oh, bunnies try their turn is over. And now it's our turn. Yes. Ah. Because if you think you're special, and I'm special, and that's it, we have this special label. And we are no different than who when you say that's part of our identity, we realize that we are we are replaceable. We are entirely replaceable. Allah will take

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nations today that are Christian, Hindu, Jewish, other nations and they may become the Muslims of tomorrow.

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They may do that. And Allah has no problem doing that. And he's done it before. You know, yeah, TV, Coleman Arthurian, he'll bring another nation in your place. He'll bring another people in your place all together. So the thinking of the Muslim is that we are not irreplaceable. We are not permanent. We don't own Islam. Islam owns us. We don't own it. The third piece of our identity is that we are actually this is very important. We see ourselves as the practices of the religion of Ibrahim Elisa.

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This is really important. The name of our religion Islam actually comes from Ibrahim alayhis salaam, anonymously.

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maynila comienza Tina Amata muslimah kanak iscala hora boo Aslam Kala Aslan to the Robin I mean, who are some Marco muslimeen um, and he has over and over again in the Koran you learn that the idea of Islam of complete submission to Allah unconditional, I will obey Allah no matter how difficult the commandment, that is the legacy of our father Ibrahim alayhis salam, our religion is actually one of the names of Islam and the Quran is meloetta v comb Ebrahim, the religion of your father, Ibrahim.

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This is extremely important,

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actually, even Rasulullah sallallahu is and we say this is a religion of Humberto rasulillah. And we say that, but even Mohammed has told me that if you follow the religion of Abraham, you must follow the religion of Abraham. This is not a lecture about that. But in just a couple of minutes, I want to give you a quick, quick, quick picture of how much we are the religion of Ibrahim, how many pillars in Islam?

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There's not a hard question guys. How many pillars in Islam, right? Shahada goes back to Abraham, and the law of oneness of Allah. Everybody's clear why that goes back to Abraham. And he said, I'm right.

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No confusion by Hajj goes back to Abraham and Islam. Is anybody confused about that? How do we do at the house built by Ibrahim every ritual is tied to Ibrahim alayhi salam, then we make sense of what the macabre Hema masala Safa Marwah goes back to Abraham the slaughtering of the animal goes back to heaven on him all of * goes back to boo. Ibrahim alayhi salam, the Salah, who made the Da Zhi, Zhi Maki masala tea woman Daria tea who made that Ibrahim Ali salami Dada you know make me the one who establishes the prayer then okay then what's left is a god we're also you know Ibrahim al Islam son is this my Moodle Allah who was Salatu was the karate he used to tell his family to pray and to

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give Zakat Where did his mind learn his religion from

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from Ibrahim even Zakat goes back to Abraham is only one thing left to start how you gonna do Ramadan and Ibrahim

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Ibrahim Alayhi Salam didn't have Ramadan Why do we celebrate Ramadan?

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Why? I know it's a hard question but I'll wait for you let it get awkward. It's okay.

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Because of Quran, Quran was given to

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Pasuma So shall we celebrate Ramadan because Quran came right? Koran came because of the Avi Rahim

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Allah whenever I see him Rasul Allah man whom you admire Attica, Lee homolka, who is a key master Send a messenger among them who will recite your IRA, which is Koran. he'll teach them the book, which book, Koran? And finally the Tao was answered when who came for pseudo locking. And we celebrate the coming of the Quran with what month Ramadan. And actually in Ramadan, we celebrate the answer of Abraham's daughter.

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That's what we celebrate five of the pillars go back to Abraham on Islam, or five.

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It's this is the religion of Abraham. And that's a very important thing to understand, extremely important to understand. So now what I've given you that, let's take a step forward. Let's Let's not think about this in terms of religion for a second, let's think of it in terms of a new nation, a new nation, a new nation needs Independence Day

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and have a celebration of when the nation was formed. A new nation needs a capital, right? A new nation needs a constitution. A new nation needs a name.

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What's the name?

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muslimeen. from Islam comes from who? Ibrahim alayhi salam, what's the constitution?

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The Book of Allah the Quran.

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Now, this surah has given us the name Omar, Omar and Masada. We've been given a name and we've given the name been given the name Muslim. Later on in the surah. We're going to be given our independence day or actually independence month. What is that? Ramadan, that's part of us becoming a new nation. We used to fast on the same days as the Jews. But now we're gonna fast on our own days, which is the days of Ramadan, then the capital of faith was considered Jerusalem. But now there's a new capital. What's the new capital? It's NACA. It's the Kaaba. And that's what we're going to learn about today. Because a new nation needs a new capital. So in every sense, we are new nation is being formed, that

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is separated from the previous nation, which was the previous chosen nation, but sorry, okay. Now as this shift is happening, one last thing 1000s of years ago, Ibrahim alayhis salaam in this sort of UI article, he made a dog standing next to his son is smiling. He made a draw a woman will react

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Now Matt and Muslim attain luck out of our future generations at least give us one Omar that is Muslim.

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And that da when he made it with his son 1000s of years later, Allah told it on the tongue of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he tells us in these eye art workers alakija Allah, come on, man, what's up? That's how we made you and Omar, as if to say, finally, I have answered the DA of Abraham you made He made you into an oma, we sitting here are actually the answer of the law of Ibrahim alayhis. Salam among my children given mother is Muslim. And you know, modern Muslim, Allah Subhana Allah. So this is just a little bit of a history of why these items, the change of the Qibla are important. They begin with a very strange phrase, Allah says, say aku Lucifer, how meanness

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fools among the people are going to say. And this idea of fools let's dig into that a little bit. This is the third time and so little Baqarah Allah mentions fools.

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The first time it was mentioned a minute ago, Amina Sophia, how should we believe like the fools believe?

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And the second time, it was actually about Ibrahim Ali said I'm miletti Rahim Allah and Sophie Hannah who, who would turn away from the religion of Ibrahim except somebody who fools himself.

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And now Allah says, the fools among the people will say, fools among the people. Well, who are the people, the people around the prophets of Salaam, they're Muslims. They are hypocrites. There are Jews, there are Christians, even by extension, you can say there are Muslim Jean. And Allah says among all the people the most foolish among them, the only ones that was willing to call fools, they are going to say the following what what in the world are they going to say? Mauer Nah, man, criminality him, unless he can?

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What turned them away from their Qibla? What turned them away from their direction. So let's understand this history briefly. There are lots of different interpretations. I'll share with you the one that I find the most compelling, easy to understand and convincing, okay. Rasulullah saw them according to some narrations. When he originally it wasn't explicitly stated, but his practice was to pray towards Jerusalem.

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Even when he lived in Makkah, he used to pray towards Jerusalem whenever possible. As a matter of fact, when he would stand up the Kaaba, some narrations tell us, he would stand in a way that the Kaaba is in front of him and also Jerusalem is in front of him, he could line them together. And that's how he would pray. Okay. The problem was when he moved to Medina, Medina is almost you could say, in a way in the middle, okay, without getting too technical about the map, it's in the middle. So you cannot pray now, with Jerusalem in front of you and the gobbler in front of you also, that's not possible. When you're going to face Jerusalem your back will be to the Kaaba, now, that's what's

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going to happen. But the prophets I said, I'm still prayed towards Jerusalem. Even when he moved to Medina, he prayed towards Jerusalem. Now who prays also towards Jerusalem?

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Did you Jews, they also pray towards Jerusalem. And it's very clear that in the it's in their public speeches, they don't think Islam is the truth.

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Publicly they say Islam is made up he's not a prophet, he's a liar, all of these things. privately, it seems to be the case that they recognize more and more that he's less profit.

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And it became more and more clear to them that that he is it.

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And Koran keeps actually illustrating that they're hiding what they know. They hide the truth like the moon will help Columbia and the moon. They hide the truth and they know so publicly, no, no, no, no, no Islam privately. Oh my god. Like there's a famous incident I mentioned in the Baccarat series of Omar bin Al Khattab of the Allahu taala on who he walked into a, you know, the more they study the Jews that he the the rabbis they study, in a synagogue, you can say he walked in to a synagogue, and he just started talking to them. So why don't you like a song? What's your problem with the Quran?

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He says the you know, they said, he keeps exposing all our secrets.

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Like things they've been hiding in their book. cron keeps exposing over and over and over again. But the thing is, at least publicly, they were telling the world this religion is false.

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If let's just I want you to understand this scenario. If you think if a Jewish friend of mine thinks that I have the wrong religion. Islam is wrong. Whether I pray towards GABA or I pray towards Disneyworld, or I pray towards Kelly

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fornia Why does he doesn't care? It's not his problem. I could pray upwards or downwards or backwards, I can pray on my head. It's no big deal. It's wrong Anyway, why should he care?

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When the Prophet sighs Adams decided and Allah revealed to him silently without telling him It seems to start praying towards the Kaaba.

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When you start spraying towards the Kaaba, the Jewish community is very offended.

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Why don't you pray towards your lucilla while changing direction?

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If this is not your religion, why do you care?

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You're not supposed to care, right? But the fact that they were offended and started making a joke out of Hey, how can they just change their direction that exposed something it exposed that they know that this is the right religion. And it also exposed that they know that so long as he's praying towards Jerusalem, Allah is still not that angry. And he's angry, but he's still I mean, he's praying in the same direction. He's fasting on the same days, you know?

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So we're still kind of the same. It's okay, we can we've messed with profits before we can mess with this. Well, no problem.

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But when the capital has changed, it's like a lysing. This is a new nation, you're not part of it. And the only way you can be part of this nation, you have to change your direction.

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And they got upset and they what they were hiding all along, came out and they said, mama lahoma incrivelmente, himolla tiecon. Ronnie, what turned them away from the direct their direction it was their direction. Good luck to him, the golfers adjusting. Come on, guys, that's that's your direction, do it. Do it in Jerusalem, the one that used to be committed to what turns them away from the direction the direction that they used to be committed to when they said that it foolishly explained and made it public that they were hiding the truth. And thus they are the fools among the people. You understand why they're foolish now? They couldn't hold it in. So who knows? And Allah

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says say a whole meaning they will say Allah even called it they're going to come and say and he doesn't say who they are. He just says fools. He doesn't say Hakuna Yahoo or say akula nassarawa Hulu Chico. He doesn't he didn't say that. He was a fools will say this. And you could even argue that perhaps Sahaba when they first received these IOD there's no knowledge of who's gonna come and say this myeloma team and then later on the rabbi's show up and say, Hey, what's going on here? Oh, fools. I see.

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You know, Alex told us about you guys. You know, mavala manageability hemolytic anemia, you know, for you from anahola Sufi Hydra, whom Allah was immobilized by saying, There's no bigger fool than then that's what it implies. But what Allah says in response is so beautiful play pay attention to this part. What should you say to them?

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Cool Lila and mushy, who was Muslim?

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Tell them Allah owns the east and the west. Tell them Allah owns the east and the west. You know why that's important. It's important because in them Allah able to limit Italia MRI, he, the only important thing is that you obey Allah. The direction is not important. What is important is that you obey Allah even before these arts. What Allah said before, is when he left his machinery Kolmogorov when he was talking about Ibrahim Ali Salaam, he said, What in the * machico? Well, Muslim, Allah owns the east and the law owns the West. For a number two well known for some martial law, wherever you may turn,

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wherever you may turn, wherever you are in the world, that is where the face of Allah is. That wasn't even an ayah about the Qibla or the Haram or nothing. Allah said, you will find a love wherever you are.

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Why for the Jews, if you're not praying towards Jerusalem, then it's it's like good

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for them. Now we turn towards the peddler and it's how can you allies over there.

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And now realizing actually allies not over there, a lot owns the east and the west. Wherever you are, you'll find Allah, wherever you are in the law, see it? Allah is vast knowledge on all knowing, you know, for children, sometimes our kids we talk about the Kaaba, we have pictures of the Kaaba at home. We have little toy cube garba things, you know, or they have school projects where they make the Kaaba and we call it a law's house. Now for a child, what do they think?

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Allah lives in there?

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You know, alone, we need one bedroom, he doesn't know extra rooms in the house. You know? Now a kid, a three year old can think like that No problem. But you know, sometimes we don't realize even adult Muslims,

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even adult Muslims. Muslims will go to the Kaaba and they'll go

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Take a scissor and tear out a piece of the bailiff, stick it in there from and then bring it home and put it in their house.

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You know? Is that piece of cloth have any value? Is that worthy of worship? Is it sacred? No. You know what sacred the command of a lot of praying that direction. The most sacred part of the Kaaba is dangerous word. Yes. The most valuable part of the Kaaba Angelus one

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looks at the last word. And he says, I know you're just a rock.

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Let them follow that.

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You don't benefit and you don't harm. And I'm only kissing you because the Prophet kissed you. That's it. But you're just a rock. Like before he kissed the rock. He said, hey, you're just a stone.

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Are we they're clear about that. It doesn't look like it when you go to Cabo today. It looks like people are obsessed with stone.

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People are crazy about a stone.

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And the lesson Ally's teaching here is that your loyalty is not to that stone. Your loyalty and your worship is to Allah Lila has much Nikolas Muslim.

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Yeah, demon Yasha illustrata. Mr. Tim, do you understand this point is very heavy point. It could be that somebody? This is a controversial thing to say. But I have to say it because it must be said it could be that somebody is at the Kaaba and they still don't know what the heat is.

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It's they still don't know what it means to worship Allah.

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What is it what it means to worship Allah? We are not there to worship the Kaaba.

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We are there to worship Allah.

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That's why Allah says Allah owns the east and the loans the West.

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And so yeah, demon Yasha. This is one of my favorite phrases in the ayah. Yeah, demon Yasha illustrata. Mr. Team, he guides whoever he wants to a straight path. Very easy transition. He guides whoever he wants to a straight path. But look at the the deeper meanings inside here. First of all, what is important is guidance.

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And guidance isn't just which way you pray guidance is. What are you going to do? What are you not going to do? Wait, hold on. That's too. There's too interesting for some of you. So I'll stop.

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let them finish.

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You guys done.

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Okay. Because a lot of people got interested in that. So I thought maybe I'll let you guys get your entertainment

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out of your way and then we can continue. Okay. You're with me. Now again. We're back. We're good. Okay. Okay.

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So yeah, Viva La silica. Mr. Team. You know, a lot guys, anybody who wants to a straight path. Did you know about Jerusalem, I was doing some research with some of my colleagues into the you know, we pray they used to pray towards Jerusalem. It started the practice allegedly starts with the Temple of Solomon with Solomon and his Salam and praying in that direction. But he never made it mandatory on the Jewish people. Nor is there any any verses of the Bible or anywhere else, that it mandates that they must pray in that direction. There's a lot of, for example, different denominations of Christianity that no matter where they are in the world, they pray towards the east, different

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Christian groups, they pray just towards the east. That's just what they do. Okay? But even for the Jewish people, there's no we call h Ma, right? There's no confusion. Whether you're a Muslim from China, or you're a Muslim from Australia or America, you're gonna play towards the Kaaba. And the reason is very clear. Ibrahim alayhis salam built it. And Ibrahim Alayhi Salam made it a center for all people, there's no confusion. It's made very, very straightforward. There is no such straightforward instruction for Mr. doxa.

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Even there's not a single Hadith of the Prophet Alayhi Salaam, praying that direction. There's some narrations that he used to frame that direction without saying anything. He was just doing it and we assume a lot of revealed to him continue that practice for now. And then I will make it towards the Kaaba. That's that's all we assume. But there is no explicit statements. There is nothing but now Allah has guided to a straight path, which is built on a straight, very clear argument because the previous passage of the sutra is clearly demonstrating Why is the Kaaba the right place to pray. Why is the Kaaba the right direction to pray because of Ibrahim alayhis salaam and how he built it he

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was married. So that's one of the implications of select was the theme.

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The second implication of southminster theme that I'd like to highlight very, it's tough to understand the Muslims were praying towards Jerusalem.

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There are two communities of Wilson's Mahajan and what Mahajan and sadhana Mahajan learn from Makkah. And when they were in Macau, even before Islam, their loyalty was to accept or their loyalty was to the Kaaba is to the Kaaba, because there are people

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now when they come to

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Medina even they have to turn their back towards Mecca the home that they love, the home that they love. On the other hand, the the you know the answer some of them are of Jewish background Christian background, their loyalty is towards what?

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towards Jerusalem. And our what Allah azza wa jal has done is is focused everybody's attention back towards what?

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Everybody is now focused back towards Mecca. The Muslims have just escaped Mecca. They were almost killed in Mecca, they finally come to Medina and they can breathe,

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relief. But when a lot turns their direction in prayer towards Makkah, they realize something, we have to go back to Makkah.

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We can't stay in Medina, because we're praying towards what can you imagine praying towards the Kaaba and they're still idols.

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The only choice you have is you have to go clean up the machine.

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You can't keep praying in that direction.

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And let it be the way it is. Just by changing the Qibla Allah gave the Muslims a mission. And the mission was you will liberate the Kaaba. Is that clear to everybody? Because if this ayah didn't come, the Muslims don't have to worry about Mark anymore. They can just live their life in Medina and keep praying towards Jerusalem, no problem, let the people on Mecca do what they do, who cares? But now that we have to pray in that direction, we have to purify a law's house, we have to repeat what Allah told Ibrahim the hero at purify my house. Now we have to purify that house. And that is a mission now that will have to go step by step by step. So if you understand that everything that the

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Prophet did, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, after this, after this came, everything the Prophet had placed on him, was part of a mission to clean up the Kaaba again. The agenda, the mission became that servicemaster, clean,

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straight path straight road back to Mecca. That's what it became. And so the Muslims are clear that that is their mission now. Yes, demon, Yasha, illustrata Muslim, there's one more minor thing that I want to share with you is about minissha. The Jewish people believed that they are the special people of Allah, nobody can convert to their religion, it's theirs, and there's only you have to be born into this religion, otherwise you cannot be part of this religion. And Allah says now, no, this is the religion of Ibrahim. That's why you face the house built by Ibrahim. And if Rahim was worried about all the nations, they'll open invitation to whoever he wants mania Shah illustrata Mr. Team,

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He will guide whoever he wants to a straight path. He made this religion International. He made this religion beyond any ethnicity when he said Manisha because this was not the way of the Jewish people. The Jewish people were exclusive. You see, but we are not exclusive. Islam is not a Malay thing.

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Islam as a South Indian thing to Islam as a Chinese thing to Islam is an Australian thing to Yeah, it is.

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Islam as Islam is across ethnicities. Islam is also for the people who aren't even Muslim yet. It's for them to it's equal access. We have to ingrain this in our head, because sometimes even for the Muslims, there have been Muslim for a few generations, and they feel like this is our thing. That is their religion. This is our religion, we're too different.

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Now, this religion is not inherited. This religion is given by a lion. He gives it to whoever whoever wants and our job is to be the ambassador's of it. Okay. So now, what can valdichiana Come on mutton Masada. And that is how we made you into a nation that is kundalika, suggesting karateka casilla might be to MOBA just there's lots of meanings. I'll simplify them. One of them is just like the Jews were made a nation before you now you've been made a nation.

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Another meaning is just because now the Kaaba is your direction. That is how you are made an oma because that is your mission.

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When that mission is fulfilled and the Kaaba is cleaned up, then you will have fulfilled the mission of Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam, because if I hadn't built that house for the worship of Allah, not for the worship of idols, so you're gonna fulfill the mission of your father Ibrahim, that's what you're gonna do. This is why I keep calling it the religion of Ibrahim, even the mission of Rasulullah Islam is actually tied back to the house built by Ibrahim alayhis salam, okay. Now

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vaniqa Jalan ba da da da, da da da da her and I mean, who this in this phenomenal way. This is one of the meanings of the IRA in this amazing way we made you into a nation not in any lesser way. We the people of this oma it's impressive.

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credible, there are people you will meet at the hang up Muslims you'll meet around the world, you'll see somebody praying at an airport somewhere you don't even speak the same language as them. You don't eat the same food as them, you know nothing about them, you'll join them and sell and stand next to them.

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And you'll go and recruit at the same time. And so do that the same time. You are now joined with people just because of La Ilaha Illa. Allah, you have nothing else in common. Nothing, nothing else in common. And that's enough. That's more than enough. So hon Allah. This is an amazing thing Allah has given us that he has never given any other people in the world. No other people have it like we do. Nobody else. You know, when I go in America, when I lived in New York, there are lots of different churches, of course in New York, and in Texas, of course, there are lots of churches. But especially in New York, there was a Korean church. There was a Chinese church. There was a Filipino

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church. There was a Puerto Rican church, there was a Dominican church. It was a Mexican church. There was a, you know, black church. It's not even Methodist Church and Presbyterian Church and Unitarian Church and Catholic Church and Orthodox Church. I didn't mention different schools of thought I mentioned different ethnicities, their churches by ethnicities. But you're not supposed to have a Bangladeshi and Pakistani and Indian Rhino, you have an Indian Muslim kale. I know much of India, I know.

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But it's not just for the Indians. It's just called mush in India, because the lots of Indians in the neighborhood, not because they check out the door. Hey, hold on. Let me see your speak sometime. We'll now go No.

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It's open. And then you see the same same city in New York City, you go to a machine. You're going to my Chautauqua in Brooklyn. And you have the Senegalese and you have the Chinese and you have the, you know, people that used to be Jewish became Muslim, and Pakistanis, and Indians and all of it just standing in one row. So hon Allah. This is, this is how you were made into an oma. But the thing I wanted to highlight for you in Sharla is the word that describes this oma Ibrahim's word was omitted, Muslim fn omitted Muslim Latin, but Allah changed it.

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Allah said not just omitted Muslim Latin. Now he gave it a new quality. He said, Oh, mutton was a

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different word now.

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So you were expecting the same word, again, method Muslim method, because that's what he asked for. But a lot added to omitted Muslim method. And he added on button was that another word was that is actually very important for us to understand. So I'll give you some things about it.

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It's First of all, Solomon and defassa. When I first saw when I serve here, Miller was the man and was an orphan,

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here in the feast diet, and let me just explain what that means in Simple English. But that can be in the middle of something. What is the middle of something?

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The thing is what is in the middle of the castle, the most valuable things, the wall on the outside the security guards, the gates, you know, and then all the way in the middle is the most valuable thing. Even the way Allah created, the human being right in the middle is the most valuable body part. Right in the middle, you understand. Same way when you have jewelry, the most valuable jewel is where in the middle, if you have a necklace, the most valuable jewel goes right in the middle. So in the Arabic language. And by the way, they would even give the example of a valley and the animals graze Gray's graze, but they barely get to the middle. So the middle has the best fruits and best

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plans and you know, best vegetation. So the middle of something became known in Arabic as the best of something, the nicest of something, the most valuable of something. So in Arabic culture and an Arabic language middle and the best and the climax and the most amazing are one in the same. When we are told on Latin, Vasa, it's one meaning is a middle nation. But it's also an amazing nation, the most valuable nation, an incredible nation, a beautiful nation. You know, the best of all nations. It's all embedded inside the word was that what fascinates me even more, this is hard to understand, but I'll try to make it easy pay attention to this part and Charla

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Sutton and I might even give you a short break so you can refresh your minds after this. The word was out, is what's called an Arabic or mustard.

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You know, in English, there's adjectives and there's ideas. an adjective is like blue or green or big or small, these are adjectives. But you know, small is an adjective but smallness. smallness is not an adjective. It's an idea.

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Similarly, high is an adjective but highness

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is an idea. Similarly middle is an adjective. But middle This is an idea. The idea of middle

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was a fun is actually not motivasi time. But there was it would have meant middle an adjective. But what's often is an idea. And what that does is it changes the meaning significantly. What it suggests is that these this oma, Allah has made this oma when people don't understand what middle means, what balance means, what beautiful means they don't understand that idea. When they look at this oma, they get the definition of that idea.

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It's like that idea. Because ideas are abstract. They're not they're not easy to quantify. We will become the living example of what it means to be balanced, we will be that are that is the excellent, that's the expectation of Allah Subhana. Allah, that is a huge expectation, and we're doing a terrible job.

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We're not doing a good job at all.

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As I leave you with this first break, I'd like to share with you what what was the time could imply, what does it mean that we're the most amazing, balanced middle people? What does that mean?

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There are nations before us, they were only interested with matters of knowledge.

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And their hearts became hard.

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There were other nations who cared only about the matter of the heart. And they had no knowledge.

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The Jewish people, lots of knowledge, but hearts became hard. The Christian people, lots of hearts, but no knowledge and the online as what

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was seen between the two.

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This book, it opens up our minds and it melts our hearts, doesn't it? This oma is supposed to be spiritual and intellectual at the same time.

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And we're supposed to constantly balanced between these two.

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There were people before us who were very good in theory, but not good in practice.

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There was there was a little but no ama, or there was amahl. And no, no. We are supposed to be the people

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and balance together. We're right in between. right in between those two extremes. We are people that are there are people who only concern themselves with dunya.

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There are people who only concern themselves with acara What about the sama?

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Do we only care about our Kara? Do we only care about dunya robina Athena dunya Hazara of Alaska, Dotty Hasina, we are right in between, are right in between Allah wants us to have the best of this dunya and the rest of the afra. right in between, in every sense of the word and by the way, I would even argue this oma is supposed to be there are there are two kinds of knowledge. There is knowledge of Deen and knowledge of dunya.

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I'll say that again, knowledge of Vina knowledge of dunya you have engineers, you have physicians, you have accountants, you have, you know, different professions. These are people that have knowledge of dunya you have Mojave soon and fuqaha and Mufasa. rune and, you know, people of color and these are knowledge of theme. We're supposed to be the people in between, meaning we don't just learn our Deen. We also learn toniann we don't just learn dunya we also learn our Deen. So this is supposed to be the oma where the religious scholars know a lot about the world.

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And it's also supposed to be the oma where the scientists and the political scientists and the thinkers, the sociologists know a lot about the religion.

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They're both they work together, they're not two different worlds. What has happened, you have an Islamic University.

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They just study Islam. And then you have a engineering school or a medical school. And that's all they study. And there are two different worlds. And people come out of one of them. And they know a lot about this world, but they know nothing about that world. And the people in this world know everything here but they know nothing about that side. We're supposed to be the people that are the best of both. There's these are these two worlds are supposed to be in conversation. You see how far we've come from that? When somebody today some young young people come to me and say, I don't want to study science anymore. I want to study my Deen and I say Allah.

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When you're studying science, that's also your deen.

00:44:26 --> 00:44:30

That's also your the Why do you think that's like you're studying shaitan or something? What's wrong with you?

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There's nothing wrong with studying science. There's nothing wrong with studying accounting or finance. We are that balanced people in everything that we do. in everything that we do. It's incredible. You know, I'll mention one or two more examples of the middle. There are nations, you know, like Like, for example, communism, right ideologies, where they think about the society and they don't think about the individual.

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Right so the individual has been eliminated.

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And everything is about the greater good. The larger society, then of course, the opposite is something like consumerism, capitalism, where the only thing that matters is the individual who cares about what society so long as I have what I want, who cares about anybody else, right? What is this the teachers, you have to care about yourself. And you have to care about the world around you and you have to balance between both both of them. You have to balance between both of them in every sense of the word Alamitos on Latin, Masada.

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And wherever you learn that balance, you will learn that balance when you understand the role of Ibrahim alayhis salam in this religion. We keep going back to that one point, turn back towards this this GABA will remind us of something. It will give us something what gallica Jana como matassa. inshallah, tada, I'll give you your first break. It will be about eight minutes long. And then we'll wrap up the stairs. barakallahu li walakum wa salaamu Alaikum wa barakato. I will I will just be here or I'll take this. This is a nice chair. I'll sit on a nice chair. You can come up and ask me questions. I don't want to do questions on the mic so you can come up we can chat and then we can

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reconvene right after the short break. Okay.

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It's okay for me to continue. Okay.

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam O Allah sadan Andrea even mursalin wa aalihi wa sahbihi etchmiadzin

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Tanaka, Jean Jacques Lacan Martin masaba nittaku Shahada Anna nasware kunafa su alikum, shahida rubbish. If somebody were silly, I'm rewatching Dr. Missoni of Coco de manera. Banana mean, come on. This is the scary part of what I want to share with you today the nature of the responsibility. On the one hand, it sounds like a lot has given us an amazing honor to call him as the middle nation, or a nation that represents balance and the best of all things in every way. But it's not that simple. We were not just given this responsibility, or this amazing badge, this honor, this medal. And that's it. Congratulations. He says Lita kuno, Shahada, alumnus, so that you may all be

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witnesses against humanity. You may be witnesses against humanity. This means a lot of things. So I want to go one by one What does it mean that we the Muslims are witnesses against humanity? The first of them

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either shout out to Lila and Mama Shahada t Javi Hill oma ami ha Shahada tomahto, Navin the meaning of shahidullah home Amano home, we are going to testify against all the non Muslims on Judgement Day.

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We will testify against them. But what does that mean?

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See the prophets, Allah hemosol was Salam. All of them Moosa, Isa, Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, all of them were sent as a witness. Like even our Prophet was told, of Seneca shahidan, we sent you as a witness, for a profit to be a witness, two things have to happen.

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He has to clearly give a message number one, and he has to clearly live that message number two,

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I'll say that again, he has to give the message and why live the message. If you say good things, but you don't do good things.

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If I tell my children pray, there's nobody you don't pray, why should I pray?

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I say good things, but I don't do good things. It has no value.

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It has no, it carries no weight.

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I can only say good things. And it means something if I do good things. profits were a witness against their people because they didn't just give them the theory. Be kind be just be honest, be truthful. You know, they didn't give those values in words in speeches. But when they look at these, these profits, personal lives, when you go inside their homes, when you see their business dealings, when you see their how they treat their neighbor, and how they are in their everyday everything that they do. You can see that they live it first and then they give it

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that's when they become a witness.

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This oma is supposed to be a witness against all of humanity, which we which means we have to be clear and giving them a message. And we also have to be clear in living the message. So they see us and they see justice. They see us and they see a people who have no racism. They see us and they see people that have no classism. The wealthy are not treated better than the poor.

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One race is not treated better than another.

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They see us and they don't see any corruption. They see us. They see honesty in every one of our business practices. They see us and they see people who when they give a promise, they fulfill a promise.

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Think that one means you hand somebody a brochure that says allies one, you hand somebody a pamphlet or give them a video or they just get the message. That's just one part of Shahada. If you want to hug on them, they have you you have to give the message and you have to live it to. That's when you become Shaheed when Allah says Nita kulu Shahada, Allah nurse, you know what that means. That means you must now live the teachings of this book, you must be a living model. Each of you have this book, and then you can preach the message of this book.

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I'll tell you one of the scariest things I've ever experienced in my life. One of the most depressing experiences of my life will be surprised. It was hedge.

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hedge. And I've only done one hedge.

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And it's supposed to be the most joyous occasion of my life. And I was very depressed. Eventually, I was happy. But I was very depressed. You know why I was depressed. Because there were VIP sections.

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I was depressed because there were people with a different kind of passport treated differently.

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I was depressed because you know, people, we're not concerned about each other at all.

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If you want to take somebody and say if you told somebody Islam, in Islam, everybody's treated equally.

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In Islam, the wealthy and the poor, and the black and the white. They're all the same. We are all slaves of Allah. That's the beauty of Islam. That's why Bilal accepted Islam. And he could stand next to Omar and pray. And I give them all that theory. And I say, let me show you Islam and I take them to hudge.

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This, this is your Islam.

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00:51:53 --> 00:51:56

Am I maybe I have bad eyesight? Or

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maybe this is a different religion or something.

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Where in the world am I going to take them? And I show them that people are though the oma is what it's supposed to be that we live it.

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Until we become models of it. Please listen to this. I know it's controversial, I may get in trouble for it. I don't care what this is what I'm convinced of, until we the oma are a model of the of this Deen. We don't get to hate the kuffaar

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we don't get to say these kuffaar they're gonna go to john, who cares about a stock for the law these people worship. What do you what have you shown them? What have I shown them?

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You know, talk is half the equation. The Living model is the other half. That's what the prophets were the prophets were not all talk. The prophets were not great speeches. They were living examples, you know, before Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was also soon

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What was he called? by the people

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esodoc and Ameen. You guys know this, right? True honest.

00:53:07 --> 00:53:10

Is that the first qualities people know about the Muslim Ummah today?

00:53:13 --> 00:53:21

Think about that. Before the Prophet was even given the responsibility to do Dawa, he proved his credibility.

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That is his Shahada. Because that's when when he taught Islam, people said we have to listen. He's an honest man. He's the most truthful man I know. Obviously, this is the right religion.

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You know, today you find those good qualities. non Muslims have them way more than the Muslims have them. It's a shame. That's a shame and we have to be the ambassadors of those qualities. We are too obsessed with preaching Islam and not living it.

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When we think about Dawa, and that's, that maybe there are but it's not Shahada otherness, because the Shahada means what witnessing people saw you people saw what you're like and then they still rejected then you get to say to Allah, Allah, we try to live by your deen we try to stay away from the Haram abide by the law. We did justice every every way we could. And then we also gave them the message of Islam. And yeah, like they didn't listen.

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Then we have a case. And by the way, think about the opposite.

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As mahmoodi Rahim, Allah put it, think about the opposite. If we don't do this, if we don't become witnesses over humanity, in the way that we're supposed to, and we come in front of a lawn judgment a and the neighbors that we had the Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, atheist, agnostic neighbors that we had stand in front of a lawn judgment and say Allah, I had no idea what is Islam. And Allah will say, Kareem next live next door.

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And Abu Kareem says you're right here.

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I'm looking, they're saying they didn't know Islam.

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But you live next door? Yeah, but I own the liquor store and

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we used to go to movies together.

00:55:09 --> 00:55:10

They don't know any Islam from you.

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They just know don't do business with Uncle Kareem. Because the shady guy

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how are they going to know Islam from you? Because you gave them some iftaar and Ramadan. That's how they know Islam from you. Who's in trouble now?

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Is this guy in trouble more this could even trouble.

00:55:29 --> 00:55:37

You understand what's happening here? If this is a huge burden put on this Omar. Now we will be standing trial before Allah azza wa jal

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because the people will see Islam as beautiful but not the oma.

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Islam is amazing. But how would I know? How in the world would I know? You know, that's the guru Shahada and a nurse and a nurse, all people, which means whichever culture we belong to whichever nation we belong to, Islam can be practiced there.

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Islam can survive as a minority and a majority. Islam can survive when you're the only Muslim in the village. Islam can survive when you're 1 million people and the other one is one or two people. Islam is not dependent on numbers. It's not, it's not dependent on environment. You will be witness to humanity, no matter what situation no matter what environment.

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Nita kulu Shahada, Allah knows you know what this also taught us? This ayah this ayah taught us we cannot stay among ourselves. We cannot stay Muslim among Muslim only Muslims have to deal with Hindus, they have to deal with Buddhists. They have to deal with people of other religions. They have to interact with them. They have to share concern with them. Because there are people of your Brahim Ibrahim never stayed in one place that he always dealing with other people. always concerned about other people. You know what? anybody here know what Ibrahim alayhis salam did with the people of Luth. The angels came to Abraham first. And he said Why are you here? They said we are going to

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kill everyone in the nation of who knows Ramos Oh, they're gay. Right? Yeah, kill him.

00:57:05 --> 00:57:06

What did Abraham knew?

00:57:08 --> 00:57:13

He argued on their behalf. If it was one of us, were like 100 enough finally.

00:57:15 --> 00:57:16

Is it going to be nuclear?

00:57:18 --> 00:57:21

And Abraham Allison is huge enough you call me Ruth.

00:57:23 --> 00:57:45

We are military Comm. Abraham Ibrahim. We are supposed to be a mercy and a source of power to all people, all people can you imagine how far we've come from that? How far away We are from that day. So that's the first important implication. Then let's listen to this Hadith of the Prophet Solomon side beside the country. You just have a new Yeoman chiama amazing.

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New will be brought on judgment day.

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For you call Allah help Allah.

00:57:53 --> 00:57:57

He will be asked, Did you deliver the message who is being asked?

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Did you deliver the message for your Konami Rob? He will say Yes, Master. I did. I did. I delivered the message for two salomo then his nation will be asked, How

00:58:12 --> 00:58:20

did the message reach you? For your coluna magia? And I mean, they're gonna say No, nobody came warning us.

00:58:21 --> 00:58:33

No, he's saying I did my job. His entire nation says, No. What are you talking about? We didn't have any Warner. We didn't have any messenger. For your Coleman show Manchu hudak

00:58:34 --> 00:58:39

Allah will say to new Do you have any witnesses that can prove that you're telling the truth?

00:58:41 --> 00:58:48

always asking who now? No, and no answers or for your kulu Muhammad Anwar Amato.

00:58:49 --> 00:58:53

He says yes, the people that will make defend me will be Mohammed and his alma,

00:58:54 --> 00:59:00

Mohammed and us us on Judgment a we never met no had a salon. But did we recite surah?

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Did we recite out of know that we know that he delivered the message, this Koran we believe it? And so he says,

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For you to be confident, then Allah will bring all of you and you will all testify? Yes, nope. delivered the message. We learned that in Quran. Allah made us a witness against the people of New

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on the Day of Judgment, even against them. We're not just a witness against the people who live in our time. We're even a witness against the criminals of all history. And it also means we are witness in favor of all of the believers of the past. I'll give you just one example. Shahada, Allah knows as horrible as you guys know the famous story right as

00:59:45 --> 00:59:47

if the Quran did not teach us how vulgar

00:59:49 --> 00:59:50

these figures young people.

00:59:51 --> 00:59:57

Everybody in the world would have believed that these are Christian saints who believed in the worship of Jesus.

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That's what the whole world would have.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:06

believed that these were saints. There's a church in their name still their churches and their name Jacobite churches.

01:00:07 --> 01:00:21

Nobody came to testify and say that these were believing men. These believers were good men and they didn't do any shit. They stood by Allah except Quran and through Quran this Omar testifies for them.

01:00:23 --> 01:00:24

Were the ones who came to defend them.

01:00:26 --> 01:01:09

This Quran through this court, we will testify for all the believers who have ever lived in history, which nobody knows about. And we will be their witnesses, we will be their backup. This is handle. I mean, the messenger is Allah for all the nations of the world, in the future and in the past, even in the hands of Han Allah. Even for people that we've never heard of, you know, people in history that are you don't know where they're buried, but they believed in Allah, Allah, we will testify for them. This this woman, so honored supanova. So now, those who say shalom says from the Quran, our karateka Jana como Manasa, nittaku Shahada, Allah, The Prophet said this hadith about you will

01:01:09 --> 01:01:26

testify for the people of New then he recited this ayah He made you a middle nation, so you can be witness against all of humanity. And then he described what southern Colorado, he said was certain means you will be a witness that can be relied upon you are reliable witnesses, your attempt to lie.

01:01:27 --> 01:01:31

When akuna Rasulullah Alaykum shahida This is the hardest part.

01:01:33 --> 01:01:40

You were made a balanced nation, so you can testify against all of humanity. And also so that the messenger can testify against you

01:01:42 --> 01:01:46

know, pseudo law, someone can testify against you. This is a very difficult concept.

01:01:47 --> 01:02:09

This is several things. I'll start with the first one. If we I want you to imagine the court of allies, three parts. The people one side, the oma in the middle, and the civil law on that side. three sides who's in the middle? We are in a sense we are between the people and the messenger.

01:02:11 --> 01:02:14

How is the messenger supposed to reach the people with who

01:02:15 --> 01:02:47

people in the middle he's gone. The only thing left of him is this oma we are a reflection of Rasulullah saw on this earth. So in a sense, we are worse at also because we are in between Rasul Salam on the side, and humanity on that side and on Judgment, J all of them are standing. All of them are there is there the oma is there, humanity is there, and humanity says they didn't do their job. They never taught us. They never showed us. And on the other side was also syllabus testifying. They didn't do their job.

01:02:49 --> 01:02:54

We are already in trouble with humanity side. Now we're in extra trouble from which side

01:02:55 --> 01:02:57

little side civil law is

01:03:00 --> 01:03:06

our messenger Elisa to Salaam. We learned about him that on Judgement day he does shafa for the soma,

01:03:07 --> 01:03:36

Almighty Almighty multiple times, multiple times. But that's not the only testimonial and judgment. A lot of times the Muslims we highlight. And when I teach it to see I highlight the shafa Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and how he's going to make a case for all of us to enter Jannah and May Allah make us of those that are worthy of the Shabbat of the plea of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam. But that's not the only testimony on the day of judgment from the Prophet. We have to know all of them.

01:03:37 --> 01:03:38

What's the other one?

01:03:39 --> 01:03:48

Final user? user Dan Conan Aquaman Haha, how unhealthy people are going, you know, the house of the prophets. I said on the river.

01:03:49 --> 01:04:18

When we drink from and goes up the hole. There are people Muslims are trying to drink from the hub. They're coming on Judgement Day to drink from the river. And there are angels pushing them away, get away, get away, get away. No access for you. So there's people that are fighting to try to get to the river and they can't get access. So someone says, Oh my god, you're on my team master. This is my people. Let the new Muslims let them come drink. For you call in Nicoletta dreamer.

01:04:20 --> 01:04:22

He will be told you don't know what they did after you were gone.

01:04:23 --> 01:04:28

You don't know what trouble they caused. And what did he say? in the home but

01:04:29 --> 01:04:32

they replaced. They changed.

01:04:33 --> 01:04:45

They made changes for a whole new socket socket, even but data delivery, then I will say take them far away. Take them far away. Anybody who made changes after I was gone.

01:04:47 --> 01:04:50

A second ago he was saying oh my god.

01:04:51 --> 01:04:54

A second later. As I said I'm saying Take them away, take them away.

01:04:55 --> 01:04:57

Get them out because they were not sure that

01:04:58 --> 01:04:59

they changed.

01:05:00 --> 01:05:10

This is our identity as an oma. What does it mean to be an oma? It means to be Shahada and an S What does it mean to be an oma Rasulullah Alaykum Shaheed

01:05:12 --> 01:05:38

Don't forget that fissa anahola mabuchi Rasulullah sallallahu ala palu Yasuo like a Fabien levena motto, actually even less later on I'll tell you that later on. We are coonara sudwala kushida I'd like you to remember that we on the Day of Judgment, there's a I have Quran very difficult to swallow lokala Rasulullah Raveena cometa who has

01:05:39 --> 01:05:53

to say on that day this nation of mine they abandon the Quran? they abandon the Quran and Mufasa will say this refers to Quraysh Orisha abandon the Quran. When others say no it says it has a Koran Majora

01:05:54 --> 01:06:01

like is it ironic languages they held on to this Koran as something to be left alone. How do you hold on to something

01:06:02 --> 01:06:20

and then leave it alone. The best example of this I can find is in our cultures. We hold on to the Quran. We recite the Quran, we print it in beautiful colorful glossy print, we love you know, calligraphy of the Quran Tajweed of the Quran we love these things, but the message of the Quran

01:06:23 --> 01:06:28

the Quran yes beautiful art of the Quran two thumbs up

01:06:30 --> 01:06:32

but don't don't talk about it. No no no

01:06:34 --> 01:06:43

don't talk about you know it's teaching don't talk about justice don't don't don't go there No, no just recite just recite beautifully Mashallah, you're

01:06:45 --> 01:06:46

so good.

01:06:47 --> 01:06:50

We hold on to it and abandon it at the same time.

01:06:51 --> 01:06:52

Isn't it

01:06:53 --> 01:06:59

the hello hello Khurana Majora will not make use of those people. Because when those who lost I sell them testifies.

01:07:01 --> 01:07:03

Who's left? Who's left.

01:07:04 --> 01:07:09

The day on which nobody gets to speak only Rasulullah speaks on the Lavalier

01:07:10 --> 01:07:12

and if he speaks against you, then there's nothing left.

01:07:14 --> 01:07:14

Then there's nothing

01:07:15 --> 01:07:17

there's a scary position. The only reason

01:07:18 --> 01:07:40

those of us in the oma that are awake. There are two kinds of members of this oma there's members of this mother sleeping. There's members of this oma that are awake. I would argue those of the oma that are awake, they better really wake up. We better really wake up we have a huge responsibility on our shoulders. huge responsibility on our shoulders and we have to carry this responsibility. We don't have a choice.

01:07:41 --> 01:08:05

And it will not be carried with anger. I cannot be yelling at the Muslims that are sleeping. I can't even they deserve mercy. There is there is a rough man. That's not how they're going to wake up. You know, we have to follow the way of Ibrahim Ali Salaam in waking people up with love and mercy and care. This is just a brief analysis of Lita kulu Shahada, Allah knows where una Rasulullah alikum shahida. As I go on.

01:08:08 --> 01:08:14

Ilana Alabama Jacobi ultra seul, Mayan kalibo hanaki Bay, so awesome.

01:08:15 --> 01:08:30

And we didn't make the Qibla that you used to be committed to meaning Jerusalem. We only we put that there only for one reason to get to know to test who will actually follow the messenger and who will turn back on his heels and go away.

01:08:31 --> 01:08:39

I told you earlier on there are two groups Mahajan, and Anza. Why is your own love? Kava a lot of the unsolved love Jerusalem

01:08:41 --> 01:08:58

when the Muslims moved to Medina who was being tested Mahajan, because they have to put their back to the Kaaba. When the ayah came, you have to pray towards Mecca who's being tested the Maha De Anza who have affiliation to Jerusalem. So in this way both groups got tested.

01:08:59 --> 01:09:04

To Allah testing whether they will obey a law was more important the direction of prayer was less important.

01:09:05 --> 01:09:12

A law could have made the direction of the Kaaba, the mecca from the first part of the Quran Why did he wait this long?

01:09:14 --> 01:09:38

Why did he wait this long is this so important? So why is so important? Okay, masala is so early in the Quran? Why not just tell the Prophet from the beginning pray towards the garba he waited until he could test both groups, the people of Makkah and the people of Medina because the the importance is not the direction of prayer. The importance is the command of Allah. That's what actually matters. So now when he does this,

01:09:39 --> 01:09:51

the you know, notice by the way, the language is so beautiful. We didn't change the direction of the Qibla except we could see who will actually follow the messenger man yet who Russell

01:09:52 --> 01:09:59

Russell. Sam doesn't even explain himself. He prays towards Jerusalem. Nobody comes in us and jasola Why are we praying towards the Kaaba

01:10:00 --> 01:10:03

Don't refrain towards the Kaaba, he doesn't nobody comes in ask him why are we praying towards the Kaaba?

01:10:04 --> 01:10:15

Why don't we praying towards Jerusalem anymore? The IRS hadn't even come yet. It seems to be the case that the IRS hadn't even come yet. And the Prophet was already praying in towards the cover. Then the IRS came.

01:10:16 --> 01:10:51

Because that's why the fools will come and say, Hey, what happened? revolution hasn't even come yet. But the change has already happened. Now, when they turn their heels in my young colleague, Rocky Bay, in Quran, when somebody turns on their heels, it means they turn around and they run away. When you say turn around and run away, it means like run away from the battlefield, right? Quran uses that expression here to describe there are people who will turn around and run away because they don't want to follow the right direction of the Qibla. So it's literally it's playing on the direction of the Qibla. And the idea that they are retreating from Islam. Allah Allah, Allah Xena

01:10:51 --> 01:11:26

had Allah but the only people who were able to be able to follow this instruction is the ones Allah guided Illa Allah Allah, Xena is going to be too big of a problem and kind of like a viola and it's going to be too big of a change, except for those who Allah has guided. I would like to as I as I teach these ayat, what I like to emphasize is how does this apply to you and me today? Because I already changed and humbled and it's not difficult for you to say, Oh, no Jerusalem anymore. I guess I'm gonna pray towards Kaaba, that problem is solved for you and me. But what are these? I mean, for you and me today? Here's what they mean. Sometimes you and I are learning about Islam. Actually,

01:11:26 --> 01:11:33

sometimes you and I are not learning about Islam. We hear things, and we follow them since childhood.

01:11:34 --> 01:11:38

And later on in your life, you actually learn that that wasn't Islam.

01:11:39 --> 01:12:09

Later on in life, you learned that there's something else, you're supposed to do something differently. Does that happen to you? When that happens to you? And you say, No, no, I'm not going to do things the old way anymore. I'll do them this because I studied this and I learned this. I'm going to follow this. Everybody in your family says what? Crazy? What happened to you? Why are you becoming so extreme? Always do it this way. Over all wrong. Everybody's wrong. Now. Your grandfather was wrong to his father was wrong.

01:12:11 --> 01:12:14

And you're sitting there going? No, sorry.

01:12:16 --> 01:12:21

Because now you have to see, do you follow your family? Because they're Muslim?

01:12:22 --> 01:12:40

Or do you follow what you studied, what you learned, is going to get you in big trouble. So people came to the Sahaba. And they said this on actually when the direction was changed some Sahaba came to the prophet and they said this, okay, if I build a Xena, Moto, Musa Luna, ln elaboration of this.

01:12:42 --> 01:12:46

So a lot there were lots of people who used to pray towards Jerusalem, and they died.

01:12:47 --> 01:12:49

So they were praying towards the wrong GPS direction.

01:12:51 --> 01:12:52

There's a lot encount

01:12:53 --> 01:12:54

What about them?

01:12:55 --> 01:13:03

And then what about all of our prayers, we were praying these many years, we were praying towards Jerusalem. If that was wrong, none of those prayers counted.

01:13:05 --> 01:13:12

And so when that came that that distinction came along as the origin revealed to America and Allahu de Monaco.

01:13:13 --> 01:13:16

Allah will not ever be someone who wastes your Eman.

01:13:17 --> 01:13:46

Allah will not waste your man. It's beautiful, isn't it? They said our prayers are wasted. Allah didn't say Allah will not waste your prayer. Unless that alone will not waste your mind. Because prayer is only valuable when you pray with you, man. The direction was less important. Somebody stuck in the middle of the dark at night in the desert somewhere and they have to pray and their their phone has no service. So the app for the Qibla is not working.

01:13:48 --> 01:13:57

You know, they don't have a compass and nothing. They're like Yeah, what do I do? What do I do what I do? Like Eeny meeny, miney, Kaba and they just

01:13:59 --> 01:14:06

and then later on when they you know when they find out they prey towards Disney World. So they did their prayer counter No.

01:14:07 --> 01:14:12

Counter No. You know why it counted because they prayed with what? Mr.

01:14:14 --> 01:14:17

The other beautiful thing here is Salah is a man to Allah.

01:14:18 --> 01:14:23

To Allah there's no difference between supply and demand. That should tell you how important Salah is

01:14:24 --> 01:14:29

because no Salah to Allah is the same as No, man oh man that's heavy.

01:14:31 --> 01:14:32

That's I don't use that on your children.

01:14:34 --> 01:14:35

That's for you. And for me.

01:14:36 --> 01:14:47

The state of your Salah is the state of your Eman. When you don't give a lot of value to your Salah. You're not giving a lot of value to your Eman.

01:14:49 --> 01:14:59

When you take care of your Salah, you're taking care of your mind. No difference between the two. This is why we're makanda la julio de Monaco. Allah will never waste your mind

01:15:00 --> 01:15:45

Your direction is not dependent on it. In Canada, Camila tan Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah julio de Monaco, but what about the people? And this is your Eman, the people who asked the question, but they asked a question about people who died a long time ago but the answer is a level not waste your event. But what about there Yvonne says in the law have been nasty Nora Rahim Allah in regards to all people has always been Rahim has always been extremely compassionate, always been loving, always been caring has always known what they're going through. I take you back to that one example because it's my favorite example the people of the cave. In my studies, I am convinced that as hovorka have

01:15:45 --> 01:15:47

had no idea of any profits.

01:15:48 --> 01:15:50

They had no idea about any profits or any book.

01:15:52 --> 01:15:58

All they knew was idol worship is wrong there can only be one God. That's all they knew.

01:15:59 --> 01:16:00

And they made up their prayers.

01:16:02 --> 01:16:05

You guide us you tell us what to do. We don't know what to do.

01:16:07 --> 01:16:12

Was that good enough for a lot too. Yeah, Allah didn't say what they didn't even make will do before they asked me

01:16:14 --> 01:16:15

You don't even have a Java interview he said

01:16:18 --> 01:16:29

he didn't care because in the law have enough metal for him. Allah is compassionate caring, understanding, loving and merciful to all people across the board.

01:16:30 --> 01:16:45

He steers them don't think allies ready to punish we have unfortunately for a lot of people in the religion this happened to the people before us the Jews there became very strict and they used to make it look like sound like Allah will punish you at every turn.

01:16:46 --> 01:16:50

Or you did this one alone punish you you did that all all punish you you know

01:16:51 --> 01:16:58

somebody somebody came to the machine after many years they made will do their best a few drops and you're like this guy is Salah is not gonna count.

01:17:00 --> 01:17:02

So sad. He's gonna burn.

01:17:03 --> 01:17:04

Don't do that.

01:17:05 --> 01:17:25

We this is this is the teaching here. Even if they were praying in the entirely wrong direction in the lab and naskila Rahim finally the ayah man, I gotta tell you this. You guys know the story of Busan? Right? When musala salam spoke with Allah. Allah told him to go to film.

01:17:27 --> 01:18:09

And when he when he told him to go to Pharaoh and he made a list of problems, Muslim made a list of problems. He said, you know, India half one yaku Sabri will Anthony coulissante vasila Harun WA, whom Allah de la mala Dumbo, and, you know, you can see Buddha and then you have to do, they will call me a liar. They're going, my tongue doesn't move, I become frustrated, I can't speak properly. I need backup. I need help. Could you give me Hold on? They might even kill me before they let me speak. I made a list of problems. And then Allah answered him. what's beautiful about the ayah that we're about to read is that Allah is also just like he answered Moosa. He's gonna answer some of

01:18:10 --> 01:18:25

them, but look at how he answers them. So LA, Casa de nada, takadanobaba Chica sama. We saw your face turning towards the sky. And you will canara suggests the key. We keep seeing your face turning towards the sky, but also loss I wouldn't even ask.

01:18:26 --> 01:18:32

He didn't ask. He was just hurting in his heart that his backers towards the house of his father Ibrahim.

01:18:34 --> 01:18:36

So he would just kind of look at the sky.

01:18:37 --> 01:18:50

And the other beautiful thing is the color blue logica means your face itself turned. Instead of you turn your face, the face itself turn, you know, sometimes you do a body action and you can't even control it.

01:18:51 --> 01:18:56

You hear a sound and use go like that. And you didn't even intend to do that. You just reaction.

01:18:57 --> 01:19:01

It's suggesting the profits. Isilon can't even help himself every now and then he just

01:19:03 --> 01:19:09

you know, every time he's about to pray, and he's not facing the Qibla he's just his eyes go into the skies, his face goes into the sky.

01:19:11 --> 01:19:12

And unless as he noticed,

01:19:13 --> 01:19:15

he noticed that you have that reaction.

01:19:16 --> 01:19:43

So you don't have to ask. Every time you turn your face into the sky for The New Indian Necker cube Latin Baba, then we are We swear to it, therefore, that we are absolutely turning you without a doubt without a doubt in new in a direction that makes you happy. that pleases you. This is the ayah is the only ayah of the actual reason for the change of the Qibla.

01:19:45 --> 01:19:53

You have later you know, all around we've learned it was the house built by Ibrahim Ali salam, later on the novel command turn in its direction.

01:19:54 --> 01:19:56

But the first reason Allah gave openly

01:19:57 --> 01:19:59

was that the prophet SAW someone was sad.

01:20:00 --> 01:20:13

And now to make him happy, I'm changing the direction in a direction that makes you happy Salalah what a macabre so Allah says Allah, that the reason we pray towards the Qibla is it pleases We're so lucky.

01:20:14 --> 01:20:35

So, so beautiful. By the way, the happiness of our Prophet is the same as the happiness of Allah. Because when the GABA was finally cleaned up, it'll lead to locum when Islam Medina, the same verbiage was used, you know, I'm pleased with for you as Islam as your religion. Now the thing that I'd like to highlight here, remember I told you, the prophet will testify against us?

01:20:36 --> 01:20:37

Or for us before?

01:20:39 --> 01:20:43

Think about this a lot change the Qibla for him, did he even have to ask?

01:20:44 --> 01:20:45


01:20:46 --> 01:20:49

unless he's the Qibla. And on judgment day, he'll actually ask,

01:20:51 --> 01:21:01

How heavy is that? How heavy a burden is that so we have to know what Allah Allah rasulillah we're dealing with the Messenger of Allah so I sent him it's not a light matter, for when the word hacker machine will

01:21:03 --> 01:21:34

turn your face then in the direction of Al Masjid al Haram, the sanctified machine, the good, you know, the sacred mustard. Now the thermal machine ROM was new, the Arabs did not use it. They use elbaite and vatan it Kava these are known names, but the Quran use what phrase and Masjid al Haram. And mustard is a word from the word sajida, which means to do such that the place of such that so the the official name of the GABA is Iran and

01:21:36 --> 01:21:38

Iran, right. And why is that important?

01:21:39 --> 01:21:49

There are lots of things we do at Aqaba, we do tawaf, we do ethica we do Salah, but in the word Masjid, which act is highlighted,

01:21:50 --> 01:22:19

which is the most important act such that because from it comes the word, machine, right? And why is such an important, go back, the first battle, that's the first story that's mentioned in the Quran, here is a story of Adam, which was a problem of what refusal to do such that we are the final soldiers of that battle. And when do you win that battle against shape on when you fall into phase that because when you fall into size that you do the opposite of worshiping? Did

01:22:20 --> 01:23:02

you do the opposite of worshiping, and now the house that is supposed to be there, so that humanity until the Day of Judgment can do such that that's the house that you are now to pray in direction of. That is your mission Subhana Allah, so profound by calling it a machine in the heart of the sacred place of doing such that the sanctified place of doing such that why you feel my control, and wherever you may be for Lu hukam shutaura, who then you should turn your faces in its direction. The first part of it was for a pseudo Lhasa them, wherever you must turn towards the Qibla towards Iran, then he turns to the own mine says, By the way, you also all of you also turn towards it. We're in

01:23:02 --> 01:23:34

Edina, Walton Kitab, Ala Moana and novel Hakuna be him, no doubt about it. Those who are given the book, they know that it is the truth from their master. They also know that this is the right Qibla I'll give you one example of that from the Quran that should be enough. How do Christians and Jews especially the Jews, how do they know that this is the Kaaba for them which was, Kaaba had no value which which place had value? Jerusalem? Quran says they know how do they know for the Jews who's the most important prophet? Do you know?

01:23:37 --> 01:23:53

Torah to Moosa, I'll tell you something about Musa Musa accidentally killed a person. He punched somebody and he died. Then he ran away to Egypt, from Egypt and Libyan. He ran away from Egypt to where Medina, Medina is Arab.

01:23:54 --> 01:24:00

But DNS Arab land when he went to MIT, and he got married, you know this right?

01:24:01 --> 01:24:08

When he got married, he married an old man's daughter from Meridian, which means he married an Arab

01:24:09 --> 01:24:13

is pretty awesome when you I talked to my Jewish friends was like Moses married Arab.

01:24:14 --> 01:24:15

His kids are like,

01:24:16 --> 01:24:22

you know, half Arab. And according to some of them, ethnicity comes from the mother.

01:24:23 --> 01:24:25

So I'm like, his kids are Arab, according to you.

01:24:27 --> 01:24:38

But anyway, when he did marry in by the end, you know, his father said, The girl's father said you must work for me for eight years. Or you could do 10

01:24:40 --> 01:24:49

eight years or you can do 10 you know how he said it? And that you Ronnie samanya. Judge, you will work for me for eight hedge.

01:24:51 --> 01:24:54

Eight hedge or you could do 10 hedge. How many how do we do in a year?

01:24:56 --> 01:24:59

One, which land was this? Arab land? Yeah.

01:25:00 --> 01:25:06

No Arab land. And in the Arab land an Arab old man says you will work for me for for 10 hedge.

01:25:08 --> 01:25:19

When you say the word hedge, what location Are you making reference to Jerusalem has has ever been done in Jerusalem, which is being done around the Kaaba since the time of Ibrahim on Islam.

01:25:21 --> 01:25:37

When he says eight or eight or 10 Hut, he's telling Musashi about the Kaaba and Musashi Salaam, himself knows about the Kaaba. And why wouldn't he? He lived among a believer within a believer in the Arab land from the children of Ibrahim alayhi salam, why wouldn't he know

01:25:39 --> 01:26:23

subhana wa, they know. They know. And Quran gives us hints that they know even though they buried it away, you know, when I was reading comedian for his book on a man who was about how much they know about the cowboy I don't know. He said when they took because they don't say it's mine was slaughtered they say is heartless slaughtered, but we say it's mine was slaughtered. So they say he took his half to the valley of Saqqara, between Shiva and moolah, that's what the Jews say, a valley called seka between Shiva and Buddha, so they took maca and turned it into what saqa and Safa and Marwa, what are they turning into? she find Maura like there is no shimamura anywhere. There's no

01:26:23 --> 01:26:34

soccer anywhere working, where's this valley? They changed a little bit spelling here and there. And from Makkah became Sokka and Safa became Shiva marva became Mara and

01:26:35 --> 01:27:01

so how they know they know about the Kaaba, they know it was built by their father Ibrahim and his you know, so they unless his Nana Muna Hakuna Matata him they absolutely know that it is the truth from their master on Allah Hovey laughing and I matamanoa and allies not unaware of what they do. Allah knows full well what they do. I'd like to conclude in Telangana with the following. There are in western Islamic Studies. There are those who still question the Kaaba.

01:27:03 --> 01:27:35

They say Oh, the Arabs they came up with their own sort of story about Abraham and it has nothing to do with the Bible. Because since it's not in the Bible, it's not authentic and you know, why would they even pray in that direction they were better off praying towards Jerusalem. Allah His words become true even today. Say a Hulu sofa Amina NAS, mala homerun. Qibla t haemolytica. The fools among the people will say why what turned them away from the direction of Jerusalem towards Mecca. The fools will say they still say to this day.

01:27:37 --> 01:28:16

They're still PhDs, professors and universities are still saying the same thing to this day. And Quran is still commenting on them saying say a Hulu sofa Amina NASS mala hamanaka theme, and it can Rania, the heart of the lesson here that I wanted to, you know, give across to you in shallow tada is that the change of the Qibla in represents a huge shift in the way that we the Muslim Omar thinks. We are not concerned about ourselves. We're concerned about all of humanity. And that is evidenced in the fact that we are the people of Ibrahim armies. So that's the crux of the lesson today. I hope you guys got something beneficial out of it. I would urge you to read these out

01:28:16 --> 01:28:33

yourselves. I'll hope to continue the series, this entire passage just from 142 to 152 actually, so we ended up to 144 there's a few more very heavy if left and shallow tada to cover barakallahu li walakum through Quran and Hakeem when I finally when I was in Santa Monica

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan delves into an in-depth study of Surah Al Baqarah.

We as Muslims see ourselves as the continuation of the battle of Adam AS and Shaytan. We are the final soldiers in this battle and hence, it is our responsibility to uphold the religion of Islam and ensure its propagation no matter what. Otherwise, we need to be prepared for being replaced as Allah will have no problem doing that. We don’t own Islam rather it is the other way around. We are the followers of the religion of Ibrahim AS. the idea of Islam comes from Ibrahim AS and is his legacy. 

What is important is guidance. Guidance is just not about which direction we shall face when praying but it is what we should do and not do when it comes to our Shariah.

Similar such facets about our Deen come to the fore and deserve a fair listen if you wish to be mesmerized.

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