Nouman Ali Khan – Dawah And You

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The discussion centers around the issue of universal message of submission to Islam, with pride and pride being a major obstacle to achieving Islam's "by the way" message. The speakers emphasize the importance of learning about Islam in one's own behavior and avoiding trials, as it is necessary to be prepared for trials and strong in oneself. The need for constant effort and continuous training is emphasized, as it is necessary to be prepared for trials. The importance of being a strong person to represent one's own values and address criticism is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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With Luma

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kitabi Allah,

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Allah Totten harmony lecture we will move on. What are the cool

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our email who Why? Why not?

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publish it somebody Where's Cindy Emily?

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coding Allah.

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Allah Medina

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revolves around the idea of presenting the message of Islam in the United States. And how all of us have a here and a part of continuity in delivering and sharing that message. But I want to begin with three at least major obstacles that lie between us and sharing this message, this universal message of submission to Allah. And this universal message that

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is the last of the messenger is not that we reject any of them, we accept all of them, but we accept him as the final one. And the other is the final revelation, the final installment, the final testament sent to humanity that applies to all human beings. This is something we have to share with all humanity. And if we live in the United States, we have to share it with people that live in the United States. But there are some obstacles in our path. One of those obstacles that you guys talk about all the time even, and it is how we are portrayed in the media, how Islam is talked about as something evil, how it's a threat, how your Muslim neighbor might be crazy how they have actual

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footage of people picketing against Muslim children going to public school in some parts of this country, because I don't want my child sitting next to all the Muslims, right? Because they're scared. Why are these people so scared of Islam, because Islam has been portrayed as something evil, something scary, something alien might as well be from another planet. It's not far off how its presented. And of course, what is used to make Islam Indian, let's look at some of the arguments that are used in popular discourse to make Islam seem like such a strange thing. One of the first thing that's been presented, especially in the bible belt in this country, is that Islam is very

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much against the principles of Christianity, right? This is an evil religion is practiced. These people practice evil things, and our you know, system of morals and values, they have nothing,

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which in and of itself is a very hollow claim. You see, if you've ever made that one to a Christian, you will know that you can, if you make that one to them on the front of morality, that we are against shamelessness we are against, you know, abuse, we're against this, and then they'll agree with you 100%. Our major problem with their theology is not that it's actually not what their morality is within theology with their belief system. So if you talk to him about Jesus, he'll run out of arguments. And then he'll have to go to something else. So this in and of itself is a myth, and much of the things that one of the some of the things that are considered, you know, so

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controversial, like the women having to cover, they'll have entire documentaries made on the male of the woman, right? Does the Old Testament not talk about leaving baby? You know, the Talmud, the Jewish text even says if you if a woman so much, it shows her achy, this short finger, then this is tantamount to her exposing her entire body? That's how shameless it is. That's the that's not even Islamic texts. But nobody turns to the Jewish tradition and says, How barbaric how backwards.

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There are even as far as today on the news, I was listening, and there was a commentator, you know, supposedly neutral commentator, even saying, How are we supposed to deal with these people in business, when we have the perception that they oppress their women? And they, you know, these these husbands? They oppress their wives, and that's just part of their religion. So how would

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you know? And we're living in times where By the way, the abuse of women is a reality in the world. It's a reality in the world, not only in the Muslim world in the world also. But you have societies even in the world today, like the elite of Japanese culture, for example, with the wife doesn't eat food, unless the husband is finished eating and she has to stand behind the mommy's eating food. She has to stand behind when he when he's done. She eats the leftovers. That's part of Japanese culture even today. Nobody comments on that. And by the way, this was asked by a mathematical model, but somebody can pay money for what if I you know, is it okay for my wife to wait for me after I finish

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eating then she eats and he says daddy can be very comfortable. This is the

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Tyrese, we will do this. Right, we protect the rights of women.

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So this is the first essential problem, popular discourse and how it's been framed, how we've been made to look like something alien and something apart. And this is actually a part of selective amnesia. You know, we don't look at Islamic world history, the two civilizations are very much connected. And this idea of, you know, this clash between two civilizations, they have nothing in common whatsoever. This is absolute nonsense. Some of the greatest universities of the Christian and Jewish tradition were actually established in the Muslim world under Muslim rule. We don't know this, because we don't know that part of history. We only know the part of history that the radio

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commentator, or the newscaster wants to tell us, the part that will inflict or incite conflict. That's the part that they want to highlight. So this is the first part problem, popular discourse, how do we engage in that discourse? Here's the second problem. The second problem is our ignorance, the ignorance of,

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you know, I was listening to a Baptist minister on the radio, who's talking to other, you know, Baptists, he's teaching them how to preach to Muslims. He's teaching them how to preach to us, if you have a Muslim coworker, if you have a Muslim business partner, if you have a listen, student, etc, etc. How do you bring them to Christianity, right? He's training the people on the radio and how to talk to Muslims. And they have this idea for an expert, a Christian for an expert on the radio, going off to explaining how they have to deal with Muslims, what they consider shady can harm and do all these terminologies. Right? And he's talking about how it sounds like he knows what he's

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talking about. And the reality is he's misquoting misusing what the Quran says. completely off from the translation of the Quran. But you know what the sad thing is, the vast majority of even Muslims, if they are listening to this guy, they won't know the difference. They actually think that's what's the biggest weapon some of these people have in, you know, in causing confusion and spreading lies about Islam itself is the ignorance of the Muslims themselves. We don't even know what are we going to tell somebody else?

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It's a fair question to ask. If something's being misrepresented about the sun, these ministers, they know more places from the Koran to quote to you than you probably even read. And that's a serious problem. We don't know even what we stand for, what our civilization is what our sacred text says. So this is the second problem. The first problem is popular discourse. The second problem is our own ignorance. But the third problem is a real problem. These two are minor issues. These can be solved, education can be removed through our ignorance can be removed from education, it's not impossible, right? popular discourse can be changed once we start engaging ourselves, it can be

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changed. But the real problem, the real problem is the behavior of the Muslims. The behavior, that is the the biggest obstacle to giving the message of Islam than anybody else. It's the biggest obstacle. Let me tell you why.

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You know, how you have you ever heard the expression actions speak louder than words? Right? So if somebody comes up to the Muslim and says, You people oppress women, you people have read your religion teaches you to oppress women. And you said, No, no, it doesn't. It actually protects the rights of women. Look at these, look at these. Look at the practice of the messengers of Allah. How can you tell me that in a society where every two and a half minutes a * takes place? You're telling us that we've abused the rights of women look at this incredible practice and honoring the women in society and how it completely transformed how the Arabs work. And you know, that also can

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point and say, Look at the Muslim world, how many cases of spousal abuse, how many cases how many cases of spousal abuse in this country, how many cases of spousal abuse husbands abusing their wives Muslims in urban,

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how many cases in you,

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we ourselves, we ourselves are the ultimate anti our, our behavior. You know, the Muslim, we work we protect our sacred texts calls for honesty, healing and dealing with people who truth who call them solidity, so to speak, straightforward. Speak, you know, speak in an upright fashion. And yet, one of the worst business decisions you can make nowadays is become a business partner with another Muslim

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cousins, you know, you're gonna get basically you're gonna get

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you know, you know, what's gonna happen? And this is popular enough, oh, no, but you're gonna get, you know, they're gonna swindle you, they're gonna undercut you. And they're gonna look all religious on the outside, but they will, you know, basically con you out of all your one. That's the popular question, but how did it get to that point?

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So our text, our products are so beautiful, and our behavior is so ugly. It's so ugly. But what do people see people don't see

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what they see. They see us, they see our behavior. And when they see us, they're not going to care what their book says they probably got to listen their book. That's what they assume. So they blame our religion based on

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Our shortcomings. And you know what, as much as we complain about that, as much as we can say no, and don't judge Muslim, the judges smile, in the end, in the end until Muslims change their behavior until we represent what our booking says, until then we can't really spread this message. We cannot really spread this question. Well, what do I know brothers that took Shahada, they accepted Islam by looking at the sun in the public library. But when they came to the question, they think the love and said thank Allah, I did not meet these people first, think a lot, I learned a song first. Because if I met these people, first I wouldn't even I've learned about this one, I would never even

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have considered it, how big they are, how they look at you, the way they behave towards you, the way they fight with each other in the household.

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These kinds of things, you know, we are turning people away from the darkness and from our own behavior, from our own being. So here's the thing, the vast majority, the vast majority of Muslims, they're not doing that way at all. They're not doing down Well, there are some of those sins, may Allah reward them and bless their efforts and put power in their efforts and Baraka in their efforts to spread the message of Islam within themselves and even beyond. But their work is being multiplied by zero by all the lack of practice, and the corruption of the rest of the Muslims. Because whenever they speak, the actions of the rest of the listens, speak louder than their words, those actions are

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louder than these words that these Muslims are undoing our own efforts, or undoing our own. This is a serious problem. And this is the problem we have to resolve. You know, I want to give you your personal buzz about the importance of that well before, but I want to approach it from a different angle,

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the long term consequences of not being a nation of Dharma, when we are not a nation of spreading and inviting people to the message of Islam, in speech and in practice, if we are not those people, what are the consequences? What are the consequences of that, of course, the first consequence is that we become the people that might fall under the curse of the law, according to the look of

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Those who hide

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behind it, they keep it secret. Those are the people that even after the book had come down, and we have made it clear to people, those are the people that are

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only designed to

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special people.

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That that's the biggest consequence of not being a nation of Dharma, in our speech, and in our action, right. That's the first consequence. But there are other times

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a lot of wipes out, by the way, move forward. And a lot of people standing in the back of us make space for them be courteous to the people around them.

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The consequences of this will be even less in the next slide. But there are consequences in this slide. In this slide,

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what we learned

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a lot as far as dealing with all the works of all

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the ones that have received revelation,

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the Muslim Ummah, or the oma of believers will will face trials, they will face troubles, it's never going to be easy. It's always going to be trials. And these trials are there to guarantee us agenda. And we can see when you know Allah azza wa jal says in sort of like a mood in the very beginning, and by the way, social mood is the soul of Dharma, if you want to learn the ethics of Dharma, and the most important principles of value goes to to uncover some of the best places to learn about Allah in the Quran. And the beginning of Latin xojo says, has he been there? And you

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people assume that they're not going to be tested. People, people will just assume they just have to become this thing. And just come to me salon, and just go and that's it.

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We thoroughly tested those who came before them all. These ions came down in a bag with an alert to the locker and paid a price for making valid Islam, not just accepting Islam, calling people to extend the claim. They took this Companion of the Prophet, someone or they even said that they took this companion, they put him on burning coal until his back the skin on his back melted and was peeled off. And in this horrid state, he came to the profits of the audience that have been said, if we are the people of truth, why is this happening to us? Why do we how can we deserve this if we are the people of the truth, and the law and the messenger told him you are rushing? There are people

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that came before you that were sawed in half are buried into the ground alive because of what because of the height of the wall. So you're rushing to judgment, don't rush to and then the IRS came down. You think you're just going to get Jenga? Just like that.

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Imagine what he went through. And Allah said, That's not even that you haven't really paid yet. We have to be mentally prepared for trials. When we engage in the work of that, well, we have to be mentally prepared for trials. Now, in this surah, what Allah gave this passage about how to make that role in the patient and struggle, then he mentioned a number of profits, I'm only going to mention the immediate to profits that are mentioned right after immediately after this passage, starts talking about new Hyundai Sonata. And immediately after that, he starts talking about why he wanted to sell. What's the significance of first talking about that, rather than talking about new

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amenities for them and then Ibrahim on Instagram immediately after that, you see know how to Instagram if you know nothing else, we know it's relentless. It's non stop. It is consistent, untiring unflinching, calling to Islam for 950 years continuous. So this what is this teaching us fundamentally, that this work is not something that can be done over a month or a year or seminar is something that has to be a constant effort, it has to be a constant work of this, the constancy of note is alluded to, then Ebrahim, by the way, if you want to give an adjective to the datalogger, but I think you would have to say fearless,

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fearless duck, so there's constant dalendo for the insulin, and there's fearless insulin, but no matter what the consequences, he's not going to let go.

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He's not going to let go. Our doctor should not be based on fear. Our doctor should not be based on anger. And it should not be based on fear. It should be neutral, like the data, the calm collected dialogue, the grantee on Instagram, he has the ability to talk to even some of the one of the worst human beings and nice language is just in logical discourse, intellectual discourse, he's able to do that and in the setup, so we have to learn from these things. Now what I wanted to conclude with inshallah, tada, there's just some basic food for thought that all of us need to take a little more seriously, if we are to engage in this work, if we are really serious about taking the work of Dhaka

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forward in this country at you know, at the level of a community, and even as individuals. Sometimes when you think about the problems of the Muslims, those problems are so big, that you get overwhelmed. And when you get overwhelmed, you say, oh, man, there's no solution. Man, we got so many problems with government. It's kind of stuff, right? That's usually our attitude. And sometimes this becomes casual entertaining conversation over dinner. Man, we got so many problems. Our rulers are so corrupt, the media hates us, they said that in the other we talked about we make a list of all the problems we have. It's like our, you know, the non Muslims have Alcoholics Anonymous in

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their can, you know, their therapy sessions, we have giant Omnibus, right? We just sit over a giant we discuss the problems of the Muslims, and we don't do nothing about right, we say it's too big of a problem for us to fix. Now, how do we change that attitude? First of all, a lot is loaded does not demand from me for you to change the whole world. What does he demand from us? To change ourselves? That's what he demands from us. In the law. Now you when you build up your home in Canada, you

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know, it is no doubt that a lot is not the one to change, what is afflicting a nation until they change what is in their own selves? Right man even be in the emphases within their own cellar at the individual level? What am I doing wrong? How am I misrepresenting Islam in the way I deal with my wife, with my neighbor, with my co workers with the people that drive by me on the highway? How am I misrepresenting a song being a Muslim? You can change that much, instead of complaining complained about yourself. Start with that. The second thing I said, you know, the third The biggest problem was our behavior. So let's start changing our behavior. Right. The second problem about that was our

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ignorance. So we need to address that too. We need to become students have this theme, we need to start asking more and more questions, we need to start to learn more and more and more, we need to connect with people that know him better than we do. So we can call them or email them or you know, visit them and learn from them. And it's not necessarily that you join them. Or you become a you know, a decider, mostly, etc, to represent the basics of Islam. But it is important that you're connected with somebody who has knowledge. If you if you at least have some contact with somebody who has knowledge you can use when something comes up, you can ask them, you can learn about it,

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right? And I preferred My advice would be to have someone like that who's actually a living person, not someone behind the screen with a screen name, and you have no idea what you're getting, what knowledge you're getting online, right, it may or may not be valid. So if you have a person like you know, the amount of our community, it's probably a wonderful resource for them. We need to put them to work. We need to be going to them and asking them these sorts of questions. This is our second issue. As for the first concern, you have this this idea of Muslims being portrayed in the West, we need to be a little bit more a little stronger at the local level. Don't worry about what's

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happening in the United States already.

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about what's happening in your town, we should have the the sisters should have a women's program at the Public Library, women, you know, women in Islam, or the veil of the Muslim woman was a controversial topic and invite the Muslim ban was implemented in the community and let the Muslim women speak to the non Muslim women about this, you know, what they stand for, and how much confidence they had. You know, when that girl you may or may not have heard that girl who ran away from her house in Columbus, Ohio, she converted to Christianity. And she accused her father of trying to kill her and all of that, which is all a lie, I met the Father. That's all a lie is bogus.

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You know, and there weren't even a religious family. She was a cheerleader before she ran away. So once again, you could have killed her for that, right? If anything is crazy. But he didn't. He didn't say anything. So this is all bogus, that that's all bogus. But anyway, you know what the best people are to respond to that? Why are these Muslim? What about these Muslim girls that are being oppressed in their home? The best people respond? are Muslim teenage girls themselves? Why don't they speak write an article for the local paper and say, what do you what are you guys talking about? We have it better than anybody else. Right? We have to speak up, we have to represent this.

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We have to stand up and say this, you can't say this about us. This is not who we are. And you know, we instead of constantly running after all the allegations they make against us and say no, we're not this, we don't oppress women, we don't hate you, you know, we don't want to kill everyone. We're not we don't we're not strapping any explosives, when we go to the mall, etc, etc. Instead of constantly answering their allegations, and constantly telling people what Islam is not. We need to start telling people what Islam is.

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They're constantly making us tell them what Islam is not.

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But this will not stop until we tell people what Islam is. We need to tell them. And instead of them criticizing us, if you learn something from the devil of the prophets, they look at the greatest evils of their society, and they criticize those evils. They don't just talk about the man in the mirror, and just just, you know, they go beyond that to Lutheranism, says you people are committing shamelessness. He goes after their shameless behavior show, I think that goes after the corrupt business practices of his people. If there is a corruption in the society who's supposed to stand for it, it is the most. So what we need to be recognized as if we were really doing that. But you

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know how people would see us people will see as these people don't care what happens to them, they stand up for justice. Anybody who's oppressed, the Muslim standard, stand up for them. They're not an army for their own selves. They are a lobby for the people for justice, for equal rights. And then whenever there's a violation, some some, you know, somebody's integrity is being questioned somebody's rights are being asserted, the Muslim stands up. And this is the somehow Our Messengers.

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Look that I'll leave you with one example. Just to think about how we need to rethink how we make governing this country, just to rethink it. You know, there was a I told you about before this, you know, even when you're little you heard the story of yourself with a loved one. Right? And his wife and his child, how they were executed, basically, for saying that. When the messenger saw this happen in front of his own eyes, someone loved that it was on them. What did he say? Did he have a you know, was there any sort of a protest, any picket fence, any yelling and screaming, stop the killing of the Muslims. And he's standing in front of the United Nations and protesting and

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screaming and nothing. What did he say to them, he said, Have patience. Just be who you are as

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a family who doesn't have some your places agenda, he told them to have some. When you are on this path, instead of complaining about the troubles that come to you, you have to have patience. But in the same era, emotionally, a non Muslim came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he told them that Uncle Joe has taken my money, and you won't give it back. He didn't tell him the patient. He didn't tell the Muslim you say Be patient to the non Muslim, he dragged him by the hand took him down the janitor you better give him his money back.

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So we are putting ourselves in sacrifice for the justice to be served for others, not for ourselves or for other scripts. This is why less is going to hire 1903 Jeff, not mean anyone else but limnanthes. You are the best of nations derived not from the people but for the people. Allah says you are the best patient chosen not from the people. But for the people we are here to serve. What unless religion has to offer as a service to humanity. unlucky enough to remove the shackles of oppression that are oppressing the people around us. Also, our attitude needs to change we have to become a little more confident. We have to stop being so defensive all the time. This we're not this

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and we're not this and we're not that let's start learning what we are sharing what we are with our friends and neighbors. First and again, I reiterate and I'm done. None of this sharing of Islam will be of any benefit to anyone until we see a change in our

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Until we see a change in our attitude, which is capable of changing our behavior will not make us better Muslims because it was once upon a while to keep us away from the evil things that we have left before this one started and make them make us abandon them for the rest of our lives. melanosomes Amicus truly capable of Toba to Him. May Allah make us this week as an old man that stands up for the Messenger of Allah and Allah in the law humbled me allows him to make us our children our families versed, versed, very knowledgeable in the book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger and make them capable with confidence of sharing this message was friends and neighbors a

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life article. It wasn't anything that came when in fact it

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was so that was set up for me by the Latinos, for Susana, but even more for them into being more confident in me mean vida de beers when a

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soldier can even better

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finish a carnival team in the La Liga who lunarlon me. Yeah, you have the lien and I will solve the war and he was happy with the schema a lot more suddenly. I don't have many

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in the coffee machine. I love my medic. I don't have many. What

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about the last question of luck.

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And in fact,

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when I think about a lot, we are our own optimists.

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan revolves his lecture around the idea of presenting the message of Islam and how we must share our responsibility in delivering and sharing that message.

This universal message of submission to Allah and this universal message that Muhammad ﷺ is the last of the Messengers, not that we reject any of them. We accept all of them but we accept him as the final one and the Quran is the final revelation, the final testament, sent to humanity that applies to all human beings.

Some major obstacles lie between us and sharing that message. One of those obstacles that are prominent is how Islam is talked about as something evil and how it is a threat! Islam is being portrayed as something evil, something scary, something alien.

What we learn from the book of Allah and Sunnah of Allah as far as we are dealing with all these accusations that are baseless is that the Muslim Ummah or the Ummah of believers will face trials and they will face troubles. And these trials are there to guarantee us Jannah. 

Hence, it is absolutely essential that we become capable of changing our behavior and become better Muslims by keeping ourselves away from evil things and make ourselves truly capable of tawbah to Allah SWT. This will ensure that our Muslim ummah stands up for the message of La ilaha Illaha Muhammadur Rassollullah.

We should also see to it that our children, our families are well versed and knowledgeable with the book of Allah and Rasool Allah ﷺ so that they are capable with the confidence of sharing the beautiful message of Islam with friends and neighbors alike.


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