Commanding Good & Forbidding Evil #2

Nouman Ali Khan


Channel: Nouman Ali Khan


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The speakers discuss the importance of recognizing and acknowledging the reality of human beings, even outside of our own reality. They touch on the historical context of Islamic scholarship and emphasize the need for practice in learning to control behavior and maintain morality. The importance of values and maintaining a line of principles is emphasized, along with the importance of promoting healthy eating and creating a food pantry or community. The speakers also emphasize the need to take care of one's personal lives and address problems that arise.

AI Generated Transcript ©

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hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah Latina who understand you know when to stop when not me will be here when our karate when I wrote the villa Himanshu de unforseen a woman sejahtera Melina, when you have the La la la la la, la la la de la when a shadow Allah Allah Allah Allah the hula surely Allah when the shadow under Mohammed Abdullah he was Sulu or Salah hola hola Allah Buddha de Mille Huck, youth Hara hawala de Nicola de Vaca fabula he shahida for some Allahu Allah He was seldom at the Sleeman calcium kathira my bad but in that stuck on Hadith Sica tabula rasa you don't have he had you Mohammed in Salalah alayhi wa sallam, or in a shuttle moody Marta to her in Aquila de la, la la la,

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la la la, la la la la la, la,

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la la la, la, la la la Rosa Billahi min ash shaytani r Rajim contemplado Mateen oficinas de una bella roofie with an Helena honeymoon cup we know Nebula

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kita Bella kinda heilala home when home will be known as your own rubbish it suddenly were silly under the rock bottom in the sandy of Coco de la Tabitha handle multi v La ilaha illallah wa la Medina Amina Latina, I'm unaware Amina sorry, hurt, whatever. So be happy with our southern Southern Armenia behind me. I am trying to continue my series of conversations with you about a fundamental concept in the Quran, commonly known as commanding the good and forbidding the evil a couple of weeks ago, with the exception of last week, I started that series. And talk to you a little bit about the basic idea of how part of us saving ourselves in light of Salta. Last is the fact that we

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have to encourage each other and call each other out to be committed to the truth, and then be patient over whatever consequences come as a result of doing that. The problem with that is that if you leave the statement at that it's open to interpretation in two ways. What is the truth that we are telling each other of? And how is it that we're telling each other about that truth? So in basic English, what you can say is, what are you going to say? And how are you going to say it? Right? Put it in very realistic terms. This is a friend you want to give advice to? What advice Are you going to give? And how would you go about giving that advice? Right? Those are the two fundamental

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questions. Now, broadly speaking, sort of answer calls it I'll have the truth, which anybody can see truth in their own way, right. And they can come up with their own way of giving somebody advice. So what I want to do in this clip, is actually first illustrate what it means by a hook. And actually the other term, which is an alien bind multiple times that will be narrow. But you the common translation is you come in to the good, but I want to dig into the word good a little bit more, because it's different from other kinds of words for good, in the same solar in another place, allow me to distinguish distinction between higher, which is also good, and allow growth, which is also in

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a sense, good, why he says what's coming from the owner and hide why model Neville model. So there's hate and then there's not have their two separate concepts. So what I want to do in this club by really is kind of hone in on the concept of Alma roof, which is commonly translated as the good and look at a deeper so we have a better understanding of what it is that we can counsel each other about. Okay. First, let's look at the origin of the word model. It comes from the word oath, an oath is in the abstract sense known as the norms of a society. So for example, the road of traffic in America is that you're driving on the right side of the street, right and the road in the UK is that

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you're driving on the left side of the street. So if you're not familiar with the earth, and the traffic regulations, you might end up making some serious mistakes when you are in a different country, because you don't understand the norms, not just the laws, but the norms of traffic, right? Similarly, even though English is spoken all over the world, there are different words that mean different things in different places that English spoken. In the order of one society, certain phrases are completely acceptable, they're completely normal. In certain other societies, those same exact phrases are considered obscene and offensive. Right? And you might think that because of

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American English, it's totally okay in British English or Scottish English or whatever else or Irish English or whatever else, but it they may be worlds apart the same vocabulary may be worlds apart because their oath is different. The norms, the the established habits and expectations of people around are different. That's what the word of comes from. Growth is also used not just for things that are normal in a society, but things that make us society beautiful things that make us society distinctly beautiful, the cultural beautiful aspects of every society are its own. Right so the

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Clothing can be, for example, dishes and foods that we eat from different cultures have they have different roles in their in their foods, or the way they treat guests, for example, or the way they celebrate certain things, the ceremonies that come along with a wedding, or come along with the birth of a child, above and beyond the similar practices of the, you know, the nikka, and the, the arcade and things like that. But above and beyond that, how specifically some of these things are celebrated what kinds of gifts are given, and things like that, all of that is within our oath. Now the Koran came and it brought with it a few teachings that were already known to humanity, this is

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important to pay attention to this part. There are things that the Quran talks about that were already known. And then the Quran talks about things that nobody knew before. Like the Quran didn't know where you are the mocha Milan takuna, Allah moon, he's teaching you what you couldn't possibly know yourselves. So for example, kindness is not something the Quran invented, that didn't exist before, or people didn't know that they're supposed to be kind. Honesty is not something that the Quran introduced for the first time. Anybody with a with the rule inside them, love me, that's something known to them from the time they were born. We believe that human beings not Muslim human

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beings have been made aware of certain things inside of them, even if society never taught them.

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Even if nobody ever taught you that truth is a good thing. And lying is a bad thing you would know already, you would know on your own that stock neurons concept of the fitrah, something that's inside of us. Even if nobody taught you, you would know that taking something that somebody something that doesn't belong to you, stealing it or robbing it, or hurting someone else, or insulting someone else. Even if no one taught you that something inside you would tell you, that's not okay. That's wrong, you understand. So actually, what I'm trying to get at is just like in society, there are certain things that are normal. Inside of the human being, every human being,

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there are some things that we already know to be right. We it's already pre programmed inside of us. Now come to the word maruf. Out of fine Arabic isn't just a normal of a society, but out of our actually means to recognize and more deeply recognize something to be good. When you recognize something to be normal, and recognize something to be good. That's actually part of the roof, metal roof, the SMF rune is actually the it reverses the implications. What it means is something that is being recognized as good. Something that is being recognized. So the one who recognizes it is the artist. And the thing that's being recognized is the model, the thing that's being recognized as

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good. Now, the thing is, if I say, you know, this place is recognized, what I didn't answer is recognized by who, right? I might recognize something and you might not recognize it. If the FSA that color is recognizable, that car or that house is recognizable, or that picture in the background, that background is recognizable to me, I recognize it, does that necessarily mean that you recognize it? No. But when I say that it's recognizable to all of us. That means I'm talking to you about something that you already know to be true. You already know that it's right. And I know that it's right. Also, we're on the same page. And we're talking about something first and foremost

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that generally all human beings recognize to be right. Now, what are those general recognition that all human beings know to be right? Or come back to the basic fundamentals, truth, honesty, fairness, kindness, the basic goodness, we owe to each other everybody knows, the basic goodness we owe to allies, which everybody knows. And first and foremost, it's the one to each other. The thing is, when we say that Marina will narrow what the what is not the specific minute details of the laws of Islam, for example. So it could be for example, that one of you in the when you studied physics, and in your school of thought you studied that when you pray your pants have to be a certain length

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above your ankles, and in your understanding of a hadith that pertains to that any part below that is in the hellfire. Okay, that's a very strong language in that that Hadith. And it may be that somebody else has never heard of that Hadith. They may be there's somebody else came into the masjid for the first time to pray. They've never heard of this. Yeah. Is that possible? Okay. And there's also someone else who has actually studied this hadith has an ijazah. And this hadith has studied exhaustive scholarship on this Hadees and has a very different conclusion on how to interpret that same Hadith, after exhaustive years of scholarship and I know scholars like that, too, that don't

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see that Hadith interpreted in the same way. Right. So you've got now one person who knows nothing. It's not this

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This teaching is not recognizable to them.

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And then there's another who knows it but knows it much deeper than you because you googled it, or you watched the video about it, or you YouTube, some, somebody's talking about it. And you don't have the exhaustive breadth of scholarship, you know that one scholar or one group of people say that this is what it means, right? But you have no idea of the depth and the breadth of Islamic scholarship and the discourse behind it. And the scholars that exhausted themselves over every single Hadith pouring themselves out before they come to a conclusion. The debates among the folk are, you're not aware of that. But you just know that you heard from somewhere, this is what you got

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to do. And this becomes your model. Man, I gotta go check everybody's ankles, I better make sure nobody's going to hell today in the machine. So I'm gonna Hey, bro, you gotta roll that up. You got to roll that up. Hey, I noticed that when you go to the guru, your ankles are okay. But when you come up your ankles go back down. So part of your Salah was in the Hellfire row.

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Why are you looking at me when you're praying? First of all?

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Oh, you know, there are you learn how to pray. And that's just one thing, the pants, I'll give you other examples. You know, you learn how to pray. And depending on the school of thought maybe you held your hands here. Maybe you have them here. Maybe you held them here and you're like, this is the sun that everything else has been everything else is wrong. Yeah, all the other I had no idea what they were talking about the YouTube video you watched is the absolute truth. And nobody else knows what they're talking about. Maybe it's important to understand, you recognize something you understand in you, it's okay for you to be convinced of it. It's completely okay. But it's not okay

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for you and me to criticize another position, until we understand where that position is coming from.

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If you don't know that, that was the position that doesn't go with you. That's not the way you learned it. That's not the way you practiced it. That's not where you hold hands. That's not every one time, you know, I was with someone who was used to praying a certain way. And in their school of thought, I'm not here to name schools of thought or take biases, I have tremendous respect for the modalities. But this is turned into a little bit more often than here, anyone can fall asleep. This has nothing to do with a medical model. And this is not this is not commanding the good. That's not what this is. You know, there are certain aspects of Islam that are your personal quest to learn.

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You're supposed to learn that to the best of your ability. And if you understand it a certain way you should practice it. But if you see somebody else practicing a different, the example I was going to give you is one fellow who is used to praying and when the mom says Allahu Akbar, they go straight into the cooler, and they don't make an offer yet a referee that means you raise your hands again, and then you go into the pool. Yeah. So some schools of thought recommended a failure then others don't. There's a clear distinction. And there are millions 10s of millions, no hundreds of millions of Muslims on either side in the world that do that. But this fellow is coming to America,

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and he's praying, and he's never seen somebody Raise your hands like that. And then raise your hands again, and he's just doing well, priority started you to that one time when you keep doing it over and over again, man, and his prayers getting distracted, because this guy's praying differently. Right? And then at the end, he says, you know, and there's literally This is a true, true story. He says, Why are you like, acting like a horse's tail, like what a horse's tail does, and he made fun of it.

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Right? Oh, you don't know where that's coming from? What school it comes from, what's so nice behind it, what Hadeeth is behind it, what practices behind it. You don't know the scholarship behind it. You can't be talking about something you don't know enough love, from the limited knowledge that you and I have. Because even if you learn from someone you and I have to understand whoever we learn from is also a human being. They also have a limit. They also have a preference. They also have an opinion. And folk Olivia luminarium. Above everybody who has knowledge is somebody who has more. So when it comes to commanding the good. The first thing I want a different one to define is by using

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the word recognizable. There are things that we start nitpicking on, that we start criticizing each other on like the length of somebody's beard, if you don't know the the literature on it, if you haven't studied it, then you don't know how to tell someone to grow or not grow because you don't know enough. And even if you studied your own particular school of thought, and you're convinced of a certain position, good for you, but that doesn't become my truth. Because you don't find the prophets Allah love Marley. You said I'm going out and telling every single person what they should be doing with their beard.

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You don't find that. There's a when the prophets lysozyme spoke, he did the last he will have he did a lot of big mouth. So it's really important to go back and carefully study how the profits lesson dealt with situations. What was he talking about with everybody? What was he talking about what individuals that came to him? Because if somebody personally came to him and asked about something

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If that was relevant for everybody, he is the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his responsibility is to teach the entire Ummah, not one person. And if that teaching was relevant for every single person, and it applies exactly the same way, he sallallahu Sallam would get up on the member on the pulpit. And he would tell everybody, this is what you must do, because that's his responsibility to make sure everybody learns his responsibilities not to make sure one person learns, right. So it's important that we understand what is my roof is recognizable to everybody? recognizable to everybody. And this is why you find people come to the Prophet of Allah, Allah long

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audio, send them asking questions, and sometimes asking the same exact question. And he gives them different answers. He doesn't give them the same answer. Because he understands this person that's coming.

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They need they have a specific kind of problem. And they need to hear specific kinds of events or a specific prescription for this person. It's the best thing I can do. Don't be angry. No, tell me something else. Don't be angry. Tell me something else. Don't be angry.

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Somebody else might come. He's not gonna say, if he comes to him and says, tell me something to do. He's not gonna What's the best thing I can do? He won't tell him Don't be angry. Because it was because he doesn't have an anger problem, you understand? So what happens sometimes is we learn bits and pieces of our religion. We feel like we know everything about it. And now it's time to slap everybody else with our our absolute knowledge, and then call it commanding the good. That's not commanding the good. commanding the good, is actually the overarching values. Now, what are those overarching values in? I spoke about them in an abstract sense. I said, their truth, their honesty,

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their justice, their fairness, their kindness, etc, etc. But let's put that in practical terms.

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In practical terms, when you for example, have someone who is spending a lot of money with their friend, like a man is spending a lot of money hanging out with his friends, or spending a lot of money frivolously while his own family is suffering,

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then that's a problem. That it's not even an Islam problem. That's a common sense problem. Your head of the household, you're in charge. You're supposed to be more financially responsible with your family. Take care of them. Why are you throwing money in the garbage? Why are you frivolously spending money when the needs of your family haven't been met? That's not okay for you to do. That's my roof because anybody would know that's the right thing to say that some people would know anybody would know if somebody mistreating their mother.

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If they're if you're yelling if you find somebody yelling at their mother, no, don't yell at your mom. That's your mother. Yeah, but she made me really mad. Yeah, okay, she made you mad. She's still your mom. If you want to correct something she does do it respectfully don't cross the line. But she crosses the line Yeah, she crossed the line you don't cross the line you don't do that.

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Maintain and maintain a line of respect? That's a cola there's some truth and if you don't know here's how you I can help you maybe deal with that situation but don't become the very thing you criticize don't do that. That's part of my roof. But you know sister you have nail polish on or you know brother your beard or your mustache or your pants are this way or that way are you I noticed when you raise your hand or I noticed your elbows were out of 37.3 degree angle when you were doing such that they should have been in the 25.4 degree what this is this is commanding the good and forbidding the evil and then and things like you know of course we eat is coming soon and then we're

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gonna have another series of you know moon fighting.

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Right someone's hiding anymore because Oh, is it this day is it this day and we're killing each other over it and bashing each other over it and stuff that allowed you to be united? No, first the oma should be united on Alma roof. And Mr. Roth means the basic human decency that we are supposed to follow. The most ironic case of that that I saw was that hedge

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at hedge the entire omens united to worship allies are leaving the world behind. And we're at hedge we're supposed to be the best of our our personal bests should be here. And here you have people that are saying the baker lahoma bake, they're saying here I am Allah, here I am and the drinking plastic bottles and chucking them as the baker lahoma bake the eating french fries out of a bag and then through tossing the bag on the ground, the baker lahoma bake.

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Cleanliness is not something that and then when somebody is not saying that big loudly, a you're supposed to say it loud. I just did.

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You're using elbowed an old lady in the face to kiss his on a slide.

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Because you really needed to fulfill that ritual. But tomorrow for being kind to the elder you forgot.

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What were the priorities were where the priorities lie. So what happens is, and this happened to a people that came before us

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The people that were given the Torah article for us the law before us, they started getting so technical and the technicalities have a place. I'm not denying them. Fix has a place fatwa has a place following peculiar particularities in the Sunnah has a place individually, it has a place in your family to teach your children specifics, it has a place, but in public, for the online large. For the online large, the larger priority is the values of our religion, not the rituals of our religion, the values, the values are decency, honesty, truthfulness, kindness, these are the basic decent moral values. And so you'll find today what happened with them is their entire emphasis was

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on the rituals. And in so focused in focusing so much on the rituals, they lost sight of the actual values of their religion.

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And when that happens to people, you know what happens? They know their book really well, they can recite it really well. They can quote it really well. But their manners don't show it.

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The way they talk to people doesn't show it but their their their back then there Hebrew and for us are the Arabic is perfect.

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The ability to quote books is amazing. Our knowledge is amazing, but the way they can be condescending towards someone, wow, that's the same as jelly at times. And yet, you're supposed to be more knowledgeable yours. The humility comes with learning knowledge, kindness comes with learning knowledge. Courtesy comes with learning knowledge. But no, the more we learn, the more condescending and judgmental and that's what we become. So the first thing that I wanted to highlight is actually what is my Rufus Ellen individual level. And then before I end this football, what other model says at a collective level, as all together for all of us. And my roof also means

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we encourage because it means encourage, and that will be on the how subject matter. But this also, this subject also includes encouraging each other to do good things, to do recognizably good things Hey, I listen, I want you to be part of something productive here. Come do this with me be a part of this. So we encourage each other to actually not just live for ourselves and do things for ourselves, but we encourage each other to make the world a better place. That's why the I actually began going to Hydra or methane, oxygen Lynas, you are the best of all people that were extracted for the benefit of people, you command each other to do good, you tell each other to do good. In

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other words, you look for opportunities to create more good in the world to create more benefit in the world. Now compare that attitude. Hey, I noticed that there are some there's, you know, a lot of people have lost their jobs, maybe we should start a project where we can help people and just you know, create a food pantry or make sure that our neighbors are well fed or everybody's Okay, or start something like that. That's my roof, right? That's a little bit a lot of compare that under the roof to, hey, I want to make sure everybody's pants are high enough.

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So you got to start that campaign.

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There's that there's a difference. And again, I'm not mocking that Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam understand it properly implemented for yourselves, teach it to your family. But there are some things in Islam that are meant for a classroom that are meant for learners. And they have to understand the nuances and the differences. And there are some things that apply to everybody. And we have to know the difference. And the stuff that applies to everybody is a model. The stuff that everybody should know about is a model, which is why the Quran is a shared value for all of us. Allies book is a shared value for all of us, which is why it's so many Sahaba when they interpreted

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what also will help they encourage each other to the truth. They said I'll have Al Quran, they cancel each other by way of the Quran.

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So what kind of my roof is in the Quran, latos law and hada colinas Latham Chevelle or de Moura. Don't swell your cheeks. When you talk to people, you know what that means. Don't make a face. Don't puff your face when you talk to people like

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your facial expressions need to change because you're a person of Quran. You can't make certain faces at people because you're a person of Quran. Lots of sheep will have the Maha don't walk on the earth with pride. Like you're better than somebody else. Don't walk off from people. You know, like, if you're not worth my time, and you just walk away from them, make them making them feel even if you don't say anything, your attitude and the way you walked away, makes them feel worthless. Don't do that. That's my roof.

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That's my roof. You know? So there are values like that, that the Quran will teach us that are going to that's that's the most beautiful thing about our religion. And why do I say that with such confidence? Because that was the first most beautiful thing people knew about the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam how he carried himself with

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his his moral values the way he treated people.

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But the way he looked at people this tone when he spoke to people,

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and I'm kind of delving into the how, but I will dedicate next week football on the house today is just a what? What is the values? Not the technicalities, not the technicalities, and you tell me in your own family, every one of you has interactions. And nowadays you have more interaction with your family than ever before. How even if you're within your own family, if you just pick up somebody and keep correcting them and what they're doing technically wrong? Are they going to get annoyed with you? Yeah, they are. And you expect some strangers to just hear you say once while I did my job I did my roof and

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now he handed me the you know, the Hulk has been given. So I did my part. Now I can stand in front of a lot. You can doesn't work like that. It doesn't work like that. So we are we are to be the best of people we are to encourage each other to do good things. And that's one thing you should try and do now, in a situation that we find ourselves. Maybe some people that used to be okay before or not doing okay, right now.

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Maybe people that were financially Okay, normally, in these new circumstances are not okay, financially. Maybe some people that were doing okay, emotionally before are not doing okay, emotionally now. And they may be part of your circle, they may be part of your neighborhood, they may be part of your extended family, they may be in that, in that, you know, in the sphere of people a lot put in your life. Maybe you should try to find ways to encourage each other to do good towards them to create more good in your world. We keep thinking we want to change the planet. And we want to keep ignoring the people right in front of us that would love it. If everybody just took care of

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their circle, the world becomes a better place, doesn't it?

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But we want to we want to take care of problems across the continent. And we want to take care of problems that are bigger than life, but not take care of the problems that are in our life in front of us. Let's address those. Let's start with that my roof and then the ripple effect continues. Allows Oh Jamaica, so people have a roof and he and he will come barakallahu li walakum fucoxanthin Hakeem when a family what year it was

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hamdulillah he will come wa Salatu was Salam O Allah anybody in the deen stuff ah ha sanada Mohammed Mohammed Al Ameen mala and he was a huge man, but a lot more has always been getting better and akula arrow the Billahi min ash shaytani r Rajim in a la la la la la lunarlon. Maybe even living Iman Saldana he was a little slimmer along the scileanna Mohammed invalidly Mohamed masala tala for him, but only for him of an item in in the Gambia Majeed along with vaticana Mohammed Mohammed Coronavirus Allah for him via le or Haemophilia Holloman in the Gambia, Majid about a la la la la in the La Jolla. What are we do with our son when he talks about when when in fact, it was one cup

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political light aka lemon medicine around Arkansas in a salad that can be Nikita mahkota

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Ma? Ma

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Ma lot of

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Alhamdulillah you have been

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a rock man you're watching me man you keep the

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Deena silahkan

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silahkan leadin and him in Malibu Beach Island him while up on the

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hi Latina

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la have got to call it he was

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Hey Jamie

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Welcome to

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40 Minute.

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Law law comm

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I mean I love having

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a long

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a long

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Alhamdulillah your bill let me know why

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Maliki omit the

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Buddha he kind of standing in a Scirocco stepping out one Latina and

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one eating movie highlighting him with a bow.

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How would I need

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11111 okay let me know

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the law

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a long

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a long

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