Nouman Ali Khan – Can I Connect with Quran Without Knowing Arabic
![Nouman Ali Khan](
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The speaker discusses the impact of the Quran on people's experiences and understanding of human beings. They argue that the Quran has a psychological and intellectual impact, but it also has a psychological and spiritual impact. The speaker suggests that the Quran's targeting specific personalities and creating confusion among people is a crisis for theOMO.
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So the Sahaba, who took shahada seeing the or observing the miracles of the ayat, the linguistics, so high only possible for us to get that linguistic miracles in the Quran for that hour? Yeah.
It's a great question. Say, I don't believe that the Sahaba it's an oversimplification. And I believe it's also inaccurate to say that the Sahaba accepted Islam because of the linguistic miracle of the Quran. I don't believe that to be the case.
I believe that that's one of many dimensions of the impact of the Quran. It has a psychological impact, philosophical impact and intellectual impact. It has a linguistic impact it, it has a spiritual impact, like there's human beings are complicated creatures, right? And we make decisions based on a complicated set of factors. And the Quran, the Speaker of the Quran knows the complexity of the human being better than the human being knows it. And he revealed a speech that targets every one of our complex decision making factors and hits all of them. So to reduce the divinity of the Quran, to linguistically look at this amazing thing, which I am fascinated by. But it would be a
crime to reduce the divine compelling nature of the Quran to its linguistics, actually, it's much more than that. You know, like in in literature, I've told you many times I've told you the example the the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Right? So for example, if I took these three books, right, so 1231, book, One Book, One book, together, they are what? Three books? Three books, right? But if I just read one book,
right? No, volume three, my understanding would be different. But if I read one, two, and three, in sequence, that my overall understanding would be greater than one of them individually, right? So what happens in mathematics is one plus one plus one is three. What happens in the human experience is one plus one plus one is more than three is something there's more undefined or more factors that benefit you. Right? The same thing happens in literature. You guys see this all the time. In chemistry, you you combine two things, you've combined two elements, you get a compound, but in language, you take a fiddle, which means something, you take a house, which means something else,
but when you combine them, you get six, seven different compounds, and different kinds of meanings. Right? So what I'm trying to get at is the Sahaba, were all different personalities. Some of them were poets, some of them were warriors, they didn't have any sense of poetry. Some of them were, you know, like, people that just did trade. Some of them were, you know, very emotional. Some of them are very rigid and tough, they have all all these other we're not they're not you don't think the same way we we need to start thinking of the people who receive the Quran as a monolith. You know what a monolith is everyone's the same, like you paint all of them with the same brush. The Sahaba
did this, the Sahaba did that. That's silly. There's these are, we're talking about hundreds and then 1000s of people that each have very unique lives, just like you and I have very unique lives were unique stories, or relationships or experiences or families, or cultures, or our own inner thoughts. They all have a really big part in shaping the way we see the world. And that is exactly what happened with the sahaba. And somehow the Quran targeted each of them. And interestingly enough, it targeted them in different ways. It didn't reveal the same result in all the people who accepted so one of the things just as I'm trying to help help you develop a more refined view of the
Quran. Inshallah. I also want you to develop a more refined view of Islamic history, especially the Sierra, especially the early history. We have been raised. This is my personal view. I'm very convinced of it. We have been raised with, you know how in social media, you have memes that oversimplify things. Right. taglines buzzwords, right? We have been raised with buzzword Islam. Most of the time, we say things that are like we make them sound like this is how it was black and white. And we make statements about people, situations and entire groups of people in a very overly simplistic way. And it creates huge sets of problems, because they're all like, but I'm studying the
mistakes and I remember my evens that I'm not turning into a hobby what's going on?
You see, that's because you looked at something over simplistically, now you're thinking it's an over simplistic solution for you, and we run into a massive problem, right? So inshallah I hope that we, as we as we engage the Quran more as we learn the language more as we study scholarship more, we also develop our critical mind our thoughts, our thought, because I genuinely believe when the when the OMA becomes thoughtful, then we will be a different civilization completely. I think the biggest crisis of the OMA the even the spiritual crisis of the OMA has to do with what we did with thought.
Like, we abandoned, deep thought, as a culture. We confused educated, memorizing stuff, and learning facts with thought.
You know, all the Lego pieces, but you don't know how to build anything with it. Like, you got to. That's that's thought. And so it's exciting. Hamdulillah I mean, I'm growing myself, I'm developing my thoughts and, you know, engaging in my own learning and inshallah I'm taking you along this journey with me. So all of us are students even, but exciting nonetheless. BarakAllahu li Walakum Samadhi Kamara, I kind of recommend
everyone you just watched me answer a question somebody had about the Quran. I'm sure you have many questions about the Quran yourself. A lot of these questions get answered in the deeper look studied myself and my team do and turn into a series of the Quran on the deeper look series available at bayyinah So get your questions answered sometimes even without having to ask them by studying the sutras in depth with us at Vienna under the deeper look section