Nouman Ali Khan – 4 Guided Steps In The Quran For Self Transformation

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses his experiences with religion and how it has shaped his life, including his understanding of the Prophet's surah and desire to transform his life. He emphasizes the importance of transformation not just for individual transformation, but also for everyone, including respect and cleanliness in relationships. The speaker also discusses the Prophet's plan, including the use of words like "immediate" and "reminder" to motivate people to pursue knowledge and change. He provides examples of how the Prophet's teachings have impacted people's lives, emphasizing the need for personal transformation.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam O Allah, Allah, Allah Allah He was a marine. So mama bad for Abu Bella him in a condo rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. You said the Holy lahemaa is somewhat of a mafia molecule kudos Eliza Hakeem wolesi basophil Amina Rasul Allah Minami Allah Allah him it was a key him. When you Alamo Makita Baba hikma we're in kind of in limbo been rubbish. Really? Sorry, were silly. Everyone looked at me, Sonny Kohli. I mean, I mean, my dad, everyone said, Mr. Carter, thank you for joining me on this live webcast on Facebook. And I'm really grateful for those of you that had already attended and are getting a review of the

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lecture that I gave, I hope to cover everything that I did in the live webinar that I covered before, and I'll follow inshallah as much as I can the same exact format. I'd like to start with a personal experience, and then explain to you exactly the structure of this brief lecture. In Sharla. When I started learning about religion, and got interested in Islam, in my college days, there were many avenues to take there were I mean, you could have studied Islam any number of ways. And depending on which way you start learning, your entire view of Islam gets shaped by your, in a sense, your first impression. And New York where I started learning about Islam was a pretty crazy

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place, depending on which mustard you go, you get a different brand of Islam, pretty much right. And so I was and I was really eager to just acquire everything that I could from anywhere that I could. And I just have this habit, when I get into it, I just really, really entirely give myself to one thing. And I did that I did, I studied it some with one group than another than another than other one scholar than another than another, just completely giving myself truly trying to understand the point of view, until I stumbled upon one thing that and when I experienced it, I knew that something inside me had completely changed. It happened in Ramadan, early on in my journey when I didn't even

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know much about the Arabic language at all. And I attended a program where my teacher who happens to be my Arabic teacher, my Koran, my first Koran teacher, Dr. of the semi was covering the entire Quran in translation. And when he was covering it in translation, and giving a brief synopsis of every Ayah presenting it as a conversation, it was the first time that I actually felt that I can connect with the Quran as a book that personally speaks to me. Up until then I tried reading the Quran in translation, I found myself disengaged with it very easily, I found myself confused about many things that it had to say very easily. If you want to study a particular topic in Islam, fine,

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you can go ask a scholar, read an article, maybe get a book. But if you wanted to get a good grasp of what is the surah about or what is this ayah talking about? Or what is, you know, what are these passages about etc, it's it seemed like you have to go a lot farther than translation to really get it. And the materials that are available beyond translation, what we call Tafseer easily seem pretty complicated. It's not something that you can easily just study and grasp. So I felt like there's a disconnect connect between myself and the Quran, even though it's the primary text of Islam. But in this Ramadan experience, it was the first time that I truly, truly felt connected with the word of a

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lie, these sessions would be like, I don't know, two, three hours long, and half an hour in 20 minutes. And even, I'd lose sight of the fact that I'm in a lecture, I'd feel like a less talking to me, you know, and it just, it was so powerful and experience that at the end of that series, I went to my to him, he didn't know who I was, went up to him and I literally asked him, I just I really want to do what you do. And I meant two things by that I want to teach what you teach, because it's so meaningful, what you've taught, and I want to be able to contribute in that way. But more importantly, I want to be able to take from the wellspring that you take, I want to be able to learn

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like you've learned, you know, and he's the one who then inspired me to become a student of the Quran and of the Arabic language. And that journey then continued, that that snowballed into things I didn't expect, I was just a kid trying to learn more about the Quran. And some somehow some of the few things I taught friends and family maybe gave a hold by here and there, it snowballed into, you know, podcasts that started getting downloaded in the millions and speaking requests all over the world and my phenomenal opportunity to meet remarkable scholars from everywhere to learn from and now you know, but you know, Institute's been around nearly a decade or actually more than a decade

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now. So Alhamdulillah things transpired from there. But it all began with that kind of Ramadan Koran experience. And that brings me to what this webinar is about. This is a webinar about the beginning of the 62nd surah. Soto Juma and these ions in the in the course of my study, when I studied these particular ions, they resonated with me in a very special way. Because I felt like they summarize my own journey into the Quran and in a sense into Islam itself. Like how I felt transformed from within, and how my outlook on life changed was a process. And that process of change was actually very beautifully articulated in these opening I art of sort of Joomla and that's my intention today

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to share with you and so I'll get right into that.

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Just some things about the discussion I'm going to have with you, and hopefully, inshallah, you'll be able to stick with me and go through it in a systematic way. And I hope to keep things organized so that you can keep things in your mind. I'm interested not just in giving a lecture, but in sharing something with you that that you internalize so well, you can share it in your own words with somebody else in shaba. The first thing I'm going to try to do is share give you an introduction to social Juma, the 62nd suit of the Quran, just say a few introductory comments about it. The second thing I hope to do is to cover four Names of Allah. The first is of this surah

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describes a law with four of his names very beautiful, profound names in a certain special order. So we're going to talk about those four names a little bit, and that order and what it signifies, then we're going to talk in the second ayah, about the task given to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, our messenger was given the greatest mission ever given to a human being. And that entire mission has been summarized in the second Ayah by four tasks. These are the four things the Prophet had to do some Allahu alayhi salam, to bring about the kind of transformation that he did. And at the end of this discussion, the final discussion I'll have with you is what does all of that mean

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for my and your own self transformation, these four guided steps into Quran for self transformation, that's what I call this webinar. That's what they're about. At the end, we learn these lessons from the Quran, and then extract from them at the end what applies to ourselves. So let's begin with that introduction, the first discussion and a brief introduction to suitable Juma it belongs to a group of students called the Messiah behat. What's a big Arabic word you may not know what it means. So let me tell you briefly, wasabi hot actually means those that declare a lust perfection. What the surahs have in common is all of them begin with either sub bahala Hema For some it will mafell or u

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sub B Holy lahemaa. For sumati will have everything has been declaring a loss perfection perfection everything in the skies in the earth has been declaring a less perfection and will continue to declare a less perfection and is already declaring a less perfection these are the declarations at the beginning of this group of Madani sutras within which this sutra belongs total Juma belongs. But the other thing that these students have in common that should be noted is that all of them first begin with the heavens and the earth declare a less perfection. And then they compare the heavens and the earth to the believers living in Medina after the Prophet had migrated. And the new

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community of Muslims was formed in Medina, it compares the state of the Muslims to the heavens and the earth, essentially saying the skies and the earth do what they're told. Allah created them, and they submit before Allah and declare his perfection. Why do you have levels of faith some of you are very committed, some of you not committed at all, some of you even hypocritical some of you very weakened their conviction. There's this variation. And so Allah is actually raising the level of faith and hoping to transform everybody through the messages in the sutras in these Muslim behat. Now, part of that group once again is sort of German. But pseudo Juma, even within this small group

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of sutras in the Quran stands in a unique place. Why? Because there's two reasons one, first and foremost, is because in every other surah Allah will describe the skies in the earth and what they do and they're supposed to, you submit Holy lahemaa for sumati Rama fill out and since the skies in the earth do what they're supposed to do, the believers are then criticized Why don't you do what you're supposed to do? limit Hakuna Matata follow? Why don't you do what you know? Why do you say what you don't do? Who under the halaqa confirm income Kaffir woman commitment he's the one who made you. among you. There are those who disbelieve among you there are those who believe Why is there a

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discrepancy among human beings and among the believing community, when there's no discrepancy in the skies. But this sutra is unique. As soon as Allah describes the skies and the earth and they do what they're supposed to. He comes to the prophets of Allah horizon instead of criticizing us. He comes to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and describes that he does what he's supposed to. Like, just as the heavens follow the order, heavenly order of Allah, the prophet himself sallallahu alayhi Salaam, executed the heavenly order of Allah, there's a harmony between the skies and the earth, and what the what our Prophet himself did Salallahu alaihe salam, which is a beautiful, unique quality of the

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suta in addition to the fact that it instead of mentioning to over last names, and mentions four of his names. Well, we'll get to that in the second discussion. Now, before we get into the the topic of the first ayah and the four Names of Allah that I was going to talk to you about, I want to talk to you about the overall message of not just this webinar, but this entire solar, it's messages essentially change. And to understand that you have to understand a parable, an analogy that is very common in the Quran. Koran compares itself on a number of occasions, to water raining from the sky. That's the comparison that's made, and that's an important comparison to understand water comes from

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the sky. The Koran came from the sky. Water is pure. The Quran is pure water gives life to the earth that will

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was previously dead. It had the potential for life what it was previously dead. The same way the Quran gives life to the hearts that were previously dead, they had potential in them. But that potential hadn't been activated yet inside, or they had the seed inside of goodness. But it hadn't been given an opportunity to blossom and to bloom, right so that the water and Quran analogy is a very powerful one, because it's actually an analogy of transformation itself. We are, in a sense being compared to the earth, just like the earth can be transformed by water, you won't recognize the land after the greenery comes after the rain has done its effect. And before it looks like two

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different places, the same is true of human beings, when the effect of revolution takes place this LED so now let's talk about that transformation, that how did human beings transform like the earth transforms? How did human beings transform? What was that change that the Quran brought about? Just looking at it from a historical point of view, the revelation of the Quran starts when the Prophet is at the age of 40, and a discontinues, when he's at the age of 63. So that's a 23 year very brief period. And in this pre period, an incredible revolution took place, in this unknown part of the of the world map in the middle of that desert, where there was no massive Empire. And no, no, you know,

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grand historians and scholars and things like that, in the middle of that completely unknown place, a revolution took place, a revolution that changed individuals from from within, everything about them changed how they looked at life, how they thought about happiness, and sadness, what their priorities were, practically every everything changed about the way they eat, the way they sleep, how they get married, who they get married, to how they get divorced, what they think about life and death, how they clean themselves, how they spend their time, what should their priorities in a day and in their year in their life be? You know, how, what should they love? And what should they hate

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everything about them emotionally, practically, in their daily habits transform, it's an incredible individual transformation. But it's not just an individual transformation, it was also a societal transformation, the way business is conducted change forever, the way the current economy is organized, change the way people deal with each other. Well, what are the rights of men and women? And how should they interact with one another in society? You know, what should be the How do people have different economic classes deal with each other? How do how do governments deal with people and people deal with governments? What are the norms and values that govern the behavior of a society?

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What are even the ethics of war, how is even war conducted? Meaning even at a societal level, the value system was completely revolutionized within these 23 years, it's actually from a historical point of view, and unprecedented kind of change within one group of people within one society. Add to that if you think about the fact that these people had a culture, and a tradition that was 1000s of years old. And when people follow a tradition that centuries old, then they're very set in their ways. It's not easy to change them. But this Something happened in this time, that changed them in a way that no other change in human history even compares. And that's not enough, not only that little

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small portion of the world map changed. But as a result of it in just a few years, until To this day, the map of the world itself has changed forever. You know, you and I many of us are Muslim today, because of what happened in those 23 years. It's an incredible, incredible change that continues to transform the world as we speak today. And it started then, and the effects still continues. But if you look at it from the parents point of view, yes, this is from a historical point of view, a political scientists point of view, you know, from a sociologist point of view, from an economists point of view, you know, they you know, they can see and measure these changes,

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and look at how the map changed, and how politics changed how Islam spread and all of it. But if you look at it, from the finance point of view, the most incredible change that happened was one change, it was changed inside people's hearts, something inside people transformed. You know, you could talk about how green The earth is on the outside, the Quran is saying it's that seed within that transformed. That's, that's the root of all of that change. And that's what we're going to try to get at in today's webinar. These were my few comments about the introduction to the surah and the subject matter that we're going to be dealing with. Now I have three more discussions to share with

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you just briefly outlining them once again, the first thing I'm going to talk to you about now is going to be the foreign names of a lot from the first ayah then I'll talk to you about the four tasks given to the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam in the second ayah. And then thirdly, we'll tie it all together and try to understand something about transforming ourselves self transformation. So let's begin with the first time

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you said the Holy lahemaa is somehow to fill out the molecule producer Aziz al Hakim, I'll briefly translate this for you. Everything in the skies and in the earth, declares Allah's perfection and will continue to do so. The king, the pure, the authority, the wise, this is a simplified translation in which I'm going to emphasize the four Names of Allah that have been mentioned and then we'll dig a little bit deeper once again in brief translation and read

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In the skies and everything in the earth, continues to declare and will continue to declare the perfection of Allah Who is the king, the pure the authority, the wise in that order the king, the pure the authority, the Wise. Okay, so let's now talk about each one of these names a little bit. And I what I want to start with is actually an observation of your manifesto Dena Razia Kamala, who pondered over these four Names of Allah in this package together. And the thing that he felt ties them all together is the fact that all each one of these names in its own way, draws you closer to Allah. Each one of these names attracts you to a lot and keeps you in close company of Allah. And he

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wanted to describe that. And so I'm taking some excerpts from, from his commentary, I'll start with his commentary on the name, the king, and the laulima, Lion 34 and merge the * Canada and the Holy Land and the body image, etc, he will eventually he been sent off to him, when you're in the company of someone great. In this case, in the company of the king, it's improper protocol for you to just walk away. You can't just you know, you've been given the the honor of being in the company of royalty being invited to the castle being invited to the inner quarters of a king, you it's you're not sitting in a restaurant, you're not sitting at a train station, or in a movie theater or

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something, you just get up and walk away. There's a there's an actual, you know, proper etiquette, respect and protocol that has to be observed. Because you are in the presence of royalty, I actually have experience with this to an extent in the human sense. I've had the opportunity to meet with presidents and you know, in some cases, Royal members of royal families in different countries and etc. And before you meet them, there's always a protocol team that tells you, here's how you're going to meet the president. Here's how you greet the king, here's where you're gonna sit, here's how you're gonna you let him meet first then you eat this, that the other you know, there's, there's

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all this stuff, you can't just like in the middle of the conversation, pick up the phone, say, Hey, excuse me, King, I gotta take a phone call. That's not gonna happen. What he's trying to get at is when you get introduced to a law, you are in awe of the fact that you're in the presence of royalty. And you're going to feel ashamed, embarrassed, walking away from that present that grand presence, you're so honored that you got to be there, why would you want to leave that presence, you'll be you'll be reluctant to leave that presence. So this first name of allah draws you in and keeps you there out of reverence for Allah, the second name of Allah, which I simply translated as the pure,

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he says about it, I'll move on to Knox, well, who are your humble few 100 He is someone who is free from flaws. And because they're free from flaws, they're refined, pure, pure individuals, such a person and such an entity is their company is desired. Let me put that in simple words for you. People like refined company, we like people that that are pure in their speech and their mannerisms and their behavior. Their kindness is pure, their advice is pure, the sincerity is pure. You're gravitating towards those kinds of people, truthful people, honest people, people that are genuine with you, those are the kinds of people that you want to be around. So human beings, naturally are

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drawn towards truthfulness, and cleanliness and pure kinds of company. But even in the physical sense, if you live in a polluted area where there's smoke, and smog, and dust and all of that human beings want to move away from that towards what a natural environment, a pure environment where they can breathe fresh air, where they can drink pure water. Purity is something that attracts people in the personal emotional sense. But even physically, we are drawn towards purity and cleanliness, we want to get away from filth and dirtiness, you know, that's, that's a human inclination, a lot put inside of us. So in a sense, when you get introduced to Alize, the ultimately pure being in his

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company starts purifying you, and thus you feel a change inside of you. And you don't want to leave that company that's attractive in and of itself. The third, so two names of a loss. So far, so good. The quick recap would be the king. That's the first name, the pure, that would be the second name, the third name of allies, the authority and Aziz, he says about it, he attends almost a full house, for moussaka to home hardrada, who the three tone filler is that those who are around the authority, and by the way, let me translate that a little better. I'm keeping it simple. So you remember the words, the king, the pure the authority, the wise, now we're on authority, the third one, but let me

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just give you a little bit more about the word azeez. From the Arabic language, it actually combines two meanings. It combines the meaning of authority, which I've already translated, but it also includes the meaning of honor and dignity and respect. And if you combine those two, the notion that comes from Allah Aziz is an authority that commands respect. That's an important distinction, because there are people and there are entities that have authority, but they don't have any respect. There are neighborhoods in which the police have a lot of authority, but the community doesn't respect them. That happens. There may be an institution, there may be people that people

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respect like a teacher may be respected, but he has no authority that might happen.

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But, but Aziz is someone who has authority, and that authority is also respected. And so he says, Then why is this name attractive because to mamarazzi all these names are attractive in some way, right? They're, they're drawing you in closer to Allah. He says it's similar to the king and authority, a noble, respected authority has invited you, you're in their company, you walking away from that company is not degrading them. It's degrading you You missed out on an honor. You got invited by somebody noble, you got invited by the authority. So you're showing your loyalty you're showing you you coming up and showing up and staying there is actually being a means of dignifying

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yourself. So one actually becomes dignified in the company of Al Aziz, they get resolved because they're in the company of Al Aziz. And finally, I quickly get to the final name in this list al Malik al produce al Aziz and finally al Hakim, the king, the pure the authority and finally the wise al Hakim is farrakhan Hagen, habla de who Fatah who frequently and in shape one minute hikmah, beautifully said, when you're in the company of someone wise, every moment you miss out on getting wisdom from them is a loss for you. Every moment you want to take the most of it. I mean, I have personal experience with this. And you might too There are people, very few people in our life are a

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source of real wisdom. And if you have those kinds of people, you know that they're very sought after a company. So you getting their undivided attention is not easy. And if you do get it, you want to cherish every moment that you possibly can to capture whatever wisdom they have to offer you. There are some teachers in different parts of the world that I look up to, I'll travel and not to go and give a talk or a speech, I'll just travel to go see them and ask them questions. And if they can give me an hour of their time, 20 minutes of their time, I'll be grateful because those 20 minutes are more valuable to me than five, six hours of studying on my own. That wisdom to me is

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priceless. That company is priceless. So with the wise, every moment is precious, and it's a close, intimate relationship with a teacher, a mentor, an elder, someone who cares and loves for you and therefore gives you wisdom. Okay, so these are the four Names of Allah, that are described inside of this ayah, the king, the pure, the authority, and the wise, this was some things about Imam Razi, and how he framed these names together, I want to add some of my own observations to that observation. And I'd like to share with you that these four Names of Allah can be further paired up, there are four of them, you can divide them into two pairs. And those two pairs will be the first

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and the third name are similar. And the second and the fourth name have something in common. So one in three, two, and four. Now, let me put words to that. That would mean that the king and the authority have something in common, and the pure and the y's have something in common.

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So let's talk about that. On the one hand, it should be obvious to many of you, what are the king in the authority have in common, a king is an authority. And a king, ideally, is also a respected authority, they have a lot in common, and they both demand loyalty. They are, you know, they're they're authorities that have to be respected, they have to be obeyed. You have to you have to recognize that they're up here and you're down here, you know, and authority is superior, or Kinga superior, they're royal and you're a subject, you're down here. These names of Allah, what are they? What effect do they have? The effect they have is they make me loyal to Allah, obedient to Allah,

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humble before Allah, they make me afraid of Allah. They may even be intimidating to me. They're overwhelming to me about the power and the grandeur of Allah and my insignificance. That's what these names highlight what two names and Malik and Aziz, they are about the greatness of Allah and therefore how miniscule and insignificant I become, you know, I become humbled before these two names. But if you look at the other two names, I'll produce and I'll Hakeem the pure and the wise. Well purity, refinement cannot be experienced from a distance like those first two names. purity and refinement is when you get close to someone and you see their mannerisms and you wisdom is something

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that when someone puts their hand over your shoulder and gives you advice and understands your situation, and then gives you exactly relevant counsel, pertaining to your situation, I'm reminded particularly in the matter of Al Hakim of the story of Look, man in the Quran, Look, man lovingly gives advice to his son and Allah says, Allah God, Athena Luqman al hikmah, we gave Lockman wisdom and then he imparts that wisdom on to his son, that that that intimate, close loving relationship, part of that is imparting wisdom. You can't just get wisdom from a distance you have to develop a relationship with somebody for them to impart wisdom relevant to your life to you. The other song on

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the first side, I'll produce refined company, pure company company whose presence makes you feel better about yourself brings you peace. In a sense, you can think of it like I like to think about produce an Al Hakim, period also in a sense that when you're in the company of someone pure, your heart starts getting purified. And when you're in the company of someone wise, your mind starts getting clear.

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FIDE with their wisdom, right? So it's hearts and minds that are being refined by the produce, and the Hakim, the pure and the wise. So two names are distant, Royal, grand, even intimidating, and two names are close and friendly, and they they bring you near, that kind of makes it seem like these four names are near, or rather far the near and far the near. There's a push and a pull going on, as far as how I'm to react to these names between myself and Allah, that dichotomy and that tension is actually something beautifully articulated in the Quran. And they're both necessary components of my relationship with Allah, that distance and that closeness with Allah. First, I want to give you an

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example of it. And the example my favorite example of it, among many is the example of Musa alayhis, salaam, Moses when he saw the fire he was with his family, and he saw a fire up top the mountain and he told his family you stay here, I see a fire. Maybe I'll get some directions there. Little did he know he's going to be meeting with a law when he goes up there. When he gets there. What's the first experience he has? Allah says yamasa in the anara book first leg, Musa There is no doubt I am your master take your shoes off then in Knoxville waddle Mukunda, you are no doubt in the sacred valley of Thor. He's intimidated. Allah has established his mastery over him. He's just a slave. Take your

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shoes off, show proper etiquette. This is a intimidating relationship and immediately following that, what does the law say? Well, I have to confess them.

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And I'm the one that has chosen you I have selected you. Listen carefully to the inspiration being given like a blessing I see good in you. That's why this choice has been made. He's making him feel comfortable. Now all of a sudden its closeness with him. And immediately following that, and many other La La ilaha illa ferragni I am no doubt Allah know what is to be worshipped and obeyed besides me, be my slave and slave yourself to me worship me. That's again mastery and slavery unintimidating a powerful relationship. And immediately following that a close relationship with alchemists Allah tala decree established the prayer so you can remember me remembrance of Allah of course is a matter

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of the heart and a matter of closeness with Allah. Following that again he scares him and says the hour is coming in assata altean accardo Fie Holly to Jacqueline fcmb matassa filaria sudanic and harmala umino Bihar wa hufa. Tada. The hour is coming on Kimi keeping it almost entirely hidden. So every person gets paid gets compensated in accordance with the efforts they made. Don't let anybody distract you, especially the one who doesn't believe in it distract you from it, and they follow their own way and fall off a cliff literally he says photopic because he's standing on a cliff. So he says they fall off a cliff figuratively you might fall literally. As moose is terrified of

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Judgment Day. He says one. cabbie aminika Moosa. What is in your right hand there Moosa. What's there? What's that in your right hand? Like a casual conversation, bringing him close again, I wanted to highlight this because this happens all over the Quran. But now it's important to understand why. Why does that happen? Why are some names intimidating us, scaring us, establishing a laws authority and other names making him a friend and a close ally? You know, even someone we love and who loves us? Those two things don't go hand in hand. How are they always there together? You see, if you only have a relationship with a law about authority,

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then you're going to be so scared of Allah, and so terrified of Allah, that you will lose all hope.

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If you have a relationship with Allah, that's all friendship and love. Allah loves me, he knows what I'm going through. I love him, he's my best friend, etc, etc. You know what happens with friends, friends don't have authority over each other. Friends start saying, Yeah, I crossed the line, but someone, he's my friend, he loves me too much. If we became entirely connected to Allah, through his authority, we would become hopeless and fearful only it would be a very depressing outlook on our relationship with Allah. If our relationship with the love was only about closeness only about friendship and intimacy, we would end up taking advantage of that relationship and disobeying him

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and not regarding his guidelines. A love keeps that balance between those two things just like he does between hope and fear. It's between authority and closeness, that he maintains that balance and that balance is so beautifully knit together. In the first I have the Surah Al Malik Al cudos, al Aziz al Hakim, the king, the pure, the authority, the wise, they're close and far close and far over and over against Panama. So now we're ready now that I've given you a recap of these four names, the king, the pure, the authority and the whys. Now I'd like to talk to you about my second discussion, which is about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And the four tasks Allah gave him I want to

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share first of all the ayah with you and then we'll we'll discuss it in some detail and I'll briefly translate it for you to who will levy basophil Amina Rasulullah Minh home, yet new Allah him It will use a key him when you are limited

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Wilkie taba when hikma were in can woman calm Lula fievel Ali moving. He is the one who appointed among the unlettered a messenger from within them Minh home. Yet Lu la hemmati, who recites on to them who narrates onto them, his miracles, his iaat. His revelations are miracles you can call the IRS will use a key him and he purifies them when you allow Mohamed Kitab. And he teaches them It says the book but you can understand that as the law, the term Kitab in the Quran, many places is used for the law. So he teaches them the law. While hikma and the wisdom, once again, summarizing the translation and I'll conclude it. He's the one who appointed among the unlettered a messenger

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among them, who does four things. Here's what they are. He teaches them he recites the eye onto them, he narrates onto them, or introduces them to the miracles. He purifies them, he teaches them the law, and the wisdom. That's the fourth thing we encounter in public life, people are immobile, even though for much before they had been immersed in obvious misguidance these people were lost for many, many centuries, many, many generations, obviously lost, worshipping all kinds of false gods and pagan idols. Right. So that's the commentary made in this ayah. Here, once again, four tasks have been highlighted, reciting the purification, the messenger purifies your limb, human kitabi

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teaches them the law, and it teaches them wisdom. In order to understand these four tasks, the first thing I want to share with you is the fact that the Prophet of Allah Salallahu alaihe, Salam among all of the other prophets carries a unique burden. Being the last messenger isn't just the fact that your last on the list, it means you have the heaviest load that has ever been given. No other prophet is coming to guide humanity. So what he has been given, and what he must deliver in those 23 years, isn't just ness, it's not isn't just necessary that it transforms his immediate audience, he has to be given something that is going to continue to transform humanity until the day of judgment,

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the way profits used to transform people. The job that was done previously by profits must now be done by this one profit for every nation, every ethnicity, every generation, every society to come until Judgment Day. That's the burden on our messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And on top of all of that, you know, messengers used to be given the this, this, this miracles, and grand miracles to be able to bring about their changes to be able to convince people like Messiah and the staff, he's only going to be given the Quran, he's not going to be given anything else. But in order to understand the beauty of these and the flow of these four tasks, and depth, I'd like to start this

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discussion with an analogy. And I think it ties in some of the key concepts that are being communicated here. And these I

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imagine that there's a town that's kind of backwards is a village, not very civilized people live there, they kind of live they, they don't have much in the way of law or infrastructure refinement. And one day, they see an entourage of horses, you know, back in the day, horses decked out soldiers in uniforms, and an ambassador coming with them, and the ambassador's dressed in clothes they've never seen before. Clearly, these people are not from around here. And he opens up this grand scroll and starts reading them a message from a king who would like to annex their village, he liked to take over their village and offer them the benefits of being part of their kingdom and, you know,

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starts giving them all of this, this message from this king. And these people look at him and say, first of all, it's obvious you're not from here. But how do we know you're actually hear from a king? What proof do you have? So he shows them, you know, coins, he shows them treasures that can only possibly belong to a king, he gives them some kind of indication that he represents royalty. If they're convinced, they say, you know what, we'll hear him out, we'll want to hear what this king has to say, you know, we're kind of impressed with the entourage and everything he brought and the proofs of his his grand royalty, we're gonna give him a shot. But if you're going to go to that

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company of that King, you're going to go meet him, then you're going to have to address your best. You're gonna have to dress for the occasion and observe proper protocol, you're gonna have to refine yourself, you're gonna have to purify yourself keeping track, keep keep in mind what we're talking about in the IETF. MIT when

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you go meet this king, and the king says, if you want to be part of my kingdom here, the laws you have to follow. Here the regulations you must now adopt, this will become your constitution. And he overtime develops these people, and they implement more and more of the laws of the kingdom until they themselves become a very refined, well developed, well, well established, sophisticated society, and only as they develop and grow, do they start learning the advantages of becoming a more sophisticated nation, they didn't see the wisdom and some of that law before, but now they start seeing that wisdom, they went through this process of refinement. I wanted to give you that analogy

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because it's kind of like what the messenger did select them, but there are some differences.

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The commonality, however, is that those people that the Prophet came to have not had a message from their king. For many, many generations were encountered when coupled with a few bodily moving. The first thing, what did the messenger do? he recited Allah does not yet know Allah him it. People heard the message of the Quran and he's claiming that this is from God, it's from Allah. They said, How do you know it's from Allah? How do we know? What proof do you have that this is from Allah, the words of Allah are so powerful, we're so grand, we're so imitable, you couldn't produce something like them. You were so overwhelmed by them, that the audience that would hear it would know

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immediately that those words don't belong to a human being. They were experiencing the miracle of Allah's words directly. And that alone was humbling them. There were instances where people came to debate with the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, and he would recite it out and he would get to an IRA where Allah commands everyone fall into such the disbelievers, the entire congregation of them would fall in frustration. That happened. The Quran, Quran words overpowered them. And that's the first thing the Prophet did introduce people to the miraculous power of the Quran yet Lu la himayat. He, he's introducing them. And while he's introducing them, they are in awe, that this this does not

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belong to this human being. This is coming from a much more grand, much more royal, much more powerful source. Then some people were in so much all of that word that they wanted to accept that word and recognize that they want to now become purified. These were the people that then come accompany the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam, they became they came all around him, they hovered around him, they formed a society around him. And he would give them constant reminder for that good enough it reminded reminder has any benefit in color, meaning continuous reminder is going to benefit believers, the prophet SAW someone would continuously give them a reminder through the word

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of Allah. And through that reminder, two things happened. Their hearts start being purified of greed, of jealousy of materialism, of want and worry about worldly things. They're their heart start becoming more and more connected to a line less and less connected to material things. They start seeing things in a more refined and beautiful way. But their minds start getting refined to their thought process starts changing. They start criticizing things they previously didn't criticize. They started appreciating things previously, they didn't appreciate a purification is happening because of their constant exposure to Revelation. This Koran is transforming them with this regular

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exposure. This is what use a key him his purifying them. And when they reach the point of purification, their hearts and minds were completely submitted before Allah after they were in all villas, miracles already, these became the strongest of people, people that were willing to leave everything behind and when Allah gave them laws, finally when Allah started giving them laws, when he started telling them that certain foods that you've been eating your whole life, you can no longer eat certain drinks that are addictive in nature, wine and alcohol addictive in nature, that you've been enjoying your entire life. Today's the day you stop drinking, that's it. Certain

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clothing, you know, women that loved beautifying themselves and dressing up and going out in social gatherings and doing all of that. And then chorion comes and says, No, From today on, you're going to dress like this and gave them laws. When Allah gave those laws, these people were immediately ready to implement those laws. Why did that happen? Because two things had already happened over a long period of time. Yet literally him it. They were in awe of Allah's miracle. They were humbled by buzzwords, and they were constantly being purified by reminder. And then finally they were ready to learn the law. I'm reminded I always repeated because it's such epic words by Chateau de la, la, la,

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la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la,

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la la la la Helena through Cal hombre Abaddon. She says if the first thing ever revealed in the Quran was don't drink alcohol, we would have said, well law, he will never stop the consumption of alcohol ever. We will never give it up. Because we weren't purified yet. That's the point that she's making, you know. So here, we get to it him it is a very powerful actually, when you go home when Kitab teaches them the book is a very, very powerful reminder that we have to internalize that laws. The regulations of Islam aren't just taught just like that, do this, don't do this. This is what we do with our children nowadays. This is how long this is how long this is how long if you really want

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them to transform, then they have to go through the same process that the Quran identified here, you know. Now, finally, is the endless journey while hikma and he teaches them the wisdom. Why do I call that the endless journey? See, laws are a finite set of regulations. It's a number of rules. This is prohibited. This is prohibited. This is prohibited. This is a mandatory requirement. This is what you must you must pray five times a day if you can afford to you must go to HUD you must fast and DOMA federal law. Laws are finite and regular regulated. There's not an infinite number of laws in Islam, but we'll

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them is an entirely different entity. Wisdom is an endless lifelong pursuit. The Quran didn't just come here to give us laws. The Quran came to give us endless lifelong wisdom, my entire life will be spent exploring the wisdom of the Quran. And I will leave this world having only captured a few drops. That's the nature of wisdom. And so Laszlo just says that finally he teaches them the wisdom. He teaches them a way to engage with this book and draw more and more and more treasures from it. And this is done by means of reflection and contemplation of Allah. Tada.

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Don't they ponder deeply upon the Quran? You know, this is the process that was given. By the way, one more thing about about wisdom is that wisdom also starts teaching you the wisdom behind the laws, it starts actually showing you that Islam isn't just a bunch of regulations. It's actually a moral code. It's a spiritual code. These laws have a spiritual benefit or moral benefit. You know, that's wisdom behind the laws that starts becoming manifest as you study. These are the four steps of transformation that the prophets Isilon was given. Now we get to one of my favorite parts in this presentation.

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And that is how these four parts that I just shared with you were able to transform that society that had been lost for many, many, many generations. Allah is telling us that the Quran cannot be underestimated. The Quran cannot be it's not just a book that you read. The Quran is a book that you use to be completely transformed. These four tasks of the Prophet I remind you, again, he recites the I art. He purifies them, he teaches them the law, he teaches them the wisdom are actually perfectly superimposed on the four names of a law that I started this discussion with. This is one of my favorite parts of this presentation.

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You know, Allah azza wa jal will say and remind you of those four names. The king,

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the pure, the authority, the wise, go back to the king.

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The king is known by when people came and saw this ambassador, they were skeptical, are you really from a king? What did you have to show them proof?

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What are the ions? When the messenger recites the IOD onto the people? When he shows them the miracles? What is he actually doing? He's now showing them the proof that this can only be from a lot through the IR they get to know their king. Notice also even in the introduction to the Quran, one of the first introductions to Allah Al hamdu, lillahi Rabbil alameen Rahim molecule, now this closest to him. And then there's this grander the king, the kingdom of Allah, the kingdom of God or the king of the Day of Judgment, the master and the Owner of the Day of Judgment. Now,

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the king is known by his signs so yet literally him it. That's how people will be in all the law, when they're introduced to the miracle of the Quran. The second name of Allah was all good news. And good news means what the pure, think about what is the second task of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam in the second Ayah we'll use a key him and he purifies them. The pure is the name of Allah, and inspired by that name. This is what your messenger does. He purifies people by bringing them closer to the pure, this name and this task of the prophets I saw them are corresponding to each other. This is what the prophet is doing. He's bringing these four Names of Allah into people's

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hearts. He's instilling them into people's hearts. If you look at the third name, or the third Name of Allah, Allah as he is the ultimate authority, the authority that should be respected. And what is it already, if not the lawgiver, and authority is the lawgiver. The messengers iclm, then teaches the law, the law on behalf of who on behalf of the authority, whose authority should be respected until you develop an honor and respect for that authority. Until you don't realize that everything that authority does is there to purify you, you will not be able to implement that law, you will not be able to live by that law that you're supposed the way you're supposed to. So because he's alive,

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He is the messenger fulfills that that is of a law by teaching the people the law of Allah Z's the Constitution of that authority. Then finally, unless last name in the first ayah was al Hakim, the wise and what is the name of Allah that Al Hakim corresponding to in the activity of the prophet SAW Selim the task of the prophets I send them he says soprano what Allah will you only Mohamed Kitab al hikmah he teaches them wisdom, it is Allah The ultimately wise, who will now teach his messenger to inspire wisdom into his followers into his into the subjects those who will accept this call and accept this faith Subhana Allah, for Names of Allah directly superimposed on the four tasks given to

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the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. This is the incredible, incredible journey of the Quran that people went through to instill those names that the heavens and the earth recognize when they declare his perfection. What a lie saying is if you can internalize these names you

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will be in harmony with the heavens in the earth that's what the Prophet came to do is to bring to you the order that is already all around you. You know Allah will say for example a shampoo Welcome to the husband when Nigeria Sudan, the star in this the tree do such that why is he telling us the truth the star in the tree do saya or the birds do this be? Allah says the Burj Dubai has to be, you know, what imitate and allow yourself to be humble to be you know what like a lot of Kahuna to be ha ha mistletoe? Is there anything that doesn't declares perfection? How can we but you can understand that now we're going to be in harmony with the rest of creation around us. You know, having said all

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of that, now I get to the juicy part, how do we think about self transformation? The profit slice alone was given. It's an interesting question before I get to the prophesies that I'm, you know, we, we think of this amazing transformation that happened. And since I was little, maybe you've heard this too. If you've been attending club buzz and sermons your whole life, how great those companions were, how amazing their change was, what incredible human transformation they went through and what amazing submission to a lead. They demonstrated. And you keep hearing about them. You keep asking yourself, yeah, that was them. What about me? I mean, they were awesome. I get it. I'm clearly not,

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I might capable of that kind of transformation. Is the Quran only talking to me about an incredible historical transformation? Or is it telling me something I myself am capable of? Look at the third eye a look at what Allah says, well, Medina min home lamb male Haku be him wahoo Allah xyzal Hakeem, there are other than them. Those who are not from the Arabs and others in them could also mean other generations that haven't yet joined them. This is the third eye there are other than the other than themselves, who haven't yet joined them. And

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will Hakeem and he is the ultimate authority, all wise. Allah is already saying this incredible spiritual, moral, ethical revolution is not limited to these few people in the company of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. This is something that is meant to continue because he is the final messenger, others haven't yet joined them. They will never have met their Prophet, but they'll meet the Quran. They'll never have met the companions but they'll meet the same transformation. They're coming. They're on the way by saying that even the companions of the Prophet or somewhere like others, who are these others, manhart Allah, we were sitting in the company of the Prophet they say,

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could not be loosened and unappeasable Allahu alayhi salam, we were sitting in the company of the prophets of Salaam when not you know de la Soto Juma the sukumar came down, the surah came down, and when he started reciting he recited others haven't yet joined them. What are Kadena mean? Hola, Maya hakobyan. They haven't joined him yet. And when they heard this, I they're like, man, how old I am. Salalah Who are these people? And the prophets of Salaam looks at salmonella Farsi.

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He looks at Savannah Farsi. And now, before I tell you what happens next, you need to know something about submodel Farsi. If you don't know his name is for those of you who don't know, his name is Amanda Persian, tells you where he's from. He's from Persia. He was born and raised in a Zoroastrian fire worshipping priestly family. His family was part of the religious clergy of fire worship. he denounced his religion couldn't take it didn't make sense to him, he sought the one true God and he was, you know, persecuted, imprisoned, tortured, because of his belief. He was an embarrassment, his family, he escaped prison, runs off, seeking truth and ends up in the mentorship of a Christian monk

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who teaches them previous teachings and previous scripture. You know, the Old Testament, the Hebrew Bible and teaches them the messenger traditionalism, Jesus also teaches them the signs of a final coming prophet who's going to come in the land of Medina. So modifiers he says, I need to go there. If there's a sign any any hope that a final prophet is coming, I want to go and see. So he goes and actually gets caught up, gets enslaved ends up in Medina as a slave and remains there waiting in anticipation for the Prophet size on them. And when the prophet SAW I'm finally came to Medina, he presented himself and said, this is how I've come, I came seeking you. You know, I come back to the

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story. This is a person who was in an environment that had nothing to do with Islam, had no message no preaching to him, he sought the truth himself and ended up in the company in the footsteps of the Prophet sizer. Now, this is the men, people ask the Prophet when this ayah came, others haven't yet joined. Who are they? He pointed at Solomon in Farsi

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and said you know, local Eman and the Surya if faith were so far it was on planet Jupiter lunala who the gentlemen Hakuna men like him, people like him would have reached it. There are people that are going to be on a quest no matter where they are in the world. How far away from Islam they are, how they have no idea what like la lala is they have no knowledge of the Arabic language or of Muslim society or nothing. They don't know what Quran is no revelation is nothing. They have no clue whatsoever and those people are going to find Allah

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And he says these are the people that are less talking about in this journey. In other words, that that transformation did not stop with that generation. It continues by pointing at Solomonic fantasy. The Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was, in fact pointing at all of us, he was telling us the transformation that you and I are capable of. And so we need to understand what it means to engage in that journey of transformation. This is what I want to share with you now towards the conclusion, I don't want you to just experience or just hear this theory of transformation, I want to let you know that I've turned that sort of into a mission of my own. How can I help myself

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and others engage in that journey of self transformation, we feel that we have a solution to implement the lessons that I've talked to you today in this ayah through something we call the inner TV, some of you are familiar with it, but I'd like to introduce to you how the inner TV operates. And what we're hoping to accomplish for yourselves in it. It is it is at the end of the day, my life mission, everything I try to do is to create this resource so people can experience the transformation that I'm myself, I'm so inspired by, and I hope that you will expect accept this journey from me what I told you about the tasks of the prophets lesson, let's go back to that.

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Archie before that, let me tell you what * TV is about. It's about you going on a journey through the entire Quran in a way that that brings light into your life in a in a way that you can manage. I know people are busy, some of you are moms, some of you are working professionals, college students, you have different engagements in life, we're always going to be busy. We need to have an engagement with the Quran. For those who cannot drop everything and just study the Quran full time. We need an engagement with Dr. Rhonda we can systematically continuously and seriously make progress with the Quran on our own schedule. So here's our plan for you. The first plan for you is to study

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just the fact that number one, that's all I'd like you to do is study the fact that we've put a recording of the fact they had together I delivered it some years ago. And the purpose of this isn't just to introduce you to the Quran. Of course the best introduction to Allah and to the Quran itself is Allah's own introduction, which is the first Sula, the Fatiha. But the way I present it is to highlight how is it actually so beautiful, it can only be divine. Like, I'm not just translating it, and teaching you some of the lessons inside the fact that I'm trying to highlight is miraculous, miraculous beauty and power. That's what I'm trying to do. I really love this stuff. Particularly I

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have a special bond with it. Because I've met people who used to be pastors and people who followed other faiths who came to Islam because they heard this though they heard this explanation of the Fatiha. So I feel that that's an important start and an important part of our contribution for you the study of the fact that

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once you're done with the study of the fact how my hope is that you're now curious about the rest of the Quran, if it is so unique, so beautiful, so remarkable. What else have I been missing out? And

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what else does it have to offer? And that's where I'd like you to take you to divine speech. Divine speech is a program I put together many years ago, I traveled many parts of the world teaching this seminar, and it's been recorded now 100 line available on being a TV, I'll tell you simply the purpose of divine speech. And the way I like to define the purpose of divine speech is what happens at the end of divine speech. When you're done with divine speech, you're supposed to be able to come out and say, Wow, this is definitely from Allah.

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This is not the word of a human being. That's all. I'm not even trying to convince you. I'm just trying to show you what makes the Koran remarkably unex inexplicably beautiful. inexplicably just humbling, overpowering. That's all I'm trying to do. I traveled with it. And I talked to seminars, sometimes even the universities and other places and non Muslims attended and to my account, at least in front of me 15 people that I know of took Shahada, this program, they were transformed just I didn't do this. It's just I'm just explaining what I've come to understand about the power and beauty of the Quran through the second step called divine speech. Here now that you've done, you

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know, your urine of the Quran, now you want to take that next step, that third step is going to be to get a picture of what the message of the Quran is all about.

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An overview, you know,

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an overview, a thematic overview of the Quran, the major subject matters in the Quran. The way that this course was put together is I took passages from the Quran that represent some of the main concepts in the Quran. If you visualize the Quran as a building, these are the pillars holding it together. So if you study these few passages, you have a pretty good idea of the subject matter of the Quran. So no matter where in the Quran you're studying, you can tie it to one of these passages, right? That's the notion behind it. So before you study the entire Quran, you get kind of a bird's eye view, and a pretty decent color notion of the major subject matter within it. That's the you

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know the the overview of the Quran a thematic overview of the Quran. From there now you're actually ready to embark on a step by step journey into the entire Quran. But I don't want you to do that too in depth yet I want you to have a good view of the entire good read a guided

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Read the entire book. And that's why I put together a concise commentary on the Quran. This video series is just you listen to 1520 minutes of Quran every day, little by little by little. And as you keep going and making progress in your, in your reading of the Quran, it doesn't matter if it takes you two years or five years 10 It doesn't even matter. But you're getting drops of the Quran in translation with brief explanation, especially the parts that are hard to understand that are commonly misquoted or miss translated parts that are particularly confusing. I'll highlight in simple language, hey, this is what it actually means, or here are some of the lessons that come from

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this, but not too in depth, it's not overwhelming.

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The point of it is you're getting your daily dose of Quran now. And you're going through the entire Quran this way, this is the Quran, a concise commentary. And then comes the final step to me my favorite step actually, and you don't want to jump the gun and get there. First, I'd like you to go through this process, and take your time with it. The final step is what we call a deeper look. And deeper look is what I decided to do myself and you will experience this too. Once you go through the course on one end to the other, you'll realize there's so much more I want to learn. I passed it's like I touched the surface of the ocean, there's so much going on deeper, I want to go back and

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experience it again and again and again and again. And so what I decided to do a few years ago is I restarted my study of the entire Quran, I am studying it like I assuming I've never studied it before. And I try to study it in more depth than I've ever tried to study it before. I've actually even put together in vain Alhamdulillah I'm very grateful we have a research team put together that helps me study the Quran in depth before the in depth lectures are given. So that I can we can make our best effort in trying to offer you a deeper meaning and a

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more profound understanding of the word of Allah to the best of our ability. That's the deeper look, that's something I'm going to be engaged in for the foreseeable future. I see years and years ahead of me, where I'm going to be doing a deeper look. And that's what I want for you is to be engaged in this journey to go along. It's I'm not interested in you finishing the journey. I'm just interested in you taking a step in that journey. And that's what brings me to the conclusion of this webinar. These five items that I mentioned to you starting with the Fatiha doing divine speech, doing the the overview of thematic overview of the Quran, the concise commentary and the deeper look, these five

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steps, you know what they're inspired by, they're inspired by those four tasks given to the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, that's what I want to show you the first task of the Prophet slicin unless you have to either him it hemmati he introduces people to the miracles introduces people to the Grand art, you know, the amazing word of Allah that humbles them before they're King. That is actually the thought behind putting the Fatiha series and the divine speech series together. You go through those two steps, because that's our way of giving you some taste of yet Lu la hemmati. That's that first task of the Prophet site.

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The second task of the prophecy Salaam was we'll use a key him. He cleanses them he purifies and how did he purify them? continuous consistent reminder, the thematic overview and then the concise commentary of the Quran. What are we hoping it is for you? continuous consistent reminder, it's the means by which we're hoping your hearts are purified, your your minds are purified, you're listening to 1520 minutes a day on your commute. And you're finding advice that will guide your day, you're going to find relevance more and more and more of the Quran in your life because you're getting a daily dosage, dosage constantly. I don't actually expect you to sit with a pen and paper and do

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this. I just need you to get exposed. That's all that in itself has a cleansing effect. But so if you go back to the tasks of the Prophet, it was yet to Allah hemmati, which is here divine speech and Fatiha in Divine speech will use a key and purifies them purifies them. We're hoping through the constant reminder of you know, the the thematic overview, and the concise commentary. But then the prophet SAW Selim was given that latter task which was he teaches them the law and the wisdom and teaching obviously, is when you become a student, and you have a teacher, it's more in depth, it's engaging. Now, you know, you have to put pen and paper together. And that's when we put the deeper

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look together. The deeper look study is looking at the Quran in depth so we can learn the law and learn some of the wisdom of the Quran to the best of our ability. That's the journey I'm recommending all of you take I genuinely Jen, if you were sitting, I'm talking to you through Facebook Live. We there may be 1000s of miles between us. But please think of me as someone sitting in your living room right now. I genuinely mean well for you. If you came to me personally, I met you at an airport at a restaurant somewhere and said we'll start How do I study the Quran? This is The advice I'd give you. This is my personal advice to you. I can tell with no strings attached. I

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just like you to be part of this journey. Don't delay don't procrastinate. Don't spend hundreds and hundreds of hours doing this immediately. No, all I need is little by little by little hydel moody at one hour in color Prophet says the best deeds are the ones that are the most consistent. Even if they're a little that's all that we're asked. We just need to be if I can die in this journey through the Quran. I have succeeded.

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That's all I care about. That's all I want for you. So if you can, if you trust my advice, this is the journey I want you to embark upon, go to Don't delay, just sign up today, there's a there's a two week trial that I've put together with my team. So you can get an idea of how things work. Give it a shot, you know, make some commitment that in the morning commute, you know, or, you know, in the afternoon or in the evening, before you go to sleep, you'll take your daily dose just a little bit, just a little bit, just a little bit. And I'm hoping that through this and some of you are familiar, there's 1000s of videos of me on YouTube, there's tons of I talk a lot. My mom tells

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me, right I there's tons of content all over the place. Yes, it is. But it's scattered. This is a plan of study. This is like you've taken me as a tutor for your Koran studies. That's what this is. So with me and my colleagues, we're hoping you embark in this Koran journey. And I honestly genuinely pray that each one of you is blessed in this journey, but you and I don't become lazy in this journey that Allah brings. It is and beauty in our life and benefits and Baraka to ourselves, our children, our loved ones, people around us are inspired because of the light that we continuously receive from Allah, his book, my intention of putting this together is to make him

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happy. your intention should be to make him happy just to connect His word, y'all, I just want to understand your word better. I want to live by your word better. I want to be inspired inside of my heart with your word better. That's all. That's all the TV is about. I don't care about anything else. If we did nothing else, this is all we did. I'd be happy, I'd be completely happy. And I'd be so happy for you. If you give us the honor of embarking on this journey with you. I hope to see you in sha Allah with Allah and his two week trial get started. Let friends and family know I would even say let non Muslim friends and family know about it, get them a subscription I have employees who

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gave the subscription to their parents, non Muslim parents who will be listening to their support on you know, Christian mothers, you know, that are that are going through. So Talia and Ron and studying it. Why not? Let them be introduced to Facebook, what better way for them to learn about Islam and the Quran itself, that Allah speak to them directly. So I'm hoping that this is a service that Allah accepts from all of us. I'm so grateful that all of you attended today. I'm very, I'm really also very excited that we've also put an app together. So those of you that want to listen to our stuff and can watch the videos, you can actually download downloadable audio within the app

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itself. So you can find it on the App Store.

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You know, the iPhone app is available and Android is also available. So it's a neat way to be able to consume the stuff in Charlottetown even if you're on the go. I hope I genuinely hope you take advantage. Thanks so so very much for listening today Giacomo lokalen salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan delivers a concise, explicit lecture that deals with the Noble Qur’an and how this Book of Allah changed the world in 23 years and how it will change us too provided we seek earnest help in this regard.

Key points of interest in this impeccable lecture:

  • Just as the heavens and earth are obedient to Allah SWT, so is the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. 
  • The Quran is like a life-giving water. 
  • 23 years of the Message of Allah given to the Prophet ﷺ helped transform the value system of individuals and society, thereby, leading to an incredible change in the world.
  • 4 Names of Allah are mentioned here – Al-Malik (The King), Al Quddus (The Pure), Al Aziz (The Authority) and Al-Hakim (The Wise). The King who is Noble, Pure, The Authority commanding respect, The Wise are those Names that instantly connect with us and garner our attention. The first and the third inspire awe, the second and the fourth bring us closer to Allah.
  • 4 tasks highlighted for the Prophet ﷺ – the power of the words of Allah, constant reminder leading to purification, the laws(finite), wisdom (infinite pursuit by reflection on the Quran).

An interesting point that is noteworthy and deserves a fair mention is that the 4 Names of Allah discussed above when superimposed on the 4 tasks handed over to the Prophet of Allah ﷺ helps in creating harmony and peace in the societies and the entire Muslim world. Exemplary and thought-provoking!

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