Nouman Ali Khan – Happiness Fun And Pleasure

Nouman Ali Khan

AI: Summary ©

The transcript describes a video game called[Salam Alethioens' Warmth, designed by Sharon Lillipped and created by children for their love for cars. The game is entertaining and sad, but also has sadness. The speaker emphasizes the importance of showing oneself to others and selling oneself to others, staying true to one's values, avoiding false assumptions, and staying true to one's values. The transcript also touches on the impact of rain in agriculture, the difficulty of planting seeds, and the importance of working full-time to achieve harvest.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam

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ala MBA, he will mousseline rather early he was

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below him in a gym. animal. Animal Hayato Daniela even while I was in Ottawa, hold on. By Nakamoto Catherine Phil and Wiley will

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come SLE racing algebra co founder and CEO Maya Haeju Katara homos for sumaiya Punahou Tama woodfill harati. Audubon chedid. Filomena la one woman higher to dunya Illa Mata all rubbish acne surgery where silly Md melissani of Coco de manera. But I mean,

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if I can accomplish in the next 20 or less minutes sharing with you some lessons from just one I have the Quran I think I've done my job. This is an IRA that belongs to this little Hadid. Wait, hold on.

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He wants to go that way.

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And he's crying and you brought him to the stage. Okay, it's okay.

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All right. What was I talking about? How many I am going to talk about, just one belongs to Surat Al Hadid. Surah number 57 of the Quran, which is a Madani surah which means that the predominant subject of the surah is addressing the Muslim community. There are suitors of the Quran that are Madani in which predominantly the subject matter is addressing all of humanity, because it was an invitation to all of humanity. But then there are places in the Quran especially Medina Koran, where there the Muslim community is the primary audience. They're the ones listening, you can't hear me. I'm sorry, all I can do. Okay.

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So now in this Madani surah

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what Allah azza wa jal gives us is a summary of the things we run after in life. And he begins by saying no more, you had better No, you had better No, it's a commandment from Allah for something for us to realize. But the things he says are really obvious. But perhaps there are things that we don't take into consideration when living out our lives. He says no more a number higher to dunia live, worldly life amounts to nothing more than play. I didn't understand this aisle properly enough until I became a father myself. As our children are growing up, there are needs and there are wants, we all know that. And our children, when they're born, all they have are needs they need to drink

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their milk, they need to poop, they need to get some sleep and the cycle begins again. But as they get a little bit bigger, a want comes into play my child who's six months old, nine months old, a year old, they really want to play, they want to be held thrown up and down tickled. They can't just sit there and eat food and go to sleep. They want to mess they want to play peekaboo, they want to play. It's a desire naturally that comes into a child. I used to I remember, like a crazy incident that reminded me of this ayah there's a place in America that every sister here knows about it's almost a religious obligation on Muslim sisters to go once a week to target. Right. So I was

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fulfilling my religious obligation taking my family to target and I was in charge of our at that time, you know, our first son when he or rather I forget names all the time now. I just call him number three. What are you number four, sorry for Come here, you know. So anyway, my dad was like two years old at the time. And you know, boys, when you take them to the grocery store, they just want to knock everything over in the aisle. Because it's really entertaining for them to watch. You pick it up and put it back. So I need to keep him busy. So I go to the toy section. And there's this giant ball. Huge was bigger than him. So I take it out and I say you do this son. So he takes the

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thing, he kicks it. And he goes over a little bit more and he kicks it. And he goes over a little and he did pull off of the entire target this way. It was awesome. I didn't have to do anything. I just have to follow him around. And he's getting exhausted. He's sweating. The diaper is starting to smell suspicious. But he's still any kicks at one more time and he falls to the floor. You sitting on his bottom like this. And he's staring at the ball and he's breathing heavy. Like

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I'm coming, I'm coming.

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You know and he gets up and he goes and he's about to kick it again until my wife found out and she picked him up and what are you doing? And he he goes in her arms passes out the second he gets in her arms. Because the most important thing to him at that point was what? Play it's a phase we go through in life. But then a new problem is added to our lifestyle. Allah says no more animal hair to Daniela reborn, while the one and things that are past times law who is actually used for things that aren't technically useful, but they are entertaining

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They're entertaining, and they get your mind off of work. That's called lebu. Technically, our children get a little older and it's not just games. It's not just you know, peekaboo and, you know, let's play tag or hide and seek. Now you want to add something more and be called that entertainment. Tell me a story about

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Hey, can I watch some kind of watch this show? Can I watch Sesame Street? We watch Sesame Street. Okay, I have a fatwa. But anyway, so you know kind of watch Sesame Street can be watched this can be watched that can you tell me a story? Now that's not playing? What is that? That's entertainment. So next phase, it's a new desire that's been added to the arsenal. And of course that entertainment and game playing and entertainment, combined together is now the new video game industry. Right? There are stories and there are gameplay that are combined together and of course the biggest consumers of those things are children. And of course the you know, huge consumers within the Muslim community,

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our children that are buying video games that are way below way above their age level. So nc 17 video game your eight year old is coming to you and telling you mom I really need to get Grand Theft Auto for eight. And if you just get me this one video game learner coonan Amina Sala hain we will be among the righteous if you just get this one game for me. I promise I'll fast every day, etc, etc. So now there was games and there was entertainment. A lot adds a third dimension was ina tune and beautification. Beauty itself. The Xen actually means beautification. Xena means beauty itself. Beauty itself becomes an obsession, you know what that means? That means puberty hits, that means

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you become a teenager. That means you start seeing become really obsessed with how you look. When you were 10 years old, nine years old, you didn't care if your shoes didn't match. You didn't care how you got dressed, you didn't care how anybody else dressed. But now that you're 13 years old sister, you spend 45 minutes in front of a mirror fixing your job, and one side of your job is higher than the other and you're slapping your head as hard as you can. And it's not going down. And your mother's knocking on the door saying is WD Okay, yes, Mom, it's okay.

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etc. And then on the other side, you have guys, they can grow facial hair, but they really think they can. So they're staring really hard in the mirror. It's coming. It's coming. All

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right, and then there's the guys that have the whole beard, but they want to make the perfect pencil. You see those things. So work of art, it's so fine work of engineering. And they'll spend a lot of time doing that even the guy that's like shaved his head and he's bald is checking himself out in the mirror go like this.

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I've seen young men walk to the machine. They're walking to the machine for Juma and they stop and check themselves out in every cars reflection.

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It is so entertaining. Especially if you're sitting in the car and they don't know.

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It's really a lot of fun. But anyway, Xena beautification, it becomes an obsession. You just want you want to look beautiful, you want you're attracted to others that are beautiful. You want to be in a beautiful looking car, you don't invite people to your house, if you don't think it looks beautiful. If your dad drives one of these old busted Chevy's or something, you asked him to drop you off three blocks before the high school, you would rather walk in rather than be seen in that thing, right? Because you're obsessed with beauty, with fashion with clothes. With interior design, you start decorating your room at that age, you start you know, you want to get a car, you want to

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get a nice looking phone, you don't care if it's functioning well or not, you want a nice looking phone, and then you want a nice cover on it too. This is Xena. It's an age you go through. And then this passes too. Because if you see a point comes you become college students, high school age passes your college students now you'll notice college students look like homeless people a lot of times, right they hear is all over the place. They don't brush their teeth, they show up to class just sitting there and T shirt and pajamas, or whatever it is roll out of bed and go to class. They don't care. All they care about is graduating really serious students all they care about is the GPA

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you know and the you know, the internship or whatever else right? And why do they care about that because a new desire has now taken place. And I'm not saying that the previous desires disappear. What were the previous desires in the order? Can you tell me what was number one?

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Playing what was number two?

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entertainment what was number three? beauty? Here's number four showing off to each other what the file Hold on. bainer calm. You want to be able to tell someone you mean something. So you got somebody comes over to you and they're asking you for directions to the convention. And you're like yeah, and I study at NYU.

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I just

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To know where the convention center is, med school, actually,

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nobody cares.

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You just get your job you get your first job. And they offer you a, you know, a job Id like you maybe a job, you got a job at a prestigious company, I don't know, Walmart or something. But you know, you get your job and they give you your badge and you stick it out. You make sure you stick it out. So people see Oh, you work there. Oh, yeah, they give me give me a parking lot parking spot in the parking lot. I took a picture of it here. Check it out. You know, there's a pride you want to show people what you've accomplished. When people graduate, what do they get?

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They get a diploma. And what do they do with their diploma? They stick it in a drawer somewhere where nobody will see it. What do they do? They put it up on the wall. So people walk in and they see it. It's your pride. You want to show people what you've done. People take a picture with a famous person and they want to show others and look like that. I get that.

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I Honest to God, I feel like a statue sometimes at this convention, people come over brother come in, I needed a picture with you. The guy doesn't even see salon man. He has a picture with you. And I get scared. Okay, don't hurt me. Oh, you could take a picture.

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But anyhow, so now we're at the point where your desire is to show people what school you go to where you graduated from what job you have your first apartment, your first car, a car is about showing people what you got. Right? You want you to have that innate desire and a love put that in us. There's something in us and people want to especially young people, they're coming out of the cocoon, they're not under their family anymore. So now they want to show the fact that they're grown adults, and they're living on their own. So it somehow comes up that they have their own apartment, even if nobody asked, it just comes up because they're really proud of the fact that they're living

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on their own. Or they're really proud of the fact that they're at least their first car or something. And it just kind of slips up and it comes up, even though nobody's interested. Right? That so now this stuff is added to the mix. Use you still really like games, you still like entertainment, you still have a sense of beautifying yourself and being attracted to beauty. But now add to that you want to sell show yourself to others. And then even that age passes who stopped? Can you get married?

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You have kids? And then once you have how many people here have kids? Okay, now you know what I'm talking about? all you can think about is what

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the kids saw, you can think about what they need. Do we have groceries enough for breakfast tomorrow? Is are their uniforms ready for school? What is the summer we know when a summer vacation starting, where we can't live in this apartment anymore, we need to move into a house because there's too many kids now and we don't have space anymore. The bills, you know, the clothes, the changing shoe sizes constantly. The hand me downs aren't working anymore. You know, because your son is refusing to wear the pink sneakers, his older sister wore ones you know, etc. So you have to buy new ones now. But now there's a mutually shared concern about making money and stabilizing your

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wealth for yourself and your children. So you're constantly checking the bank account, you have the mobile app and you log in every few hours and check it's still there. Let me check again. It's still there. Okay. All right. It's still the only it went down a little bit. Oh my god, automatically the gas company took out the money. And it burns every time you see that minus like, Ah, you know, Allah says what that cost hold on Phil and Wiley will Allah then a mutually shared urge to have stability in money and stability in children? Now, so far, and by the way, as you get to that age, when you worry about money, so much in a house and savings and retirement account, and all this other or

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college savings for your kids, young people that are still in the earlier stages of desire, earlier stages are what playing entertainment. You talk to them about savings, allowable savings, what are you talking about? I'll never be like my parents. I don't care about a house. I don't care about this or that and talk to me in 20 years, you will go through the same cycle that so many 1000s and millions before you have gone generation after generation after generation. Allah summarizes the things we run after that we think will make us happy that we think will make us happy. Here's all of it. A child thinks they'll be happy when they play a little older when they get entertained, a

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little older, when they feel beautiful, and they get something beautiful and now around them. Things are beautiful, a little older and when they can show off that they've accomplished something and a little older when they feel like they have financial stability. People around the world doesn't matter what religion they have. When they buy a house they look back and they say I've accomplished something. And if they haven't bought a house you asked him what do you want man? I wish I own the property. I wish I oh you know they drive by they live in an apartment they're driving by a nice house. Even a small house in their eyes can't help but go

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and the mind wander wonders

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Man, if I was at a place like that, that'd be nice. That'd be pretty nice. You know, you can't help yourself, but go to a real estate websites and check out houses. You know, you're thinking about moving to another city, you've got three, four years before you can even move, but you're already looking at houses and pictures. And you're calling the wife and saying, hey, look at this one. Look at the bedrooms in this one. Wow, look at the outside of this one. And you can't help yourself, you're in that there's something a lot put inside you. Now this is half the ayah which is good because I reached half my time. This is half the ayah. In this half Allah just describes what are

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the things you and I are running after that we share

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in the second half a lot compares it to something. And I hope you can pay close attention. I know the sound system has got a lot of echo. I hope you can pay attention to the second part because this is where the guidance is from Allah azza wa jal on these pursuits of happiness. This is where the guidance is. He says cometan is a thing as far as to who it is like heavy rain. Now the word for Arabic In Arabic for rain, his motto, motto is rain. Leaf means perfect rain, it's not so much that the land would flood. And it's not so little that the plants won't grow. It is perfect in quantity. That kind of rain is called rain. That is why when we ask Allah for rain, we make this a lot of St.

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latha is the author Why? Because we're asking not just for any kind of rain, we're asking for faith. We're asking for the right kind of rain, because the wrong kind of rain can be death. It can be a flood, it can kill you. It could you could rain, unlucky and rain fire stones from the sky to you want faith rain that brings life. So unless as the example of the things you run after is like perfect rain.

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The farmer who planted the seed in the ground is so happy because of the produce of that rain. Now there's an image here, the farmer in this ayah is called or the farmers are called cocoa farmers. Now you know what kuffaar means in your general vocabulary. What does COVID mean?

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unbeliever just believe it or not in this ayah in this ayah of SoTL Hadid kuffaar are the people who bury seeds in the ground.

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That's what the literal meaning of kofod is. People who bury seeds in the ground, the coffin buries the truth inside himself. That's why it's called a coffin. Anyhow, farmers do a lot of things in the year. But what's the first thing they have to do?

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plant the seed. That's the first thing, then later on, they have to take care of the soil, they have to make sure it gets enough water, they have to make sure it doesn't get infested or infected. They have to do all and make sure it gets enough sun all of these things. But the first thing they have to do and the hardest part of their work is when they are kofod. When they are planting the seed alone refers to is that why? Because that is the hardest work. And that is when you don't see any fruits of your labor. You don't know if the seeds are good or not. You don't know if the insects will come and eat everything or not. You don't even know if it's gonna rain or not. You don't know

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anything. And unlike you and me, I refer to this all the time. If you have a job, you get a paycheck twice a week, but maybe twice a month, right twice a month, you get a paycheck, or maybe weekly. How many times is a farmer get paid once a year, once in an entire year. He has to work the entire year. And then he gets the fruits of his labor. Maybe Maybe he has to work for sure he may or may not get now the guy goes to sleep after a stressful weeks and weeks of planting seeds in the ground. And he goes to sleep and he wakes up one day and he looks out his window and it's perfect rain is he happy? is happy Hmm. And he saw he starts seeing in a field of brown. He starts seeing little dots of

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They're not full grown plants here. When the farm matures. The stocks are so high as they're taller than him. But right now it's just little tiny dots of green. But even that is making him super happy.

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He's super happy that Allah says sumaiya Haeju. Then the plant matures, when it matures. I told you it's even taller than him. Now when a plant matures, what is the next logical step for a farmer? I know you guys aren't farmers. Maybe some of you are I don't know any people from Ohio and Dallas, I don't know. What do you do? When the when the plant reaches maturity?

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Your crop, your harvest, you cut? That's what you're supposed to do. But the ayah is very strange. Allah does not say that he Yes, yes. So then he cuts it. He actually says Fatah who must have run you will watch it turn yellow.

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You will watch it turn yellow. Now this is important to understand

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Any farmer who is not insane, will never let his farm turn yellow, he will still cut it when it is green. When it's still fresh when it's yellow, it's already dead. It's already on its way to death. And he says to my young man, then it will turn into Hold on. Hold on me means things that are crusty on the ground that you pay no attention to, that you walk by and you step on them, and it makes a crunchy sound. And you don't even realize you step on anything worth worth anything like dried up leaves. If you step on a dried up leaf, you don't think twice about it, you go, Oh, I'm sorry, you don't do that. Because you don't care. It's just, you know, meaningless crust. That's all it is.

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Obama is literally things that are stepped on without any consideration. Allah says in this example, this is the example for you and me to understand our life. I haven't explained the example yet. I've only walked you through its pieces. I have 58 seconds. Can I have five more minutes? No.

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I promise.

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Just five minutes.

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You're not getting the mic again. So I can talk like this. Alright. So I have five minutes.

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In these five minutes. What was the first desire?

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Play? Before a child gets to play?

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You took your child to Toys R Us bad idea. But you took them. You took them to Toys R Us. His eyes are looking at that toy on the shelf. He's in the cart, but his eyes are glazed. And when you change the aisle, his head turns and his arm moves out. And he's already imagining the moment when he's one. He's holding this thing and he's playing with it. And he's smashing his face into it and all kinds of fun things. He's already laid it all out in his head. And he begs you on that one, that one. And so you grab Captain America and you put them in the cart. And you go to the island you buy him Captain America, but you tell him Don't take it home until we get to the house.

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Now he's got the bag in his hand. And he's looking he's sitting in the back car seat. He's looking into the bag, look into the bag. He takes it out. Mama, can I open it? No. I said no. And now he's in anticipation. Oh my god, I can't wait till Oh, awesome. You have to make a video of your child holding a toy that they haven't opened yet.

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And make sure you make it last. Because that is the happiest few minutes your child will have with that toy. It is like that farmer who is so nervous. Is it gonna rain? Is it gonna rain isn't gonna rain when it rains. He's super happy. He hasn't even seen the farm crop yet. He hasn't really seen him mature yet, but he's still happy.

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Because I can't wait. This is gonna be awesome. I'm gonna get paid. He's already thinking about where he's gonna spend the money, everything.

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So this kid is excited. And then finally he opens the toy. And he plays it with it for about a total I'll give you three hours. Give or take three hours. Where do you find the toy after that? under the bed? Where's your toy? I don't know. You gave me You never got me Iron Man. I only got Captain America.

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I never got I never got iron, an Iron Man.

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In a matter of minutes, this thing that was such an object of my child's desire is now worthless.

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What did Allah describe as worthless? The farm was such a big deal to you. And when you got it, you didn't reap its benefits. It just became ruthless to you. Your child asked you for Grand Theft Auto. He was crying. He was making film and made he went to the machines on the 27th night. Y'all love this game. I need it. I promise I'll finish it within a week.

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I'll be over it, I promise.

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And he got it and he vetoed it and then you wake up one day and it's under your feet in the in the kitchen. What is the city doing here? Did you buy this game? Yeah, I beat it already was boring. It's kind of the last one was better.

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Entertainment this happens. There are people that when new movies come out in the summer there are people that have lines longer than the ones for passports for hudge

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waiting on time to watch the next movie. I remember back in the day. There was when Star Wars was coming out. People were dressed in giant outfits man, outside God, you know they're like in their own home outside waiting for the gates to general open. And they go and they watch and they come out and they're like ah the special effects were kind of cheap. I didn't like the plot. It was kind of lame, boo.

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You designed it so much and over in no time it became worthless to you. Then those of you that wanted to get a nice car. Maybe you've been looking at the Acura NSX. I don't know. I mean looking at the M 30 or something and you get the car

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It is sweet man, you drive a little extra snow outside your school. You know, you go to the carwash a little too many times. But then the next year's model came out and the headlights went from here to here. And your car looks so ugly all of a sudden.

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It is so irrelevant on the road. It makes you angry to be in this car now, it became worthless to you. This happens to our adults in their homes. They get you know, 50 seconds. Oh my god.

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They buy a house. Anybody who comes to the house, you give them a full tour.

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You even show them the boiler room. This is our bathroom. This is our second bathroom. This is our third bathroom. Nobody wants to see your bathroom.

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Unless you know, okay, but anyway, no one wants to see your bathroom. But you give them a full tour. Because it's a new house. You're so excited.

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Two years ago by three years go by somebody invites you to their whole house warming party. It's in a nicer neighborhood. It's a bigger house. It's newer. They have nicer bathrooms, too.

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And what starts happening. Oh my god.

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Your house just turned yellow.

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You see what I mean? I'm saying the toy turns yellow. The car turns yellow. Some people's marriages turn yellow.

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The first day you got married? How excited? Were you to see your wife? Don't tell me

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is having flashbacks is calm down. Okay.

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10 years go by and you come home. The day you came home and saw your life for the first time. You went to work for the first time and came home and saw your wife for the first time. It's a different feeling. 10 years later, you come home

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and you look at her and she looks at you. And it's beautiful. Just like the first day. No, it's not.

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Something's turning yellow.

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I often tell the story that you're walking with your wife like the week you got married, you're walking with your wife and she trips

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brand new wife. She

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what do you do? Oh, are you okay? Are you alright? I don't want anything ever to happen to you.

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1010 years go by.

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And you're walking down the same street and she trips again. You keep on walking.

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Keep on going you turn back and you say pick yourself up woman I can't even take you in public nowadays. What is wrong with you? Anyway, so marriages can start turning yellow? No, not that one.

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But Allah azza wa jal tells us that all of the things that we want, so badly will become will start losing interest in them. And then he says in the concluding remarks of this ayah, my friend asked me about the other one, she added one more filler terminology was one and at the very end is either eternal into intense punishment. That is the only thing that won't you won't get used to. The punishment of jahannam is not something anybody will ever get used to the desires of this world and even the pain of this world you can get used to, but that desire and that pain you will not get used to. And then he says well mouthfeel auto minima and forgiveness from Allah, meaning that is

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permanent. And then finally, he has what it won. And he did not say in his eloquence. He did not say what is why no mean of law. He just said what it won, which means incredible contentment. You will finally be satisfied. You will not look for the next thing in this world. I don't care if it's Superman or Iron Man or whatever movie you want to watch. You will come out of it waiting for the next one. You will not come out satisfied. Sorry. Sorry. It says please stop and read. I really gotta stop.

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Okay, I promise I'm sorry. This didn't turn out to be montserrado just five minutes. Sorry. I love him too much. I gotta follow his footsteps anyway.

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Well, monferrato, Mineola, he won, the you will have contentment, you will be at peace. Finally, in general, we will be at peace. You're not going to be at peace here. We're always going to be looking for the next thing until dirt fills our stomachs until that happens. And so Allah says Well, manhyia to dunya in LA Mata Oh, one is just one I have so little Howdy. What is worldly life? it amounts to nothing but the means by which people get deceived. People think they will find happiness and they don't. People think they love their new big giant house when they're 90 years old, and their kids have moved out that house is added for them. It's not a joy for them anymore. Young people go to

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that house and say I wish I could live here and old people living in that house say I wish I could get rid of this thing. I don't want to be here. So hon Allah May Allah azza wa jal help us recognize what true happiness what it really means and may help us materialize that true happiness through real faith in him and through real action.

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dictations from Alaska with a barakallahu li walakum wa salam

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan discusses the verse from Surah Hadeed, Allah summarizes the things that most human beings chase after. 

“Know that the life of this world is but amusement and diversion and adornment and boasting to one another and competition in increase of wealth and children – like the example of a rain whose [resulting] plant growth pleases the tillers; then it dries and you see it turned yellow; then it becomes [scattered] debris. And in the Hereafter is severe punishment and forgiveness from Allah and contentment. And what is the worldly life except for the chattels of deception.”

Allah says in these verses that almost our entire life is consumed by our endless needs and things that we find pleasure in. but the same things that we chased all our lives are exactly those things in which we lose interest as we reach the dwindling years of our life.

Also, it is said in the above verse of the Qur’an that at the end is eternal and intense punishment and we will not get used to the punishment of Jahannam.The desires and pain of this world one can get used to it but the pain of hell we will not get used to it.

But there is hope. Allah says -“Forgiveness is from Allah, that is permanent and Ridwaan.” This means incredible or total contentment. In this world, whatever it is that we are running after, it will never satisfy us. But in Jannah we will be in peace and satisfaction.



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