Moutasem al-Hameedy – Friday Halaqa 04-07-2017

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary © The discussion of Islam will include talks for Friday, including talks for Friday, including treatment of the heart in Islam and what Islam offers. The weekend will have series of talks for Friday, and there will be a series of talks for Friday. There will be a series of talks for Friday, including talks for Friday, and there will be a series of talks for Friday. The topic of Islam is discussed, including treatment of the heart in Islam and what Islam offers. The weekend will have series of talks for Friday, and there will be a series of talks for Friday. The topic of Islam is discussed, including treatment of the heart in Islam and what Islam offers. The weekend will have series of talks for Friday, and there will be a series of talks for Friday. The topic of Islam is discussed, including treatment of the heart in Islam and what Islam offers. The weekend will include talks for Friday, and there will be a series of talks for Friday. The topic of Islam is discussed, including
AI: Transcript ©
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Completely different tastes. So each one of those personalities is actually a school of thought, and their own rights. They have their own taste, they give you a different feel. They give you a different perspective on how to live Islam, it's authentic, it's according to the Quran, and the sooner, but still, it's an individual that is their individual taste and flavor to it. And you find there as well, the responsiveness to the challenges and the demands of their time. And still, you find the personal touch in that. So really, it's a different journey. Every time I try to research the life of one of them, they take you on a different journey. And you appreciate the variety and

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the wealth that Islam actually offers, that Islam doesn't seek to cancel your individuality. as some people today we're practicing Islam coming from with good intention out of goodwill, they think Islam is out there to cancel our differences, and cancel our individuality. When in reality, Islam is not like this.

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Islam does call you back to your natural disposition, to your very human nature brings you back home. That's what Islam does. And then Islam gives also once said, you know, blends, or once once it awakens this deepest part of who you are, and that's your Fatah. Once it awakens it and it grows it, it also gives you a clear manifestation, practical lifestyle, where you can actually express this filter into worldly terms into behavioral terms. So you can you'll be acting, speaking and behaving.

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What is it actually actually inside you would be giving get a clear voice or a clear shape, bringing it or translating it into a world the reality. So that's a very profound aspect of Islam. And you can find this in these scholars. So each one of them is different. So you can find that there were so much in touch with their time, they were responsive to the challenges of their time, yet the word profound and very well established in the book of Allah and the traditions of the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So that's a profound observation that I've been, to me it's a very enjoyable journey, looking at these people. And each one of them gives you a beautiful insight

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into how to relate to Islam and benefit from it and live it in our times.

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Something else that I that is related to this that I found very beneficial is that there are people among the Muslim community and Muslim countries and different parts in the world who think that for you to be a Muslim, you have to be like, their shake, like their teacher. for them. That's what Islam is, that's the only image of Islam The further you are from that personal image, you know, the further you are from Islam for them.

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And that's a very limited approach that is in defiance to the Quran and the Sunnah. I remember coming across one of the tabea in these are the generation that came after the companions of the Prophet SAW Selim a profound statement where this tablet he said, he said that min satin, Islamic and Arabic This adric do not take the vastness of Islam, to the narrowness of your own personal approach.

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You're a human being, you have your limitations. You have your natural tendencies, you have your preferences, you have your passions. You have your own individuality. Do not impose this on Islam. Do not impose this on Islam because you are going to narrow down something that is vast and big.

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Yes, protecting the pristine message of Islam. And the Sunnah of the prophet SAW Selim from innovations from newly introduced things. This is a very lofty, honorable task to protect the pristine message of Islam, the purity of Islam protect the Koran, the real meaning of the Quran, and the Sunnah of the prophet SAW Selim, but going into extremes and that to cancel, to cancel people's individuality goes in defiance with everything we saw from the companions of the Prophet SAW Selim from the tablet in and from all of the generations that came throughout 14 centuries.

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So as we study these scholars, you're gonna find each one of them takes you on a different journey. It's the same essence, it's the same essence but the way they approach it, the way they manifest it, the way they express it, the way they bring it out into our physical reality is so profound and as I said, it carries their own you know, trademark or their own fingerprints, their own individual approach. And that's what you're gonna find. We spoke previously about an a shabby, adventurer hater shabby, who was in a Kufa Kufa which is to the south of Iraq today.

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Mr. Ventura had a shabby, who said that was something that stands out about his character. anyone remembers that?

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What was special about him?

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He didn't. He didn't like thick blooded people, like people who asked these dumb questions that are really the unwarranted questions. So and he had words, how would he respond to these people

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with jokes with a sense of humor, and had been shahida shabby had a sense of humor. So he used to make jokes, crack jokes, and, you know, just turn into everything into some kind of humor. That was American, surely shabby. His contemporary is the person we're going to talk about today that is contemporary and has an anniversary, we're going to talk about basally. Today inshallah. celibacy was a contemporary he and Mr. shabby, lived almost this almost the same time, almost the same time.

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And honey Bosley is more of a sad person.

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sad person. To the extent we're going to come across some statements from people who met him or dealt with him, they said, when you see it has an adversity, you think he lost a loved one just now. He looks sad all the time. He displayed a lot of sadness.

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Which is Islam, to have a sense of humor, or to be sad. Which one is either a shabby or has an imbecile? Which one?

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Are they they come up with some innovation, some bitter? No, that's their personal demeanor. That's who they are. So Islam, Islam offers that individuality and it welcomes it. And it just goes in line with it. It doesn't fight against it doesn't fight against human nature. So stripping people of their personal nature is not is alien to Islam. And this is the narrow mindedness of certain individuals who did not really realize the, the, the, the vastness of Islam itself. And the vastness doesn't mean you water it down at all, doesn't mean you water it down. But if someone senses out of themselves, that they are lower minded, somehow there are other approaches quite rigid. And you

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know, this could be at some stage in your life, it could be especially when you start studying Islam at the beginning, you're going to be a little bit narrow minded, that's normal. Just like when you start studying any kind of field, or any science or any discipline, you're going to be narrow minded, because you're depending on assumptions, you don't have a whole body of knowledge. So you will have to substitute what you don't know with assumptions. These assumptions could come from your upbringing, from your past experiences, from your culture, from your own personal, you know, style lifestyle.

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So if you recognize you're a bit narrow minded, that's fine. You can live with it until Sharla. You grow out of it with more studying with more knowledge, and with more education, but do not start imposing this on everyone. That's the problem. Some people are too hasty. So they see only one shape or two chefs, or a group of chefs they have, who have a similar style. And for them, that's what Islam is anything other than that is innovation. Anything other than that is not from Islam is alien who have to fight it. They get engaged into a lot of politics. Well, I this is not Islam. And anyone, anyone who studied the lives of the companions of the prophets of Salaam, salud, these early

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generations, like a Tabby in the great amounts, he's going to see this clearly there's a lot of variety. There's a lot of space, there's a lot of accommodation for personal demeanor and personal individuality. So these are things we we need to I mean, they really become clear as you study these.

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But there is something that stands out as well about Bosley. And this is just profound and beautiful. And before I get into his life, I just want to share with you certain things about it, and as an imbecile he

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likes some of

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like the grandson of Al Hussein, Robbie Alon, Hussain, Ali, the son of Ali Hussein Hassan. Right, as you're saying.

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His son said about al has an anniversary, Callum who you should be who Columbia.

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He said his statements of the statements about has an anniversary are similar to the statements or they sound like the statements of the prophets.

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Another person who met has an imbecile he said well like in Nicola Maha Shiva who became a Sahaba.

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His words are similar, pretty much similar to the words of the companions of the Prophet SAW center. And another one said his words are similar to the words of Abdullah and master whatever the master would allow and was known for his profound statements short, but very rich statements. So it has an investor he was that kind of person. Allah gave him so much wisdom and we know like if you want to listen to a lot of what they call my wife, my wife

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Soft speech that soften the hearts.

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Things that awaken your Eman, new faith, usually going to find something for my husband and bustling

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statements of wisdom you're going to find a lot from it hasn't about three why this is something he stood out in. So he had this gift he had this gives that was a little muscley.

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So sometimes when we try to study Islam, sometimes we get caught up in technicalities. It is important to study our data to understand what you believe in to get your mind right about what you are supposed to believe in.

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Okay, believing in Allah subhanaw taala What do you believe about Allah? Yes, it's first of all, but you have to bring it to your mind. And you might go wrong with that. But you and you also might read some books, or maybe you had some kind of influence from people who went wrong in studying belief at either the creed or the tenets of Islam. So you need to consult the books of arcada the scholars of our data, to make sure that what you understand about Allah, what you understand about the Day of Judgment, what you understand about the Quran, what you understand about the Prophet about the angels, and about all of these articles of faith is actually correct.

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So your mind doesn't go astray when it comes to these things. It's also important to study

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so you know how to worship Allah, you know how to get ready for Salah, how to make mobile, how to perform your Salah, how to make your how to make fasting fast, and make sure that you don't get your prayers invalid, just because of one mistake. You do them as prescribed the same with your Salah. The same with yours account the way you when you pay charity, the same when you do pilgrimage, and hedge and so on and so forth. Everything you need to learn, but these are technical knowledge This is technical knowledge about instructions, do this don't do that if you do this, okay. This will be nullified if you do this, then your prayer is valid and so on and so forth. These are technicalities

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but these are not all what Islam is all about. So I came across something from a great scholar of the Muslims in New Jersey in New Jersey is known as well this man one day inshallah we're going to study his life

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if Allah allows.

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In a Jonesy wrote so many books, and his statements are so profound as well, this man had so much wisdom, one of his most famous books is called psycho,

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psycho alhaja. Even the title of the book, I find it difficult to translate into English, but it is so

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is so intelligent and sharp the way he came up with this title sable kata is basically

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means hunting.

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Passing thoughts. That's what it means. So sometimes you have a flash in your head of a very profound realization idea. If you don't catch it, if you don't write it down and documented. Five minutes later, you forget about it completely, and you try hard to come back to it. That's it, it's gone to some kind of a flash flashing, and it's very profound and beautiful, and it has so much wisdom. So he says seydel hardly says these are my hunts of passing thoughts, flashing thoughts, I documented them for you. So they are very profound wisdom. And they are like,

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like they they blow your mind when you read them. Because they are so profound. So in his book, he talks about how I mean these things, and the the necessity for the students of knowledge to create a balance between technicality and the spiritual side of Islam

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is spiritual. So yes, you learn about a law that is correct about the names and attributes of Allah. So we don't go wrong, we learn the rules, but you also take the content which is okay, now I have the I know the rules in order to understand the name of Allah, Al Hakim, man about him and his attributes to understand them, right. But I don't stop there. What is the impact of these names on me on my life, on my relationship with our last panel data will not understand that Allah, Allah is above the creation is separate from his creation. He's above his throne. Most people when they study these things, they say that's it. That's the correct answer either, and they close their minds. What

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is the impact on your heart of this? How does it impact your behavior? How does it impact your life? It's so profound and powerful. But most people who study these technicalities they don't go there. So

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imminent Josie said something very profound. He said I'm gonna read an Arabic And I will then I will translate because these words are very profound and important for us today. This is something I personally structure that struggled with for years studying technical knowledge, but not feeling any impact. And I remember watching an interview by one of the great scholars of our time Dr.

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Chef doctor on

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the one who wrote the series famous series on a man five or six books, and a man who Billa and a man who bill Yeoman after the manual Malaika and has been translated into English very popular in both Arabic and English and translated so many languages shakaama lexicon in an interview TV interview, I remember

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he said something when he was young in his, basically it was late 20s, early 30s. He said, I studied

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my bachelor's in Islamic sciences, and I studied my Masters then I studied my PhD. And he said, I go to my chef, and I said, I've studied all of these have studied, I've studied the circumstance, all the books,

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but I don't feel the level of meaning my email has gone really up.

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He he mentioned, this is so much technicalities. Yes, I understand. It's just about understanding about law, understanding about it, how to do this how to do that fine, but what's the impact on me as a person?

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So so he's so he says his shave did not provide him with helpful answers. He said, I try to start started trying to see my own approach to it to how I can benefit from it. And this is why he wrote that series, six books series, belief in Allah, or the Islamic creed, the Islamic creed, first one is belief in Allah second one belief in the last day, belief in the messengers, belief in the angels, and so on. And so on lm in general Shelton in the world of unseen jinn, these spirits and the devils

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so he wrote that and he wrote it in a way that actually awakens your faith. And this is why Allah gave this book a lot of acceptance and popularity. So Emil Josie says

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or at least the higher level fifth he was Mr. de la cara de Sala, hello. I saw studying or being busy studying Islamic jurisprudence. And learning the Hadith is not enough to correct the state of your hearts.

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In an humans that will recall one another if you see if you see a set of a solid hand, unless you mix it with a rock hard softening spiritual stuff from Islam, and looking into the life stories of the early generations stuff. And he says one volatile can be heard in bad demo. legit in white oak. And I'm not saying this, except after struggling with this and having a personal experience with it. The enemy widget to Jehovah mohabbatein wakulla bl Hadeeth him Metro howdy him Phil de le with axial.

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Because I found the students of Hadith, that their main concern is usually to get high quality Hadith. Okay, and increasing the number of the Hadith that they learn increasing. Okay, horizontally, which in rural fuqaha, he

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found the majority of the ones who study is that they worry a lot about debates and how to win a debate and find the correct answer.

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And he says what key for your local poofy hair?

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And how would the heart soften

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when you deal with these issues? How so is exclamation

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like the the heart is not gonna get soft with this.

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Walk up counter Gemma to minister Luffy yuck sido una de sala de nobody illa 70 he had he learned aktivasi enemy he whether he can thermometer him he had you who wasn't, he says and they used to be among the self among the early generations. They used to be among them, people who would

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approach or who would travel to someone like a scholar who would be teaching not to learn anything from him any technical knowledge from him. But the novelty in SMT just to observe him how he behaves on a personal level. How he behaves on a personal level. When he can anathema to me he had you who was into that that's This is because the real fruit of learning and studying Islam is what shows in terms of mannerism, personal behavior, attitude and demeanor. That's the real fruit of knowledge.

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That he says after in the same context about himself so he says, Then I gathered a lot of the stories of the early generations like and has an anniversary so Fianna 30 bought him an item. We should have the item number one our roof and others in order to offer you in order to offer you a taste

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of the beauty of their characters. So that's Josie speaking about 800 years ago. That's what he is saying. So inshallah, hopefully, as we are studying the lives of these people, we get to learn a lot from them. So let's get directly into the life of and hustle and bustle and has an adversary. His name is Hassan, ignorable, Hassan.

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Al basri Al Hassan, Hassan al basri.

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So, his father,

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his father, was a slave was not a free man. At that time, we said there were there was slavery. So his father was a slave. His father comes originally from a town or a city in Persia, called Mason, Mason

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Mason, so his father is originally Persian, and he was a slave. He was in Medina. His mother was also a slave. She wasn't a free woman.

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She wasn't a free woman. Later on, she was bought by Omar Salama, almost Allah. Allahu Ana, the wife of the prophet SAW.

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The wife of the prophet SAW them, she bought Hydra. Hydra is the name of the mother over Hasson. She bought her and she was like a teenager.

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And then the father over has an basally

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he liked this girl and he married her. And they were both still slaves. But later on, they were freed. They were so it has an apostle when he was born, he was born to two slaves, people who did not own themselves. So it has an anniversary, very simple kind of origin or upbringing. The interesting thing was his mother when he was young, his mother would get busy do things for almost selama.

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And this is something we need to understand about old times. You know, in Islam, sometimes we have in fifth

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you know, the issue of our bla bla

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bla bla, breastfeeding,

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this was very common, by the way, and up until like 50 years ago. But now with modern life, this was sort of disappearing.

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Like when a woman had a child, almost every other woman in that neighborhood on the whole family with breastfeed that child as well.

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So a child in the first two years of his life or her life, there, there must have breast like suckled from so many so many, you know, women in that area. This is why in Islam, it's a very important issue to check. Who is your mother, Sackler suckling mother,

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nursing mother

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is very important to really know your nursing mother is very important. Why because it affects marriage. Right. He said it affects marriage it becomes like real motherhood. So as an investor when he was a child, he was nursed by almost Admiralty law and had the wife of the prophet SAW Selim.

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Obviously the prophet of Islam at the time had already died. Because it hasn't Buster he was born around the year 2001 after his law 21 after he, who was the Khalif at that time?

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I'm gonna hop. Yes.

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So hustling bustling was born. Year 21. When was a lot of hubbub martyred when was he killed?

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23 Yes.

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And was martyred year 23. So it has an embassy was born two years before the death of Mr. Malhotra.

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And it was reported that hasn't been when he was a little child, a toddler. He would come around the companions and multiple hops along hot tub saw him he liked him. I saw him as a child he liked him and he made for him. He said along with the whole fifth Dean.

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We have biblical Hulk, Allah give him knowledge of Islam. Make him a person of knowledge and put his love in the hearts of people. And that actually happened. That actually happened. So that was the upbringing or the beginning of a hustle and bustle. So he was brought, he was born brought up in Medina. So why is he called that has an industry that mostly means he's from bussola. Why is he called has an buslee? Anyone can think about that?

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No, none of his forefathers were from Muslim.

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He was from Asia

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because he later on moved and settled in obasa

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So people would be given the name either of their city of origin, or city of birth, or city of residence.

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So they were given according to different, like different types. There's what they call an Arabic and Misbah people would be attributed as the last name to either a city or their family or their tribe, or different things as well sometimes profession. So you have among the Arabs like family names like Al Habib

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Al Habib, who's a hottie? He's the teacher, or how they used to give this name to teach it the one who used to teach children put on he was named a healthy you have an a job. Within a job, carpenter. You haven't had that. These are last names. blacksmith had Dad, you have a * of money. People will make sweets. See how Halloween is the last name, so many different names. And some names sometimes get really funny.

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But you can offend some people if you get them. So let's move on. So as an basally was for metabo in why because he witnessed the companions so he met a boy urato the lion Abdullah Omar, he met so many of the other companions, and he learned from many companies. Let's talk about his physical description.

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One of the first things that stands out about a hustler mostly was his beauty. He was a handsome man.

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He was a handsome man. He was known for his handsomeness or his beauty as a man

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to the extent that someone wanted to, was traveling to learn from an hazardously so on the way to El bussola, he passed by Kufa and in Kufa, he met Amira shabby that we talked about a little Swahili shabby.

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shabby, is a very sharp guy has a sense of humor, and he gives sometimes sharp, strange answers. So the guy says to him,

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you know, it hasn't Bosley? So I'm traveling to Albus LA. So I want you to just tell me, how can I find him? Give me a description. He says, Listen, it's easy. You're going to find the hustle and bustle easily. The moment you get into a bus or go to the main Masjid and as you will

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go there and look in the faces of people.

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Once you find a person you've never seen anyone like him that has an anniversary.

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Once you see someone you haven't seen anyone like him, that's unacceptable, sorry. So the guy actually travels called Kufa he goes he walks into the masjid and he starts looking at people's faces. Only one person stood out as something like a person is never seen anyone like him.

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So, he goes to him. He says, you know, hustle and bustle he says yes.

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So he said I had no difficulty finding him. So as an industry was known for his Okay, the beauty of his of his face.

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Another person also pi was traveling to Basra

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and his name is awesome. Awesome.

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Now this is also a nickname. Asked me, he said totally shabby.

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Okay, again, he asks shabby another person traveling so as the shabby

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I said to me, I'm traveling to Moscow. So is there anything I can get for you? from there? He says, you know, you don't need to get anything for me. But once you go to Alba Sala, I want you to meet that has an anniversary and convey my sunlamps to him convey my greetings. This is I don't know him. Awesome. He said too shabby. I don't know. I can't recognize him. He's it's easy. Once you enter Basra look in the faces of people, the most beautiful person you will find and the person who really strux some kind of respect in your heart that's going to be lessened mostly straightaway. So the man says as soon as I entered into a Muslim I went to the masjid. And I saw a man where people were

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gathered around I looked at his face was exactly the description. When I saw him I had so much respect and admiration for him. And he was so handsome. So I knew he was it hasn't universally

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done this column headings he says what canon has an omen upside and in bussola The reason? Why did you marry him would you hand him a better 10 while sending him a shorter one cotton bedlinen scholar of Hadith. He says that hasn't. He was the most eloquent person in Wasilla.

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Very good speech.

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The most beautiful, most handsome

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the person the best in terms of worship, and righteousness and the most are the nicest person you would deal with.

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The most high hygenic in terms of how he dresses up and how he looks after his personal hygiene

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imagine these descriptions in one person

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yet it has an industry still was his body was strong. He was a muscular person. He was and by the way there was there was no gyms at the time. He didn't go to the gym he didn't have any kind of membership with what good life here LA Fitness or no their lifestyle was demanding, physically demanding so these people were physically strong. So listen to someone says an us made

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us made a scholar of language he reads from his father from his dad. He says his father said mera alaba. Xin then Minal Hassan can outlaw who Sheba.

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I've never seen a wrist as big as the wrist of an hassanal bursary.

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the width of his wrist was one hand span for me, I

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can imagine the wrist I have a small wrist, but some people have very thick wrist Yeah. And has an Bosley, his wrist was around one hand span that shows you how much strong probably in a big size, big size person as well. So that wasn't hasn't muscley. And there be the great scholar of Hades and the great scholar of religion, he knows about people a lot and he's written about a pessimist. He says cannabidiol and tan magickally madiha solatube. Here, he says he was physically speaking, he was a complete human being,

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physically speaking was a complete human being. And he had a handsome face.

00:31:50 --> 00:32:00

You want to know about another person. Metal hasn't been something he says in in cannot label hazard I'm telling you about what's now it has an imbecile he is a scholar.

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And he mastered a lot of sciences. And he learned from the companions even during his lifetime. Some of the companions said you want to learn go to number three companions, like NSU bumalik, the great companion, he said, Hold on it has something to basally learn from it hasn't mostly for in semi our seminar because he learned and we learned for half of our nesina. But he memorized and it kept it and we forgot

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why because Malik became very old. We said he lived more than 100 years. So when you get too old, you get to forget, but has an imbecile he, okay, so he was like the companions of the Prophet who testified that he's a man that you can learn from. But that's not the only story you learn from once you see this person you learn from them, just by seeing them. Why? Because of their attitude, the beauty of their heart, the beauty of their character inspires you and teaches you a lot. That's the kind of learning that's the kind of learning that we're missing out on today. We think it's all about inflammation. No, learning is a human experience. You come in the presence of such a human

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being. And they just

00:33:13 --> 00:33:55

you learn a lot from them, just by being in their presence. That's how by the way that's how the prophets of Salaam was find instruments of the professor llama small and short. They're not too many for recording the life of one man who was teaching and who was educating for 23 years such a rich you know, this time in the life of the person was extremely rich with events and things yet, look at the statements of the prophets I send them compared to this life and rich life. They seem to be little but they were profound and beautiful. But his presence as well gave a lot of knowledge and inspiration. So you're going to sublimate says in cannot what Lulu they are all Hashanah. Leia

00:33:55 --> 00:34:11

smile, smoker, ammo. What are your ammo scientifically? He says a person just sees that hasn't basally upon seeing it hasn't. He hasn't heard anything from him. He hasn't seen him doing anything. But he benefits from him.

00:34:12 --> 00:34:17

How does he benefit he learns something. He gets inspired just by looking at that man.

00:34:18 --> 00:34:20

That's real knowledge.

00:34:23 --> 00:35:00

He was a very brave man. So he took part in military expeditions as well. And he was a very talented warrior. So he was good with the sword. He was very good with a sword at the time. And like he was known for that for bravery. Who was known for bravery. Even Alamo * let me know. So for the Muslim leader, who actually who was leading the Muslim armies in Persia, in what's known today is Afghanistan and in India, and all

00:35:00 --> 00:35:02

These lands, Elmo hollub ignobly. So from

00:35:04 --> 00:35:05

his main

00:35:06 --> 00:35:12

general military commander was an has an adversary, one of his main ones.

00:35:13 --> 00:35:25

So he would always be in the front lines. And it has an embassy as well. We said he was worked very well spoken eloquence. This is why his his words were profound and helpful, and we said

00:35:26 --> 00:35:32

some, like some of Fabien described him that his words are similar to the words of the prophets.

00:35:41 --> 00:36:00

So we're gonna see some of his statements. Ubisoft Gianni the great time he said Canada hasn't yet a killer movie column in Canada. As you obsidian is very well known for his righteousness and worship. So he said, Hassan when he speaks, he speaks only gems. You're gonna get only gems from him. That's why he speaks.

00:36:04 --> 00:36:16

And we said, the grandson of Al Hussein, Leela Juan Hall, Mohammed Hussain said, that can let us be who kurama who column and MB when he described it as a muscle. He said his words are similar to the words of the prophets.

00:36:25 --> 00:36:33

And a person called omega. He said, Mama, I had an outward Sukhothai mental hustle and bustle, he said, I've never seen a man who's as quiet as it has an anniversary.

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When I'm young, I hadn't had ballet either to kill him. And I asked him and he says, I've never loved. You know, when I heard a man speak, I never loved for someone to keep talking except for it has inversely, when he talked, I didn't want him to stop. But he would rarely talk. He would be silent most of the time. And that's what actually sometimes wisdom comes from silence. Because silence means you're thinking, you're reflecting. And this is why sometimes they say, you know, moments in our pausing moments between the speech give the speech, its power and depth. And that's true.

00:37:12 --> 00:37:12

That's true.

00:37:14 --> 00:37:29

In terms of knowledge, it has roughly as we said, he reached the, the, the, the apex of knowledge of his time, and he learned from from all of the companions. So he was a scholar of Hadith scholar. And he was a scholar in Zod,

00:37:31 --> 00:37:39

which is more of a spiritual approach. And it has an industry by the way, he had classes or Hello as in the masjid, or he would teach.

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And he would teach Hadith. And he was the master and all of these. And he had he had a special halaqa private halaqaat in his house.

00:37:52 --> 00:38:09

What is it? What was it about he would not allow everyone anyone into this. And it was about what they call a soft EQ. And some of like an equal element button, knowing about the inner states of the heart,

00:38:11 --> 00:38:42

inner states of the heart. And by the way, in Charlotte next weekend, the series of talks that is meant to be here is actually is trying to probe that kind of knowledge, that kind of science, which is knowledge about the inner states of the heart intention, love of Allah Malou bloob. So he had a private kind of halaqaat in his house, and he would not allow anyone there. Why? Because some people are not ready to learn that. Some people are just not ready to learn that. And that's why for example, you find em Rahim Allah.

00:38:43 --> 00:38:50

In his book, matter of just Salah keen. He talks about certain states where the hog gets into certain states.

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And when the heart gets into some kind of understanding about Allah Spano, tala, he says many times throughout his book,

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he says, and not everyone is ready for that kind of knowledge.

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So if you and this is why he says, so if you found your heart unable to grasp this,

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don't bother with it now. You're just not ready for it. And he says, Don't criticize it. Because you can't understand it, leave it and move on. Then he says a profound statement in Arabic. He says for in nearly have oluwo been holy.

00:39:29 --> 00:39:38

He says then, for this kind of knowledge, sometimes there are hearts created for that type of knowledge, but not all hearts are created like that.

00:39:40 --> 00:39:59

So this is one of the members of Allison not saying something about this. So it has an imbecile it is why he had this private HELOC on his house, because not everyone is ready. Not everyone is up to the level to understand these things about the soul, about the heart about the federal, the states of the heart, diseases of the heart. Not everyone is ready for that. So you might be

00:40:00 --> 00:40:42

Speaking to some people about this, and they say this is nonsense. This doesn't make any sense. I don't feel it. Somebody, even sometimes today you have some people saying, oh, what's the proof for that? There is a lot of proof. But the problem is, the problem is a lot of people who ask specifically about these issues, what's the proof for that? And this is, by the way, this is a legitimate question. But sometimes people ask it too early. Why? Because there are things in Islam, that you cannot take, in a very simplistic manner from one evidence, or from one verse or from one Hadith. Sometimes it's an understanding that you take from a huge number of verses, and a huge

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number of Hadith like them, accosted

00:40:45 --> 00:41:29

him across it, the knowledge of the objectives behind legislation, the objectives behind legislation, okay? When imagine the first person to write about to write specifically about it, remember Sharpie, he says, These are things you do not, you're not going to find a direct statement in the Quran or the Hadith about this, you're not going to find it. But he says, you can glean this from learning Islam and learning the Sharia. And then you're going to develop this kind of understanding, because you see it embedded in almost every verse in every Hadith. And he says, this kind of dilemma, this kind of implication, okay, of this kind of meanings taken from the from the

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from the texts came from the deeper meaning of the text, he says, This is more profound than the immediate or direct indication of the text.

00:41:39 --> 00:42:05

This is at the beginning and the Medina at the preface of his book and waffle. But so sometimes it's a legitimate question to ask, Where is this? Where did you get was the proof of this, we have to because you cannot take something in Islam without a proof. This is a legit question. But the manner of asking it, and the time of asking it, and your maturity in knowledge and knowledge to ask about it. These are important factors to observe.

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So you might ask about something, where's the proof of this? I'm going to give you the proof, but you're not going to see the point.

00:42:13 --> 00:42:20

You're going to say, Oh, that's not a proof. I don't see it. You don't see it because you have not grown in knowledge up to that level where you can actually see the indication.

00:42:21 --> 00:42:27

Okay, so the indication is in Islam, there is the law that there is Montauk and there is my home. This is

00:42:28 --> 00:42:41

Montauk is a very immediate spoken indication. Without a masala. Allah says well established the prayer as clear, establish the prayer fine. But what do you find in Islam?

00:42:42 --> 00:42:48

That a clear indication that preserving the mind

00:42:49 --> 00:42:51

is a priority over so many things

00:42:52 --> 00:42:59

that Islam wants to preserve your mind. There is no verse, there's no Hadith that says you have to preserve your mind.

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You're not going to find this. But when you study Islam, you're going to see snam prohibits intoxicants, alcohol, drug, anything that takes away your mind and your consciousness or any kind of manipulation. Even in Islam, any kind of mental game that you play and others is held on by the way, because it takes away the mind of that person, at least temporarily, is how long

00:43:25 --> 00:43:36

so you're going to find it all over the place in Islam that protecting the mind is a priority. But this takes a lot of studying this takes a lot of maturity, and so on and so forth.

00:43:44 --> 00:43:45

Anyway, so

00:43:48 --> 00:44:10

I'll hustle and bustle he was a person of knowledge. So he had knowledge of fact he had knowledge of, of Hadith. He had knowledge of, as we said, the spiritual side of Islam as well. So he was a master and all of these, like one of his students. in Berkeley, he says the left to either Hasani Ashleigh Sydney, I spent 10 years with the hustle and bustle studying with him.

00:44:11 --> 00:44:23

And he says filet salmon, Yeoman Illa, and a smile minuti LMS metrocable adeleke. He says, There is no day that I spent with him except that I learned from him something new. I've never heard before from him.

00:44:24 --> 00:44:30

So that shows you the richness and variety of his his knowledge.

00:44:33 --> 00:44:39

So he personally met 120 from the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And he narrated so many Hadees from the companions of the Prophet SAW law and he was in law. And in terms of worship, he was a worshiper. He was a worshiper, so it hasn't robustly went fast, and a year, maybe two or three white days of every

00:45:00 --> 00:45:50

loaner month. And am me. And he would fast. Mondays and Thursdays, I think annual commies. And he would fast. Most of us hold hold on a short hold on the sacred for months, you would fast most of them. Okay. So that's remember has a so he was known for his worship. So we'd pray so much at night. And we say that has an imbecile he was a person who was whose demeanor was generally flavored with sadness, with sadness. So he would often be sad and he would cry a lot. So oftentimes you will find people describing him that I saw has a muscle recital on and he was tearing up, most of the time, his beard was wet with his tears. So that's something mostly at night, he would stand up and pray at

00:45:50 --> 00:46:12

night. And he will always remind himself of the Day of Judgment. And so there are there's a list of descriptions and I think we run out of time today. So it seems it has no muscle is going to take more time from us. So we might talk about him. Not next week, because next week, we have a series of talks, maybe the week after inshallah, we will talk about him.

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And what I will do, inshallah, that week, is will also bring some of his profound statements, and try to explain them so we're gonna go over his life again. And some of the statements that were said about him and some incidents in his life, inshallah, we'll move to talk about his wisdom and explore it. Insha Allah more. So. Before we close, I'm going to take a couple of questions if we have

00:46:39 --> 00:46:41

any questions.

00:46:42 --> 00:46:44

Question. Yeah.

00:47:00 --> 00:47:01

What about who?

00:47:02 --> 00:47:03

Better on the job?

00:47:04 --> 00:47:13

Yes. So people are basically sometimes take their last name from professional their grandfather. So Belen ajar who were in Medina,

00:47:15 --> 00:47:15

where the

00:47:16 --> 00:47:18

mother of the prophets of Salaam comes from their

00:47:20 --> 00:47:32

or her sorry, her maternal uncles come from there. Her mother come comes from the it's been in a jar? Yes. Obviously, there was a carpenter and the ancestry. So they were named after that. Yes.

00:47:33 --> 00:47:46

That's interesting. So you will find a lot of like in the Arab world, and even not even in other cultures, I believe, look at English as well. You have you have Smith, right? You have other names that come from professions?

00:47:47 --> 00:47:47


00:47:48 --> 00:48:01

fisheries? Well, yes, Fisher, you find a lot of names that actually come from professions or from a lifestyle, and so on and so forth. So that's, that's common, and I believe in other languages as well, right? other cultures, you must find something like this.

00:48:05 --> 00:48:06

Like in Islam, it's,

00:48:07 --> 00:48:21

it's vital to preserve your mind. Now in terms of, you know, like hypnosis, where they use it to cure or to, you know, to stop people from certain addictions like drug addiction. Yeah.

00:48:24 --> 00:48:43

Okay, that's a good question. hypnosis. So since Islam is about protecting the mind, preserving the mind, what about hypnosis, because if not, hypnosis is more of an altered state of consciousness. So sort of bypasses your immediate awareness, trying to what they say, you know, feed into your subconscious mind directly.

00:48:46 --> 00:48:54

There is something in Islam, they say, I'll talk more Allah Shea. Follow on and there's a worry, this is a chi in fact.

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So it's a guiding principle. So it says, in order to make a judgement, or an opinion about something, you need to understand it very well first. So what is hypnosis? At some stage, I developed some interest that I wanted to learn and understand what this process actually is, but I haven't really figured out

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there's a lot of mystery about it unless someone practices it. So I personally don't know exactly what hypnosis is. Because hypnosis is not only one thing, because they have what they call, for example, group hypnosis where you sit, and they get you to breathe, so you relax. So you're in a relaxed state of mind where they say, okay, your your brain is actually producing or functioning according to alpha waves now, okay, so you're more relaxed, hypnosis, so you're willing to accept whatever you hear so they start giving you some kind of a formation, some kind of mantra, okay, they say, like they get people to breathe, breathe until they get into this kind of relaxation and start

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telling them

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for example,

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If they have an issue, like with addiction, I'm free from addiction. I don't need to drink, I don't need to smoke

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free without it, I can relieve my mind on my soul without having to, you know, smoke that cigarette or so and so on and so forth. So they get people to visualize as well. So they I'm not sure if this is exactly the hypnosis that sometimes people get if you go on YouTube, you're gonna find hypnosis. And that's basically you're gonna say close your mind. stop breathing, okay, in a certain way, and rithmetic way, and then they'll say, imagine yourself driving along the ocean, then it's so peaceful. You get off your car, you walk on the beach, you can hear the waves.

00:50:41 --> 00:51:01

You can hear the birds. Beautiful, it's calm. Now all of you are getting have no ties, no. Okay? Some kind of hypnosis. So something similar like this, and they say, okay, you're free, you don't have any problems. You can, you're strong enough to face the situation. So that's good. So I'm not sure if that's because I've seen some other

00:51:02 --> 00:51:09

people practicing hypnosis where they actually do some trick. And then, like, they really somehow,

00:51:10 --> 00:51:50

like, gets you to, to lose touch with reality. So the now The point is, what is hypnosis? Is it one thing or is it more than one? So we need to understand it before we can, you know, pass a judgement on it. I personally don't really I don't know what hypnosis is. I've never been hypnotized to my knowledge. And I haven't hypnotized in a human being so I don't know. I've seen some things on online on YouTube and things like that, but I don't know how genuine how true these are. Because there are different claims about hypnosis and sometimes you can get into a state where completely disconnected from reality. So I really don't know. That's the answer.

00:51:51 --> 00:52:06

Okay, we don't have time so insha Allah for the halaqa you will meet not next week but the week after. We'll carry on with the lesson number three. Don't forget next week until next weekend, we have to because there's no no time.

00:52:07 --> 00:52:09

But I can take your question literal inshallah.

00:52:10 --> 00:52:30

Next weekend, we have this long weekend. We're going to have a series of talks for Friday, Saturday, Sunday inshallah, about treatment of the heart in Islam. How does Islam you know, treat the heart spiritual side of Islam and what Islam offer there inshallah? So just Aquila, hyaluron, masala cinnamon and Bina Mohammed

This talk was given at the Abu Huraira Center

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