Sajid Ahmed Umar – Surah Yusuf for the 21st Century #5 – Your Child’s Guidance is Ultimately from Allah

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The Quran is essential in shaping people's perception of life and bringing hope to the world. It requires prioritizing one's message and delivering it in the right time, while acknowledging the negative impact of older brothers and the use of negative language. The speakers stress the need for parents to understand and understand the rules of their children' homes, including privacy and privacy policy, and the benefits of shaving children and avoiding "has " in shave.
AI: Transcript ©
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Explanada Rahim hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen will begin studying on a Sunday on a Sunday Mannahatta in the beginning the Vienna Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman Kathira Eli Hometeam American rubbish rafidhi Sadri westerly Emery. Look at that somebody Lisa, Annie, you have cuckoo holy. We begin in the name of Allah subhanho wa taala. And we request praises and blessings upon Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we thank Allah subhanahu wa Tada for the month of Ramadan. And we thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for his guidance for you, Sophia, in blessing us to participate of the blessings of the month of Ramadan. Many people witnessed the month of Ramadan,

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but they experience its blessings at different levels. And Allah chooses who he chooses subhanho wa Taala and as such, we should be thankful to Allah subhanho wa Taala for every act of worship we are able to complete during this month and not take it for granted Alhamdulillah we have completed a yet another proceeding

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from the nights of Ramadan, the night isn't over by any distance and hamdulillah so Insha Allah we should make an intention that we will go home and we will rest and then inshallah we will engage Allah subhanho wa Taala during the last third, and also in sha Allah do during our soul by participating in the Sahara as per the teaching of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and also making use of the last third of the night to make dua to call out to Allah subhanho wa Taala and unto him, for that is a period in which Allah subhanho wa Taala is calling out to his servants Hellman will start offering for of the ruler. Is there anyone who is seeking forgiveness that I may

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forgive him? Help me into a bin for to violate? Is there anyone who is repenting that I may accept his or her repentance? * mean sir in in Philadelphia, is there anyone who is in need of something so I may answer their call and give them what they are in need of so ensure that we make use of these moments My dearest Brothers and Sisters in Islam as I was telling our brothers and sisters in Melbourne these days and these nights Ryan and Metallica, subhanAllah they come and go so fast, they come to an end so quickly so quickly. I think when this Ramadan began, we still had fresh memories of the final week of last Ramadan, the emotions of last Ramadan and all the ambitions we set for

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ourselves between last Ramadan and this Ramadan. And then all of a sudden, we had that Subhanallah a Shaban was announced and we began thinking La Ilaha illa Allah Where did the man's go and where am I with my targets from last Ramadan? And how will I meet this Ramadan in the same way My dear brothers and sisters in Islam this Ramadan will come and this Ramadan will leave Subhanallah we about to complete a 10th of the month May Allah subhanho wa Taala accept what has passed and and bless us in what remains I mean,

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for this Ramadan I am sharing with the communities I speak to every evening. For the majority of the evenings thus far it's been with our brothers and sisters in Melbourne. I've been sharing lessons from Surah Yusuf that are pertinent to us in the 21st century. And this genre of lessons is from the Quran from pondering over the Quran and the meanings of the Quran and interacting with the Quran. As Allah subhanho wa Taala asks of us and asks from us he didn't reveal the Quran so that it could just be read, loaded he revealed the Quran so that it could just be listened to nor did he reveal the Quran so that it could just be memorized but rather Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed the Quran, Leah

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de baru T V et avec Cara old Al Bab. This is the primary reason behind the revelation of the Quran so that those receiving the Quran can interact with the Quran, they can ponder over its meanings, and those who are objective and give the Quran a chance to guide them and teach them they will become guided as a as a result. This is the core function of the Quran. And as such, the Quran is the final testament and it is the time this miracle. It is the only miracle that has existed after the passing away of a prophet. Every Prophet came with a miracle and passed away and the miracle left with them except the Quran Subhana Allah, the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala the book that is

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before all books, and the books that is the book that is above all books, every book we study in our lives, a point comes where we put it back on the shelf, or we give it to somebody else, or we sell it Subhanallah or it might become part and parcel of of our recycling Portal.

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Audio except one book. And that is the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala it is the gift that keeps giving Subhanallah every time you read it, you will learn something new. And we are traveling through the story of use of it he Salam in Surah Yusuf because what our use of Subhanallah is an entire school, it is an entire school, I don't think there's a greater description that we can give to sort of use of and I will summarize for you all insha Allah some of the lessons taken thus far and then inshallah we will delve into some of the lessons of this evening we taking it slowly but surely, it's not about quantity, but it's about quality, and Alhamdulillah we have the month in

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front of us but before that, I want to extend a heartfelt gratitude to this particular Masjid this house from the houses of Allah subhanho wa Taala it's always been a home for me on my visits to Australia, Masha, Allah and the community have always been forthcoming, have always been hospitable. To the extent that I traveled here feeling there's one Allah as if I'm traveling home. So does that mean that we'll haven to the community and to those looking after the affairs of this masjid, and also to the team at the National zakat Foundation, Australia for their diligence, and their vision for the community that the community also engages in some form of transformational development that

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stems from lessons from the Quran and the Sunnah. So they are sponsoring my trip this year in Australia and the many lessons that we are sharing solely to give back to the community to develop the community's relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala me Allah bless them all and bless the project and bless the team and bless the endeavors I mean your Bananaman

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thus far My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam, as I've been discussing Surah Yusuf with the community here in Australia, I started right at the top and that is the lesson that we find in the genre of study known as a normal Quran. In in a normal Quran in the sciences of the Quran, we have a topic that is called the mucky Madani topic, the can versus muddiman topic, and this topic is related to the surah in the Quran. In some of the Messiah if when you open them at the beginning of the Surah it tells you the name of the Surah it tells you how many verses they are in the Surah. And then it tells you whether it's a murky Surah or amid any Surah So our first lesson was about this,

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and I explained the theory behind McKee and Madani. And to summarize, Mackey refers to all revelation that Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam migrated to Medina and made any refers to all revelation that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam or that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam received from Allah subhanho wa Taala after he migrated to Medina, even if the verse came down when he was in Makkah, or in the lands around Makkah, as long as the revelation came down after hijra, this is known as a Medina verse or a Madani surah and if the revelation came down before he Jarrah, then this is known as a murky verse or a

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murky chapter or surah. And there's lessons from this and the scholars spend time on this topic because it brings out to us the eloquence of the Quran further, because there are clear differences between the Moroccan revelation and the medina Medina Revelation in both style and in also the topic structure what Allah subhanho wa Taala focused on in the Moroccan verses and sutras he focused on certain criterion and in the Medina and Revelation we find that there was a focus on a vast array of criterion. To summarize, if you look at the Macan verses of the Quran surah in the Quran are those verses and chapters revealed before hijra, you will find that the Quran predominantly focused on

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four topics number one, believe in one Allah subhanahu Uttara every Surah that was revealed before hijra, you will see this and perhaps this can be part of your engagement with the Quran, this Ramadan that whenever you come across a surah and you see that it's Moroccan, take an English translation and look out for the topics that I'm sharing with you number one, establishing belief in one Allah number two, establishing Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as the messenger sent by this one, Allah number three, establishing life after death, establishing the life of the hereafter. And finally, number four, establishing good character Subhanallah because good character is from

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Tawheed and belief in the Oneness of Allah and God righteousness, and thus the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in authentic narration of a Luma yaku Luffy MISA and he loved the yarmulke Yama Taku. Allah He wants to talk to Allah He wants to hold that the most heaviest matters on the scales are

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For believe on the day of piano is taqwa, which is piety, righteousness, and good character, you will find this in every Moroccan chapter. And I. Now, this is not the place and time to go into the details, we have a dedicated lesson for that, and hamdulillah the videos up on YouTube, but that the lesson for the 21st century that I shared with the community from this, or to number one, the importance of prioritization, when we interact with each other, especially those who have a sphere of influence, those who have people who are inspired by them, who are naturally influenced by them, like parents, for example, like employers, for example, like Imams, for example, and do that and so

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on and so forth, those upon a higher tier of hierarchy. In society, you naturally have people within a sphere of influence. So when you engage these people and build these people up, it's important to prioritize because as we see in the matki versus madonie, Revelation, Allah subhanho wa Taala didn't speak about halal and haram in in the macro revelation. We don't find alcohol being made haram in the Moroccan revelation. We don't find the Riba being made haram in the Moroccan revelation. All this happened 13 years after the Prophetic Mission. In fact, the pillars of Islam as we know it, it came to be after the migration of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam from Mecca to Medina, Allah

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subhanho wa Taala prior prioritised faith and belief in the hereafter and building the hearts and souls the V V, the EQ the heart, the SQ the soul, the PQ the mind, right I was the EQ the mind of the believer, Allah subhanho wa Taala developed these faculties and as such, the Sahaba of the Allahu Anhu has remained themselves they recognize this and they have also said that if the first revelation was to leave alcohol, no one would have listened to the message of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam but after people believed in Allah and His Oneness and the hereafter, we find the lowest coming down like raindrops from the skies upon the dead sands of the desert, giving life to

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these hearts Subhanallah then when Allah subhanho wa Taala made something haram we see the Sahaba immediately refraining from it like when he made alcohol haram they immediately poured their alcohol onto the roads of Medina, the streets of Medina and it is said that even years after when rain would eventually fall, the the smell, the stench of the alcohol would emanate from the ground. Subhan Allah given the quantity of alcohol that was thrown out immediately upon the instruction of Allah subhanho wa Taala when he revealed for Helen to monta Hoon, are you going to stop? Are you going to refrain? Are you going to stay away? So number one, priority number two, managing how you deliver

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your message because we also see this in the McCain versus Medina revelation Allah subhanho wa Taala uses a particular approach when it comes to

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the makan revelation. And that's it's a different approach to the medina revelation. For example, you find longer verses in the revelation of the Hijra shorter verses in the revelation before hijra, a stronger approach to the verses in the revelation before hijra, a lighter approach to the verses in the Revelation After Hijra. So this teaches us that when we speak to other people, and we try to build people up, we should prioritize. And when we release to them, what we have prioritized, we should be wise in how we speak to them. And wisdom is about doing the right thing in the right at the right time, in the right way. Right. And as a practical example, I shared with our community in

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Melbourne, for example, when you speak to your children, how you speak to a child who is between the ages of zero and seven will be different to how you speak to a child between the ages of seven and 14. And that will be different to the way you speak to a child before for between 14 and 21. Right. It's not wise to speak to your child who's between 14 and 21. In the same way you would speak you are speaking to them when they were five years old or six years old or seven years old. This is not doing the right thing in the right way at the right time. The topic is a long one but this was a core 21st century benefit that we extracted then we went into the best manner the best mela many

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people are unaware of this term. The bus mela is an Arabic term. It is a term that is the name actually of Bismillah R Rahman Rahim the Arabic language is a substantial in depth language it has the ability to give a name to a sentence Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim is a sentence the name for it is bas Mara. And we have many other examples. For example, La hawla wala Quwata illa biLlah. The name for it is how Karla and with the event for those who read the books of fic Haryana, Salah and halal Fela This is known as hey Allah. So the bus Mala is the name of Bismillah R Rahman.

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Under Rahim, and the core lesson we had for the community from this best Mala lesson in the 21st century is the lesson of baraka and we discussed the meanings of Baraka, the importance of baraka and HA and the tips the means of developing baraka and the need for us, especially in this age, to enable Baraka in our wealth, in our health, in our time, and again, inshallah you can find these lessons online, on the YouTube channel of national soccer Foundation, Australia, and also on my personal YouTube channel. Then, yesterday, we spoke at large about the prophetic School of parenting. And we took this lesson from how Allah subhanho wa Taala opened the Surah or sorry,

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before this day before yesterday, we spoke about the Quran, the importance of the Quran, and as our chef earlier spoke about Narcos, Sonica X and of course us, Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah revealed in Surah Yusuf that we revealed to you the best of all stories, and I shared with the audience why the Quranic stories are the best of all stories. And we ran some comparisons with modern day literature and studies in terms of what determines a great story. And we ran some parallels between what they say today that constitutes a great story and what we find in the stories of the Quran, and the fact that all the stories of the Quran are the best of all stories, and in particular, Surah

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Yusuf is the best of all stories and one of the clear realities why the Quranic stories are the best of all stories is because the Quranic stories are not fictional, they are relatable, they are real, they pertain to real people, human beings who thought who had emotions, who had minds who had hearts, and the Quran really says to us what they did, and how they felt and how they dealt with their matters. And also, we tied this back to the time when Surah Yusuf was revealed to appreciate the Quranic eloquence, to appreciate why Surah Yusuf is the best of all stories. And to summarize that for the audience here, so the use of was revealed during the toughest years of his McCann

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mission, after he was sanctioned. And then after the year of sorrow when he lost Khadija of the Allahu anha and he lost the Abu Talib, the two greatest supporters of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam no doubt, he went through massive difficulty, massive difficulty and the difficulty is only increased, they only increased and then he had to see his companion sanctioned no food, no drink, no medicine, no trade for a long period of time. And it was a very difficult period of time. The milk in the chest of mothers began to dry up he had to witness Allah Allahu Allah. He was sent them children crying, he had to witness the pain in the eyes

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of mothers for their children, or because they said La Ilaha illa Allah and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a human being as well. And Allah subhanho wa Taala refused him Surah Yusuf to ease his pain, to give him hope to renew his hope to calibrate his emotions, not just him, but the Sahaba Radi Allahu Anhu Ultramarine with him, and let's not forget, as well My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam, when we talk about Surah Yusuf and its its means of bringing about hope, we talking about to prophets of Allah, who were tested for on conservative figures, five decades, we're talking about a test that spanned five decades, and none lost hope in the Mercy of Allah subhanho wa

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taala. And what was the end, La ilaha illa Allah. And also let's not forget, there's another lesson that some of the scholars of Tafseer highlight when they talk about Surah Yusuf and they say that it came down at a time when of course, there was great difficulty and the Sahaba said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that you have given us the more ever you've taught us about Jana and Jahannam, and km and that which is needed to wake up our hearts, and we we've learned some of the do's and the don'ts. But for now though, Pastor Elena, if you told the story Subhanallah that the Sahaba or the Allahu Anhu much rain they requested from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the

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story time, and as such, Allah reveals nanoco Seleka axonal courses teaching us number one, that the Quran is from Allah. And number two, that it was revealed over a period of 23 and a half years. And number three, that is not from Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam And number four, the newest of Muslims, the Sahaba of the Allahu Anhu matrimony, they understood that this Quran was from Allah subhanho wa Taala not from Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in number five, they understood the Quran to be the ultimate guide the means of the hope, the means of the will to fight. Robbie Allahu Anhu. Mm hmm. And this should be our way, especially in the month of Ramadan. Again, I'm just

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sharing with you a tip of the iceberg of a tip of an iceberg. And I implore you all to visit these lessons last night lesson was related to the prophetic school

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of parenting. And it's a very long topic and we went through how Allah opened Surah Yusuf, and how Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us verses and that leaves us to ponder because when he begins with our use of he doesn't give us a an introduction as you would normally find in a story he just gets into it is called or used to fully Abby. That's how the story starts when you sort of said to his father, that's how the story starts Subhanallah and if we interact with this, and the Struble Qurani. This manner mannerism of the Quran, we see Subhan Allah that Allah subhanho wa Taala who is the omniscient is Allah Aleem, He is revealing this Quran to a being to the human being who Subhanallah

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will live life and will experience life and through that experience, they will interact with the Quran and understand the deeper lessons that when you read a story, and the opening of the story is when the son said to his father, and you are a father, and you know how children interact with their fathers, and you know how children interact with their mothers. And you know how children by design Subhanallah, it's within their fitrah they have this ability to compartmentalize what they will say to the Father, and what they will say to the mother, and all this is based on the proximity that they naturally have between them and their father, and him and their mother. And then all of a

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sudden you see this dilemma that Yusuf is going through and immediately speaks to His Father. Immediately This takes you back and makes you realize Subhanallah that this didn't come from a vacuum. The fact that use of immediately saw his father as his reference, his means of guidance, his means of making heads from tails, right? It means when you interact with the verse of the Quran understanding life, you realize Subhanallah that Iacob Allah He Salam was present in this boy's life. From the beginning, he was teaching this boy from the beginning. And he was teaching this boy the greatest lessons of life he wasn't coddling this boy, he wasn't trying to keep this boy ignorant

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to keep him quote unquote innocent as we try and do with our children today. shaytaan Miss conceives us and makes us feel that the more ignorant we keep our children, the more innocent they will be. And subhanAllah he chooses to go to his father, not his brothers, not anyone else in the home. And he also Subhanallah at a young age. And what's amazing, is the topic that he chose to engage his father with that Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us about it's called a usefully IB Yeah, but he in Euro eight who had the extra cold kabbah or shamsur, welcome or at home Lisa GED, he tells his father the Almighty Father, I see the sun in the moon and 11 stars bowing down to me now think about

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this My dear brother and father and mother and sister Why would a child make this problematic? Consider this problematically mother your skin and what illuminate the hammer? Why does he make this a problem we know children, they are imagined that their ability to imagine is is far beyond the ability of an adult right? This could be from his imagination. Why would use of irony Salam find this problematic and this to be something he needs to go to his father and engage his father with and speak to his father about why? Because interact with the Quran, his father taught him about the heat, about the Oneness of Allah and who created everything and that even the sun in the moon

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prostrate to Allah subhanho wa taala. So as a young boy, when he sees the Sun and Moon prostrating to him, he doesn't imagine this to be a figment or a feature of his imagination. But he sees this to be something problematic because it goes against the heart of the truth, which my father taught me Subhanallah right. So we see here

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the lessons that the use of was exposed to again, I'm not going to go into the details because you need to go back to the video, but to fast forward as well. The Aqaba he Salam engages use of with instruction Subhanallah he hears this dream that use of his asking about, he doesn't say anything about the dream, but rather his response is something that to the untrained ear comes across as strange. You'd say subhanallah Why is Jacobi engaging is unlike this, the first thing Jakob says to his son is do not reveal this dream to you or process. Number one, number two, four, they will plot against you. Number three, indeed shaytaan to mankind is a clear enemy. Do you think La ilaha

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illallah what's going on here? Is everything okay? He's just telling him about about about a dream that he had. And all of a sudden you're giving him instructions. It's become a a parenting meeting here, do this and don't do that La Ilaha illa Allah but again, we know that Jakob he is a prophet of Allah subhanho wa taala. And he was given the ability to interpret events to interpret dreams and he understood that his time with his son is limited, so immediately started revealing to his son the lessons that his son will need for the rest of his life. And we learn from this the importance of a father or

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A mother teaching his or her child the lessons of life, the lessons of Islam, and that there's Baraka, there's blessings in a lesson that Allah subhanho wa Taala gives a parent when a parent teaches their child that you will not find when the Imam of the masjid teaches your child, when the teacher at the madrasa teaches your child, when a YouTube personality teaches your child Subhanallah there's a secret that Allah subhanho wa Taala has placed in the lesson of a parent to his or her child is unbelievable. And we see this throughout Surah Yusuf. Now, if I can, it's hard to summarize I keep on saying let me try to summarize but every lesson is connected to a lesson. This is and we

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only in the in the beginning of Surah use of such as the Quran. But when we look at modern day techniques, and how to transfer ideas, and how to communicate, when you learn about the genre known as the command, the genre of speech, known as the command, they always say there should be two elements or three present in every command for it to be a impactful command number one, the command itself, which is to do or not to do, and we see this in Jakub speech Latifah Surya Carla aquatint Do not be viewed this dream to your brothers. But the next element is to explain the command for your key do like a que de Yaqoob explains the why. He explains why he doesn't leave use of to experiment.

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And many parents today, because of the nature of the 21st century and how we live our lives. We were good at the command. And we're good for the command. You know, it's a long day we tired, you came home, you tired? The child is doing this and doing that we stop doing this and do that. And if the child says why'd you say Don't ask questions, just do it. And sometimes we say but you disrespectful for asking questions. You know, when we were young, our father will just look at us and we will do it. Now we're good at the command. We're good at the command. But rarely do we explain the command and children by design? If you command them and you don't explain it, they're gonna want to

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understand why. And they will do that when you're not there. So they'll experiment. Right? And that is because of the deficiency in how we transferred this information. Jacoba Alayhis Salam is teaching us from the prophetic school, save the command and explain why. But then, even more than they speech experts talk about explaining the explanation of the command and we see the siniakova he Salem in Nashua and I live in Santa Fe I do move in. Indeed shape on to mankind is a clear enemy, and Jakob is telling his son, don't reveal this dream to your brothers. Because your brothers will plot against you. Now no doubt if you interact with the Quran, you can understand here that Iacob

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knows that I have to explain this further to my son. Because I've already taught my son, the importance of brotherhood and sisterhood in Islam, the importance of being united as a family, the importance of the elders looking after the young ones, the importance of trusting each other that I've taught my son all of this, that I've taught young use of these lessons to trust his older brothers. But now I'm contradicting that. That teaching, I'm telling him now don't trust your brothers. Don't help him this lesson. Right? So Jaco gives you some further instruction in the Shavon really insanely I do movie, Jacobi is not telling you so that you're that you that your

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brothers if they wronged you, that they're right, that they're not at fault. That is shaytans fault. He's not saying that. He's saying if your brother's wrong you then they are wrong. But don't forget my son of shaytans hand when mankind goes astray Subhan Allah and our use of Allah he Salam on conservative figures is taking this lesson. My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam.

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Some of the scholars have to put in between the age of six and eight years old. And he's learning this Islam to portray upon, he's learnt about plots that can happen from the closest to you things that you and I consider our children too young to know about keep them naive, keep them innocent. Yeah, Kobe is sharing this with his son, because he knows my son is going to be thrown into the jungle before he leaves my home. I need to teach him today we have other jungle some of them. Some people call them schools, right before you let your kids out of your home. How much do we prepare them? How much do we enable them Yahoo bada he Salam is teaching the 21st century parent how to

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raise, how to raise his or her child Yaqoob is teaching his son and then he goes on to teach his son his identity Subhanallah and today we took this thing about identity crisis and our youth not knowing who they are and where they came from, and where they're going and how to get there successfully. And the trends of the time are too fast moving too overwhelming. And it feels like the walls are closing in and and they doubt themselves. Why do I have to pray and why do I have to wear hijab and why do I have to have the name Muhammad and and and because of the pressures. Jakub knows that my son is going to leave this Janna that he is in this home of Ebola and he's going to be in

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places that no one has control over. He teaches his son his identity. He said

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What Can I lick ah to be corrupt because oh my son, your Lord, He's going to choose you while you are limo come into a wheel ahaadeeth And he's going to teach you how to interpret events and interpret dreams. Are you Timonium Mehta who Alekan is going to complete his favor upon you come out at 10 Mahayana. Avoid communicable as he completed it upon your grandfather's Ibrahima is hat Ibrahim and is Huck Jacobi is reminding us of that use of you are the son of a prophet who is the son of a prophet who is the son of a prophet. He is reminding him of his identity Subhanallah and thereafter use of his abducted from his home, but just before that, at the end of the verse, he says

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in Rebecca Eileen will Hakeem Subhanallah Jiro Jacoba, he said, I'm teaching his son three names of Allah subhanho wa taala. He teaches his son that this Allah that I've been speaking to you about, I want you to learn three things about him. Number one, he's the Rob and Rob is a universal term, universal name from the names of Allah, that refers to your

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Creator, your maker, the giver of life, the giver of death, your Sustainer, your protector, and the one who nurtures you to perfection. These are seven meanings from the meanings of Rob just one name of Allah subhanho atoll. And then he tells his son and this Rob, who will protect you, he's really, he knows everything when no one knows where you are, he knows and he's Hakeem, he's wise, when you can't understand events. Allah subhanho wa Taala is wise as to where you are when you are there. And subhanAllah we see use of either he Salam thrown down there, well, then, and by who abducted by his own brothers, and then he is now made, he's kidnapped, he's made homeless, then he is stolen by

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people. So now he's kidnapped, and then he is transported out of Palestine, and transported to Egypt. So now he's citizen lists, his resident lists, his country lists, his family lists, he's fatherless La Ilaha illa Allah weakness after weakness after weakness. Can you imagine what's going in his mind when he's thrown down the world by his closest to him? What keeps him saying at that moment, what keeps him calm at that moment, the knowledge of his father in law, Roberta, Hollywood, Hakeem, Allah is my protector. He knows where I am, and he knows why I'm here. Nobody knows where I am, besides my brothers, and I can trust them with this knowledge because they put me here, but

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besides them, Allah knows where I am. And he protects me and he knows where I am. And he knows why I'm here when he is stolen and kidnapped. He has this lesson with him as well. Allah is my protector. He knows where I am. He knows why I'm here, when he's thrown into the slave markets of Egypt and what will make you understand what the slave markets were, I was explaining this to the brothers and sisters in Melbourne. If you read the history books about the slave markets of Egypt, Allah, you will cringe Subhanallah because they talk about how the slaves were treated like animals, they would open their mouths to check their teeth to look for decay, they would pull their ears to

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see how clean they were, and hit their hands to check their nails. This is how people were treated in the slaves markets of Egypt. And Yusuf is a young boy flung here, thrown there. What is keeping him saying, the lessons from his prophetic home, my father taught me who I am, and he taught me Allah protects me. And he taught me that whatever happens to me, Allah is completing his favor upon me, I shouldn't doubt myself, I should trust the system, I only have a pixel, Allah has the picture. Let me just be patient, let me be patient. And let me always remind myself, that Allah knows where I am. And he's wise as to why I am here. And this continues as he is bought by the Minister and put

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into a home of idols put into a home of low morality. I mean, imagine we talk about the teenage years, and how we lose our youth in the teenage years that they have the most formative years. And all the misconceptions happen at the teenage years and Shavon lays a full blown attack a nuclear attack on our youth as they hit 13 onwards, Yusuf Ali Salaam is living through the teenage years in a house with idols around him. In a house with low morality, you can see because the woman of the home is interested in him. This is how he's growing up. There's no rule of law, the law of Allah subhanho wa taala. All he has with him is the Prophetic home that he grew up in that he had a few

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years in Subhan, Allah, he had the rule of law from them. He had the knowledge from them, he had the guidance from them, and he held on to it. And if you think about it, you don't hear use of his voice in the story. After he speaks to his father, when he's thrown down the well, we hear nothing. We don't hear the voice of use of when he's stolen and kidnapped. We don't hear the voice of use of when he's thrown into the slave markets of Egypt. We don't hear the voice of use of when he's bought by the Minister and put into the home and has to live with all this around him. We don't hear the voice of use of but when he's 40, as Allah says, The scholars of Syria say he gets to 14 when a

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mobile app I should do it now. Hawkman or Ilma, I should hear refers to reaching the age of 40. And he's locked into this room, which is private if everything is bolstered.

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shut, there's no way in. There's no way out the doors are locked, the windows have shatters. And she is a woman of beauty, of power, of authority, of lineage of financial standing of material well being. And he is weakness upon weakness upon weakness. He is a slave, and he is resident less, and he is homeless, his family lives his houseless he is under her law, and she calls him to her. Now you finally hear the voice of use of Alayhis Salam and what what do you hear? And what voice do we hear Morales Allah, I seek refuge in Allah subhanho attack, La ilaha illa Allah, He went through all these years, the teens, the 20s, the 30s. Now he's in his 40s. And he's connected to Mumbai said the

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baraka, the baraka of the prophetic home, the Baroque of the prophetic home, and I know I'm repeating here for those following on YouTube, there's a benefit because we always say this new lessons, there's two things I didn't share yesterday when I shared this lesson, that show us the baraka of a father's teaching, and a mother's teaching in the home to their children. Because remember, Jacoba he said, I'm told Yusuf alayhi salam about shaytans role, when the brothers will disobey Allah subhana who had to enter with him, and if you fast forward the story, and now use of studies 50s on conservative figures, and the years of drought happen, and Allah blesses uses to

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manage the, the harvest in such a phenomenal way, such a phenomenal way that not only did he have enough food for Egypt, there was a surplus for Cannan, and Palestine and all these lands. And as such, the brothers of use have come from Palestine to Egypt SubhanAllah. And in their minds, the last person they expect to see at the top of this mission is the brother that they threw at the bottom of our well Subhanallah they will put him low and Allah is still high. But eventually when you surrender, he Salam asks them, man for the use of Subhanallah he says to them, and look how beautiful how beautiful is his speech? How beautiful is his upbringing, the upbringing he had in his

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father's home, he says to his brothers, you know, tell me what did you do to use of once upon a time when you used to be ignorant?

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He's making an excuse for them.

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He's making an excuse for who does that? Who does that? When you find that you have power authority, you have the army with you, you have everything with you. And your brothers come and you say to them, You know what, once upon a time you did something to this guy, but we were young used to be ignorant, don't worry about it, but tell me what you did.

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Now obviously, they know Subhanallah that no one knows about this besides asking him if he's asking about it. He must be useful for the set in the color and the use of are you indeed use of he says I'm use of and this is my brother Binyamin, and then he notices within his brothers regret and hurt and remorse. And immediately he says letter three body company Oh, no, no, no, there's no blame on you today. I don't blame you. I've never blamed you. My father taught me about Chevron's role long time ago

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Are you under the influence of shaytaan? Don't What are you my brothers it's all cool. It's all clean don't worry about it lattice anybody company. Oh, there is no blame on you. Yeah, fair. Hola. Hola. Como, Allah will forgive you. When do you tell someone Allah will forgive you and they've wronged you?

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When we know that if you're wrong, Allah you is between you and Allah. But if you are wrong, a human being, that Allah won't forgive you until the human being forgives you correct or not? Right? He is telling his brothers before they can say anything when he just sees the remorse in themselves. Young Pharaoh Hola. Hola, como, Allah will forgive you. What is he telling his brothers when he says this, that I have already forgiven you? There's no issue between me and you. And Allah will forgive you. Because I've asked Allah to forgive you. And I love Allah. Where does a man

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Where do you find these people? Where do you find these people? Now let's fast forward. To further show you to connect the end of the story to the beginning of the story. At the end of the story, are we talking about prophetic lessons, prophetic lessons at the end of the story, Subhan Allah, when Yusuf is united with the family, and they prostrate to him, the greeting that you would give a person of his stature, his stature and status and authority, he exclaims, he explains to his father had that we would have been covered there. Oh my dear father, this was the dream that I saw when I spoke to you when I was a little boy in your home. The janitor who wrote the haka Allah made it

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true. Then what does he say? What could send me Allah was good to me, is Rajani Mina Sujan. There

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is another lesson here. There's another lesson here. I can't help it. I have to share it. Such is a useful use of it he Salem when the lady locked him in the room and called him to her and he refrained. It

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became use of the city when it became use of the city all the women were making fun of this minister's wife, this powerful woman is running after her sleeve with shame on her. You know, people talk, she and him when we thought she somebody important. And she's running after a slave boy in our house slave boys living with her, and she's going crazy over him. So she says, You know what, I'm going to fix these women of the city. They haven't seen him, let me bring them and let me call him to them. And that's what they did

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use Vida he Salam was tested further, because now he's a grown man. He has the desires of a man he's not married. And he now not only does he have one woman calling him to her, he has the women of the city, calling him to her. And he says to Allah, Rob, be you here use his voice again, as soon as you have wilayah prison is more beloved to me than what they're calling me to. Because what they're calling me to is your disobedience and prison, even though it's uncomfortable, it will help me to be obedient.

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So use of his in the prison. He says to his father at the end, and he was kept in prison for seven for seven plus years. He says to his father at the end, Allah was good to me when it originally means decision when Allah took me out of the prison.

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Why didn't he say when Allah took me out of the well?

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Because this is from the perfection of forgiving other people. When you forgive somebody, you don't remind them about what they did, which was harder for him going into prison or being thrown into our

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Think about it. A young boy removed from his home by his own brothers flung into a well is this harder, or being put into prison by people who don't fear Allah?

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No doubt the first. But he doesn't mention the first. He says Allah was good to me, not when he took me out of the world when it took me out of prison. Because I forgiven my brothers and they hear my uncle to remind them about the well that's in the past.

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And then he goes on to say, Me by the Anessa shade bond, they knew Urbina equity. Allah was good to me when he took me out of the prison, after Shavon caused the enmity between me and my brothers. Yeah, Salah, who taught him about shaytan and shaytans role in causing enmity between him and his brothers, who, the minister of Egypt, the minister's wife, the people who stole him from, from from the from the well, no one but he's five. How are we this is the prophetic, the prophetic home. Anyway, I don't know if I offered a summary or a lesson for you can go back in sha Allah to yesterday's episode, as we tapped into the prophetic school and lessons for the 21st century for

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today, very quickly, I'll make it very short. Because thereafter, Allah subhanho wa Taala moves the story on to a discussion that is happening, you got to imagine sort of use of as, as cameras being set in places, so you have the camera in the in the home of Yaqoob. And this discussion is happening. And then the camera, all of a sudden, now is outside somewhere, and the brothers are gathered, and they talking between themselves. And they saying you know what, enough is enough. Enough is enough. There's too much favoring taking place there between our father and use of they love him too much. They love him too much him and his brother, they're being favored.

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They're getting too much preference from our father and we have to do something about it. Subhanallah and this is no doubt from the ports of shaytaan. This is from the ports of Shavon Shavon. Sometimes, in fact, there's a book called Toby's a bliss by YBNL Josie Rahim Allah It's a wonderful book to study. So wonderful book to study. And in it, he talks about the logistical tactics of bliss and Subhanallah, the PhD that he has in logistics, if you want to, if I can express it that way. And that Subhanallah sometimes he bleeds, how does he take you away from Allah, He takes you away from Allah by something passionate, that is halal. That means a lot to you.

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Sometimes through that door, he will take you to Johanna

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Yes, yes.

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Sometimes you will have the our weed of calling people to Allah shaytaan will push you hard into that so hard that will become extreme.

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And that will be a means of your downfall. On the day of care, you have to be careful. This is from the logistical tactics, he is a tactician, of bliss. And sometimes the love that a person has for his or her parents at least uses it against them. He uses it against them that loving your parents, this is a good thing. But he makes you extreme in it

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that the boundaries between right and wrong become crossed. And you can see here that all of a sudden they started interpreting Jakub relationship with younger children to be him, favoring them over them.

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And historically, the scholars explained that they had one mother and use of and his brother had another mother and these were all the brothers. So naturally, they were able, they were stable, they were capable. And here you have two younger boys who actually need attention. They need less

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Since they need care, they need the consent as his natural between the oldest natural difference that we see in our homes between older siblings and younger siblings. Allah takes us into the scene and how he believes made them extreme in their love for their father, to the extent that they started developing hatred for their own Keith and kin for their own blood.

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Subhanallah we see the sun in more modern days in the 21st century, we see this when it comes to inheritance matters. As someone who sits as a judge with a Sharia Council.

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It's unfortunate that these are cases that come across your desk and before my presiding with the Sharia Council, privately via emails, and some of the paragraphs that are mentioned in there Subhanallah they only make the eyes tear, and make the hearts sad that you see a brother using such terminology about his brother, or a sister using such terminology about her brother, and misinterpreting people's words and people's sentences and people's ideas. Choosing voluntarily to interpret my brother or my sister statement in the worst with the worst of meanings. Where does this come from?

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This is from IBLEES pushing us to extremes with regards to the attachments we have now to the belongings of our father or mother who passed away May Allah preserve our parents and those who have passed away and Allah subhanho wa Taala grant them grace that our guidance on the guidance of paradise me. So this is happening My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam, and who are these people, the children of a prophet, and we learn from the Subhanallah that guidance is of Allah subhanho wa taala. And this is an important lesson for us in the 21st century because many parents they feel de capacitated they feel Wallahi we try everything and we failed, it doesn't necessarily mean that you

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Focus on your effort, or did your effort result is what Allah subhanho wa Taala if guidance was in the hands of you, my dear mother and my dear father, they knew how to his Salah would not have to say sorry to Allah subhanahu Allah was asking Allah to forgive the son who passed away upon.

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Yes, 950 years of new hurry salaams da and his son, at the end day to disbelief. And when the waves were, were flowing when the sky was pouring when the ground was bursting, and no, he's in the ark. And he beautifully calls out to his son recognizing that my son is an adult. Remember we said speak to people upon the age upon their level. Don't talk to your child, the child as if they're their kid. Yusuf says here buena, sorry, new Xia Bula Yakama Anna Almighty, dear son, Erica IRA, get on to the ark.

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And the son says, no, no, my father, don't worry. You know, I know. I know. You see that high mountain. I'll get there. The water won't reach me. And no Haile Salam even though he's a human being. He feels what he feels he knows what Allah has said that no one is going to survive except the people on the ark. He keeps himself calm. He employs his son. He speaks to his son there are similarly OMA mean amarilla he Lama Rahim. There is no safety today my DSN from the Command of Allah from this punishment, except for the one who receives Allah's mercy and they are the people on this boat.

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Who had been human March

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a wave came in solid him and he was from those who were drowned.

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So we see this, the guidance of Allah Jacoba he Salam, these were his children.

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And what he was doing for use of you can only imagine he did for them.

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And don't forget the the sons of Adam Alayhis Salam that Allah subhanho wa Taala also tells us about what to do Allah him now Bourbonnais there will be

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one brother killed his other brother out of jealousy.

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So we learned from here and we will stop here today as a takeaway, because I always try to have a key takeaway every lesson. It's always difficult when I travel because I have to summarize to bring the surah together, but that's okay. Allah says what a killer for in the Quran. 10 minute remind for these reminders are benefits and I benefit as well. From the repetition and such as the Quran. It's not the repetition that bores you. But the key lesson to take away is that as parents, we need to do everything in our capacity to be great parents.

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If you need to take courses take courses. If you need to have a board of directors over you have experienced people, for you to discuss your parenting philosophy with create that board of directors. Parenting is a project by the way, there's no a boss, there is no

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issue in you creating a board of directors for your project that there's certain people who I trust that I will speak to about the decisions I make for my show. It's a project I'll do sure what I'll do is the horrible also to show roster. I will be judging jury of my success or failure. But shaytaan can deceive me sometimes I think I'm winning but I'm losing

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And sometimes I think I'm losing, but I'm winning. See the prophets of Allah, they knew they tried their best. So for you, it's to try your best. And we see this hear from the story of use of and Yaqoob and the brothers of use of the children of Iacob. Today's lesson for us to take away in the 21st century is do everything in your capacity to be an amazing parent. But understand that guidance is with Allah subhanahu uttaran. And that means part of your parental process is to engage the heavens to raise your hands. And I promise you, my dear mothers and fathers in Islam, when push comes to shove, and I have the parents in the room, and things haven't gone right, and I asked him

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the question, How often have you asked Allah for your children?

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Normally the answer is ahead, going down. Not enough.

00:50:44 --> 00:51:27

We talk about the vise of our time, and the amount of vise and the momentum of the vise where's the momentum of the DUA? Was the increase in the in the amount of dua where's that? Oh servant of Allah and oh child of Adam. success stems from the heavens, every Salah you read at the end of the Salah, you say Allahu Allah into Salam, O Allah you are the perfect one will mean Casella and from use them as Oh perfection, okay. You want perfection for your children. You want perfection over your parenting of your children. Where will you get that from? From Salem, from the heavens? And Allah teaches you in the Quran, but Allah who is a keema Yasha well I can Allah user Kima Yasha in another

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verse in Surah Surah federate with our kin Allah Hebda Bailey como. Amen was a Yahoo few Kuru BigMarker Rahila.

00:51:34 --> 00:52:02

Allah is teaching you this, Allah says indeed, but instead it is Allah who purifies whom He wills. Nate is Allah who purifies when he was but it is Allah who have Baba la C'mon EMA and made Iman beloved to you was a Yahoo for you to become an beautified it for in your hearts were Cara Haley como for all for soup and made disobedience and immorality hated to you. Allah is telling you who does it.

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When do we as parents ask Allah and when we do how often

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and when we do it often isn't enough. It starts with Allah subhanahu wa Tada and also teaching your children

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to ask Allah subhanahu Allah for the guidance one of the best things you can teach your children My dear mother, my dear father is this applications of the morning and the evening.

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And make them read it everyday before they go to school after the fajr prayer and everyday when they come back from school after the sort of prayer for this is the cycle of protection that the Afghan give us 24 hour protection you recited after fajr it protects you until us youth recited after us or it protects you until Fudger. And it's no excuse today. There's apps we all have apps get the right apps delete the wrong apps. There's an app called History Muslim, the fortress of a believer, masha Allah and it's in 50 languages, Allahu Akbar. Download it, access the part which says the mornings applications, the evenings applications, and do that with your children. Do it with your children.

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But don't say I'm too busy because of the work because of the 21st century lifestyle. Because guess what, there is not an excuse that will be acceptable on the day of TM, Allah subhanahu wa Tada. In his book, he revealed that you must work but your work should not be at the expense of your children. Should it work is an elective role. raising your kids is a mandatory role. If you read The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, what does he talk about when he mentioned elective roles and mandatary roles? He says elective roles are important but you have flexibility with them. mandatary rows or rows that your worldview never allows you to separate yourself from.

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You can ever separate yourself from the title father, from the title mother is with you 24/7 Whether it's a weekend, whether you're on holiday, whether you get a bank holiday, whether it's an Easter holiday, you cannot log out of the roll, you don't log back into the role once your child is born, you are defined by it, that is a mandatory role. And mandatary roles have a higher level of precedence than elective roles. Your job is an elective role you have flexibility with it. If you practice any elective role at the expense of a mandatary role, then you have flouted the universal balance. And the guidance of the Quran for Allah says what Mora halacha is Salah T was slavery rally

00:54:24 --> 00:54:59

Han, Lana's Bucarest con National Zoo cook went to the temple Allahu Akbar i searched for this verse in the Quran to make sense of this principle that we see in the modern days because no doubt these principles have come from experience people working with 1000s of people and communities over time. I said if this is based on human experience, we must have evidence in the Quran for it and lo and behold, we have it. Allah says command your families to the Salah and be persistent upon it. Don't be patient with it is the bar is the level of patients that is greater, be persistent with it. Then Allah says Madison

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Caliskan we're not asking you to put food on your table. Now, we provide for you.

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Why would Why does Allah join between these two functions here? command them to solve what's that got to do about, you know the issue about putting food on the table?

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Yes, you have to work because other commands in the Quran tell you to go search for your risk. But the balance of reading the Quran in totality

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creates a net result and that net result is work but not at the expense of raising your kids. Not at the expense of raising your kids. Not at the expense of raising your kids. You cannot outsource parenting. And I said this to the Melbourne community yesterday that you can outsource marketing. You can outsource catering, you can outsource HR. You can outsource your printing. You can outsource your gardening can outsource your painting, but you can also co parenting and in case you didn't get the memo, the schools and the Madera mattresses are not the places that we outsource parenting to schools and mattresses only complement your role as a parent. But ultimately, you are in charge of

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your child's education and look at the humble mother of Imam Malik. She's just a mother in Medina. But what a mother she was when she chose the school for Imam Malik, which was his teacher for a beer. When she went to him and he was the chef of Medina. People venerate the chef. They venerate the chef, she takes Malik to the chef and she tells the chef, teach him manners before you teach him knowledge. She dictated the curriculum for him Subhanallah

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if you are the teacher, you are the chef you are the Grand Mufti all that but I am his mother. teach him manners before you teach him knowledge. And this came from the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam. I shared this little and I'll end with this today. A lesson with the brothers and sisters yesterday, this famous story that goes back to our when Abdulaziz and some say Harun Rashid, the both of them were caliphs were leaders of the Muslims. And how even when you the leader of the Muslims, you do not outsource parenting.

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You do not forget your responsibility as a parent, you do not forget the knowledge that Allah will question you on the Day of pm about how you raised your children, that even though they were busy, the Muslim empire had spread. They were dealing with countless governance and they were dealing with countless realities ensuring that there's no uprising in one end of the Ummah that will create an imbalance for the other end, ensuring that the word of Allah is spread

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and the signs of Allah remain.

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Despite all this, they would hire the best Maura bees, the best teachers and nurtures for the kids and those nurturers had to give daily reports detailed reports about everything pertaining to each chart Subhanallah and when those reports came in, it was given a rating

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of superiority. It wasn't a report that went under the list. It was a report that went on top of the list and once the Khalifa the leader of the Muslims receives the report and the report is perfect Masha Allah A star A star A star, you know we always love the stars, right? We love it with the results. What about the character of our child Allah Who stack a star on the character, everything is good, but then on one of the children that Robbie said, except this boy here, he started his Salah with the Imam just slightly after the Imam did the tech bill. So that he was in the second row. He was there. He was there, but the Imam started it and then he started it. Why he got a little

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bit delayed combing his hair. La ilaha illa look how detailed the reporting was. So the Khalifa writes back immediately he doesn't say I'll deal with it tomorrow. He writes back immediately, and the letter goes back DHL will bury the Surya just called back to them today we call it the DHL it was DHL to back to the Murabbi that your letter has been received. And upon receipt here is my reply when you get this letter shaved his head off

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because if his hair delayed him starting the Salah with the Imam then he doesn't need his hair. It's not important. You see my brothers and sisters they were raising leaders today we too focused on raising children. Don't raise children, raise leaders and by the way, please don't shave your children's head off we are in the 21st century it's not something lucrative to do is not wise to do it. But do teach them and you talk to them I love your for the sake of Allah. May Allah preserve us in His obedience and accept our Alba Insha Allah we will continue tomorrow how the Allahu Allah wa sallahu wa Salam o baraka and the Vienna Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Adjumani

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