Nouman Ali Khan – 104 Humazah A

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The Hara is the final word of the surah, and the use of "will" in various context is common. The transcript discusses various topics including the Hara's use of "will" and "will" in English, as well as the importance of finding one's own weaknesses and finding one's own mind to be filled with other concerns. The transcript also touches on various issues related to the title "harvest" and the negative impact of "will" and "will" in the title.
AI: Transcript ©
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Rubin hamina shaytani r rajim Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim ye no Nico Lumosity no Meza and

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da da

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da da Allah can

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feel for karma

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karma, karma. Now law he will move into an

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F either in highlighting him sada Fie hi Maddie

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala l mursaleen. Radha and he was happy here at Loma de la Madonna main home, Amina Amina Muhammad Ali heard what I was what I was for the sub for lahoma, Nova lubaina binaural Quran. I mean, I mean, for my mother inshallah we're discussing solid homosassa today, and the first thing to discuss is its relationship with the sola that preceded it, that is so colossal. Actually, there are three surahs that are very closely connected to each other, and that those are sort of the cathode, denso to Lhasa and then Hamada, these three sources are very closely related to each other. The gist of Soto cathode was a complaint issued by Allah and the

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declaration really made, that human beings are distracted, essentially distracted, and the only time their distraction comes to an end, is when they're pretty much headed towards their graves. How does autumn and makabe right, it's too late by that time. So the idea was, don't be distracted, Wake Up Now that you have time, and your time is running out, which is the fundamental lesson of sootel as well as in the inside and of course, but if you are not able to avail this time, then what is ahead of you is destruction. And that is the end, the worst of it is described in this surah. Now, so it's connected in that logical flow between these two, these resources. There are other things to the the

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the central idea of Central asset is in in Santa Fe. That's the thesis of that surah that is the statement the universal statement made. Now that statement that human beings are in loss, this sutra describes how bad can it get meaning it's the worst kind of loss that's being described in sort of tomasa. By some scholarly accounts, there is no worse description of Hellfire given in the Quran, then in the surah, because Allah as origin takes a step further than he does anywhere else. Specifically, when he says not Allah, you see when you say now fire, and you attribute it to jahannam. Now the jahannam right, or a double hurry. Sorry, these are all different descriptions of

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the same thing of hellfire. But when you attribute it to Allah, then you've taken a step beyond anything else. You know, it's like comparing a fire made might be a fire lit by me, versus a fire lit by someone who knows how to make a fire better than myself. Right But now is saying the fire lit by who by a light which means it's an incomparable kind of fire. It's fire beyond imagination and something Allah has himself taken, you know, made special arrangements for so the fact that he mentioned his name next to the fire, lawful jalala in and of itself constitutes that this is the strongest, you know, Sula of warning and terrorizing the warning of the hellfire. The other thing

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that's really powerful about this surah is that it's the last surah dealing with the Hara, in Jos, Alma. And you can also say in the sequence of the Quran, the rest of the sutras that are coming now will not deal directly with the subject of the next life. You notice already if you've been attending the gurus, that many of the sutras if not all of them, fundamentally have dealt with some concepts of the afterlife, something to do with the afterlife. But this is the final of them and the most powerful explanation. So it's like the subject is coming to a conclusion. At its most climactic, most powerful point. The surah begins alaris origin says Waylon, it's the first word of

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the surah wale destruction, curse there are other meanings of it, I will discuss in more detail. But before we do, I want to tell you that this word is used in the Quran 27 times. And there's one surah in which particularly this is used 10 of those 27 times wailing yoma Isabel Mackenzie been this is total more salad. It occurs 10 times just in that one Sora but there are two solos in the Quran, where the surah begins with wait. It begins with Wait, there's wailing, Lil wailuku masala and then also, we know little moto Fifi, what's really interesting about that is in both of these Sutras, Allah azzawajal is talking about the same corrupt personality, people that are corrupt because of

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their greed. This surah makes it clear and then the JAMA amyrlin bada he gathers wealth

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And he's counting it constantly and making preparations with as well. On the other hand and levena Electra Allah Allah knows your cell phone. Well it was an overview of serum, the people who when they are customers, and people they are they are receiving the product they make sure they get everything every last penny every little ounce, every last percent that they deserve. Not one gram goes on, you know uncollected, but when they are, they are the seller, and somebody else is the customer, then they give them less than what they deserve. You see, don't they make they make sure that the customer goes in loss. And now you know, like no mobile phone, doesn't this kind of person

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no, doesn't even fathom that they're going to be raised again. So they began with whale and Here begins with whales destruction and curse. This is again, a parallel between the two. Then just going through my notes were a slew way LIFO learning the origin of the word whale is actually one word way without alarm at the end. The original word is just way. And then the way it's uses a phrase is Wei Li phoolan. Lamb has a heart for those of you that are you guys are grammar students. So I heard from john Lee Fulani may occurs follow upon so and so that's Wei Li phoolan. And that's how they would actually, you know,

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inflict a curse upon someone else. Wei laka. And this is actually something that's used in the Koran, when the parents are seeing that their child their son, their daughter has lost all hope of refer returning back to him. And so Allah quotes this desperate saying desperate parents saying like I am in

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Curse you, why don't you have in mind, it's like they've lost all hope in this *. And they come to that point where they're even saying, Wait a minute, that's a very strong kind of word. So that there are two separate words. But then for my castle, that fee Can I meet him for one solid build up, meaning they said it so much. Wei Li phoolan that the wild the way and the lamb became fuse together and just the norm became that it's one word now way is used for two things in from a rhetorical point of view, they say they use for tasks off, which is the one saying it is extremely sad. That's what that means. The one who's saying it is extremely frustrated and extremely sad and

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upset at the one he's talking to. Now this in the example I gave you of the parents obviously is very true. They are extremely upset as they are saying this to their own child. But when we understand this linguistic meaning who is talking in sola tomasa,

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Allah azza wa jal is extremely disappointed with the one he's addressing in the surah. That's way. Then the second thing is hustler. Wally hustler. hustler means, you know, the English equivalent of that is crying over spilt milk. The brief word is regret, but regret, it doesn't really cover it. regret over something you can never recover again. It's irrevocable regret, regret that you cannot, you know, compensate back. You know, there's one thing you made a mistake, but you can fix it. But that's the English that's why use the English expression crying over spilt milk, it's spelt, it's gone. You can't get it back. Now. That's hustla. And this so that one of the other sentiments this

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communicates is that kind of hustler, meaning those people against whom wale is being used, they are at a point of no return, and the only thing they will feel is hustler. They can only wish, wish that they had done things differently. But at this point, it's too late for them. Similarly, again, wait like I was used to, if I didn't mention that, and wake up and not similarly the way beginning but a different ending later and is used in solid passes.

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There are three words inside this surah just from a source point of view. And this is important in the Quran, especially in short solos, the way Allah structures a word and make certain parallels, there's home as a demo booth at the end. lumada the pattern would be for Allah, right for Allah homosassa new Messiah and then there's a third word that is on the same pattern that is hooked on. Right? So Allah azza wa jal towards the end he says, well, Morocco, well, hold on, right hold on this. So these three words on the same pattern. Now that is not a coincidence. As far as linguistic analysis is concerned, as we study the pseudo metal carefully, we'll learn that the first two things

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that are being said on this pattern, Pumas and nomada have something deeply to do with the last word hautala. And their rhetorically and meaningfully connected to each other and allows origin ties these concepts together. Nonetheless, the first thing I'll tell you about these three words, is that they have kathrada in them. What that means is, they all allude to something that happens a lot. automa has something to do with something happening a lot, homozygous also and no matter Luma does also

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humors and llamas are actually the original mean words and they according to most Arab linguists, and lexicons and things like that. They're considered karibal Nana, which means they are almost interchangeable and how they are used.

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There are very subtle differences between these two. Imam Razi quotes ignore bustle the Allahu anhu is saying that Hamas is behind the back Why Loomis is in the face. So hermoza is someone who says bad things about someone behind their back, which we also call Heba. But they do it a lot because of the way the word is spelled. And nomas is someone who insults them in their face. On a side note, you should know there are people nowadays who say at least I don't do it behind his back. Right as though insulting someone to their faces and accomplishment, that in and of itself doesn't constitute that you're a good person, that's still a pretty bad thing, because Allah is wreaking his

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destruction and cursing not only those who do behind the back, but also those who do in the face, it's not really an accomplishment or some higher social value, that you've done this act of bravery, humiliating someone else in public. Now, actually, Imam Razi put it is two interesting comments, one of them that, you know, the Muslims have fallen into a deteriorated culture, were three of them, or four of let's say, four people, Muslims are having lunch together, they're talking about the fifth one who's not here. And they're going off, because he didn't show up for lunch, they figured this is the time to just go off on the guy and just rip them to shreds. Right? And then one of them one of

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the four says, Oh, I gotta go, I have a meeting. So he goes, now there are three left, guess what those three are going to do now. They start on number four. He's a good guy, but let me tell you, and then they start on him. And even worse, sometimes, he doesn't even have to leave for you, the three of you to gang up on him on the dinner table and humiliate him among you. And you say, we're just kidding, you get it? You know, we're just kidding, right? You know, we're just kidding. And this idea of, it's not a big deal of humiliating someone, because it's just among friends, well, who's gonna do that? No, enemies are not going to do that. And you're not going to have that done to

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you, like at the train station or at the office, it's really going to happen to you among friends, this is where it happens. And it happens a lot. Hence, the word that implies that it that it takes place quite a bit. So now

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with the other thing to note here, the first thing, the second thing, couldn't do Delica de Lune free surgery when we'll talk about this cool new garlic. I didn't put it in the notes. I left it for later just to pique your curiosity. The officer comments he says all of this is included in a lot of scolding and what Allah forbade. In other words, Allah said two things, homos and lumada, just two things. But then number four, Cyril made a whole long list of what kind of people would fit under this description. This is not just two people. These are many, many behaviors that are captured inside two words. And at the end of that paragraph, he basically says, For example, intersil kabiri

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says follow Dino Rashi says kulu, danika, all of that all of the things I have described to you. Actually, when I was reading it, he had like four pages on it, just four pages on the kinds of behavior that is included inside Hassan nomada. And all of that is included inside the scolding, physiologia, the scolding, the, you know, the yelling of Allah in this surah. And on top of that, that which he strictly forbade. The next thing to note is when does this kind of behavior occur? When does a person engage in becoming, from those who engage in homeless and those who engage in Islam? Is this speaking ill of other people to their face? Or behind their back? When does it become

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an obviously alleged talking about people who do this a lot? Right, who are habitual at it and do it quite a bit? When does this become part of someone's personality? Even, it's just what they do. This becomes their their personality trait, when they have nothing better to think about when they have no no better preoccupation in their life. There is no higher purpose in their life, so they have to find their purpose elsewhere. You know, what happens a lot of times, and there are even entire like novels and TV shows, and entire, like,

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genre of literature dedicated to this. When people have nothing better to do they end up being overly concerned with each other like the you know, there's all these like, comedic references to you know, suburban life, where people are worried about the next one made a better lawn than we did or they didn't pay their HOA dues. Or, you know, Oh, that one did you know what they did? Or what kind of car they drive or I heard this happened or that happened, and constant gossiping among neighbors among, you know, are people within the same social circle? Who did you see what she was wearing that other day? Oh, my God, you know, where do you buy the clothes from? This kind of

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unnecessary talk is considered included in comas and numbers and when does this talk happen again, when a person isn't concerned with higher things and their mind has to be filled with filled with other concerns. By the way, this is important to note for the reason, the previous surah was dedicated to get your mind concerned with the primary concern, which is in in Santa Luffy. And the primary the primary remedy of you getting out of trouble ilyn Athena Amanullah amilo, Sally had, whatever so we'll have whatever service or that's what you're supposed to be concerned with. When those concerns go away. Then your mind travels to these other things. And instead of finding flaw in

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yourself, you start

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Finding flaw in others. Actually the I think it's mostly Muhammad Shafi. He

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quoted an older home, in describing this attitude of a weak a person of weak character who fails to see their own weakness. And the only way they can find a cover their own weakness is to constantly find weakness in others, that's the best way they can cover up their own weakness. So he wrote, I'm just going to cite one part of the poem don't get too happy, or Okay, as murjani comes up, you're in San Jose, what that basically means is how the those who are low of character themselves, how can they ever appreciate the goodness of others, all they see in others are flaws. When a person all they see in others is flaws, either to their face or behind their back, you know what that means?

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they themselves are of a low character, they don't see the good in people, they only see the flaws in people, and that doesn't speak of the other more than it does have their own selves, may Allah protect us from such attitudes. So I mentioned to you the logical, you know, flow between the cathode, and then sort of acid and then finally to so Tomas, I'll skip those part of my notes will go straight to the comments of a great linguistic Mufasa as a McSherry who wrote the book called Keshav, he says houmas and Castle, castle in Arabic is used for fracturing something or breaking something or cracking something or tearing something apart. And it's used in literature to talk

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about when one person speaks to another in a way that they're attempting to break them, not physically, but psychologically. They're trying to break their dignity or fracture their, their, their, you know, their sense of self worth, that sort of thing. You know, and this is the word used linguistically to describe the attitude of homers, and he says Lomas upon Lomas is basically sarcastic tone sarcasm against someone else. And by the way, sarcasm is important because or important to understand because sarcasm can be a compliment, but meant as an insult. So you could say someone, you're such a genius. But what you're really saying is you're so stupid, right? And you

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can get anything. Why would you talk to me like that? No, no, no, I'm saying you're a genius. Right? And so they feel like No, they didn't do anything wrong and they can cover their tracks. But really a lot of Zodiac knows what was meant by them when they said it. And more often than not the person they are insulting or being sarcastic against also knows, and it's also recorded in their heart. So you have called lumada torana. It said that lumada are the people or lemahieu Dinah who also that he he did lemmas against him, which means he was sarcastic against him. While Murat and Castleman are rottenness and it means

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you know to break or to fracture in a way you know when you're not in the company of those people meaning behind their back while LogMeIn home was the boom and also to find constantly the flaws in them and then be do Hiba against them. What Darren fee him and also be sarcastic in speaking about them will be now for Allah and the construction the pattern the sort of the word for either like Hamza Yadu, Allah Angelica additon Minh who illustrates that this habit This is something that is habitual from him he constantly does this. Why Neff Houma and something very similar for you to understand Atlanta or bahagia meaning cursing someone and laughing at someone would be included

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according to the machete inside homosassa cursing someone meaning using foul language against someone that's olana or you know, literally cursing them like you know making go out against them, that sort of thing. And secondly, Allah HCA which is to laugh at them to poke fun at them and to use a condescending tone. Now smiling at someone is different, and laughing at someone is different. And I think we're smart enough to know the difference. You know, and you know, a lot of times you know, what the really expert criminal mind does, they laugh at someone, and then when the person's insulted, you say, well, you don't want me to smile, what's the matter? You have something against

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happiness. So they have this attitude where they think they can get away with it simply because, you know, they're playing a smart card.

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Now out often Maharani I love Romani, by the way to see Lucy,

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and history. The reason I love it is he would study an IRA, and he would let make a list of things he needs to understand in the ayah, he will make a list of them. This is what I need to understand this is what I need to understand I must

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have a fairly solid idea, and so on. And then what he would do it's amazing intellectual honesty. He would say I I feel after my study the answer to the first problem is this in this in this? And this is the answer that others have offered. But for the fourth problem or the fifth problem I had, these are the answers others have given. I haven't found them satisfactory, but I don't have an answer myself either. alohar them. Sometimes he thinks he has an answer. Other times he doesn't. And when he doesn't, he'll just tell you, I don't know. It's a problem that remains Allah knows best. And he leaves it at that so panela so he's honest enough to even expose what he knows but also expose what

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he does.

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doesn't know what he doesn't understand. So it's a great accomplishment of the defeat, which is called again Rouhani. So one of the Messiah heelis is a little older. And the way you left that one was that the word whale is a word. It's verbiage or wording, used them you remember them from the other lesson, what's done?

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How condemnation, remember, condemnation. It's a word used to condemn someone was soft and stiffness, what he actually meant to Colima, Rubin, and this is this really powerful. This is a word used for some anyone who has been anguished, meaning someone who feels helpless against someone who oppress them with their words, or with their gestures by insulting them in any way. Gula mcru, meaning the one who has been anguished. This is the word that comes out of their heart, yet a well known affair, the ruble whale, they turn away from the oppressor, and they use the word whale against the one that has just oppressed them, because they have nothing else they can do. So the

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feeling even is calling weight, not just the word, but the feeling this person has when they've been insulted and they walk away with their feelings hurt, that feeling in and of itself is weighed against the person.

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No questions until the end. Sorry. Sorry, because the recording thing. Yeah.

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Sorry. Okay. So now that the the comment to understand here is when someone is insulted, and they make wail against the person who offended them. But in this surah that person is not crying, wait, who's actually saying wave?

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allies, meaning instead of the macro, instead of the one who has been anguished using the word whale, a lot of comes to his defense, and a lot of curses the person who had offended him, haha, this is a very serious thing. Because usually, you know, in Islamic Studies, we, we learn different things about the negative of someone against someone else, right? So for example, er, kumada, Muslim famous Hadith Watch out, especially for the dog made of the one who's been wronged the victim, if the victim makes the law against you watch out, right. This is, you know, this is a very serious issue. But on top of that, a more serious issue even is when the angels are cursing someone who La

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la la la, la noon, right? It's a very serious issue. But on top of all of that is what alive exclusively alive is the one who is saying well against a person, how serious can that matter be? This is a very, very serious issue. Again, it's so it's so important to highlight that because it's taken in the exact opposite way it's taken so very lightly. The thing to include actually that the next next one of my comments will come up in the Arabic So I'll just keep reading, what the fee wailing, inanimate duck be. And it's also said that in the word whale, there's a word that depicts ugliness, meaning it's only used to describe or speak against someone who is engaged in something

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despicable, disgusting, deplorable, something ugly and hideous. waste is this law. When you say waste instead of weighing the lamb? What Where did I decide at the end, a seam now that is used to depict the to minimize someone's standing in society, you know, basically to make them feel a little, that's when waste is used. Anyhow, for number Hubby, Heather acaba had an affair. So Allah used and informed and actually even warned with this word to illustrate the ugliness of this act was done or fulfilled very feel worried unless he had his surah and the disagree the mufa Ceylon disagreed in the warning that occurs in the surah Helya 10, our cool Amanita Masek, we have the

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hitori party feel of Allah dia, does this. Does this extend to or does this apply to anyone who holds on to this behavior in the most despicable of x? In other words, this is this warning that Allah is issuing in the beginning. does this apply to everyone? Oh, oh, or who am I supposed to be aquabion mean? Or is it exclusively referring to a very specific group of people meaning at the time of the Prophet Allah his thought was set up, a man will have to go as far as the research researchers are concerned for kalu they said in the who are Amon, it is general liquidity. Manya falou. Haddonfield, whoever does it applies to anyone who does this Act came in and mankind whoever

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he may be lokala Nakata. Now he's going after he's saying it may be anyone, but when the Sahaba heard it, they thought of some individual people. That doesn't negate what this opinion is. The opinion is that it applies to everyone. But the Sahaba when they say this came about this person, or this is about that person. They're not saying it's only about that person. But what does How are teaching us is you want to know a specific example. Here's one. And so these specific examples are being highlighted MacArthur says NASA led field led mohila that will lead him to mahira is the one it's talking about color I thought well Kelby national special.

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And then it came down in the matter of after sipping shake. Can I lm is a nurse he used to blame people and be critical of them while you're taboo and he used to make use of backbite against them and criticize them behind their back while ha Sutton lawsuit Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he should do so particularly in the matter of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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So, the second problem actually, we covered this one Well, he must have this is the second thing where he has Massara allottee that he will elaborate. What about Hague, Fiat Hagerman home washed and this also includes making fun of people poking fun at them. That was the habit of the Bedouins. And those who are known to be comedians though also just always laughing everything off. Now comedian could mean stand up comedian on a stage by the way, but it can also refer to people that are always joking, and always making light of things, which is harmless sometimes, but very harmful, harmful some other times, just as a side comment, the culture in which we live.

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You know, the comedy culture, right part of big part of mass entertainment is comedy stand up comedy, that sort of thing. And if you look at comedy and the kinds of things he talks about, there are certain categories that comedian takes on number one, shamelessness, lewd and shameless things. Number two, making fun of other people poking fun at you know, their accents or their nationality, their ethnicities, right? And Allah azzawajal tells us the exact opposite in this language, more specifically to the believers, like just hardcore movement calm and don't let any group make fun of any other group, but that's the very essence of comedy. And you know, we say Oh, it's just a

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comedian. It's okay. They're just making fun. Well, that's exactly what the room would include in it. And finally, before we take the break, well yesterday and he would include the one who curses and insults someone, meaning uses insulting language. It's one thing to poke fun at them. It's another to even use insulting kinds of language and use this kind of condescending tone in talking to people all have included inside and homeless animals. I will continue with my notes and shallow tada after the other

Quran Tafsir/Explanation – Juz Amma

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